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Minutesof 4tb Meeting

Boardof Governors

Minutes of 4thMeeting

Boardof Governors



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Minutesof 4th Meeting

Boardof Governors
Heldon 22"oAugust,2016.

The 4h Meetingof Boardof GovemorsofEngineeringCollegeBikanerSocietywasheld on

Mondaythe 22"dAugust2016 at 5 P.M. in the BoardRoom of CentreIbr E-Governance
Jaipurunderthe Presidencyof Shri Ikli CbaranSalaf,LlonorableMinister,Deparlaelt of
TechnicalEducation,Govt. ol Rajasthanand HonorablePresident,EngineeringCollege

t ThefoLLowingmembefswereplesent:

Prof.A.K. Sarkar BoG

DirectorBITS Pilani(Raj.)
2 . ShRajhansUppaday Member
AdditionalChiefSecretary,Gor-tof Raj.
Dr. Jaiprakash
Bhamu Member Secretafy
PrincipalofECB, Ex-officioMember
4. Dr S.K.Bansal Member
PrincipalofCET, Ex-officioMember
5 . Dr. VishnuGoyal Mcmber

6 . Sh.K.B Gupta Mentber

'1. Member

8 . Dr AjeetPoonia Member

9 . Sh Champaklal
Surana Member

The followingmemberscouldnot ableto attendthemeeting:

1. Prol N.P.Kaushik,
2. Dr.GoumvBissa, Prof GECBikaner
3. IinanceOllcef,RTUKota

At the outsetthe MemberSecretarywelcomedHonorablePresident,HonorableChairman

the agendaitemsofthe collegesofthe
antlmenbersofthe Society.The membersdiscussed
SocietyaLlertsrhcnd re"ol'ed the folloraing:

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M i r r . r t co sf 4 t hV e e t i n g
Boardof Governors

Item No. 4.1: To confirm the Minutes of 3'd Meeting of the Board of Governors
of EngineeringCollegeSocietyBikaner.

Reso.No. 4.1 :It maybe mentioncd herethatexceptitemsNo 3.4,3.8,3.12.tberernairing

agendaitemsof 3r'dBOG neeting wercconflfmed..

Item No. 4.2: To receivea rcport of the action taken on thc decisionsof the
previous meeting of the Board of Governors.

The presentstatusof the actiontakenon the decjsionsof the 3'dneeling of the BoG is as
cisr ofthe decisiorsofthe Bo(i,
BfiefDescription Status
(3'dMeeting heldon l4-12-15 )
To confirmthe minulesof 3"' BOG The BoG confirmedthe Mirrules
3.1 Meering of Engineering CoLiege excepl Agenda ltems No 3.4.
i Soclety heldon 14.12.2015.3 . 8 , 3 . 1 2
To receivea rcpolt andacriontaken The actiorltaken on rhed€cision
3.2 on lhe decisionstakenin 3d neetjng of 3rd neeLing of tsoad of Noted
ofBoardofGovernom. Govemoftwasaccepted
To. approveBudgetof Engineefing The Agenda rvas approvedas Noted&
3.3 Colle-qeBikaner socicly for F.Y.
2 0r 5 -1 6 .

audiledby AG collegeslo be
Departnentas auditedby local
well asC.A.& Ilnd audir

The Agcrdawasdiscussed andit

(LrAD) /CA
wasdecidedlhat C.A.auditmust
be doneagaiDby anotheraudiLor
To approle C.A. audit rcpolts fbr filed fof F.Y.
for the proposedfinancialycar.
l ' . Y . 2 0 r 2 - 1&32 0 1 3 , 1 4 2 0 1 21 3&
It wasalsoconveyed to bolh the
2013-14. Re-
pdncipalsthat this year onward
audilingis noL


To apprcve setting up of Ph.D.
The Agenda was approvedas
Centreal Govt. Engineering Noledand
3.5 implernented
Bikaner and Govt. College of
& Technologi,.
EDgineering Bikaner
The Agerda was approved as Noted&
proposed. lt was aLso decided
To apprcve online student fee
3.6 thal in online fee collection throughOBC
nane of SBI/SBBJ balrk also be Daokat ouf
included so lbat better services

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Minutesof 4th Meeting
Boardof Governors

with morc optionsto the sludents

bank lbr


The Agendawas discussed aud

in ihis regad a proposalliom
ECB societyshallbe jnitiatedlo
To approvcfinancialassistance ibr sothatsamecanbe forwardedto
3.7 S.rfal work
solutionof drinldngwaterproblem PHED department,Covt. of
Rajasthanfor necessaryaction.
Funher,it wasalsosuggested Lo
installan induslrialRO Planlfor
pulposeof dfiri(ingwater
TheAgendaras discussed andit
To consider and appfove the flrstandthenput
was decidedthal maltermust be
fecoveryof Rs. 3,65,08,293l- ftom up thematterin
L8 resolvedby both the t,Iincipals
Govt: College of Engineering& nextBOG
of the college.Also put up the
Technology Bikaner. Nolesheet.
matteron a separaie
'lhe and liom State
Agendauas discussed
in this regarda lroposal ftonr
ECB socieryshallbe initiatedto
TechnicalEducation Depadmelrt Development
To approvefinancialassislancetiom (workingthrough
so that financialhelp may be
3.9 StaleGo\t. for Capital& Recunjng expenses.To RTU, Kota
extended in capitaL
improvelhe financialpositionof maybc naLrerregarorng
ECB, it was also decidedthat RTU to beput up
excessnon{eachingstaff must
be rernoved asearlyaspossible.

To appriseabout signing of MoU as Nored&

3.10 .lvithRSRDC for constructionwork The Agenda lvas approved
proposed. Implemented
at Engineering
To apprjse about progressrelaled 'Ihe Agenda was approved as Noted&
3 . 11 wilh TEQIP-II

To considelandapproveInslitutional
Developnent Proposal 0DP), Noted&
The Agenda was approvedas
3.11.1 Procur€menl Plan, Covernance proposed. I plemented
DevelopmenrPlan (CDP), MissioD
andVisionofthe College
To consjderandapprovein pfinciple
accordanceto apply to Ucc tor The Agendawas approvedas Noled
3 . 1t . 2 Autonomy and to NBA fof
of coulses.

-o-v$/ ---"1-'
Minutesof 4th Meeting
Boardof Governors
considerand approve inviting
mernbersfiom NPIU / SPFU /
Mentorto atlendBOG meeljngsas
Thc Agenda was approvedas
3.11.1 special inviteesto rcsolve matters Noted
rclated to TEQIP- II and
rcimbursement of TA/DA & silling
charsesasper TEQIPII nouns
To coDsider andapprovehoDorarjum
to faculry and stalT working in The Agendawas approvedas
3.11.4 Noted
TEQIP{I in accofdance wit| prcposed.
pelmissionof NPlLr.
TheAgendawasdiscussed andit Putup themafter
was defeffed, but it was in nextBOC afte.
consideredthat the mafter of auditing
releascol due paymenlLo ness
To approvefee str'uclureand othef
contractorfirm M/s. Murlidhaf Noledand
3.\2 guidelines related to sludenls'
PoonamChandnay be put up lmplemented
for corsideraiion of the
Teclxical Educalion
Department, GoR.

TheAgendawasdiscLrssed andit
was dccided thal ECB
Pol),techniccourses nust be
closedin subsequenl yearsliom
ne)il academicsession.It was Noted& for
also decidedtlai all the reguiaf furihel
teaciing staff shall be absorbed gnidance in
To approve Govt. gmnt fbr in tle ECB keeping in view of th;s regard
Ll3 pol)'iechniccounesbeing run under lbe pauciiy of teachingslaff in matteris being
EC SocjetyBikanef. the said college wilh the pul up as
conditionrhat they must tulfill
the AICTE qualiiications. Those agendaitemin
who are not possessingthe thismeeting.
it in threeyearsotherlvise his/hef
seNices will be terninaledwith

To approve Covt. gmnt for ITI Nas decided_that ECB ITI
3.14 coursesbeing run underEC Society counes musl be ciosed in actioninitiated
Bikaner. subsequentyears irom next

To take a decisionin the matter

relaied to proseculionsanctionin The Agendarvas{:liscussedand
FIRS (32114 & 35/14) ol Sh. in thisregardMemberSecfelary, Notedand
Abhishek Purobit, Sh. Sar eep Engineering College Society
Kumar. SmtNeemjChoudhary,Sh. BikaDer is authorizedto lake
Jai Biasler. sh. Ranshan'an and appropriatedecisionby seenrg
Sh. NabalSinghfaculrynembersof alithe tacts.

\s>D- '0",.(/' 27"

Minutesof 4th Meeting

The Agendawasdiscussedand
BOC s'as agreedirr pfjnciple
To considerandapprovethe cfeation
rvith therenakesthata proposal Notedand Scckperrissior
of new postsin Non-Teachjngcadre
i. l6 may bc sefi trcugh Technical action
in CET Bikanerand conversionol'
Education Department to iilialed. (FD)
few earliersanclioned
FinanceDepadmcrt.Covt. ol
Rajaslhan for its consideraiion.
The AgeDdaias approvedas
To considerand approvclhe fixed proposedand in thjs regardthe
remunerationo[ Rs. 20.000/-(tuenty hiring oi servicesof a pe^or
thousand) per month for ihe muslbe liom relifcdOort. A.O.
3.17 C.A./Retired Golt. A.O/Reiircd / AAO aspertheDOP leshate. Noted
Public Seclor BaDh Manager ol Jt was also conveyed1() the
equivalenihired througl nanpower P.incipal CET that iu this
agencvin thecollege. regafdsllre rulesof DOP. Govl.
ofRaj mustbe follolved.
To considerand approvethe fee of
Rs. 1,000,'-(OneThousand) per Tho Agendas,as apprcvedas
-r.18 sludentfbf nudentwelfarefund fof pfoposed
1brboththecolleees. Noled
-Govl. Collegc of Engineefing&
The Agenda was approvedas
Reportingltemsof Govt. Collegeof
3.19 proposed. Noted
Engineeng & Technology, Bikarrer

Regarding item no 3,9, As per the dircctionsof technicaleducation
depafinent. discontinuingthe seNices of 150 non-teachingemployces
(workingthroughmanpoweragency)is approvedandfudherit is directedby
Boafdthat non-teachingexcessstaff is still therein ECB it must be rvorked
out andsamemustbe removed.

Item No. 4,3: Seekingguidancefor regular faculty memberswho are on EOL, lein etc.
at EngineeringCollegeBikaner
Reso.No. 4.3:TheAgendawasdiscussed andit wasdecidedto ibllow thestategort. nornts.

Item No. 4.4: To considerand approvefrom thc exemptionof IncomeTax Liability of

lbe Sociefy.
Reso.No. 4.4: Tlre Agendawas discussedand it rvas decidedand autho zed nember
Secretary.ECB societyto send a letter to teclmicaiEducationdepaitment
Gor.t.ofRaj for nccessary
actionat theif end.

Itcm No. 4.5: Seekingguidelinesfor absorptionof sen icesof ECB PolytechnicBikaner

Ihculty membersby llnginecringColl€geBikaner.
Iteso.No. 4.5: Agendawasdiscusscd andit js dccidedto put up thc dctailmattclon llle
to TechnicalEducationDepartmcDt.

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Minutesof 4th Meeting

Item No. 4.6: Approval for Reimbursementof medical expcnsesto Sh. Rtrvindra
Panchariyaat ECB.
Reso.No. 4.6: The Agendawas discussed and it was decidedto adoptthe goverlnnent
in thisrcgard.

Item No. 4.7i Seekingguidelinesfor releaseof remaininghalf salary & fo nullify study
bond of Mr' Ravindra PanchariYaat ECB.
Reso.No. 4.7: The Agendawasdiscussed andit wasdecidedthatsalarymay be rcleasedon
of Mr Panchariyaagainsthis credit leaves(PL/ML etc.), clse
lecoveredhis half paidsalarv.

Item No, 4,8:Seekingguid€lines aboutCommonag€ndarcsolutionpassed by Technicnl

EducatioDDeptt Govt. of Rajasthan.
Reso.No. 4.8: I-heAgendawasdiscussed andit is decidedto sendit to techdcaleducation
fol reviewofhiring ofNon-teachilgstalfthroughagcncy.

ltem-No.4.9: Approval for paymentof Ernployershale of EPF and ESI by thc College
lbr non-teachingstaff It'orking through manp0wcrcontractor.
Reso.No. 4.9: 1te Agendarvas discussedand it rvasdecidedthat a proposalmay be
preparedand same1naybe sentto TechnicalEducationDepallment,GOR
to take opilion {iom FinanceDepafiment, Go\'tof Ra-jasthan.

Item No. ,1.10: Approval for increase in wages of Non-teachingstalf (Through

ManpowerContractor)from existing57uto 12yoper year.
Reso.No. 4.10:TheAgendawasdiscussed both
at lengthandit wasrejecled.IIOG instructed
PrincipalsthatGovt.ofRajasthannorrnsmay lbllolvedin thisrcgafd

Ilem No. ,1.11rRelund of f€€ to mother of Late Akshra Choudhary,stud€ntof Il'Tech

(MechanicalEngg.)II shift, III Sem'at EngineeringCollegcBikaner.
Reso.No. 4.11:TheAgendawasapprovedasproposed

Itern No. ,1.12:Scekingguidelinesfor consideringthe post of Syst€mAnalyst under

"other academicstaff category"and 1oprovide plomotion oppofiunit"v
Reso.No.4.12:lhe Agenda andit wasnotapploved.
\las discussed

Item No. 4.13: Permissionto obsene hotiday on SecondSaturday of the month for
employees of the EcB society.
Reso.No. 4.13:TheAgendawasapprovedasproposed.

Item No. 4.141I'ermission to observefive days trcck lbr acadcmic .ctivilics.

Reso.No. 4.14r The Agendawas nol approl'ed.

M \)r- 1u''Nt'
Mjnutes of 4th Meeting
Borud ofCovemors

I Itcm No. ,1.15:Permission to start dairy parlour at institute.

Reso.No. 4.15: The Agenda was not approvedand it was decidedto heep dairy prcductsil'l
the institutecanleenilseli

Item No,4.16:Permission is to appointinlernalauditorsofthe Societ).

Reso.No. 4.16: Agendawasapprovedaspcr Bovernment plovisions

Item No. 4.17:Pcrmissionis to appointstatuaryauditor for linancialyenr 20I5-16.

Reso.No. 4.17: fhe Agendawas cliscussed and it was decidedto submitthe namesof
auditorsin nextBOG.

Item No. 4.18:Approval of audit report of financialyear 201,1-15of thc Socicfy'

Rcso.No. 4.18:The Agendawas discussed and decidedthat the accor.urts
must be audited
first by theAuditomandthcnput up in nextBOG.

Iten No. 4.19:Reportingitemsrelatedto EngineeringCollegcllikaner.

\ andit is decidedthal llrsl send
Reso.No. 4.19:The follor.vingreportingitemswasdiscussed
the detailsofeachilenlsplior to approvaiandlhe samcmay be appfovedin
S.N0. Subject Drte
Regafdingapprovalfor stadine M.Sc. (CS) fiom MGS Universitynr MCA 27-02-2015

2 ofretiredaccounlolficer.
To hireihe services 1 60 32 0 r 5
l Approvallor provisionalbudget for financialyeal20l5-16. 07,052015
Regarding amountdueliom CollegcofEngineering & Technology Bikanef. 20-06-2015
5 Regardingthe deputaiion of N4f.
Abhishek SinghKilak, Prclissor(CSE)
Assistant 0r-08-2015
at DSTRajasthan asProjectOfficer.
6 Pemissionto inplemeDtGroupMcdiclaimandPersonal AccidcntalPoliciesin the t0-08-2015
collegeaspef SlateCovernmenl rules.
1 Approlal lbr Budgetfor financiallear 2015-16(Engineering CollegeBikaner). 09-09-2015
8 Approval of ninules of mcciing of buildiDg & wo*s committeeof Govt 03-01-2016
Ensineering CollegeBikanler(RSRDCMoU).
9 Approvalfor budgelfor llnarcial]'ear2016-17(Englneering CollegeBikaner' I i-04-201{'
l0 Approvaltbr repairiDgandrnanrLenance work in ECBcampus. 05-05-_2016
]l IncreasingfeeforM.Sc.(Physics, Chemistry & MaLhc atics) 25-052016
1) Regarding guidelinesfor pursuingM.Tech.progqmmefio RTU,Kola, in favorof 3 1 - 0250 1 6
Ms. Charu JainLecturerin DeparLtnent of ComputerScience& Engineeng, ECB
Polylechnic College.
1l Apprcvalrcgardingonlineexanriralion leld at ECB Campus. 0t-06-2016
.f ifu< qr€-dlo1 I@1AqdMl S qE d tir€ tii<r w Fglal 6 rr'{+T 03-062016
l5 Regafdingrelaxationln Calegory5-M.lech. (l']al.ltime- tull pay) & CalegoryG 01-06
Ph.D.(Pat time rullpay).

ht- \uuz /ol\"

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Minutesof 4th Meeling

Item No. 4.20:Agendaitems& Rcportingi{cmsrelafedto Ilostels.

Reso.No. 4.20:A11the relatedilemsdelered andcollegeadminislration
shouldnot lun the
ownedhostelsandgraduallyprlvatehostelsmuslbe closed.

Item No. 4.21: Agenda items & Reporting i{ems r€lated to TEQIP-II at Enginecring
Reso.No. 4.21: The Agendawasdiscussed anddecidedto strictlyfollow TEQIP-II rules
of NPIU ibr iten1s
I andIT.
(ii) Repotingitemsareapplovedaspcr stictly TEQIP-II rulesofNPIU 1bL
itemsIII to IX.

Item No. ,1.22:To incorporateAICTE Gazettenotificatio[ dated06 Jnnusry 2016lrnd

09 .Iune2016for the Society.
Reso.No. 4.22: The Agendawas allplovedto incorporatethe amendments dooe by the
AICTE vide Gazettenotificationdated06 Jaruary'2016and09 June2016
regarding cla|ificatiois on certain issues/ anolnaliespertaining to
\ qualifications,pay scales, servicc conclitions,Career Advancement
Schemes(CAS) etc. for teachersand other academicstaff o1'techoical

Item No. ;1.23: To approve creation of Non-Teaching posts at Engineering College

Reso.N-o.4.23: The Agendawas discussedand it was decidedto scndthe proposalto
technicaldepaftmentso that samecanbe forwardedto FinanceDepadment
for consideration.

Item No, 4.24:To considcrand approvethe separatefund for gratuity and PL benefit
on Superannuationthrough Lilc Insurance Corporation for th€
Reso.No. 4.24: Thc Agendawas discussed and decidedto follo\4'StateGovemmentmles
andmattersendto the FinanceDepa nent.

Item No. 4.25: To considerand approvedisposing-offpractical file usedlrnswerbooks

of internal examinationsand p(oject rcports submittedby studentsfor
thc Society,
Reso.No. 4.25: l lie Agcndawasapprovedasproposed.


Itcm No. ,1.26: To consider and approve the budget under different heads for the
financial year 2016-17and rcvised estimation for 2015-16
Reso.No. 4.26:TheAgendawasapprovedasproposed.

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Minutesof 4th Meeting

Item No. 4.27:To consideland approvelhe formation of StudentActiYifyCentre(SAC)

Reso.No. 4.27tTheAgendawasapprovedasproposed

ItemNo,4.28: To consiiler and approvc the debarm€nt of students lrom

Class/LabMidterm and UniversityBxam in cascof non-submission of
feein scheduledtime
Reso.No. 4.28iThe AgendaI'as discussedanddecidedto fiame rulesandsendthe sameto
TechnicalEducationDepaftmentfor apptovalso thesemay be implemented
for a1lengineering

Item No.4.29:To cotrsiderand approYe04 nerr packages1obe proctlredthrough PMSS

under TEQIP-II
Reso.No. 4.29:TheAgenda*as approvedasper TEQIP-IInorms'

Item No. 4.30: Agenda items rclated to TEQIPJI at Coltcge of Engineering &
Reso.No. 4.30:TheAgendawasapprovedasperTEQIP-IINPFUnotms'

Item No'4.31: Reportingitemsof CollegeofEngine€ring& TechnologyBikaner'

Reso.No. 4.31|The.Agenda wasapplovedasperTEQIP-IInofms'

(Dr'.Jaiprakash (Sh. RajhansUphadhaY.)
ECB SocietY
MemberSecretary, Additional GoR&


(Yh.Kali Charan
(Dr. A.K. Sarkal)
Director, Hon'BleTeclxricalMinister&
ChairmanBoG,ECB SocietY ECB SocietY

l1- l0

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