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MSU-LNAC Laboratory High School

First Grading Period

Science (Grade 9)

Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1.) It is a hollow muscular organ which is located in the center of your chest between the lungs. It also pumps the blood
throughout the body.
a.) Liver b.) Lungs c.) Heart d.) Veins
2.) This system is made up of the organs in the body that help us to breathe.
a.) Respiratory System b.) Body System
c.) Circulatory System d.) Organ System
3.) The ____ acts as a one-way door, allowing blood to flow either forward into the next chamber, or out of the heart.
a.) Heart b.) Atrium c.) Ventricle d.) Valve
4.) It is the number of times your heart beats in a minute.
a.) Ventricle b.) Atrium c.) Pulse d.) Valve
5.) It harms nearly every organ in the body, causing many illness and affecting health in general. For example:
emphysema, asthma, cough, tuberculosis, lung cancer, and other respiratory infections.
a.) Cigarette Smoking b.) Drinking Alcohol
c.) Eating too much d.) None of the above
6.) The smallest blood vessels in the body, connecting the smallest arteries to the smallest veins.
a.) Veins b.) Capillaries c.) Arteries d.) Heart
7.) This system is the life support structure that nourishes your cells with nutrients from the food you eat and oxygen from
the air you breathe.
a.) Respiratory System b.) Circulatory System
c.) Body System d.) Organ System
8.) It carries the materials throughout the body.
a.) Veins b.) Blood c.) Arteries d.) Capillaries
9. The upper chamber of the heart that receives blood coming in from the veins.
a.) Chamber b.) Atrium c.) Coronary d.) Diaphragm
10.) A type of pulmonary disease involving damage to the airsacs.
a.) Emphysema b.) Cough c.) Tuberculosis d.) Lung Cancer
11.) It occurs when the phenotype of the offspring is somewhere in between the phenotypes of both parents.
a.) Incomplete dominance b.) Codominance
c.) Sex-linked trait d.) Sex-limited trait
12.) How many chromosomes human have in each cell?
a.) 44 b.) 45 c.) 46 d.) 47
13.) What is the genotype of a normal female.
a.) XX b.) XXC c.) XY d.) XCY
14.) ____ are reproductive cells that unite during sexual reproduction to form a new cell called zygote.
a.) Antigen b.) Allele c.) Chromosome d.) Gamete
15.) What is the genotype of a normal female but a carrier of the color-blind gene.
a.) XX b.) XXC c.) XCXC d.) XCY
16.) Which of the following is not a main branch of science?
a.) Physical Science b.) Chemical Science c.) Life Science d.) Earth Science
17.) By converting 30,000 m into kilometers, we get
a. 30 km b. 3 km c. 300 km d. 0.03 km
18.) Which unit would be best to measure the length of a car?
a. Meters b. kilometers c. centimeters d. decimetres
19) It is the study of life and living organisms.
a.) Life science b. Physics c. Ecology d. Chemistry
20.) By converting 30,000 cm into kilometers, we get
a.) 30 km b. 3 km c. 300 km d. 0.03 km
21.) It is the study of science that deals with the relationship between groups of living things and their environment.
a.) Biology b. Ecology c. Geology d. Paleontology
22.) .) It is the study of the animal kingdom, discovering how animals live. This includes how animals interact with each other as well
as the growth, health, and life span of the animals.
a.) Botany b.) Biology c. Paleontology d.) Zoology
23.) It examines human health based on diet.
a.) Doctor b.) Medicine c.) Nurse d.) Nutrition
24.) A science that studies rocks, layers of soil, etc., in order to learn about the history of the earth and life.
a.) Mining b.) Geology c. Earth Science d. Biology
25.) .) The study of the world outside of this world.
a.) Astronomy b.) Paleontology c.) Physics d. Zoology
26.) Which of the following is an equivalent of 1 inch?
a.) 2.0 cm b.) 2.5 cm c.) 2.0 m d.) 2.5 m
27.) The best way to prevent diseases in the respiratory and circulatory systems is to have _____________.
a.) enough sleep b.) vices c). a healthy lifestyle d.) an unhealthy lifestyle
28.) It is a condition in which there is thickening and hardening of the arteries.
a.) Arteriosclerosis b.) High blood c. Emphysema d. Cancer
29.) Any illness that is prolonged in duration, does not often resolve suddenly, and is rarely treated completely.
a.) Arteriosclerosis b.) Coronary c.) Chronic Disease d. Cancer
30.) It accepts blood from the body.
a.) Right atrium b.) Left atrium c. Right ventricle d. Left ventricle
31.) It pumps blood to the lungs.
a.) Right atrium b.) Left atrium c. Right ventricle d. Left ventricle
32.) It is a type of circulation in which the movement of blood from the heart to the rest of the body, excluding the lungs.
a.) Pulmonary Circulation b.) Coronary Circulation c. Systemic Circulation d.) None of these
33.) These are expressed in only one gender.
a.) Sex Chromosomes b.) Sex limited traits c.) Sex influence traits d.) Sex linked genes
34.) These are expressed in both sexes but more frequently in one than in the other sex.
a.) a.) Sex Chromosomes b.) Sex limited traits c.) Sex influence traits d.) Sex linked genes
35.) What do you call the 23rd pair of chromosomes?
a.) Somatic chromosomes b.) Sex chromosomes c.) Autosomal Chromosomes d.) None of these

Part II. Enumeration

1-4. What are the four chambers in human heart? (right atrium, left atrium, right ventricle, left ventricle)
5-7. What are the three major parts of the circulatory system? (heart, blood vessel, blood)
8-10. What are the three type of circulation? (Pulmonary, coronary, systemic circulation)
11-14. What are the four blood types of humans?( A, B, AB, O)
Part III. (10 pts)
Given the blood types of the mother and Father, identify the possible blood types of the child.

Mother’s Blood Type Father’s Blood Type Child’s Blood Type

A B A, B, AB
B O B, O

Part IV.
Answer the following questions.
A. Complete the Punnett Square for a cross between a homozygous red-flowered snapdragon (RR) and a homozygous
white-flowered snapdragon (rr).

RR – red
rr – white
Rr – pink
Punnett Square ( 2 pts)
1. What are the genotypes of the offspring?
2. What are the phenotypes of the offspring?

B. Complete the punnett square for a cross between a homozygous black chicken (BB) and a white chicken (WW).

BB – black
WW – white
BW – checkered
Punnett Square ( 2 pts)

Give the phenotype and genotype of the offspring?


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