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A Risk of Sensory Deprivation in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

Alan H. Jobe, MD, PhD

he neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) environment ments of developmental care and single rooms in the NICU,
has changed for the better from the 1970s and 1980s brief reviews of the biology of sound, light, and manual stim-
when the NICU was congested, noisy, and brightly lit ulation of preterm infants may be more fruitful.
24 hours a day—a frenetic environment no doubt. Current de-
signs for the NICU as recommended by the Consensus Com- Sound Exposures in the NICU
mittee on Recommended Design Standards for Advanced
Neonatal Care (2013) emphasize noise and light suppression There is extensive literature describing the excessive sound
with space for extended, intimate parental contact, and for par- exposures for infants in the NICU, with recommendations
ents to “room-in” with the infant.1 These designs provide more from the American Academy of Pediatrics for limiting these
humane and patient plus parent friendly care, but also greatly exposures.7 Modern isolettes and ventilators are more quiet
increase the floor space and, inevitably, increase cost substan- than in the past, but the amount of continuous white noise
tially. The motivations for the design of the new NICU have can be substantial and a hazard.8 However, sound exposure
been guided by concepts of developmental-appropriate care is critical for the development of normal speech. The fetal
of very preterm infants to minimize stress and optimize neuro- environment is not quiet, although high frequency sounds
developmental outcomes.2 The elements of developmental are filtered out. The human fetus can hear and respond to
care focus on minimizing stimulation of the infant by limiting sounds by 23-24 weeks, and the development of the auditory
noise, sound exposure, and sleep interruptions. In practice, cortex is critically dependent on the auditory environment
NICU care is anthropomorphized by the NICU staff to envi- from early gestation.9 Deprivation of maternal sounds will
ronments the adult caretakers think will be optimal for the in- interfere with the development of the fetal auditory cortex
fant—an intrauterine environment that is generally assumed to and interfere with speech and language acquisition. The
be dark, quiet, and without stimulation of the fetus. This amount of speech-related brain activity after birth increases
perspective results in care strategies such as single rooms for with more fetal exposure to speech.10 Surprisingly, language
preterm infants that are very quiet, often have low light 24 exposure in utero initiates the fetus to the phonic character-
hours a day, and with an additional blanket over the isolette istics of its native language.11 However, following very pre-
to further suppress sound and light exposure. Contact with term birth, exposure to adult language—maternal or from
staff is minimized so as to not disturb the infant. Pineda the NICU staff—was found to be a small percent of the sound
et al3 report that contrary to their hypothesis that single rooms exposure.12 The appropriate emphasis on sound abatement
would promote neurodevelopment relative to the ward envi- in the new or renovated NICU should be on background
ronment, preterm infants cared for in a ward and evaluated noise, alarm noise, and other non-human noises that can
at term had more normal brain structures as assessed by mag- startle and disrupt sleep of the preterm.13 However, the focus
netic resonance imaging and better cerebral maturation scores on noise abatement has morphed into a goal of silence in the
as assessed by electroencephalography than infants cared for in NICU with exclusion of staff talk and lively discussions on
single rooms. Further, when these infants were assessed at 2 work rounds. The result may be a severe limitation of the
years of age, the ward infants had better language and motor exposure of the vulnerable developing auditory cortex to hu-
scores than the infants cared for in single rooms. man voices and sounds that are necessary for language devel-
How is this outcome possible? Pineda et al hypothesize that opment. This delay in language development for infants in
the single room, with continuous low light and low sound, and single rooms is just what was observed by the Pineda article.3
with isolation from stimuli, may result in sensory deprivation In contrast, the open ward better reflects the fetal environ-
to the developing brain. This explanation is strengthened by ment with human sounds and activities.
their demonstration that parental visits tended to be short
and infrequent for their parent population.4 In contrast to Light Exposures in the NICU
this experience, Ortenstrand et al5 reported benefits of
family-centered care with single rooms in Scandinavia, but a Although the fetus is in a dark environment in utero, the
parent was required to be continually present 24 hours a day fetus has a circadian rhythm entrained by maternal
to help care for the infant. Of note, although developmental
care may benefit infants,2 such benefits are not uniformly re-
ported.6 Rather than arguing the perceived benefits of the ele- From the Division of Pulmonary Biology, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical
Center, Cincinnati, OH
A.J. is an Associate Editor of The Journal of Pediatrics. The author declares no
conflicts of interest.

NICU Neonatal intensive care unit 0022-3476/$ - see front matter. Copyright ª 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


hormones.14 The circadian regulator in the brain—the hy- opment or to improve outcomes of preterm infants with
pothalamic superchiasmatic nuclei—of the very preterm injured brains.18
baboon equivalent to about 24-week preterm infants, re-
sponds to light with increased metabolism and gene expres- Discussion
sion.15 Preterm infants cared for in dimly lighted rooms or
day-night lighted rooms develop circadian sleep patterns The report by Pineda et al demonstrates adverse neurodeve-
independent of cycled light.16,17 Nevertheless, development lopmental effects of single room neonatal care and should
of the visual system requires visual experiences.18 Sight sound an alarm.3 The study is imperfect in that infants
deprivation interrupts visual development, and environ- were not randomized to care environments. However, the
mental enrichment fosters brain plasticity. The fetal mouse prospective and extensive assessments have yielded results
eye responds to light with signaling via melanopsin in the that seem to be more compelling for risk than some of the
fetal retina to induce regression of the hyaloid vasculature benefits attributed to developmental care.6 My perspective
and stimulate retinal development by down-regulating is that it is time for the neonatal community to stop designing
vascular endothelial growth factor.19 Surprisingly, there is neonatal care based on what we think these infants would like
enough light in utero in the mouse to signal melanopsin. (anthropomorphosis) but rather on the biology of what stim-
This same opsin that is present prior to rod and cone devel- uli will optimize neurodevelopment. The preterm newborn is
opment can signal a light avoidance response in newborn not equivalent to the fetus in metabolic, hormonal, or envi-
mice.20 Circadian rhythms regulate more than sleep cycles, ronmental needs. The biology tells us that neurosensory
and there is minimal research to explore other potential ef- deprivation clearly is harmful, and is a possible consequence
fects of light on the preterm infant. Accepting that the fetus of the single room environment. Stimuli for the preterm
has a circadian rhythm and the dark-exposed preterm infant seem to be conflated with stress, and too much minimization
does not, the conservative approach to exposure of the pre- of stimuli may impair development. However, the converse is
term infant to light would be cycling of dim light sufficient also likely true: too much stress will have adverse effects on
for care at night to brighter light during the day. The development. We do not know how much or what type of
covering of the isolettes with blankets continuously seems sound, how much light, or how much physical stimulation
to be questionable because visual development requires in combination will optimize brain development and plas-
light exposure. The biology suggests that judicious light ticity at which gestational ages. Parental participation in
exposure is appropriate until more is known about the ef- the care of preterm infants is desirable, as is the suppression
fects of light on the preterm infant. of white noise and bright lights. We should use our resources
to get answers about how to best optimize brain plasticity for
Physical Stimulation in the NICU the benefit of our patients. n

Physical stimulation of preterm infants is limited in the Submitted for publication Nov 6, 2013; last revision received Dec 18, 2013;
NICU today by confining the infants in positional molds accepted Jan 30, 2014.

and wrapping. But the fetus is intermittently active and Reprint requests: Alan H. Jobe, MD, PhD, Division of Pulmonary Biology,
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, 3333 Burnet Ave, Cincinnati,
responsive to sound stimuli with brisk movements. Much OH 45229. E-mail:
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