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How to create a
business-life balance
in 5 easy steps
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this free guide.
I’m Tania, and i’m passionate about helping entrepreneurs to manage their mental health
and wellbeing so they can thrive in their business and in life. Feelings of anxiety and overwhelm
are common for entrepreneurs and this guide will help you to apply 5 key steps to nurture your
mindset and wellbeing while running a business, so you can achieve your best results.

Would you like to…

Feel more centred as you build your business?

Manage your daily wellbeing and reduce any feelings of anxiety?
Take more time to reflect on your achievements
and those all-important learning curves?

Whether you’re new to the startup world or have been running a business for a while,
looking after your health and wellbeing while running a business is an essential attribute of your
long-term success. This is the biggest lesson I’ve learnt as an entrepreneur, and taking these
first essential steps will help you to nurture your mindset on a daily basis
so you can achieve what really matters.

Achieving a successful business-life balance is totally possible

– so let’s get started on your journey!

Here’s to your inner and outer success,

Tania x
Nurture your mindset
Starting up your own business or enterprise takes courage,
perseverance and bravery (among many other strengths).

• Take 10-15 minutes at the start of each day to motivate your mind
for a proactive day ahead. Do, read or watch something that inspires you.

• At the end of each day, make a note of the positive progress you’ve made in
your business, highlighting your achievements (big or small).

• If any challenges crop up, consider what you’ve learnt from the experience
and how you can use it to develop yourself and your business.

Your passion and vision is unique to you and no one else will have your approach.
Let this thought comfort you each day.
Embrace what makes you ‘You’
Take time to understand yourself, your strengths and what makes you happy as best you can.

Consider the following questions:

• What significant experiences have led you to this moment in your life?

• How has this shaped you and therefore the purpose of your business?

• What strengths of yours contribute most effectively to your business?

We all have strengths and characteristics that make us who we are,

and understanding them on a deep level can only enhance the authenticity of your business
– in other words, your brand is an extension of you.

Be confident and comfortable with your whole self and know that who you are,
and what you are doing, is enough.
Let go of self-judgement
Feeling anxious? Worried about the future? Is that endless to-do list of yours creating overwhelm?
You’re certainly not alone.

Remember that every aspect of how your business functions will feel magnified to you because
you’re so invested in it. When you face a challenge or something unexpected:

• Breathe slowly, think about the big picture and put your goals into perspective.

• Tell yourself, “This too shall pass”.

• Whatever happens is temporary and the result could eventually lead

to a better path, even if you can’t see it right now.

Stay focused on what’s important and above all, be kind to yourself.

Walking the entrepreneurial path shows great strength of character.
Take time to reflect
Reflection is an essential component of running your business; it isn’t about working 24/7.

As the leader of your business, you need to create space to allow questions to flow
so you can measure how things are really progressing. Too much time being busy
and you may miss some vital issues that need your attention.

Ask yourself the following questions on a regular basis:

• How do I feel?

• What seems to be working well and which areas may need improving?

• How might I go about making improvements and who may be able to help me?

Taking time to check in on how you feel and how your business is progressing
will do wonders for your overall wellbeing.
Seek out mentors
The most successful business owners are open to learning from the experience of others
who have walked the entrepreneurial path. The ability to learn valuable lessons from your peers
and utilise it to enhance your journey is a key strength of entrepreneurs.

Think about the following:

• Who can you approach in your life to mentor you on your journey?

• Who do you know that has the experience, credibility

and support to help you progress?

• What would it cost you in terms of your health and wellbeing

if you didn’t reach out for support and guidance?

Remember that mentors can provide invaluable feedback and support on your business,
which also helps to nurture your wellbeing.

For daily inspiration,

support and guidance,
Click Here
About Tania
Tania Diggory is the founder and director of Calmer, a platform that supports entrepreneurs
with their mental health and wellbeing while running a business. Through delivering workshops,
events and mentoring programmes, Tania helps entrepreneurs with their business strategy
while finding a business-life balance that works for them and her approach
has resulted in a range of powerful case studies.

Tania experienced anxiety, overwhelm and burnout in the early years of running her company
which at times led to taking time out of her business to recover. This inspired a new
approach to managing her business and she has since mentored a range of entrepreneurs
through their startup journey with a focus on creating an effective business-life balance.
Her goal is to help raise awareness of the challenges entrepreneurs can face
and how to manage feelings of anxiety, uncertainty and overwhelm effectively,
so they can thrive in their business and in life.

Book a free 30 minute clarity call with Tania

to help boost your business with a wellbeing balance.

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