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Interview questions for Board applicants Bias Rigas sav i909 713 Pet “Te: Temi Sotow ;L Tharp ; Pel Brooks -, Kaa Mile “ko amalerisoudcoms 1 etechmenis 18 x8) Nominating Comte interview questions, DRAFT doce All, "have drafted some questions forthe Board candidate interviews. I'd like to standardize the process as ‘much as possible so all the interview candidates go through the process in a similar manner. The ‘questions are derived from the application, Please review the attached draft and send me any edits or suggestions by noon on Monday. Thanks Elias Re: Nominating Committee meeting Elias Rigas Te r2/a72019 829 9m ‘eT Sotow : LThomps ; Kaj Mile Tami, Vl try to address your questions as best I can. To start as you are aware, there were concems expressed about the perceived openness of the Nominating Committee process. While we never voted to go into Executive session at any time dh the Nominating Committee meetings, we did list discussions under executive session in our agendas rather than potential executive session if needed, ‘To make sure there is no doubt that this process is open, we are going to re-review the candidates in @ {ully open meeting. We will not use numerical scoring but each committee member can use their own candidate assessments if desired, as a guide. For the scheduled committee meeting 'm asking all committee members to provide their top 2 ‘candidate recommendations foreach Director position, along with specific attributes/qualitis (bullet list) that each committee member's candidates possess to support their recommendations ‘We will hen review and discuss each committee members top selections and come to consensus on which candidates if any, we might recommend to the Board, ‘As for the meeting schedule, every committee memiber other than yourself has indicated they are available so we will proceed with the meeting Elias From: Tami Sotow se Tuesday, December 10, 2019 9:59:08 AM 9 Eas Rigas ;LThomps ; Kala Miller Subject: Re: Nominating Committee meeting Hiclias, | have a number of questions regarding this email. Are we withdrawing our recommendations to the Board? Last week the board voted on the candidates so are withdrawing the vote? Do the previous recommended candidates and the alternatives know that they were one of the top two candidates? Do the voted upon nominees know that we are redoing the process? ‘Are we able to see the scoring to refresh our recollections on the candidates? ‘Ace we looking at al candidates for each position o just the previous top 2? Also, |am unable to attend this meeting due to a previously scheduled commitment. As the only other ‘board member on the committee, | believe that I need to be a this meeting and that it must be rescheduled. Tami Tami. Soltow, 1.0. High Schoo! Science (Odyssey Charter School ‘Bldg. #23 - Barley Mil Plaza 4319 Lancaster Pike Wilmington, DE 19805, 302.516.8000 From: Eas Rigas las Rigas@ Odyssey> ‘Sent: Sunday, December 8, 2019 10:06 PM ‘To: Tam Soltow ; Paul Brooks ; L Thomes ; Kala Miller ‘Subject: Nominating Committee meeting Committee members, ‘Thank you forall your dedication, efforts, and support in the process. | have scheduled one more eating for next Saturday December 14 at 9:20am in the OCS Laver Schoo! (820) 2" Floor Bosrdroom, ‘This meeting will be to get everyone's input on their top candidates for the Community t Large and Parent Director postions and to finalize recommendations tothe Board. 1m looking for each committee member's top 2 candidates, in rank order, and a bullet list of some attributes/ qualities for each candidate that you feel makes them an positive and valuable contributor to the Board, Ive attached some templates that you can use to do this. Please have your candidate assessment/overviews back to me by noon on Friday 13 December, Ifyo need anything from me please let me know. ‘See you on Saturday. Thanks lias From: Elis Rigas
  • Sent: Tuesday, November 19,2019 1:09 PM “To: Elias ; Josiah Wolcot closlah Wolcott> Subject: Nominating Committee recommendations Fellow Board Members, ‘This evening the Board of Director's Nominating Committee met to complete interviews and finalize recommendations for both the Parent and Community at large Director positions. There were 10 Parent and 7 Community at Large applicants. The Committee worked hard to assess and selec the top, candidates to recommend to the Board for consideration, ‘The Committee voted unanimously tonight to make the following recommendations Community at Large Director Recommendation: Alternate: Parent Director Recommendation: Alternate: Once the Board schedules a date to meet and discuss | can provide more details on each of the individuals and their assessment by the Committee. | would tke to thanks the Committee members for thelr support, effort, and commitment inthis process. Allthe credit goes to them and | appreciate their hard work and dedication to this school. Nominating Committee members include: Ms. Tam Soltow (OCS Board Director, current) IMs. Laura Thompson (OCS Board Director, former) Mr. Paul Brooks (Chair, OCS CBOC) Ms. Kalja Saramousakis (President, OCS PTO) Re: Nominating Committee recommendations Bias Rigas, Wes 117207201955 Pl “Tm Soow Tami, ‘The decision was that we would make a recommendation to the Board and as part ofthat submit the top two candidates as part ofthat. We had previously discussed providing two names to give the board ‘options and in case the recommended candidate declined there would be an alternate option if desired. ‘The way we had discussed it over the course of the process is thatthe Board has the option to select whomever they decide is best, nat select any recommended candidates a all, or to even send the ‘committee back to find other candidates if they fet that was necessary. ‘The way see ithappening I we will present the candidates information and background, discuss the assessment process including any points from the interviews, and let the Board decide on the merits ‘and qualifications on who they feels bes for each position. ‘The Board will collectively vote on whatever they eel is the best path forward once they hear al the background info If thats your understanding then | think we are in synch, From: Tami Soltow Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 019 1:34 PM. “To; Elias Rigas ; Josiah Wolcott Subject: Re: Nominating Committee recommendations Hello Elias and Joe, ‘When | eft the committee meeting last night, we agreed to move forward with presenting the 2 ‘candidates for each postion ta the Board, not having a Recommendation and an alternate. Dn you please explain how and why this decision was reached? | have many concerns about this. tami Tami L.Soltow, J.D, High Schoo! Science Odyssey Charter School Bldg. #23 - Barley Mill Plaza 4319 Lancaster Pike \Wilrnington, DE 19805 302.516.8000 Ms. Laura Thompson (OCS Board Director, former) ‘Mr. Paul Brooks (Chair, OCS CBOC) IMs. Kalja Saramousakis (President, OCS PTO) From: Els Rigas Sent: Tuesday, November 19, 2019 11:09 PM To: Elias ; Josiah Wolcott Subject: Nominating Committee recommendations Fellow Board Members, ‘This evening the Board of Director's Nominating Committee met to complete interviews and finalize recommendations for both the Parent and Community t large Director positions. There were 10 Parent ‘and 7 Community at Large applicants. The Committee worked hard to assess and select the top ‘candidates to recommend to the Board for consideration. ‘The Committee voted unanimously tonight to make the following recommendations: ‘Community at Large Director Recommendation’ Alternate: Parent Director Recommendation: Alternate: (Once the Board schedules a date to meet and discuss | can provide more details on each of the individuals and their assessment by the Committee, | would like to thanks the Committee members for their support, effort, and commitment in this ‘process. All the eredit goes to them and | appreciate thelr hard work and dedication to this schoo. Nominating Committee members include: IMs. Tami Soltow (OCS Board Director, current) Nominating Committee Tami Soltow Mon 12727209 1138 M4 “or Ele Rigas Good morning Elias, | read over your response to my email about giving the board a recommended applicant and an alternative for both open positions. | stil have a number of concerns regarding the impartiality of this committee and the ongoing process to fill the vacant seats. - When I let the nominating committee meeting at 7, it was never stated that we would have 2 recommendation and 1 alternative. Who came up with this idea; you? Kaja? Paul? Its vital that the ‘board remain impartial as to the two applicants foreach position. In that committee meeting, we stated that we would present our final 2, not atop choice to the board for their vote. The process must be fair ‘and considering that not all committee members were at all the interviews, presenting the 2 top choices forthe board to narrow down to one isthe best and fair option - Further, regarding the makeup of the committee, it may be seen that a numberof those on the rominating committee supports the Ahepan control ofthe board. Paul Brooks verbalized his support for ‘Ahepa as has Kalja Sarmousakis, particularly on social media. Given the level of scrutiny by DDOE and (CSAC and the PIC, the board needs to have this committee completely impartial Lastly, one could alo zee thatthe M11 choice for one of the open board positions is also a supporter of, the Ahepan control ofthe board. Again, this may appear as not impartial and also may appear to some to be stacking the board. DDOE made it clear that Ahepa is not to be in control ofthe board, yet it may ‘appear that those who support Ahepa are being selected to be on the nominating committee and on the board. While one could see that the alternate choice for that same position isa candidate who can represent a segment of the OCS community that has never had representation on the board | hope my email will nt be easly dismissed by saying that just because someone supports Ahepa they ‘cant be on the cammittee of on the board or that | am just always against Ahepa. That isan easy way to negate any alternate thoughts but | felt a duty to send this email to avoid any failures of impartiality or transparency. | know that you were asked to chair both this committee and the compliance committee and | thank ‘you for your dedication. Tami ‘Tami L.Soltow, J.D, High School Science (Odyssey Charter School Bldg, #23 - Barley Mill Plaza 4319 Lancaster Pike (Wilmington, DE 19805 302.516.8000 1.As result ofthe reconellation process and consensus on the interview candidates for the Community ‘at Large position | reached out to the top 3 candidates to schedule interviews. Two have responded and ‘are available tomorrow evening for interviews. 'm stl wating on the third to get back to me. As of now the plan i to interview the following individuals tomorrow 11 November. | was thinking of meeting in ether 820 2nd floor conference room where we metlast week or 822 (entrance faces soccer field) frst floor conference room. ‘The plan i to use the questions | sent out earlier today (attached here again). Please review them and let me know if you have any edits to the questions. 2. If we have time tomorrow we could go through the scores for parents after the interviews to come toa consensus. If not we can do this on Tuesday. Not everyone is available for both days so we cant get everyone at one meeting this week. | plan to schedule interviews as soon as possible once we come to consensus on interview candidates. The plan s to complete al interviews by 18 November, ‘Any thoughts oF questions please let me know. Please arrive on time or afew minutes early for the interviews Please reconfirm your availability for tomorrow and Tuesday. Thanks Elias From: Eis Riga Sent: Monday, Novernber 11, 2019 2:47 PM Te: Tam Sltow Cc: Kalja Mile Subject Re: interviews for Community a Large position All, | heard back from the 3rd interview candidate and he i out of town so we'll work him into another Interview session. For tonight | was able to swap the interviews '¥ you ae all ok with it at 6:30 we can take a look atthe initial parent score that were submitted by everyone and walk through them. We can do a reconciliation that should go quickly (since most of you are experts now) and then we can get a picture of where we land on the top candidates to ask for Interviews, This will leave tomorrow open for other spill over items if needed. | asked The PTO President Kaja, who | asked to sit on the Nominating committee forthe the Parent rep assessment, to Join us at 6:00 since ‘on both applicant lists. ‘Any questions or comments on the applicant interview questions | sent out to all let me know so we ean adjust before the interviews, Lets try to meet a few minutes early to just walk through the process for the interviews ‘We will meetin the 820 conference room behind the multi purpose room. (where we met last week) Thanks Flas From: las Rigas Sent: Sunday, November 10, 2019 9:37 PM To Tam Saltow ; LThomps é: Kali Miler Subject: Interviews for Community a Large position Team, Two items I want to touch base on here, 1. Interviews tomorrow and going forward. 2. Reconciliation of initial parent assessments, From: Tami Sotow Sent: Monday, Novernber 11, 2019 5:01 PM ‘To: Elias Rigas ‘Subject: Res Interviews for Community at Large postion | am not sure what the rush is on this process and why it was scheduled for a night that | am unavailable, tami ‘Tami L Soltow, J.D. High School Science (Odyssey Charter School Bldg. #23 - Barley Mill Plaza 4319 Lancaster Pike Wilmington, O€ 19805 302.516.8000 From: Tami Sotow Sent: Monday Novernber 11, 2018 4:58:50 PM To las Rigas ‘Subject Re: Interviews for Community at Large position Eta, | eannot be there tonight as | have previous obligations Who are the 3 candidates? Tami L.Soltow, 1.0. High School Science Odyssey Charter School Bldg. #23 - Barley Mill Plaza 4319 Lancaster Pike Fw: Your scan (Scan to My Email) ‘Tami Soltow To: las Rous Sent: Tuesday, November S, 2019 8:19 AM ‘To: Tam Sotow ‘Subject: Your sean (San to My Email) Nominating Committee Tami Soltow Mon 12/2/2019 1138 aM To: Els Rigas Glas Riga @Odyeeyh 20> Good morning Elias, | read over your response to my email about giving the board a recommended applicant and an alternative for both open postions. I stil hve a number of concerns regarding the impartiality of this committee and the ongoing process to fil the vacant seats When | lft the nominating committee meeting a 7 [t was never stated that we would have 1 recommendation and 1 alternative. Who came up with this idea; you? Kaija? Paul? It is vital that the board remain impartial as to the two applicants for each position. In that committee meeting, we stated that we would present our final 2, not a top choice to the board for their vote, The process must be fr and considering that not all committee members were a all the interviews, presenting the 2top choices forthe board to narrow down to one Is the best and far option, - Further, regarding the makeup of the committee, it may be seen that a number of those on the nominating committee supports the Ahepan control ofthe board. Paul Brooks verbaized his support for ‘Alepa as has Kala Sarmousakis, particulary on social media. Given the level of scrutiny by DOE and (CSAC and the PIC, the board needs to have this committee completely impartial = Lastly, one could alzo ace that the #1 choice for one ofthe open board positions i alzo 9 supporter of the Ahepan control ofthe board. Again, this may appear as not impartial and also may appear to some tobe stacking the board. DDE made it clear that Ahepa is not to be in control ofthe board, yet it may appear that those who support Ahepa are being selected to be on the nominating committee and on the board. While one could see thatthe alternate choice for that same position isa candidate who can represent a segment of the OCS community that has never had representation on the board, | hope my email will not be easly dismissed by saying that just because someone supports Ahepa they ‘ant be on the committee or on the board or that | am just always against Ahepa, That isan easy way to negate any alternate thoughts but | elt a duty to send this email to avoid any failures of impartiality or ‘transparency | know that you were asked to chair both this committee and the compliance committee and thank you for your dedication Tami Tami LSoltow, 1.0. High Schoo! Science (Odyssey Charter School ‘Bldg, #23 - Barley Mill Plaza 4319 Lancaster Pike Wilmington, DE 19805 302.516.8000
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