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Name: Muhammad Sohail

Pseudo Name : Sahal Yawar

Address: Mohallah Irfan Nagar, Village

Bazar, Tehsil Rustam, District Mardan
Province, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan

Phone: +923409820183


Nationality: Pakistan

Age: 19

Gender: Male

“Stephen hawking was of course a brilliant scientist but an atheist and has finally reached hell” Rahim posted
on his Facebook timeline. “Akbar’s generosity does not impress me at all; I hate him because he is a Muslim!”
said Joseph. “I would rather die than marrying a Muslim girl” said Parkash. But wait . . . these are the mild
ones. Let me show you some more serious ones. They go like this: Rahim stabbed Peter in his back, shouted
the slogan of Allah Akbar and said “This pig deserves hell for following the wrong Prophet!” Peter hanged
Rahim from a tree looked up at the sky and shouted in triumph “My Lord! Today I have proved my worth to

These examples clearly show us how intolerant are the people of faith among themselves. Let me tell you the
reason why this happens. Religions have their very basis lying on a principle which I call ‘submission to the
Divine Dictatorship’. They may call it ‘God’s sovereignty’. Under this rule every religion orders you to follow
its rules without questioning them. Why should I not drink and eat with left hand? Why should I put on the
right sleeve first when I am changing clothes? Why should I not pray for the soul of a Christian man? Why
should I pray to God if He already knows what I need? And why should I not ask such questions? The only
answer you receive is ‘God orders so’ and ‘God forbids from it’.

Every religion claims that it is the only true faith and only those people following it deserve heaven. They
might not incite hatred in its followers but it clearly leads to it. This ‘Divine Dictatorship’ becomes part of
each religious person’s mentality, and it leads to bad consequences. Consider this. I belong to a Muslim
society and I have been taught in mosques and in schools that no matter how good a Christian is, he remains
despised in the eyes of God. No matter how bad I am, I am way better than the most peaceful infidel in the
world, because I follow the right faith. This is the case with every religion. With this being taught, do you
expect me that I’ll ever consider Christians as my brothers? With this mentality do you expect that people of
different faiths will ever truly love each other? Will they ever unite? Will their hearts ever sing the same
tune? Truly it is impossible. Such mentality leads to what I have discussed in the beginning of this article.

So this mentality needs to be wiped out. This is the change that I would like to make. I would like to change
the world to a place where people are judged by their deeds and not by their faiths, a world where people
see each other through the goggles of humanity and not their personal faiths, a world where God has
universal definitions of right and wrong. A world where believing in God leads to tolerance and not
intolerance, a world where people of different faiths go hand in hand with their hearts linked by the threads
of humanity. A world which is ruled by divine and not divine dictators.

Now what would I do to bring this change? Convincing people that all men must be equal in the eyes of God
irrespective of their religions is in other words convincing them that their scriptures are not true. Such a
movement will be considered an act of infidelity and even blasphemy. But the concept of God must be
reviewed if we are to change the world to a better place. I’ll put my share in this movement. The only thing I
have got which can help me contribute in bringing this change is my pen. I’ll use my pen to teach the people
that believing in the megalomaniacal God is lethal to Global peace. I’ll tell them that God’s true justice means
that He does not do favoritism. In other words He does not favor people on the basis of their religions. The
only true path that God has chosen for us is humanity.

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