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A study on the impact of customer satisfaction on the sales performance.

A case study of

Research Methodology and design

In order to carry out the logical and accurate execution of research, the researcher is
mandated to follow certain methods and techniques, which are collectively referred to as the
research methodology. Quinlan et al. (2019) commented that the research methodology of a
research study is generally defined in certain terminologies like philosophy, design, approach
and strategy. The basic fundamental section of the research methodology is observed to be
the research philosophy. Research philosophy is further structured as branches like ontology,
epistemology and axiology. The researcher is aided by the use of these branches of
philosophy in determining the type of research methodology to be applied for a particular
study. Gog (2015) pointed out that the philosophical traits also determine the research
strategy to be applied for the research study. These three philosophical approaches are also
entailed in explaining the actual world situations related to the research issue. The type of
real-world situations in connection with the research subject is defined through the
ontological philosophy of researches. Objectivism and subjectivism are the two further
classifications comprised in ontology, wherein objectivism pertains on describing the actual
situations related to the social phenomena unlike subjectivism involves the role of social
actors in such real social causes. On the other hand, epistemology is related to define the
understandable insights and understanding of a research subject. The two forms of
epistemological approaches of philosophy include the resources researcher’s view and the
feeling researcher’s vie. While the resources researchers’ view is contained of relating the
research subject in terms of a natural scientist, the other perspective of epistemology is
associated with connecting the feelings and attitudes of the researcher, as stated by Mayer
(2015). Accordingly, epistemology is categorised as positivism, interpretevism and realism.
The concern of the real world situations by the natural scientists is linked with the positivist
philosophical approach. The positivist approach is entitled to gathering measurable
information related to the research issue, applying statistical logics in interpreting the data in
the most accurate way through the implementation of a highly structured methodology. The
scientific cause becomes the basis of the data collection in realism, the independent opinion
of human minds regarding the existence of certain objects or phenomena can be explained
with the help of realism. Direct realism and critical realism defines realistic approach in a
more significant manner. Noddings (2018) noted that Critical realism gives interpretations on
the basis of the believed facts and not on the actual reality, unlike direct realism that pertains
on the immediate senses of the researcher on interpreting things. The third type of
epistemological approach relies upon to be the interpretivism that describes research issues
on the basis of the human interpretations and feelings. Žukauskas et al. (2018) mentioned that
rather than carrying out researches on objects, interpretive studies prefer the research
processes on social actors. In this research, the researcher will study the impact of customer
satisfaction on sales performance, in particular of the case of Tesco through the application of
positivism philosophy to account for quantifiable information related to the research subject.
Ranging from devising the broad assumptions related to the research subject to the in-depth
and precise methods of data collection, the researcher will have to carry out specific plans
and procedures which is known as research approach. However, research approaches can be
of different types based on the data collection associated with the research or the data
analysis procedure accepted. Qualitative and quantitative approaches are the two major
structures of research approaches that differ on the type of data accumulated in relation to the
research. With the help of open-ended questionnaires and case studies, the researcher can
gather qualitative data, in short, content-rich information that will substantially help the
researcher to make precise conclusions. Quantifiable and measurable observations comprise
the quantitative type of data linked with researches. However, Baronov. (2015) Illustrated
that the data analysis procedures used for the study classify research approaches inductive or
deductive. Inductive approaches are mainly meant for gathering qualitative data, while
deductive approaches are more compliant with studies depending on quantitative data. Apart
from these two approaches, mixed methods are followed in researcher wherein both inductive
and deductive approaches are taken into consideration. Qualitative studies emphasising on the
data collection methods and strategies employed instead of data analysis techniques help the
process of gathering qualitative data. Teherani et al. (2015) opined that the qualitative data
could be transformed into the most perfect manner with the combination of applying thematic
analysis to the data collected through an inductive approach to the research. The difference in
the actual belief and what is true is made by the researcher by employing our leaders as just
listeners. The combination of the deductive approach with descriptive statistics will facilitate
the researcher to interpret the conclusions in an efficient manner. The development of
hypotheses which is rejected or confirmed with the execution of research objectives can be
referred to as deductive approaches that are pertained with collecting the quantitative
information related to the research subject. However, Sekaran and Bougie (2016) referred
that inductive approaches are only contained in the observations of the attained responses to
result in an appropriate conclusion rather than handling the duties of hypothesis formulation.
For the current research along with the use of positivist approaches, the research will
combine the use of deductive approach to examine the salience of customer satisfaction on
the sales performance of the organisation, specifically studying the trend of Tesco.
Research design is one of the important aspects that is linked to research studies. The
research design determines the integration and combining process of the various components
involved in the data collection of the research study. Quick and Hall (2015) identified that the
outline of the measurements and analysis of the data collection is referred to as the research
design. The addressing of the research problem and objectives of the research study is
assured through the appropriate research design. The exploration of the suitable
understanding and learning linked with the research objectives and issues can be done with
the help of exploratory research design. A logical exploring of the research problem can be
done with the application of exploratory designs. Meyers et al. (2016) recognised that the
hypothesis formulation of research problems can be made simpler by breaking down
complicated issues with researches into smaller segments. When the research issue is new to
the researcher and also prevails a lack of previous studies, the researcher can adopt the
execution of exploratory designs in the research studies. Creswell and Poth (2016) pinpointed
that the accurate and valid description of the research issue can be described by the
application of descriptive designs for researches. With the implementation of multiple
hypotheses, the precise specification of all the aspects involved in the research problem can
be executed through the use of descriptive designs. The descriptive designs are entailed with
the research problems that are precise and well defines. The causal or explanatory research
designs are involved with studies that are associated with cause and effect relationships. An
experimental approach that evaluates the influence of an independent variable on the
dependent variable can be made through causal research designs. The present research that is
associated with investigating the impact of customer satisfaction on the sales performance of
retailing organisations, explicitly considering the case of Tesco will be utilising the
descriptive designs. The descriptive designs will enable the researcher to describe the actual
world situations related to the issues and problems linked with the research.
Research strategy is the step by step plan of actions executed in response to carrying out the
research process in the most efficient and logical way. These actions deliver the appropriate
ideas and notions, streamlining the successful completion of the research. Dannels (2018)
opined that the fundamental components of the research study that is associated with
explaining the rationale for the study could be attributed as research strategies. The carrying
out of the methodology techniques and the answering of the research question can be
successfully conducted through the use of suitable research methodologies. It is challenging
to select the suitable type of research strategy for the research study while the research
questions can be identified in a simpler way. Strang (2015) noted that accurate and reliable
observations and findings linked with the research issue could be realised through the
application of research strategies. An in-depth examination of single or multiple cases of the
same nature can be done through case studies. The existing sources of information like
interviews, questionnaires and surveys related to the concerned subject can be utilised for
case studies. The information accumulated through case studies can be either qualitative,
quantitative or a combination of both.
The approach inscribed in case studies is multifaceted. Qualitative interviews are another
such strategy utilised in researches. Etikan et al. (2016) stated that the contents that are
abundantly rich in the most accurate and valid information could be gathered through the
conducting of qualitative interviews. Anyhow, interviews have to be carried out with prior
preparation and planning of the structure and framework of questions to be involved. The
interviews are although time-consuming process and mandates to be cautious of being
unbiased or involved with any issues. Quantitative surveys are an additional form of research
strategy applied in researches. The accessibility and availability of various online websites
and platforms have helped the researcher to accumulate the information and observations
from the adequate number of respondents. Anyhow, Etikan and Bala (2017) pointed out that
the researcher has to create the questionnaires for the surveys with consideration of the
research questions and understandable by the respondents to answer precisely. However, in
order to carry out surveys, the researcher has to select the desired and appropriate sample size
to gather valid information in the right way. The present research aiming at evaluating the
impact of customer satisfaction on the sales performance will be employing survey strategies
with the customers of Tesco to gather their responses and opinions regarding the sales
activities of Tesco.
Sampling strategy and sample size
The entire population can be represented with the help of selecting the desired and adequate
samples and is accomplished by the process known as sampling. Sampling can be defined as
the process by which the accurate samples for research is selected from the whole population
of respondents. The probability or non-probability sampling are the two different modes of
probability that are applied in researches. Without accordance with any set of criteria or
factors, sampling can be done on an entire population, which is referred to as probability
sampling. Emerson (2015) identified that the participation of all the members of the
population is ensured with the use of probability sampling. The probability sampling provides
a confirming chance of selection of the participants. Non-probability sampling is attributed to
the non-random selection of the participants of the population with consideration of the
convenience of the researchers alone. The further categorisation of probability sampling is
included as simple random, cluster sampling, stratified and systematic sampling. Non-
probability sampling is restructured as convenience, judgemental, snowball and quota
sampling. For the concerned research, the researcher will evaluate the effect of customer
satisfaction on sales performance with particular consideration of Tesco by the
implementation of convenience non-probability sampling. Through the utilisation of
convenience probability sampling techniques, the researcher can take into account of the time
and comfort of the respondents and create hypotheses in relation to the research subject with
the appropriate gathering of the adequate information. Through the use of the convenience
sampling procedures, the researcher will choose the responses and viewpoints from seventy
customers of Tesco regarding the satisfaction they provide through their products along with
their interest towards the products of Tesco as well.
Data analysis can be referred to as the process of converting, clarifying and condensing the
gathered data in the most appropriate and suitable manner. Quinlan et al. (2019) mentioned
that the fundamental objective of conducting data analysis procedures within researches is to
find out the most suitable and practical interpretations and conclusions out of the information
gathered. The integrity and accuracy of the data accumulated have to be preserved in
implementing the suitable data analysis procedures and ensure that no misinterpretations are
made which can ultimately cause the failure of the whole research. Mayer (2015) claimed
that a research study could become faulty and contradictory if the interpretations are made
recklessly and incautiously. Data analysis is an equally crucial section of research
methodologies like data collection and strategies. The integrity of the data accumulated can
be assured through the utilisation of accurate and valid and reliable analytical procedures.
The findings made by the researcher must never be disrupted by the application of improper
analysis procedures as it may lead to negative perception of the whole research thereby
misleading the readers. The main part of conducting the proper data analysis is implementing
the data collection procedures in the right manner. Apart from the suitable data collection
methods, the researcher will have to assure that analysis is done with no biased interferences
and follows the accurate norms and disciplines in carrying out the research. Usually,
researches are done through the accumulation of either qualitative or quantitative data, and
the analysis procedures have to be implemented linked with the type of data accumulated
through the research methods. Surveys and open-ended questionnaires enable the researcher
to gather the quantitative data related to the research subject, which can be critically analysed
and evaluated by the application of descriptive analyses techniques. On the other, the
qualitative data collected in relation to the research problem can be analysed and assessed by
the utilisation of thematic analysis procedure. The thematic analysis is involved in identifying
the main themes for the research subject and compare the gained observation with the
secondary data gathered. The current research will be gathering its adequate data through
conducting surveys with 70 customers of Tesco that can be subjected to descriptive analysis
to reach up at the most appropriate and suitable conclusions and findings. The descriptive
analysis will enable the researcher to transform the gained and accumulated data to be
summarised in the form of acceptable graphs, tables ad graphs.
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