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Mini Research Report

English for Chemistry 2017  1

Cross Media Tech Development through Cooperative

Approach on Passive Voice Materials at SMPN 27 Medan
Academic Year 2017/2018
Devita Suri Airina,Dinda Maysarah,and Linda Rosita.
Department of Chemistry Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Science, State University of Medan, Indonesia

The purpose of this research is to know learning learning media TTS
(Crossword Puzzle). This study was conducted in SMP Negeri 27 Medan
with the number of samples of 30 people who class VIII.Menggunakan
data collection method of observation and test. Before the learning begins
to be tested in advance to know the initial ability of students, then given
lecture learning after that using TTS media. The lesson is then given a post
test to the students to see the improvement of students' abilities.
Keywords: Technicians Data analysis using descriptive analysis of quantitative data.
The results show an increase. In the first result, the average student score
Chemopoly-Edutainment was 53.33% and the average score of the students was 60%. Increase the
Learning activities learning genius to the target. So this hypothesis states that "The use of
Response TTS learning media can improve student learning outcomes VII SMP
Negeri 27" is acceptable.

Corresponding Author:
Devita Suri Airina
Departement of Chemistry Education,
Faculty of Mathematics and Science,
State University of Medan, Willem Iskandar Street, Pasar V, Medan, Indonesia.
The rapid technological developments affect the learning process in junior high schools and the
influence of learning materials and how to convey them in the process of teaching and learning activities. In
the early stages, students tend to be interested in the game, especially in composing words. Learning media is
something that can be used to channel the message (subject matter), so that it can stimulate the attention,
interest, thought and feelings of students in learning activities to achieve learning goals that learning media is
very important in the component of the learning system By using instructional media to make students
interested in the learning process took place [1].And the use of media in the learning process is one of the
efforts to improve the quality.From the process of learning, therefore it is true to change the way of teaching
monoton that uses lecturing methods that are not necessarily effective in the delivery of meteri
learning.Based on the observations in SMP Negeri 27 Medan that the English lesson is a difficult lesson,
boring, uninteresting and sleepy. The method used by the teacher makes the declining interest of students.
The result is a low English learner score despite some outstanding students. In relation to the above, it is
necessary to make efforts to learn to students so that students become more understanding and do not feel.
tired of learning English in the class One way to improve the quality of learning is to use the media.
Based on the background and some previous research results described above, this study aims to
determine the improvement of student learning outcomes in English lessons, especially on passive voice
material by using TTS media (crossword puzzles). The formulation of the problem is: 1) Is the use of
learning TTS media (crossword puzzles) can improve student learning outcomes on the material passif voice
class VIII SMP Negeri 27 Medan ?.
Learning is a complex process that occurs in every person throughout his life. Learning process that occurs
because of the interaction between a person and the environment. Therefore learning can happen anywhere,
anytime without being bound by time.Learning is a relatively steady change in behavior thanks to practice
and experience [2]. This opinion is in line with say that learning is a process of behavior change thanks to
experience and practice [3]. From several definitions put forward by experts it can be concluded that learning
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is a change in behavior of individuals caused by the change in the level of knowledge and skills as a result of
training and experience [4]. Based on the above understanding can be seen that individuals experiencing the
learning process will experience behavioral changes, either aspects of knowledge, skills, attitudes even
covering all aspects of the organism or personal. So, the essence of learning is change.
Learning students use the principle of theory of education and learning, namely two-way
communication process, teaching is done by teachers as educators are learning done by students / students"
[4]. Learning is a combination consisting of human elements, materials, facilities, tools, and procedures that
are interconnected in achieving the learning objectives" [2]. Media is a human existence that allows it to
project others who can not be contacted directly with him [5]. Based on the above understanding can be
interpreted as a process of interaction between educators, learners and environment that affect each other so
as to improve motivation, experience, behavior changed for the better. Learning as a learning process built by
teachers to develop thinking creativity that can improve students' thinking ability, and can improve the ability
to contribute new knowledge as an effort to improve the satisfaction of learning materials.
In learning must use intermediary media. The presence of information and communication
technology in life has changed the notion that education places teachers as facilitators in order that learners
can have the widest access to various types of media for educational purposes [6]. The media comes from the
Latin and is a plural form from the word "medium" which literally means "mediator or introduction". Thus,
the media is a vehicle for channeling learning information or messaging messages to achieve learning
objectives [3]. Media when understood in broad outline is the human, material or event built conditions that
enable students to acquire knowledge, skills and attitudes "[7]. The use and utilization of media can give a
role in attracting the attention of students currently in media media has two main functions namely media as a
tool and media sebgai student learning resources [3]. An important aspect in the use of learning media is
clarify learning messages [8]. This is in accordance with the results of research according to Davis, Shepherd,
and Zwiefelhofer which is a game used as a medium of learning can directly attract each other students and
can be a good motivating technique [9]. Some groups of media learning wrong TTS (crossword puzzle )
.TTS provided the number of questions or words / phrases as keys for filling specially designed boxes,
Crossword puzzles It is a learning medium used, in which students have to fill in empty spaces) with letters
that form a words based on drawings of instructions given [10]. Crossword puzzle is a learning strategy for
reviewing material has been submitted [12]. This review is useful for facilitating learners in recalling what
material has been submitted [13]. TTS given will improve the thinking and participation of students so that
the learning process is more optimal [14]. Games and puzzles, an active form of learning, are helpful for
reviewing, summarizing, practicing, finding gaps in knowledge, and developing new relationships between
concepts [15]. Social interaction will be demonstrated through student activity in associating, communicating
with friends, either in group study time or in the absence of study [16]. through the giving of crossword
puzzles students can easily understand the concepts and termistilah contained in the lesson so that learning
objectives can be achieved and improve student learning outcomes [17]. Game is considered valuable for the
acquisition and application of cognitive knowledge and skills (this stream of learning is essentially a mental
process and thought process by utilizing all potentials of the individual optimally [18]), affective, and
psychomotor. In addition the advantages of using TTS media between (19), improving healthy cooperation
among students [20], stimulating students to think critically and creatively, encouraging students to be more
thorough in working on the problem [21], TTS can expand vocabulary, stimulating the mind [22],
encouraging logical thinking and helping to improve conceptual understanding [23]. In addition to having
advantages, the use of TTS media also has the disadvantage that making the problem more difficult because
both the answer and the number of boxes available must be precise [24]. In addition, the game elements
contained in the crossword will tend to cause the class atmosphere to become crowded if the teacher can not
control the class. The benefits of cross-puzzle games are further described by Danise (1987: 11), "Discrete
point puzzle is ppopuler with both teaches and student because they cast the part of vocabulary and isolated
grammatical features into a challenging and recreational problem solving [25].


The method used in this research is experimental method. The first trial group was treated with TTS
media. From memory data test data is divided into two categories, namely high and low [9]. This research
was conducted in SMP Negeri 27 Medan on October 11, 2017 with the number of samples of 30 people class
The formula used to calculate the percentage of student scores is:
𝑥 % = ∑ x 100 %

Mini research report

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Information :
X% = percentage of student ratings
∑ 𝑥= number of student ratings
∑ 𝑦 =the total number of students (points 1-10 which means the number is 30)

For the result the pretest average score is 5,66%. While the result of the average post test is 8.55%. The result
of the average value is obtained from the formula:

𝑥̅ = ∑𝑦

Information :
𝑥̅ = average pretest or post test value of the students
∑ 𝑥 =The total number of pretest or post test students
∑ 𝑦= the total number of students is 30 people

Some parts of TTS equipment shown in Figures (1) and (2).

3.1 Design

Figure 1: Carton, contains the place for answers to the prepared words.

Image of Puzzle game according to Rinaldi Munir (2005) is a rectangular game consisting of black-
and-white squares, and 2 rows, horizontal (rectangular box and several columns) and under one box of
columns and several rows).

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Figure 2: the tools and materials used during the lesson, (a) Carton, contains the place for answers to the
prepared words, (b) the lebaran of the paper containing questions / questions, (c) Group nameplate.
(d) the posttest question, (e) the matter of pretest. (f) a letter puzzle for composing words. (g) the
number to determine what number is done.

The purpose of this study is to determine the improvement of student learning outcomes by using
TTS (Crossword Puzzle) learning media. Students are divided into 5 (five) groups, with each group
consisting of 8-7 orams. Each group received a set of media to use. We then explain the media functionality.
After all the students understand and know the procedure of the game. One of the five groups take the
number of questions to be done. After the questions are read out all the groups actively looking for answers.


Before the measurement of the activity is done, We first explain to the students related lessons to be
implemented. We prepare the game equipment with the necessary TTS media during the learning process that
took place. Before starting the learning activities, we give the pretest with the number of 10 questions with a
duration of 15 minutes, to give stimuli to the siiwa in the form of material relating to the material being
studied. In the pretest session not all students answer the questions by giving appropriate answers. and there
are some students who do not answer the question.
Furthermore, the learning process is done with TTS (Crossword Puzzle) media. Students are divided
into 5 (five) groups, with each group consisting of 8-7 orams. Each group received a set of media to use. We
then explain the media functionality. After all the students understand and know the procedure of the game.
One of the five groups take the number of questions to be done. After the questions are read out all the
groups actively looking for answers.
After completion of the next game Post test session where students are given 10 questions equal to the
duration of 10 minutes, Activities in this session aims to measure the increased understanding of passive
voice material with TTS media.

3.1 Pre Test dan Post Test graph


pre test
5 Post test

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

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Based on the graph above, the results obtained from pre test and post test data show progress.
Minimum standard score of 60 and qualitative data on student learning activities. In the pre test data, the
average score of 53.33% with the number of students who graduated there are 2 students and experienced an
increase after the learning process took place.In the post test data, obtained the average value of students
increased to 60% with the number of students who passed 6 students. the acquisition of master learning
outcomes has reached the target. Then the hypothesis states that "The development of crossword media
through the Koorperatif Approach on Passive Sound Materials at SMPN 27 Medan Academic Year
2017/2018" is acceptable
Our observation results of many students who strongly agree with the media crossword puzzle
because according to them this is one of the interesting media with an exciting atmosphere.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 3 : .(a) Students doing Pre test,(b) The researcher describes the subject matter by the lecture
method,(c) Researchers observe students doing post test,(d) explain about pre test problem

Based on the research that has been done, it can be concluded that a model of learning can improve
students' activeness in learning and encourage students to innovate.and all teachers begin to use a learning
model that attracts students' attention, so that students are more interested in understanding the material

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The authors wish to thank the mother who has given prayers, motivation, and material support so that the task
can be completed. Sri Adelila Sari, S.Pd., M.Si who has given a lot of input and assistance in writing this
Mini Resert


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Devita Suri Airina

S1 Chemistry Education – State University of Medan
Email :

Dinda Maysarah
S1 Chemistry Education - State University of Medan

Linda Rosita
S1 Chemistry Education - State University of Medan

Mini research report

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