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Getting Started with HTML.

Topics covered:

Elements, Nesting Elements, Block versus inline elements, empty

elements,Attributes, boolean attributes, single or double quotes,Anatomy
of an HTML document,Whitespace in HTML,Entity references/special
characters, HTML Comments.

What’s in the head? Metadata in HTM.

Topics covered:

Title, Medtadata, character encoding, description and SEO

Custom icons, adding CSS and JavaScript to the page, document language

HTML text fundamentals.

Topics covered:

Structure in web pages,readings and Paragraphs,

Lists: Unordered, Ordered, (they don't cover description lists), nested lists.
Emphasis and Importance, but not style.

Creating hyperlinks.

Topics covered:

Anatomy of a link, the title attribute, block level links.

URLs and paths, block fragments and ids, absolute and relative URLs.
Link best practices,download attribute, email links.
Advanced Text Formating.

Topics covered:

Description lists, Blockquotes, Inline quotations,Citations, Abbreviations,

Address, Super/sub-script,Computer code markup, times and
dates.,HTML Character Entities, escaping, Unicode and such

HTML Entities
Document and website structure.

Topics include:

Basic sections of a web page. Structuring a page.

Non-semantic wrappers:<span>,<div>.

HTML Forms

Basics of the<form>element, action, and submit button,How to use

fieldsets,legends,labels, and such,all sorts of text input fields, select boxes,
checkable items, buttons, and more. Use this more as a reference. Did you
notice that things like tabbed panes, dialog boxes, drop down menus are


1 Introduction to CSS

How CSS works.

Topics covered:

General concepts of documents and stylesheets, rendering,External,

Internal, and Inline stylesheets.
Topics covered:
CSS declarations, CSS declaration blocks,CSS selectors and rules,
CSS statements, "At-rules",White space, comments, and
shorthand,Simple Selectors.
Topics covered:

Element selectors, Class selectors, ID selectors,Multiple classes on

elements,The Box Model.
Topics covered:

Box properties: content, padding, border, and margin,Advanced

properties: overflow (scrolling), clip, outline,Types of boxes: block,
inline, inline-block.

Styling Text

Styling Text Overview

Fundamental text and Font styling.

Topics covered include:

Fonts: color, families, default, stacks, size, style, weight, decoration,

transform.,Text layout: alignment, line height, spacing, etc...
Styling Lists.

Topics include:

list spacing, bullet styles, position, custom bullets, list counting.

Styling Links.

Topics covered:

Link states, psuedo-selectors, styling links as buttons. Note: you need to

know about this stuff but I never remember all the details.
Styling Boxes

Styling Boxes Overview

Box Model Recap. Nice review also hits some more advanced options such
as max/min width/height,

Backgrounds. Important since a lot of very nice styling can be done via
backgrounds. Topics covered: color, image, position, repeats, gradients,

Assignment idea: Go to one of the Website and use one of these to generate
background and or border patterns. Make sure you understand what you are
Borders. A more in depth look at borders,

Styling Tables. Tables have lots of "knobs and dials" for styling. This is a
good tutorial, however we may not explicitly cover this in class.

CSS Layout

CSS Layout Overview

Introduction to CSS layout.

Topics include:

floats, positioning, tables, flex box, and grid.


Javascript Language

Introduction Covers JavaScipt history (short), relation to Java,

JavaScript/ECMAScript, Web Console.

Topics include:
Case sensitive, Unicode,Variables, declarations, scope, globals,
hoisting, function hoisting, constants.,Data types: Primitives-
Boolean, null, undefined, Number, String, Symbol,Object,Type
conversion, strings to numbers,Literals,Arrays, Boolean, Floating
point, Integers, Object, RegExp,-String.

Control flow and error handling.

Topics include:

";" as a statement separator, block statements,Conditional statements,

"falsy values", Switch statements,Exception handling statements,
exception types, throw statement, try/catch statement.,Promises (we'll
cover these a bit later in the course)

Loops and iteration.

Topics include:

for, do/while, and while statements,break and continue

statements, statement, for...of statement


Topics include:

function declarations and expressions, primitives pass by value,

objects pass by reference.,function scope, nested functions and
closures,arguments object, parameters, default parameters, rest
parameters.,arrow functions, predefined functions

Expressions and operators.

Topics include:

assignment, comparison, arithmetic, bitwise, logical, and string

operators.,conditional (ternary) operator, comma, unary (delete,
typeof), relational operators (in, instanceof), operator
precedence,Primary expressions (this, grouping, comprehensions),
left hand-side expressions (new, super, spread)

Numbers and dates.

Topics include:

decimal, binary, octal, hexadecimal, exponentiation (scientific

notation),Number object: Lots of good stuff including min/max
limits, NaN, machine epsilon,,Methods of Number: parseFloat(),
parseInt(), isFinite(), isInteger(), isNaN(), isSafeInteger(),String
conversion/formating: toExponential(), toFixed(), toPrecision().,The
Math object: here is where you will find all the functions!
Date object

Text formatting.

Topics include:

A survey of the very helpful string functions that you shouldn't be re-
writing!,Multi-line template literals (new)

Indexed collections.

Topics include:

Basic usage and iteration,Array methods: search like, combination,

stack like,Array methods functional: forEach, map, filter, every,

JavaScript Objects, prototypes, and


Working with objects.

Topics include:
Objects and properties, enumeration of properties,Creating new
objects: initializers, constructor function,
Object.create(),Inheritance, prototype, defining properties, defining
methods,Using this for object references, getters, setters,Object

The Document Object Model (DOM)

Introduction to the DOM.

Topics covered:

What is the DOM?, DOM and JavaScript,Accessing the DOM,

important Data types,DOM interfaces and objects, Core interfaces.

The Basics of DOM Manipulation in Vanilla JavaScript.

Covers (without j Query):

modifying the DOM modifying classes and attributes,,listening to

events, and animation.

Introduction to DOM Events

Topics covered:

Listening for DOM events; add and remove listeners,maintaining

Callback Context: the perils of this and how to fix it.,he Event object
and what's in it.,vent phases: capture, target, and bubbling.,topping
propagation, and default browser behavior,custom Events, Delegate
event listeners, Some useful events.

Events and the DOM.

Topics covered:

registering event listeners: addEventListener method, HTML attribute,

DOM element property,accessing event interfaces.

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