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2 scrum team.

Members : 1 BA, 1 UI/ ux, 5 developers,

Ba sends stories via JIRA tool. You need to assign there .


Skeletons are assigned. You review & say whether u can do it.

Functional story : Options, clicking.

Peer reviewing.

LSA reviewing.

PO product owner review.

We work o branch.

To avoid conflicts of rule when rules are merged if there are conflicts . We talk to peers to

QAT environment :

Talk about how you used to make the screen appear on conditions.

Example : The insurance screen will not appear unless the user chooses “ Has prior insurance”? option
as Yes.

We have made the Prior Insurance variable as Yes/No.. i.e Checkbox

Now the next insurance details page will not be available unless user chooses YES

How to make this possible?

Simply create a WHEN rule and a put condition of “Prior Insurance” value as YES.

Now go back to section and go to properties of that new section there you go to VISIBILITY and click on
“Condition (When)” there in dropdown you choose the when rule you created.
This is half work done. You also need to refresh the value of page. You need to now referesh the section
on click of Prior Insurance.

Go to cell property of Prior Insurance. Now click on Action Tab. Click on > Create An action Set

 Add event > Click

 Add action > Refresh

Also talk about how you can make any property as compulsory to be input. This can be done by
changing the Required Option to Always.

You can also apply control like if phone number has 10 digits then go to property of Phone number and
go to presentation menu.. here you can enter min 7 max character.

Q> create an activity to assign first name & last name with any values?

First create activity

Now go to pages & classes section and create a page (Child-page) in same Class

Come to first option “Steps”

Now: 1. Page-New : Childpage.

2. Property-set : Child page

>>> Childpage.FirstName Anurag

Childpage.Lastname Amar

Q> Create an activity Parent activity & call child activity from it.

Considering childActivity is already created.

First Create Parent Activity.

Now go to Pages & Classes and declare parent page.

Once parent page is declared go to steps :

 Page-New ParentPage
 Call ChildActivity ParentPage
 Property Set Parentpage

Using Branch :

Just replace step 2 and replace call with Branch.

q> Where can you select activity type?

Activity > go to security tab…

You will find a dropdown of USAGE > Types of activity

Q> How to invoke parent activity using utility shape of flow?

Open Parent activity

go to security tab…

You will find a dropdown of USAGE > UTILITY

Now create a Flow.< considering flow is not created>

Create a flow : Start > Utilty Shape > End Shape

You don’t need assignment shape here.

Double click on Utility Shape.

Under Rule : Select parentactivity

& submit
Q> Create a new table States with columns state code (primary key), state name & add data to this

Data Explorer> Add data type.

Give Label & description.

Go to Advanced drop . Now Choose Data Implementation layer …. Default you will see Orgz layer. But
you need to choose data implementation layer.

Click on Data Model & Add Field.

First one is State Code.

Next one is StateName.

Go to records tab > Configure Source.

Since we need to make state code as primary key so click on “Use as key “ option of State code.

Click Next & Close.

In the next screen you can add data to state code & state name

Now Save.

Note : Physical table you can see only in PostgreSQL

Q> How to fetch records using Obj-browse?

Create activity BrowseStatesAct

In method : Type : Obj-browse

Click on drop down : Enter page name from which u want to fetch data. Data once fetched from table
will be stored on this table in clipboard.
You can also enter ObjClass i.e class name from where you would like to fetch the data.

You can also enter Max records there… i.e only particular tables the data will be fetched. If you do not
give any value here… then 10k is default value

In select field enter the column you need to search.

Bcz tables can hold only single records… Hence Prpc creates tables like pxresults(1) , pxresults (2)..

Each page will be created for each record.

These are all created under pxResults . PxResults here is a page list.

Pxresults in created Code-PegaList class.

Page list is an ordered collection of pages.

NOTE SUMMARY : Here pxresults is OOTB pagelist property which is available under predefined class

The multiple records that are being fetched from table will be assigned to px results on clipboard.
Pxresults contains N number of pages where n = no of records to be fetched.The states page which we
pass as a parameter to Obj browse method will be created on clipboard holding the pxresults pagelist.

As pxresults is property of code-pega list class states page will be created referring to code pega list


Q> you need to populate the States value in the section from the tables you have made earlier.

Ans : for this you need to first have section, data table, activity.

Now you need to make an activity where it will pick value from data tables.

First go to section, There you define in Pages & classes :

Page Name : States Page & Class : Code pega list.

Page Name : StatesPage.pxResults Class : the class u have here

go to properties of States dropdown :

Here in List source : Choose clipboard page.

Clipboard page : StatesPage.pxResults

Click run activity option & enter the name of activity.

Property for value : .StateCode

Property for display : .StateName

The above feature can also be carried by Report Definition.

Here you need to first create report. Once report is created …. Now enter the columns name from
where you would like to fetch the data.

Now open Section…& then go to States properties.

Here inList source choose : RD

Enter RD name.

And also enter property for value & display

We use RD when : a. you need to export to pdf

b. export to excel

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