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Jaime Feldstein

AP English Language

Stephanie Tatum

17 December 2019

Synthesis Essay

The Locavore movement has slowly spread throughout communities. People are

beginning to wonder if local food is better than food sent to grocery stores. Locavore believes

that locally grown food is much better than store-bought food. If a community was debating on

whether or not to switch to locally grown food, what would be the things that affected the

community? Locally grown food increases the nutrition in the food we eat, creates jobs, boosts

economies, and just plain tastes better than the store-bought stuff. A community would benefit

greatly from increasing locally bought food and should consider changing the way they eat.

Within each community, money remains the sole factor of how, why, and when things

are done. Will it cost too much? Will we have enough money then? Is that something we should

do? Locally grown food does not act as an economic deterrent. Actually, it does the opposite;

locally grown food creates jobs, and as source, E states, “Small farmers will be able to get up to

75% of their organic certification costs reimbursed”. (Source E). The reimbursement of their

crops means that the money going into a farmer’s pocket or towards a community would

increase by more than 50%. I would view an increase in money for me a great advantage,

Wouldn’t you?

“Big government” type of people would argue that more money in the pockets of farmers

is not good for the wealth of a nation. Those people would not understand that “the

overwhelming bulk of it’s 290 Billion dollars would still go to the powerful agribusinesses”
(source E). It benefits both sides. Local farms are a small business, which contributes to the local

economy. When a local economy is stimulated, more often than not, the global economy is also

stimulated. Furthermore, if there are more local farms and locally grown produce stores, there

will also be more jobs. With more businesses comes more jobs, and with more jobs comes a

lower unemployment rate. A low unemployment rate stimulates not only a local economy but

also the global economy.

The food from a local farm often tastes better than produce that is grown in bulk. Even

author Jennifer Maiser says “Every tried a tomato that was picked within 24 hours? Nuff said”

(source a ). The food that is grown on large farms is sprayed with chemicals that make it last

longer so it can be sent over the nation. While that is cost-effective, eating produce that has been

sprayed with chemicals and is at least four days old is not the most appetizing form of nutrients.

The happiness one gets when they bite into a delectable piece of locally grown produce is

unparalleled. Someone should enjoy eating healthy and locally grown food accomplishes that.

Similarly, the nutrients within such delicious food if also more than that of a seven-day-

old can on the shelves of a grocery store lacks the necessary nutrients that any human would

need to sustain on eventful lifestyle. Source B even confirms this line of reasoning when they

say, “Food begins to lose nutrition as soon as it is harvested” (source b). Almost anyone would

prefer delicious, healthy food that also helps you remain active and satisfied.

Overall, locavores seem to be on to something. Local food tastes good, helps small

businesses and farmers, has more nutrients, and is obviously the best thing for a community to

do. And honestly, what community would not want to better their way of life?

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