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1. Prepare all the materials needed.

2. Using the strainer, Strain 1/4 of cup used cooking oil.
3. Get the extract of the calamansi ( 5 pieces ) and strain it.
4. Mix the strained used oil and Calamansi extract
5. Add 1 table spoon of kerosene and mix it well.
6. Place it to the clean container.
7. Ready a wood to test and apply the alternative wood polish.

Cooking Oil - is plant, animal, or synthetic fat used in frying, baking, and
other types of cooking. It is also used in food preparation and flavoring not
involving heat, such as salad dressings and bread dips, and may be called
edible oil.
Wood Polish – is a substance that you put on the surface of a piece of
furniture in order to clean it and make it shine. I cleaned and polished the
table with furniture polish.

According to Karyth Kara , Wax and oil forms of furniture polish have been
in use since the Iron Age, according to the Canadian Conservation Institute.
References dating to the much later biblical times mention using linseed or
cedarwood oil to polish wooden surfaces. Since wood has always been heavily
used in producing various kinds of tables, bedframes, sofas and chairs, the
problem of keeping wooden furniture safe from exposure to drying, cracking and
staining elements--like sunlight, cold temperatures, spilled liquids--has always been
a relevant concern. Waxes were made into a paste with turpentine while oils
were rubbed on as a covering layer.

 biblical era records: linseed and cedarwood oil boiled as a finish and a polish
 twelfth-century Italy: tung seed oil and herbal perilla mint oil, especially for
wooden floors
 fourteenth-century France: beeswax for inlaid wood and parquetry floors
 later, beeswax for furniture though it had to be heated and buffed by hand
 eighteenth century (1797) : carnauba wax , a natural plant wax from the Brazilian
cerara palm , shine with no hand buffing , as required by beeswax
 nineteenth century: discovery of additional natural plant waxes, like ouricui,
candelilla, esparto, flax, palm, hemp and raffia waxes

Modern Furniture Polishes

Modern forms of polish, which are synthetic , non-natural products of petroleum

and polymer chemistry and require high-pressurized delivery into ambient room
air, are thought from one point of view to be good because they can reduce
work-time and can b e manufactured at lower costs without expensive, hard to
obtain , limited natural resources (like beeswax, carnauba wax, linseed oil).
Modern forms of synthetic polish are thought from another point of view to be
bad be cause they introduce synthetic petroleum-based or polymer-based
particles into people's lungs and the indoor-air (polymer: a large molecule called
a macromolecule that is composed of many repeated subunits called monomers).
The preferred aerosol delivery system is also thought to be bad from this point
of view because aerosols contain liquid held under high pressure that is emitted
as a spray when increments of pressure are released through the aerosol
release valve, which propels various synthetic chemicals, including volatile organic
(VOCs) and hydrocarbons, into the atmosphere, usually the atmosphere of a
closed room.

Based on Encyclopedia , Cooking oil consists of edible vegetable oils

derived from olives, peanuts, and safflowers, to name just a few of the many
plants that are used. Liquid at room temperature, cooking oils are sometimes
added during the preparation of processed foods. They are also used to fry
foods and to make salad dressing. People in many regions began to process
vegetable oils thousands of years ago, utilizing whatever food stuffs they had on
hand to obtain oils for a variety of cooking purposes. Early peoples learned to
use the sun , a fire, or an oven to heat oily plant products until the plants
exuded oil that could then be collected. The Chinese and Japanese produced
soy oil as early as 2000 b.c., while southern Europeans had begun to produce
olive oil by 3000 b.c. In Mexico and North America, peanuts and sunflower seeds
were roasted and beaten into a paste before being boiled in water; the oil that
rose to the surface was then skimmed off. Africans also grated and beat palm
kernels and coconut meat and then boiled the resulting pulp, skimming the hot
oil off the water . Some oils have become available only recently , as extraction
technology has improved . Corn oil first became available in the 1960s. Cotton
oil, watermelon seed oil, grapeseed oil, and others are now being considered as
ways to make use of seeds that were, until recently, considered waste. Some
vegetable oils , such as olive, peanut, and some coconut and sunflower oils, are
cold-pressed. This method, which entails minimal processing, produces a light,
flavorful oil suitable for some cooking needs. Most oil sources, however, are not
suitable for cold pressing, because it would leave many undesirable trace
elements in the oil, causing it to be odiferous, bitter tasting, or dark. These oils
undergo many steps beyond mere extraction to produce a bland, clear, and
consistent oil.

Based on TheCasadelorenzo , Calamansi Essentia Oil has the capacity to

help deodorize any bad odor. It eliminates the unwanted odors by overpowering
other scent molecules in the air since the human nose is a lot more sensitive
and appreciative to citrus smells. Making a linen spray of Calamansi Essential Oil
will definitely keep your room or any area of your house smelling fresh and

Secondly, smelling Calamansi Essential Oil can affect behavior. Studies gave
indications that Calamansi Essential Oil have anti-anxiety effects. Just by
smelling it, one can feel relaxed and refreshed, some even feeling a tingling effect
while smelling. Third, Calamansi Essential Oil has antimicrobial properties. It is
not only astringent, but it can inhibit the growth of bacteria. Adding it on the
stuff that you use when cleaning the sink or your bathroom not only deodorizes,
but helps eliminate bad bacteria present in those surfaces. Although there are
other stronger antiseptic essential oils than calamansi, it can still do the job
pretty well.

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