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Check whether a number is even or odd

2. Check whether a character is a vowel or consonant
3. Find the largest number among three numbers
4. Find all roots of a quadratic equation
5. Check Whether the Entered Year is Leap Year or not
6. Check Whether a Number is Positive or Negative or Zero.
7. Checker whether a character is an alphabet or not
8. Find the sum of natural numbers
9. Find factorial of a number
10. Generate multiplication table
11. Display Fibonacci series
12. Find HCF of two numbers
13. Find LCM of two numbers
14. Count number of digits of an integer
15. Reverse a number
16. Calculate the power of a number
17. Check whether a number is a palindrome or not
18. Check whether an integer is prime or Not
19. Display prime numbers between two intervals
20. Check Armstrong number
21. Display Armstrong numbers between two intervals
22. Display factors of a number
23. Print pyramids and triangles
24. Create a simple calculator

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