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State of the Art and Perspectives on Silicon
Photonic Switches
Xin Tu 1 , Chaolong Song 1, * , Tianye Huang 1 , Zhenmin Chen 2 and Hongyan Fu 2
1 School of Mechanical Engineering and Electronic Information, China University of Geosciences,
Wuhan 430074, China; (X.T.); (T.H.)
2 Tsinghua-Berkeley Shenzhen Institute, Tsinghua University, Shenzhen 518055, China; (Z.C.); (H.F.)
* Correspondence:; Tel.: +86-27-6788-3273

Received: 20 December 2018; Accepted: 9 January 2019; Published: 13 January 2019 

Abstract: In the last decade, silicon photonic switches are increasingly believed to be potential
candidates for replacing the electrical switches in the applications of telecommunication networks,
data center and high-throughput computing, due to their low power consumption (Picojoules
per bit), large bandwidth (Terabits per second) and high-level integration (Square millimeters per
port). This review paper focuses on the state of the art and our perspectives on silicon photonic
switching technologies. It starts with a review of three types of fundamental switch engines, i.e.,
Mach-Zehnder interferometer, micro-ring resonator and micro-electro-mechanical-system actuated
waveguide coupler. The working mechanisms are introduced and the key specifications such as
insertion loss, crosstalk, switching time, footprint and power consumption are evaluated. Then it
is followed by the discussion on the prototype of large-scale silicon photonic fabrics, which are
based on the configuration of above-mentioned switch engines. In addition, the key technologies,
such as topological architecture, passive components and optoelectronic packaging, to improve the
overall performance are summarized. Finally, the critical challenges that might hamper the silicon
photonic switching technologies transferring from proof-of-concept in lab to commercialization are
also discussed.

Keywords: silicon photonics; waveguide; switch; integrated optics; MEMS; integration; actuator

1. Introduction
Optical switching is a very promising technology in the applications of telecommunication
networks, data center networks and interconnect between multi-processes for high-performance
computing [1–3]. In long-haul telecommunication networks, some bottlenecks of traditional electrical
switches in metro-networks and backbone networks are more and more obvious with the increase
of network throughput and bandwidth. Firstly, the maximum capacity of the traditional core
router/switch is as high as 64 Tbps which is very challenging for ~Pbps interconnect between network
nodes in the near future. Further, since the peak data rate of 5G wireless is up to 10 Gbps and the
acceptable backhaul delay of 5G networks is within 1 millisecond, only direct optical connection
can meet the requirement, considering the optical delay of 5 µs/km in the fiber links. In addition,
the power consumption of electrical switching is up to 10 K watts which is close to the limit of
thermal dissipation. So it is desirable to replace the electrical switching with all-optical switching
as soon as possible to save more energy [4–6]. Optical switches are critical network nodes which
establish point-to-point communication channels. Wavelength-selective switches (WSS) and free-space
micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS) optical switching technologies have been deployed in
the reconfigurable optical add-drop multiplexers (ROADMs) of the network nodes for network

Micromachines 2019, 10, 51; doi:10.3390/mi10010051

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provisioning and patch panel interconnecting, where the typical switching time is in the order
of milliseconds.
In short-haul data center networks, the network reconfiguration is frequently required according
to the dynamic workloads [7]. The high-speed electrical switches dominates the current applications,
in which the input optical signals are preliminarily converted to electrical domain; then the signals go
through amplification, reshaping, retiming and switching in electrical domain; finally the signals are
converted back to optical domain. The optical/electrical/optical (O/E/O) conversions always require
the optical converters, i.e., the transceivers, which bring additional power consumption to the system.
More importantly, the electrical switching is incompatible with the wavelength division multiplexing
(WDM) technology, where each optical link needs a multiplexer, a de-multiplexer and a pair of
transceivers. This increases the total cost and system complexity. However, optical switching does not
require O/E/O conversions and is transparent to data bit rate, signal format and protocol, with lower
power consumption and lower cost. Although the speed of optical switch (i.e., from nanoseconds
to milliseconds) is still slower than that of electrical switch (i.e., ~picoseconds) and all-optical signal
processing is immature [8–10], it is possible to have both of them cooperate together to handle the
switching scenarios of long packets and short burst packets based on their own advantages.
Besides, with the advent of cloud computing, IoT (Internet of Things) and AI (Artificial
Intelligence), the information switching technology for point-to-point exchange with high-speed
and large-capacity data will be widely used in the high-performance data-intensive computers.
The applications target at marketing, biomedicine, cyber-security, finance and national defense and so
forth. [11,12]. These application scenarios require that the processors can handle a large number of
random data and exploratory requests in real time, to realize nanosecond-scale switching of frequent
short messages. However, the bottleneck in high-speed electrical switches has appeared due to the
limited density of the pin and metal routing over the past two decades. The power consumption of the
electronic chipset doubles every three years and the performance deteriorates dramatically due to the
increasing temperature. To solve these problems, new microprocessor architectures based on optical
switching technologies are expected to significantly improve the bandwidth and latency characteristics
of on-chip interconnects. With this new technology, the total power consumption is required to be
pJ-per-bit-scale for billions of floating-point operations and the cost will be in the level of ~¢/Gb/s
in the future. Therefore, optical switching technology is a potential solution to address the signal
configuration from long-haul networks to on-chip interconnect.
In recent years, several types of optical switches have been extensively studied, including
MEMS [13], liquid crystal on silicon (LCOS) [14], LiNbO3 waveguide [15], III-IV semiconductor optical
amplifier (SOA) [16], Mach-Zehnder interferometer (MZI) [17] and micro-ring resonator (MRR) [18].
Compared with the above technologies, the silicon photonic switches based on silicon-on-insulator
(SOI) platform attract more attentions because of the following advantages: (1) high device density,
whose volume is 1/1000 of silicon dioxide device; (2) functional integration with active photonic
devices and complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) circuit; (3) fabrication process
compatible with a mature CMOS manufacturing technology; (4) mass production with 12-inch SOI
wafer, whose cost can be reduced to 1/200 of III-IV semiconductor; (5) strong thermo-optic and
free-carrier plasma dispersion effects for low driving power.
Some review papers have been published on the silicon photonic switches but most of them
emphasize on the electro-optic silicon switches in computer communication system [19], III-V/Si
hybrid switch fabrics [20], MRR switches in datacenters [21,22] and newer switches not yet adequately
explored or exploited [23]. In this paper, we systematically discuss the state of art of the silicon
photonic switch engine, for example, MZI, MRR and MEMS waveguide coupler. On top of that,
we perform a comprehensive review on the performance of the large-scale switch fabrics, including
academic studies and industrial applications, based on the configuration of the above switch engines.
We also demonstrate our latest work in the prototype of silicon photonic switches used for the
telecommunication network nodes and summarize the key technologies including the topological
Micromachines 2019, 10, 51 3 of 19

architecture, component designs and package & control. Finally, we look into the critical challenges
that need to be considered for commercialization of this technology in the future.

2. Silicon Photonic Waveguide Switch Engines

2.1. MZI Switch Engine

MZI switches are broadband interferometric switch engines, which are not limited by channel
spacing and grid configuration. Hence, they are very suitable for space switching in the WDM system.
A typical 2 × 2 MZI switch cell consists of two 3 dB coupler and a dual-waveguide arm between
them, as shown in Figure 1a. One of the arms has a phase shifter based on the change of refractive
index. Since the silicon has both strong thermo-optic (T-O) effect (1.86 × 10−4 K−1 ) [24] and free-carrier
plasma dispersion effect [25], the phase shifter can be categorized as T-O switch with a heater and
electro-optic (E-O) switch with a p-i-n junction diode. With the phase difference between the two
arms changing from 0 to π, the output signal is switched from cross port to bar port due to the
phase interference. The T-O switch has a response time of microsecond-scale to millisecond-scale,
which fits the applications of inter-data center connect and the switching in the telecommunication
network nodes. While the E-O switches have a response time of nanosecond-scale, which are good
candidates for the application of intra-data center connect and interconnect between microprocessors.
For the T-O switch, there are several types of heaters [26]. One employs a metal film, for example,
TiN, Pt or W, placed above the waveguide, as shown in Figure 1b. When applying a current to the
metal film, the Joule heat transfers to the silicon waveguide via the cladding silica and realize the
modulation of temperature-dependent refractive index. The modulation efficiency is limited by the
thermal conductivity of the cladding material and the spacing between the waveguide the heater.
The switching power consumption is typically in the order of milliwatts and the response time is in
tens of microseconds. The other one employs a rib waveguide with a doped profile N++/N/N++ in
the cross-section, as shown in Figure 1c. Two heavily doped N++ regions located in the shallow-etched
waveguide are used to make Ohmic contacts between the electrical wires and the silicon waveguide
while the lightly doped N region is a highly resistive region for heating. This heater in physical
contact with the waveguide can offer a faster and more efficient modulation due to the large overlap
between the optical mode profile and the silicon heater but this configuration suffers from a higher
optical absorption loss in the doping region. To further improve the T-O phase modulation efficiency,
one possible method is to introduce a deep etched cavity surrounding the heater and waveguide,
as shown in Figure 1d. In this way, the suspended waveguide and heater can be isolated from the
cladding. The thermal dissipation path is restricted to the ground so the power consumption is reduced
dramatically. On the other hand, the response time becomes slower with the increased thermal capacity
due to the isolation. With this type of phase shifter, Fang et al. [27] and Chen et al. [28] achieved a
switching power (response time) of 0.5 mW (0.3 ms) and 1.5 mW (0.5 ms), respectively. For the E-O
switch, the phase shifter is actually a p-i-n junction diode, as shown in Figure 1e. When applying
a forward bias current, the refractive index of the silicon waveguide decreases with an increase of
carrier concentration and the phase shift varies as a function the applied current (carrier density).
It should be noted that the modulation of carrier concentration also changes the optical absorption in
the waveguide [29] and the absorption-induced power imbalance could result in both insertion loss
and worse crosstalk.
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Figure 1.
Figure 1. (a)
(a) Schematic
Schematic ofof 22 ×
× 22 Mach-Zehnder
Mach-Zehnder interferometer
interferometer (MZI)
(MZI) switch
switch cell.
cell. Cross-sections
Cross-sections ofof
waveguide phaseshifters:
(b) thermo-optic
thermo-optic (T-O)
(T-O) phase
phase shifter
shifter usingusing a metal
a metal heaterheater
(c) T-O(c) T-O shifter
phase phase
shiftera using
using dopedaresistive
doped resistive
heater (d)heater (d) suspended
suspended T-O phaseT-O phase
shifter usingshifter
a metalusing a metal
heater heater (e)
(e) electro-optic
electro-optic (E-O)
(E-O) phase shifter. phase shifter.

Figure 22lists liststypical
demonstrations to improve
to improve the performance
the performance of theofMZI the switch
MZI switchcell. Tocell.
haveTo a
have bandwidth,
a large bandwidth, several typesseveral of 3types
dB couplers
of 3 dB are employed
couplers in a MZI switch
are employed in a MZI cell switch
[30–32].cell Watts et al.
Watts et al.a compact
reportedT-O switch using
a compact an adiabatic
T-O switch using curved phasecurved
an adiabatic shifter and
phase two adiabatic
shifter and two 3 dBadiabatic
(Figure 2a) [30].(Figure
3 dB couplers With a small
2a) [30]. footprint
With (~10a small and doped
µm)footprint silicon
(~10 μm)heater
and dopedthat is silicon
that to
the integrated
waveguide, the to the waveguide,
switch time is as fast theasswitch
2.4 µ as 2.4 μs.
proposed Chen etand
a low-loss al. proposed
T-O MZI and switch with 2 × T-O
broadband 23 dB MZI switchbased
couplers with 2on× bent
2 3 dB couplers based
directional couplers on (Figure
bent directional
2b) [31]. Thecouplers
(Figure 2b)couplers
directional [31]. Thehave benttwo directional
uniformhave two identical
waveguides which uniform
makes the waveguides
design andwhich makes
the structure
the design Campenhout
simplified. and the structure simplified.a design
et al. presented Campenhout et al. presented
of a broadband coupler, ai.e., design of a broadband
two-section (coupling
ratios κ1 i.e.,
κ2 ) rotational (coupling
symmetry ratios κ1 and κ2couplers,
directional ) rotational for symmetry
an effective directional
broadband couplers, for an
3 dB power
effective in
splitting broadband
a E-O switch 3 dB cellpower
(Figure splitting
2c) [32].inThisa E-O switch cell
multi-stage (Figure
coupler realized2c) [32]. This multi-stage
an optical bandwidth
of 110 nm realized
subjectan to optical bandwidth
a temperature of 110upnm
variation to subject
30 K. Totoobtaina temperature
a low power variation up to 30longer
consumption, K. To
phase a low powerhelp toconsumption,
increase effective longer phase shifters
modulation length.helpDong
to increase effectivean
et al. reported modulation length.
compact efficient
and et al. reported
ultrafast E-O switch an compact
cell (Figure efficient andOwing
2d) [33]. ultrafast E-O4 switch
to the mm-long cellphase
(Figure 2d) [33].
shifter Owing
in a spiral to the
4 mm-long
the decreasedphase carriershifter
density inina thespiral pattern,can
waveguide thereduce
decreased carrier density
the free-carrier absorption in theand waveguide
the switchingcan
reduce is
power the free-carrier
only 0.6 mV with absorption
a low driveand the switching
current of 0.72 power
mA. is Luonly 0.6and
et al. mVCelo witheta low drive current
al. demonstrated
of 0.72
an mA. Lu etT-O
ultra-efficient al. and
switch Celo celletbased
al. demonstrated
on the suspended an ultra-efficient T-O switch
folded waveguides in cell based shifter
the phase on the
(Figure folded waveguides
2e) [34,35]. The new structure in the phaseincreasesshifterthe(Figure
optical 2e) [34,35]. The
interaction length newofstructure
the light increases
with the
the optical
heating region interaction
and decreases lengththeofenergy the light with the
dissipation by heating
using theregionthermal and decreases
isolation. Thethe energy
device has
an ultra-lowby power using theµW,
of 50 thermal isolation.ofThe
the magnitude devicereduction
an order has an in ultra-low power of 50compared
power consumption μW, the
to the previous of anreported
order reduction
T-O switches. in power consumption
To decease compared
the optical to the
crosstalk, fourprevious reported T-O
typical structures are
switches. Tohere
introduced decease
[36–39].the Shoji
optical et crosstalk,
al. presented foura typical 2 × 2 MZIare
dilated structures introduced
switch by replacing here [36–39].
the switch Shoji et
two 1 × 2 andatwo
al. presented 2 × 21 ×switches
dilated 2 MZI switch so thatby thereplacing
two optical the switch
signals with two 1 ×interfere
can hardly 2 and two 2 × 1same
in the switches
so that the
(Figure two optical
2f) [36]. Together signals
with acan 0 dBhardly interfere
directional in thebased
coupler same MZI (Figure the
intersection, 2f) [36].
switchwith a0
cell has
adB directional
low coupler based
optical crosstalk of −50intersection,
dB and −30the dBdilated
for “bar” switch
and cell has aswitching
“cross” low optical crosstalk
states. This ofidea−50was
and demonstrated
also −30 dB for “bar” andE-O
in an “cross”
switch switching states.
cell to obtain anThis
opticalideacrosstalk −31 dB by Xing
was alsoofdemonstrated in an E-O
et al switch
later [40].
cell to obtain
Suzuki an optical
et al presented crosstalk
another methodof −31todB by Xing
achieve et al lateroptical
an ultra-low [40]. Suzuki
crosstalk −50 dB inanother
et alofpresented a2×2
switch to with
achieve an ultra-low
a variable splitter optical
as thecrosstalk
front 3 dB of coupler
−50 dB (Figure
in a 2 ×2g) 2 switch
[37]. The cellvariable
with a variable
which as the
be front
taken3as dBanother
(Figure 2g) [37].has The a variable coupler,coupling
complementary which canratio be taken
to theasrear
in order to minimize has a thecomplementary
overall opticalcoupling crosstalk. ratio to the rearDupuis
Additionally, one, in order to minimize
et al. reported the overall
a low-crosstalk
E-O crosstalk.
switch operating Additionally,
at push-pull Dupuis
driving et scheme
al. reported
(Figure a 2h)
[38]. Compared E-O switch operating at
to the conventional
switch cell,driving schemedriving
the push-pull (Figurescheme 2h) [38].needsComparedonly π/2 to the
phase shifter switch(at π/2cell,biasthe push-pull
point) rather
than π inscheme
a single needs
arm only
driving π/2(at per0 phase shifter
bias point) to (at π/2 bias
switch point) ratherport
the constructive thantoπdestructive
in a single port.
The lower(atrequired
0 bias point) phasetodifference
switch the constructive
leads to lower free portcarrier
to destructive
absorption port.
thus The loweroptical
a lower required phase
difference leads to lower free carrier absorption thus a lower optical crosstalk and insertion loss.
Besides, the push-pull scheme makes the insertion loss identical for both cross and bar status, which
Micromachines 2019, 10, 51 5 of 19

Micromachines 201x, x, x FOR PEER REVIEW 5 of 4

and insertion loss. Besides, the push-pull scheme makes the insertion loss identical for both cross
only requires
and bar status,a cheaper
which only receiver witha acheaper
requires smallerreceiver
dynamic range
with than the
a smaller single arm
dynamic range driving scheme.
than the single
arm driving Dupuis et al. Recently,
scheme. also presented
Dupuis a novel
et al.2also
× 2 nested
presentedE-O aMZI switch
novel 2 × with a suppressed
2 nested E-O MZIoptical
crosstalk of −34.5 dBoptical
with a suppressed (Figure 2i) [39]. of
crosstalk The nested
−34.5 dBMZI phase
(Figure 2i) shifter in the
[39]. The upper
nested MZI arm is symmetrically
phase shifter in the
upper armin a is
push-pull schemedriven
symmetrically to vary
in athe phase change
push-pull scheme from 0 tothe
to vary π with
phasea change
0 to π loss,
which can be
a constant accurately
insertion balanced
loss, which canby abevariable optical
accurately attenuator
balanced by ainvariable
the lower arm. Also,
optical T-O tuners
attenuator in the
are usually
lower integrated
arm. Also, with are
T-O tuners the usually
E-O phase shifter with
integrated for fabrication-induced
the E-O phase shifterphase errors correction
for fabrication-induced
phase errors It should be noted
correction that Ohmic
[38,39,41]. It shouldheating generated
be noted by the heating
that Ohmic applied generated
current flow bythrough the
the applied
E-O switch
current flow also induces
through thea E-O
phase shift due
switch also to the temperature
induces a phase shiftdependent
due to the index, which counters
temperature the
carrier-induced phase shift.
index, which counters This self-heating
the carrier-induced effectshift.
phase not only
This reduces the E-O
self-heating effectmodulation efficiency
not only reduces the
E-Oalso results inefficiency
modulation longer switching
but also time.
results One idea to switching
in longer solve the problem
time. One is idea
to puttoan E-Othe
solve phase shifteris
within theE-O
to put an thermal
phasediffusion lengththe
shifter within of athermal
T-O tuner for automatic
diffusion length ofexternal self-compensation,
a T-O tuner with a
for automatic external
close loop of feedback
self-compensation, control.
with a close loop of feedback control.

Figure 2.
2. Schematic
Schematic ofof various
cells:(a)(a) Adiabatic
Adiabatic T-OT-O
MZIMZI switch
switch (b) T-O
(b) T-O switchswitch
bent bent couplers
couplers (c)switch
(c) E-O E-O switch with two-section
with two-section couplers
couplers (d) E-O(d)switch
E-O switch with phase
with spiral spiral shifter
phase shifter
(e) T-O
(e) T-O with
switch switch with phase
folded foldedshifter
phase (f)
T-O (f) T-O array
switch switch(g) array
T-O (g) T-O with
switch switch with variable
variable couplercoupler
(h) E-O
(h) E-O switch with push-pull driving scheme (i) E-O switch with nested
switch with push-pull driving scheme (i) E-O switch with nested MZI phase shifter. MZI phase shifter.

2.2. MRRSwitch
MRR switchesareareresonant
offeraa wavelength
for the wavelength switching applications in WDM systems [21]. Compared
for the wavelength switching applications in WDM systems [21]. Compared with the MZI switches with the MZI switches
(~mm long),MRRMRRswitches
low tuning
tuning power
consumption, which
consumption, which areare promising
promising for for building
building blocks
blocks of
of high-density
high-density switches. typical 22 ××22
switches. AA typical
add-drop switchcell
consistsof ofaa microring
microring resonator
two bus
bus waveguides
waveguides(with (withaa crossing
crossingin in
Figure 3aor
coupledto tothe
resonatorand andan anoptical
(either T-O or E-O actuated) in the resonator. Light that enters the input port can
or E-O actuated) in the resonator. Light that enters the input port can be switched be switched to either
either port or
through drop
port or port
port dependingon theon wavelength alignment
the wavelength with the
alignment withresonance of theofMRR.
the resonance the
MRR. an input optical
an input signalsignal
optical (λ2 ) is(λaligned with with
2) is aligned the resonance, it willit be
the resonance, switched
will to thetodrop
be switched port,
the drop
otherwise the light (λ
port, otherwise the light 1 ) will goes to the through port. New optical signal with the
(λ1) will goes to the through port. New optical signal with the same same wavelength as
wavelength as λ1 (denoted as λ1’) can be uploaded through the add port to the drop port. However,
MRR switches are not widely used because of two shortcomings as follows. Firstly, the transmission
spectrum of a MRR has a Lorentzian line-shape which limits the optical bandwidth and the crosstalk
Micromachines 2019, 10, 51 6 of 19

λ1 (denoted
Micromachines as λPEER
201x, x, x FOR 1 ’) can be uploaded
REVIEW through the add port to the drop port. However, MRR 6 of switches
are not widely used because of two shortcomings as follows. Firstly, the transmission spectrum of
betweena adjacent
MRR haschannels.
a LorentzianSecondly,
line-shapethe resonance
which limits wavelength
the optical of abandwidth
MRR is very andsensitive to thebetween
the crosstalk
fabrication errors,
adjacent laser Secondly,
channels. wavelength the drift and wavelength
resonance the surrounding of a MRR temperature changeto the
is very sensitive so fabrication
wavelength alignment
errors, and stabilization
laser wavelength drift andare thevery challenging.
surrounding To increase
temperature the optical
change so thebandwidth
wavelengthand alignment
the stabilization
crosstalk, high-order
are very cascaded
challenging. MRRs To (Figure
increase3c) theare demonstrated
optical bandwidth byanddifferent
the crosstalk,
groups, high-order
to broaden cascaded
the spectrum MRRs bandwidth
(Figure 3c) and
demonstrated the line-shape in aresearch
by different box-like groups,
profile [42–47].
to broaden the
Specifically, hitlessbandwidth
spectrum switching, and i.e., switching
modulatesignal at one channel
the line-shape without profile
in a box-like affecting the other
[42–47]. channels hitless
in the networks,
switching, is performed
i.e., switchingusing the topology
signal of coupled
at one channel withoutMRRs [43,47].the
affecting Recently, Lu et al. reported
other channels in the networks,
an E-O isdual-MRR
using the MZI switchof(Figure
topology coupled 3d) [48].[43,47].
MRRs In thisRecently,
device, oneLu etMRR is coupled
al. reported to the
an E-O dual-MRR
upper arm and operates
assisted MZI switch at resonance
(Figure 3d)wavelength
[48]. In thisλdevice,
1. The other
one MRRMRRisiscoupled
coupledtotothe theupper
bottomarmarm andofoperates
the MZIatand the resonance
resonance wavelength wavelength
λ1 . The otheris blue
MRR shifted to λ2 to
is coupled after
the tuning.
bottom arm Combining
of the MZI theand
merits of
the resonance
resonance enhancement
wavelength is blueinshifted
MRRsto and thetuning.
λ2 after coherent interference
Combining in MZIs,
the merits slight refractive
of resonance enhancement indexin MRRs
andof the
one coherent
ring induces a π phase
interference in difference
MZIs, slight between
refractivethe index
two arms at λp of
variation = (λ 1 + ring
one λ2)/2,induces
changing a π phase
the state of the switch.
difference betweenTherefore,
the two arms thisat device
λp = (λ1is+ more
λ2 )/2, power
changing efficient
the statethan
of theindividual MZIs and
switch. Therefore, this device
MRRs. To stabilize
is more powertheefficient
individual MZIs of MRRs, two categories
and MRRs. To stabilizeof the
compensation mechanisms
resonance wavelength of MRRs,
are proposed. One is the
two categories of passive method,
compensation in which the
mechanisms aresilicon waveguide
proposed. One isisthe covered
passivewith a polymer
method, in which the
[49,50] or TiO2waveguide
silicon [51,52] withisacovered
negative T-Oa coefficient
with polymer [49,50]as theorcladding to compensate
TiO2 [51,52] with a negative the that
T-Oof the
coefficient as
silicon waveguide.
the claddingThe other is thethe
to compensate active
that method, in which
of the silicon a photo-detector
waveguide. The other isisthe used to monitor
active method,the in which a
resonance change andisalign
photo-detector used the wavelength
to monitor in time by
the resonance tuning
change andthe
T-O phaseinshifter
time byastuning
a the
feedback [53–56]. The active method provide a more efficient wavelength stabilization
E-O or T-O phase shifter as a feedback [53–56]. The active method provide a more efficient wavelength but at a cost
of system complexity.
stabilization butInataddition,
a cost ofnew systemarchitecture
optical mode-division
new architecture multiplexing
based on optical
MRR switches have been
mode-division proposed for
multiplexing MRR on-chip
have been proposed [57–59].for Theon-chip
communicationof the [57–59].
multimode waveguides and
The implementation mode
of the transition
multimode between different
waveguides and modeorders allow
transition the scaling
between different oforders
the allow
bandwidth densityof
the scaling forthe
bandwidth communication.
density for on-chip communication.

Figure 3.Figure
Schematic of (a) MRR
3. Schematic of (a)switch with input
MRR switch with and
inputoutput crossing
and output (b) MRR
crossing switch
(b) MRR withwith
switch input
input and
and output parallel
output (c) High-order
parallel MRR
(c) High-order switch
switch assisted
assisted switch.

2.3. Actuated
2.3. MEMS MEMS Actuated Switch Engine
Switch Engine
The MZI The
andMZIMRRand MRR switches
switches based onbased
T-O oronE-O
T-O or E-O
tuning tuning mechanisms
mechanisms are alwaysare always
prone to theprone to
the fabrication
fabrication errors and errors and the complicated
the complicated control ofcontrol
a largeofnumber
a large number
of phaseofshifters
phase shifters
for phase for phase
trimming. Recently, a promising mechanical tuning method, i.e., by mechanically
trimming. Recently, a promising mechanical tuning method, i.e., by mechanically moving or moving or deforming
deforming waveguides,hashas
been proposed
been proposedto switch optical
to switch signals
optical between
signals between different ports
different [60,61].
ports [60,61].The new
The new switch engines
switch have many
engines have advantages over other
many advantages methods
over othersuch as a lowsuch
methods poweras consumption
a low power due to the
consumption due toactuation, a small footprint
the electrostatic actuation,compatible with silicon
a small footprint photonicwith
compatible devices and photonic
silicon digital actuation
devices and digital actuation without accurate phase trimming. The response time can be reduced to
the level from sub-microsecond to microsecond, which is suitable for the applications of inter-data
center connect. Figure 4 illustrates configurations of various MEMS actuated silicon photonic
waveguide switch engines. Han et al. reported a new type of switch based on vertically
Micromachines 2019, 10, 51 7 of 19

without accurate phase trimming. The response time can be reduced to the level from sub-microsecond
to microsecond,
Micromachines 201x, x,which
x FOR is
REVIEW for the applications of inter-data center connect. Figure 4 illustrates 7 of 4
configurations of various MEMS actuated silicon photonic waveguide switch engines. Han et al.
reported a new type
MEMS-actuated of switchcoupler
directional based on(Figure
vertically 4a)MEMS-actuated
[62]. At the initial directionalstate,coupler (Figure 4a)
the movable [62].
At the initial state, the movable shunt waveguide bends upwards
waveguide bends upwards due to the residual stresses that are induced during gold layer due to the residual stresses that are
induced during
deposition. goldgoes
The light layertodeposition.
the through The light
port goes toWith
directly. the through
an applied port directly.
voltage With an
between theapplied
voltage between
waveguide and the the substrate,
shunt waveguide the waveguideand the willsubstrate, the waveguide
be pulled downwards will
duebe to
pulled downwards
the electrostatic
due to the At
attraction. electrostatic
this state, attraction.
the light is At this state,
coupled to thethe lightwaveguide
shunt is coupled to and the shunt
goes outwaveguide
from the drop andport.
out from
One yearthe dropSeok
later, port. etOne al.year later, Seok
improved theetswitch
al. improved the switch
by replacing thebylateral
replacing the lateral
channel channel
directional directional withcoupler
a vertical withriba vertical
waveguide rib waveguide
adiabatic coupleradiabatic in coupler in a dual-layer
a dual-layer silicon
silicon photonic
platform platform 4b)(Figure
[63]. The 4b)improved
[63]. The improved
device switches devicethe switches
opticalthe optical
signal signal by electrically
by electrically adjusting
the verticalthe vertical
gap between gap two-layer
between two-layer
waveguides. waveguides.
Since theSince opticalthesignal
signal always
in the
in the bottom layer waveguide unless it is required to be switched
bottom layer waveguide unless it is required to be switched to other paths, the function of signal to other paths, the function of signal
redirectingisis decoupled
redirecting decoupledfrom fromthe the propagation
propagationat ataa switch
switch node,
node, thusthus thethe optical
optical switching
switchingloss loss and
crosstalk at
crosstalk at each
each stage
stage will
will not
not bebeaccumulated
accumulated in in the
switch fabric.
fabric. InInaddition,
addition,the theimproved
operates atdigital
actuationwith withaastopper
stopperbetweenbetweenthe themovable
movablelayer layerand andthe thebottom
layer, which
simplifies the control
control and and achieves
achieves aa considerably
considerably low low optical
optical crosstalk.
crosstalk. The Theimproved
faster switchingtime time of of 0.91
0.91 μs and an ultra-low crosstalk of −60
µs and −60dB dBoverover300 300nmnmbandwidth
bandwidthat at the
applied voltage
applied voltage ofof4242V. V. TheThe through
throughloss andloss drop
and loss
droparelossas low
are as as0.026
low dB as and
0.0260.47dBdB, respectively.
and 0.47 dB,
Besides, MEMS-actuated
respectively. switches basedswitches
Besides, MEMS-actuated on directional
based couplers
on directional[64,65]couplers
and MRRs (Figure
[64,65] and4c,d)
are demonstrated
(Figure 4c,d) [66]byare thedemonstrated
researchers from by Tohoku University.from
the researchers Unlike the MEMS-actuated
Tohoku University. Unlikeswitches in
Figure 4a,b, theseswitches
MEMS-actuated devices in operate
Figurewith 4a,b,a these
devicescomb operateelectrostatic actuator. Recently,
with a low-voltage Briere et al.
comb electrostatic
reported Recently,
actuator. a MEMS-actuatedBriere et switches
al. reportedbased on the laterally rotating
a MEMS-actuated switchescomb basedactuators (Figure 4e,f)
on the laterally [67].
The lightactuators
turns on (Figure
when4e,f) [67]. The
the fixed portlight turns with
is aligned on when one of thethefixed port isports.
rotational alignedThesewith one ofwith
devices the
waveguideswith integrated
on the silicon silicon nitride
platform waveguides
function as the 1on × the silicon platform
N switches with low
constant as the 1loss.
optical × N Because
switchesofwith low constant optical
the butt-coupling scheme,loss.the Because of the butt-coupling
device exhibits scheme,
a broadband operation.
of the a broadband
designs are operation.
the slow time Theresponse
drawback of of the µs)
(~300 designs
and high are the slow
drive time response
voltage of ~118 V
due(~300 μs)large
to the and high
of thevoltage
movable of part.
~118 V due to the large mass of the movable part.

Figure 4. Schematic
Figure 4. Schematicofof(a)(a) a switch
a switch based
based on vertically
on vertically MEMS-actuated
MEMS-actuated directional
directional waveguide
waveguide coupler
coupler (b) abased
(b) a switch switchonbased on vertically
vertically MEMS-actuated
MEMS-actuated adiabaticadiabatic
waveguidewaveguide coupler
coupler (c) (c) based
a switch a switch
based onMEMS-actuated
laterally laterally MEMS-actuated directional coupler
directional waveguide waveguide
(d) acoupler (d) a on
switch based switch based
laterally on laterally
MRR (e,f) a switchMRR (e) aon
based switch based on
rotationally rotationally MEMS-actuated
MEMS-actuated waveguide. waveguide.

3. SiliconPhotonic
Waveguide Switch
Switch Fabrics
With the
With the rapid
rapid development
technologyand andwafer
fabricationprocess, it isitcoming
process, into
is coming
a reality that thousands of electronic and photonic devices can be monolithically integrated
into a reality that thousands of electronic and photonic devices can be monolithically integrated in a in a single
chip soon.
single chip Various researchresearch
soon. Various groups from academic
groups institutesinstitutes
from academic and industry
and have demonstrated
industry large-scale
have demonstrated
silicon switch
large-scale fabrics
silicon basedfabrics
switch on the based
engines. Tableengines.
the switch 1 summarizes
Tablethe typical results
1 summarizes theoftypical
the state-of-art
large-scale silicon switch fabrics. Other detailed characteristics are introduced in the paragraphs
of the state-of-art large-scale silicon switch fabrics. Other detailed characteristics are introduced
the paragraphs below.

Table 1. Comparison table of large-scale optical waveguide switch fabrics.

Micromachines 2019, 10, 51 8 of 19

Table 1. Comparison table of large-scale optical waveguide switch fabrics.

Switch Scalability & On-chip Insertion Coupling Crosstalk Switch Power Size
Ref. Institution
Engines Topology Loss (dB) Loss (dB) (dB) Time (W) (mm2 )
[68] 8 × 8 PILOSS - - −25 - 12 × 3
[69] T-O MZI 8 × 8 Switch & select 4 1 −35 150 µs 12 × 14
[28] Bell Labs 8 × 8 Switch & select 4 3.5 −30 250 µs 0.07 8×8
[70,71] AIST 32 × 32 PILOSS 8.4 1.4 −35 30 µs 1.9 25 × 11
[72] 4×4 3.7 −15 5 ns 0.05 0.165
[73] E-O MZI 8 × 8 Double Layer - - - - 0.675
[41] SJTU 16 × 16 Benes 14 5 −10 3.2 ns 1.2 10.7 × 4.4
[74] T-O MZI 32 × 32 18.5 −15 1.2 ns 0.54 12.1 × 5.2
[75] E-O MZI 64 × 64 Benes 12 −30 - - 21.7 × 9.6
1.4 ms 1
[76] 32 × 32 13 3.2 −20 12 × 12
70 µs 20
Huawei T-O MZI 16 × 16 Hybrid 12.5 ×
[77] 22 4.5 - - -
Dilated Benes 12.5
[44] HKUST E-O MRR 5 × 5 Cross-bar - - −11 1.3 ns - 0.1 × 0.1
[78] TU/e 8 × 7 Cross-bar 22 6 −20 17 µs - -
[79] CAS T-O MRR 4×4 - - −13 25 µs - -
[80] Ericsson 48 × 8 Cross-bar ~3 3.2 −23 4 µs - 8.4 × 7.8
[81] T-O MRR 8 × 8 Switch & select 10 - −39 20 µs - -
[63] UC 64 × 64 3.7 6.5 40V 8.6 × 8.6
MEMS −60 <1 µs
[82] Berkeley 128 × 128 Cross-bar 22.7 - 25V 16 × 17

3.1. Switch Fabrics Based on MZIs

During the period from 2011 to 2015, two types of 8 × 8 T-O silicon MZI switch fabrics for the
transponder aggregator (TPA) in colorless, directionless, contentionless (CDC)-ROADM applications
were demonstrated by Nakamura et al. [68,69]. The switches are fabricated with 1.5-µm-thick
shallow-etched rib silicon waveguides so the TE and TM modes have similar effective indices. The first
demonstration of high-density silicon photonics integration is an 8 × 8 split & select T-O MZI switch
fabric, which was fabricated on an 8-inch wafers with 220-nm-thick silicon using CMOS compatible
processes. Variety of passive and active components, such as crossings, ridge-rib transitions, edge
couplers and T-O tuners with deep etched cavities were integrated in a die [28]. Later, a monolithic
32 × 32 path-independent-loss (PILOSS) T-O MZI switch fabric with 45 nm silicon photonics CMOS
process line using 12-inch SOI wafers was presented by Tanizawa et al. [70]. The switch fabric consists of
1024 switch cells and 961 waveguide crossings based on 0 dB directional couplers. Flip-chip packaged
with a LGA interposer, the total footprint of the silicon photonic device is only 1/46 of a silica
switch based on the planar lightwave circuit (PLC) technology. The pulse width modulation (PWM)
technology is used to control the switch through a FPGA. Recently, the optical package of large number
of ports are improved [71], by using a high-refractive-index PLC connector. On the other hand, the E-O
MZI switch fabrics in the scalability of 4 × 4 [72] and 8 × 8 [73] in double layer topology were reported
by the researchers from IBM. These switches monolithically integrate the CMOS logic, the switch
driver and the photonic devices using its 90 nm silicon integrated photonics technology for the first
time. Soon afterwards, a 16 × 16 Benes E-O MZI switch was illustrated by Lu et al [41]. The switch is
composed of 56 switch cells, with two T-O tuners in each cell to compensate the phase errors due to the
fabrication errors and temperature changes. Up to now, the largest-scale MZI switch are 32 × 32 E-O
switch fabric [74] and a 64 × 64 T-O switch fabric [75], which were reported by Qiao et al. Both of
them are with Benes topologies and have several power monitors inserted at the certain positions to
instantaneously detect and efficiently optimize the operating points of all switch cells.
Recently we demonstrated a 32 × 32 T-O MZI switch fabric based on a new topology named hybrid
dilated Benes [76]. With this unique topology, the switch fabric achieves quite low optical crosstalk but
with fewer switch cells. This chip was fabricated with IME’s silicon photonic 200 nm wafer technology
using 248 nm UV optical lithography, which included 448 T-O switch cells, 1856 waveguide crossings,
Micromachines 2019, 10, 51 9 of 19

864 on-chip tap-monitor germanium detectors and 68 optical spot size converters. The thermal
isolation technology was used to achieve a low power consumption of 1 watt for the overall
chip. Also, we presented a dual-polarization 16 × 16 T-O MZI add/drop switch fabric supporting
400 Gb/s PDM-16QAM signals transmission [77]. The switches consist of the on-chip polarization
splitter rotators (PSRs) [83] and dual switch cores based on the polarization diversity technology,
including 416 T-O switch cells, 896 on-chip photodiode monitors, 48 PSRs and 48 spot size converters.
The polarization-dependent loss (PDL), differential group delay (DGD) of express and add are 0.3 dB,
<0.1 ps and 1.1 dB, <3 ps respectively. 200 Gb/s and 400 Gb/S PDM-16QAM signals were transmitted,
with 0.1 dB ROSNR penalty at 200 Gb/s.

3.2. Switch Fabrics Based on MRRs

The first design of 5 × 5 E-O switch fabric based on MRRs were proposed by Poon et al. [44].
The radius of the MRR is 20 µm and total footprint is only 0.01 mm2 , which is much more compact than
the MZI switch fabric. The switches based on the cross-bar topology can be used for WDM system with
channel spacing that agrees with the free space range (FSR) of the MRRs. Later, a broadband 8 × 7 T-O
switch fabric using high-order MRRs was designed and fabricated for the first time by DasMahapatra
et al. [78]. The switch employed a fifth-order-MRR switch engine with a 2-D micro-heater array
which was used to locally heat up the chip to thermally tune the optical pass-band (100 GHz) of each
fifth-order MRR. In 2016, a 48 × 8 T-O switch fabric based on MRRs was reported by Testa et al. [80].
This is the largest-scale MRR-based switch fabric, which aims at fabricating a highly integrated, scalable,
transparent and high capacity WDM photonic switch used as a TPA in ROADM nodes. The device
was designed for dropping four sets of up to 12 WDM channels and adding up to 8 WDM channels.
The interleaver blocks were used to separate/recombine the input/output channels into odd and
even channels and increase the wavelength spacing (200 GHz) for lower crosstalk. The switch engine
is a second-order MRRs with TiO2 cladding which was used to stabilize the resonance wavelength.
Compared with the large and expensive WSS, the new silicon photonic switch has a small volume of
cubic centimeter and a cost of only hundreds of euros. Recently, a modular 8 × 8 switch fabric based
on switch & select topology was proposed by Nikolova et al. [81]. This device consists of a pair of
1 × 8/8 × 1 MRR-based (de-) multiplexers with low-loss fibers or 2D optical interposer. The advantage
of this design is that only two MRRs exist in each optical path and the only second-order crosstalk is
allowed. However, it should be noted that the scalability is limited to high port number of the giant
crossing in the central shuffle network between the (de-) multiplexers.

3.3. Switch Fabrics Based on MEMS Actuated Couplers

Previous silicon photonic fabric made of cascaded MZIs and MRRs have a limited port number
because of the high accumulated optical loss and crosstalk. To alleviate this problem, a 64 × 64 switch
fabric based on MEMS actuated couplers is demonstrated by Seok et al. [63]. This monolithically
integrated silicon photonic MEMS switch used a broadband switch engine shown in Figure 4b as a
building block and has quite low on-chip insertion loss from 1460 nm to 1580 nm due to the ultralow
loss of multiple waveguide crossings and switching loss of only one switch cell in the cross-bar topology.
The switch totally had 192 optical ports serving as input, through and drop ports which was challenging
to implement the optical package in such an optical array with a large number of fibers. A 61-channel
pitch reducing optical fiber arrays (PROFA) with a compact footprint of 330 µm × 280 µm were chosen
to attach to the input, drop and through ports of the 64 × 64 switch fabric for high density optical
packaging [84]. As for the electrical package, there are 4096 electrical interconnects (excluding grounds)
and it was quite difficult to connect such a high density electrical contacts in a small area. A row-column
addressing method with only 2N electrical contacts based on inherent hysteresis of the electrostatic
parallel plate actuator, was demonstrated for a N × N switch fabric previously [85]. However, this
drive method has a tradeoff between the contact number and switch time due to the sequential
addressing. Only a sub-array of 12 × 12 switch fabric with 146 electrical contacts was flip-chip-bonding
Micromachines 2019, 10, 51 10 of 19

packaged with an aluminum nitride interposer as an intermediate substrate between the device the
PCB board [86,87]. The final solution for 4096 electrical interconnects has not been reported. Recently a
128 × 128 silicon photonic MEMS switch was reported [82]. Compared with the 64 × 64 switch fabric,
the new device has a drive voltage changed from 40 V to 25 V but higher insertion loss because of longer
routing waveguide and higher propagation loss. In addition, a 50 × 50 polarization-insensitive silicon
photonic MEMS switch fabric was demonstrated [88]. It had polarization-dependent components
such as waveguide crossings and PSRs removed by multi-level waveguide crossbar and no dual
switch cores are required to realize the polarization diversity. The measured PDL is as high as 8.5 dB
(simulation result is <1 dB) and the polarization-dependent delay is 44 ps. It is believed that the total
on-chip loss will be less than 2 dB with improved fabrication in the future.

4. Key Technologies of Silicon Photonic Switch Fabrics

In general, silicon photonic waveguide devices work well for broadband applications.
The commercial deployment of silicon photonic modulator is primarily based on MZIs because
it is difficult to stabilize the resonant wavelength of a MRR due to the manufacturing variability.
Silicon photonic MEMS switches have excellent performance in optical loss and crosstalk but are
in lack of low-voltage drive and high-density electrical package. In addition, silicon photonic (de-)
multiplexers have poor wavelength tolerance for dense WDM systems so our research group targets a
large scale broadband silicon photonic switch fabric based on MZIs which is expected to be a potential
technology in the commercial deployment in a near future. In this section, we particularly review the
key technologies in large-scale switch fabrics.

4.1. Switch Network Topologies

The network topologies play a critical role in the overall performance of the switch fabric. For an
N × N optical switch fabric, the good topologies should have the features as follows: (1) a small
number of switch cells and compact footprint; (2) low insertion loss based on a few switch stages;
(3) high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) due to suppressed crosstalk. There are four most widely used
topologies as Benes [74], cross-bar [63], PILOSS [70] and switch & select [28], in which the first is a
reconfigurable, non-blocking architecture while others are strictly non-blocking ones. Benes fabric
requires the minimum number of 2 × 2 switch cells (i.e., smallest chip area) and PILOSS fabric features
the advantage of almost the same optical loss in each path. However both of them have an unacceptably
large first-order crosstalk for the connection states where a 2 × 2 switch cell is shared by two signals.
The cross-bar fabric has a very simple configuration but the optical loss varies dramatically in different
optical paths, resulting in undesirable large output power fluctuation. The switch & select fabric has
the first-order crosstalk suppressed. So, its crosstalk is limited by the second-order crosstalk and that
of a waveguide crossing. But the drawback is weak scalability due to the large number of switch cells.
Recently, a new switch topology named hybrid dilated Benes achieves highly reduced output crosstalk
with a relatively small cell number [89]. A 32 × 32 hybrid dilated Benes fabric is shown in Figure 5,
consisting of an ingress column of 1 × 2 cells and an egress column of 2 × 1 cells. Compared with
the previous dilated Benes topology [90], this new topology has the central column of 2 × 2 cells each
replaced by a 2 × 2 switch & select fabric. In addition, the number of 2 × 2 cells for sharing two signals
can be optimized using our intelligent wavelength constraint routing algorithm. And the crosstalk can
be suppressed with an acceptable blocking rate of < 10-6. Figure 6 presents the comparison of chip
area and insertion loss of various topologies as a function of the port number. In the estimation of chip
size, we used a typically average footprint of ~0.07 mm2 for a single switch cell and assumed that
the area of the switch cells, waveguide routing and optical/electrical package contacts accounted for
20%, 40% and 40% of the overall area, respectively. In the calculation of optical loss penalty, we used
a typical insertion loss of 0.3 dB and 0.02 dB for a typical MZI switch cell and waveguide crossing,
respectively. Coupling loss was assumed to be 2 dB per facet and propagation loss of the routing
waveguides was neglected. These values can represent the performance of state-of-the-art silicon
Micromachines 201x,
Micromachines 201x, x,
x, xx FOR
REVIEW 11 of
11 of 44

0.02 dB
0.02 dB for
for aa typical
typical MZI
MZI switch
switch cell
cell and
and waveguide
waveguide crossing,
crossing, respectively.
respectively. Coupling
Coupling loss
loss was
Micromachines 2019, 10, 51 11 of 19
assumed to be 2 dB per facet and propagation loss of the routing waveguides
assumed to be 2 dB per facet and propagation loss of the routing waveguides was neglected. Thesewas neglected. These
values can
values can represent
represent the
the performance
performance of of state-of-the-art
state-of-the-art silicon
silicon photonic
photonic devices
devices using
using optical
photonic devices
lithography. The using
The resultsoptical
results reveallithography.
reveal that the
that Thedilated
the hybrid
hybrid results Benes
dilated revealfabric
Benes that the
fabric has
has hybrid dilated
distinct Benescompared
advantage fabric has
with other
with advantage
other topologiescompared
topologies when the
when with
the port
portother topologies
number is larger
is when
larger thanthe
than 32.port
32. Withnumber
With reticleissize
aa reticle larger
size than
of 24
of 24 mm
mm 32. With
×× 32
32 mm
mm a
in the
in size of 24
the current
current mm × 32 mm
mainstream in theaacurrent
foundry, 128 mainstream
128 ×× 128
128 foundry,
hybrid dilated
hybrid dilated a 128
Benes × 128
fabric hybrid
with about
aboutdilated Benes
2300 switch
2300 switch
cells with
cells can
can beabout
be 2300 switch cells can be fabricated.

Figure 5. Topology
5. Topologyof
Topology of32
of 32×
32 ×× 32
32 Hybrid
32 Hybrid Dilated
Hybrid Dilated Benes.
Dilated Benes.

Figure 6.
Figure 6. Switch
Switch matrix
matrix of
of different
different topologies
topologies (a)
(a) total
total area
area (b)
(b) insertion
insertion loss.

4.2. Passive
4.2. Passive
4.2. Components
Passive Components for
Components for Low
for Low Insertion
Insertion Loss
Low Insertion Loss
The insertion
The insertion loss
insertion loss and
loss and bandwidth
and bandwidth of
bandwidth of
of aaa switch
switch fabric
switch fabric are
fabric are always
are always limited
always limited by
limited by the
by the performance
the performance of
performance of
passive components.
passive components.
passive components. Although Although
Although some some research
some research
research groupsgroups compensated
groups compensated
compensated the the on-chip
the on-chip
on-chip loss loss
loss ofof
of the
the optical
the optical
links by integrating
links by
by integratingsemiconductor
integrating semiconductoroptical
semiconductor opticalamplifiers
optical amplifiers
amplifiers [19,91–93],
[19,91–93], the
the the deterioration
deterioration of SNR
of SNR
of SNR duedue
due to the
to to
the spontaneous
spontaneous emission
spontaneous emission
emission noises noises
noises is is unavoidable.
is unavoidable.
unavoidable. Therefore, Therefore,
Therefore, scaling scaling
scaling to to a
to aa larger larger
larger switch switch
switch size size requires
size requires
requires an an
an improvement
improvement of of the
of the
the individual
individual passive
passive component
component not not
not onlyonly
only in the
in the
in the fabrication
fabrication process
process but but
but alsoalso
also the
the designs.
designs. The The overall
The overall
overall loss loss penalty
loss penalty
penalty of of a switch
of aa switch
switch fabric is
fabric fabric
is largely
largelyis largely
dependent dependent
on the
on on the insertion
the insertion
insertion fromloss
loss from
loss the
switch the
switch cells,switch cells,
cells, waveguide waveguide
waveguide crossings,
crossings, fibercrossings,
fiber coupling fiber
coupling loss coupling
loss and
and variousloss and
various routing various
routing waveguides routing
waveguides such waveguides
such asas bends
and as bends
and taper
taper and taper
transitions. 33 dBtransitions.
dB coupler is
coupler is3the dB key
the coupler
key is the key
component in acomponent
in a T-O
T-O switch
switch inbecause
a T-O switch
because because
its excess
its excess loss
its excess
dominates the
dominates loss dominates
the switch
switch lossloss andthe
and the switch
the imbalance loss
imbalance of and
of the the
the two imbalance
two output
output ports of the
ports affects two
affects the output
the control ports
control accuracy. affects
accuracy. A A 11the
×× 22
MMI accuracy.
MMI coupler
coupler [94][94] andA 1 ×
and adiabatic2 MMI
adiabatic couplercoupler
coupler [28] [94]
[28] was and adiabatic
was reported
reported to to hascoupler
has anan excess [28]
excess loss was
loss of reported
of 0.1
0.1 dB
dB and to has
and 0.15
0.15 dB an
over C
over loss
C band. of 0.1
band. Recently dB
Recently we and 0.15 dB
we demonstrated over
demonstrated an C band. Recently
an excellent
excellent T-O we
T-O switch demonstrated
switch cell
cell with
with aa low an excellent
low loss
loss of T-O
of << 0.5 switch
0.5 dB
dB and
cell withof
crosstalk ofa<−30
low dB,
<−30 lossin
dB, inof < 0.5
which thedB
the MMI
MMI and 22 ××crosstalk
22 coupler <−307a)
(Figure 7a)dB,
loss iswhich
<0.15 dB
<0.15 dBthe and
and MMI 2 × 2is
imbalance iscoupler
<0.3 dB
<0.3 dB
cross 200
cross 2007a)mm
mm loss is <0.15
wafer using
using dB248and
248 imbalance Waveguide
lithography. is <0.3 dB cross
Waveguide 200 mm
crossings wafer components
are critical
are critical using 248 lithography.
components which are
which are
usually employed
usually crossings
employed in aaare
in critical
large number
number components
in an
in an opticalwhich
optical areAn
path. usually
An employed
insertion loss of
loss in
of 0.02
0.02a large
dB [95]
dB number
[95] and 0.04
and in dB
0.04 an
optical path. An insertion loss of 0.02 dB [95] and 0.04 dB [28] were achieved with a fully-etched and
Micromachines 2019, 10, 51 12 of 19
Micromachines 201x, x, x FOR PEER REVIEW 12 of 4

[28] were achieved

shallow-etched with a fully-etched
waveguide, respectively. andWe shallow-etched waveguide, crossing
presented a waveguide respectively. We7b)
(Figure presented
with thea
waveguide crossing (Figure 7b) with the ultralow loss of 0.007 dB and
ultralow loss of 0.007 dB and an ultralow crosstalk of −40 dB based on the three-mode synthesis ofan ultralow crosstalk of −40
a 1-Dbased on the
Gaussian three-mode
beam synthesis
[96]. Recently, of a 1-D Gaussian
a monolithically integrated beam [96]. Recently,
multilayer a monolithically
silicon nitride-on-silicon
integrated multilayer silicon nitride-on-silicon waveguide crossing (Figure 7c)
waveguide crossing (Figure 7c) was proposed [97,98] with insertion loss as low as 0.003 dB and crosstalk was proposed [97,98]
with insertion loss as low as 0.003 dB and crosstalk
of −56 dB using the low-pressure-chemical-vapor-deposition (LPCVD) silicon nitride layer on SOI of −56 dB using the
wafers. Routing waveguide propagation is(LPCVD) silicon Anitride
also important. ultra-low layer on SOI loss
propagation wafers.
of 0.5Routing
for a single-mode waveguide was achieved by Tanizawa et al. with 45 nm immersion single-mode
propagation is also important. A ultra-low propagation loss of 0.5 dB/cm for a lithography
and 300 nmwas SOIachieved by Tanizawa
wafer technologies et al.
[70]. Inwith
our 45 nm immersion
chips, the propagationlithography
loss of and 300 nm SOI single
a 500-nm-wide wafer
technologies [70]. In our chips, the propagation loss of a 500-nm-wide single
mode strip waveguide is achieved to be 2.5 dB/cm, by using 193 nm and 248 nm lithography in the mode strip waveguide is
achieved to be 2.5 dB/cm, by using 193 nm and 248 nm lithography in the silicon
silicon photonic foundry of Institute of Microelectronics, Singapore. To reduce the on-chip insertion photonic foundry of
Institute of Microelectronics,
loss, 3 µm-wide multimodeSingapore.
rib waveguidesTo reducewiththe on-chip
a lower insertion loss,
propagation loss3 μm-wide
of 0.5 dB/cmmultimode
was usedrib
waveguides with a lower propagation loss of 0.5 dB/cm was used to connect
to connect switch cells. A 25 µm-long taper shaped as a stretched sinusoid with 0.03 dB transition switch cells. A 25 μm-long
taper shaped
loss and as a stretched
a 10 µm-long adaptersinusoid
of concave with 0.03 shape
elliptic dB transition
with 0.002 lossdBand a 10 μm-long
transition loss wereadapter
proposed of
to connectelliptic shape with 0.002
the single-mode stripdB to transition
multi-mode lossrib
were proposedand
waveguide to connect
single-mode the single-mode strip
rib waveguide,
respectively (Figure 7d) [99]. We also achieved a 0.008 dB-loss rib waveguide bend by optimizingalso
multi-mode rib waveguide and single-mode rib waveguide, respectively (Figure 7d) [99]. We the
achieved a 0.008 dB-loss rib waveguide bend by optimizing the profile in
profile in a sine-circle-sine design (Figure 7e) [100]. Trident edge couplers were employed for light a sine-circle-sine design
input and7e)output
[100]. Trident
coupling edge couplers
because theywere
low PDL and for light
tolerance and to output coupling
the fiber because
they have low
(Figure 7f) [101].PDL and large tolerance to the fiber misalignment (Figure 7f) [101].

Figure 7.
7. Passive
Passive components
components (a)
(a) MMI
MMI coupler
coupler (b)
(b) In-plane
In-plane waveguide
waveguide crossing
crossing (c)
(c) 3D
3D waveguide
crossing (d)
(d) transition
transition waveguides
waveguides (e)
(e) adiabatic
adiabatic bend
bend waveguide (f) trident
waveguide (f) trident edge
edge coupler
coupler array.

4.3. Packages
4.3. Packages and
and Controls
Unlike the
Unlike theoptical
transceivers, thethe
optical switch
optical chipschips
switch require large-scale,
require high-density
large-scale, control,
optical and electrical package. We demonstrated a prototype of fully-assembly,
control, optical and electrical package. We demonstrated a prototype of fully-assembly, fully-functional T-O
32 × 32 hybrid dilated Benes silicon photonic switch fabric [76,102,103]. For the
fully-functional T-O 32 × 32 hybrid dilated Benes silicon photonic switch fabric [76,102,103]. For the optical package
of high-port
optical package fiberof
array, there are
high-port several
fiber potential
array, there methods
are severalincluding
potential the methods
mechanically compliant
including the
mechanically compliant evanescent polymer coupler [104–106], the hexagonal PROFA [84], PLC
evanescent polymer coupler [104–106], the hexagonal PROFA [84], the extremely-high-∆ (5.5%) the
fiber array connector [71] and the silica mode field adapter/fiber spacing
extremely-high-Δ (5.5%) PLC fiber array connector [71] and the silica mode field adapter/fiber concentrator (FSC) [103].
We usedconcentrator
spacing this PLC FSC(FSC)connector
out the
PLC of 20 connector
FSC µm to the fiber
to fanpitch
out of
the127 µmof
pitch of20a 68-core
μm to
polarization maintaining fiber array with a low loss of 3.2 dB. For the electrical package,
the fiber pitch of 127 μm of a 68-core polarization maintaining fiber array with a low loss of 3.2 dB. a conventional
For active-side-up
the electrical package, electrical package cavity-up
a conventional design wasactive-side-up
used to handle 1560 electrical
electrical package I/O portswas
design in a
custom ceramic ball grid array (BGA) carrier by wire-bonding technology. The
used to handle 1560 electrical I/O ports in a custom ceramic ball grid array (BGA) carrier by thermal management of
the chip is implemented by attaching CuW substrate and thermo electric cooler
wire-bonding technology. The thermal management of the chip is implemented by attaching CuW (TEC). With the number
of electrical
substrate andcontacts
thermoincreasing, the flip-chip
electric cooler (TEC). [70]
Withandthethrough-silicon vias (TSV)
number of electrical technology
contacts [107] the
increasing, are
flip-chip [70] and through-silicon vias (TSV) technology [107] are more suitable because they can
Micromachines 2019, 10, 51 13 of 19

more suitable because they can separate the electronics from the photonics and eliminate the effects
of the electrical package on the optical signal. Calibration using extra optical ports need expensive
test equipment, disrupts manufacturing flow and does not allow in-service verification. We used
germanium detectors in each switch cell for transient adjustment in addition to the calibration of the
initial states. Commercial CMOS A/D chips were used to read all photocurrents to a controller FPGA
and control the switch states with optimized crosstalk.

5. Discussions and Outlook

Despite of the rapid development of silicon photonic switches, further research work is required
to solve following technical challenges. Firstly, most of the current silicon photonic switches use
220 nm-thick silicon waveguide, which is a highly polarization-sensitive platform. Therefore, the silicon
photonic switches usually work for single polarization, which limits the switch capacity. To solve
the problems, the polarization diversity scheme [77,108], polarization-insensitive micro-scale rib
waveguide [68,109], on-chip polarization controller [110,111] and bidirectional port assignment
in a PILOSS switch fabric [112] have been proposed to implement the polarization management.
However, these methods result in neglected PDL and DGD that cannot be neglected for a large-scale
switch fabric. Secondly, the photonic packet switching for interconnect potentially requires that the
energy per bit is lower than 1 pJ. For our 32 × 32 hybrid dilated Benes silicon photonic switch fabric,
the energy per bit is about 0.8 pJ for a 100 Gb/s light path when the switch cell power is <5 mW
(1 mW for switch drive, 2 mW for T-O compensation and 2 mW for thermal management), which
is dominated by T-O phase compensation and overall thermal management. However, the energy
per bit will exceed 1 pJ when SOAs are integrated on chip to compensate the optical insertion loss.
It is expected to further decrease the energy per bit with improved chip uniformity and low-loss
passive devices. Thirdly, most switches are wire-bonded or flip-chip packaged in a ceramic carrier
and controlled by the A/D chips and FPGA board. This system assembly is usually bulky and
the switch port is limited by the electrical contact density. Thanks to the compatibility to CMOS
process, research on AISC logic drivers monolithically integrated with photonics has been started,
which will potentially benefit cost-effective intelligent high-speed control [113]. Limited by the
current development of the nanofabrication technologies, the state-of-art silicon waveguide photonic
switches have around 64 × 64 [75] to 128 × 128 [82] ports, each having a throughput of 400 Gb/s
or higher [114]. Thus, the overall bandwidth of a monolithic switch chip can reach tens of Terabits
per second. In general, silicon photonic switches will have a great progress in the future and they
will be promising technologies in the applications of telecommunication networks, high performance
datacenters and data-intensive computing.

6. Conclusions
In this paper, we have reviewed the state of the art and given our perspectives on the silicon
photonic switch technologies. The optical switch has potential advantages in broadening transmission
bandwidth, lowering cost and saving power energy. We gave an overview of the silicon photonic
fabrics based on MZIs, MRRs and MEMS-actuated couplers. The key technologies including topologies,
component designs and package & control are discussed. Finally, the technical challenges and outlook
were investigated and discussed.

Author Contributions: All authors contributed to the writing, reviewing and editing of this paper.
Funding: This work is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (61804138), Hubei
Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China (2017CFB193), Fundamental Research Funds for the Central
Universities, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) (CUG170608), Shenzhen Technology and Innovation
Council (Grant No. JCYJ20170818094001391, KQJSCX20170727163424873) and Tsinghua-Berkeley Shenzhen
Institute Faculty Start-up Fund.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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