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Data Analysis in R, the data.

table way DataCamp


Data Analysis in R, the data.table way
1. Data.table Novice ............................................................................................ 2
1.1. Create and subset a data.table ................................................................. 2
1.2. Getting to know a data.table ...................................................................... 3
1.3. A data.table of a vector? ........................................................................... 3
1.4. A non-existing column ............................................................................... 4
1.5. Subsetting data.tables ............................................................................... 4
1.6. The by basics ............................................................................................ 5
1.7. Using .N and by ........................................................................................ 6
1.8. Return multiple numbers in j ...................................................................... 6
2. Data.table yeoman .......................................................................................... 7
2.1. Chaining: the basics .................................................................................. 7
2.2. Programming time vs readability ............................................................... 8
2.3. Introducing .SDcols ................................................................................... 9
2.4. Mixing it together: lapply, .SD, .SDcols and .N ........................................ 10
2.5. Adding, removing and updating columns ................................................. 11
2.6. The functional form ................................................................................. 12
2.7. Set() functions ......................................................................................... 13
3. Data.table expert ........................................................................................... 15
3.1. Selecting rows the data.table way ........................................................... 15
3.2. Removing columns and adapting your column names ............................ 15
3.3. Understanding automatic indexing .......................................................... 16
3.4. Selecting groups or parts of groups ......................................................... 17
3.5. Rolling joins ............................................................................................. 18

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Data Analysis in R, the data.table way DataCamp

1. Data.table Novice
1.1. Create and subset a data.table
Welcome to the interactive exercises for your data.table course. Here you will
learn the ins and outs of working with the data.table package.

While most of the material is covered by Matt and Arun in the videos, you will
sometimes need to show some street smarts to get to the right answer.
Remember that before using the hint you can always have a look at the official
documentation by typing ?data.table in the console.

Let's start with some warm-up exercises based on the topics covered in the
video. Recall from the video that you can use L after a numeric to specify that
it is an integer. You can also give columns with different lengths when creating
a data.table, and R will "recycle" the shorter column to match the length of the
longer one by re-using the first items. In the example below, column x is
recycled to match the length of column y:

data.table(x = c("A", "B"), y = 1:4)

x y
1: A 1
2: B 2
3: A 3
4: B 4

You can also review the slides used in the videos by pressing the slides

 Create a data.table my_first_data_table with a column x = c("a",

"b", "c", "d", "e") and a column y = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) . Use the
function data.table() .
 Create a two-column data.table DT that contains the four integers 1, 2, 1
and 2 in the first column a and the letters A, B, C and D in the second
column b. Use recycling so that the contents of a will be automatically
used twice. Note that LETTERS[1] returns "A" , LETTERS[2] returns "B",
and so on.
 Select the third row of DT and just print the result to the console.

 Select the second and third rows without using commas and print the
result to the console.

# The data.table package is preloaded

# Create my_first_data_table
my_first_data_table <- data.table(x = c("a", "b", "c", "d", "e"),
y = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5))

# Create a data.table using recycling

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DT <- data.table(a = c(1L, 2L), b = LETTERS[c(1,2,3,4)])

# Print the third row to the console


# Print the second and third row to the console without using commas

1.2. Getting to know a data.table

You can pass a data.table to base R functions like head() and tail() that
accept a data.frame because data.tables are also data.frames. Also, keep in
mind that the special symbol .N, when used inside square brackets, contains
the number of rows. For example, DT[.N] and DT[nrow(DT)] will both return
the last row in DT.

 Select the second to last row of the table using .N.

 Return the column names() of the data.table.
 Return the number of rows and number of columns of the data.table using
the dim() function.

 Select row 2 twice and row 3 once, returning a data.table with three rows (two of
which are identical).

# DT and the data.table package are pre-loaded

# Print the second to last row of DT using .N


# Print the column names of DT


# Print the number or rows and columns of DT


# Print a new data.table containing rows 2, 2, and 3 of DT


1.3. A data.table of a vector?

A data.table DT is preloaded in your workspace on the right. Type DT in the
console to have a look at it. As you have learned in the video, you can select a
column from that data.table with DT[, .(B)].

What do you think is the output of DT[, B]?

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Correct. When you use .() in j, the result is always a data.table. For
convenience, data.table also provides the option to return a vector while
computing on just a single column and not wrapping it with .() .

1.4. A non-existing column

Have a close look at 1.1 and 1.2 from the data.table package FAQs.

Type D <- 5 in the console. What do you think is the output of DT[,
.(D)] and DT[, D] ?

Well done! Column D does not exist in DT and is thus not seen as a variable. This
causes data.table to look for D in DT 's parent frame. Also note that .() in j always
returns a data.table.

1.5. Subsetting data.tables

As a reminder, DT[i, j, by] is pronounced

Take DT, subset rows using i, then calculate j grouped by by.

In the video, the second argument j was covered. j can be used to select
columns by wrapping the column names in .() .

In addition to selecting columns, you can also call functions on them as if the
columns were variables. For example, if you had a data.table heights storing
people's heights in inches, you could compute their heights in feet as follows:

name eye_color height_inch

1: Tom Brown 69
2: Boris Blue 71
3: Jim Blue 68

> heights[, .(name,

height_ft = height_inch / 12)]
name height_ft
1: Tom 5.750000

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2: Boris 5.916667
3: Jim 5.666667

 Create a subset containing the columns B and C for rows 1 and 3 of DT.
Simply print out this subset to the console.
 From DT, create a data.table, ans with two columns: B and val,
where val is the product of A and C.
 Fill in the blanks in the assignment of ans2, such that it equals the
data.table specified in target. Use columns from the previously defined
data.tables to produce the val column.

# DT and the data.table package are pre-loaded

# Subset rows 1 and 3, and columns B and C

DT[c(1,3), .(B,C)]

# Assign to ans the correct value

ans <- DT[, .(B, val = A*C)]

# Fill in the blanks such that ans2 equals target

target <- data.table(B = c("a", "b", "c", "d", "e",
"a", "b", "c", "d", "e"),
val = as.integer(c(6:10, 1:5)))
ans2 <- DT[, .(B, val = as.integer(c(6:10, 1:5)))]

1.6. The by basics

In this section you were introduced to the last of the main parts of the
data.table syntax: by . If you supply a j expression and a by list of expressions,
the jexpression is repeated for each by group. Time to master
the by argument with some hands-on examples and exercises.

First, just print iris to the console and observe that all rows are printed and
that the column names scroll off the top of your screen. This is
because iris is a data.frame. Scroll back up to the top to see the column

 Convert the iris dataset to a data.table DT. You're now ready to use
data.table magic on it!
 Create a new column containing the mean Sepal.Length for
each Species. Do not provide a name for this newly created column.
 Do exactly the same as in the instruction above, but this time, group by
the first letter of the Species name instead. Use substr() for this.

# iris is already available in your workspace


# Convert iris to a data.table: DT

DT <- data.table(iris)
# For each Species, print the mean Sepal.Length

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DT[, mean(Sepal.Length), by = Species]

# Print mean Sepal.Length, grouping by first letter of Species

DT[, mean(Sepal.Length), by = substr(Species,1,1)]

1.7. Using .N and by

You saw earlier that .N can be used in i and that it designates the number of
rows in DT. There, it is typically used for returning the last row or an offset from
it. .N can be used in j too and designates the number of rows in this group.
This becomes very powerful when you use it in combination with by .

DT, a data.table version of iris , is already loaded in your workspace, so you

can start experimenting right away. In this exercise, you will group by sepal
area. Though sepals aren't rectangles, just multiply the length by the widt h to
calculate the area.

 Group the specimens by Sepal area (Sepal.Length * Sepal.Width ) to

the nearest 10 cm2cm2. Count how many occur in each group by
specifying .N in j. Simply print the resulting data.table. Use the template
in the sample code by filling in the blanks.
 Copy and adapt the solution to the above question, to name the
columns Area and Count , respectively.

# data.table version of iris: DT

DT <-

# Group the specimens by Sepal area (to the nearest 10 cm2) and count how many occur in
each group
DT[, .N , by = 10 * round(Sepal.Length * Sepal.Width / 10)]

# Now name the output columns `Area` and `Count`

DT[, .(Count = .N) , by = .(Area = 10 * round(Sepal.Length * Sepal.Width / 10))]

Correct! Notice that the order of the groups is retained, just like when they first
appeared in DT . This exercise was not that simple, so it's good to see you've made

1.8. Return multiple numbers in j

In the previous exercises, you've returned only single numbers in j. However,
this is not necessary. You'll experiment with this via a new data.table DT , which
has already been specified in the sample code.

 Create a new data.table DT2 with 3 columns, A, B and C, where C is the cumulative
sum of the C column of DT. Call the cumsum() function in the jargument, and group
by .(A, B) (i.e. both columns A and B).

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 Select from DT2 the last two values of C using the tail() function, and assign that
to column C while you group by A alone. Make sure the column names don't change.

# Create the data.table DT

DT <- data.table(A = rep(letters[2:1], each = 4L),
B = rep(1:4, each = 2L),
C = sample(8))

# Create the new data.table, DT2

DT2 <- DT[, .(C = cumsum(C)), by = .(A, B)]

# Select from DT2 the last two values from C while you group by A
DT2[, .(C = tail(C,2)), by = A]

2. Data.table yeoman
2.1. Chaining: the basics
Now that you are comfortable with data.table 's DT[i, j, by] syntax, it is time
to practice some other very useful concepts in data.table. Here, we'll have a
more detailed look at chaining.

Chaining allows the concatenation of multiple operations in a single

expression. It's easy to read because the operations are carried out from left
to right. Furthermore, it helps to avoid the creation of unnecessary temporary
variables (which could quickly clutter one's workspace).

In the previous section, you calculated DT2 by taking the cumulative sum of Cwhile
grouping by A and B. Next, you selected the last two values of C from DT2 while grouping
by A alone. This code is included in the sample code. Use chaining to restructure the code.
Simply print out the result of chaining.

# The data.table package has already been loaded

# Build DT
DT <- data.table(A = rep(letters[2:1], each = 4L),
B = rep(1:4, each = 2L),
C = sample(8))

# Combine the two steps in a one-liner

DT[, .(C = cumsum(C)), by = .(A, B)][, .(C = tail(C, 2)), by = A]

Great! Note that chaining can significantly reduce the amount of instructions
necessary in your code.
In the previous chapter, you converted the iris dataset to a data.table DT .
This DT is already available in your workspace. Print DT to the console to
remind yourself of its contents. Now, let's see how you can use chaining to
simplify manipulations and calculations.

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Get the median of each of the four

columns Sepal.Length , Sepal.Width , Petal.Length and Petal.Width, while
grouping by Species. Reuse the same column names (e.g. the column containing
the median Sepal.Length is still called Sepal.Length ). Next, order() Species in
descending order using chaining. This is deliberately repetitive, but we have a
solution for you in the next exercise!
# The data.table DT is loaded in your workspace
# Perform chained operations on DT
DT[, .(Sepal.Length = median(Sepal.Length),
Sepal.Width = median(Sepal.Width),
Petal.Length = median(Petal.Length),
Petal.Width = median(Petal.Width)),
by = Species][order(-Species)]

Nicely done, but this is a little bit repetitive and an error can easily be made if you
aren't careful. Maybe there is a better way to do this kind of analysis? Let's find

2.2. Programming time vs readability

It is a good idea to make use of familiar functions from base R to reduce
programming time without losing readability.

The data.table package provides a special built-in variable .SD . It refers to

the subset of data for each unique value of the by argument. That is, the
number of observations in the output will be equal to the number of unique
values in by .

Recall that the by argument allows us to separate a data.table into groups. We

can now use the .SD variable to reference each group and apply functions
separately. For example, suppose we had a data.table storing information
about dogs:

Sex Weight Age Height

M 40 1 12

F 30 4 7

F 80 12 9

M 90 3 14

M 40 6 12

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We could then use

dogs[, lapply(.SD, mean), by = Sex]

to produce average weights, ages, and heights for male and female dogs

Sex Weight Age Height

1: M 56.66667 3.333333 12.66667
2: F 55.00000 8.000000 8.00000

A data.table DT has been created for you and is available in the workspace.
Type DT in the console to print it out and inspect it.

 Get the mean of columns y and z grouped by x by using .SD.

 Get the median of columns y and z grouped by x by using .SD.

# A new data.table DT is available

# Mean of columns
DT[, lapply(.SD, mean), by= x]

# Median of columns
DT[, lapply(.SD, median), by= x]

2.3. Introducing .SDcols

.SDcols specifies the columns of DT that are included in .SD.
Using .SDcolscomes in handy if you have too many columns and you want to
perform a particular operation on a subset of the columns (apart from the
grouping variable columns).

Using .SDcols allows you to apply a function to all rows of a data.table, but
only to some of the columns. For example, consider the dog example from the
last exercise. If you wanted to compute the average weight and age (the
second and third columns) for all dogs, you could assign .SDcols accordingly:

dogs[, lapply(.SD, mean), .SDcols = 2:3]

Weight Age
1: 56 5.2

While learning the data.table package, you may want to occasionally refer to
the documentation. Have a look at ?data.table for more info on .SDcols.

Yet another data.table, DT, has been prepared for you in your workspace. Start
by printing it to the console.

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 Calculate the sum of the columns that start with Q,

using .SD and .SDcols. Set .SDcols equal to 2:4.
 Set .SDcols to be the result of a function call. This time, calculate the
sum of columns H1 and H2 using paste0() to specify
the .SDcols argument.
 Finally, select all but the first row of the groups names 6 and 8,
returning only the grp column and the columns that start with Q. Use -1
in i of .SD and use paste0() again. Type desired_result into the
console to see what your answer should look like.

# A new data.table DT is available

# Calculate the sum of the Q columns

DT[, lapply(.SD, sum), .SDcols = 2:4]

# Calculate the sum of columns H1 and H2

DT[, lapply(.SD, sum), .SDcols = paste0("H", 1:2)]

# Select all but the first row of groups 1 and 2, returning only the grp column and the Q
DT[, .SD[-1], by = grp, .SDcols = paste0("Q", 1:3)]

2.4. Mixing it together: lapply, .SD, .SDcols and .N

This exercise is a challenging one, so don't give up! It's important to remember
that whenever the j argument is a list (e.g. if it contains .SD or a call
to lapply() ), a data.table is returned. For example:

dogs[, lapply(.SD, mean), by = sex, .SDcols = c("weight", "age")]

will return a data.table containing average weights and ages for dogs of each

It's also helpful to know that combining a list with a vector results in a new
longer list. Lastly, note that when you select .N on its own, it is renamed N in
the output for convenience when chaining.

For this exercise, DT, which contains variables x , y, and z, is loaded in your
workspace. You must combine lapply(), .SD, .SDcols, and .N to get your call
to return a specific output. Good luck!

 Get the sum of all columns x, y and z and the number of rows in each
group while grouping by x. Your answer should be identical to this:

x x y z N
1: 2 8 26 30 4
2: 1 3 23 26 3

 Get the cumulative sum of column x and y while grouping by x and z >
8 such that the answer looks like this:

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by1 by2 x y
1: 2 FALSE 2 1
2: 2 FALSE 4 6
3: 1 FALSE 1 3
4: 1 FALSE 2 10
5: 2 TRUE 2 9
6: 2 TRUE 4 20
7: 1 TRUE 1 13
# DT is pre-loaded
# Sum of all columns and the number of rows
DT[, c(lapply(.SD, sum), .N), by= x, .SDcols = 1:3]

# Cumulative sum of column x and y while grouping by x and z > 8

DT[, lapply(.SD, cumsum) , by = .(by1 = x, by2 = z>8), .SDcols= c("x", "y")]

2.5. Adding, removing and updating columns

As you now know, := is defined for use in j only, and is used to update
data.tables by reference. One way of using := is the LHS := RHS form, where
LHS is a character vector of columns (referenced by name or number) you
wish to update and RHS is the corresponding value for each column (Note:
LHS stands for "left hand side" and RHS stands for "right hand side" in what

For example, the following line multiplies every row of column C by 10 and
stores the result in C:

DT[, C := C * 10]

This first exercise will thoroughly test your understanding of := used in the LHS
:= RHS form. It's time for you to show off your knowledge! A data.table DT has
been defined for you in the sample code.

 Add a column to DT by reference, named Total, that contains sum(B) for

each group in column A .
 Add 1L to the values in column B , but only in the rows 2 and 4.
 Add a new column Total2 that contains sum(B) grouped by A but just
over rows 2, 3 and 4.
 Remove the Total column from DT.
 Use [[ to select the third column as a vector. Simply print it out to the

# The data.table DT
DT <- data.table(A = letters[c(1, 1, 1, 2, 2)], B = 1:5)

# Add column by reference: Total

DT[, Total := sum(B), by = A]

# Add 1 to column B
DT[c(2,4) , B := B + 1L]

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# Add a new column Total2

DT[2:4, Total2 := sum(B), by = A]

# Remove the Total column

DT[, Total := NULL]

# Select the third column using `[[`


Great job, this was not that easy. Note that for the second instruction in j the
performance goes up if you coerce RHS to integer yourself via 1L or
via as.integer() .

Print DT to the console. When using the := operator in j, do you need to assign
the result to DT as follows?

DT <- DT[, Total := sum(B), by = A]

Well done! The DT <- part is not necessary because the call makes updates to the
column by reference.
Try deleting a column only for a subset of rows: DT[2, B := NULL]. Did this

Well done! A column is either there or it's not. It makes no sense to partially delete
it. If you find yourself needing to do this, then consider using NA s instead. Rather
than silently ignoring the mistaken use of i , data.table throws a syntax error
straight away so you can fix it.

2.6. The functional form

You've had practice with using := in the LHS := RHS form. The second way to
use := is with functional form:

DT[, `:=`(colA = colB + colC)]

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Notice that the := is surrounded by two tick marks! Otherwise data.table will
throw a syntax error. It is also important to note that in the generic functional
form above, my_fun() can refer to any function, including the basic arithmetic
functions. The nice thing about the functional form is that you can get both the
RHS alongside the LHS so that it's easier to read.

Time for some experimentation. A data.table DT has been prepared for you in
the sample code.

 Update B with B + 1, add a new column C with A + B, and add a new

column D of just 2's.
 A variable my_cols has already been defined. Use it to delete these
columns from DT.
 Finally, delete column D using the column number ( 2), not its name ( D).

# A data.table DT has been created for you

DT <- data.table(A = c(1, 1, 1, 2, 2), B = 1:5)

# Update B, add C and D

DT[, `:=`(B = B + 1, C = A + B, D = 2)]

# Delete my_cols
my_cols <- c("B", "C")
DT[, (my_cols) := NULL]

# Delete column 2 by number

DT[, 2 := NULL]

2.7. Set() functions

The set() function is used to repeatedly update a data.table by reference. You
can think of the set() function as a loopable, low overhead version of
the := operator, except that set() cannot be used for grouping operations. The
structure of the set() function looks like this:

set(DT, index, column, value)

The function takes four arguments:

 A data.table with the columns you wish to update

 The index used in a loop (e.g. the i in for(i in 1:5) )
 The column or columns you wish to update in the loop
 How the column or columns should be updated

In the next two exercises, you will focus on using set() and its
siblings setnames() and setcolorder(). You are two exercises away from
becoming a data.table yeoman!

 A data.table DT has been created for you in the workspace. Check it out!
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 Loop through columns 2, 3, and 4, and for each one, select 3 rows at
random and set the value of that column to NA.
 Change the column names to lower case using the tolower() function.
When setnames() is passed a single input vector, that vector needs to
contain all the new names.
 Print the resulting DT to the console to see what changed.

# Set the seed


# Check the DT that is made available to you


# For loop with set

for(i in 2:4) set(DT, sample(10, 3), i, NA)

# Change the column names to lowercase

setnames(DT, c("A","B","C","D"), tolower(c("A","B","C","D")))

# Print the resulting DT to the console


A summary of the set() family:

 set() is a loopable, low overhead version of :=.

 You can use setnames() to set or change column names.
 setcolorder() lets you reorder the columns of a data.table.

A data.table DT has been defined for you in the sample code.

 First, add a suffix "_2" to all column names of DT. Use paste0() here.
 Next, use setnames() to change a_2 to A2 .
 Lastly, reverse the order of the columns with setcolorder() .

# Define DT
DT <- data.table(a = letters[c(1, 1, 1, 2, 2)], b = 1)

# Add a suffix "_2" to all column names

setnames(DT, c("a","b"), paste0(c("a","b"), "_2"))

# Change column name "a_2" to "A2"

setnames(DT, "a_2", "A2")

# Reverse the order of the columns


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3. Data.table expert
3.1. Selecting rows the data.table way
In the video, Matt showed you how to use column names in i to select certain
rows. Since practice makes perfect, and since you will find yourself selecting
rows over and over again, it'll be good to do a small exercise on this with the
familiar iris dataset.

 Convert the iris dataset to a data.table and store the result as iris.
 Select all the rows where Species is "virginica".
 Select all the rows where Species is
either "virginica" or "versicolor".

# The data.table package is pre-loaded

# Convert iris to a data.table

iris <- data.table(iris)

# Species is "virginica"
iris[Species == "virginica"]

# Species is either "virginica" or "versicolor"

iris[Species %in% c("virginica", "versicolor")]

Good job! Now you know how to select using column names in i (to select rows)
and in j (to select columns and run functions on columns).

3.2. Removing columns and adapting your column names

In the previous exercise, you selected certain rows from the iris data.table
based on the column names. Now you have to take your understanding of
the data.table package to the next level by using standard R functions and
regular expressions to remove columns and change column names. To
practice this, you'll do a little manipulation to prepare for the next exercise.

Since regular expressions can be tricky, here is a quick refresher:

 Metacharacters allow you to match certain types of characters. For

example, . means any single character, ^ means "begins with",
and $ means "ends with".
 If you want to use any of the metacharacters as actual text, you need to
use the \\ escape sequence.


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 Simplify the names of the columns in iris that contain "Sepal." by

removing the "Sepal." prefix. Use gsub() along with the appropriate
regular expression inside a call to setnames().
 Remove the two columns that start with "Petal" from
the iris data.table.

# iris as a data.table
iris <-

# Remove the "Sepal." prefix

setnames(iris, gsub("^Sepal\\.", "", names(iris)))

# Remove the two columns starting with "Petal"

iris[, grep("^Petal", names(iris)) := NULL]

3.3. Understanding automatic indexing

You've been introduced to the rule that "if i is a single variable name, it is
evaluated in the calling scope, otherwise inside DT's scope". This is a very
important rule if you want to conceptually understand what is going on when
using column names in i. Only single columns on the left side of operators
benefit from automatic indexing.

The iris data.table with the variable names you updated in the previous
exercise is available in your workspace.

 Select the rows where the area is greater than 20 square centimeters.
 Add a new boolean column containing Width * Length > 25 and call
it is_large. Remember that := can be used to create new columns.
 Select the rows for which the value of is_large is TRUE.

# Cleaned up iris data.table


# Area is greater than 20 square centimeters

iris[Length * Width > 20]

# Add new boolean column

iris[, is_large := Width * Length > 25]

# Now large observations with is_large

iris[is_large == TRUE]

The DT data.table is already loaded in your workspace. Perform the following


1. Select the b group using ==.

2. Set a 2-column key on A and B.
3. Select the b group again using == .

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Data Analysis in R, the data.table way DataCamp

Did the order of the rows within the b group change?

3.4. Selecting groups or parts of groups

The previous exercise illustrated how you can manually set a key
via setkey(DT, A, B) . setkey() sorts the data by the columns that you specify
and changes the table by reference. Having set a key will allow you to use it,
for example, as a super-charged row name when doing selections. Arguments
like mult and nomatch then help you to select only particular parts of groups.

Furthermore, two of the instructions will require you to make use of by =

.EACHI. This allows you to run j for each group in which each item in i joins
too. The last instruction will require you to produce a side effect inside
the j argument in addition to selecting rows.

A data.table DT has already been created for you with the keys set to A and B.

 Select the "b" group without using == .

 Select the "b" and "c" groups, again without using ==.
 Select the first row of the "b" and "c" groups using mult .
 Use by = .EACHI and .SD to select the first and last row of
the "b" and "c" groups.
 Extend the previous command to print out the group before returning the
first and last row from it. You can use curly brackets to include two
separate instructions inside the j argument.

# The 'keyed' data.table DT

DT <- data.table(A = letters[c(2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3)],
B = c(5, 4, 1, 9, 8, 8, 6),
C = 6:12)
setkey(DT, A, B)

# Select the "b" group


# "b" and "c" groups

DT[c("b", "c")]

# The first row of the "b" and "c" groups

DT[c("b", "c"), mult = "first"]

# First and last row of the "b" and "c" groups

DT[c("b", "c"), .SD[c(1, .N)], by = .EACHI]

# Copy and extend code for instruction 4: add printout

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Data Analysis in R, the data.table way DataCamp

DT[c("b", "c"), { print(.SD); .SD[c(1, .N)] }, by = .EACHI]

3.5. Rolling joins

In the last video, you learned about rolling joins. The roll applies to
the NA values in the last join column. In the next three exercises, you will learn
how to work with rolling joins in a data.table setting.

The same keyed data.table from before, DT, has been provided in the sample

 Get the key of DT through the key() function.

 Use the super-charged row names to look up the row where A ==
"b" and B == 6 , without using ==! Verify here that column C is NA.
 Based on the query that was written in the previous instruction, return
the prevailing row before this "gap". Specify the roll argument.
 Again, start with the code from the second instruction, but this time, find
the nearest row. Specify the roll argument accordingly.

# Keyed data.table DT
DT <- data.table(A = letters[c(2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3)],
B = c(5, 4, 1, 9, 8, 8, 6),
C = 6:12,
key = "A,B")

# Get the key of DT


# Row where A == "b" and B == 6


# Return the prevailing row

DT[.("b",6), roll = -Inf]

# Return the nearest row

DT[.("b",6), roll = "nearest"]

It is time to move on to the rollends argument. The rollends argument is actually

a vector of two logical values, but remember that you can always look this up
via ?data.table . You were introduced to this argument via the control ends
section. If you want to roll for a certain distance, you should continue to use
the roll argument.

 For the group where column A is equal to "b" , print out the sequence
when column B is set equal to (-2):10. Remember, A and B are the keys
for this data.table.
 Extend the code you wrote for the first instruction to roll the prevailing
values forward to replace the NA s.
 Extend your code with the appropriate rollends value to roll the first
observation backwards.
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Data Analysis in R, the data.table way DataCamp

# Keyed data.table DT
DT <- data.table(A = letters[c(2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3)],
B = c(5, 4, 1, 9, 8, 8, 6),
C = 6:12,
key = "A,B")

# Print the sequence (-2):10 for the "b" group


# Add code: carry the prevailing values forwards

DT[.("b",(-2):10), roll = +Inf]

# Add code: carry the first observation backwards

DT[.("b",(-2):10), roll = +Inf, rollends = TRUE]

DT is loaded in your workspace. If you look up the value B == 20 in group A ==

"b" without limiting the roll, the value of column C is...

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