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Lesson Plan Component Descriptors

Context  Before this lesson students learned how to solve multi-step


 This is the second lesson apart of the Unit on Solving


 The next lesson will continue students’ understandings

with solving equations with variables on both sides.

Title and Grade  Solve Equations with Variables on Both Sides

 Grade 8 Mathematics

Length  80-minute block

Relevant Standards  CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.8.EE.C.7

Solve linear equations in one variable.


Give examples of linear equations in one variable with one

solution, infinitely many solutions, or no solutions. Show

which of these possibilities is the case by successively

transforming the given equation into simpler forms, until

an equivalent equation of the form x = a, a = a,

or a = b results (where a and b are different numbers).


Solve linear equations with rational number coefficients,

including equations whose solutions require expanding

expressions using the distributive property and collecting

like terms.

Learner Outcomes  Students will be able to use inverse operations and the

distributive property to solve equations with variables on

both sides with at least 75% accuracy on their word period


Assessment  Checking for Understanding Questions: Students will

answer questions and take informal polls during interactive

lesson using

Sample: What is the solution to 2x – 4 = x + 5

Students will use their figures to show the process for

solving this problem using inverse operations. Solutions

will then be reviewed using the smart board and error

analysis will take place to correct common errors.

Polls will be embedded to see the student’s level of

understanding to help sort students into stations. Students

whom are the least comfortable will be placed in the

teacher led small group to get more personalized


 Mini quiz will be given during lessons on Khan Academy

The quiz will give a proficiency score that I will use to

help see common errors and scaffold information for the

next lesson.
 Exit Ticket: Kahoot!

I will analyze the proficiency scores attached to Kahoot to

get guidance and look at questions that the class had

trouble with. The data will help guide the next day’s


 Informal questions during work period

Did you check your solution?

What operations does the original problem have?

How can you simplify the equation?

What are inverse operations?

 Grading of Collaborative and Independent station


Resources 


Anticipatory Set  Start the lesson by having a Do-Now to solve 3(x - 4) = 12

 Students learned how to solve multi-step equations and are

now going to be introduced to solving equations with

variables on both sides.

 After the Do Now students will log onto the where they will take an informal poll

about how they felt about the previous lesson. (A name

generator will be used so that students remain anonymous)

 Vocabulary includes: coefficient, equation, expression,

isolate, order of operations, and variable

 Nearpod has lots of features that allow for me to make an

interactive slideshow that students can see on their own

Chromebook. They will take polls, answer questions, and

draw out solutions to problems.

Procedures  HOT: How do you isolate a variable within an equation?

Students will be able to answer this essential question

using knowledge from the previous lesson. This question

helps scaffold knowledge to progress into the lesson.

 Students will log onto and enter the

code to join the online classroom where we will be having

our lesson.

 Modeling will take place through slides and videos to show

students how to solve linear equations that have variables

on both sides.

 Checking for Understanding: Through the online slideshow

there will be polls, draw it and videos embedded in the

presentation to check for understanding throughout the

lesson. This information will be used to collect data to

group students appropriately in tiered groupings.

 The Draw It feature on allow students to draw out a

solution to a question. Question: What is the solution to 2x


 Error Analysis: A name generator will be used so that

students have anonymity when they answer questions.

Scrolling through student solutions we will analyze

common mistakes.

 Differentiation: Using the check for understanding data.

Students will be tiered into three groups: small teacher led

(1 or 2 correct out of 5), cooperative group (3 out of 5) and

independent group (4 or 5 out of 5).

 Independent group will work on a worksheet to solve

equations with variables on both sides.

 Collaborative group will be given a large piece of paper.

Together they will solve three questions and list out the

reasoning for each step.

 Small Teacher Led group (10 minutes) will work on a

detailed worksheet that allows students to solve the

problem on one side while explaining the process on the

other side. Afterwards (20 minutes) students will work on

Khan Academy to answer questions and watch videos on

how to solve equations with variables on both sides.

 Teacher will move between the groups asking probing and

clarifying questions that will have students explain their


 After 30 minutes each group will come together for a


Closure  Class discussion: HOT: How do you solve equations when

variables are on both sides.

 Closing : Kahoot! with 5 questions reviewing the process

of solving equations with variables on both sides.

Modification and/or  Tiered Grouping will be used during work period.

Accommodations  Word wall and anticipatory charts are hanging around the

room for students to review.

 Students will use touchscreen chromebooks to help them

answer questions on NearPod

 A copy of the notes will be available of Google Classroom

for reference for students.

 Closed Captions will be used while students watch videos

embedded in the NearPod lesson.

 Vocabulary flashcards will be given to ESL and ELL


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