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D. C. MecKav" axo J, S. Lrere
Crnnda Depart?nent of Agriculture, I{entuille, Noaa Scatia
lReceived for publication Septernber 5, I96Il
Optimum nutrient levels were derived by comparing the polynomial
tegression curves relating leaf analyses and crop yields with rates of applied
Can. J. Plant Sci. Downloaded from by on 11/20/19

nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. IJppermost mature leaves were used

for analysis, and samples ivere collected- it specific physiological stages of
In two seasons the optimum ler,-els in sweet corn difiered by 7,25 a.nd
9 per ccnt, and in snap beans by 12. 29 end 1l per cent for nitrogen.
phosphorus and potassium resp.ectivel)'. A lorv moisture supply was gen-
erally associated with lorver optimun: levels for all three nutrients, but
"excess" moisture had only slight effects on these levels for any nutrient.
Optimum nutrient levels rvhich rvere calculated from ample moisture
conditions s'ere, for the tassel-emerging stage of srveet corn, 3.5, 0.18 and
2.5 per cent, and at the early flou'er siage bf snap beans 5.1, 0.'10 and 2'0
per cent fo.r'n-itrogen, pl-rosphorus and poiassium,.respectively. At the sixth
to seventh leaf stage of su'eet corn optimum levels were higher tor nrtrogen
and potassium'but lorver for phosphorus (3.8, 3.1 and 0.34 per cent lgsPe,c-
tively), and at thc pollen-shedding stage the levels rvere only slightly
different than at tassel-emergence.
For personal use only.

Leaf analysis has been used extensiveiy in the successful diagnosis and
correction of nutrient deficiencies of tree fruits (4, 8), of other perennials
(18, 21) and of some long-season annuals (17, 26). With niany vegetable
crops the possibility of correcting deficiencies is less attractive since croP
development may be too far advanced, by the time they are detected, to
permit correction. However, a know-ledge of specific optimum levels for
these crops is valuable for evaluating the effects of past treatments. Further,
in the investigation of various factors of crop performance, such as sus-
ceptibility to parasite attack, interactions ra'ith nutrition may exist, so that
some means of evaluating the nutritional status of the plants used is highly
The term "optimum nutrient level" will be applied in this paper to mean
the elemental concentration in the leaf, above rvhich no further increase in
crop. vield can be. expected. This correspglas t1r1 the term "critical
nurrient concentration" as first suggested bv A{acy (16) but since the latter
terrn has also been used in somewhat different rvays (25), and because of
the method of determination in the uresent work. the former term is
For maxirnum usefulness. an oDtimum nutrient level should be as tvidely
appiicahle as possible. \lacv (16) cr,nterrdecl thet variation in "ordinarv'
g':rlu'th factorls had no eifect on the critical value for a given species, {rut
rhat some "special" conditions could cause difficulties. Bennett et nl. {2\
ohtained good agreement ber$/een criticaX niti'o?en values of sr'l'eet com
{rro\\rn in different locations, and othet:s i21, 25J have rePorted consistent
,Contribltior lrio, 1083 lioro lhe Hesearch fltn-lirrr, Canalll l)eFartDrent of AgicLrlitre, Koitriltre,
: llrat s.alf r.ltirtit: E!).rimcit:ll !'r.nii. Ctriark|rirtof ;r, P-lFl T

results under a variety of conditions. Of the factors examined, seasonal

effects have probably'caused the greatest concern (20), but much work is
still required to determine the limits of applicability of optimum levels
derived from a specific set of conditions.
It has often been difficult to compare results in the literarure because of
a lack of uniformity in plant parts sampled, time of sampling and the ana-
lytical procedures, for it is known that such factors influence the results
{6, 25). Although the techniques of plant sampling which are best for one
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crop may not be preferable for others, there appear to be several principles
which must be considered, if fruitful results are to be obtained: (a) specific
plant tissues which can be sampled in a reproducible way should be used;
ib) tissues chosen should be highly sensitive to changes in nutrient supply;
(c) time of sampling should correspond rvith a stage of development that
can be sharply defined and readily distinguished. The selection of "recently
rnatured leaves" as suggested bv Ulrich (2+,p. 173) seems to fulfil the first
tu'o of these conditions reasonably well. Pollen sheddinq has been a com-
mon sampling stage for field corn'( 1,2,20,23), and fulfiis requirement (c)
weil. How-evet, this stage is too late to offer much possibility for deficiency
correction urith sweet corn, so that an earlier staqe should be selected for
this crop.
The purpose of this srudv was to determine the optimum levels of
For personal use only.

total nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in su'eet corn and snap bean leaves,
sampled according to specifically defined procedures, and to evaluate the
effect of seasons and different levels of moisture supply.


Carmelcross sweet corn (Zea mays) and Kinghorn Golden Wax snap
Iteans (Phaseolus owlgaris) were grown on Cornwallis sand at Berwick, Nova
Scotia, in a series of plots receiving a range of each of the fertilizer nutrienrs,
nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Four irrigation treatments lvele also
included in the triplicated split-plot design, and each clop \vas grorvn for
2 years, locating plot treatments on the same areas in successive vears. De-
tailed descriptions of the treatments, exoerintental design and rnethods of
obtaining yield data were given elseu,here (15).
Sampling methods rvere designed to contlol as rnanv sources of vari-
ability as possible ancl to provide a reproducitrie procedure u.-hich could be
specifically defined. Sr,veet coln was sampled at one _qrowrh stage in 1956
and at three stages io 1957. L'ppennost matlrre leaves (usuallv the third
from the top) \4/ere collected, 12 to l5 pel plot being taken. In both years
all plots rvere sampled u'hen tassels .r=r. '.trl.tginf from the leaf sheath,
this being considered the main sampling stag'e. The other sampling stages
in 1957 were: (a) the 6-7 lelf stage u'hich was about 3 weeks earJier', and
ib) the beginning of pollen siredJing, ri{rich 7-10 days Jater th:u the
rnain sampling. Only fertilizer plots unCer the "optimum" irrigation tr:eat-
Irlent w-ere sampled at the forme,r tinre. those under "excess" irrigaiion rvele
:;anrpled at the iattel stag-c. ( [t l r.s fc',rrct], tirlt ii all samplings"l-e re madc
cn the same pIots. r'ields rnight he reiluced fronr the resuiting defoiiatjon.)

Snap bean samples were collected from individual plots as each reached
the stage when 10 per cent of the plants were in flower. Uppermost mature
leaves #ere again taken, but the ieaf blades were severed from their petioles,
and the latter discarded. Twenty to twenty-five leaves constituted a samPle'
Samples were dried, ground and analysed for total nitrogen, phosphorus
and potassium by the methods which, in a previous study with sweet corn
(13)l were found to be preferable for this purpose.
In the statistical treatment of yield and nutrient level data, the poly-
Can. J. Plant Sci. Downloaded from by on 11/20/19

nomial components of the sums of squares for treatment effects were deter-
mined and, from the significant regression coefficients, "expected" values
were calculated for each treatment. The procedure outlined by Goulden
(7), which utilizes Fisher and Yates' tables of E (5), was used. Curves of
best fit were plotted from the "expected" values, and the nutrient concen-
trations corresponding rvith the maximum yields were selected graphically.
These were assumed to be optimum nutrient levels.


Nutrient (as per cent of dry matter)
Crop and season
For personal use only.

Nitrogen Phosphorus Potassium

Sweet corn, 1956 3.32 >0.40 t 1A

Sweet corn, 1957 0.32 2.441

Snap beans, 5.52 >0.44 <2.0t

Snap beans, 4 .90 >0.34 <1.81

rThe efiect of potassium treatments on yield was not significant.



Nutrient (as per cent of dry matter)

Irrigation treatment
Phosphorus Potassium

Sweet Corn

None >0.31 <1 .25

Minimum >0.36 <1 .17
Optimum >0.38 2.43
Excess >0.39 2.56

Snap Beans

None 4 .58 0 .30 <1.93

Minimum 4.55 0 .39 <1.93
Optimum 5.21 0 .38 <1.93
Excess 5.Jv 0 .39 <1.93



Can. J. Plant Sci. Downloaded from by on 11/20/19

t z
? =
: .o

t2345t2345 45

FIcune 1. Curves of best 6t shorving relationship betr.veen yields and nutrlent

content of su'eet corn.
For personal use only.

The effect of different seasons on optimum levels was determined by

combining irrigation treatments and calculating "expected" mean values for
each crop and both years.
The influence of moisture supply was also investigated by combining
the results for the two years of each crop and deriving optimum values
under each of the irrigation treatments. In isolating the appropriate poly-
nomial components it was necessary to adjust the procedure for several
situations (15, Tables 3 and 4): (a) If treatments of a fertilizer nutrient
rvere significant as well as the irrigation x fertilizer interaction, polynomials
rvere determined for each irrisation treatment and "expected" values were
calculated for all t-reatments; ("b) if nutrient and irrigation treatments were
significant, but the interaction was not, common regression coefficients were
applied to the mean of each irrigation treatment tJcalculate the "expected"
rralues for each nutrient level; (c) if fertilizer treatments were significant
and irrigation as well as the interaction of irrigation x fertilizer were not,
over-all "expected" r'alues were calculated and assigned for all irrigation
levels; (d) if neither fertilizer t-reatments nor the irrigation x fertilizer inter-
action were significant, regression analysis was not justified and the means
r,vere taken as the "expected" values for fertilizer treatments.
To determine the optimum leyels which should be applicable generally,
results from the "optimum" and "excess" irrigation treatments of both years
lvere combined and both the vield and nutrient curves of best fit were
derived and plotted for each ciop (Figures 1 and 2). In addition, similar
curves for the early and late samplings of the 1957 sweet corn crop were
plotted and optimum levels were determined for these sampling stages.

Effect of Season on OptimuznNutrient Leaels
The optimum levels obtained for nitrogen content agreed very closely
for the tru6 ,"rron, in sweet corn (3.32 cent). Althoigh they
were much higher in snap beans (i.52 and,4.9 pei cent), ieasonal agieemerit
was also fairly good (Table 1).
Phosphorus levels were of about the same order in both crops, but
Can. J. Plant Sci. Downloaded from by on 11/20/19

€xcept foi one year (1957),average yields were still increasing at the highest
phoqphorus treatment and it wai not possible to calculate true optimum
leveli (Table 1). With both crops phosphorus levels were somervhat
lo'iver in the second year.
The potassium concentrations associated with treatment levels were
very similir in both years for each crop. However, response was significant
in only one year (i956), so that speCific optimum levels could not be de-
rived for the others (Table 1).
Effect of lrrigation Treatrnents ott Optinntm Nzfirient Levels
The nutrient leaf levels associated rvith maximum yields rvere influenced
by irrigation treatments to about the same degree and in the same direction
with sweet corn as with snap beans (Table 2). With nitrogen, these levels
For personal use only.

were lower with both "none" and "minimum" irrigation treatmenrs, while
with phosphorus only the "none" treatment had this effect. The optimum
Ievels of potassium associated rvith these treatments were also lower for
sweet corn, but not for snap beans. "Excess" moisture resulted in optimum
levels, for all nutrients and both crops, which rvere similar to those found
for the "optimum" irrigation treatment.
Probable Optinrum Nutrient Leaels
The mean values for yield and nutrient content as obtained by averag-
ing the results from the "optimum" and "excess" irrigation treatments
generally exhibited slight scatter around their curves of best fit (Figures I
and 2).
The curves for nitrogen were the most satisfactory for determination
of optimum levels, because large responses in both yield and nutrient content
were obtained. Further, the range in treatment rates reached and exceeded
that necessary to produce maximum yields with both crops.
Large responses were also recorded for phosphorus treatments but a
maximum yield was just barely reached with snap beans (Figure 2)- and was
not obtain'ed with sweet corn (Figure 1). The scatter diagram for sweet
corn suggests a levelling off, however, so that the yield associated with
treatment P-5 may be veqy close to the maximum.
Results wele less satisfactory for potassium than for the other nutrients.
Yield responses for su'eet corn, although not large, were significant when
the 2 yeirs' results were combined and the curve did exhibit a maximum
(Figure 1). With snap beans, yields were not significantly different
(Figure 2). The potassium content of both crops reflected the treatments
applied, particularly at the lower levels.

The optimum leaf levels derived for ample soil moisture supply we-re,
for the main sampling of sweet corn, 3.5, 0.39 and 2.5 per cent, and for
snap beans 5.1, 0.4b z.o per cent for nitrogen, phosphoius and potassium,
respectively (Table ".t?
3). The stage of development influenced.the oPjimur.n
witf, levels of phosphorus increasing and levels
levels obtained in su,eet corn,
o,f potassium decreasing as the season piogressed. Optimum levels of
nitrbgen were only slig-htly affected, the-earliest samp ing producing the
highest value (Table 3).
Can. J. Plant Sci. Downloaded from by on 11/20/19

The maximum response of crops to nitrogen was at a higher level of
fertilization in these experiments thin rvould ginerally be coniidered prac-
tical (360 znd 120 pouhds per acre of actual-nitrogen for srveet corn and
snap beans respecti;ely). The low initial fertilitybf the soil and the lack
of brganic -"it.t no "doubt account for the higli requirements. The leaf
Ievels"corresponding with maximum yields sho-uld afply equally to more
fertile soils. ho"veve-r. and should be reached on such soils u'ith much lower
rates of fertilization. When crop yields tvete reduced by Poor moisfffe
supply, lower nutrient lerrels and-also lesser fertilizer rates r'vere sufficient.
It rnay follow that if other environmental conditions limit yields, the opti
mum nutrient lel'els n-ray be lower than those established in this study.
For personal use only.

Few optimum values have been published for sweet corn .and snap
beans. Thbse reported by Thomas et al. (22) are lower'-but since their
sampling stages cin only be estimated from the number of days after plant-
ing and-more mature leaves were sampled, the results are not strictly com-
parable. With field corn, average critical values for nitrogen 'from 2.8 to
'l.t p.t cent have been reported f-or samples consisting of thE sixth leaf from
the bottom and taken at tasseling (2,20,23). ilIost of these workers
defined their critical value as corresponding with 95 per cent of the maxi-
mum yield, and most experiments did not include rates of nitrogen beyond
those required for rnaximum yield.

'f-{sra 3. Pnonanrn opTr}rttM LEAF LEVELS oF NLITRTENTS rN swltE'f coltN AND sNrlP BEANS

(as por cerrt ,rf dr]' rnattcr)

Stage of developntertt

Nitrogcn Phosphorus Potassium

Sweet Corn

5th-7th leaf 0 .34

Tassels emerging t .38
Pollen shedding 0 .41

Snap Reans

109/o bloom 0 .40

| 2.0



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o _^ -
; o
- z
: E

' ' ' '0r5


Frcunp 2. Cun'es of bcst fit shorving relationship betu-een yields and nutrient
content of snao beans.
For personal use only.

The necessity of hea\,y rares of phosphorus was expecred for both

crops in view of the l<nown high retentlon -apacity of this-soil (14), but it
yLt -"ot anticipated that 600 pounds per acre of P,O; (15, Table 1) might
fall short of the requirements. Banded application of P,O" would have b6en
more.effective (3)f but such a method -"r trot considered pracrical in these
experiments, since relocation on the same area would likely have resulted
in greater variability from occasional conracr with residual bands. Never-
theless, in spite of the element of uncertainty illustrated by the curves of
best fit (Figures I and 2) a maximum value'was reached ih O out of 8 of
the observed means for the "optimum" and "excess" irrigation tfeatments.
Thus, the optimum levels of phbsphorus derived with rheie irrigation treat-
ments approach the true optimum (Table 3). These values are higher than
those reported by Thomis Q2\ and that for sweer corn is coniiderablv
higher than Tyn6r's value of'o.jt per cent for field corn (23). Howevei,
Barber obtained a level of 0.35 with a sampling procedure comparable to
Tyner's and maximum response to phosphorus had not been reached (1).
The slight response to potassium was surprising, for it is generally as-
sumed thatsandy soils are pbor suppliers of this nutrient (12), and experi-
mental results have shown a large response on some sandy soils (9,-19).
Perhaps yield results alone are hot sufficienr as crireria ior establishins
optimum-potassium levels, since its influence on disease susceptibility (10)
and on quality of some crops (11) are also important consideraiions. Ffow-
ever, the value of 1.39 per cent suggesred blTyner (23) as a critical level
for field corn is far below the 2.1 obtained in the present study for the
pollen-shedding stage. There appears to be little dou6t, therefore,-rhat light
lpplications oi pot*ash on this soil should be sufficient for many o'"g"tail"
April, 19621 MAcKAy AND LEEFE-LEAF LEvELS oF NITRocEN, ETc. 245

Thus, a superficial examination would suggest that the- oPtimum values

determined in this study for sweet coln are somewhat higher than those
previously reported in the literature, even when sampling differences are
Thit is due, at least in part, to the rather irbitrary selectionty
sorne workers of a "practical" maximum yield, lvhich uzually_ corresP-onded
with 95 per cent of^the calculated maximum (2, 20, 23-). It would seem
preferabli to determine, if possible, the true oPtimum values.and more com-
illete retpottse curves. From the curves presented here (Figures 1 and 2)
Can. J. Plant Sci. Downloaded from by on 11/20/19

the leveli corresponding with any percentage yield may be readily calcu-
Iated if desired.
The general applicability of the optimum levels derived cannot be-Plg-
jected beliond theiimits investigated with certainqy. But the results of this
itudy, inlicating reasonable between ,""ronr and the slight effect
of variable mois?ure except w-hen it was seriously deficient, are encouraging.
The efiects of other soif qypes, other varieties'and other variations in en-
vironmental conditions need to be investigated further'

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2. Bennett, W. F., G. Stalford, and- T., Dumenil. 1953. Nitrogen, ghosphorus and
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For personal use only.

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