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Vol. 1 (2012), No. 2, 65 - 78




Abstract. In this paper we will construct a geometric model of the

…eld of complex numbers by using the elementary plane Euclidean geometry

1. Introduction

Considering the set of complex numbers, introduced by the axiomatic

method, it can be build a geometric model of this set of numbers by using
elementary notions of the plane Euclidean geometry (segment, segment’s
measure, angle, angle’s measure) and also the properties of some elementary
geometric transformations (homothety, rotation, symmetry).
De…nition 1.1 ([2], [3]). The triplet (K; ; ) ; where K 6= ?, is called the
…eld of complex numbers if the following conditions (axioms) are true:
I: (K; ; ) is a commutative f ield;
II: T he f ield (K; ; ) is an extension of the …eld of real numbers (R; +; );
III. There exists an element i in K, with these properties:
1. i i = i2 = 1 2 R;
2. for every element z in K there exist the real numbers x and y so that:
z = x i y.

Keywords and phrases: complex number, set, model.
(2010)Mathematics Subject Classi…cation: 51M04, 51M25.
Received: 21.06.2012. In revised form: 4.07.2012. Accepted: 13.08.2012.
66 Constantin Lupu

Remark 1.1. The …eld’s (K; ; ) property of being real numbers …eld
extension has the following meaning: the …eld (K; ; ) contains an sub-
…eld (I; ; ) which is isomorph with the …eld (R; +; ) through a function
' : I ! R, so that '(u) = x, for every u 2 I; the function’s properties allow
the …elds (I; ; ) and (R; +; ) to identify: if u, u1 and u2 are elements in
I so that '(u) = x, '(u1 ) = x2 and '(u2 ) = x2 , then u = x,
u1 u2 = x1 + x2
u1 u2 = u1 u2 ;
furthermore, each element u 2 I can be replaced by the real number x = '(u)
and in the calculations we consider
x y (in I) = x + y (in R)
x y (in I) = x y (in R):
Remark 1.2. In the equalities from the …rst de…nition we have
i i = i2 = 12R
and z = x i y; where the real numbers 1; x and y represent, in fact, the
uniquely determined elements = i2 , and from the sub…eld (I; ; ) so
that '( ) = 1 ('( ) = '(i2 ) = i2 = 1); '( ) = = x and '( ) = = y.

Constructing a model of complex numbers set means to specify a construc-

tion process of a nonempty K set and to endow it with two composition laws
(noted, for example, with the symbols and ) so that the triplet (K; ; )
must verify the conditions I, II and III from De…nition 1.1. In the case of real
numbers set, there are known few processes from which we get the models
of complex numbers set:
1. matrix process (using subsets of the second order quadratic matrix,
with real numbers elements; see [1] or [4]);
2. the quadratic expansion process or the process with ordered pairs of
real numbers (based on the quadratic expansion of the …eld of real numbers
(R; +; ); see [2] or [4]);
3. the factorisation process (based on the ring of polynomial factorisation
with the R[X] with the real coe¢ cients through its prime ideal; see [5]);

We will build, in the following lines, a geometric model of complex num-

bers set by using the Euclidean plan’s elementary geometry notions.
In the Euclidean plane "2 , which is endowed with a Cartesian system of
coordinates (XOY ), we consider the set K = fz j z = OM ; M 2 "2 g. In
this set we are consider:
- the element (the null vector) OO from K is noted with 0K ;
- for each element z = OM in K n f0K g is associated with the unique
real number t 2 0; 2 ), where t = arg z = \
OX; OM , where the angle
OX; OM is positively oriented (see Figure 1);
A geometric model of the …eld of complex numbers 67

Figure 1
- the number t = arg z is called the reduced argument and the set Argz =
farg z + 2k ; k 2 Zg is called the extended argument for the element z;
- the element 0K = OO has the reduced argument undetermined, which
means arg 0K = t, for all t 2 [0; 2 );

The notion of argument allows the next simple remarks for the elements
! !
z1 = OM and z2 = ON in K n f0K g:
a) z1 and z2 have the same direction and the same way if and only if
arg z1 = arg z2 (see Figure 2);

Figure 2 Figure 3

b) z1 and z2 have opposite directions if and only if arg z2 arg z1 =

(mod 2 ) (see Figure 3);

c) z1 = z2 if and only if jz1 j = jz2 j and arg z1 = arg z2 ;

Also, if z = OM is an element from Kn f0K g ; then:

d) M 2 OX+ , arg z = 0 and M 2 OX , arg z = ;

e) M 2 OY+ , arg z = 2 and M 2 OY , arg z = 2 .

We will remind the de…nitions of some elementary geometric transforma-

tions that will be used in the construction of the proposed model:
68 Constantin Lupu

Let be the Euclidean plane "2 , which is endowed with a Cartesian system
of coordinates (XOY ) :
De…nition 1.2. A homothety of center O and ratio (power) k 2 R+ is the
geometric transformation : "2 ! "2 which satis…es the following condi-
1) (O) = O; were O is the origin of the Cartesian system of coordinates
(XOY ) ;
2) if M 6= O is a point from "2 and M 0 = (M ), then:
a) the point M 0 is situated on the ray (OM ;
b) jOM 0 j = k jOM j : (see Figure 4).

Figure 4
De…nition 1.3. The rotation of center O and angle positively oriented
is the geometric transformation < : "2 ! "2 which satis…es the following
1) < (O) = O, where O is the origin of the cartesian system of coordinates
(XOY ) ;
2) if M 6= O is a point from "2 and M 0 = < (M ), then:
a) M\OM 0 = ;
b) jOM j = jOM 0 j : (see Figure 5).

Figure 5
A geometric model of the …eld of complex numbers 69

De…nition 1.4. The symmetry with respect to a line d is the geometric

transformation Sd : "2 ! "2 which satis…es the following conditions:
1) Sd (A) = A; 8A 2 d;
2) if M 2 = d and M 0 = Sd (M ), then:
a) M M ? d
b) jM P j = jP M 0 j ; where M M 0 \ d = fP g. (see Figure 6).

Figure 6

2. Main Result

Theorem 2.1. In the Euclidean plane "2 endowed with anCartesian system o
of coordinates (XOY ) ; we consider the set of vectors K = zjz = OM ; M 2 "2
and the operations : K K ! K, : K K ! K where its are de…ned
as follows:
1. the operation represents the usual addition of …xed vectors
(1) f rom plane (XOY ); with the application point at the origin O;
! !
2. a) if z1 = OM and z2 = ON are elements from Kn f0K g, then
z1 z2 = z = OP ; where
jzj = OP = jz1 j jz2 j
(2) arg z = (arg z1 + arg z2 ) (mod 2 )
b) if z1 = 0K and z2 6= 0K ; or z1 6= 0K and z2 = 0K ; or
z1 = z2 = 0K , then
(3) z1 z2 = 0K
70 Constantin Lupu

Theorem 2.2. The triplet (K; ; ) represents a model of the set of the
complex numbers.
Proof. We will show that the triplet (K; ; ) verify the conditions I,II and
III from De…nition 1.1. First ,we indicate the geometrical procedures for the
obtaining of the sum and the product of two elements from Kn f0K g. Let
! !
z1 = OM and z2 = ON are elements of the set Kn f0K g. Then the element
z = z1 z2 is obtained by parallelogram rule (see Figure 7),

Figure 7
and the element w = z1 z2 it is obtained in two steps, as follows:
- we consider the homothety of center O and ratio k = jz1 j ; and we
obtain the point N 0 = (N ) so that N 0 2 (ON and jON 0 j = jz1 j jON j =
jz1 j jz2 j;
- we consider the rotation < of center O and angle of measure arg z1 ,
and we obtain the point Q = <(N 0 ) so that jOQj = jON 0 j = jz1 j jz2 j and
\ !
0 OQ = arg z = : The vector w = OQ represents the element z
N 1 z2
because jwj = jz1 j jz2 j and arg w = (arg z1 + arg z2 )(mod 2 ) (see Figure 8).

Figure 8
So, if we represent in the plane "2 the elements z1 and z2 from Kn f0K g,
then the element z1 z2 is obtained by the rule of the parallelogram and
A geometric model of the …eld of complex numbers 71

the lement z1 z2 is obtained by composing the rotation < by the center O

and angle = arg z1 with the homotety by center O and ratio k = jz1 j.
I. The triplet (K; ; ) is a commutative …eld.
(K1 ) : The composition laws and are always de…ned on the set K:
if z1 and z2 are elements from K, then, according to rules (1), (2) and (3),
we deduce that z1 z2 and z1 z2 are elements from K;
(K2 ) : The composition laws and are commutative: if z1 ; z2 2 K;

z1 z2 = z 2 z1

(property of usual vector addition); considering u = z1 z2 and v = z2 z1 ,

we deduce that

juj = jz1 j jz2 j = jz2 j jz1 j = jvj


arg u = (arg z1 + arg z2 ) mod 2 = (arg z2 + arg z1 ) (mod 2 = arg v) ;

so u = v.
(K3 ) : The laws and are associative: if z1 ; z2 ; z3 2 K; then

(z1 z2 ) z3 = z1 (z2 z3 )

(the associativity of usual vector addition); considering u = (z1 z2 ) z3

and v = z1 (z2 z3 ) and applying the laws (1), (2) and (3) we easily
conclude that u̧= v;
(K4 ) : 1) The element 0K = OO from K is neutral element with respect
to the law : If z = OM 2 K; then z 0K = 0K z = z;
! !
2) The element 1K = OU from K; with U 2 OX+ and OU = 1 is neutral
element with respect to the law : If z 2 K and z 0 = z 1K ; z 00 = 1K z;

z 0 = jzj j1K j = jzj ; z 00 = j1K j jzj = jzj ;

arg z 0 = (arg z + arg 1K ) mod 2 = (arg z + 0) mod 2 = arg z


arg z 00 = (arg 1K + arg z) mod 2 = (0 + arg z) mod 2 = arg z:

It follows that z 0 = z 00 = z; hence z 1K = 1K z = z:

(K5 ) : 1) For every z = OM 2 K there exists an opposite element z=
! ! ! !
OM 0 2 K, with OM 0 = OM and arg OM 0 = (arg z + ) mod 2 (see
Figure 9).
72 Constantin Lupu

Figure 9 Figure 10
! !0
If z 2 K and z = OM ; z = OM with jzj = j zj and

arg z = (arg z + ) mod 2 ;

! !
then the vectors OM and OM 0 are collinear, they have tha same length but
opposite directions, so

z ( z) = ( z) z = 0K :
! 1
2) For every z = OM 2 Knf0K g there exists an inverse element z =
OM 2 K, with
1 1
z =
arg z = (2 arg z) mod 2

(see Figure 10).

If w = z z 1 ; then

1 1
jwj = jzj z = jzj =1

arg w = arg z + arg z mod 2 = (2 ) mod 2 = 0;

we get that w = 1K : Similarly we …nd that z 1 z = 1K :

(K6 ) The law is distributive over the law : Let the vectors z1 = OM1 ,
! !
z2 = OM2 and z = OM be from Knf0K g: We show that

z (z1 z2 ) = (z z1 ) (z z2 ):
! !
Representing in the Euclidean plane "2 the vectors z = OM ; z1 = OM1 ,
! !
z2 = OM2 and z1 z2 = OP , it is obvious that the quadrilateral OM1 P M2
is a parallelogram (see Figure 11).
A geometric model of the …eld of complex numbers 73

Figure 11
a) Considering the homothety of centre O and power jzj, if M1 = (M1 ),
0 0 0
M2 = (M2 ) and we take the parallelogram OM1 QM2 (see Figure12) with
0 0
OM1 = jzj jz1 j, M1 Q = jzj jz2 j we deduce that the triangles OM1 P
(Figure 11) and OM1 Q (Figure 12) are similar.

Figure 12
We …nd that
jOP j jz1 j
jOQj jzj jz1 j
jz1 z2 j 1
= ;
jOQj jzj
so jOQj = jzj jz1 z2 j; in these conditions we obtain that Q = (P );
74 Constantin Lupu

b) We consider the rotation < with the centre O and angle = arg z. If
0 0 0
= <(M1 ), Q = <(Q) and M2" = <(M2 ) it results that the quadrilateral
0 ! !0
OM1" Q M2" is a parallelogram (see Figure 13), with OM1" = z z1 , OQ =
z (z1 z2 ) and OM2" = z z2 .

Figure 13
! !
Applying the addition rule for the vectors OM1" and OM2" , it follows that
OQ0 = (z z1 ) (z z2 ), so
OQ0 = z (z1 z2 ) = (z z1 ) (z z2 ):

II. The …eld (K; ; ) is an extension of the …eld of real numbers (R; +; ).
a) We consider the set I K, with I = fz 2 K j z = OM , M 2 OXg.
We see that z is an element from I if and only if arg z = 0 or arg z =
(excepting the element 0K which has undertermined argument) We simply
show that the triplet (I; ; ) is an sub…eld of the …eld K because the next
conditions are satis…ed:
1) If z and v are elements from I, then z v is an element from I (the
property results by applying the usual rule of vector addition);
! !
2) If z = OM and v = ON 6= 0K are elements from I, then the element
z v 1 is from I; indeed, since v 2 I; v 1 is an element from I because

1 (2 0) mod 2 = 0; if N 2 OX+
arg v = (2 arg v) mod 2 =
(2 ) mod 2 = if N 2 OX

Then we have
1 1
arg z v = (arg z + arg v ) mod 2 = 0 or ;

so z v 1 2 I.
A geometric model of the …eld of complex numbers 75

b) Let ' : (I; ; ) ! (R; +; ) be a function de…ned as follows: if

z = OM is an element from I, then
8 !
< jzj = OM ; if M 2 OX+
'(z) = x = 0; if M = O
> !
: jzj = OM ; if M 2 OX

The function ' is an isomorphism between the …elds (I; ; ) and (R; +; )
because the next conditions are ful…lled:
1) ' is a bijective function (acount of the axiom of construction of a
segment with a precised length and of ');
2) '(z1 z2 ) = '(z1 ) + '(z2 );
3) '(z1 z2 ) = '(z1 ) '(z2 ) for any z1 and z2 from I.
! !
Let’s assume, without restrict the generality, that z1 = OM and z2 = ON ,
are elements from I with the property that M; N 2 OX+ . If jz1 j = x1 > 0
and jz2 j = x2 > 0, then
! ! !
'(z1 z2 ) = '(OM ON ) = '(OP );
! ! !
with P 2 OX+ and OP = OM + ON = x1 + x2 (the rule of addition
of the vectors with the extremities on the axis OX). Therefore,
'(z1 z2 ) = '(z1 ) + '(z2 ):
The property 2) can be proved in the same manner and in the cases M 2
Ox+ , N 2 Ox , or M 2 Ox and N 2 Ox ; also, in these conditions, if
! ! !
z1 z2 = OM ON = OQ;
! ! !
with OQ = OM ON = x1 x2 and
! ! !
arg OQ = (arg OM + arg ON ) mod 2 = 0;
it follows that:
'(z1 z2 ) = '(OQ) = x1 x2 = '(z1 ) '(z2 ):
Therefore that any element z = OM from I can be identi…ed through the
real number x = '(z) (it’s written simpli…ed z = x) and sums, respective
products of the types z1 z2 and z1 z2 from I its can identify with sums,
respective products of the types x1 + x2 , respective x1 x2 from R (we
written z1 z2 = x1 + x2 and z1 z2 = x1 x2 ). In conclusion , the …eld
(K; ; ) it is an extesion of the …eld of the real numbers (R; +; ), the set
R thus considered that a subset of K.
III. There is an element i in K with the properties:
1: i i = i2 = 1 2 R;
2: For every element z from K, it can be indicated the real numbers x
and y, so that z = x i y.
We consider the element i from K with i = OV , V 2 OY+ so that
jij = OV = 1 and, obviously, arg i = 2 .
76 Constantin Lupu

! !
1: Let be OP = i i; then OP = ji ij = jij jij = 1 1 = 1, and
arg OP = (arg i + arg i) mod 2 = + = ;
2 2
the point P is on the axis OX . We have
! !
'(i i) = '(i2 ) = '(OP ) = OP = 1;

therefore i2 = 1;
2: Let be z = OM 2 Knf0K g. We will demostrate that the real numbers
x and y are existing, so that z = x i y;
a) We will assume that the extremity M of the vector z = OM is posi-
tioned in the …rst or the second quadrant (see Figure 14) and let M1 and
M2 are the projections of M on the axis OX, respectively OY .

Figure 14
According to the rule of addition of the vectors, it results that:
! ! !
(4) OM = OM1 OM2
Since, the point M1 is situated on the axis OX, the vector OM1 it is iden-
ti…ed through the real number x = OM1 , as M1 2 OX+ or M1 2 OX ,
(5) OM1 = x:
Now we consider the simmetry Sd , where d represents the …rst bisetrix and
!0 !
let be M2 = Sd (M2 ) 2 OX (see Figure14), so OM2 = OM2 . In theese
! !0 ! ! !
conditions, OM2 = i OM2 because OM2 = jij OM20 = OM20 , and
! !
(arg i + arg OM20 ) mod 2 = +0= = arg OM2 :
2 2
A geometric model of the …eld of complex numbers 77

!0 !0
Since, the vector OM2 , is indeti…ed through the real number y = OM2 =
OM2 , it results that
(6) OM2 = i y:
Replacing (5) and (6) in (4), we deduce that:
! ! !
z = OM = OM1 OM2 = x i y:
b) We assume now that the extremity M of z = OM is positioned in the third
or the fourth quadrant (see Figure15). Let M1 and M2 be the projections of
the point M on the axis OX and OY respectively.

Figure 15
0 0
Considering M2 = Sd (M2 ), we deduce that M2 2 OX and OM2 vector
!0 !
is identi…ed through the real number y < 0, with y = OM2 = OM2 .
! !0 ! 0
But OM2 = i OM2 because OM2 = jij OM2 and
!0 !0 3
arg(i OM2 ) = (arg i + arg OM2 ) mod 2 = ( + ) mod 2 = :
2 2
!0 !
Since OM2 = y (through ' isomorphism), it results that OM2 = i y.
! ! ! !
Therefore, replacing in the equality OM = OM1 + OM2 , OM1 with x and
! ! ! !
OM2 with i y, we obtain z = OM = OM1 OM2 = x i y:

Being met the …rst, second, and third conditions from the de…nition of
the complex numbers set, we deduce that the ensemble (K; ; ) is a model
of the complex numbers set and they contain the follow conditions:
- K set is noted with the symbol C;
- the operation and are noted with the classic symbols "+" and " ";
- the triplet (C,+, ) is named the complex numbers set;
- the elements of C set are named complex numbers;
- the …eld (C , +, ) is named the complex numbers …eld
78 Constantin Lupu

Acknowledgement. The author is grateful to the referees for their

useful suggestions.

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