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End of Year: Test C


You are going to listen to five people talking about a life skill that is important to them and how they
improved it.

Task 1

For questions 1–5, choose from the list (A–E) how each speaker improved the skill.

A​ being declined a financial product

B​ damaging outcomes of personal actions

C​ financial losses over time

D​ a feeling of shame

E​ exposure to new trends

Speaker 1 1​ ___

Speaker 2 2​ ___

Speaker 3 3​ ___

Speaker 4 4​ ___

Speaker 5 5​ ___

___ / 10

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Task 2

You are going to listen to a nutritionist talking to a group of students about a recent study
investigating the science of weight loss.

For questions 1–5, complete the sentences with a word or short phrase.

0​ When explaining why the technique is unusual, he states that it is a method which works ​from within​.

0 ​Scientists tricked the body by manipulating a nerve that takes a ​hunger signal​ to the brain.

1​ They reported that within ninety days, patients showed a 14 percent loss of their __________________

body weight.

2​ There was some sickness and vomiting, but the study reported these side effects as


3​ He points out that over a period of eight to twelve months the body learns to adjust to its


4​ The researchers believe that they can ___________________ the body to cooperate instead of becoming


5​ He says that the findings have to be treated with caution as they are based on a ___________________


___ / 10

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Use of English

Task 1

Read the text and complete the gaps with one word only.

Work Space

Many companies achieve efficiency and productivity by 0​​ __​making_ ​ changes to the work environment.

Smart businesses that see the big picture 1​​ __________ ​invest in innovative office designs such as

creating a dedicated space for employees to relax. 2​​ __________ ​successful innovative office designs

have 3​​ _________ common is promoting movement in the workplace. Not only 4​​ __________ this been

reported to increase alertness, creativity and problem solving but it also boosts the health and happiness

of employees. 5​​ __________ incorporating movement into its culture, a company can create a better place

for the employees and an advantage for the organisation.

___ / 5

Task 2

Use the word given in bold at the end of some lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the same

C.V. Workshop

Are you one of those people who routinely struggle with creating a powerful C.V.?

Have you left yours 0​​ ​unchecked​ since you last attended an interview? Then sign up ​check

for our workshop to learn how to produce a 1​​ __________ C.V. that will showcase person

your expertise and 2​ ​__________​ skills. After completing our workshop, you will be ​organise

able to make the 3​​ __________ ​most unrelated work experience appear more applicable seem

to the position you're applying for. We will improve your C.V.’s 4​​ __________ and brevity. ​ read

And your new C.V. will increase your 5​​ __________ ​in the marketplace.​ compete

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___ / 5

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You are going to read an article in which three athletes discuss challenges they face in their career
as professional athletes. For questions 1-5, choose from the athlete A, B or C.

Which athlete(s):

0 ​says that the nature of professional sports has been exaggerated? _​C_

1​ finds one aspect of competing both inevitable and awkward? ___

2 ​looks forward to a major change in the way they work? ___

3 ​struggles to strike a balance between their career and personal life? ___

4 ​points out an improvement in the way some athletes are viewed in the society? ___

5 ​describes some key aspects of training as a professional athlete? ___

___ / 10

What are some of the challenges you face as a professional athlete? We asked
a group of athletes what professional training is like.

As a professional athlete, I have always faced a number of challenges. One is having an efficient training

structure and maintaining it throughout the year. I have been able to precisely identify, with the help

of​ my coach, the intensity of my training and analyse my performance to make adjustments and

improvements. I don’t have any problems with keeping my level of motivation high because I enjoy

what I do. And I also get a lot of support from my family and friends, which gives me an edge when I

compete. However, I have had little luck in securing sponsorship and this means I have had to work

full-time and train part-time. This is something that has put a huge strain on me mentally and physically.

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Coping with that is not such an easy task and is something that I could do without. For me, the most

crucial thing is securing sponsorship so I can go full-time.

I have been competing for fifteen years. From my first disability competition to the most recent

games in China, everything has changed. Attitudes have been transformed and along with that, people’s

perceptions of disability and disabled people have changed too. This has made some aspects of the

work easier, but I still have to cope with all sorts. For example, it’s not easy to put yourself out there in the

limelight. It feels as if you are in an exhibition. But at the same time that is part and parcel of the life

of a professional athlete. Travelling and its costs can create some hurdles, as do sourcing and purchasing

suitable equipment. But these are the things I can deal with reasonably well. What often worries me

is injury. Injuries incurred through training or competitions, even minor ones, can have major consequences

on the career of an athlete.

Over the years I have been able to handle most of the challenges I face as a female professional athlete.

But unfortunately, there are still certain aspects that I find hard to cope with. The life of an athlete

may look dazzling from the outside, but the reality is far from that. I certainly appreciate having the

opportunity to do something that I love as a job, but dealing with the pressure that it puts on me

mentally and physically requires resilience, motivation, discipline and a lot more. I am sometimes torn

between my responsibilities as a mother and my training requirements. If adjustments can be made

to enable my family to accompany me when I am away for a competition, we could take advantage of that

and try to transform it into an adventure. However, more often than not, this is not practical.

TOTAL: ___ / 40

x 1.37 = ___ / 55

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