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A Quantitative Research

Presented to the Senior High School Department


Almanza I, Alabang-Zapote Road, Las Piñas Metro Manila

In partial fulfillment of the requirements in


Sangalia, Limar S.

Andia, Michael Anthony A.

Grade 11 - TEC 1

Cristine Joyce Marcaida, Ramos

Research Adviser

March 2019



Base on internet, Gateway drugs are substances that, when consumed, give way to

harder, more dangerous drugs. These milder substances, such as nicotine or alcohol, are

believed to open the door to drugs such as meth, heroin and cocaine, which can lead to


Marijuana, alcohol, nicotine and other gateway drugs boost dopamine levels, which

increases pleasure. The dopamine boost caused by gateway drugs during adolescence

makes the brain release less dopamine during adulthood. This leads people to seek harder

drugs that cause more dramatic dopamine releases, according to the gateway drug theory.

Smoking is a hard habit to break, they say once you start, it’s hard to stop because

cigarette contains nicotine, which is highly addictive. Like heroin or other addictive drugs,

the body and mind quickly become so used to the nicotine in cigarettes that a person needs

to have it just to feel normal, as well as alcohol because drinking alcohol is dangerous for

teens and sometimes for adults, too. Alcohol is a drug, and it is the drug most abuse by

teens. Base on internet, many kids have their first drink at an early age, as young as 10 or

11 or even younger.


The Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia (CASA) released a

study Oct. 27 showing that children (12 to 17 years old) who use gateway drugs tobacco,

alcohol and marijuana are up to 266 times and adults who use such drugs are up to 323

times more likely to use cocaine than those who don't use any gateway drugs. Compared

with people who used only one gateway drug, children who used all three are 77 times and

adults are 104 times more likely to use cocaine.

This study the most comprehensive national assessment ever undertaken reveals a

consistent and powerful connection between the use of cigarettes and alcohol and the

subsequent use of marijuana, and between the use of cigarettes, alcohol and marijuana and

the subsequent use of cocaine and other illicit drugs," said Joseph A. Califano, Jr., CASA's

president and former HEW secretary.

An increasing number of American children and teens believe there is little risk in

chugging a beer or smoking a tobacco or marijuana cigarette. With the recently reported

rise in drinking and using marijuana by children and teenagers, this report is a wake-up call

for parents to discourage their children from smoking and drinking and for governors and

mayors to enforce the laws prohibiting the sale of cigarettes, beer, wine coolers and other

alcoholic beverages to minors," he said.

The CASA study establishes a clear progression that begins with gateway drugs and

leads to cocaine use: nearly 90 percent of people who have ever tried cocaine used all three

gateway substances first. More than half followed a progression from cigarettes to alcohol

to marijuana and then on to cocaine.


The purpose of this study is to determine the harmful effects of cigarettes and

alcohol in the lives of every Students of AMA Computer College Las Piñas.

The research wanted to answer the following questions:

1. What are the demographic profiles of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Age

1.2 Gender

2. What is the most used vices of students?

2.1 Cigarette

2.2 Alcohol

3. What is the negative effects of cigarette and alcohol in every SHS students of


The main objective of this study is to identify the harmful effects of cigarette and

alcohol for Students of AMA Computer College Las Piñas; Study the effects of cigarette

and alcohol on the behavior of the students; Investigate the relationship between exposure

to cigarette and alcohol and the performance of the students; and analyze data collected

from the questionnaire using statistical method devise conclusions.

1. To determine the profile of respondents in terms of gender and age.

2. To find out the most used vices of Senior High school student between Alcohol and


3. To determine the effects of cigarette and alcohol to the behavior of the students

The purpose of this study is to determine the harmful effects of cigarette and alcohol

in the lives of students of AMA Computer College Las Piñas. The study is beneficially

conducted for the following people:

Students This study would benefit students especially those students that are taking

cigarette and alcohol. Also, they will know how it affects their behavior in and out of


Parents This study would also benefit those parents to know the effects of cigarette

and alcohol their Childs health. Also, to prevent their child from cigarette and alcohol.

Teachers This study would also benefit those teachers who are taking cigarette

because they will what are the harmful effects of cigarette for their health and also for their


Future Researcher This study would help the future researchers to have useful

information in conducting related literature.


The terms that are familiar to this research are listed below. They are sorted in


Alcohol also known by its chemical name ethanol, is a psychoactive substance that is active

ingredient in drinks such as beer, wine and distilled spirits

Cigarette a cylindrical roll of shredded or ground tobacco that is wrapped in paper or

another substance that does not contain tobacco

Dopamine a chemical released by neurons to send signals to other nerve cells

Risk is the possibility of losing something value such as physical health, social status,

emotional well-being, or financial wealth

Nicotine is a natural alkaloid that is a major component of cigarettes and is used

therapeutically to help with smoking cessation

Meth is the drug methamphetamine

Substance a particular kind of matter with uniform properties

Survey a gathering of a sample of data or opinions considered to be representative of a


The Scope of this study will include harmful effects of taking cigarette and alcohol

for Students of AMA Computer College Las Piñas. The study will be conducted through a

specific time in March 2019 – April 2019. The targeted respondents of this research are the

AMA Computer College Las Piñas students from the age of 16-18 years old. The

respondents of this research are specifically students who are taking cigarette and alcohol

also students that are not.


Review of Related Literature and Studies

Local Related Studies

Alcohol affects the way the brain works. Alcohol can hurt young people more than

adults because their brains are still developing. Young people are more likely to have

accidents and injuries, become addicted, have trouble learning new things and have

memory problems because of drinking alcohol.

Cigarettes contain nicotine and lots of other nasty chemicals. Young people who

smoke are more likely to become addicted than adults. Smoking can hurt young people's

breathing, physical fitness, and health. If they keep smoking, they will have a higher risk

of getting lung cancer and heart disease

Today's young generation might be more sexually active or more inclined to

experiment with drugs and alcohol, but they are still seen to be more "behaved" than from

those a decade ago.

A recent survey conducted by the Demographic Research & Development

Foundation and the University of Philippines Population Institute, found that current drug

use, drinking alcohol and smoking among young Filipinos aged 15 to 24 have dropped.

The survey showed that young Filipinos who are "current smokers" declined from

20.9% in 2002 to 19.7% in 2013. The same survey also found that young Filipinos who

engage in alcohol and drug use dropped 4% and 7% from 2002, respectively.
"Perhaps smoking, drinking and drug use have become too expensive for them, the

youth has found other vices, or they are just getting more responsible," said survey director

Dr. Nimfa Ogena. Or maybe they have turned to junk food instead. The same study showed

that majority of young Filipinos include instant noodles, grilled street food, chips and

carbonated drinks in their weekly diet.

Of the 19,000 polled, 68% reported that they consume carbonated drinks at least

once a week, with more than half of the respondents admitting that they include instant

noodles, chips and grilled street food in their diet.

Despite this, young Filipinos still consider themselves generally healthy with 16%

giving themselves "very healthy" self-assessments and 26% saying they are "healthier than

Foreign Related Study

Smoking and drinking share many detrimental effects, some of which operate

synergistically. Over 90% of alcoholic inpatients are smokers, with similar findings

regarding outpatients. In the general population, the relationship between smoking and

drinking appears positive but modest. Nicotine appears to facilitate ethanol consumption

and vice versa. While ample theoretical viewpoints exist to explain the covariance of

alcohol and cigarette consumption, conclusive data supporting one or another of these

views are lacking. The assumption that alcoholics should be discouraged from quitting

smoking as well as drinking is without empirical basis. Research should ascertain whether

problem drinkers with greater positive association between alcohol and smoking benefit

differentially from quitting both.

Cigarette smoking is strongly associated with alcohol use in young adults,

particularly those attending college who are beginning to experiment with smoking. A large

body of work has examined predictors of drinking and of smoking to gain a better

understanding of the antecedents of engaging in drinking or smoking. However, few

studies have examined the specific factors that influence concurrent smoking and drinking

among college students. The current study was designed to examine contextual correlates

of concurrent drinking and smoking among college students using ecological momentary

assessment, a method that can capture fine-grained information about behaviour in the

student’s natural environment.

Contextual risk factors are defined as those environmental characteristics and/or

individual experiences that facilitate drinking and/or smoking. Parties, drinking/smoking

with others, and sporting events are all associated with higher rates of drinking and

smoking. Recent EMA studies of smoking or drinking in college students have found that

being outside, being in the presence of other smokers, and being in a location where

smoking was permitted were the strongest predictors of. Thus, several EMA studies have

provided information about the contextual influences on smoking and drinking in their

daily lives of college students. However, few studies have evaluated the contextual

influences on concurrent drinking and smoking episodes



This chapter discusses the research design, the respondents of the study, the

determination of the sample size and sampling design, the research instruments and its

validation, the data gathering and lastly, the statistical treatment of the paper. This research

study investigated the harmful effects of cigarette and alcohol in students. This study will be

conducted by first reviewing the literature, then conducting surveys with the selected Grade 11 and

12 ABM students of AMA Computer College Las Piñas.

Research Design

The researcher chose a survey design because it best served to answer the questions

and the purposes of the study. The survey research is one in which a group of people or

items is studied by collecting and analyzing data from only a few people or items

considered to be representative of the entire group. In other words, only a part of the

population is studied, and findings from this are expected to be generalized to the entire

population defines the survey assessing public opinion or individual characteristics by the

use of questionnaire and sampling methods.


The participants of this study are the Grade 11 and 12 ABM students of AMA

Computer College Las Piñas, due to wide array of possible respondents that it can offer.

The students will be used to study because they are the main target of the research


The independent variable (IV) is using cigarette and alcohol in young age. On the

other hand, the dependent variable (DV) is the effect to Grade 11 and 12 ABM students of


Research Instrument

The researcher will used survey-questionnaire instrument to gather data from the


The instrument is carefully designed by the researchers to elicit demographic

information of the students (age and gender), determine the age of start trying cigarette and

drinking alcohol, and determine the harmful effects of taking cigarette and alcohol to Grade

11 and 12 ABM students. It is structured using the Likert format with a four-point stress

scale. It is serving as the quantification of the respondent’s agreement and disagreement on

each question item. A Likert scale is a rating scale that demands the respondents to indicate

his or her degree of agreement and disagreement

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