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747 / 2074

1. Which non$ mctil is reddish

(^) (B) Gonl (C) Mild st*l

3. whi.h m?tal has hiSh$l ruxin€ F)inl ?

(A) rungsten (R) Alumhllm

4. Which one ol th€ welding ma.hines given below can be us€d for both Ac .nd DC

(A) En|ire dnvcn wrldins s$crator (B) Motor divd w€lding 8€nPrator
(q wcrdins ftcfo't@ (D)

which on.lssuihblc for res*.ncc w€lding

(A) tlnnui, Velal At weldins G)
(C) Ml(: $,eldins (o)

6. lr ie th. disie
berlv*n Be-iql€.nd ba* nPlal whil€ welding is called :

(A) Ar. Dis{orrion (B) Bla{ Hole (C) Ar lxngth (D) AE Blow

Tfie €ncr8y souc. of Themlt Welding is :

(A) Encrgy
Nlschanial (B)

(c) Iilehral E.dgy {D)

3. ftkk mild sret 5her:

t^l 3 (B) 5 (c) 7 (D) 10

9. The nr?aslring imhunPnr

{^l (B) voltmcber (c)Ladonotei


10. Wh(h aE lhe lwo contahed in . solds ?

(D) lM and Cltmium

lt. R<itltd i. u4d fq convdina _,

(A) DcbAC (B) DcIoDC (c) Acioac (D) AcbDc

12, To which terminal oI the D.C machin€ the bl€ch.od. .6ble is connected in stralEht

(A) P@itiv€ (B) Nesatire (C) N€uhal (D) Noreotthe6e

13. AD oxygen E8ulalor 6m<tion haslia&d

(A) Lefr hand (E Rjghr hrnd (g v ryF (D) Nm ofrh€3
14, How mfth @rcnt to! wirl spt ro 4 MMO medium c@t€d mild st€el €l*tode ?
(A) 90 [o 110 anp (B) 130 to 200 anp (C) 150 to 170 amp (D) 70Id90anp

15. wlEt E thE FEmtag€ orbon pEent In nild skl I

(A) 0.1s to 034 {4 O05 ro 0l* (c) 0.5 to 0.64 (D) 0.8 ro 1.41 b Eollrl@ded wh6 Fchcaring of ory-.etyl4 atting nerho<l,

(a) oridizing (B) Neutral (c) carhdrng (D) co,

17, Aoiling point of OxyAen

( ) -195.8.C {B) 188.7.C (C} -132.9.C (D) -172.3.C

13. The frejle(y ot AC is _-. Cltle/*on.l

(a) 40 (B) 50 (c) 60 (D) 70

19, Name rhe heat treiknmt prd6s u*.l to lnprove softn* and .luctilit In nitd ste€t :

(A) Annealing (B) Normalizing (c) rdpsins (D) Hardenhs

20. wlDt should be th. dirtare{en tne tip of rhe cunina nozie rrcn rhe rop 3draft or 0E

(A) 5M (B) 3m (c) 2Iu (D) 7m

21. The substan€s rhrough whi.h .l€clti.ity Pas are called

(A) codldm (B) In$latoB (g Bad Condu.toB (D) ard rtuuhlm

llmtid of . 8.s Egulalor is to
eet diff€M yp6 of fia.G
(B) mix rhe gaes i. the requiredl)bpdtid
(c) .ltrge rne volum€ ot gas nowint to the blow pip€

(D) ser lhe forklng PffiF

23, w'|i.h Eld ddd 0@6 on . rap filiet ioint dw to ibPbFd wwinE ot rhE €l*Fode in the

(c) Edge of plate nelt€d oft

24, is rhe disr.m berrefl rhe 6d oI 0n3 Mtad rlbe atd dE dp ot lh€ eleEode in

(A) ar Irnsrh (B) L-E (D) sri.r. our

rowder or Dste 6ed to dislve oxide is.dlLd :

(B) Aluminiun Powder

25. The oatnc fa.lor 6ed ftle m.dim dr€d d€cdr ie

(A) 14b1.5 (B) 125ro3 (C) 1.61022
27, WIi.h \?€ ol nlme is used fo. weldlnt .lumlnium ?

(A) Siricrly @tr.l riame

(c) carburizing n.ft (D) Siight CarbD;,iig fl.m

21. wlnt MxilrM ldgth of a stu6 ad * Fr 3idndard ?

is dE
(A) tto3omm (B) 30lo.l0nm (C) aotosomn

147 /2n74
29. fte pftmb8e nf c,rbon rn acetylene 8rr it
(B) 92% (c) 39% (D) 35%

30. Thr siz ot rhe n@le ro b€ *l(hd for gas weldina prres va.i€s ft@rdinS ro rhe
(A) thickBolmebl (B) *etrting pGitim
(c) siu ol liller rc.I (D) pEsre ol cas

31, What def€ct is .aued by gas enhaFm€nt in ar w€ldin8 tuess ?

(A) Cra.k (B) Slas (C) L,ck of tudm (D) pdosity

32, Ihe a8re ot blow piF to th. rim ot weld in hnward mtitint tecturiqle jr :

(A) .r0 ro 5e G) s0 ro 4r (c) &) ro ?rr (o) 70 ro 8cr

33, l4rat is the na@ of th€ unil ol a TIC weldlng machine whi.h helps ro skike the ar wtrhoui
to!.hing the el<trode with the ba* mehl ?
(A) te'ler
Wi,e (B) HiEh frequeng unir
(c) 56ieldi.g 8!r (D) Dc iuppffir lnil
54. slandaftd sir ol nux oat€d etdbod. t.ngh tu :

(A) mm
3s0 4u!l, 450 (B) 450 mrr s50 lM
(q 250 mn,35o nn (D) 1s0 nnr,250 mn

35. Whar is the melting poinr oI aluminilm ?

{A) 1530.C (B) 350.C (C) 659C (D) 25fC

36, The oldr.l O:ygo cylDds is

37. A grcove or .hamal fomed in the paent merat at th€ toe of rh€ weld b €lted :
(A) undeNr (B) Distorrior (c) Aft Bloe (D) r,ords y

t8. Naft the ffi $ftable fo. weldinE .llninium in Trc EldtnS:
(A) ac w€ldjng tuchine (B) DC w€tdina @chitu
(c) welding ghdator (r) None or rhee

14' /2014
ih€ edg6 of rhi'r sh€.ts ln b.loineJ are folded. h@ten!r inli

{B) Roltjns (c)

'rfu pn&s of hadmdhg oI the weld rFln!

(A) I'r€$ing (R) Dr€$irg

{1, hhat is lhc tmps:ture.an8€ ol

{A) 1100 to 33{0Pc (B) 2600 b 28m!c (c) 3.100 to 3d0ec (o)

whcn rhc if.and Folten metal d.viah fro.r t. mg.€tic disturb.n(s,

il is .. l.d is

43. lbr r.movin8 water vapour

(A) Irillcrwmr (B)

{t. Whi.h nur is ruitable tor Elding bn$ l,y 8as w.lding ?
(^) flux (B) rinc oiid. and pdtassiuh di.tsn,te fllt
((-) Itrit rlur (l)) lhIY
N.tu or

45, whlr is ihc purpop of .opper coarina o. fie nild etsl lilld rods ?
{A) lo.ofd!.r rhe hear rasrer
(B) To ru{i.g ol nild st€el filld r.d i$ing long ston8e
(c) -ra
in.rpase rhe stun8rh or ih€joinl
(D) gi!.8ood appearan.e to the riLler tod

46. Tne wclding porition of weld is ddired t y lwo FEnet6 :

(A) wckl slop. and $eld a.Ble (B) weld an8l.nnd weld mtanm
(q r+'.ld sldrt dd \{eLd ot (O) Iteld slope.nd weld rohlim

tyF of el{trcde lwd fn w€ldin8 aluminium by TrC welding prd6s is

(^) Purc rln8sren el{trcde (ll) Zlronialcd ttngslen el6trod.
(c) I horirtdd tungsten el€.trode (D) C.rirtc\i runAst€n dl€.truJe

74f /20\4
43. Wh* sftp will elimiMt theltdemt.leld in.( weldinE ?
(B) PFh4t rhe pln€ b b. Rlrl€d
(l D(|te th. qFed ol w.ldinS (D) lE@* the \ped ot e€ldin8

r( weld,nt lh. llur (oling 6 ro 8'v. d??p petutiq ch.Dctcrink3

(D) c.lcilm cdbomte

50, wDr E !h€ m€ltirg Fmp€EtuF ot copFr ?

(A) 5se.c (B) 850.C (c) 1er0"c (D) 1083'C

(B) slppdr.r or conbGlion

Flam b uFd in Ory{etylcE E$ weuhE oa b'ns.

53. Pu.pG€ ol nsing Jigr andFirtuB of .lanF for houbg work in relding is ro Iment I

G) Da'o ron (C) O\idadon (D)

Cas is Bendated by the F.ctid ol wat€r and c.lcim cdblde.
(A) Hydrcso (B) Aeryla. (g Al8on

55, wikh om ol OF r,ollowin8 mbb h.s h'th.n dprtul cmducrivi9 a

(B) Aluhrniun (q Mxd $eer (D) copper

56. Soft r€tal Frticls whi.h aF thffi dt ol rhe a duinC eel.lina alona wiln 0E w.ld
Name the non d€srru.tiv€ l6t in whi.h sdnd wav€s oi nigh irequscy are used :

(a) xjay test (B) Ult'asonic test (c) cama Ey t€d (D) Fdtisx.t.t

58. Th€ angl€ ol filler rod ro rhe rork tn dEhlwlrd w.ldin8 lcchnique in gas weldng is :

(A) 50,6f (B) 20 " 30" (C) 40 - 50" (D) 30,4e

rcor op€ning on square butt w€ldirg i3 given:

To obiainpeneEadon (B) 1o contrcl lhc dislorhon
(cl To kep th. iob .l€nment (D) Ib maintai. cor*t d,m.nson

'ftft ap Mo methods by which flux .oating i! applied o the el{trode .ore wiP which are

(A) DpFing a l Sucti.g (B)

(c] suckins dd abwinS (o)

c-vli.ds the aatylene i! di5rclv€d in :


62. Dep'sion foftd at

63. W1ri.h on€ oI rhe following

(B) Ulk soni(
(c) Magrebc Pdti.le test (l)) F:rliEu.lesl

.odplere combusiion one volume

(B) 2 5 voluhe or oxys€n
(c) (D) As vohm. oloxyS.n

9 r47/2014
66. DE purp@ or @rral hole in thd tip ot rh. dninA blow?ip€ is :
(A) Supply oa oxy8en gas ror pehhring
(B) loi pre - hearing
Supply ol eetylene
(C) Supply of oxyg€n Id drting
lD) Supply of a.etylene ior .rning

6Z on whnn ol th€ lolrowina reldin8 pft6g rht ar js nor visible ro eetder :

{A) MIG {B) CAS Weldin8 (c) sAw {D) SMAW

53. Columbilm 6d.ied ela-d€ is u*d tor w€hin6 stainlK srret ro prsdt :

(A) Dietorrion (B) Ere$ peneharion

(c) sPart r (D) werd nqay

69. Th€ r.w ma.crial. or Cahum Cdrbi'le a'F hme nd€ hd

70. tsim non fie $rtre ot rh. *eld m.rat i, kDwn 6:

Depth ot
(A) P€neErrion (Bi Dtubrrion (c) Fusion zone (D) R€infoRhenr

71. stlinless sr&l ronrai.s as aloyint ethents ot :

(A) zim
CoPPs and (B) coPPe, and rin
(c) Chromium and Nktel (D) Ircn and ca6on

72. ln IG W.ldin& the shielding g3 s€d is :

(Al rSon 13) crrbon Doxjd€

(c) orrsen (D) Hydr%s

73. In Oxy-Aetylde pro.ess supply oI aceiyl€nc

8eneiaror is cal€d :
(A) rlrsh pre$ure
systen (Bl
Mediln pEsure sFteh
(c) Low pe$ure3ynd (o) Non€ or !h*
147/2011 t0
74. Flu! is nol xiuiprl fo! ga. p.lding ot
(A) coFF G) l,ri$ (Cl Mi|Jsel (D) Aluminiuh

75. $hi.h two Fltss fbn lic rtmsph€E murt h€ pEvented ft6 mtqing dE etd netat ?

(A) Orygd ancl NiEo*! (B) Nirreg.n and ArAon

{CJ ory8e. .nd Argon (D) Argm:nd Heliuh

76, Dury cycle ol,elding tuditu is :

(3) 50r (c) 401 (D) 70*

77. Ihe disr.ft€ b.lsdn rh€ re ond @t ol the eld G€d :

(^) Rmr run (B) Lrg logrh (c) AE ldBrn (D) Reinrorftnr

74. bck ol FsE ation in ,{rc weldinA du to :

lA) ctrrFni
lliSh (B) Low Cuftnt
{C) Shdt Ar kngth {D) r'o LM weldintsped

79. rvhat is thc Ch.hkal symbol of Aelylm€ ?

(g c.c, (D) c.o,

30, Whi.h lype ol emrgy is ued in lr6er w.lding ?

(A) r-i8hl.n.r6, (R) lll*ltk l en.rEv (C) Hel ererty (D) Nftd the

61. wnft the l.mharlal N€hru Trepiel c.rdm 0NTaGRD 3lt!.ted ?
(A) Maduthy (B) Pshi {c) Aluva (D) Palod.

32. who among thc tollowin8 F$n€d 16 E!.rilb @tae In th€ dolt ot 18t ?

(A) Tanlia Topi (B) xanwar sinsh (9 Bh.k IaEn (D) N.Eleheb
83. Th. Rrt ICC wcld Cup Cricket *lll
(A) Entland and lEldd
(C) Ausualir .nd Ncwrd.nd

U/ho was poprlarly known as

(B) Thlk'ni Siv...nt r.
{c) Ch.nganpuzna Krkhna Plu.i

35, who srarled'Pan lhibhoj.n.m (inhnininS) in lcrata ?

(^) te NMyana Gud (B) Bhhrumnda Sivayogi

(D) Thycaud Ayya

whi.h .itt popll.rly *mM as 1



87, of'Kudumba SE' pt<'iet in Ker.L :

(A) SltG (B) ADs (C) CDS (D) SSA

88, lh.l fufttioned d houthp'4 of S N DP?

(B) s6vi..
(D) Unnl N.mb!$iri

49, who ir rhe pretrl Chi€t Mjnkt r

(A) ch.ndra B.bu N.idu (B) Navd
(D) K. Ch.ndiaserri.r. R.o

90. Th€ lounder ol 'Athm vidhy. Sangh.m :

(A) swamyAs.Mmrda (B) vagbhadaMndd

(c) chaltambi Swanital (D) v.T. Bh,tt lhtrlpp.d

9r. Whm diJ th€ *po!s bpal dt in op6 revotr or ].tal lorh 1857 ?

{A) K'rFUr (B) Bdhkporc (c) B.$anpor. (D) Meeilr

92, Ihc first fresid€ft of Indian Narionrt Con,jre$ w.s

(a) A() Huma (3) Dadabhaj Naorojj

((:) w.(, Bane4ft (D) CopalakJjshm coldale

93. Wh di{dvercd lhc {ulh-west€rn Dns'n ?

(.^) rrdl rBr H'Fprlu. . t1o -n1y .D/ EDlho{n.n..p

94. fhe A!.b.rn S€a and Peieian Cull are bv L\e I

(^) Hormrz sha't (B) Palk SEan

((_) or M€ssina (D) srra of BaEn,Vandeb

9s. who has .h@ ttr $e InanFerh AEard !013 ?

(A) Mahrswelh devi p) sugathakrndi
(c) Ralu.i Bhrhdwaj (D) K€n*narh Singh

96. Which c€ntDl Minisky.onduds the €nBus every io yenr ?

(A) Mlnisrry
FoEiS! (B) Def€&? vinistry
(c) Home Minhtry (D) H R D Mnishy

97. Anich 360 explains :

{A) spd.l *atus to. tammu and Kashmjr

(B) Finan ial Ehclgency
(c) lnterml
(D) De.hrabon ot PBid€nt Rule

r47 /2Or4
96. 0re ryP. of t6qqito whin
(A) AnoPh.l6 Mo.quito P) Aed6 AeSYPt
(D) cllex

99, V\thh ilE Sdond Rdnd T.!l€ confdei" hdd ?

(a) 1930 (B) 1931 (c) te2e (D) 1932

100, In lndia the ttan.lard tlme is ixe.l on the basi! oI standard meridian ehi€h Paat"

(A) Dw.i.h (B) Kddtn (g Po"i (D) Allnabd

11r/20La L

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