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(12) Ulllted States Patent (10) Patent N0.: US 7,747,465 B2

Srinivasan et a]. (45) Date of Patent: Jun. 29, 2010

(54) DETERMINING THE EFFECTIVENESS OF 6,567,786 B1* 5/2003 Bibelnieks et al. .......... .. 705/14
INTERNET ADVERTISING 7,031,932 B1 * 4/2006 Lipsky et al. ............... .. 705/14

(75) Inventors: Kannan Srinivasan, Gibsonia, PA (U S); FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS

Michael I. Shamos, Pittsburgh, PA (US) W0 W0 97/4167} * 11/1997
W0 W0 0148666 A1 * 7/2001
(73) Assignee: Intellions, Inc., Mars, PA (US)
( * ) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this _ _ _ _ _ _
patent is extended Or adjusted under 35 Tap1ero,C.S.,“On-l1ne and adaptive optimum advertising control by
a diffusion approximation” : Operations Research, vol. 23, No. 5, pp.
U.S.C. 154(b) by 884 days. 890907: sepfoct‘ 1975'},
N0.: * Cited examiner

(22) Filed; Man 13 , 2001 Primary Examinerilean Janvier

(65) Prior Publication Data (57) ABSTRACT

Us 2002/0042738A1 Apr‘ 11’ 2002 The method and system of the present invention enables
Related U‘s‘ Application Data Internet businesses to conduct real-tlme, onl1ne experiments
on a sample of transact1ons to determ1ne marketplace sens1
(60) Provisional application No. 60/188,889, ?led on Mar. tivities. Analysis of the results of the experiments reveal opti
13, 2000. mal values of key market decision variables such as price,
content of banner ads, promotion levels, quantity discount
(51) I11 t - C] - sc h emes, etc. The ex p er1ments
' mayb e automat1ca
' lly con
G06Q 30/00 (2006-01) ducted on an on-going basis, or may be conducted on a
(52) US. Cl. ..................... .. 705/14.4; 705/14.1; 705/10; periodic basis. The method and system of the present inven
705/26; 705/400; 709/217 tion preferably alloW users to modify the nature of the experi
(58) Field of Classi?cation Search ................. .. 705/14, ment and the propagation of optimal values. The method and
705/14_4, 14,1, 26, 10, 400 system of the current invention can be used for a pure diag
See application ?le for complete Search history, nostic purpose or to automate the setting of key market vari
(56) References Cited
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS The dynamic experimentation used by the inventive system
reveals the relative stability (or instability) of the netWorked
5,848,396 A * 12/1998 Gerace ...................... .. 705/10 market Within Which the business operates. The translation of
5,918,014 A * 6/1999 Robinson . ... .. .. . . . .. 709/219
an optimal value for a key variable (for example, content of a
6,085,229 A * 7/2000 Newman et al. 709/203 banner ad) to the entire market can be done on a real-time
6,286,005 B1* 9/2001 Cannon .................... .. 707/100
6,338,066 B1 * 1/2002 Martin et al. ............... .. 707/10
6,356,879 B2* 3/2002 Aggarwalet al. 705/26
6,430,539 B1 * 8/2002 Lazarus et al. .............. .. 705/10 20 Claims, 4 Drawing Sheets

Web Plan

cn-m mam.

US. Patent Jun. 29, 2010 Sheet 1 of4 US 7,747,465 B2

Fig. 1

Price vs. Financing

Quantity discounts

Banner ads!

Sampiing Engine

Product Bundling promotions

US. Patent Jun. 29, 2010 Sheet 2 of4 US 7,747,465 B2

Fig. 2

203 210
201 / / 235
/ 240

aE AppHcation Legacy I External

Internet ' é Server ' System Systems
Inlemet 5 ? -———


g / 265

Web Pages
Client Module 252

261 263

262 275


Server Module
US. Patent Jun. 29, 2010 Sheet 3 of4 US 7,747,465 B2

301 360
Purd'iaseo Item 4,
Ad Clicked, etc type / 30s
Customer Web of information
Browser provided by Manager con?gures
customer through Dynamic Advenismg
web browser System. May monitor
real-time perfomianoe
01 the esqoerimenl
Web page so so to customer processes request

315 \ 312
Does WebServer
WehServer need App?cation Server
generates to process some
Webpage information

WeoServer passes on any 320

information required by
Application Sewer (like customer
input and other inlormation it has
about wstomer)

Application Sewer
{AS} processes input 325
and does calculations
based on info
provided by the
Application Server
composes information ynamic Adve sing
asked (or by the Engine to process
AS makes a request to Dynamic
Advertising System and passes
on the information for perlonning Historical Data
statistical calculations (like for determining
customer info) optimal price,
user speci?c
into, elic.
345 uynami Hui/El using
System does
Calculations depending
on the mode in which it is
operating (optimal price, 365
best advertisement etc)
and outputs resulting

Parameters ch05 en
for the

Is manager
monitoring progress on Nmhlnq


Fig. 3
US. Patent Jun. 29, 2010 Sheet 4 M4 US 7,747,465 B2

410 4









US 7,747,465 B2
1 2
DETERMINING THE EFFECTIVENESS OF nomic status, language, time of day, etc. Additionally, Web
INTERNET ADVERTISING sites undergo frequent updates, and an advertisement that Was
attention-grabbing on one day may not be so striking after the
CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED Webpage is updated to a different background color, for
The Internet is a dynamic marketplace. As e-commerce
This invention relates to US. Provisional Application No. becomes a dominant force, the ability to dynamically adjust
60/188,889, ?led Mar. 13, 2000, Which is incorporated by to and exploit changes in the Internet marketplace becomes
reference herein in its entirety. critical. An enormous amount of detailed, disaggregate infor
mation is being routinely captured during Internet transac
FEDERALLY SPONSORED RESEARCH tions. The ability to gather real-time information on transac
tions conducted on the Internet means that Internet merchants
Not Applicable. could use the information to dynamically update their Web
sites to take maximum advantage of market conditions. In
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION particular, real-time transaction information opens up the
possibility of dynamic pricing and marketing.
1. Field of the Invention HoWever, using the information to determine the dynamic,
The disclosed invention relates to determining the effec optimal market value is problematic. Although a great deal of
tiveness of various forms and formats of advertising on the real-time transactional information is available, businesses
Internet through controlled online experiments. 20 have no current method of being able to analyZe the informa
2. Description of the Background tion in a manner that provides guidance to dynamically updat
In traditional commerce, prices are typically static, With ing pricing, marketing, promotions and other key market
change only occurring With major market changes. This has variables.
resulted in part because the costs associated With printing As enterprises move into high velocity environments in a
?xed-price catalogs, marking goods With prices and advertis 25 netWorked economy, decisions based on data are ever more
ing prices in the media. Furthermore, it is dif?cult to offer critical and can be leveraged to affect the bottom line. In this
different prices to different purchasers in a traditional setting environment, information is highly valuable but comes With a
in Which prices are published or made publicly available. high discount rate. That is, the value of the information rap
In addition, advertising campaigns are typically conducted idly depreciates. Current generation data analysis and data
for a substantial period of time before they are updated or 30 mining methods do not effectively deal With this type of
changed. information, as current methods rely on a time-consuming
However, e-commerce does not have to be so restricted. sequential process of data gathering, analysis, implementa
The introduction of e-commerce on the Internet has made it tion and feedback.
easier for Internet merchants to change prices and other mar Current systems including data mining methodologies are
ket variables by simply updating a Web page or appropriate 35 retrospective, and there is a signi?cant lag in analysis time.
database/ systems. The costs associated With printing catalogs The dynamic nature of the Internet makes even recent infor
and marking goods in a bricks-and-mortar setting are typi mation obsolete.
cally not present in eCommerce. In addition, it is also possible Some efforts have been made to use computer systems to
to offer different prices to different customers Without either estimate supply and demand, to adjust prices to perceived
customer learning the price that has been offered to the other. 40 market conditions, or to vary prices based on the identity and
LikeWise, it is possible to simultaneous present different purchasing history of the customer.
advertising campaigns to different Internet customers. US. Pat. No. 5,752,238 discloses a consumer-driven elec
Although it is possible for Internet merchants to update or tronic information pricing mechanism including a pricing
change advertising and other market variables at any time, modulator and pricing interface contained With a client sys
typically they have not done so. One reason for sticking to 45 tem. HoWever, in this reference, the customer selects from a
static marketing strategies is that merchants are accustomed menu of pricing options. It does not disclose or teach a real
to keeping a static advertising campaign. In some cases, mer time determination of price sensitivities.
chants have both brick-and-mortar shops and Web shops, and US. Pat. Nos. 5,822,736 and 5,987,425 disclose a variable
Want to keep prices and advertisements in alignment. HoW margin pricing system and method that generates retail prices
ever, the primary reason Why Internet merchants do not 50 based on customer price sensitivity in Which products are
dynamically adjust market variables With the ever-changing grouped into pools from a ?rst pool for the most price sensi
marketplace is that the merchants do not have the ability to tive products to a last pool for the least price sensitive prod
dynamically determine optimal values for the market vari ucts. HoWever, the price sensitivities are determined manu
ables. ally by the storekeeper based on his subjective impressions
In particular, Internet customers may be presented With 55 and are not obtained in real-time.
multiple forms of advertising matter, including graphics, ani US. Pat. No. 5,878,400 discloses a method and apparatus
mations, text, audio and video. Such advertising is generally for computing a price to be offered to an organiZation based
“hot” in the sense that the advertisement itself can be clicked on the identity of the organiZation and the product sought, but
on via a computer mouse or the like, and the user’s Web does not teach or suggest real-time price determination.
broWser is redirected to the advertiser’s site. Because of this, 60 US. Pat. No. 5,918,209 discloses a method and system for
each such event (or absence thereof) may be tracked and determining marginal values for perishable resources expir
measured. HoWever, very feW methods of analyZing any such ing at a future time, such as an airline seat, hotel room night,
data exist. Therefore, it is typically not knoWn Which forms of or rental car day for use in a perishable resource revenue
advertising or its features, such as color, siZe, or placement management system. Data for the perishable resources and
With respect to other matter on a Webpage, are most effective 65 composite resources is loaded from the perishable resource
in capturing the user’s attention. Furthermore, it is possible revenue management system into the marginal value system.
that such effective may vary With time, culture, socioeco The marginal values for the perishable resources are deter
US 7,747,465 B2
3 4
mined using a continuous optimization function using inter an optimal value for a key variable (for example, price) to the
dependencies among the perishable resources and the com entire market can be done on a real-time basis.
posite resources in the internal data structures. However, this Continuous real-time modeling With appropriate integra
reference does not disclose or teach elicitation of price sen tion to existing systems on critical factors like price, promo
sitivities based on measuring customer behavior. tion, ?nancing, content, advertising formats, discount
US. Pat. No. 5,926,817 discloses a client-server system schemes and product bundling give companies using the
and method for providing real-time access to a variety of method and system of the present invention a huge competi
database systems, one application of Which is “dynamic price tive advantage.
quoting.” HoWever, the reference uses this phrase to mean In particular, the present invention is directed to a method
computing a single price to be quoted to a customer based on and computer-programmed apparatus for determining adver
information about the user’ s requirements and data contained tising effectiveness through controlled statistical experi
in the supplier’s databases. It does not teach or suggest ments. Different vieWers of a Webpage are presented With
experimentation to determine marketplace customer price different formats of the same advertisement and statistics are
sensitivity. kept on the audience response to each format in real-time. The
In general, the prior art teaches that it is useful to attempt to information so gathered may be subjected to statistical analy
measure supply and demand as an aid in determining prices. sis to determine Which format is most effective for a particular
It is also knoWn to utiliZe previously accumulated facts about segment of the marketplace. The Webserver may be adap
a purchaser to in?uence the price at Which a particular product tively modi?ed to present a higher fraction of formats found
should be offered to him. HoWever, the applicants are not to be effective by the experiment. The experimentation can
aWare of any prior art in Which price and other market sensi 20 take place continuously so that audience trends and prefer
tivities are measured directly through use of controlled real ences are not missed.
time experiments. One embodiment of the invention comprises a method of
It is common in the advertising World to conduct surveys to dynamically determining an optimal advertisement to be used
determine the effectiveness of various advertising campaigns. by an Internet merchant, comprising the steps of: receiving
HoWever, because of the speed at Which Internet content is 25 con?guration data from the Internet merchant; randomly
generated and modi?ed, it is impractical to conduct human sampling visitors to the Internet Website according to the
mediated consumer preference surveys. It might be feasible con?guration data; determining an optimal advertisement
to do so prior to airing an expensive television commercial, using the acquired data; and thereafter using the determined
but it is not cost or time effective for Webpage advertising. optimal advertisement.
It is also common for Websites to closely monitor “click 30 Another embodiment of the invention comprises a method
through.” Click-through is the number of times users arrive at of dynamically determining an optimal advertisement to be
a site by having clicked on an advertisement. This informa used by an Internet merchant, comprising receiving con?gu
tion is utiliZed to learn hoW Well an advertisement draWs an ration data from the Internet merchant; randomly sampling
audience. HoWever, it is not knoWn or suggested in the prior visitors to the Internet Website according to the con?guration
art to measure the effectiveness of advertising by presenting 35 data; determining a measurement for each advertisement
different forms of the same advertisement to selected random using the acquired data acquired; thereafter using the deter
samples of the population and measuring relative draW. mined optimal advertisement; and repeating the above pro
In vieW of the foregoing, it can be appreciated that a sub cess using the determinations as con?guration data in future
stantial need exists for a method and system for dynamically iterations of the experiments.
determining the effectiveness of various advertisements. 40 It is a bene?t of the present invention that the effectiveness
of Internet advertising can be improved by automated experi
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION mentation and measurement.
It is a bene?t of the present invention that changing market
The inability to effectively exploit Internet transaction and user preference for advertising and the products adver
information is overcome by the method and system of the 45 tised may be monitored continuously and varied continuously
present invention, Which enables Internet businesses to con to maximiZe economic bene?t and/ or user satisfaction.
duct real-time, online experiments on a sample of transac With these and other advantages and features of the inven
tions and determine marketplace sensitivities. Analysis of the tion that Will become hereinafter apparent, the nature of the
results of the experiments reveal optimal values of key market invention may be more clearly understood by reference to the
decision variables such as price, content of banner ads, pro 50 folloWing detailed description of the invention, to the
motion levels, quantity discount schemes, etc. The experi appended claims and to the several draWings attached herein.
ments may be automatically conducted on an on-going basis,
or may be conducted on a periodic basis. The system offers BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
total ?exibility to the users to conduct and control the experi
ments. The experimental process is based upon rigorous sta 55 The accompanying draWings, Which are included to pro
tistical and econometric principles. vide a further understanding of the invention and are incor
A manager using the method and system of the present porated in and constitute a part of this speci?cation, illustrate
invention can control the extent and speed With Which market embodiments of the invention and together With the descrip
strategies are updated. The method and system of the present tion serve to explain the principles of the invention.
invention preferably alloW managers to modify the nature of 60 FIG. 1 is a diagram illustrating the relationship betWeen the
the experiment and the propagation of optimal values. Man sampling engine of the present invention and various appli
agers make the key business decisions, Which are silently and cations that use the sampling engine;
seamlessly translated into the Internet merchant’s eCom FIG. 2 illustrates one embodiment of a system architecture
merce system. that may be used by the method and system of the present
The dynamic experimentation used by the inventive system 65 invention;
reveals the relative stability (or instability) of the netWorked FIG. 3 illustrates one embodiment of softWare system data
market Within Which the business operates. The translation of How in the method and system of the present invention; and
US 7,747,465 B2
5 6
FIG. 4 is a ?owchart illustrating the process used to mea The customer’s broWser 201 communicates With an Inter
sure Internet advertising effectiveness by the method and net merchant’s eCommerce system 205. The eCommerce
system of the present invention. system 205 is an integrated system that comprises different
kinds of hardWare and softWare sub-systems. The eCom
DETAILED DESCRIPTION merce system performs the functions needed to run the Inter
net merchant’s Website.
Reference Will noW be made in detail to the embodiments Webservers are usually the entry point into an eCommerce
of the invention, examples of Which are illustrated in the system 205 from the perspective of a softWare program. The
accompanying draWings. Wherever possible, the same refer Webserver 210 on the eCommerce system is mainly respon
ence numbers Will be used throughout the draWings to refer to sible for delivering Webpages to a broWser across the Internet.
the same or like components. Webpages are the pages that the user sees in the broWser. The
It is Worthy to note that any reference in the speci?cation to Webserver 210 runs softWare that receives and processes
“one embodiment” or “an embodiment” means that a particu requests for Webpages from users. The Webpages may be
lar feature, structure or characteristic described in connection stored as ?les on a storage disk that the Webserver reads and
With the embodiment is included in at least one embodiment sends to the requesting broWser. This is shoWn by 216. Alter
of the invention. The appearances of the phrase “in one natively, Webserver 210 may generate the Webpage by gath
embodiment” in various places in the speci?cation are not ering information from other sources, such as softWare pro
necessarily all referring to the same embodiment. grams, and then send it to the broWser. For example,
By determining the effectiveness of various proposed Webpages are often generated With data retrieved from an
advertisements, an Internet merchant can update his advertis 20 Application Server. In particular, the Application Server may
ing campaign in real-time to realiZe maximum advertising determine content and/ or formats for an Internet advertise
effectiveness. ment.
The method and system of the present invention utiliZe The Webserver 210 may be any type of knoWn Webserver,
limited sampling to determine real-time market sensitivity. such as Microsoft IIS, or Netscape NES. The architecture
This sampling provides data that can be used to create a 25 shoWn in FIG. 2 also shoWs optional database 220. The data
real-time model that is analyZed to determine optimal values base may be used by the eCommerce system 205 to store
for many key market variables, such as price, promotions, Internet merchant information, such as customer account
advertising content and product bundling. The method and records. Database 220 may be any knoWn database type, such
system of the present invention alloW for customiZed dynamic as Oracle, Sybase, DB2, etc.
advertising. 30 In addition, the Internet merchant may have one or more
The method and system of the present invention enables a Legacy Systems 235. For example, all customer data may be
company using the system to present different advertisements stored on a Legacy System.
to different customers. The method and system of the present In many cases eCommerce systems interact With external
invention may be used to segment the market, and managers systems, as shoWn by 240. For example, a trading exchange
using the system of the present invention may be informed of 35 may receive catalogs from several external systems and store
an optimal advertisement for each market segment. them in its oWn system. It may then present items from the
Architecture catalogs to interested buyers. The eCommerce system 205
FIG. 2 illustrates one embodiment of a system architecture may communicate With external systems over the Internet or
for the system of the present invention. In this embodiment, a through a dedicated Frame Relay Circuit, or any other type of
potential customer visits a Website run by an Internet mer 40 connection mechanism.
chant and conducts eCommerce by purchasing one or more Because Webservers usually do not perform business logic
products from the Internet merchant through the Website. data processing, the architecture typically includes an Appli
In the embodiment shoWn, the customer uses an Internet cation Server 230. The Application Server 230 may perform
broWser 201 on his computer to access an eCommerce site most business speci?c logic operations and send data to the
operated by an Internet merchant, such as The 45 Webserver, Which processes the data and sends formatted
Internet broWser 201 may be any knoWn to those skilled in the output to the user for display. For example, the Application
art, such as Microsoft Explorer or Netscape Communicator, Server may retrieve a customer’s bank account information,
for example. Preferably, HyperText Transfer Protocol Which is used as part of an Order Con?rmation Webpage
(HTTP) or its more secure version HTTPS is used to com generated by the Webserver.
municate With the Web site. These are popular communication 50 Interprocess communications betWeen the Application
protocols used on the Internet to exchange information. Other Server and the Webserver are typically supported by the
communication protocols are knoWn to those skilled in the underlying operating system. For example, for JAVA based
art, and are intended to come Within the scope of the present platforms, the communication protocol may be RMI/IIOP
invention. (Remote Method Invocation/ Internet Inter-ORB Protocol).
In an alternative embodiment not shoWn, the customer may 55 The programs communicating via these methods may or may
be using a Wireless handheld device to access the Website. not reside on the same physical computer. Similar methods
Once the customer has accessed the eCommerce Website, may be used for the communications betWeen the Application
he may receive information such as banner advertisement or Server and the Client Module, Which is described beloW.
similar ad content from the Website. The request sent by the Communications betWeen a Legacy System and Applica
broWser might include information speci?c to the customer 60 tion Server may be accomplished using commercially avail
using the broWser. Such information may include, for able softWare, such as IBM’s MQ, Microsoft’s MSMQ or
example, information derived from user logins, cookies Tibco softWare. The softWare used depends on the needs and
stored on the user’s machine and through the user’s IP the underlying operating systems.
address. In addition, the customer may be presented With The manager’s console 265 contains softWare similar to
advertisements, and Whether the customer clicks on any of the 65 broWser softWare for displaying output from the inventive
advertisements may be passed from the broWser to the Web system to an employee of the Internet merchant, typically a
site With the request. management-level employee. It is used to manage the experi
US 7,747,465 B2
7 8
ments run by the inventive system. It is used to con?gure and number of samples to be used in the experiments. The
experiments and display run-time progress data on the experi employee may also actively monitor the performance of the
ment. It may also be used to display data on past experiments. experiment(s).
The client module 250 of the present invention is integrated These parameters are used as input into the Dynamic
in the eCommerce system 205. Client Module 250 typically Advertising System as shoWn by data 365. These parameters
consists of an Integration Layer 251 and a Client Side Pro con?gure the sampling engine subsystem of the Dynamic
cessing module 252. Collectively, it takes as input experiment Advertising System.
parameter values and sends them to the Server Module 260 As shoWn by entity 301, a customer uses a broWser to
for processing. It receives output from the Server Module access an eCommerce Website. When the customer click on
260, and disseminates the output to the Application Server an advertisement or makes a request, several different types
230 and/or the Manager’s Console 265 for display. of data items may be sent to the Webserver, as shoWn by 305.
The Client Side Processing Module 252 is responsible for The Webserver processes the information at step 310. If the
processing all the input received from the eCommerce Sys request from the customer does not require Application
tem, typically through the Application Server 230, and deliv Server processing, then the Webserver can go ahead and
ering it to the Server Module 260. The input is typically a generate the appropriate standard Webpage, as shoWn by
continuous stream of parameters used to conduct and manage steps 312-315. HoWever, if additional processing is needed,
an ongoing experiment. The Client Processing Module 252 the Webserver Will pass on information to the Application
establishes and maintains a secure communication channel Server at step 320. Based on the information provided by the
With the Server Module and may also perform session man Webserver, the Application Server processes the input and
agement. 20 performs any needed calculations at step 325.
The Integration layer 251 helps the Client Side Processing During step 325, the Application Server Will determine
module 252 run on a variety of systems. It acts as an inter Whether it needs the Dynamic Advertising System to process
preter betWeen the eCommerce System and the Client Side data. For example, there may be a current ongoing experiment
Processing module 252. It may be different for different sys to determine the optimal price or optimal advertising content,
tems. This enables the Client Side Processing module 252 to 25 etc.
remain the same, no matter What type of operating system is If the Application Server does not need the Dynamic
being used. In an alternative embodiment, the Client Side Advertising System to process information, it composes the
Processing module may be developed for a speci?c eCom requested information using input from its oWn calculations,
merce system and runs Without an Integration Layer. databases and/or legacy systems, as shoWn by steps 330-335.
Communications betWeen the Client Module 250 and the 30 Otherwise, the Application Server makes a request to the
Server Module 260 typically use HTTPS to ensure security. Dynamic Advertising System and passes on any information
Data may be transmitted in eXtensible Markup Language required by the Dynamic Advertising System for performing
(XML) format. the statistical calculations, as shoWn by step 340.
The Dynamic Advertising System 270 includes sub-sys The Dynamic Advertising System may use historical data
tems, computers and communications systems, including 35 in its calculations as shoWn by data 350. In addition, the
Server Module 260, that are used to perform the sampling and parameters 365 entered by the Internet Merchant are used in
resultant analysis. It receives input data, performs statistical the calculations that the Dynamic Advertising System per
calculations and feeds the output to the eCommerce system forms.
205. Typically, the output from the Dynamic Advertising The Dynamic Advertising System performs the calcula
System 270 is used by the Application Server 230 in perform 40 tions as required, and outputs the resulting data at step 345.
ing the business speci?c logic. The Application Server composes the requested information
Server Module 260 may contain Logic Module 261, Sam at step 335 using the output from 345.
pling Engine 262 and Communications Module 263. Server If the manager is actively monitoring the progress of the
Module 260 is responsible for receiving input from Client experiment, he Will be informed of the progress as shoWn by
Module 250, performing the experimentation and analysis, 45 steps 370-360.
and outputting results to Client Module 250. These actions The sampling engine 262 of the Dynamic Advertising Sys
are all performed in a secure environment. tem may be used by many different applications to obtain
Sampling Engine 262 contains statistical functionality that information about current market conditions. These applica
performs the various experiments. Logic Module 261 con tions use the sampling data to determine optimal pricing,
tains the algorithms that are used to perform various types of 50 promotions, product bundling, lead time discounts, quantity
analyses on the sampled data. discounts, price versus ?nancing and type and content of
The Communications module 263 is responsible for banner ads, for example. The Logic Module contains the
securely communicating data to and from the Client Module. algorithms to perform the different types of analyses required
Database 275 may be used to store historical data and other by different applications. Other applications of the sampling
data regarding the experiments for processing, report genera 55 data Will be knoWn to those skilled in the art and are intended
tion and future retrieval. to come Within the scope of the present invention.
The architecture shoWn in FIG. 2 is anASP-based solution, The dynamic sampling engine is the core of the inventive
Where the Server Module 270 is hosted on a remote system system. As shoWn by FIG. 5, it can be translated into modules
With a netWork connection to the eCommerce system 205. In for pricing, promotions, product bundling, yield manage
an alternative embodiment, the Dynamic Advertising System 60 ment, lead time discounts, quantity discounts, price versus
270 may reside Within the eCommerce system 205. ?nancing and banner advertisement content.
FIG. 3 illustrates hoW data may ?oW through the inventive The banner advertisement content module is the focus of
system. this application and is described beloW.
As shoWn by entity 360, a management-level employee for Dynamic Advertisement Content
the Internet merchant using the inventive system con?gures 65 It is easy to change the content and/or format of Internet
the Dynamic Advertising System With parameters. For advertisements. In addition, it is possible to present different
example, the employee may enter the types of advertisements advertisements to different online visitors Without either visi
US 7,747,465 B2
tor learning that a different advertisement has been offered to ment that may be parameteriZed according to some variable,
the other. This may be accomplished by presenting different such as siZe, location, speed of animation, color, audio vol
versions of a banner ad to different potential customers, for ume or similar measure. In this embodiment, different ads
example. Because of these reasons, it is possible to perform may be generated by substituting different ad formats into
controlled, real-time experiments on random samples of the HTML ?les, said ads being draW from a database or dynami
visitors to determine marketing sensitivities. This informa cally generated based on the chosen parameters. Alternative,
tion can then be used to determine real-time optimal market instead of parameteriZing, the formats of the advertisements
ing strategies for an entire population or for selected segments may be chosen from a given ?nite set.
of the population. In addition, merchants may learn from the The system may conduct experiments to determine the
online experiments, and apply this learning to o?line coun effectiveness of neW advertisements, or may conduct experi
terpart market strategies. ments to determine Whether ads currently in use are still
The sampling experiments conducted by the method and effective. Therefore, if any knoWledge currently exists about
system of the present invention are designed to measure reac Which ads are currently believed to be more effective, this
tions to various advertisements. In the present application, the information is also gathered. The system may take into
content and/ or form of advertisements are deliberately varied account this effectiveness When determining hoW the adver
by the inventive system during a sampling period, and statis tisements are offered in the experiment. This portion of the
tics are kept by the system to determine What percentage of process Will be described in more detail beloW.
visitors are likely to exhibit interest in each of the different The system may restrict the input in several Ways. For
advertisements. The statistics typically include, for example, example, the inventive system may require a minimum num
the number of visitors Who actually click-through each adver 20 ber of advertisements.As another example, a minimum click
tisement. through rate for an advertisement may be speci?ed. In this
Given the percentage of visitors Who exhibit a quanti?able case, if during the experiment a particular advertisement does
interest in each advertisement, the system is able to determine not achieve a minimum click-through rate, it may be deleted
the effectiveness of the advertisements. The effectiveness from further consideration.
determined by the system is a measure of the real-time effec 25 The Internet merchant employee may specify Whether the
tiveness of the various advertisements, as the data used to system is to conduct continuous sampling, or sample at large
determine effectiveness is dynamically collected. discrete intervals.
In one embodiment, the inventive system uses one or more The number of Website visitors to sample for each adver
objective functions for determining advertising effectiveness. tisement is also determined. This may be an absolute number
As discussed above, the objective function may be to maxi 30 of visitors to be randomly presented With each advertisement.
miZe the click-through rate. Another example of an objective Alternatively, a time interval over Which testing is to be per
function is the buy-rate, or the percentage of visitors to a formed may be de?ned, and the visitors Who visit the Website
Website that not only click-through the advertisement, but during that period become the population. Appropriate ran
actually buy the advertised product. Other methods of mea dom samples draWn from this population Will be exposed to
suring effectiveness of advertising are knoWn to those skilled 35 different ads.
in the art, and are intended to come Within the scope of the In either embodiment, it may be possible that during the
present invention. accumulation of data it Will become apparent prior to the end
The objective function may Weigh multiple criterions. For of the time period or before the absolute number of customers
example, the Internet merchant may be trying to optimiZe are sampled that a particular advertisement is optimal. In this
both click-through rate and buy-rate. The buy-rate may indi 40 case, since it is not necessary to continue the experiment to its
cate a signup rate, for example. The objective function may be normal completion, the sampling may be stopped. In addi
de?ned to be 75% Weighted toWard click-through rate opti tion, it may be possible to determine before the entire popu
miZation and 25% toWard buy-rate optimization. The inven lation is sampled that a particular advertisement is not mini
tive system in this case Will determine Which advertisement mally effective. In this case, the ad may be dropped from the
optimiZes this Weighted multi-criterion function. 45 experiment.
In another embodiment, the objective function may be a This input determines the sampling plan to be used for
combination of factors. For example, the objective function measuring advertisement effectiveness, including What per
could be to meet a minimum click-through rate as Well as a centage of visitors are to be presented With each format of ad
minimum buy-rate. and length of time the experiment is to continue.
The inventive system alloWs companies to determine opti 50 Given the number of advertisements and any prior effec
mal advertising strategies by running continuous real-time tiveness rating, the advertisements are randomly presented to
models on an appropriate sample population, Which may be Website visitors during the course of the experiment. For
determined automatically by the sampling engine. example, if a Website is estimated to have 100,000 visitors in
Based on the objective, the effectiveness of various adver a day, and there are 5 ads in the experiment, the system may
tisements is calculated, and the system suggests the optimal 55 evenly divide the ads such that each ad is presented to 20,000
advertisement for the current market conditions. visitors. Alternatively, if a particular ad has been previously
FIG. 4 illustrates an overall procedure for determining an determined to be particularly effective, it may be shoWn to
optimal advertisement. As shoWn in step 410, an employee 80,000 visitors, and the other 4 ads presented to the remaining
for the Internet merchant ?rst inputs data that is used by the 20,000 visitors. Different methods of propagating the distri
inventive system to determine a sampling and optimiZation 60 bution determined by the inventive system are described in
strategy. The employee is typically a manager-level employee more detail beloW.
for an Internet merchant. In this step, the various advertise In one embodiment, the population may include every
ments, or different formats of the same advertisement are ?rst potential customer that visits the Website. Alternatively, the
identi?ed. These ads may come from an ad agency, or may be population may be clustered or segmented, and only visitors
developed by the Internet merchant. 65 that meet a certain pro?le are considered to be Within the
In one embodiment, the ads used in the inventive system population. For example, only visitors that have never bought
are different variations of the same ad. That is, an advertise from the Internet merchant may be sampled. As another
US 7,747,465 B2
11 12
example, visitors may be clustered into socioeconomic If the population is segmented, an optimal advertisement
groups, and only certain groups are sampled When determin may be determined for each group, and the Webserver may be
ing an optimal advertisement. In this case, the population may programmed to offer the different optimal advertisements to
be segmented according to one or more variables, such as visitors based upon segmentation.
income, Zip code, profession, previous buying history or the The measured effectiveness of the sampled advertisements
like. Alternatively, the entire population may be segmented, is presented to the user at 460. In addition, the con?dence
With separate experiments run on each segment determining intervals may be calculated and displayed. Methodologies for
an optimal advertisement for each segment. As another calculating con?dence intervals are knoWn to those skilled in
example, visitors may be identi?ed for sampling based upon the art.
prior purchasing history or other accumulated data. Segments In one embodiment, the inventive system is programmed to
may be determined from these demographic variables and/or automatically delete a particularly ineffective advertisement.
from prior purchase histories. To apply segmentation, each In this case, if the measured effectiveness of an advertisement
visitor is categorized as to population segment prior to being does not meet a minimum threshold at 470, it is deleted from
shoWn an advertisement. the advertisements to be shoWn at step 475.
In one embodiment the same ad formats are presented to all The advertisements that are propagated from the experi
segments, but the effectiveness is measured separately for ment to the visitors may be conditioned on supplemental
each segment. In an alternative embodiment, different ads are variables, such as length of time a visitor spends visiting the
presented to different segments. site, the number of items purchased, total value of items
Informationused to determine segmenting, or to determine purchased, prior purchasing history and seasonality.
Which visitors to include in the sample population, may come 20 Consider a speci?c example of an optimal advertisement
from outside sources, as shoWn by data storage 415. calculated by the inventive system. In this example, the
During the sampling process, the dynamic sampling experiment is being run for a set of 5 ads for the ?rst time.
engine 430 randomly samples potential visitors according the Therefore, at step 410, the system sets up for a uniform
parameters de?ned at 410. To accomplish this sampling, the distribution of the advertisements. It is estimated in this
Webserver randomly distributes Webpages 435 With the dif 25 example that the Website receives 100,000 visitors a day. In
ferent advertisements to the different visitors in proportion to this case, the ?ve adsiAdA, Ad B, Ad C, Ad D andAd E are
the distribution determined in step 410. input into the system. The objective in this example is to
Data is accumulated for each advertisement. This data maximiZe the click-through rate, and the minimum effective
typically include the fraction of visitors Who click-through a ness threshold is 1%.
30 A manager for the Internet merchant estimates that 100,
particular ad, for example. Other data may include Whether or
not the customer purchased a particular product or a mini 000 people visit the Website in a day. This estimate may be
mum “basket” of products. made used internal data or from historical data, for example.
This process is repeated until su?icient information for Therefore, of the 100,000 visitors that visit the Website, the
each advertisement has been obtained. If the population has dynamic sampling engine Will randomly pick out 20,000 to
35 receive each of the stock ads in this example, as there is no
been segmented, the sampling continues until the objective
function can be estimated for each segment. prior knoWledge about the effectiveness of the ads.
Once a ?rst set of relevant information has been deter Table 1 illustrates the results of the ?rst iteration of an
mined, the information is displayed to the manager at 460. experiment conducted using the inventive system
The ad With the highest click-rate, or other measurement of 40
the objective function, is then used as the default advertise TABLE 1
ment, and propagated to the entire population except any Posterior
sample or samples subject to experimentation With other Ad Prior Distribution Click rate (%) Distribution
advertising formats, as shoWn by 485.
A 0.200 0.300 0.125
The embodiment shoWn in FIG. 4 uses cumulative sam 45 B 0.200 0.250 0.104
pling. That is, it “leams” from its history. The effectiveness C 0.200 0.800 0.333
measurements for all minimally effective ads are saved and D 0.200 0.650 0.270
used in determining the distribution to be used in the next E 0.200 0.400 0.271
experiment, as shoWn by steps 472-480-490. In an alternative
embodiment, a Weighting scheme may be used to derive the 50 In this example, every ad met the minimum threshold of
distribution in the next experiment. In this manner, the experi 0.001, and therefore none are dropped. Ad C is determined to
ments may be repeated continuously either for segments or be the mo st effective ad and may noW be distributed to every
for content-based categories on Web portals. For example, a visitor that visits the Website.
health care Web site that medical doctors are likely to visit may In the next iteration, the system may perform more limited
receive advertisements. 55 sampling using this distribution data. For example, in the next
In one embodiment the optimal ad replaces the existing iteration, the system may conduct the experiment on only 5%
advertisement. In an alternative embodiment, the optimal of the population, While Ad C is presented to the remaining
advertisement does not immediately replace the current ad, population. The ads may be presented to the sample visitors
but the tested ads are propagated to the Webpage in proportion according to their posterior distribution in the prior experi
to their effectiveness measurement. 60 ment, or may be uniformly distributed. The next iteration may
In a further embodiment, a cost function may be associated or may not include experiments on Ad C, Which is noW the
With each ad and the analysis of effectiveness performed With currently displayed ad. NeW click-rates are determined, and a
cogniZance of such costs. An example in Which costs vary is neW posterior distribution is calculated for the next iteration.
the case in Which ad space is being purchased on the Webpage In this manner, ineffective ads are not Wasted on visitors
or Website of an unrelated party, and the cost thereof varies 65 through excessive experimentation.
With ad siZe and placement. The cost may be used to obtain, While the invention has been described in detail and With
for example, expected pro?t associated With each ad format. reference to speci?c embodiments thereof, it Will be apparent
US 7,747,465 B2
13 14
to one skilled in the art that various changes and modi?cations ment is returned as a default advertisement in response to
can be made therein Without departing from the spirit and subsequent customer Web page requests only if a minimum
scope thereof. Thus, it is intended that the present invention threshold is achieved, Wherein the minimum threshold is a
cover the modi?cations and variations of this invention pro predetermined percentage better than a current default adver
vided they come Within the scope of the appended claims and 5 tisement.
their equivalents. 6. The apparatus according to claim 1, Wherein the Web
What is claimed is: page requests received at the Webserver from the customers
1. An apparatus for determining a currently optimal adver are grouped according to at least one variable, the at least one
tisement for an lntemet Merchant Web site through controlled variable being selected from: income group, Zip code, pro
experimentation, the apparatus comprising: fession, and buying history; and Wherein the experiment is
(1) an eCommerce system; the eCommerce system com performed on only one group.
prising: 7. The apparatus according to claim 1, Wherein the Web
(a) a Webserver; page requests received at the Webserver from the customers
(b) an application server con?gured to perform business are grouped according to at least one variable, the at least one
logic; and variable being selected from: income group, Zip code, pro
(c) a manager console; and fession, and buying history; and Wherein the experiment is
(2) a dynamic advertising system; the dynamic advertising run on all groups.
system comprising: 8. The apparatus according to claim 7, Wherein each group
(a) a server module, the server module comprising: receives a different plurality of experimental advertisements.
(i) a dynamic sampling engine; and 20 9. The apparatus according to claim 7, Wherein, at the
(ii) a logic module; conclusion of the experiment, a currently optimal advertise
Wherein, during an experiment, the eCommerce system ment for a group is returned as a default advertisement in
and the dynamic advertising system are con?gured to: response to subsequent customer Web page requests from
(a) receive input experimental parameters at the man customers similarly grouped.
ager console to con?gure the experiment, Wherein the 25 10. A method for determining a currently optimal adver
input experimental parameters comprise a sampling tisement for an Internet merchant Website through controlled
strategy; experimentation, the method comprising:
(b) receive the input experimental parameters at the (1) conducting an experiment to determine a currently
dynamic sampling engine, Wherein the dynamic sam optimal advertisement, the experiment comprising:
pling engine produces and outputs a plurality of 30
(a) receiving input experimental parameters at a man
experimental advertisements according to the input ager console to con?gure an experiment, Wherein the
experimental parameters; input experimental parameters comprise a sampling
(c) respond to Web page requests received at the Web strategy;
server from customers by passing a sample of the Web (b) receiving the input experimental parameters at a
page requests through the application server to the 35
dynamic sampling engine, Wherein the dynamic sam
dynamic sampling engine according to the input pling engine produces and outputs a plurality of
experimental parameters, Wherein the dynamic sam experimental advertisements according to the input
pling engine samples via the Webserver randomly experimental parameters;
distributing Web pages comprising the plurality of (c) responding to Web page requests received at a Web
experimental advertisements, one of the plurality of 40
server from customers by passing a sample of the Web
experimental advertisements being output per page requests through an application server to the
received user Web page request in the sample of the
dynamic sampling engine according to the input
Web page requests; experimental parameters, Wherein the dynamic sam
(d) utiliZe the logic module to determine a quanti?able pling engine samples via the Web server randomly
interest for each of the plurality of experimental 45
distributing Web pages comprising the plurality of
advertisements; and experimental advertisements, one of the plurality of
(e) utiliZe the logic module to determine a currently experimental advertisements being output per
optimal advertisement from the plurality of experi received user Web page request in the sample of
mental advertisements via an objective function;
Wherein, at the conclusion of the experiment, the currently 50
(d) utiliZing a logic module to determine a quanti?able
optimal advertisement is returned as a default advertise
interest for each of the plurality of experimental
ment in response to subsequent customer Web page
requests. advertisements; and
2. The apparatus according to claim 1, Wherein the quan (e) utiliZing the logic module to determine the currently
ti?able interest comprises a click-through rate; and Wherein 55
optimal advertisement from the plurality of experi
the sampling strategy comprises different forms and formats mental advertisements via an objective function; and
of an advertisement to be included in the plurality of experi (2) utiliZing the currently optimal advertisement deter
mental advertisements. mined in (l) as a default advertisement, Wherein, at the
3. The apparatus according to claim 1, Wherein the cur conclusion of the experiment, the currently optimal
rently optimal advertisement optimiZes a buy-rate. 60 advertisement is returned as the default advertisement in
4. The apparatus according to claim 1, Wherein the cur response to subsequent customer Web page requests.
rently optimal advertisement optimiZes a combination of a 11. The method according to claim 10, Wherein the quan
click-through rate and a buy-rate; and Wherein, the currently ti?able interest comprises a click-through rate.
optimal advertisement is determined by the logic module 12. The method according to claim 10, Wherein the cur
using a Weighted formula. 65 rently optimal advertisement optimiZes a buy-rate.
5. The apparatus according to claim 1, Wherein, at the 13. The method according to claim 10, Wherein the cur
conclusion of the experiment, the currently optimal advertise rently optimal advertisement optimiZes a combination of a
US 7,747,465 B2
15 16
click-through rate and a buy-rate; and wherein, the currently 17. The method according to claim 16, Wherein each group
optimal advertisement is determined by the logic module receives a different plurality of experimental advertisements.
using a Weighted formula. 18. The method according to claim 16, Wherein, at the
14. The method according to claim 10, Wherein, at the conclusion of the experiment, a currently optimal advertise
conclusion of the experiment, the currently optimal advertise ment for a group is returned as a default advertisement in
ment is returned as a default advertisement in response to response to subsequent customer Web page requests from
subsequent customer Web page requests only if a minimum customers similarly grouped.
threshold is achieved, Wherein the minimum threshold is a 19. The method according to claim 10, Wherein an lntemet
predetermined percentage better than a current default adver Merchant employee With manager level access can conduct
tisement. and monitor the experiment via the manager console; and
15. The method according to claim 10, Wherein the Web Wherein the Web page requests received at a Webserver
page requests received at the Webserver from the customers from customers are requests for the lntemet merchant
are grouped according to at least one variable, the at least one Website.
variable being selected from: income group, Zip code, pro
fession, and buying history; and Wherein experiment is per 20. The method according to claim 10, Wherein the (l)
formed only on one group.
conducting an experiment to determine a currently optimal
16. The method according to claim 10, Wherein the Web advertisement step further comprises:
page requests received at the Webserver from the customers First performing steps (a)-(e); and
are grouped according to at least one variable, the at least one Thereafter reiterating steps (a)-(e) With a smaller sample of
variable being selected from: income group, Zip code, pro 20 Web page requests.
fession, and buying history; and Wherein the experiment is
run on all groups.

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