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Detailed Lesson Plan in Science V

I. Objectives
At the end of 60 minute discussion with 80% proficiency level the
pupils are expected to:
1. identify the different types of habitat of animals,
2. show ability and accuracy on selecting animals that corresponds
to its habitat and,
3. explain ways on how to protect the habitat of animals.


II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Habitat of Animals
B. References:
C. Materials: Manila paper, printed pictures, flashcards, paper
strips, blackboard, and cartolina.
D. Methods/Strategies: Cooperative Learning

III. Procedures
Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities

a. Prayer
___Please lead the prayer - (The pupils will pray)

b. Greetings
-Good morning class! - Good morning Sir!

c. Opening song
-Everybody sing the song “Science - (The pupils will sing)

d. Checking of Attendance
-are all present today? - Yes/No Sir!

e. Passing of Assignments

-please pass your assignments. - (The pupils will pass

their assignments)

f. Setting of Classroom Standard - Listen carefully

- Keep quiet
-what will you do if the class is going on? - Raise your right hand
if you want to answer
g. Review

- Who can recall our last topic? - Our topic last time
was about urinary

- What is urinary system? - The urinary system,

also known as the
renal system or urinar
y tract, consists of the
kidneys, ureters,
bladder, and the
urethra. The purpose
of the urinary
system is to eliminate
waste from the body,
regulate blood volume
and blood pressure,
control levels of
electrolytes and
metabolites, and
regulate blood

B. Lesson Proper

a. Motivation/Introduction

- Class do you live in a house right? - Yes Sir!

- Then do you feel comfortable? - Yes Sir!
- Do you think that animals have their
own home too? - Yes!
- Animals have their own home too!
- Where do you think animals live? - In the house
- In the forest
- In the sea
- In the land

- What do we call to the place where - It is called Habitat

animals live?

- What do you think is our topic for - About Habitat of

today? Animals.

- Our topic for today is all about

Habitats of Animals
b. Discussion/Activity

Habitat – is an ecological or environmental

area that is inhabited by a particular species of animal,
plant or other type of organism.

- I will group you into 4 groups. This

row is group 1, group 2, group 3, and
this row is group 4.

(The pupils will perform the


1. Arrange and paste the

pictures that I will give to you
in the cartolina.
2. Collaborate to your group
and think what that is all
3. Do it in 5 minutes and choose
1 reporter

(Possible Output)

G-1 G-2 G-3 G-4 “The Different Types of
Correctness Habitat of Animals”
(Group 1)
Legend: - 10 - 20

- Are animals that live

Or entirely on land.
- “Terre” means earth,
Terrestrial means “of


(The teacher will check the output and correct

(Group 2)


- An aquatic animal is
an animal which lives
in water for most or all
of its life.

(The teacher will check the output and correct

(Group 3)


- These are the animals

that live both water
and land.

(The teacher will check the output and correct

(Group 4)


- Animals that can fly in

the air they also have
hollow bones which
make their body light
(The teacher will check the output and correct and make them fly.
C. Closure Activities

a. Generalization

- What are the terrestrial animals? - The animals that live

in land.
- What are the examples of terrestrial - Dog, cat, zebra and
animals? cow.

- How about the animals live in water, - The aquatic animals

what we call to them?

- What are the examples of aquatic - Fish, squid, shrimps

animals? and dolphin.

- What are the amphibian animals? - The animals that live

in both water and
- What are the examples of amphibian - Frog, crocodile,
animals? snakes and snail.

- How about the aerial animals? - It is the animals who

live in the air.

- What are the examples of aerial - Bird, bugs, fly, and

animals? mosquito.

b. Application

Again group yourself into (2) two

groups we will have a race to measure
how fast you are or your group.


1. Form a line
2. It has different pictures of
animals inside the box, just
pick one and paste it that ( The pupils will perform)
corresponds to its habitat.
3. Before you pick a picture
inside the box you should wait
until your preceding
groupmate are done giving a
high five on you.
4. You must be quick!

G-1 G-2 Total


Legends: - 30

- 20

- 10

c. Valuing

- How important habitat is? - It is important because

this is the place where
humans and animals
are comfortable with.

- What do you think will happen if we - The animals will die.

destroy the habitat of animals

- What we are going to do to avoid the

destruction of the habitat of animals? - Don’t use dynamite in

- Don’t cut trees

- Don’t throw garbage

anywhere especially in
the river.

- We need to protect
the nature where
animals live.
IV. Evaluation

Direction: Please answer the following. Write your answer in ½ sheet of paper.

Test I. Identify the animals that corresponds to its habitat.

Terrestrial Aquatic Aerial Amphibian

1. Fish 6. Frog

2. Dog 7. Elephant

3. Turtle 8. Dolphin

4. Octopus 9. Sparrow

5. Tiger 10. Crocodile

Test II. Define the following. (5 points each)

1. What is terrestrial?

2. What is aquatic?

3. What is aerial?

4. What is amphibian?

Test III. (10 points)

What is habitat?

V. Assignment

- Research what is “Animal Cell”

VI. Remarks

VII. Reflection

Edrian M. Aro
2 BEED - B

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