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Engineering with Computers


Prediction of building damage induced by tunnelling

through an optimized artificial neural network
S. Moosazadeh1 · E. Namazi2 · H. Aghababaei1 · A. Marto3 · H. Mohamad4 · M. Hajihassani5 

Received: 22 December 2017 / Accepted: 8 May 2018

© Springer-Verlag London Ltd., part of Springer Nature 2018

Ground surface movement due to tunnelling in urban areas imposes strains to the adjacent buildings through distortion and
rotation, and may consequently cause structural damage. The methods of building damage estimation are generally based on
a two-stage procedure in which ground movement in the greenfield condition is estimated empirically, and then, a separate
method based on structural mechanic principles is used to assess the damage. This paper predicts the building damage based
on a model obtained from artificial neural network and a particle swarm optimization algorithm. To develop the model, the
input and output parameters were collected from Line No. 2 of the Karaj Urban Railway Project in Iran. Accordingly, two
case studies of damaged buildings were used to assess the ability of this model to predict the damage. Comparison with the
measured data indicated that the model achieved the satisfactory results.

Keywords  Building damage · Ground movement · Tunnelling · Artificial neural network · Particle swarm optimization

1 Introduction empirical, semi-analytical, and numerical methods. The

empirical methods are mainly limited to damage caused by
The rapid growth of urban developments has resulted in the settlements arising from the weight of the structure and do
need to construct new tunnels for transportation and public not consider the deformation which may occur as a result
facilities beneath the ground surface. Construction of tun- of nearby excavation [1, 2]. In the semi-analytical methods,
nel induces ground surface movement which distorts and, in which are widely used in engineering practice, the onset
severe cases, damages existing surface buildings. Therefore, of cracks in the building is assumed to be associated with
prediction of the ground displacement and assessment of average tensile strain [3–10]. The maximum tensile strain
the risk of damage to buildings is an essential part of the in the building is calculated by representing the building as
planning, design, and construction of tunnels in urban areas. a beam or plate undergoing sagging and hogging modes of
A number of methods found in the literature correlate the deformation.
building damage with associated ground movements using The semi-analytical approaches are usually conservative,
since they do not consider the effects of building stiffness on
the ground movements. To include such an effect, a refined
method considering the interaction between building stiff-
ness and soil was suggested [11–16]. In this method, the
* M. Hajihassani numerical analysis and physical modelling methods are
1 used to model the construction of the tunnel in greenfield
Faculty of Mining Engineering, Sahand University
of Technology, Tabriz, Iran conditions and beneath buildings for the different ratios of
2 building/soil stiffness. The ground displacement results are
COWI, London, UK
compared, and a set of design curves are published to predict
Department of Geotechnics and Transportation, Universiti the building deformation.
Teknologi Malaysia, Johor, Malaysia
Over the last few years, various artificial intelligence (AI)
Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, Universiti methods have been widely used for advanced analysis in a
Teknologi Petronas, Perak, Malaysia
diversity of engineering applications [17–23]. Artificial neu-
Department of Mining Engineering, Urmia University, ral network (ANN) as a powerful modelling tool has widely
Urmia, Iran

Engineering with Computers

used for advanced analysis in a diversity of civil engineer-

ing applications, and the use of this technique is increasing
[24–26]. Several types of research have been successfully
carried out using ANNs to predict ground movements due to
excavation of tunnel as reported by Kim et al. [27] and Bou-
bou et al. [28], and tunnel convergence by Adoko and Wu
[29] and Rafiai and Moosavi [30], with reasonable accuracy.
The current study is aimed to develop a new model based
on a hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm
and ANN to predict the building damage induced by ground
movements due to tunnelling. To predict the building dam-
age using the Artificial Neural Network and a Particle
Swarm Optimization algorithm (PSO-based ANN) model,
information on damaged buildings due to tunnelling was col-
lected from the Karaj Urban Railway (KUR) project, in Iran.
Subsequently, the characteristics of the buildings, building/
soil stiffness ratios, cracks, and ground displacement param-
eters were considered to assess the building damage due to

2 Case study

Line 2 of Karaj Urban Railway (KUR), Spanning 27 km,

constructed between Kamal-Shahr, in north-western Karaj Fig. 1  Line No. 2 of KUR project and location of the case study
and Malard, in the south of the city (Fig. 1). To contribute to buildings with regard to station E
ground self-stability until completion of the lining installa-
tion, the tunnel excavation was divided into two sections: top
heading and bench. The top heading was being excavated in
one step and the bench in two steps. The tunnel dimensions
and sequence of the excavation are shown in Fig. 2. Refer- Ground Surface

ring to this figure, the tunnel excavation was divided into

three steps in which step I (top heading) was excavated first.
After excavating the top heading for a distance of 1.2 m, the
exposed area was supported using primary support system.
Upon reaching the 120 m distance for the excavation of the
top heading, the excavation for step II was started and later
step III. After the installation of the waterproof membrane,
completed excavation areas were supported using concrete
4.1 m

Top Heading
reinforced liner as a final lining of the tunnel.
7.8 m

Station E of Phase 1 was excavated adjacent to resid-

ual and commercial buildings. This station was excavated STEP III STEP II STEP III Bench
3.7 m

by spray concrete lining (SCL) tunnelling method. In this

method, two side drifts were excavated and enlarged with the 6.4 m

subsequent boring of cast-in-place piles (to form the internal 8.4 m

walls below the two side walls) (Fig. 3). The excavation

continued with the installation of arch ribs above the walls,
followed by excavation of the whole tunnel space below the Fig. 2  Tunnel dimensions and construction sequence
During construction of the tunnel and station, ground
movements and buildings were monitored. This paper analy- founded on the shallow foundations. The cracks in the build-
ses the monitoring data obtained from the buildings adjacent ings were recorded before construction and monitored dur-
to the station. Most of the buildings were low-rise buildings ing construction of the station and tunnel. The development

Engineering with Computers

Fig. 3  Plan view of station E and location of some cracks in the buildings

of crack openings was measured by means of a digital ruler and their implementations to minimize the problem will be
calliper and photographed (to provide useful records of crack discussed in more detail.
pattern and density). The ground and buildings movements
were frequently monitored during construction of the sta- 3.1 Artificial neural networks
tion using ground and building settlement markers. In this
study, the data obtained from 44 buildings adjacent to the The ANNs are a form of artificial intelligence that attempts
station have been collected and analysed. The buildings were to estimate existing function from the actual data based on
old framed residual and commercial structures with 1, 2, or simulating the biological nervous systems. In contrast to the
3-storey founded on reinforced concrete rafts. In general, most empirical and analytical solutions which need the pre-
several shop premises were damaged severity and hair cracks vious knowledge, the ANNs learn by examples and obtain a
were observed in most of the buildings. Figure 3 shows the close approximation relationship among the data.
location of some cracks recorded with the crack opening of The threshold logic unit (TLU) was the earliest neuron,
greater than 2 mm. Only a few cracks with widths of more proposed by McCulloch and Pitts [32]. The TLU generally
than 15 mm were observed in the buildings Group D and E. recognized as the designer of the first neural network and its
These cracks were extended the whole height of the interior invention is still the fundamental way in which ANNs oper-
wall from the floor to the roof of the building. In addition, ate. Nevertheless, the first ANN was developed by Rosen-
cracks with 8 mm wide were reported in the floor of Build- blatt [33], called the perceptron and based on the work of
ing G. McCulloch and Pitts [32]. The perception can be seen as
the simplest kind of feedforward neural network. Using a
linear combination of inputs, this network produces an out-
3 Hybrid PSO‑based ANN put scaled as 1 and − 1. Although the concept of artificial
neurons was first introduced in 1943, researches into appli-
As the BP is a local search learning algorithm [31], the cations of ANNs have been grown sharply since the intro-
ANNs might cause the convergence of a solution to failing. duction of the BP training algorithm for feedforward ANNs.
There are many attempts have been made to improve the per- BP is a supervised learning technique that back-propagates
formance and generalization capabilities of ANNs in recent the error at the output layer to the hidden layer, so weight
years. In another side, PSO has been used as a robust global changes can be calculated. Subsequently, ANNs were devel-
search algorithm to adjust the weights and biases of ANN oped by many researchers in their structures and operations,
to increase the performance and accuracy of this method. as reported by Hopfield and Tank [34] and Basheer and Haj-
In the following sections, the procedure of ANN and PSO meer [35].

Engineering with Computers

As shown in Fig. 4, a set of parallel interconnected pro- where v������ ⃗ , v⃗ , p������
new new⃗ , and p⃗ are the new and current veloci-
cessing units, titled nodes or neurons, form the basis of an ties and positions of the particles: C1 and C2 are pre-defined
ANN. The activation signals are transferred between nodes coefficients; p������ ⃗ is the personal best position of the parti-
using their weights. Along each neuron is an activation func- cle; g������

best is the global best position among all the particles;
tion that controls the amplitude of the output. and r1 and r2 are random values in the range (0,1) sampled
A multilayer perceptron (MLP) is a feedforward ANN from a uniform distribution. In the above equation, an inertia
model that maps sets of input data into a set of proper data. weight (w) could be added to the velocity equation [39]. The
An MLP network consists of several layers or nodes referred inertia weight determines the contribution rate of a particle’s
to commonly as the input layer, hidden layer(s), and output previous velocity to its velocity at the current time step [40].
layer, in which data flows in one direction from the input to The above equation can be updated to the below equation
the output layer. Except for the input nodes, each node is a pro- considering the w:
cessing element (or neuron) with a nonlinear activation func-
⃗ − p⃗ . (3)
( ) ( )
⃗ = w ⋅ v⃗ + r1 C1 × p������
v������ ⃗ − p⃗ + r2 C2 × g������
tion. The actual processing is done by neurons in the hidden new best best

layer(s), whereas the input and output neurons purely collect The PSO algorithm can be applied for scientific and engi-
and distribute the signals. A network with one hidden layer neering purposes. Compared with other developing optimi-
can approximate any continuous function, despite the fact that zation algorithms, it has a greater optimization ability using
many hidden layers are used [36]. simple relations and can be completed easily. Figure 5 illus-
trates the workflow of the PSO algorithm.
3.2 Particle swarm optimization (PSO)
3.3 Implementation of hybrid PSO‑based ANN
Particle swarm optimization is a computational method origi-
nally proposed by Kennedy and Eberhart [37] which was The PSO and ANNs employ different approaches to mini-
developed further by Shi and Eberhart [38], motivated by the mize a problem. Typically, there is a greater probability of
social behavior of organisms such as bird flocking and fish convergence at a local minimum by ANNs and minimum
schooling. On the foundation of a few mathematical formu- error between the actual and predicted answer, whereas
las, the particles move around the search space area to find PSO is capable of finding a global minimum and continues
the optimum solution. Particle movements steer by their own searching around it. As a consequence, the hybrid PSO-
best-known position, called their personal best (pbest), as well based ANN model is an optimized technique which has the
as the best-known positions of all of the particles, called the search properties of both PSO and ANN. The PSO looks for
global best (gbest). all the minima in the search space and ANN uses them to
According to Kennedy and Eberhart [37], a stochastic vari- find the best results. In this model, each particle represents
able called craziness or randomness is added to update the a candidate solution to the optimization problem, and since
scheme of the particles to avoid the settlement of particles the weights of a trained ANN are a solution, a single par-
on a united, unchanging direction. Therefore, at each itera- ticle represents one complete network. For this case, each
tion, some changes are added randomly to choose the velocity component of a particle characterizes a weight or bias in
parameters. Based on relations (1) and (2), the position and the model. The particle’s velocity and position are updated
velocity of each particle are computed and the procedure is using the PSO equations, and subsequently, the weights and
continued until the termination criterion is met [37]: biases of the model are adjusted in each iteration. Using this
representation, any of the PSO algorithms can be used to
( ) ( )
⃗ = v⃗ + r1 C1 × p������
v������ ⃗ − p⃗ + r2 C2 × g������
⃗ − p⃗
new best best find the best weights for an ANN and to minimize the error
function [41].
new⃗ = p⃗ + v������
p������ new⃗ (2)

4 Development of PSO‑based ANN model

for building damage prediction

4.1 Input and output data

Building damage due to the excavation of tunnel depends

on the ground, tunnel and building parameters. The tun-
nel causes reduction of the geostatic pressure around the
excavation, and the ground moves toward to the tunnel.
Fig. 4  Artificial neural network model The ground movement develops to the ground surface

Engineering with Computers

The first three components are treated as parameters

required for the ANN input cells, whereas the last can be
associated with the output data. The following sections dis-
cussed the basis of the input and output parameters.

4.1.1 Ground parameters

The prediction and mitigation of damage caused by con-

struction-induced ground movements represent a major
factor in the design of tunnels. In the context of evaluating
damage to adjacent structures, many design approaches are
largely based on the greenfield displacement input. The use
of empirical models that relate the observed settlement at
sites is very common in engineering practice, since the set-
tlement curve can be characterized by a few input parame-
ters. The most extensive data relates to the transverse ground
surface settlement trough for ‘greenfield conditions’, usually
described by the classical Gaussian distribution function as
[42, 43]
( 2)
Sv = Smax exp − 2 (4)

in which Sv is the surface settlement, Smax is the maximum

surface settlement at the tunnel centreline, y is the horizontal
distance from the tunnel centreline, and i is the horizontal
distance from the tunnel centreline to the points of inflection
of the settlement trough (Fig. 6). The inflection point parti-
tions the settlement trough between the hogging and sagging
region. The parameter i is related to the depth of the tunnel
axis Z0 by the linear expression:
i = KZ0 . (5)
The trough width parameter K depends on the soil type. It
varies from 0.2 to 0.3 for granular material through 0.4–0.5
Fig. 5  Flowchart depicting the general PSO algorithm
for stiff clay to as high as 0.7 for silty clays deposits [44].
The greenfield shape function is essentially governed by
the Smax and i. The former relates to the intensity of the
and affects the building. Depending on the building stiff- settlement trough, whereas the latter describes the width
ness and interaction between the ground and structure, and steepness of the envelope. The eccentricity e which is
the ground distortion may be developed fully or partially the distance between the tunnel and building center may
inside the building and causes cracking. To simulate the be added as an input parameter together with the building
building damage by hybrid PSO-based ANN model, the length L to account for the positioning of the structure rela-
relevant parameters of the tunnel, building, and ground tive to the tunnel. Thus, the eccentricity, inflection point,
should be considered. In general, the following groups of and length of the building make a distinction as to whether
parameters are considered in the models: structural damage caused by differential settlements is due to
the hogging or sagging types of deformation. For instance,
1. ground parameters depicting the surface settlement a building may experience sagging when i > (e + B), or hog-
trough induced by tunnelling; ging when i < (e–B), or both sagging and hogging other than
2. structure properties; in the aforementioned conditions (where B is half the length
3. building–soil interaction parameters which relating the of the building, see Fig. 6).
building stiffness to the ground mass; Lateral ground movements at the foundation level are
4. output parameters which are the damage criteria and important as the building damage can also result from the
classification of the building damage. horizontal extension of the building [4]. The horizontal

Engineering with Computers

Fig. 6  Excavation of a tunnel
beneath a building and the asso-
ciated ground parameters

movements are shown in Fig. 6 can be found by assuming

a direct relationship with the vertical movements, as shown
in Eq. (6):
Sv y
Sh = (6)

where Sh is the horizontal movement. The above equation

is based on the assumption that the vectors of movement
at the ground surface are directed toward the tunnel center
[44]. Figure 6 shows the horizontal strain component εh
calculated from the relative horizontal movements of two
reference points. Fig. 7  Measured greenfield settlement trough of KUR project
The measured settlement data at adjacent reference sites
with similar ground and tunnelling conditions are used to
consider the impact associated greenfield ground param- modulus, E/G, depending on the type of structure. Burland
eters on the affected buildings. Figure 7 shows an exam- and Wroth [3] postulated that (on the basis of a very good
ple of greenfield settlement data of a reference site in the agreement with the case records of damaged and undam-
KUR project that is well matched with the Gaussian shape aged buildings undergoing settlement) for buildings with
distribution. significant tensile restraint, or that are very flexible in shear
(i.e., frame buildings), an E/G ratio greater than the theoreti-
cal value of 2.6 would be appropriate, and recommended
4.1.2 Building parameters that the value be taken as 12.5. However, for buildings that
have little or no tensile restraint (i.e., traditional masonry
Many damage criteria for excavation-induced damage to buildings), they recommended that the E/G ratio should be
buildings idealize building facade as rectangular beams reduced to 0.5.
[3, 4, 7–9]. The deep beam relates critical tensile strains It can be asserted that the implicit assumption of the
(at which cracking becomes evident) in the building to the building type characterized by E/G does not account for the
imposing deformation (bending, shear, and direct extension). different moduli of each structural element, the transference
The building, which is presented by elastic plate and beam, of shear between elements, or the limit strains beyond which
is characterized by different ratios of the Young’s and shear the linear stress–strain relationship defining the modulus E

Engineering with Computers

would no longer apply. Nevertheless, the method is well- In this study, the maximum crack width and frequency
established and has proven to give reasonably accurate pre- are used as the output parameters for the model. The crite-
dictions of damage categories compared with published data rion describing cumulative crack widths [6] is inferred in
[10]. Table 1 to determine the severity of damage owing to mul-
tiple cracks. In the case of multiple cracks, it is assumed
in the model that the maximum crack width value corre-
4.1.3 Influence of building stiffness sponds to the averaged crack width from the number of
cracks recorded.
It is known that the inherent stiffness of structures can influ-
ence their settlement response to tunnelling- and excavation- 4.1.5 Input–output parameters of KUR project
induced movements [45–47]. The alteration of greenfield
ground movements caused by the presence of building In general, a total of 44 data sets were obtained from the
may be evaluated using the factor of relative structure/soil KUR Project, each refers to a set of 10 inputs and 2 outputs.
stiffness. Following the previous studies [11, 15, 16], two Table 2 indicates the input and output parameters used for
parameters were defined to explain the modification to the the analysis of prediction of building damage due to tun-
settlement and axial response of buildings; these were rela- nelling. The negative horizontal strain shown in the table
tive axial stiffness, α and relative bending stiffness, β. The α is the tensile strain developed in the hogging zone of the
and β ratios are presented as below: settlement trough, and the positive horizontal strain is the
EA compression strain developed in the sagging zone of the set-
ES B (7) tlement trough.

4.2 Network design
ES B4 (8)
A series of network architecture analyses were performed
where Es is the secant stiffness of the soil at 0.01% axial using MATLAB code to obtain the optimum PSO and
stiffness at half the depth of the tunnel axis from the ground ANN parameters. The PSO parameters include the number
surface, and EI and EA are the bending stiffness and the of particles, the coefficient of velocity equation, and inertia
axial stiffness of the building, respectively. weight. The ANN parameters include network architecture
Equations (7) and (8) enable building details such as which consists of hidden layers and the number of nodes in
floors, walls, the foundation slab and openings to be explic- the hidden layer. In the initial model, a PSO-based ANN
itly accounted for when evaluating the interaction between model, consisting of a single hidden layer with ten nodes,
the structure and the soil. In this study, the stiffness of the was utilized. Each analysis was conducted three times and
soil (at half the depth of the tunnel) is assumed Es = 72 MPa the best value was selected as the representative value of the
at 0.01% axial strain. The stiffness of the building, E, for model. The values were used to propose an optimum net-
the masonry and steel frame are assumed as 5500 and work architecture. This network architecture was proposed
16,500 MPa, respectively [3, 10]. later for prediction of the building damage due to tunnelling
for this project.

4.1.4 Damage criteria 4.2.1 Swarm size

Building damage classification has traditionally been The first sensitivity analysis was conducted on the swarm
divided into three general groups, including architectural, size (number of particles). A larger swarm size was cho-
functional, and structural damage. Table 1 shows this clas- sen, while a small swarm may fail to converge to a global
sification system with six categories, first put forward by solution. Selection of a large swarm could cause the delay
Burland et al. [48] on the basis of visible damage (observed in the convergence and increase training time. A series of
crack width) to walls with particular reference to the ease of sensitivity analyses of PSO swarm size were applied to
repair of the plaster and brickwork or masonry. Categories determine the appropriate number of particles in the swarm.
0–2 are related to visual appearance or “aesthetic”, 3 and 4 The coefficient of determination (R2) and consumed training
affect “serviceability” or function, and 5 represents damage time (elapsed time using the Intel Core i7 Processor 2600
affecting “stability”. Note that these classifications are very 3.40 GHz) were used as the model selection criteria.
general without clearly defined limits, and there may be con- The models with 250, 450, and 500 particles yield high
siderable overlap of the categories depending upon the type values (more than 0.80) of correlation of determination.
and use of the particular structure considered. However, the elapsed time by the model with 250 particles


Table 1  Category of building damage
Category Degree of severity Maximum crack width, χ (mm) Cumulative crack Ease of repair Overall description of the typical damage
of dam- width, Σχ (mm)

0 Negligible < 0.1 < 0.15 – Hairline cracks

1 Very slight <1 0.15< Σχ < 1.5 Fine cracks which are easily treated during Damage generally restricted to internal wall fin-
normal decoration ishes. Closed inspection may reveal some cracks
in external brickwork or masonry
2 Slight <5 1.5 < Σχ < 7.5 Cracks easily filled. Re-decoration probably Doors and windows may stick slightly
required. Recurrent cracks can be masked by
suitable linings. Cracks may be visible exter-
nally and some repointing may be required to
ensure weather tightness
3 Moderate 5 < χ < 15 7.5 < Σχ < 22.5 The cracks require some opening up and can be Doors and windows sticking. Service pipes may
Or patched by a mason. Repointing of external fracture. Weather tightness often impaired
Several greater than 3 mm brickwork and possibly a small amount of
brickwork to be replaced
4 Severe 15 < χ < 25 22.5 < Σχ < 37.5 Extensive repair work involving breaking-out Windows and door frames distorted, floor sloping
Also depends on the number of cracks and replacing sections of walls, especially over noticeably. Walls leaning or bulging noticeably,
doors and windows some loss of bearing in beams. Service pipes
5 Very severe > 25 > 37.5 This requires a major repair job involving partial Beams lose bearing; walls lean badly and require
or complete rebuilding shoring. Windows were broken with distortion.
The danger of instability
Engineering with Computers
Engineering with Computers

Table 2  Range of input and Parameter Description Minimum value Maximum value Average Standard
output parameters used for deviation
prediction of building damage
Building height (m) Input 3 18 6.09 3.88
Building width (m) Input 2.8 24 7.30 4.04
Building length (m) Input 4.5 38 15.73 8.14
Building stiffness ratio Input 2.6 12.5 7.34 4.95
Eccentricity (m) Input 12.2 29 18.94 4.05
Inflection point (m) Input 8.5 20.5 12.63 2.81
Maximum settlement (mm) Input 10.2 90.2 35.47 19.15
Horizontal strain (%) Input − 0.034 0.476 0.11 0.12
Axial stiffness ratio ­(m−1) Input 30.56 416.67 116.14 75.32
Bending stiffness ratio ­(m−1) Input 0.04 11.13 1.25 2.11
Number of cracks Output 1 5 2.35 1.27
Crack width (mm) Output 0.1 20 3.51 4.70

(1608s) is almost half that of the other two models (2808s Number 3). Consequently, this model was selected as the
for 450 particles and 3133s for 500 particles). Therefore, this optimum network.
model was selected as the appropriate model and the swarm
size of 250 was selected as the optimum number of particles.
4.2.3 Inertia weight
4.2.2 Coefficients of velocity equation
The other sensitivity analysis conducted was to determine
The sensitivity analyses also were performed on the same the optimum value of inertia weight (w) to be used in the
model to find the optimum values of the coefficients of the equation of velocity. Four different inertial weight were
velocity equation (C1 and C2). Based on the original coef- checked for the tests. The optimum size of 250 with the
ficients of Kennedy and Eberhart [37] and modified coef- C1 = 1.714 and C2 = 2.286 was applied for all the tests.
ficients (proposed by Clerc and Kennedy [49]), a series of The results of sensitivity analyses on the inertia weight
candidate combinations were utilized, as shown in Table 3. are shown in Fig. 8. From the figure, it can be seen that the
The tests were performed with the constant initial swarm best R2 for training and testing data sets were obtained when
size of 250 and the maximum iterations of 400. The analyses the inertia weights were 0.25 and 0.5. The same results were
were conducted with 10 nodes with one hidden layer on the obtained for RMSE. The value of 0.25 for the inertia weight,
previous network. Table 3 shows the reasonable precision of which yields the best results, was selected as the optimal
84% for training and 81% for testing at C1 = 0.75C2 (model inertia weight.

Table 3  Results of sensitivity Model Relationship C1 C2 C1 + C2 Training Testing

analyses for coefficients of
velocity equation R RMSE R2 RMSE

1 C1 = 0.25 C2 0.8 3.2 4 0.718 0.246 0.587 0.380

2 C1 = 0.5 C2 1.333 2.667 4 0.827 0.222 0.744 0.251
3 C1 = 0.75 C2 1.714 2.286 4 0.842 0.206 0.809 0.207
4 C2 = 0.25 C1 3.2 0.8 4 0.644 0.500 0.537 0.424
5 C2 = 0.5 C1 2.667 1.333 4 0.683 0.252 0.732 0.355
6 C2 = 0.75 C1 2.286 1.714 4 0.685 0.352 0.701 0.154
7 C1 = 2 C2 2.5 2.5 5 0.824 0.185 0.471 0.352
8 C1 = C2 2 2 4 0.829 0.226 0.669 0.259
9 C1 = C2 1.75 1.75 3.5 0.627 0.292 0.470 0.506
10 C1 = C2 1.5 1.5 3 0.670 0.172 0.463 0.449
11 C1 = C2 1.25 1.25 2.5 0.513 0.311 0.509 0.460
12 C1 = C2 1 1 2 0.507 0.366 0.505 0.486

Engineering with Computers

utilized. By this technique, the data are divided into k

parts, in which (k-1) parts are used to train and one part
is used to test the model. In total, the process is repeated
k times and all of the inputs are used in the training and
testing stages.
For this work, 14 models were used in the analyses. To
evaluate the performance of the models, a fourfold cross
validation was utilized. Each model was trained by three-
fold (33 data sets) and tested with the rest of the data (11
data sets). The models were trained and tested four times
with the different combination of training and testing data
sets. R2ave and R­ MSEave for testing of the data sets were
used as a model performance criterion. The models were
trained with the optimized PSO parameters of 250 parti-
cles, C1 = 1.714, C2 = 2.286 and 400 iterations which are
explained in the previous sections.
The results of the analyses with different data are pre-
sented in Table 4. As mentioned earlier, the values of R2ave
and ­RMSEave for testing data sets are the criteria for choos-
ing the proper model. Comparing the above parameters
showing that Model 3 has the highest value of R2ave for
training (96%) and the lowest value of R ­ MSEave (0.092).
However, it gives weaker results than Model 4 in terms of
testing. Therefore, Model 4 is selected because of the best
Fig. 8  a R2 and b RMSE for training and testing data sets at different performance in terms of testing (93%).
inertia weights
Figure 9 shows the actual and predicted values obtained
by the selected analysis for testing of the data sets. This
4.2.4 Network architecture figure illustrates that the predicted values are approxi-
mately close to the actual values. The structure of the
The network architecture was determined based on the selected model includes one hidden layer and its 13 nodes
trial and error method. To evaluate the performance of is illustrated in Fig. 10.
each model, a k-fold cross-validation technique [50] was

Table 4  Performance of trained Model Network architecture Results

PSO-based ANN models
Hidden Nodes in the hidden Training Testing
layers layer (s)
Rave2 RMSEave Rave2 RMSEave

1 1 4 0.870 0.185 0.817 0.199

2 1 7 0.876 0.160 0.830 0.191
3 1 10 0.959 0.092 0.902 0.172
4 1 13 0.941 0.112 0.926 0.149
5 1 16 0.940 0.104 0.887 0.208
6 1 19 0.862 0.192 0.851 0.198
7 1 21 0.903 0.167 0.847 0.170
8 2 4 0.859 0.191 0.791 0.299
9 2 7 0.864 0.238 0.801 0.225
10 2 10 0.863 0.148 0.843 0.159
11 2 13 0.904 0.150 0.897 0.193
12 2 16 0.854 0.241 0.864 0.260
13 2 19 0.868 0.197 0.816 0.252
14 2 21 0.838 0.192 0.811 0.258

Engineering with Computers

predicted by the model and was compared with the meas-

ured values.
These two buildings called Sarvenaz Residential (SR) and
Financial and Credit Institution (FCI). The SR building is
a five-storey concrete frame structure which is located in
the vicinity of the KUR tunnel between Stations E and F,
while the FCI building is a relatively old two-storey build-
ing with a load-bearing wall situated in the vicinity of Sta-
tion E. Table 5 shows the characteristics of the buildings,
their eccentricities from the tunnel, maximum surface set-
tlements, settlement through inflection points, the measured
crack widths, and number of cracks formed in the selected
damaged buildings. Using the available data on the number
of cracks and crack width (2.95 mm for SR and 4.27 mm for
FCI, respectively), the SR and FCI buildings belong to the
slight damage category based on a classification proposed by
Institution of Structural Engineers, London (1994).
To predict the category of damage in the SR and FCI
buildings using the proposed PSO-based ANN model, the
Fig. 9  Concordance between actual and predicted values for testing geometry of the building, building stiffness, maximum sur-
data sets face settlement, the inflection point, eccentricity, horizon-
tal strain, and axial and bending stiffness ratio was used as
input parameters. The results show that the crack widths
were obtained as 3.15 mm for the SR building and 4.78 mm
for the FCI building. Consequently, these buildings belong
to the slight damage category. Table 6 compares the building
damage category obtained by the presented PSO-based ANN
model and the measured values. As seen in the table, the
damage categories obtained by the PSO-based ANN model
are in agreement with the actual damage category.

6 Conclusion

A new approach was introduced to predict the potential risk

of building damage induced by ground movements due to
tunnelling based on the hybrid PSO-based ANN model.
In this model, the ANN learning process was improved
by means of replacing the BP with the PSO algorithm to
increase the accuracy and applicability of ANNs for pre-
diction of building damage. Sensitivity analyses were per-
Fig. 10  Structure of the selected PSO-based ANN model to predict
tunnelling-induced building damage
formed to determine the optimum parameters of the PSO
algorithm. The optimum network architecture was deter-
mined by the trial and error method and a k-fold cross-
5 Building damage prediction by PSO‑based validation technique to validate the network performance.
ANN model Finally, a model with one hidden layer and 13 nodes were
selected. A data set of 44 buildings was collected from Phase
To check the applicability and validity of the proposed 1 of Line No. 2 of the KUR project to create the model.
model for predicting building damage due to tunnelling, The data set includes ten inputs associated with the building
two well-documented damaged buildings from the KUR properties and greenfield settlement trough, and two outputs
Project were selected. The severity of the damage which consisting of the measured crack width and the frequency of
includes crack widths and frequency of the crack was cracking. The results indicate that the calculations obtained
are in good agreement with field measurements. However,

Engineering with Computers

Table 5  Properties of the Parameter Unit Sarvenaz residential Financial and credit

selected damaged buildings building institution building
with predicted greenfield
surface settlement Building type – Frame structure Load-bearing wall
Reported Damage – Slight Slight
Number of floors – 5 2
Building stiffness ratio – 12.5 2.6
Height m 15 6
Length m 16.5 30.8
Width m 12.5 6.3
Eccentricity m 12.2 25.8
Maximum surface settlement mm 30.29 40.58
The inflection point of settlement through m 8.7 9.2
Horizontal Strain % − 0.011 − 0.024
Axial stiffness ratio m− 1 416.67 89.22
Bending stiffness ratio m− 1 11.13 0.08
Number of crack occurrences – 2 1
Measured crack width mm 2.95 4.27

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