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B.Tech. [SEM V] (Session: 2019-20)

Antenna & Wave Propagation

Unit: 1 Topic: Antennas Basics, Antenna Parameters,

Patterns, Beam Area , Radiation Intensity,
Beam Efficiency, Directivity D and Gain G,
Directivity and Resolution, Antenna
Apertures, Effective Height, Fields from
Oscillating Dipole, Single-to-Noise Ratio(SNR).

Date of Distribution: ……… Name of Faculty: Ashish Jain

1. Define and explain the following terms for an antenna :Directivity and Directive Gain ,Beam
width andBandwidth,AntennaEfficiencyandBeamEfficiency,FronttoBackRatioandEffectiveLength
, Radiation resistance, directivity, First Null Beam width, Gain
2. Derive the maxima, minima and half power point directions if two point sources are fed with
currents equal in magnitude but opposite in phase
3. An antenna has a loss resistance 25Ω, power gain of 30 and directivity 42 calculate its radiation
4. Derive the maxima, minima and half power point directions if two point sources are fed with
currents equal in magnitude but opposite in phase
5. Obtain the expressions of electric and magnetic fields of an oscillating dipole.
6. Prove that radiation resistance of a quadrature -wave monopole antenna is 36.5ohm
7. “Effective length of an antenna for receiving is equal to its effective length as a transmitting
antenna.” – Prove.
8. An antenna whose radiation resistance is 300ohm operates at a frequency of 1 GHz and with a
current of 3A.Find the radiated power. (ii) What is the effective area of a half wave dipole
operating at 500MHz? (iii) Find the radiation resistance of a Hertzian dipole of length /40, /60,
9. Obtain the beam width of broadside array and end-fire array.
10. Draw the radiation pattern of 4 element linear array with spacing between elements /2 and the
currents in phase.

Faculty Signature…………… HOD Signature………………..


B.Tech. [SEM V] (Session: 2018-19)

Antenna & Wave Propagation

Unit: 2 Topic:
Isotropic Source, Radiation Intensity,
Arrays of Two Isotropic Point Sources,
Non-isotropic Point Sources and the
Principle of Pattern Multiplication, Pattern
Synthesis by Pattern Multiplication

Date of Distribution: ……… Name of Faculty: Ashish Jain

1. Explain (i) Binomial array (ii) Arrays with Parasitic elements

2. For uniform linear array of „n „isotropic sources, obtain the expression for relative electric field
at a far point. Find nulls and maxima of an array pattern formed by four isotropic antenna fed in
phase and spaced λ/2apart
3. Discuss the use of Dolph-Tchebysheff distribution and polynomials in detail in antenna array
4. State and explain Skelkunoff‟s theorems for antenna arrays
5. Enlist applications of reciprocity theorems to antennas. Briefly explain any two applications.
6. Briefly explain end-fire array with necessary equations.
7. Explain principle of pattern multiplication for array of point sources. Give two examples of
short dipole
8. Two planes 50km apart are in radio communication. The transmitting plane delivers 2000 watts.
Its antenna gain being 40 in the direction of other plane. The power absorbed by the receiving
antenna of the second plane is 20 micro watts. Calculate: i) electric field strength of the incident
wave at the receiving antenna, ii) effective aperture

9. How impedance matching is done with the help of folded dipole antenna.

Faculty Signature…………… HOD Signature………………..

B.Tech. [SEM V] (Session: 2018-19)
Antenna & Wave Propagation

Unit: 3 Topic: Electric dipoles, array, short dipole-field,

radiation resistance; broadside and end fire case,
yagi uda antenna, Long-wire antenna, folded
Dipole antenna

Date of Distribution: ……… Name of Faculty: Ashish Jain

11. Derive (a) expression for the radiated field from a short dipole.

12. Describe the 3 element yagi –uda array.

3. Derive the expression for electric field of an end fire of n sources and also find the maximum direction

minimum direction and half power point direction?

4. (a) What is a broadside array? Explain in detail the structure, radiation pattern and the principle of
operation of such an antenna
(b) For an broadside array consisting of several half wave length long isotropic radiators is to have a
directive gain of 30. Find the array length and width of the major lobe.
5. Derive an expression for the array factor of two isotropic elements in. i. Broadside array ii. End fire array
6. A uniform linear array consisting of 16 isotropic point sources with a spacing of _/4. If the phase
difference is equal to -900. Calculate (i) HPBW , (ii)Beam solid angle (iii) Beam efficiency (iv)Directivity
7. (a) Briefly explain the following: 1. Principle of pattern multiplication 2. Binomial array
8. A linear broadside array consists of four equal isotropic inphase point sources with _/3 spacing & overall
length of the array is _. Find the directivity & beam width.
9. Write a short note on folded dipole antenna.

Faculty Signature…………… HOD Signature………………..


B.Tech. [SEM V] (Session: 2018-19)

Antenna & Wave Propagation

Unit: 4 Topic: Loop antenna, Horn antenna, Helical

antenna, Log periodic , Micro strip antenna,
Reflector antenna, Paraboloidal Reflector, Feed
methods of Paraboloidal Reflector.

Date of Distribution: ……… Name of Faculty: Ashish Jain

1. (a) With a neat sketch, explain Rhombic Antennas.

2. (a) Explain the construction, operation and design consideration for a Helical antenna. (b) Design a
helical antenna with a directivity of 15 dB that is operating in the axial mode and whose polarization is
nearly circular. The spacing between the turns is _/10. Determine the following: (i) Number of turns (ii)
Axial ratio (iii) Progressive phase shifts (in degrees) between turns to achieve axial mode radiation.
3. (a) Explain different modes of operation of helical antenna in detail.
(b) Find number of turns, turn diameter and axial ratio of right circularly polarized axial mode helical
antenna with 17dB gain for operation at 1600MHz with turn spacing
4. Design a five turn helical antenna which at 300MHz operates in the axial mode and possesses
circular polarization in the major lobe. Determine the following: (i) Near optimum circumference (in _
and in meters) (ii) Spacing (in _ and in meters) for near optimum pitch angle design (iii) Input
impedance (iv) Axial ratio
5. (a) If a Helical antenna has spacing between turns 0.05m, diameter 0.1m, no.of turns equal to 20 and
operates at 1000MHz. Find the null to null beam width of the main beam and also half power beam
width and directivity. (b) Discuss the basic properties of Helical Antennas.
6. Explain the geometry of a log periodic antenna?
7. Describe the constructional details and principles of operation of parabolic reflector. Discuss the
relative merits and demerits of these antennas.
8. Explain the methods of feeding a paraboloid reflector in detail.
9. Explain in detail about LPDA

Faculty Signature…………… HOD Signature………………..


B.Tech. [SEM V] (Session: 2018-19)

Antenna & Wave Propagation

Unit: 5 Topic: Ground wave & space wave propagation,

Effect of curvature of earth, Sky wave
propagation- structure details of ionosphere,
critical frequency, MUF, LUF, virtual height,
skip distance, Multi-hop prop[agation.

Date of Distribution: ……… Name of Faculty: Ashish Jain

1 . Explain Ground wave, space wave and sky wave propagation in detail.
2. (a) Derive the expression for refractive index of ionosphere and critical frequency.
(b) Assume that the reflection takes place at a height of 400km and maximum density corresponds to 0.9
refractive index at 10MHz. What will be the range for which MUF is 10MHz?
3. (a) Discuss the effects of earth’s magnetic field on ionosphere radio wave propagation.
(b) Communication by ionosphere propagation is required for a distance of 200Km. Height of the layer is
220Km and critical frequency is 5MHz. Find Maximum Usuable Frequency.
4. (a) Discuss the features that lead to fading and attenuation in ionospheric propagation.
(b) What is Wave Tilt? How does it effect the field strength received at a distance from the transmitter? 5.
5. Derive an expression (a) Skip distance (b) Critical frequency
(c) Max usable frequency (d)virtual height
6. (a) Write short notes on skip distance.
(b) At a 150km height in the ionosphere, the electron density at night is about 2x1012 m-3 and the signal
MUF is 1.5 times the critical frequency for a transmission distance of 600Km. Compute the following: (i)
Critical frequency (ii) Relative dielectric constant (iii) Phase constant (iv) Wave impedance (v) Wave
velocity (vi) Group velocity (vii) Incident angle
7. Explain the concept of virtual height in detail.
8. Explain (a) ionosphere propagation
(b) structure of atmosphere

Faculty Signature…………… HOD Signature………………..

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