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The Grand Budapest Hotel Pitch

Dexter, Sergio, Tobi and Jim
Our Film: The grand Budapest Hotel


● Book Reader
● Author
● Young Writer
● The Hotel
● Saminess of the high class
● The lower class serving the higher class

● Inheritance
● Boy with Apple
Our Idea
● Author intro
● Young Writer
● Concierge Phone Call
● Dining Scene
● Lobby boy rescue
● Abrupt Ending
Dexter’s Role: Director
Directing is the process of guiding and oversee workers and performers

to achieve a product,
The directing of grand budapest is done by Wes Anderson

“Wes Anderson usually tries to get peculiar

but somehow realistic performances out of his actors

Whilst retaining his unique style”

Declan Johanson
Jim’s Role: Cinematographer
A cinematographer is the chief over the camera and lighting of a scene,

Symmetry Vibrant Colour Pallet Whip Pans

Aspect Ratio
This aspect ratio is used This aspect ratio is used This aspect ratio is used
for the scenes set in the for the scenes set in the for the scenes set in the
80s.It's like this since that 60s.It's like this since that 30s.It's like this since that
was the most common was the most common was the most common
aspect ratio of the time aspect ratio of the time aspect ratio of the time
Test Shots
Tobi’s Role: Editor
An Editor’s job is to organise, rearrange, modify, and cut a scene
Fast pacing Color grading Chroma key
Sergio’s Role: Sound Design
The Sound Designer is responsible for obtaining all sound effects, whether recorded or live for a specific

In the film, The Grand Budapest Hotel uses a mix of diegetic and non-diegetic sound to fit the sequence of
the film. The director also uses diegetic sound effects to create the atmosphere of the film, even if some of
these effects were added in post production.
Mood board
Costume design
Location mood board
Michael Yems Will Wilson Connor Southward Tobi Neesham Isabel Morley
Concierge Lobby Boy Senior Demartino Monsieur Cheval Ms.Ariblubla
Any Questions?

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