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Xf Xd Xw D F B

Low Key Butanol 0.034 0.646 0.009 5 10 5

High Key Butil Asetat 0.961 0.246 0.99
Air 0.005 0.108 0.001
JUMLAH 1 1 1

alpha puncak 1.22

alpha dasar 1.28
alpha avg 1.25
Plate min 25.52 ~ 26

Plate minimum Above Feed

1.87054188 21.65986 4.003887

heat to bring feed to boiling point (q)

Min Reflux

Reflux dipakai

Relative volatility komponen (Rata2 puncak dan feed) y0

Butanol 1.9919 #DIV/0! 0.58786
As.Asetat 1 #DIV/0! 0.1845
Air 10.76402 #DIV/0! 0.22764

Ratio keys di feed


Tabel Hasil Distilasi pada Plate diatas feed

Komponen x0 (xl/xh)1 x1 (xl/xh)2 x2 (xl/xh)3 x3 (xl/xh)4
Butanol 0.646 1.318347 0.558827 0.681759 0.404204 0.36361 0.266391 0.202727
Butil Asetat 0.246 1 0.423884 1 0.592884 1 0.732629 1
Air 0.108 0.040786 0.017289 0.004911 0.002912 0.001338 0.00098 0.000847
2.359134 1.68667 1.364948 1.203574

Ratio Keys 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
xl/xh 1.318347 0.681759 0.36361 0.202727 0.120879 0.079108 0.057756 0.046832

Tray yang digunakan untuk feed

Dibawah Feed (Stripping Section)
(L/V)r 0.948875
Vr 97.8
Lr 92.8
Ls 92.8
Vs 87.8
Vs/B 17.56

Relative volatility komponen (Rata2 dasar dan feed)

Butanol 1.994
Butil Asetat 1
Air 10.5

Ratio keys di feed


Tabel Hasil Distilasi pada Plate dibawah feed

Komponenx0 y0 (yi/yh)1 y1 (yi/yh)2 y2 (yi/yh)3 y3 (yi/yh)4
Butanol 0.009 0.01134 0.023022 0.018989 0.044129 0.015184 0.078157 0.004371 0.086712
Butil Aseta 0.99 0.9702 1 0.824799 1 0.34409 1 0.055932 1
Air 0.001 0.01846 0.189394 0.156212 1.862084 0.640725 16.80085 0.939697 87.85903
1.212416 2.906212 17.87901 88.94574

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
yi/yh 0.023022 0.044129 0.078157 0.086712 0.043861 0.02527 0.021225 0.020434
1.994 alpha l/h 1.994 1.994 1.994 1.994 1.994 1.994 1.994 1.994
Ratio Tray 0.011546 0.022131 0.039196 0.043487 0.021996 0.012673 0.010645 0.010248
K feed K puncak K bawah y0 feed
1.155 0.91 1.26 0.03927
0.911 0.75 0.98 0.875471
17.0518 2.107778 18.46 0.085259

aF aP aB
1.267838 1.213333 1.285714
1 1 1
18.71767 2.81037 18.83673

x4 (xl/xh)5 x5 (xl/xh)6 x6 (xl/xh)7 x7 (xl/xh)8 x8 (xl/xh)9

0.168438 0.120879 0.107774 0.079108 0.073263 0.057756 0.054569 0.046832 0.044711 0.041242
0.830859 1 0.891586 1 0.926123 1 0.94483 1 0.954695 1
0.000704 0.000718 0.00064 0.000663 0.000614 0.000636 0.000601 0.000623 0.000594 0.000616
1.121596 1.079771 1.058392 1.047455 1.041857

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
0.041242 0.03838 0.036915 0.036165 0.035781 0.035584 0.035483 0.035432 0.035405 0.035392
y4 (yi/yh)5 y5 (yi/yh)6 y6 (yi/yh)7 y7 (yi/yh)8 y8 (yi/yh)9
0.000975 0.043861 0.000284 0.02527 0.000151 0.021225 0.000126 0.020434 0.000121 0.020281
0.011243 1 0.006475 1 0.005989 1 0.00594 1 0.005935 1
0.987782 153.3891 0.993241 165.9356 0.993859 167.3325 0.993934 167.4782 0.993944 167.4936
154.4329 166.9609 168.3537 168.4986 168.5138

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
0.020281 0.020252 0.020247 0.020246 0.020245 0.020245 0.020245 0.020245 0.020245 0.020245
1.994 1.994 1.994 1.994 1.994 1.994 1.994 1.994 1.994 1.994
0.010171 0.010157 0.010154 0.010153 0.010153 0.010153 0.010153 0.010153 0.010153 0.010153
x9 (xl/xh)10 x10 (xl/xh)11 x11 (xl/xh)12 x12 (xl/xh)13 x13 (xl/xh)14
0.039585 0.03838 0.03694 0.036915 0.03558 0.036165 0.034882 0.035781 0.034524 0.035584
0.959824 1 0.962471 1 0.963832 1 0.964531 1 0.964888 1
0.000591 0.000612 0.000589 0.00061 0.000588 0.000609 0.000588 0.000609 0.000587 0.000608
1.038992 1.037525 1.036774 1.036389 1.036192

19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
0.035385 0.035381 0.035379 0.03555 0.035493 0.03544 0.03541 0.035394 0.035386 0.035382
y9 (yi/yh)10 y10 (yi/yh)11 y11 (yi/yh)12 y12 (yi/yh)13 y13 (yi/yh)14
0.00012 0.020252 0.00012 0.020247 0.00012 0.020246 0.00012 0.020245 0.00012 0.020245
0.005934 1 0.005934 1 0.005934 1 0.005934 1 0.005934 1
0.993945 167.4953 0.993946 167.4954 0.993946 167.4955 0.993946 167.4955 0.993946 167.4955
168.5155 168.5157 168.5157 168.5157 168.5157

19 20 21
0.020245 0.020245 0.020245
1.994 1.994 1.994
0.010153 0.010153 0.010153
x14 (xl/xh)15 x15 (xl/xh)16 x16 (xl/xh)17 x17 (xl/xh)18 x18 (xl/xh)19
0.034341 0.035483 0.034247 0.035432 0.034199 0.035405 0.034174 0.035392 0.034162 0.035385
0.965072 1 0.965166 1 0.965214 1 0.965238 1 0.965251 1
0.000587 0.000608 0.000587 0.000608 0.000587 0.000608 0.000587 0.000608 0.000587 0.000608
1.036091 1.03604 1.036013 1.036 1.035993

29 30 31 32 33
0.03538 0.035379 0.035378 0.035378 0.035378
y14 (yi/yh)15 y15 (yi/yh)16 y16 (yi/yh)17 y17 (yi/yh)18 y18 (yi/yh)19
0.00012 0.020245 0.00012 0.020245 0.00012 0.020245 0.00012 0.020245 0.00012 0.020245
0.005934 1 0.005934 1 0.005934 1 0.005934 1 0.005934 1
0.993946 167.4955 0.993946 167.4955 0.993946 167.4955 0.993946 167.4955 0.993946 167.4955
168.5157 168.5157 168.5157 168.5157 168.5157

0 0 0
0 0

x19 (xl/xh)20 x20 (xl/xh)21 x21 (xl/xh)22 x22 (xl/xh)23 x23 (xl/xh)24
0.034155 0.035381 0.034152 0.035379 0.033818 0.03555 0.034256 0.035493 0.034249 0.03544
0.965258 1 0.965261 1 0.955853 1 0.96361 1 0.96495 1
0.000587 0.000608 0.000587 0.010806 0.010329 0.002215 0.002135 0.00083 0.000801 0.000646
1.035989 1.046186 1.037765 1.036323 1.036086
y19 (yi/yh)20 y20 (yi/yh)21 y21
0.00012 0.020245 0.00012 0.020245 0.00012
0.005934 1 0.005934 1 0.005934
0.993946 167.4955 0.993946 167.4955 0.993946
168.5157 168.5157
x24 (xl/xh)25 x25 (xl/xh)26 x26 (xl/xh)27 x27 (xl/xh)28 x28 (xl/xh)29
0.034206 0.03541 0.034179 0.035394 0.034164 0.035386 0.034157 0.035382 0.034153 0.03538
0.965171 1 0.965223 1 0.965244 1 0.965254 1 0.965259 1
0.000623 0.000619 0.000598 0.000613 0.000592 0.000611 0.00059 0.00061 0.000588 0.000609
1.03603 1.036008 1.035997 1.035992 1.035989
x29 (xl/xh)30 x30 (xl/xh)31 x31 (xl/xh)32 x32 (xl/xh)33 x33
0.034151 0.035379 0.03415 0.035378 0.034149 0.035378 0.034149 0.035378 0.034149
0.965261 1 0.965263 1 0.965264 1 0.965264 1 0.965264
0.000588 0.000609 0.000587 0.000608 0.000587 0.000608 0.000587 0.000608 0.000587
1.035987 1.035986 1.035986 1.035986

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