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CLP Lesson Plan Day 9

Teacher/s: Ivy Liu

Level: Lower Intermediate 3 Date/Time: October 11, Friday
- Students will be able to demonstrate their understanding of the article by creating and
answering questions related to content and language.

Objectives (SWBAT): (think all 3 aspects – knowledge, skills, strategies)

Students Will Be Able To…
1. develop their knowledge of places in Paris such as catacombs, canal, etc. and connect it to the
cities they are familiar with.
2. develop cognitive strategies of reading by thinking as a teacher, specifically, by coming up with
questions about content and language for their classmates and answering the other groups’ questions.

Theme: Reading (Saving Languages)

Materials & Technology:
● Textbook: Life 3 Unit 10 10c
● PowerPoint
● Posters


Activity 2: Meaningful Input and Output, Reading, A Tour Under Paris 50

2.1 Pre-Stage: S-S, T-S
l Show pic of avenue, canal, catacomb, cellar, cemetery, tunnel. pre: 15 min
Talk with the person sitting next to you. Describe these pictures with some sentences. during: 15
Finally, find one word to describe it/say what it is. 3 min min
post: 15min
What it is?

Tell Ss what each picture is.

Explanation: 10min
1.canal: man-made river
What are some canals you know? The Panama Canal, The (Jing-Hang) Grand Canal in
China (longest/ oldest artificial canal, human effort, 1800 km, started in 486 BC)
2. avenue: wide street What’s a famous avenue in NYC?
3. catacombs: an underground place where people are buried — usually plural
ancient Roman catacombs
4. cellar: the underground rooms for storing sth, eg. wine, food
Where can you find a cellar? In the underground area of a restaurant

If you have a cellar, what will you store?
5.cemetary=graveyard, where dead people are buried
6.tunnel: a passage that goes under the ground
Why do people build tunnels? in what kind of landscapes? Mountains/rivers

l Ask each other, what each one refers to. 2 min

1. long underground passage
2. man-made river
3. wide straight road through a city
4. area of land where people are buried
5. underground rooms where people are buried
6. underground rooms for storing food or wine

Share in class

The city we’re gonna talk about today has all these places. What is it? Famous for Eiffel
Tower. Paris.

(If only 50 min left, if 45 min left, skip- We’re going to look at the first paragraph. The
places like canal, cemetery we talked about before were also mentioned in the article. Make
guesses of what the article is about.
Discuss with your partner.
-What’s the main idea of the article?
-What are some key words in the article?
Share in class. )

2.2. During Stage: T-S, S-S

l Today, you’ll be the teachers again! As small groups, you’ll figure out some questions
from the text and put them on the poster and the other groups will answer. Do you
remember how I taught a paragraph last time about native American? What are two
things we focused on? Content and language. Content- what information it tells us;
Language- words, phrases, sentences, grammar

Open your book. Turn to page 123. Let’s take a look at what the author writes about Paris.
Read paragraph 1.
T does a modeling by teaching one paragraph to show students what kind of questions they
can come up with in the upcoming activity.

1.What time of the day in Paris is the author describing? How do you know that? “wake up”
2.What does it like before the city wakes up?
*3. What time of the day do you like best about NYC? Why?
(3-discuss in pairs 2 min)

What are some good expressions/sentences you like?

It would be hard to say which time of the day in Paris I prefer.
“would” (softener-unsure of what you’re stating)
Eg. It would be hard for me to chew 10 cherries in my mouth at the same time.
What would be hard for you to do? 30 seconds to think. Then ask your partner the question.

Share in class. S ask S.

l Now let’s form new groups. I’ve put your names in Random group generator. Let’s
see who will be your new group members. Find your group members.
[Assign groups to different corners, Group 1- P2 Group 2-P3 Group 3- P4]
(Online Timer) 15 min

As small groups, figure out some questions from the text and put them on the poster and the
other groups will answer.
Each person find 1 point to teach.
- Question about the content (can be an open question)
- Language: a good/hard expression (question/Eg.)

Write down on your poster.

Take some time to read through the whole article. Carefully read your paragraph, and scan
the other group’s paragraph.

2.3 Post-Stage: T-S, S-S 15min

Gallery Walk
l Round 1 5 min
Put up your posters on different corners. Wait there. Go to the next group’s poster and
answer the questions on the poster. Discuss within your group and write down your answers.

l Round 2 5min
Go to the next group’s poster. See if you agree with the last group’s answers? Put a star
next to the item you agreed. Write down your idea if you disagree. Correct any errors you
find in the questions and answers.

l Round 3 5 min
Every group go back to your own poster. Read the answers. Do you feel good about the
answers you got? If you think it’s perfect, put a heart. Anything you like about your question
and the answers you got? What would you like to add? Tell us how you feel of the activity.

Each group shares.

T provides delayed CF.

l Students evaluate their performance in the speaking activity. T gives out handouts.
Evaluate your speaking performance of today’s class. Fill out self-evaluation forms. For the
right column. Find someone you spoke to today, exchange your form with her. Does
everybody get the other’s slip of paper? Write comments about their performance.
Students return the slips of paper to their classmates.

Tangible Outcome & T. feedback/peer feedback:
Ss predict about the main idea and key words of the article.
Ss describe the pictures, answer the teacher’s questions, work with each other to learn
vocabulary of places.
Ss come up with teaching points about content and language and put them on the posters.
Ss answer questions on other groups’ posters, correct the errors, and comment on the
answers on their original poster.
Ss reflect on what they’ve learned, evaluate their performance and provide feedback to their
peers’ performance.
Transition to Wrap-Up:
The reading strategy is to focus on both content and language. Ladies, you did better than
last time! Today, the questions are formed better and more valuable!
Did you all receive comments from your peers? What do you like about their comments?
Wrap-up (e.g: Exit ticket, review of language foci)
--Give corrective feedback about students’ language use.
homework: Post on Schoology:
-share 1 expression you learned this week (in class or outside the class) and provide an
- 1 sentence with a mistake you made.
- Correct 1 mistake that the other student post. DDL: Sun 5 pm

Anticipated Problems & Suggested Solutions:

Problem: Time management

Solution: If there’s 50 min left, do the prediction for activity 2. If 45 min left, skip the prediction.

Problem: Students may not know what to focus on and how to teach the other group well, which will
affect the learning effect.
Solution: I will do a modeling by teaching paragraph 2 before their group work as teachers. I will show
them that they can focus on language and content and the whole process of drawing students’ attention
to certain points.

Problem: I had intended to have students teaching by having each group teach one by one like what real
teachers do. But it takes too much time.
Solution: I changed it to gallery walk format, which is better not only in terms of the time, but also
because students will have more chances to participate.

Contingency Plans (what you will do if you finish early, etc.):

Have Ss share the comments they received from their peers about their speaking performance. Share
what they felt they have been improved since the first class and what they would like to keep working
on in speaking.

Post-Lesson Reflections

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