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The action takes place at a shortened version of Elsinore Castle.


Pada suatu malam yang dingin, ada sesosok hantu yang mirip dengan mendiang Raja
sebelumnya, yaitu Ayah Hamlet berjalan mengelilingi kastil Eleanor, Melihat hal tersebut
Marcellus dan Horatio memberitahu Hamlet.

/Suara angin kencang dan hujan, malam yang mencekam/

/Marcellus dan Horatio berjalan sambil melihat sekeliling kastil/ /hantu lewat didepan
mereka dan berdiam diri di sudut kastil/

Marcellus : “Hey look, who’s there?” /Menunjukkan tangan ke arah sudut/

Horatio : “Where?”

Marcellus : “There!” /Menunjuk ke arah yang sama/

Horatio : /terkejut/ Whatt? Is it real? I think he is the King that has been dead!”

Marcellus : Long live the King! By heaven, I charge my speak.

/Horatio menyalakan senter/ /Hantu menghilang/

Horatio : /mengarahkan senter kearah sudut hantu berada/ “No, he’s gone” /Mencari
keberadaan hantu tersebut dan menemukannya/ “He goes to the high eastern hill.”

Marcellus : “Let’s give this information to Hamlet!”

/Horatio dan Mercellus bergegas sambil berlari kecil keluar/


Keesokkannya Claudius, adik dari mendiang raja sebelumnya atau paman Hamlet melamar
Ratu Gertrude, ibunya Hamlet, untuk bersedia menjadi istrinya agar ia bisa naik tahta
menggantikan Ayahnya Hamlet. Ratu Gertrude tidak punya pilihan lain, akhirnya ia pun
setuju. Mengetahui hal tersebut Hamlet pun marah.

/Suara terompet kerajaan/ /Claudius memasuki ruangan singgasana kerajaan/ /Ratu

Gertrude berdiri mendekati Claudius/

Claudius : /membungkuk/ /berlutut dan memegang tangan Ratu Gertrude/ “Oh dear
Gertrude, I still remember about your King’s dead. The memory be green and I still feel the
dark clouds. But, could my sister be my queen? Would you be my wife? And my dear
nephew Hamlet will be my son.”

Gertrude : “I still feel the gloomy days, too. But, life must go on. I have no king in this
moment, and I think you are the right person to replace him”

/Hamlet masuk/

Hamlet : /Marah dan membentak/ “What? What are you talking about, mother? Does
my tears still work well? It’s still two months dead. The funeral baked meats still on the
table! Then, it will be changed with the marriage table? So, you want to marry him? My
father’s brother? Frailty! Is that a woman?” /membalikkan badan/

Gertrude : /memegang pundak Hamlet/ “I want to explain you about this, my son.”

Claudius : “No! We don’t need to. Don’t be a kid, Hamlet!” /menarik tangan Ratu

Claudius and Gertrude leave the room. Horatio enter

Horatio : /membungkukkan badan/ “My lord! I think I saw him yesternight. The King –
your father. In the platform where we watched.”

Hamlet : “What? It is very strange.”

Horatio : “Armed, my lord – He brought a sword! But a countenance is more in sorrow

than in anger.”

Hamlet : “My father’s spirit in arms? All is not well. Would in the night you were
come? I want to meet him.”

/Hamlet dan Horatio keluar/


Pada suatu malam di lorong kastil Eleanor Hamlet dan Horatio pergi untuk mencari
keberadaan hantu mendiang ayahnya. Mereka pun menemukannya, dan hantu tersebut
memberi tahu bahwa ia dibunuh oleh Claudius, paman Hamlet.

Hamlet : “The King! My father! Please awake now, show your spirit and take your
rouse! Its custom is more honored in the breach than observance.” /berteriak sambil melihat

/Suara angin kencang/

Horatio : “Look, my Lord. It comes.” /menunjuk ke arah Hantu/

/Hantu ayah Hamlet masuk/

Hamlet : “Angels and ministers of grace defend us! Something is rotten in the state of
Denmark!” /Berteriak/

Ghost : /muncul, berdiri ddisamping Hamlet/ “I am your father’s spirit. Revenge his
foul and most unnatural murder.”

Hamlet : “Murder?” /terkejut/

Ghost : “The serpent that did sting your father’s life. Now wears his crown.”

Hamlet : “What? Is it real? The uncle?”

/Semua keluar/


Ophelia, kekasih Hamlet putri dari penasihat kerajaan yaitu Polonius merasa sedih dan
kasihan melihat betapa kacaunya Hamlet saat ini. Polonius mengira bahwa Hamlet sudah gila
dan Hamlet ingin membalas dendam atas kematian ayahnya.

Polonius : “What are you doing, my dear?”

Ophelia : “Father, while I was sewing in my chamber, I saw Lord Hamlet. He looks so
strange. He looks so piteous and shaking.”

Polonius : “Is he mad?” /terkejut/

Ophelia : “I dont know Dad. He looks depressed and fear.”

Polonius : “By the way, why you look at him carefully? Do you loving him?”

Ophelia : “Oh dad what are you talking about?” /Shy/ “Yeah but honestly Hamlet is a
strong and handsome prince. And i always happy when see him”.

Polonius : “I think you are being matture my dear. Well i will find him and ask what

Ophelia : “Yess, please take care of him dad. Dont let him sick or feel bad.”

/Hamlet masuk, Ophelia keluar/

Polonius : “What are you doing, my lord?”

Hamlet : “Words, words, words” /duduk disebuah kursi, memegang dagu tampak sedang

Polonius : “Though this be madness, you can’t act like this.”

Hamlet : “I know the murder of my father!” /berdiri, memegang kedua pundak Polonius/

Polonius : “Oh Lord, I don’t know what are you talking about now” /kebingungan,
berjalan mundur/

/Polonius keluar/

Hamlet : “We’ll hear a play tomorrow. I will avenge my father’s death. To be or not to
be” /mengambil pisau belati di sakunya/


Di Aula istana, Claudius ingin mengirim Hamlet bersama teman-teman nya untuk belajar ke

Inggris, namun Hamlet tidak menanggapi itu. Di tengah-tengah drama dimainkan Ratu

Getrude memberi tanggapannya, Hamlet pun menanggapi perkataan ibunya. Hamlet merasa

Ada yang janggal dengan perilaku ibunya sesudah ia mengatakan sanggahannya, ia pun

mengikuti ibunya.
Claudius : “Son, I think you have to study to England with all your friends. You must
learn how to be a great leader after your father and me. I will send you there.”

Hamlet : “Well, let’s see the play first.”

/semua orang duduk untuk melihat drama, musik terdengar/

Gertrude : “Oh, I don’t like the lady. She is protest too much. Do you like the play?”

Hamlet : “Not really. He poisons the King in the garden for his estate. You shall see
how the murderer gets love of Gonzago’s wife?”

/tangan Getrude bergetar, ia pun keluar dari ruangan, Hamlet mengikutinya diam-diam/

Polonius : “He’s going to his mother’s room. I’ll convey myself to hear the process.”
/mengikuti Hamlet dari belakang/


Hamlet mengikuti ibunya masuk ke kamar dan bertanya apakah ia tahu sesuatu tentang
kematian ayahnya. Hamlet mengetahui bahwa ibunya menyembunyikan sesuatu, ia pun
menghunuskan pisaunya ke arah ibunya. Naas, pedang tersebut justru mengenai Polonius
yang ingin melindungi Getrude

/Polonius masuk dan bersembunyi di belakang kamar/ /Hamlet dan Getrude masuk/

Hamlet : Mother, I want to ask you about something. Answer it honestly! /Membentak/

Gertrude : Oh, what is that Hamlet? /terkejut/

Hamlet : Is it true that your King now murdered my father? /Menghunuskan pisau/

Gertrude : “What? No! What will you do? You will not murder me, right? Help! Help!
Hh” /terkejut dan berteriak/

/Polonius masuk, melindungi Getrude//

Polonius : “Don’t. do it.”

Hamlet : “What now? A rat?! Huuh?! /menikam Polonius, Polonium Jatuh/ “Dead for a
ducat, dead!”
Gertrude : “Oh Lord, what have you done? O.. Alas.. he’s mad.” /ketakutan dan berjalan

Hamlet : “I must be cruel only to be kind. Good night, mother.” /Mencoba

menyematkan pisau ke Getrude, namun lagi-lagi Polonius melindunginya/

/Polonius mati/ /Hamlet menyeret mayat Polonius/ /semua keluar/


Di pelabuhan, akhirnya Claudius berhasil membuat Hamlet bersama teman-temannya pergi

ke Inggris. Claudius berencana membunuh Hamlet sewaktu diperjalanan dengan menyewa

perompak bayaran.

/Claudius, Hamlet dan temannya masuk/ /suara ombak/

Claudius : “Now, Hamlet. where’s Polonius?”

Hamlet : “At supper”

Claudius : “Hamlet, you have to prepare yourself. Everything is bent for England.”

/Hamlet dan temannya masuk ke kapal/

Claudius : “It is the present death of Hamlet, do it England!” /menyeringai/


Di ruangan lain, Laertes menanyakan keberadaan ayahnya, Claudius memberitahukan kepada

Laertes dan Ophelia bahwa ayah mereka dibunuh oleh Hamlet. Ophelia merasa kehilangan

Ayahnya dan tak percaya Hamlet yang mebunuhnya pun akhirnya bunuh diri.

Laertes : “Where’s my father?”

Claudius : “Your father has been dead. He has murdered”

/Ophelia masuk dalam keadaan setengah sadar/

Ophelia : “What? Is it true? Who’s the murder of my father? No, you are liar, My dad
hasn’t dead yet. Oooo.. his grave rained many tears.”

Laertes : “O heat dry up my brains – O kind sister.”

/Ophelia jatuh dan menangis/

Claudius : “I didn’t persuade revenge. But the offence is, let the great axe fall. Hamlet is
the murderer of your father.”

/Claudius dan Laertes keluar/

Ophelia : “No its not true. My love Hamlet has murdered my dad? Haha no it must be
crazy. No my dad, tell me its kidding.” /menangis/ “I cant accept it all, i better
die than live with this feel, i wanna die.” /memegang pisau dan bunuh diri/


Hamlet berhasil lolos dari para perompak yang ingin membunuhnya dan tersesat di

Pemakaman, di pemakaman ia bertemu dengan seorang penggali kubur yang sedang

Membuat kuburan untuk seorang gadis cantik, Hamlet pun penasaran, dan bertanya siapa

Gadis cantik yang meninggal. Belum sempat terjawab Laertes datang membawa mayat

Ophelia. Hamlet merasa terpukul atas kematian kekasihnya, dan mengganggu upacara

Pemakaman, Claudius mengusir Hamlet, Hamlet pun pergi penuh dengan dendam.

/ A Gravedigger and Hamlet enter/

Gravedigger : “Who are you sir?”

Hamlet : “We were two days at sea. A pirates of very warlike gave us the chase. After
hard fighting, they successfully took over my ship, so I became a prisoner
lonely. They have dealt with me like thieves with no mercy. Then I can run
away to this place”

Gravedigger : “I get the idea. In your mind who is the strongest, the mason, the shipwright
or the carpenter?”

Hamlet : “A grave maker. They make the house for till last forever.”
Gravedigger : “I make this house for the poor beautiful girl.”

Hamlet : “Who is the girl?”

Laertes : “What ceremony else? Lay her in earth, let her rest in peace. For you all
please forgive all her mistake then the angel will love her.”

Hamlet : “What happen? No! Ophelia what happen with you? This is me, The Prince”
/hug Ophelia/

Laertes : “No you are not prince, you are a devil. Take off your hand to my sister! Go
away” /try take off Hamlet’s hand/

Hamlet : “No! I love her! What happen to you? please wake up!”

Claudius : “Stop it Hamlet, go!”

Laertes : /Pull Hamlet/

Hamlet : “Wait for this”

All exit


Di sebuah aula kastil, pertempuran antara Hamlet dan Laertes pun tak terelakkan. Laertes
mempunyai dendam yang sangat kuat terhadap kematian ayahnya, sehingga sebelum perang
dimulai, Laertes melumuri pedangnya dengan racun. Sementara itu, Claudius telah
menyiapkan minuman yang berisi racun untuk diberikan kepada Hamlet, namun minuman itu
justru diminum oleh Getrude. Semua orang panik melihat Getrude collapse. Ditengah
kepanikan tersebut Laertes berhasil melukai Hamlet begitupun Hamlet. Hamlet yang melihat
ibunya mati langsung menyuruh Claudius untuk meminum minuman beracun, Claudius pun
akhirnya mati. Sebelum mati, Laertes meminta maaf kepada Hamlet, hingga pada akhirnya
Laertes pun ikut menyusul Claudius. Tidak lama setelah Laertes meninggal, Hamlet pun
menyusul kematian Laertes.

/Suara terompet istana/

/Semua orang membungkuk/ /Hamlet masuk kemudian disusul dengan Laertes, Claudius dan
Hamlet : “There is a careless think that make this situation become complicated. I
never meant to kill your father and make your sister depressed. But I know this is
too late. We are angry at the same time. Then okay let us finish it all.”

Laertes : “Shut Up! Start it now!”

/Pelayan datang membawa minuman beracun/

Claudius : “Stay give me a drink, this is for Hamlet, this is to keep him healthy.”

Gertrude : “I’m thirsty too my Lord, I will take it.” /mengambil minuman/

Claudius : “No, don’t drink it my wife” /berusaha mencegah/

Gertrude : “I’m poisoned, I’m poised! It is hard. Nooooo! /Jatuh dan meninggal/

Claudius : “Hey save her, save her!” / berteriak/

/Semua orang melihat ke arah Getrude/ /Laertes dan Hamlet saling menusuk/

Laertes : “I’m justly killed by own treacher.” /terjatuh dan berdarah/

Hamlet : “Treachery?! Seek it out.” /sinis, membentak//

Laertes : “It’s here, Hamlet! Here I lie, never to rise again. The King! The King’s to
blame! Blame him!” /menunjukk kearah Claudius/

Hamlet : “Then, I have to revenge my father’s death! This is the venom to your work!”
/memegang gelas berisi racun dan memberikan kepada Claudius/ /Claudius terjatuh dan

Laertes : “Exchange forgiveness with me, noble.. Ha..” /mati/

Hamlet : “I follow you! I can’t live to hear the news from England! The rest is
silence.” /mati/


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