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10 Exotic Jazz Piano Souds.

pdf 'Gliding' is when you move half of the chord's notes up or down a half-step, while keeping the
notes the same.You can create interesting chord progressions using this
Cmin7 Bmaj7 technique: B ̈ min7 Amaj7 C#min9 50
& ° j j ü
{ bœb bœb #
TM TM TM œ œ ̇ TM œ œ ̇# ww ww TM
œ ̇ TMœ ̇ ww ww
Pno. Glide Glide
# n j
? œTM œ ̇ œTM œ œ ̇
TM œ
J ̇ œ ̇ TM
¢ #w w †

Cmaj7 C#min7 Dmaj7 D#min7 B ̈ min11 54

& ° j j bw ü
{ #œ # w
TM TM œ œ ̇ b
œTM œ ̇ TM
œ ̇ ̇ bw w TM
w w
Pno. Glide # Glide #
œTM œ #œ ̇ œTM œ #œ ̇ w w
? œTM
nœTM œ ̇ œTM
nœTM œ ̇ w w
TM # # ̇ bw TM
TM J ̇ J w TM
¢ †

It's normal to change scale over every chord in jazz. So when writing a melody or
it's effective to aim for the notes that change from the previous chord's
Fmin9 B ̈ 7 Emin7 scale. A7 ̈ 13 Dmin9 58
{ œ œ nœ œ œ œ nœ bœ n
bœ œ bœ œ n#
œœœœ wwww
Pno. Eb changes to E natural F changes to
̇ F# changes to F Eb changes n
F# b natural to E
? ̇ n# ̇
b ̇̇ ̇̇
̇ ̇ w
Write out the scales you want to play above each chord.Then identify the changing notes from one scale to the next,
and then aim forEmphasizing
those.G7 ̈ 13 Cmaj7
the Dmin7 G7alt Cmaj7 61
Dmin7 change in scale
& b nb n b nœ bœ bœ bœ
{ b œ nœ œ nœ nœ
œœœœ n j
œ œœ bœ wwww ̇ ̇
̇̇ ̇ ̇̇ ̇ ̇ œTM
Pno. ̇ n
? ̇ w
̇ w
̇ ̇
̇ w

#10. 'PLAYING OUT' A modern soloing technique. First, decide which scale you would normally play over a chord.
Next, notes' all
identify (theofnotes
the that aren't found in your
Cmaj7 Cmaj7
normal scale): Cmin7 Cmin7 65
{ œ œ œ#œ œ œ œ bœ bœ nœ bœ bœ œ nœ bœ œ œ nœ bœ nœ #œ #œ nœ #œ

Pno. 'Right notes' = C Lydian scale 'Wrong notes' = Db 'Right notes' = C Dorian scale 'Wrong notes' = E
b b
Pentatonic scale wwww b wwww
Pentatonic scale b

'Playing out' works best when you play IN - OUT - IN. So start by playing 'in' the normal scale, then play 'out', then
end back
Cmin7'in' - like this: Cmin7 Cmin7
{ bœ nœ nœ bœ œ œ œ nœ #œ #œ nœ œ œ œ bœ nœ nœ bœ œ œ œ œ œ bœ œ œ

Pno. 'In' = C Dorian

b 'In' = C Dorian 'Out' = E Pentatonic b
b ̇̇̇̇ ̇ ̇ b wwww
? scale scale scale

(The chord doesn't

change) 3
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