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Geometry is a part of mathematics that represents the question shape, size, relative

image position, and the nature of space.

a. Sylinder
Understanding Build Space Tube is a three-dimensional space formed by 2 identical
identical circles and a rectangular shape that forms the second circle. Build Space This tube has 3
sides and 2 ribs, with the base and lid of the tube called the Second Circle. Then for the
properties - the nature of Building the Tubes themselves include:
- Has a base and lid that forms a circle
- The distance between the circle and the circle is also called the tall tube
- Nets Tubes consist of 1 rectangle and 2 circles
- The Upright Tube consists of an arch, also called a tube blanket.

b. Cone
Understanding Constructing a Cone Space is a special limas chamber with a circle and
has 1 rib and 2 sides. The Upright Side of the Conical Space Build is not in the form of a
triangle, but in the form of a sloping plane which is also called the Blanket Cone. As for the
properties of the Conical Space Building, among others:

- Has 1 Corner Point

- Have 1 Corner Ribs
- Having 2 pieces which are divided between 1 side are the base formed by a circle and 1
side is the cone side (curved side).


1. Calculate the volume of the tube which has a diameter of 40cm and a height of 56cm?
Diameter = 40 cm, so r = ½ diameter = 20cm
Height = 56cm
The volume of the sylinder = π x r² x t
= 22/7 x 20x20x 56
= 22/7 x 22,400
= 70,400 cm3

2. A closed tank-shaped tank, filled with 770 liters of kerosene. If the length of the base of
the tank is 70 cm, calculate the area of the tank blanket!

note: Volume = 770 liters = 770,000 cm3

r = 70 cm

t = volume / πr2
t = 770,000 / 22/7 x (7 × 7)
t = 770,000 / 15,400
t = 50 cm

L. blanket = 2πrt
= 2 x 22/7 x 70 x 50
= 44 x 500
= 22.000 cm2

3. There is a cone whose radius = 10 cm and the length of the painter's line = 26 cm. find
and calculate the area of the cone!
r = 10 cm
s = 26 cm
Asked: area = ...?

L = πr (r + s)
L = 3.14 x 10 (10 + 26)
L = 3.14 x 10 x 36
L = 1,130.4 cm2
So, the width of this Cone is = 1,130.4 cm2

4. The conical ice cream wrapper has a radius of 6 cm, and the oblique side is 14 cm.
Determine the amount of ice cream that can be contained in the ice wrapping!

Known :
Asked :
r = 6 cm Volume the cone
t = 14 cm
π = 22/7
Cone volume = 1/3 π x r2 x t
= 1/3 x 22/7 x 6x 6 x 14
= 1/3 x 22/7 36 x 14
= 1. 22. 12 2
= 528 cm3
so the volume of ice cream in a cone wrapper is 528 cm3

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