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Using external references (xrefs) in an AutoCAD project is a strategic advantage in project

efficiency, performance, and flexibility.
When you need to attach an external reference (Xref) to your drawing, you'll locate and select it
using the Xref Manager. AutoCAD offers several configuration settings that allow you to control
the way you view and select files from within the Xref Manager.

Specific strategies and workflows with external references varies for different projects. Such
strategies begin with a solid understanding of how xrefs work.

Strategies may involve:

 Use of 'Master' drawings that bring in other AutoCAD drawings as external references.

 Drafting/modeling in multiple drawings to keep file size low, and then bringing those
drawing together as xrefs, rather than drafting/modeling everything in a single,
large drawing. (This also allows for multiple users since DWG files can only be edited by one
 Selective, purposeful use of "overlay" insertion and "attach" insertion of xrefs.
 Maintaining Master drawing(s) while making copies for purposes of binding xrefs, sending to
others, or other milestone project events.
 Creation of drawings that are shared as xrefs by several team members (for example the
structural grid of a building) rather than having multiple versions of the same thing.
 A common coordinate system (such World Coordinate System or WCS) and same
origin/insertion point for all drawings.
 Organization of large projects into smaller areas or divisions.
 Organization of drawings into disciplines, trades, elements, floors, etc.
 Layer and color standards consistent between all team members.
 Block standards and management.
 Frequent, regular automated back-up system of all drawings.
Since external referencing is such a key feature of most AutoCAD projects, their strategic
management is usually integral to the entire CAD management effort. And such strategies are
tailored specific to the particular needs.
Folder Structure
All the Xref files must be arranged in the folders with respect to discipline to locate the
files easily. To avoid overriding the files, the folder must be restricted to access for the others
than the assigned personals and CAD admin.

The folder structure shall be as below

Each Discipline folder will have a folder named “Superseded” for the files that are void. The
superseded files must be suffix with the date when it is superseded.

Note that, the updated Xref file must never be renamed with any new names or dates which
represent the updated details of Xref. If done the users who attached this file will lose the xref
attachment since the file name is changed.

File Naming
All the Xref files named or numbered in such a way, the user should understand the attachments
with respect to the discipline that belongs for.

The file names shall be as below


First two characters represents the discipline, XXXX refers to project and followed with the
description of the xref file.
Xref management
Follow the steps for attaching the xref files.
1. Enter command XATTACH.
2. Select the file that needs to be xrefed.

4. From the above dialog panel, select the options as below
a. Scale, must be X=1, Y=1, Z=1
b. Path type, Full path must be selected (if not other user may get failed path if the
path is not mapped properly in their system
c. Insertion point, must be X=0, Y=0, Z=0
d. Rotation Angle, must be set to 0
e. Reference Type, must be selected “overlay” in common.
 Overlay, keeps the xref files only to the attached file, and other drawings
having this file as an Xref will not reflects the other xref files attached.
 Attachment, takes all the xref files along with the source file if used as xref
file in the other drawing.
f. User can ensure the xref path below, if full path is displayed.
g. Select OK.
Xref Binding
1. In case an xref needs to be binded, it must be inserted not attached.
2. Right click the attached xref file

4. Select Bind

5. Select Insert
6. Insert option will retain all the layers as created in the xref file.
7. Bind option will retain the layers along with the scars in the prefix by the xref names.
Additional Settings
1. FILEDIA. If FILEDIA setting is set to 1, then you should get dialogue boxes. If not, then
CAD will be looking for file paths with xrefs.
2. XREFOVERRIDE. This system variable affects display and plotting, and works in
conjunction with the VISRETAIN system variable. If you want the xref layers to retain their
original layer settings, it is recommended to set VISRETAIN and XREFOVERRIDE system
variables to 0.

Value Description

0 When the properties of the objects (such as color, linetype, lineweight,

transparency, or plot style) on the external reference drawing are set to ByLayer,
any changes to the xref layer properties are displayed in the current drawing
(legacy behavior)

1 When the visual properties of the objects on the external reference drawing
are not set to ByLayer, objects on xref layers are treated as if their properties
are set to ByLayer and every external reference layer can have its own set of
layer overrides

Note: The XREFOVERRIDE system variable only applies to DWG xrefs, not to other
references such as underlays.
Controls the behavior of the VISRETAIN system variable when it's set to 1.

Type: Bitcode
Saved in: Registry
Initial value: 0
Use this system variable in conjunction with the VISRETAIN system variable to control
which xref layer properties that you want to automatically sync on reload.
Note: Xref layer properties with overrides are not synced when the xref is reloaded. To
clear any overrides, use the shortcut menu option, Reset Xref Layer Properties For, on the
Layer Properties Manager.

Value Description

0 No settings are synchronized. You will have the same experience when
you set VISRETAIN to 1 in AutoCAD 2017 or earlier.

1 On/Off synchronized.

2 Freeze/Thaw synchronized.
Value Description

4 Lock/Unlock synchronized.

8 Plot/No Plot synchronized.

16 Color synchronized.

32 Linetype synchronized.

64 Lineweight synchronized.

128 Transparency synchronized.

256 Plot style synchronized.

512 New VP Freeze synchronized.

1024 Description synchronized.

4. To specify more than one layer property to sync, enter the sum of the bitcode values. For
example, a value of 3 specifies that both the On/Off (1) and Freeze/Thaw (2) layer
properties will automatically sync when the xref is reloaded.

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