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APPLIED MICROmOLOGY, Mar., 1967, p. 350-356 Vol. 15, No.

Copyright @ 1967 American Society for Microbiology Printed In U.S.A.

Soluble Antigens for Immunofluorescence Detection

of Histoplasma capsulatum Antibodies
Department of Serology, Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, Walter Reed Army Medical
Center, Washington, D.C.
Received for publication 20 October 1966

Soluble antigens from Histoplasma capsulatum in the mycelial and yeast phase
were purified by gel filtration, fixed onto paper discs, and employed in an indirect
immunofluorescence procedure to detect antibody in sera from individuals infected
with H. capsulatum. The elution patterns of crude histoplasmin passed through
Sephadex G-200 revealed two minor peaks of protein showing immunofluorescence,
complement fixing, and precipitating-antigen activity. A large peak containing the
pigment and other low molecular weight materials showed no serological activity.
A polysaccharide antigen obtained from fragmented, deproteinized yeast-phase cells
was reactive in the fluorescent-antibody test but showed no antigen activity in com-
plement fixation or precipitin tests. Although certain sera from culturally proven
cases of blastomycosis, coccidioidomycosis, and cryptococcosis reacted with the
purified Histoplasma antigens, preliminary evaluation indicated that the immuno-
fluorescence technique may be of value as a screening procedure for the serodiagno-
sis of histoplasmosis.

Histoplasmin, a soluble culture filtrate of myce- SAFA procedure with sera from patients with
lial-phase Histoplasma capsulatum, has been histoplasmosis. Preliminary evaluation of both
widely used in complement fixation (CF), pre- mycelial- and yeast-phase antigens in the SAFA
cipitation, and latex agglutination tests for the procedure indicated that this method was worthy
serodiagnosis of histoplasmosis (9). However, of consideration by those laboratories requiring a
histoplasmin has not been commonly employed in sensitive procedure for the detection of Histo-
fluorescent-antibody techniques which generally plasma antibodies but not equipped to perform
require the use of whole-cell antigen. When histo- the technically more complex CF test.
plasmin was adsorbed to a cellulose acetate filter
paper matrix and dried according to the soluble MATERIALS AND MErHODS
antigen fluorescent antibody (SAFA) technique Sera. Blood was obtained from humans infected
of Toussaint (hla), it showed no serological ac- with H. capsulatum, Blastomyces dermatitidis, Cocci-
tivity (Toussaint, unpublished data). This problem dioides immitis, Cryptococcus neoformans, or Myco-
was resolved in the present study which revealed bacterium tuberculosis, and the sera were collected by
that removal of inhibitory substances by gel filtra- centrifugation. These sera were used to evaluate the
tion yielded a sensitive antigen for immuno- sensitivity and specificity of the standard and experi-
mental Histoplasma antigens. Equal volumes of serum
fluorescence detection of Histoplasma antibodies. from six individuals with chronic pulmonary histo-
Intact yeast-phase cells of H. capsulatum have plasmosis were combined, and the pool was used to
been used as antigen in fluorescent-antibody tests determine antigen activity in the various fractions ex-
to detect Histoplasma antibodies in anticomple- tracted from H. capsulatum. In addition, 12 specimens
mentary sera (4). However, the results necessarily of sera collected from healthy adult males and shown
are dependent on antigens which reside on the to be nonreactive in SAFA tests with Histoplasma
insoluble outer surface of the cells (8). This antigens were combined in equal amounts to provide
restriction precludes immunofluorescence studies a negative serum pool control for the SAFA pro-
with purified, soluble preparations of yeast-phase cedure. All sera were stored at -60 C until tested.
cells which may be necessary for definitive studies Mycelial-phase antigens. The histoplasmin was a
pooled filtrate of H. capsulatum strains G-8, G-92,
on the problems of sensitivity and specificity of and G-95 grown for 6 months at 20 C in the synthetic
serological tests for histoplasmosis. In the present medium described by Smith et al. (11). A 25-ml
work, a polysaccharide antigen extracted from amount of the crude histoplasmin was passed through
fragmented yeast-phase cells reacted well in the a column (35 by Z.5 cm) of Sephadex G-200 dextran
gel (Pharmacia Fine Chemicals, Inc., Piscataway, 0.2 ml of test serum diluted 1: 8 in Tris-saline contain-
N.J.), in 0.15 M NaCl (saline) to separate serologically ing 1% Tween 80, and the plates were agitated by
reactive, high molecular weight antigen fractions from rotation at 120 rev/min for 45 min. The serum then
lower molecular weight medium constituents and was removed by aspiration, and the discs were washed
metabolic products. Relative protein contents of the three times in 1-ml volumes of Tris-saline by rotation
eluates were estimated by optical-density measure- for 10 min at 180 rev/min. Fluorescein-conjugated
ments at 280 m,u. Fractions of 5 ml were collected and goat anti-human globulin (50-780, Microbiological
used to sensitize 0.25-inch (0.6 cm) circular discs Associates, Inc., Bethesda, Md.) diluted 1:20 in Tris-
punched from grid-lined cellulose acetate filter sheets saline containing 2% Tween 80 and clarified by filtra-
(HAWG 00010; porosity, 0.45 ,; Millipore Filter tion through a cellulose acetate filter of 0.45-;& porosity
Corp., Bedford, Mass.). After drying, antigen-coated was used for the secondary reaction. A 0.2-ml volume
discs were fixed for 10 min at 4 C in 1% acetic acid of conjugated antiserum was added to each disc. The
in 95% ethyl alcohol. Fixative was removed by wash- tests then were agitated for 30 min at 120 rev/min and
ing discs in three changes of 0.05 M tris(hydroxy- again washed three times. After drying, fluorercence
methyl)aminomethane (Tris) buffer in 0.85% NaCl of discs was measured in a photoelectric fluorometer
adjusted to pH 8 (12). Fractions showing maximal (G. K. Turner Associates, Palo Alto, Calif.) equipped
SAFA activity (tubes 8 to 19, Fig. 1) were pooled and with a 7-54 primary filter, a 2A-12 secondary filter,
used to sensitize a large number of discs to evaluate and a 10% neutral density filter.
the mycelial-phase SAFA antigen. CF tests were performed by use of precisely stand-
Unfractionated histoplasmin, diluted 1:10, was ardized reagents prepared according to the method of
used as antigen in CF tests. For use in immunodiffu- Kent and Fife (5). Titer was recorded as the reciprocal
sion studies, the histoplasmin was concentrated five- of the highest serum dilution giving not greater than
fold by passing the crude -antigen through an ultra- 50% hemolysis in the presence of an optimal amount
filtration membrane (UM-1, Amicon Corp., Cam- of antigen, five 50% hemolytic units of complement,
bridge, Mass.) which retained molecules above a and 1.5 X 108 optimally sensitized sheep erythrocytes
molecular weight of 10,000. in a total volume of 1.5 ml. Sera showing CF titers
Yeast-phase antigens. Soluble antigens were ob- less than 1:8 were considered negative.
tained from yeast-phase strains G-8, G-66, G-92, and Precipitin tests were performed in agar gel on
G-95 grown for 48 hr on Brain Heart Infusion Agar microscope slides containing a 2.0-ml layer of 0.6%
(Difco) at 37 C. Harvests were suspended in 0.5% purified agar in 0.85% NaCl and 0.01% Merthiolate.
Formalin, and the cells were washed three times in Wells 3 mm in diameter were separated by a distance
sterile distilled water, and resuspended to a concen- of 6 mm. Slides were examined for the presence of
tration of S X 108 cells per milliliter in sterile distilled precipitin bands after 2 and 4 days at 22 C.
water containing 0.01% Merthiolate. Fragmentation A commercially prepared tube agglutination test,
was achieved by twice passing a 40-ml amount of the in which histoplasmin was adsorbed onto latex parti-
suspension through a French pressure cell (American cles (11-58J, Colab Laboratories, Inc., Chicago
Instrument Co., Inc., Silver Spring, Md.) at a pressure Heights, Ill.), was used to titrate agglutinating anti-
of 18,000 psi. After rupture of the cell walls, protein body. Titers of 1:8 or greater were considered
was precipitated at 4 C by adding an equal volume positive.
of 0.5 M trichloroacetic acid and allowing the mixture Chemical analysis. Chemical tests of the yeast- and
to stand for 3 hr. After centrifugation at 2,000 X g mycelial-phase SAFA antigens purified by gel filtra-
for 15 min, the clear supernatant fluid was decanted tion included determination of protein by the Folin-
and treated with 2 volumes of absolute ethyl alcohol. Ciocalteau reagent (6), carbohydrate by the Molish
The precipitate that formed upon standing overnight reaction (10), deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) by the
at 4 C was centrifuged at 2,000 X g for 15 min, re- method of Dische (3), and lipid by reduction of
suspended to 5 ml in saline, and adjusted to pH 7; potassiumi dichromate after extraction with alcohol
a 2.5-mil quantity was fractionated by passage through and petroleum ether (1). Heat stability of the SAFA
a column (1.5 by 22 cm) of Sephadex G-200 in saline. antigens was determined by placing 0.5 ml of the ap-
The effluent was collected in 2-ml fractions. Discs propriate purified antigen in a stoppered tube, incu-
then were dipped in each fraction, and the antigen bating for 30 min at 70 C or 100 C in a constant-
was fixed according to the procedure used for the temperature water bath, cooling, and using as antigen
histoplasmin fractions. Those showing maximal im- to coat discs in the usual manner.
munofluorescence activity with homologous antiserum
(fractions 5 and 6, Fig. 2) were combined and used RESULTS
to evaluate the yeast-phase SAFA test. For CF tests, Purification of histoplasmin. In initial experi-
whole yeast-phase cells of the same strains were sus- ments, it was observed that crude histoplasmin
pended in saline containing 0.01% Merthiolate and lost serological activity when dried on cellulose
were diluted to concentration optimal for the CF test.
Antigens and discs sensitized with antigen were acetate discs for use in the SAFA procedure
stored at 4 C. (Toussaint, unpublished data). This problem was
Serological tests. The SAFA test (l la, 12) was per- overcome by passing histoplasmin through
formed in the wells of plastic Disposotrays (Limbro Sephadex G-200 dextran gel to separate serologi-
Chemical Co., New Haven, Conn.). Antigen-coated cally active, high molecular weight components
discs, prepared as described above, were immersed in from inhibitory culture constiuents or metabolic
products (Fig. 1). Tubes 8 to 25 contained the
antigens which reacted in the immunofluorescence
test, with the earlier fractions showing the greatest
activity. The characteristic green-brown color of
histoplasmin was found to be associated with a
serologically inactive major peak of protein ma-
terial eluted in tubes 33 to 40. Figure 1 also shows
two discrete areas of maximal complement-fixing 150 _
activity (between tubes 10 to 16 and tubes 20 to -I

22). Precipitating antigen was also found in the

same general region.
Polysaccharide from yeast-phase cells. A sero- 50
100 l X i 1
logically active, soluble polysaccharide was ob-
tained from fragmented yeast-phase H. capsula-
twn. These cells, however, were found to be un-
usually resistant to fragmentation and required at 2 6 10 14 18 22 26 30 34
least two passages through the pressure cell to Tube Number
assure rupture. Phase-contrast microscopy of the
final effluent from the press revealed broken cells FIG. 2. Carbohydrate elution pattern of yeast-phase
soluble antigen from Histoplasma capsulatum passed
that had lost intracellular constituents, but many through a column of Sephadex G-200 in 0.85% NaCl.
of the empty cell walls retained their oval shape. Fractions showing strongest immunofluorescence ac-
Treatment of the suspension with trichloroacetic tivity against histoplasmosis serum pool are designated
acid gave a heavy precipitate. Addition of ethyl by a line of double thickness.
alcohol to the trichloroacetic acid supernatant
solution produced a precipitate which was highly TABLE 1. Chemical characteristics of soluble,
active as antigen in the SAFA procedure but mycelial-, and yeast-phase antigens from
showed no CF or precipitating activity. Gel filtra- Histoplasma capsulatum used in im-
tion of this ethyl alcohol-insoluble material munofluorescence (SAFA) tests
yielded several fractions containing carbohydrate,
but immunofluorescence activity was found Antigen Carbo-
Protein hydrate DNA Lipid
almost exclusively in the high molecular weight
fractions obtained in tubes 5 and 6 (Fig. 2). None pg/mi pg/mi pg/mi
of these fractions, however, was active in CF or Mycelial phase .... 270 250 17 +
Yeast phase . ........<2
138 <5 +

precipitin tests. All of the above fractionations

were performed three times, and the results ob-
tained were nearly identical.
Chemical composition of SAFA antigens. The
data presented in Table 1 suggest that the purified
immunofluorescent antigen obtained from histo-
plasmin consisted primarily of protein and carbo-
hydrate with some DNA and lipid. On the other
hand, the principal component of antigen purified
CF from yeast-phase cells was carbohydrate. Both
PPTN. mycelial- and yeast-phase antigens retained sero-
logical activity after heating to 70 C for 30 min,
and both contained lipid (Table 1). Although the
colorimetric method used for lipid assay has been
used by others to quantitate total blood lipids by
calculation of the oxidation of a cholesterol stand-
Tube Number
ard, use of this standard curve was not considered
to be directly applicable to the quantitative meas-
FIG. 1. Elution pattern ofhistoplasmin passed through urement
a column of Sephadex G-200 in 0.85% NaCI. Fractions
of lipids from Histoplasma. Therefore,
showing strongest serological activity against histo- in the present studies, the methods were used to
plasmosis serum pool are designated by lines of double provide qualitative evidence of the presence or
thickness. absence of lipid.
Preliminary evaluation of mycelial- and yeast- antigen. Of these five, however, only one serum
phase antigens. Sera from culturaUy proven cases specimen was considered to give a positive reac-
of histoplasmosis were tested with both mycelial- tion, i.e., FDR greater than 10.
and yeast-phase SAFA antigens, and the results Table 3 gives results obtained with the same
were compared with those obtained in CF, pre- antigens tested against sera from human cases of
cipitation, and latex agglutination tests (Table 2). blastomycosis, coccidioidomycosis, cryptococco-
In the SAFA procedure, 11 of 12 serum specimens sis, and tuberculosis. Four of the six individuals
from individuals infected with H. capsulatum gave infected with B. dernatitidis showed significant
fluorometer dial readings (FDR) of 10 or greater FDR with both mycelial- and yeast-phase anti-
with both mycelial- and yeast-phase SAFA anti- gens from H. capsulatum. Three of these sera also
gens, which were considered positive reactions. reacted in CF tests with yeast-phase antigen; one
On the other hand, only six of the specimens had was anticomplementary, and one had a histo-
CF titers toward histoplasmin. These latter sera plasmin latex agglutination titer of 1: 8.
also were positive in precipitin tests with histo- The findings presented in Table 3 also suggest
plasmin. Positive yeast-phase CF tests were ob- that sera from humans infected with C. immitis
served with 8 of the 12 sera, and titers seemed may give positive reactions with SAFA antigens
generally to parallel the magnitude of the yeast- from H. capsulatum. One of the six coccidioido-
phase SAFA reactions. Results with sera from 12 mycosis sera had a CF titer of 1:8 against the
healthy individuals showed no positive reactions yeast-phase Histoplasma.
in CF, precipitin, and latex agglutination tests. Of the six cryptococcosis sera tested, four gave
On the other hand, SAFA tests of 12 normal sera positive SAFA values with mycelial-phase H.
showed 3 positive reactions with mycelial phase capsulatum antigen, and one showed a titer of
antigen and 5 observable FDR with yeast-phase 1:32 in the histoplasmin latex test (Table 3). In

TABLE 2. Comparison of immunofluorescence (SAFA) tests with complement fixation, agar gel
precipitation, and latex agglutination tests for the detection of antibodies toward
Histoplasma capsulatum
Mycelial-phase antigens' Yeast-phase antigens
Diagnostic status Serm no.

Histoplasmosis Hi 28 1:32 + _ 52
H2 99 - 1:8 77
H3 97 1:32 + - 13 -
H4 16 - - 48 1:64
H5 58 - - 33 1:16
H6 87 - 52 1:64
H7 20 - 28 1:16
H8 20 - 1:8 45 1:32
H9 53 1:32 + 59 1:16
H10 25 1:16 + 19 1:8
Hit 43 1:256 + 1:256
H12 39 1:32 + - 33 _
Healthy Ni 13------
N5 ----7-
N6 - - - - - -

N7 ----5-
N8 55 - - - 26 -
N9 11 - - 9 -
N10 - - - - 7 -

N12 - - - - -

Numbers in SAFA column are fluorometer dial readings. Complement fixation (CF) and latex
agglutination (LA) values are serum titers. Precipitin tests (PPTN) were recorded as positive when one
or more bands of precipitation were observed.

TABLE 3. Cross-reactions between antigens from Histoplasma capsulatum and sera from
blastomycosis, coccidioidomycosis, cryptococcosis, and tuberculosis
Mycelial-phase antigens" Yeast-phase antigens
Diagnostic status Serum no.

Blastomycosis RB 46 | - - 23 1:32
B3 19 - 40 1:8
B4 59 - - 1:8 39 1:16
B5 30 - - - 24 -
Coccidioidomycosis C2 - - - - - -
C2 94-----
C3 144 - - - 28 -
C4 11-----
C5 52 - - - - 1:8
C6 19 - - - 22 -
Cryptococcosis Dl 41 - - - - -
D2 - - - - 51 1:32
D3 12 - - - - -
D5 21 - - - - -
D6 11 - - 1:32 - -
Tuberculosis Ti 7 _ 1:8 23 -
T2 - - - - 19 -
T3 9-----
T5 7 - - - 7 -

a Numbers in SAFA column are fluorometer dial readings. Complement fixation (CF) and latex
agglutination (LA) values are serum titers; PPTN = precipitin tests.
contrast, only one of the six cryptococcosis sera complement-fixing, and precipitating-antigen ac-
reacted with the yeast-phase SAFA antigen, and tivity, and one large peak of lower molecular
this serum also reacted strongly in the CF test weight material that had a greenish-brown color
(titer 1: 32). but was serologically inert (Fig. 1).
Results in Table 3 also show that none of the Yeast-phase polysaccharide obtained by frag-
six tuberculosis sera gave reactions considered mentation, deproteinization, and concentration
positive in CF or SAFA tests with mycelial-phase was a soluble product that could be further puri-
antigens. One serum (T-1) had a latex agglutina- fied and characterized by gel filtration. The elu-
tion titer of 1: 8 and a SAFA yeast-phase FDR of tion of antigen reactive in the immunofluorescence
23, whereas another had a SAFA yeast-phase test among the earliest fractions collected (Fig. 2)
FDR of 19. The remaining four sera were consid- suggested a molecular weight approaching
ered negative. 200,000.
Chemical determinations of the purified histo-
DiscussIoN plasmin used as SAFA antigen revealed the pres-
Purification of histoplasmin by gel filtration ence of protein, carbohydrate, lipid, and some
made it possible to dry this soluble antigen on nucleic acid (Table 1). The fractions containing
filter paper discs without loss of serological activ- the antigen (tubes 8 to 19, Fig. 1) possessed both
ity for use in an immunofluorescence test. Ap- complement-fixing and precipitating activity in
parently the presence of high concentrations of addition to immunofluorescence activity. On the
medium or metabolic constituents in the crude other hand, the deproteinized polysaccharide-
histoplasmin caused a loss of the antigenic princi- lipid antigen extracted from H. capsulatum did
ple when antigen was dried (Toussaint, unpub- not fix complement and showed no precipitin
lished data). The elution pattern of crude histo- activity (Fig. 2). Perhaps removal of nitrogenous
plasmin passed over Sephadex G-200 revealed two material from this antigen was responsible for the
minor peaks of protein material showing SAFA, failure to fix complement as has been suggested
in the case of antigens from other pathogenic Improvement of specificity of the SAFA tests
fungi (13). Both mycleial- and yeast-phase anti- for histoplasmosis conceivably may be achieved
gens were stable to heating (70 C for 30 min), by further chemical purification of the antigens,
and discs impregnated with these antigens could e.g., use of additional steps of column chromatog-
be kept at 4 C for several months without loss of raphy or chemical precipitations. However, efforts
activity. along these lines necessarily would be restricted
Preliminary evaluation of the SAFA test for to relatively mild procedures since experience has
histoplasmosis by use of mycelial- and yeast-phase shown that extensive chemical treatment may re-
antigens suggested adequate sensitivity for sero- duce rather than improve specificity of antigens.
diagnosis, and in some instances the procedure For example, Pine et al. (7) reported that antigens
appeared to be superior to the standard tests. extracted from yeast-phase H. capsulatum by a
This was evidenced by the frequent ability of a variety of chemical procedures were less specific
single antigen, e.g., purified histoplasmin, to de- than the unaltered, whole-cell preparations. Per-
tect antibody when standard histoplasmin CF haps a more rewarding approach toward improv-
tests are negative (Table 2). A few of the sera ing specificity of SAFA antigens might utilize
from healthy individuals tested by the SAFA pro- genetically homogeneous cultures of carefully
cedure gave positive reactions with both mycelial- selected strains of fungi.
and yeast-phase antigens. Since the "normal"
sera were obtained from residents of Washington, ACKNOWLEDGMENT
D.C., and surrounding states, an area moderately We wish to thank Robert L. Taylor for supplying
endemic for histoplasmosis, it is likely that at the standard complement-fixing antigens used in these
least some may have had contact with H. capsula- studies. We also thank Louis Barno for his excellent
tum or its products. Thus, it would appear that technical assistance and Andre J. Toussaint for his
the presence of a detectable reaction in the SAFA advice concerning the SAFA procedure.
test does not necessarily indicate active histoplas-
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