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Production planning by spreadsheet for a start-up firm

Article  in  Production Planning and Control · September 2008

DOI: 10.1080/09537280802305582


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Steve Walton Richard Metters

Emory University Texas A&M University


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Production planning by spreadsheet for a start-up firm

Steve Walton a; Richard Metters a
Goizueta Business School, Emory University, Atlanta, GA, USA

Online Publication Date: 01 September 2008

To cite this Article Walton, Steve and Metters, Richard(2008)'Production planning by spreadsheet for a start-up firm',Production
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Production Planning & Control
Vol. 19, No. 6, September 2008, 556–566

Production planning by spreadsheet for a start-up firm

Steve Walton and Richard Metters*
Goizueta Business School, Emory University, Atlanta, GA, USA
(Received 10 July 2007; final version received 24 June 2008)

Theories on the life cycle of firms combined with stage model theories of information technology adoption
indicate that start-up firms may have different needs than mature firms. In particular, start-up firms’ need for
simplicity, development speed, adaptability, transparency and clarity often trump cost minimisation in the
characteristics looked for in production planning tools.
Here, a case study is presented of a start-up firm with geographically distant suppliers and geographically
dispersed warehouses and customers. Production planning needed to move from Post-it notes to a formal system.
A spreadsheet-based production planning system was custom built that allowed the firm to decide on purchases
and have dynamically adjusted available-to-promise information to help the sales force.
Keywords: MRP; production planning; spreadsheet
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1. Introduction After a brief discussion of PEARL’s specific

There comes a time in the life of a successful start-up business, we turn to the more general question of the
firm when the back of the envelope is no longer good differing needs of information technology systems in
enough. That time came for PEARLProtected start-up firms. At that point, we will discuss the
(PEARL) near the end of 2005. PEARL outsourced specific application at PEARL.
the manufacturing of their product to two different
factories in China earlier in the year. Each factory had
different lead times and costs. Selling only within the 2. PEARL’s business
USA for now, PEARL set up an East Coast and a If you awake to a fire in your home, and your bedroom
West Coast warehouse – each with vastly different is not on the ground floor, the available choices may
shipping times from the Chinese factories. Further, not look good. If you cannot get down the staircase,
PEARL sells to a number of different customers in it’s a jump in the dark from the window onto whatever
three different market segments, through several surface – be it tree branches, concrete, or a fence – lies
different agents, each with their own view of what below. PEARL provides an answer for this problem.
constitutes acceptable lead time. PEARL manufactures and sells Permanently-attached
Questions that were either unanswered or took too Escape And Rescue Ladders for multi-level homes.
long to answer were fundamental to the business: given PEARL started business in 2004 by securing the
markets with promised but future deliveries, intellectual property for an escape ladder that is
and inventory on the books but on boats from attached to a metal pan. The metal pan is then
China to the USA East Coast, how much inventory installed in a house inside the wall below a window,
do we really have? Most importantly, can I promise permanently attached to the frame of the house.
the customer that I’m on the phone with now the During a fire, the case is opened and the ladder
product they want at the time they want it? In short, unfurled out the window. Rather than the rope-based
PEARL realised it needed a structured way to ladders of the past that are difficult to climb even when
plan production, manage inventory and keep the one’s life is not at stake, this product has wide metal
sales force informed with accurate and timely avail- steps, providing secure footing for an exit. The product
able-to-promise (ATP) data, and it needed this is named PEARL and is colloquially referred to as a
solution quickly. PEARL solved their problem with a ‘ladder in a box’. A typical installation would include
flexible tool that could be up and running quickly: three PEARL ladders in a home, one for each upstairs
the spreadsheet. bedroom.

*Corresponding author. Email:

ISSN 0953–7287 print/ISSN 1366–5871 online

ß 2008 Taylor & Francis
DOI: 10.1080/09537280802305582
Production Planning & Control 557

The product is sold into three distinct channels: The information technology literature echoes this
direct to builder, building products distributor, and sentiment, but in a different fashion. It has been
direct to consumer. Each channel has a different sales proposed that, even in mature firms, information
cycle, different price points, different delivery expecta- technology and systems follow stages of development.
tions and different sales methods, and so PEARL has The ‘stage’ theory was elucidated over several publica-
different people in charge of each segment. tions (e.g. Nolan 1973, Gibson and Nolan 1974, Nolan
Like most other firms, PEARL needs to determine 1979). The stage model has become ‘an accepted
some basics: how much to order and when from each description of how changes in organizational informa-
of its suppliers. But the most important problem for tion systems take place over time’ (King and Kraemer
PEARL is to dynamically evaluate ATP to customers. 1984, p. 466). Here, we investigate a firm in the first
ATP inventory is the amount that can be promised to stage, which Nolan (1973) terms the ‘initiation’ stage in
customers on specific dates. Many businesses do not its information systems development. In the initiation
require ATP logic from their production planning phase, information systems are introduced to meet
software since customers purchase what is on the shelf. basic needs and there is minimal planning. More recent
However, the major marketing channels for PEARL studies echo this theory. Cragg and King (1993) have
purchase for future delivery. For example, a home documented that firms seek different types of informa-
builder constructing a development would want, say, tion systems at different stages of growth.
100 units delivered 2 months from the date of We believe that spreadsheets are better adapted
purchase. The units should not arrive sooner, because to meet many of these different objectives of start-ups
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they would both crowd the workplace and become than the primary alternative: speciality software.
easy theft targets, nor should they arrive later and hold Spreadsheets have strengths and weaknesses as busi-
up the workflow. Consequently, sales are not straight- ness tools. The strengths of spreadsheet applications
forward – if a customer wants to purchase now, you tend to match the needs of start-ups. We describe these
can’t just take a look at what’s in the warehouse, as briefly here and elaborate below. Specifically, start-up
that inventory already may be promised to another firms often require high levels of flexibility, transpar-
customer. ency and simplicity from their processes. Quick
implementation is often essential. The weaknesses of
spreadsheets coincide with the needs of larger firms.
3. Needs of start-up firms Cost minimisation and an ability to deal with highly
complex environments are key needs of large firms.
In general, research on start-up firms and their Saving pennies per unit produced is usually trivial to
operational decisions is sparse. Shane and Ulrich a start-up firm, but means millions of dollars per year
(2004) noted that there were only 18 papers on the to a large firm. Speciality software with complex logic
entire topic of entrepreneurship in the first 50 years of inherently is better at getting the right-hand side of the
the journal Management Science, and the bulk of those decimal place correct. Larger firms more often have a
were concerned with finance rather than operations. significant need to get an infrastructure decision right
This manuscript concerns MRP systems in start-up the first time, instead of needing a quick decision.
firms. On a related but larger topic, Levy and Powell For example, implementing an enterprise resource
(1998, p.187) report that ‘there is little research into planning (ERP) system in a large firm then changing
information systems for SMEs (Small and Medium vendors after 6 months would wreak havoc.
Enterprises).’ Consequently, the ability to do fast prototyping on a
However, there are some differences between start- spreadsheet is not as important. Lastly, transparency is
ups and mature firms that have been the subject of not as important an issue in large firms that can hire
research. Archibald et al. (2002, p. 1161) stated that specialists to deal with complex software.
‘(n)ew start-up companies . . . have a different objective The workforce of a start-up firm can often be
than established companies’. Theories of the life cycle limited to a small management team or just one person
of the firm (e.g. Sasser et al. 1978, Carman and with an idea. Because of this, expertise does not exist at
Langeard 1980, Wright and Thompson 1986) indicate all in many sub-functions and expertise is thin in many
that different management styles, human resource major functional areas. Each individual may wear
methods and control systems may be appropriate at many hats in the organisation. Babich and Sobel (2004,
different stages of a firm’s growth. In Sasser et al.’s p. 936) noted a similar set of responsibilities: ‘for a
(1978) view, the entrepreneurial phase is characterised small firm, say a start-up, the responsibilities of COO
by a high involvement of the founder in all aspects and and CFO are often delegated to a single person or a
a need for low-cost, experimental processes. small group of people who are obliged to be involved
558 S. Walton and R. Metters

actively in all types of decisions’. Consequently, there is to be notoriously long for larger systems. Further,
a premium on process simplicity and transparency. many dedicated systems require user flexibility, rather
Speciality software can be intimidating to those who than adapt flexibly to the user: it has often been noted
are not in the field, creating concerns about where that implementing an ERP system requires a firm to
numbers come from, and unintended consequences of change its processes, rather than the ERP system
programming or input errors. Having in-house exper- changing to reflect current processes. As opposed to
tise has been called a ‘critical success factor’ or a dedicated software, spreadsheet models can be rapidly
‘determinant of success’ for MRP systems in general built and changed.
(Burns and Turnipseed 1991). But in small firms in The failure risk of start-ups is high. The legend that
particular, having in-house expertise has been noted as ‘80% of start-ups fail in five years’ may not quite be
important to MRP system success (DeLone 1988, Ang true (Watson and Everett 1996), but the point is all too
et al. 2002, Petroni 2002). A large firm may have a real that start-ups fail at a much higher rate than
dedicated individual who can take the time to under- established firms. There is a significant risk that all, or
stand all the ins and outs of new software and who uses a great portion of, the founders’ money will be lost.
an application many times per day. In contrast, a start-up Because of this risk expensive software that cannot be
firm may have an individual running a process as one sold at the bankruptcy auction is less acceptable than
of many tasks, and the lack of frequency of use means the cost of a spreadsheet – which everyone in the firm
that the forgetting curve may dominate the learning typically already owns. Further, specialised software
curve. Complex processes that save a few dollars but often requires consultants to install and calibrate.
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are difficult to operate are not appropriate. Because If such software packages have a large initial cost but a
spreadsheets are so well known and integrated positive ROI over 10 years, they are well suited to an
throughout the business world, even first-time users established firm, but perhaps not for a start-up.
to a spreadsheet application can have an intuitive In short, start-up firms have a number of char-
understanding of the format and choices available. acteristics that cause them to obey Woolsey’s (2006)
This is further compounded when software is used by reminder of Occam’s razor – ‘don’t use a complex tool
many firm employees and requires a training period when a simple tool will get you within 90þ percent of
and learning curve for every user. the right answer’. Here, the simple tool used is the
While all firms require sales and marketing
spreadsheet. In addition to the production planning
personnel, a primary objective of management at a
application presented here, other applications that may
start-up firm frequently is creating awareness of their
best be handled by spreadsheets in start-up firms
product/service and generating customers. Unlike an
include accounts payable, accounts receivable, budget-
established firm, where repeat customers may come
ing, sales planning and – perhaps – general ledger.
to them, there is a more simple equation for start-ups:
no sales calls ¼ no revenue. Generating initial sales of
an unknown product/service requires enormous time.
4. The experience at PEARL
Again, this basic need for a start-up argues for the type
of environment the spreadsheet can provide: a simple PEARL exemplified many of the general character-
tool that does not occupy the time of upper manage- istics noted above: they needed a simple-to-manage
ment. Although a spreadsheet model may be complex, production planning system that balanced analytic
the basic learning curve on spreadsheet use usually has complexity with speed of deployment, flexibility and
been climbed by every member of the firm prior to transparency. This meant that speciality software that
their employment. would require a learning curve was not viewed
The start-up environment is also more likely to be favourably. Instead, we generated a production plan-
plagued by radical change. Flexibility in small firm ning module in Microsoft Excel 2003 that included
information systems is a key to success (Levy and forecasting, lot sizing, production planning and order
Powell 1998). Shifts in what processes are done, who release, and ATP.
does them, and how they are performed are somewhat The requirements of simplicity and transparency
routine occurrences as start-up firms jockey to find cannot be overstressed. As is typical of many start-up
market position, determine the competitive landscape, firms, the five employees/owners of the firm are
and discover new methods – it’s part of being new. generalists that perform many functions. The same
Because of this, the competitive priorities for manage- person who handles production planning may also be
ment tools are flexibility and the ensuing fast in charge of accounting, treasury, sales or marketing.
implementation of a new tool. The time requirements If the company succeeds, a dedicated professional will
for dedicated software such as ERP systems is known handle production planning. But in the entrepreneurial
Production Planning & Control 559

phase, the task is performed by someone who can give 5. Building a production planning system
it only a small portion of their time and who is not an The first steps of developing a spreadsheet model
expert in operations management. The firm founders involved organising the basic operational data in
were serial entrepreneurs who were facile with spread- Excel. Excel has significant functionality to manipulate
sheets due to prior use. So a spreadsheet-based dates, which is important because so much of produc-
solution created an intangible, but important, level of tion planning involves matching things like planned
confidence in the process. Using a spreadsheet created orders and booked customer orders by date. However,
an atmosphere where the end users could more easily keeping dates matched required considerable logic to
take ownership of the process, and modify it if events code. For example, we have forecasts for each of
changed. To keep the spreadsheet at a level where the next 20 weeks, and we have a booked order from
company employees could modify it themselves, only a customer set for delivery on 12 December 2006.
Excel functions were used – the Excel programming If today is 8 September 2006, then we need to match
language VBA was not employed. There are some that booked order to the forecast for week 14. This
commercial MRP packages with input/output in Excel, required three distinct pieces of logic to accomplish.
or completely designed in Excel, but those packages are First, we needed to use Excel’s date functions to
designed for the many contingencies that more determine the beginning date of the current week.
complex corporate environments face, so they are Second, we needed to compare the delivery date to the
more complex and less user-friendly to the particular date of the current week to determine the number of
users involved in this case. days between now and the delivery date. Finally we
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There are different types of start-up firms that needed to convert this measure in days into weeks since
require different kinds of effort at inception. Starting a we had selected weeks as the unit of analysis for our
restaurant on a busy street may require more attention model. We have included the logic by which we
to product quality than marketing. Start-up firms with accomplished this in Appendix 1. The same logic that
a different twist on an existing, established product we applied to determining the week an order is to be
would concentrate on acquiring share versus competi- shipped was applied to determining the week in which
tors. PEARL, in contrast, was offering a new product. a shipped order would arrive at the appropriate
Though escape ladders have their antecedents in fire distribution centre.
escape systems that have been around for over 100 The remaining work and challenges revolved
years, the market penetration of fire escape products in around converting forecasts, booked customer orders,
single family residences can comfortably be said to current inventory and placed production orders into
be 51%. So, establishing a market presence and the standard production planning structure so as to
translating that presence to product sales is the plan order releases and to determine ATP for the sales
primary goal. The team at PEARLProtected needed force. The next sections describe this process.
to focus its efforts at trade shows, builder calls and
other activities that would generate market knowledge
of the product and eventually sales. Consequently, the 5.1. Production planning and order releases
strategic need was for an easy-to-use operational
The basic logic of production planning to set order
system that would support them without requiring
releases is relatively straightforward, and can be
detailed knowledge on the part of the sales force.
summarised as:
The nature of PEARL’s supply chain complexity is
such that Portougal and Robb (2000) would say they (1) Determine projected on hand inventory at the
may not benefit from highly sophisticated software. beginning of that week.
Eventually, if PEARL succeeded and grew, it would be (2) From this projected on hand amount, add any
worthwhile to invest the time and money to purchase a production orders (aka replenishments) that
speciality production planning system – which even- are already scheduled to arrive in that week.
tually did occur. But for a time PEARL was in an (3) From this result, subtract off either actual
in-between state: the supply chain was too complex to booked customer orders or forecasted customer
keep using the back of an envelope, but not complex orders, whichever is larger. This result is the
enough to justify a commercial system. Further, the projected on hand inventory at the end of the
time involved in choosing among the more than 100 week.
such systems available, as well as the cost to customise (4) If this projected on hand ending inventory is
for their configuration now, when they would likely negative, schedule a new production order for
have different configurations in the near future, made that week. The size of the production order is
that less attractive. predetermined by a lot-sizing method.
560 S. Walton and R. Metters

Figure 1. Customer booked orders spreadsheet.

order sheet. The advantage of organising the data in

this way is that it allowed PEARL to easily track all
relevant information for each order. However, struc-
turing the data in this way created a challenge. As can
be seen in Figure 1, allowing the data to be organised
by order causes the ‘weeks to ship’ column to be
Downloaded By: [Metters, Richard] At: 18:07 5 December 2008

unpredictable. Yet, eventually all of the booked orders

must be tallied for each week in order to be used in the
production planning process. We addressed this
challenge by using the SUMIF function, which allowed
us to sum all customer booked orders (and by analogy,
all of the scheduled production orders) conditioned on
Figure 2. Production plan example.
the week in which they were scheduled.
With all of the data now available in a consistent
(5) Check to confirm that the total production organisation, we were able to easily execute the logic
orders in any week does not exceed currently described above. Figure 2 shows the first 2 weeks of the
available total capacity, and adjust as needed. production schedule. Week 0 is the current week.
(6) Repeat these steps for all weeks included in the The production plan shown in Figure 2 is for the week
planning horizon. of 4 September 2006. In that week we have forecasted
The simplicity of the logic belies the difficulty of coding 427 units; this information is dynamically linked to the
this logic into a dynamic, real-world application using forecasting tab. We have no booked customer orders
Excel. In a real-world application, there are many for this week; this information is linked to the section
moving parts that must be managed independently, of the customer booked order tab described above that
and then synchronised. We organised our Excel reorganises the data to match the structure of the
worksheet into five separate tabs that reflected distinct production plan. We have no replenishments sched-
moving parts. We did this to allow each business issue uled; this information comes from the production
to be easily managed by PEARL. We then developed orders tab. After conducting the capacity check, we
and coded the logic needed to transform these business have no concerns about exceeding available capacity
issues into a production plan. One tab was the business (no surprise since we aren’t ordering anything). Given
constants of lead times, actual current on hand that our on hand at the beginning of week 0 was 671
inventory, shipping costs, purchase price, order size, (not shown on the production plan, but coded in the
etc. A second tab was the forecasts. The third tab was business constants tab), and we have no replenish-
booked customer orders. The fourth tab was the ments, no booked orders and forecasts for 427 units,
scheduled production orders, and the final tab was the we end week 0 with 244 projected on hand. The coding
actual production plan derived from the data managed of the logic to create the production plan from the
in these other four tabs. various tabs is, as the steps listed above suggest,
We chose to structure the data entry area for the straightforward. The only challenge was creating and
customer booked orders and scheduled production maintaining the dynamic links between the source data
orders so that a row represented an individual order. in the various tabs and the calculations in the
Figure 1 shows the structure of the customer booked production plan. With the basic production plan
Production Planning & Control 561

complete, we were ready to turn our attention to the replenishment amount minus all booked orders in that
more difficult piece of coding, ATP. block. Figure 3 shows that weeks 1, 2 and 3 comprise a
block. This is so because a new block begins with the
replenishment in week 4. ATP for block composed of
5.2. Available-to-promise weeks 1, 2 and 3 is calculated as 800  432 ¼ 368 units
The method used to determine the timing of planned left to be sold.
order releases leads to an important weakness that must While the logic of ATP is fairly straightforward, the
be addressed through the additional calculation of computation of ATP in Excel is not, particularly if
ATP. Consider the portion of the production plan one is trying to build a dynamic model, as we were.
shown in Figure 2. At the beginning of the current week, The main challenge in coding the ATP calculation is
week 0, there are 671 units on hand (not shown in determining the block of weeks that should be included
the sheet, but an input to the page). Following in each ATP calculation. That determination must be
the production planning logic described in the dynamic so that it is able to adapt to the ever-changing
previous section, add in replenishments of zero and business environment PEARLProtected operates in.
subtract off the larger of forecasts and booked To extract the booked orders from the production
orders yields an projected on hand at the end of plan, we developed a matrix that evaluated whether an
week 0 of 244 (671 þ 0  max(427.0) ¼ 244). For individual booked order should be associated with
week 1, the ending projected on hand is 617 a particular block of weeks for determining ATP.
(244 þ 800  max(427.0) ¼ 617). But in week 0 how Figure 4 shows this matrix. In this matrix, each row
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many more units could your sales force really sell? represents a week in the production plan, and each
The fact of the matter is that there are actually 671 units column reflects the booked orders in that particular
left to be sold because we have in fact sold NONE of week. We coded in logic that determined which week of
the forecasted 427. This is where the logic of ATP is so production a booked order should be associated
important. Sales force information based on projected with (we have provided in Appendix 2 this logic). An
on hand tends to misstate the number of units ‘X’ in Figure 4 means that the booked orders in that
of product actually available. This happens because week should not be associated with the production
by definition projected on hand includes forecast plan in the same week.
information, not just actual sales information. ATP Figure 5 provides a specific example of what
fixes this problem. connects the production plan with the determination
ATP is determined over the horizon between actual of ATP. The top portion of Figure 5 shows the
scheduled replenishments, and is calculated by taking production plan, and the lower portion shows the off
the sum of all booked orders over this horizon and screen calculations used to match booked customer
subtracting that sum from the replenishment amount. orders to the appropriate ATP block. We will use the
Figure 3 shows the results of this approach for several determination of ATP for weeks 4 and 5, row 62, to
weeks. The first ATP, which in our model occurred in demonstrate the interpretation of Figure 4. In row 62,
week 0, is calculated as actual beginning on hand cells B62, C62 D62 and E62 are in grey because there
inventory minus booked orders (671  0 ¼ 671). For all is no way to meet booked orders for weeks 0–3 with
subsequent blocks, ATP is calculated as the production in week 4. In the top portion of Figure 5,

Figure 3. Available-to-promise calculations.

562 S. Walton and R. Metters

cells F7 and G7 are booked customer orders that included in the ATP. Cell F52 tallies up all of the
should be included in the determination of ATP for the booked orders included in the block of weeks 4 and 5
block of weeks 4 and 5. Through the logic described in (650 units). This is then subtracted from the replen-
Appendix 2, we caused the 50 units shown in F7 to be ishment amount of 1200 to arrive at the ATP of 550.
correctly associated with row 62, and X’ed out in cells
F58–F61. A similar procedure is used for the 600 units
of booked customer orders shown in G7. Week 6 5.3. Forecasting
begins a new block for ATP calculations, so week 6 Forecasts proved to be problematic. Being a new firm,
and beyond should not be included in the ATP there was no historic data on which to base a forecast.
calculation for weeks 4 and 5. Our model places an Consequently, a qualitative forecast along the lines
‘X’ in the remainder of row 62, marking it as not of Fisher and Raman (1996) was implemented.
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Figure 4. Booked order matrix.

Figure 5. Production schedule and available-to-promise calculation.

Production Planning & Control 563

However, it was noted that the forecasts would need to certainly cannot be ignored, cost minimisation is
be redone frequently when better information was simply not the goal of the production planning
available. So we proceeded to develop an application process in this firm. While the right lot-sizing technique
knowing that once we had that in place, we could work would indeed be important if this firm succeeds,
to get better forecasts and change the information in at this point in time, the goals of simplicity and
our production planning model. clarity trumped cost.
The lack of an accurate forecast raised a more A safety stock decision also had to be made.
fundamental question. In addition to not knowing The decision was made to have large amounts of safety
anything about what average demand would be, we stock. This does result in excess inventory, with all the
had no information about the variability of demand. negative aspects as discussed by Schonberger (1999).
The lack of information about the variability of demand However, the goals of the firm indicated that the risk
would play a significant role in how we made decisions of lost sales was several orders of magnitude higher
about lot sizes since we had no systematic way to think than the risk of holding too much in inventory.
about safety stocks. Archibald et al. (2002) indicated that start-up firms
should hold less safety stock than an established firm,
if the goal of the start-up firm was to avoid using up
5.4. Lot sizing and safety stock their limited amount of capital and avoid bankruptcy.
Many lot-sizing approaches have been explored in the In the view of Archibald and coworkers giving up
greater profits from more sales is balanced against
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OR literature. Here, however, instead of using the more

complex lot-sizing approaches found in the literature, running out of capital. The goal of this firm, however,
we decided to use a fixed order quantity of one full cargo is different. The founders did not merely wish to avoid
container, with lot-for-lot logic in the MRP system. bankruptcy, and they had access to funds that would
The manufacturing facilities are in China, custo- not be a limiting factor in holding inventory. Rather,
mers are in the USA, and the weight/value ratio of the the goal of the firm was to show potential buyers of the
product makes air shipment prohibitively expensive, so firm that this idea was a ‘gold mine’ worth tens of
the basic unit of transportation is the cargo container. millions of dollars, so the team could sell the firm and
However, one need not order in full container loads. move on to their next start-up. To achieve this, lost
Both plants offered quantity discounts, and the plants sales due to stockouts could not be tolerated.
had slightly different pricing structures and payment
terms. One plant’s price was 4% higher, but offered
considerably more favourable payment terms (net 45 6. Results
days versus net 10 days). If demand were constant The objective of this project was not cost savings.
between time periods, analysis of the relevant costs, Rather, this work was intended to ease the sales
including quantity discounts, would tell us that a lot process. We do have significant strategic results to
size of almost half a container is optimal. Of course, report, and for a start-up company like PEARL, these
demand here is not constant between time periods. results were critical. Management at PEARL knew
Consequently, when we applied more sophisticated they had a good production planning tool that
methods, the resulting order size varied considerably. provided accurate and timely ATP information for
We decided to make a full container load the the sales force. This meant that the staff could focus on
standard lot size. Experimental work indicates that tasks that are essential to virtually any start-up firm
more sophisticated lot-sizing systems can affect costs by with a new product: gaining market exposure and
several percentage points (Bahl et al. 1987). The reasons driving sales of the product. The real metrics for our
for our decision are similar to the reasons for using work would be number of hours not distracted by
spreadsheets in the first place. A dynamically adjusted production planning issues and the resultant exposure
lot size would better minimise total inventory costs. and sales. This is virtually impossible to quantify.
However, the firm members needed transparency and However, we can report several indirect measures
certainty, rather than minimised costs. When concen- for the success of our model. First, PEARLProtected
trating on sales, it was far easier for them to note that has won several local and national awards for building
a cargo container load was coming in every time a products, including the prestigious Home Safety
shipment is made, rather than have to consult the Council’s Product Innovation for Consumer Safety.
production planning spreadsheet each time for the They have been featured on local and national media
‘mystery number’ that would be determined by a more outlets, including The Wall Street Journal,
exact lot-sizing heuristic. In general, while costs, HGTV, The Early Show on CBS and
564 S. Walton and R. Metters

Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. Of course we do and two suppliers is accurate – but it was not clear
not claim that our model caused them to have this sort that this was going to be the problem to solve
of success. We do take credit for a portion of the shortly before this plan was put in place, nor is it
success, though, because we know that they were able clear that it will be the plan in the near future. For this
to focus their attention where it needed to be, and not particular firm, a dozen or more product line exten-
on production planning. sions are awaiting the success of the first. It is easily
possible for the supply chain to take radically
different structures, such as selling to international
7. Conclusion markets, or pulling manufacturing back domestically.
Here, a start-up firm that was beginning to encounter It might take the direction of ignoring the builder
the complexities of a moderate supply chain needed a market and focusing on one-off sales to individual
more formal system. In the long run, assuming homeowners, which would necessitate a different
corporate growth, a dedicated software solution warehouse structure. Further, each of the product
incorporating formalised statistical forecasting line extensions may have different supply chain
procedures and data- and literature-based safety structures. These types of considerations and wild
oscillations on the strategic level are normal in start-up
stock and lot-sizing algorithms should be used.
firms, and the flexibility, low cost, and adaptability
However, at this stage in corporate development, a
of spreadsheet-based solutions are ideal for this
spreadsheet-based system was appropriate for reasons
Downloaded By: [Metters, Richard] At: 18:07 5 December 2008

of development speed, cost and system transparency to

However, the weaknesses of this approach should
users. There are lessons to be learned from our
also be weighed. Our approach is not web-enabled and
experience developing the production planning
is not meant to be used in an environment where there
solution for PEARL.
is a large number of users. Even at PEARL, this
In an entrepreneurial environment, there are
approach is meant only to be a stopgap measure
usually a small number of extremely busy employees
between the ‘back-of-the-envelope’ stage and a stage
performing tasks with which they may have little
where a formal, more complex system would be
experience. No matter how easy-to-use some specia-
lised software may be, the cost in time of software Beyond this specific application, spreadsheets are
selection, the financial cost of implementation and useful in this environment because of the uncertainties
customisation, and the level of trust in terms of and time frames involved. Firms that are still early in
unknown bugs and unforeseen changes may make their life cycle must often grapple with what decisions
any unfamiliar dedicated software a risk not worth should be made, and what questions should be asked.
taking. However, all the employees in a start-up In the case of PEARL, other decisions that had to be
are typically wise in the ways of spreadsheets. made prior to the one depicted here were whether to
The spreadsheet is a familiar environment that make and market the product themselves or sell the
automatically brings with it a comfort level for end idea, whether to source internationally or domestically,
users, enabling them to trust results and take and the warehouse structure – just to name some of the
ownership of tools. Here, if unusual or perplexing operational issues. These one-off analyses lend them-
results were proposed by the spreadsheet model, a brief selves to the quick and cheap capabilities of the
period of investigating would either satisfy the spreadsheet.
end-users as to the accuracy of the results or lead to As has been said before by so many, we cannot
a change that all understood. Perplexing answers from let the best get in the way of the good. So many
a speciality software package that perhaps no-one on problems that businesses face require a good answer,
the executive team, or maybe only one person, under- quickly. Start-up firms, in particular, face unique
stood leads to distrust and non-use of the system. operational challenges. Limited funds and limited
This lack of trust can have serious consequences. In a time call for cheap, quick solutions. Consequently,
prior project one of the authors has worked on, the although commercial software would eventually be
new leveraged buyout owners of a large pencil appropriate for this application, the spreadsheet
manufacturer ($350M annual sales) desired to turn offers a quick and cheap method to obtain reasonable
off the MRP system because they could not cope solutions here, and for many of the problems faced by
with the systems’ outputs. new ventures.
A spreadsheet is also a good tool in the start-up In this particular application, we had a specific
phase of a firm due to its adaptability. The environ- decision to make concerning lot sizing. We made the
mental description of one product, two warehouses, decision to go with a simplistic lot size of a full cargo
Production Planning & Control 565

container, and lot-for-lot logic. The authors of this Richard Metters is Associate Professor
work have several prior publications in the field of at the Goizueta Business School,
Emory University. He holds a PhD
production planning and are well aware of alternatives. from the Kenan-Flagler Business
Applying the collective wisdom of nearly 50 years of School, University of North
research into dynamic lot-sizing methods, an alter- Carolina, an MBA from Duke
native and numerically superior algorithm could have University and a BA from Stanford
been applied to PEARL. Here, however, a more University. He has previously pub-
lished over 30 articles including
important business objective than minimising inven- articles in Management Science, Operations Research, and
tory cost is simplicity and transparency. Getting buy-in Harvard Business Review. He is an Associate Editor of
and trust from managers unaccustomed to production Decision Sciences and Interfaces. He is the principal author of
planning issues such as seemingly complex lot-sizing the textbook Successful Service Operations Management.
algorithms was aided by having a simple rule that
made sense to the management team, that could easily
be relied upon. Instead of asking ‘how much is going to References
be in that shipment?’ the quantity of one full container
was known and trusted. Ang, J., Sum, C., and Yeo, L., 2002. A multiple-case design
It may be said that, in the start-up, entrepreneurial methodology for studying MRP success and CSFs.
environment, rapid prototyping and deployment may Information and Management, 39, 271–281.
Archibald, T., et al., 2002. Should start-up companies be
be more important than methodological rigour. This is
Downloaded By: [Metters, Richard] At: 18:07 5 December 2008

cautious? Inventory policies which maximize survival

not to say be lazy in our methodology, far from it.
probabilities. Management Science, 48 (9), 1161–1175.
Business decision makers rely on us for rigour, but Babich, V. and Sobel, M., 2004. Pre-IPO operational and
everything must be in balance. Excel is an excellent financial decisions. Management Science, 50 (7), 935–948.
tool for rapid prototyping. While it did not come up in Bahl, H., Ritzman, L., and Gupta, J., 1987. Determining lot
our work, since PEARL was migrating to an off- sizes and resource requirements: a review. Operations
the-shelf planning package, Excel is also an excellent Research, 35 (3), 329–345.
platform for model proof-of-concept, which would be Burns, O. and Turnipseed, D., 1991. Critical success factors
a good way to get end-user input into the model in manufacturing resource planning implementation.
development process. International Journal of Operations & Production
Management, 11 (4), 5–19.
Carman, J. and Langeard, E., 1980. Growth strategies for
Notes on contributors service firms. Strategic Management Journal, 1 (1), 7–22.
Steve Walton is Interim Associate Cragg, P. and King, M., 1993. Small firm computing:
Dean of the Full-time MBA motivators and inhibitors. MIS Quarterly, 17 (1), 47–60.
Programs and Associate Professor in DeLone, W., 1988. Determinants of success for computer
the Practice of Information System usage in small business. MIS Quarterly, 12 (1), 51–61.
and Operations Management at Fisher, M. and Raman, A., 1996. Reducing the costs of
Goizueta Business School. He has demand uncertainty through accurate response to early
been at Emory since 1996. He earned sales. Operations Research, 44 (1), 87–99.
his PhD in Business Administration/
Gibson, C. and Nolan, R., 1974. Managing the four stages of
Operations from the University of
North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1993. EDP growth. Harvard Business Review, 52 (1), 76–88.
Steve has published in the Journal of Operations King, J. and Kraemer, K., 1984. Evolution and organiza-
Management, International Journal of Operations and tional information systems: an assessment of Nolan’s stage
Production Management, European Journal of Operations model. Communications of the ACM, 27 (5), 466–475.
Research and other academic journals. Additionally, Steve is Levy, M. and Powell, P., 1998. SME flexibility and the role
a co-author for Successful Service Operations Management. of information systems. Small Business Economics, 11,
Steve teaches in all of Goizueta’s programs and has been 183–196.
recognised with seven teaching awards. His research interests Nolan, R., 1973. Managing the computer resource: a stage
include the application of Six Sigma to service operations, hypothesis. Communications of the ACM, 16 (7), 399–405.
business-to-business electronic commerce and managing Nolan, R., 1979. Managing the crisis in data processing.
supply chains for both operational and environmental
Harvard Business Review, 57 (1), 115–126.
Steve’s consulting clients include the US State Department, Petroni, A., 2002. Critical factors of MRP implementation in
The Home Depot, Delta Air Lines, McKesson Information small and medium-sized firms. International Journal of
Solutions, The Institute of Nuclear Power Operations, Operations & Production Management, 22 (3), 329–348.
ORBIS, The Arthur M. Blank Family Office, Siemens Portougal, V. and Robb, D., 2000. Production scheduling
Medical Systems, Solvay Pharmaceuticals and others. theory: just where is it applicable?. Interfaces, 30 (6), 64–72.
566 S. Walton and R. Metters

Sasser, W.E., Olsen, R., and Wycoff, D., 1978. Management (1) Determine if there is a replenishment order in
of service operations. Boston: Allyn and Bacon. the current week, week 4. If there is no replenish-
Schonberger, R., 1999. Comment: using product-profiling ment, mark the cell F62 with ‘X’. If there is
to illustrate manufacturing-marketing misalignment. a replenishment order, then mark the cell with the
booked customer order amount associated with
Interfaces, 29 (6), 127–132. that week: ¼IF(F8 ¼ 0,‘X’,F7) will return 50, the
Shane, S. and Ulrich, K., 2004. Technological innovation, number of units of booked customer orders in week
product development and entrepreneurship in manage- 4. This is stored in cell F62.
ment science. Management Science, 50 (2), 133–144.
(2) Determine if there is a booked order amount in
Watson, J. and Everett, J., 1996. Do small businesses have week 5 that should be included in the ATP
high failure rates? Evidence from Australian retailers. calculation. If the logic in step 1 causes a cell to
Journal of Small Business Management, 34 (4), 45–62. be marked with an ‘X’, then no subsequent weeks
Woolsey, G., 2006. The fifth column: homage to Doc Savage need to be included in the ATP calculation, so
2, or ‘Yes I know you can solve it with an optimum mark the current cell with an ‘X’. Otherwise, see if
method, but what are you going to tell your customer if he there is a replenishment order in week 5. If there is,
asks, ‘‘How does it do that?’’’. Interfaces, 36 (4), 342–343. then mark the cell with an ‘X’. Otherwise, mark the
Wright, M. and Thompson, S., 1986. Vertical disintegration cell with the booked customer order amount
associated with that week: ¼IF(F62¼‘X’,
and the life-cycle of firms and industries. Managerial and
‘X’,IF(G$8540, ‘X’,G$7)) will return 600, the
Decision Economics, 7 (2), 141–144. number of booked customer order in week 5. This
is stored in cell F62.
Appendix 1. Converting a booked order delivery date (3) Repeat step 2 for all remaining weeks in the planning
Downloaded By: [Metters, Richard] At: 18:07 5 December 2008

horizon. Because there is a replenishment order in

into the week it is due
week 6, the second portion of the logic in step 2 will
(1) Assume Order #1 is to be shipped on 12 December cause H62 to be marked with an ‘X’. Once H62 is
2006, and that today’s date is 8 September, 2006. marked with an ‘X’, the first portion of the logic in
step 2 will cause all subsequent columns in row 62
(Figure 1 shows the spreadsheet.)
will be marked with an ‘X’.
(2) Determine the date of the Monday of the current
week: ¼TODAY()WEEKDAY(TODAY(),2)þ1 (4) Add up all of the entries in row 62 to determine
will return 04 September 2006, the first day of the the total amount of booked customer orders
current week. This is stored in cell A2. to be included in the ATP calculation for weeks
4 and 5: ¼SUM(B62:W62) will return 650. This is
(3) Subtract the current date from the shipping date to find stored in cell F52.
the number of days until shipping, then divide by seven
to convert into weeks, round this result to zero decimal (5) Check to make sure there is a replenishment order in
places: ¼ROUND((F5$A$2)/7,0) will return 14, the week 4. If the replenishment amount is 0, mark the
number of weeks from the current week until the order cell as not having a unique ATP amount. Otherwise,
is to be shipped. This is stored in cell I5. subtract the total amount of booked customer orders
from the replenishment amount: ¼IF(F8 ¼ 0, ‘- -’,
F8-F52) returns 550, the ATP in week 4. This is
stored in cell F13.
Appendix 2. The logic for matching booked customer
(6) Repeat step 5 for all weeks included in the ATP
orders to the appropriate ATP block block to make sure that it is clear that the 550 is ATP
to cover for week 4 and for week 5: ¼IF(G8 ¼ 0, ‘- -’,
We will describe the logic used to determine ATP using the G8-G52) returns ‘—’, which signifies that week 5 is
same weeks 4 and 5 block that was described conceptually in the part of the ATP block with week 4. This is stored in
body of the article (Figure 5 shows the spreadsheet). cell G13.

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