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DIVISION 2019 – 20.
• Chromatin fibre:
o Definition: Chromatin fibres are thin thread like structures of genetic
material distributed in the nucleoplasm.
o Location: They are distributed in the nucleoplasm of a cell.
o Function: They enclose the genetic material DNA.
• Chromosomes:
o Definition: Chromosomes are highly condensed coiled chromatin fibres
distributed in the nucleoplasm.
o Location: It is located in the nucleoplasm of a cell.
o Function: It carries genes which determine hereditary characters
• Chromatids: They are duplicated paired chromosomes attached to each other by a
• Centromere:
o Definition: It is a small constricted region forming a point of attachment for
two sister chromatids.
o Function: The centromere serves to attach to the spindle fibres during cell
• Nucleosome: It is a complex structure formed by winding a DNA strand around a
core of eight histone molecules.
• DNA (Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid): It is a macro-molecule having double-helical
structure composed of nucleotides.
• Nucleotide: It is a basic structural unit of DNA composed of phosphate, sugar
(pentose) and a nitrogenous base.
• Genes: Genes are specific sequences of nucleotides on a chromosome determining
heredity characteristics.
• Formation of the new DNA:
o Gene Duplication: During the interphase of mitotic cell cycle, each DNA
molecule (chromosome) duplicates for their equitable distribution in two
daughter cells.
o DNA Replication:
§ The DNA double helix opens at one end, making the two strands free,
to which a new strand begins to form.
§ This process continues in a sequence for the whole length of the DNA

Falguni Thakker, 03, Sapna bldg. S.V Road, Vile Parle (w), Mumbai 56. Tel 9820428493 Page 1

• Function of New cells: We need to be produce new cells for growth, repair,
replacement & reproduction.
o Growth – A single cell divides by mitosis repeatedly to form a cluster of cells
which starts shaping for different functions to form tissues and organs.
o Repair – Accidental injuries get repaired through cells which divide by mitosis
to cover up the gaps and join the broken ends.
o Replacement – The wear and tear of cells during normal body function needs
replacement by new cells through mitotic division of their parent cells.
o Reproduction – To propagate the species by fission or diploid as in mitosis or
by haploid as in meiosis.
• Asters: An aster is a star shaped micro tubular structure with radiating rays formed
around each centrosome during mitosis.
• Spindle fibres: Spindle fibres are a number of microtubules (fibres) appearing
between 2 daughter centrioles and connecting to centromere of each chromatid.
• Haploid cell: Haploid cell is a nucleus of a cell having single set of chromosomes,
from each parent.
• Diploid cell: Diploid cell is a nucleus of a cell having two complete set of
chromosomes, one from each parent.

• Types of cell division:
o Mitosis (diploid division) - Cell division taking place in somatic cells for
growth, repair, replacement and development.
o Meiosis (haploid division) - Cell division which takes place in the
reproductive organs for the production of gametes (sex cells).
• Interphase: The phase between two successive cell divisions of a cell in a cell cycle is
known as interphase.
• MITOSIS: In this cell division:
o One parent cell divides into two identical daughter cells.
o The chromosome number of the parent cell is maintained at each cell division
while forming the new daughter cells.
• Phases of mitosis:
o It occurs in two steps: Karyokinesis and cytokinesis.
§ Karyokinesis – All the nuclear changes that occur during cell division
are collectively termed as Karyokinesis.
§ Cytokinesis – All the cytoplasmic changes that occur during cell
division are collectively termed as Cytokinesis.
o Karyokinesis: It occurs in 4 phases:
Prophase, metaphase, anaphase and telophase (PMAT).

Falguni Thakker, 03, Sapna bldg. S.V Road, Vile Parle (w), Mumbai 56. Tel 9820428493 Page 2

§ Prophase:

§ Metaphase:

§ Anaphase:

§ Telophase:

Falguni Thakker, 03, Sapna bldg. S.V Road, Vile Parle (w), Mumbai 56. Tel 9820428493 Page 3

o Cytokinesis:
§ Karyokinesis is followed by cytokinesis.
• In animal cell - The cleavage furrow deepens from periphery to
the centre and divides the cell into two new cells.
• In plant cell - a cell plate is formed at the centre and grows to
the periphery and divides the cell into two new cells.
§ All contents of cytoplasm including the organelles get randomly
distributed in the daughter cells.
§ Mitochondria and chloroplasts, have their own DNA and ribosomes.
Both of these divide by simple fission, and are distributed between
the two daughter cells produced by mitosis.
• During Mitosis:
o Two daughter cells are formed.
o Diploid (2n) condition is maintained.
• Significance of mitosis:
§ Growth, Repair and Regeneration.
§ Asexual reproduction (Amoeba, Bacteria).
§ Diploid chromosome number is maintained
• Cell Cycle:
o Definition: It is the cyclical events, which take place during any cell division.
o It comprises of: Interphase (G1-S-G2) – Mitosis –
Karyokinesis (PMAT) – Cytokinesis.
o Interphase:
§ It has three stages: G1-S-G2
§ First Growth Phase now called Gap 1 (G1):
• Changes occurring in this phase are:
o Cell grows and functions normally
o RNA and proteins are synthesised.
o Mitochondria and chloroplasts divides.
o The volume of cytoplasm increases.
• Fate of cell after G1:
o The cell may either withdraw by entering the resting
phase (R) now called gap zero (G0) phase OR
o The cell prepares for next cell division by entering into
Synthesis (S) phase.
§ Synthesis Phase (S): Active synthesis of DNA.
§ Second Growth Phase now called Gap 2 (G2): Changes occurring are:
• More RNA and proteins are synthesized.

Falguni Thakker, 03, Sapna bldg. S.V Road, Vile Parle (w), Mumbai 56. Tel 9820428493 Page 4

o Meiosis takes place in the reproductive organs.
§ In humans- Testis and Ovary produce sperms and ova.
§ In flowering plants - Anthers and Ovary produce pollen grains and ovules.
o During meiosis:
§ The number of chromosomes in the sex cells becomes half.
§ Homologous chromosomes come in pair.
§ They duplicate to form 4 non – sister chromatids. This condition is
called the tetrad.
§ During the tetrad condition, the maternal and paternal chromosomes
exchange their genetic material during crossing over.
o Homologous chromosomes: is a pair of similar chromosomes, one from each parent.
o Synapsis: Pairing up of homologous chromosomes during meiosis.
o Crossing over: A process of exchange of genetic materials between non sister
chromatids of homologous chromosomes at the point of intersection called
chiasmata during meiosis.
o Chiasmata: The point of intersection at which crossing over takes place is
called chiasmata.
o Tetrad: A condition of duplicated homologous chromosomes to form 4 non-
sister chromatids during meiosis cell division.
• Significance of meiosis:
o Genetic variations can be seen in offspring due to exchange of genetic
material during crossing over.
o During meiosis, haploid gametes are formed so that a diploid chromosome
number is maintained in the zygote.

Ø Falguni Thakker
Ø Food Technologist, B.Ed.
Ø Teaching Maths and Science since 1990.
Ø Author to internationally published Maths physics chemistry and
Ø Creating Rankers year after year.
Ø Regular, Crash Courses and Test Series Batches for IX & X, available at:
Ø Vile Parle West:
Maths, Physics, Chem and Biology – Regular, Crash Course and Test
Series Batches available at 03, Raj Sapna, S.V. Road, Vile Parle west,
Mumbai 56. 9820428493.
Ø Vile Parle East:
Maths, Physics, Chem, Biology, English literature, English language -
Regular Batches; History & Geography –Test Series Batches,
Emotional and Intelligence Quotient mentor available at 303, Pratik
Avenue, opp. Shiv Sagar, vile parle east, Mumbai 57. 9833480572

Falguni Thakker, 03, Sapna bldg. S.V Road, Vile Parle (w), Mumbai 56. Tel 9820428493 Page 5

Ø Bandra West:
Biology and Chemistry crash course Batches available at Key2
success, near PWC, Bandra west, Mumbai. 9867589912.

Falguni Thakker, 03, Sapna bldg. S.V Road, Vile Parle (w), Mumbai 56. Tel 9820428493 Page 6

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