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Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your kind attention, please?

I have a few housekeeping notes to make before we begin today's seminar. First, I would like to seek your
cooperation in completing this seminar.
As we are about to begin, please be seated. Please kindly switch your mobile phones to the silent mode.
Thank you.

Assalamualaikum.Wr.Wb Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.

The honorable Bpk Dr. H. Budi Sulistiono, M.Si as the Head of Universitas Negeri Jakarta
The honorable Bpk.Drs. Salikun, M.Pd as the 1st Vice Head
The honorable Ibu Dr. Djuhariah, M.Pd as the Head of English Education Study Program
The honorable Ibu Dra. Tri Yuniati, M.Pd as the Secretary of English Education Study Program
The honorable guest Ibu Urfah Maryatul Kibtiah, Ph.d and Dr.Tia Marsanah Ph.d
The honorable lecturers and all participants.
Let’s send our gratitude to Allah SWT The Almighty for this valuable opportunity. Sholawat and salam may
be upon our prophet and his companions.

My name is M. Solehudin and on behalf of the committee I would like to welcome all of you to the our
seminar, National Seminar English On Education and Research Method 2020. It is our privilege to have
you with us today. We are now ready to begin the proceedings of the seminar.

First of all, allow me to introduce you to the agenda.

We will start by having an opening, continued by Holy Qur’an recitation and The agenda will be continued
by the opening remarks by Bpk Dr. H. Budi Sulistiono, M.Si as the Head of Universitas Negeri Jakarta
The next agenda would be the presentation session. We are very fortunate to have some experts from this
campus and outside this campus. The first presentation will be delivered by Ibu Urfah Maryatul Kibtiah,
Ph.d as our guest speaker for today. The second presentation will be delivered by Ibu Tia Marsanah, Ph.d

The seminar is planned to finish around 12 noon.

Hopefully this last day of seminar gives us more knowledge and insight.
Ladies and gentleman, we are coming to the next agenda, holy Qur’an recitation that will be delivered by
Luqman Latif
To Luqman Latif, the floor is now yours.
Allahumarhamna bil Quran
Thanks for Allah SWT for giving us the light of heavens and the earth. May Allah pour his blessings for her
as the reader and for us as listeners.

To begin this program, we are pleased to have Bpk Dr. H. Budi Sulistiono, MSi to deliver the opening
remarks and officially open this seminar.
To Bpk Dr. H. Budi Sulistiono,M.Si the floor is now yours.
(delivering speech)
Thank you, Bpk Dr. H. Budi Sulistiono, M.Si

Now I would like to kindly invite our guest speaker Mrs.Urfah Maryatul Kibtiah, Ph.d from Presindent
University and Mrs.Tia Marsanah,Ph.d from University ofIndonesia to deliver the presentation. This session
will be guided by Mrs.Santika M.Pd.
To Mrs Santika, M.Pd,who will guided this session the floor is now yours.

(moderator and presenter session)

Thank you, Mrs. Urfah Maryatul Kibtiah and Mrs. Tia Marsanah It was very inspiring and informative talk.
Thank you for sharing.
Now I would like to call upon Ibu Dr. Djuhariah, M.Pd to deliver the token of appreciation Mrs. Urfah
Maryatul Kibtiah and Mrs. Tia Marsanah and have a photo session together.
Before returning to the seat, I would like to invite all lecturers to come forward to take photo, with our guest

Ladies and gentlemen, we come to the end of our seminar. I expect all of us to have benefits and vaster
Thank you very much for joining the seminar, have a safe trip home, and see you at another event.
Wasalamu’alaikum, Wr. Wb.

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