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To presence of nitrogen containing insecticides and

pesticides is various fruits and vegetables.
SR.No. CONTENT Page no. Teachers
1 Aim
2 Introduction —

3 Theory 56

4 Classification 32

5 Pesticide use, and their impact on fruits 35 —

6 Apparatus
7 Material required
8 Procedure
9 Observation
10 Result
11 Conclusion
In the past decade there has been a tremendous increase
in the yields of various crops to meet the demand of
overgrowing population, achieved by using pesticides
and insecticides. These are chemicals that are sprayed
over crop to protect it from pests.For example, DDT,
BHC, zinc phosphide, Mercuric chloride, dinitrophenol,
etc. All pesticides are poisonous chemicals and are
used in small quantities with care. Pesticides are
proven to be effective against variety of insects, weeds
and fungi and are respectively called insecticides,
herbicides and fungicides. Most of the pesticides are
non-biodegradable and remain penetrated as such into
plants, fruits and vegetables. From plants they
transfer to animals, birds and human beings who eat
these polluted fruits and vegetables. Inside the body
they get accumulated and cause serious health problems.
These days preference is given to biodegradable
insecticides like malathion. The presence of Insecticides
residues in even raw samples of wheat, fish, meat ,
butter etc. have aroused the concern of agricultural
administrators, scientists and health officials all over
the world to put a check over the use of insecticides and
to search for non insecticidal means of pest control.
In the decade, there has been a tremendous
increase in the guilds of various crops to meet the
demand of our growing wrold population. This
great feat has been achieved by adopting new
methods of forming and by expensive use of
fertilizers and insecticides.

A pesticide is any substance is mixture of substance

intended for preventing, destroying repelling or
mitigating any pest. A pesticide may be a chemical
substance, biological agent antimiolbal disinfectant
or device used against any pest. Pests includes
insects, plant pathogens insects, mollusces, birds,
mammals, fish nematodes and microbus that
destroy property, spread disease or are a vector for
disease or cause a nuisance. Althoufh, there are
also drawbacks, such as potential to humans and
other animals. The term includes substances
intended for use as a plant growth regulator,
defoliant, desiccant or agent for thining fruit or
preventing the premature fall of fruit and
substances applied to crops either before or after
harvest to protect the commodity from deterioration
during storage and transport.
Pesticodes are classified according to the pests they
control. The four main types of pesticides are
 Herbicide :-
Eliminate plants threat grow where they are n ot
wanted. Farmers use them to reduce weeds in such
public areas as parks and ponds. People use
herbicieds in their yards to get rid of crab grass,
dandelions and other weeds.

 Fungicide:-
Certain fungi cause disease and may infect both
plants and animals, including human beings.
Fungicides control plant diseases that infect food-
crops-wood used for building houses in often
breated with fungicieds to prevent dry not.
 Rodenticides :-
Rodenticides are used to control rats and other
rodents that destroy stored food. Rats also carry
bacteria that cause such disease as rabies and

 Insecticides:-
Farmers use insecticides to protect their crops from
insect damage. In urban areas, public health
officials use them to fight mosquitos and that insect
carry germs. People use insecticides indoor to
control persts and ants and cockroaches.
Pesticides are chemical substances which destroy
pests and are used for agricultural and non-
agricultural purposes. In general, the term
pesticide is used to describe plants protection
products, which are protecting plants or plant
products against pests. Therefore, it refers to all
chemical substances which are used to protect plants
against insects, weeds, and diseases. According to
their chemical structure, the pesticides can be:
organic, inorganic, synthetic or biological. Organic
pesticides usually contain carbon in their chemical
structure and are more complex than inorganic
pesticides which do not contain carbon. Most of the
pesticides that are in use are organic – synthetic or
biological. Biological pesticides are derived from
naturally occurring sources such as plants, algae,
fungi or bacteria. While synthetic pesticides are
made artificially by chemical synthesis. We should
be aware that the vast majority of synthetic i.e.
“modern” pesticides originate from war poisons.
Pesticides have several benefits: they help
to control harmful organisms and weeds which are
destroying crops and threatening peoples’ lives. For
examples: pesticides are killing mosquitoes that can
be transmitters of dangerous diseases, protect
animals against parasites, and kill weeds that
threaten the environment. They also help farmers to
increase crop yields to provide enough food for a
growing population, decrease food costs, and
prevent sickness that can be caused by moldy food.
But there is a thin line between positive and
negative effects of pesticide use. Pesticides can
have negative effects on human health. They can
harm people in several ways: people can get exposed
through the process of application, toxic residue in
plants or plant parts, such as fruits, and
indirectly through environmental pollution.
Pesticides are polluting water, contaminating soil
and murdering non-target pests, such as bees and
other pollinators. And we all know that without
pollinators there is no life on earth. Since
pesticides are hazardous to humans and animals,
it’s good to know that pesticides have different
operating modes.
 Mortar and pistle, beakers, funnel, glass rod,
filter paper, china dish, water bath, tripod stand,
fusion-tubes, knife,

Samples of fruits, vegetables, alchohol, sodium
metal, ferric chloride solution, ferrous sulphate
crystals, distilled water and dilute sulphuric acid.
1. Take different kinds of fruit and vegetables
and cut them into small piece seperately.

2. Transfer the cut

piece of various fruits
and vegetables in
mortar seperately and
crush them.

3. Take different
beaker of each kind of fruits and vegetables and
place the crushed fruit and vegetable in these
beakers, and add 10ml of alcohol to each or these.
Stir well and filter collect the filtrate in seperate
china dishes.
4. Evaporate the alcohol by heating china dishes
one by one over water bath and let the residue dry
in an oven.

5. Heat a small piece of dry sodium in a fusion

tubes, till it melts. Then add one of the above
residue from china dish to the fusion tube and heat
till red hot. Drop the hot fusion tube in china dish
containing about 110ml of distilled water. Break the
tube and boil the contents of the china dish for about
5 minute to cool and filter solution. Collect the
6. To the filtrate add 1ml freshly prepared ferrous
sulphate solution and warm the contents. Then,
add 2-3 drops of ferric chloride solution and
acidity with the dil. Hydrochloric acid if a blue or
green precipitate or colouration is obtained, it
indicated the presence of nitrogen containing

7. Repeat the test of nitrogen for residue obtained

from other fruits and vegetable and record .
OBSERVATIONS Name of Test for Presence of
fruit are presence of insecticide
vegetable nitrogen and
1. Tomato +Ve Yes
2. Grapes +Ve Yes
3. Carrot -Ve No
4. Potato +Ve No
 The proposed method for the determination of
chlorpyrifos, parathion-methyl, and malathion in
orange fruits is simple, economical, and precise
and can be used to analyze traces of insecticide
residues in other too fruit samples.
Thus from the above experiment we conclude that the
fruits and vegetables that we consume especially
grapes, tomato and potato contain nitrogen
containing insecticides and pesticides.

Herbicides were simultaneously extracted from fruit

samples with a mixture of water-methanol and
subsequent cleanup by silica gel column
chromatography was not necessary.

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