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Research Title:
The Effectiveness of Using Context Clues in Teaching Reading Comprehension of
Descriptive Text to the Tenth Grade Students of Senior High School 3 Bintan

B. Background of The Problem

In essence, language learning is a communication activity. Therefore, the main
purpose of learning the English language is directed to improve students' ability to
communicate in the English language, both orally and in writing. Understanding the
communication in question is to understand and express information, thoughts, feelings
and develop science, technology, and culture by using language.
English as a language for international communication is clearly needed by
many learners to deliver through and interact in a variety of situation through the
language, as for foreign travel, business or other professional reason. In Indonesia,
English is one of international languages which take a widest range of using 1. English is
used for news and information or advertisement in newspapers, radio, and television.
Therefore, English is regarded as the first foreign language taught in school, from the
Elementary school to the university.
English is a language for oral and written communication. Ability to
communicate in a full understanding is the ability of discourse, namely the ability to
understand or produce oral and written texts are realized in the four language skills, i.e
listening, speaking, reading and writing. Fourth skills were used to respond and create
good communication in social life.
Therefore, subjects in English directed to develop these skills in order to later be
able to communicate in English. Teaching and learning systems are always
monotonous, less variety and less attractive so that students become bored and not
interested in learning. In class, students are often just given theories, principles and laws
of language, rather than the application rules and less in practical use so that students do

Drs. A.M. Zaenuri, 2001. Pembelajaran Membaca Bahasa Inggris, Berdasarkan Pendekatan
Komunikatif. Jakarta. P.24

not feel the benefits of learning English. It is happens in Senior High School Number 3
Bintan, knowledge of English reading comprehension still less in learning English,
because of the method used inefficiently with the learning process so difficult for
students to understand. Reading comprehension can be described as understanding a
text that is read, or the process of constructing meaning from a text. Why do those who
have studied reading comprehension describe it as a process of “construction” or
“making meaning”2.
Based on the explanation above, the researcher interested to use context clues in
teaching reading comprehension of descriptive text. Context clue is a technique of
inferring meaning of unfamiliar words based on the context. It can be done by
combining our knowledge of English or simply look at the relationship between the
unfamiliar words with the other words, clauses, sentences or paragraph. This is what we
call guessing meaning from the context3. So the researcher decided that the title of this
research is “A Study on Students Reading Comprehension of Descriptive Text by Using
Context Clues at the Tenth Grade of Senior High School 3 Bintan”.

C. Formulation of the Problem

Based on the topic, this research will be conducted to answer the question as
1. How is students’ reading comprehension of descriptive before being taught by
using context clues to the tenth grade students of Senior High School 3 Bintan?
2. How is students’ reading comprehension of descriptive after being taught by
using context clues to the tenth grade students of Senior High School 3 Bintan?
3. How is the effectiveness of using context clues in teaching reading
comprehension of descriptive text to the tenth grade students of Senior High
School 3 Bintan?

Jhon kruidenier. 2002. Research-based Principles for adult basic education reading instruction. New
York. National Institute for Literacy Contract. P. 77
Paul Nation. 1990. Teaching and Learning English. New York. New bury House Publisher. P. 160

D. Research Method

1. Location of the Research

The research will be conducted at Senior High School Number 3 Bintan. It is

located Tok Sadek Street Number 3, Tembeling, Bintan.

2. Subject and Object of the Research

Subject of the research will be the tenth grade students of Senior High School
3 Bintan. While, the object of the research is reading comprehension of descriptive text
by using context clues.

3. Population and Sample

a. Population

Populasi adalah keseluruhan subjek penelitian4. Population is all of the

aspect of the subject. There are about 76 students from three class in the tenth grade
students of Senior High School 3 Bintan,

b. Sample

Sampel adalah sebagian atau wakil populasi yang diteliti5. Sample is

examined in part or representative of population studied. The sample of this research are
students of class X.3 Senior High School 3 Bintan and used random sample techniques.

4. Data Collecting Technique

Method of collecting data deals with how the researcher gets the data . To collect
the data, the instrument will be used:

Suharsimi Arikunto. 2010. Prosedur penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktik. Jakarta. Rinerka Cipta. P.
Ibid. P. 174


The data in this study were collected by tests. The researcher conducted pretest
and posttest. Pre-test was given to the students before the researcher taught by using
context clues. Pre-test is needed to know the basic competence for student and how far
the students’ know about the subject that will be taught. Furthermore, the researchers
will conduct treatment. The purpose of treatment was to help each student in
understanding reading comprehension descriptive text. It was done by using context
clues to facilitate students learning. After the treatment, post-test was given to the
students. The goal of this test is to measure students’ reading comprehension descriptive
text after treatment.

5. Data Analyzing Technique

In this section, the data obtained from research result of students test that were
analyzed. After getting the data either from pretest and posttest, the researcher analyzes
the data by using formula of mean score and after that using formula of t-test.
𝑋̅ =
With6 :
𝑋̅ : Mean score
∑x : Individual Score
N : Total of the sample
To analyzing the data, the researcher using pre-test and post-test one group
∑ 𝑋2 𝑑

𝑁 (𝑁 − 1)

Drs. Darwan Syah. M.Pd, M.Si. 2009. Pengantar Statistik Pendidikan. Jakarta. Gaung Persada Press. P.
Suharsimi Arikunto. 2010. Prosedur penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktik. Jakarta. Rinerka Cipta. P.

Md = the Mean from the different pre-test and post-test
xd = Deviation from the subject
∑X2d = Sum of deviation
N = Total of Sample
d.b. = Determined from N-1

E. Reference
Arikunto, Suharsimi. Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktik. Jakarta: Rineka
Cipta, Cet.14. 2010.
Hornby, A.S. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English. New York:
Oxford University Press. 2002.
Kruidener, Jhon. Research-Based Principles for Adult Basic Education Reading Instruction.
New York: National Institute for Literacy Contract. 2002.
Nation, Paul. Teaching and Learning English. New York: New bury House Publisher.
Syah, Darwan. Pengantar Statistik Pendidikan. Jakarta: Gaung Persada Press. 2009
Zaenuri. Pembelajaran Membaca Bahasa Inggris, Berdasarkan Pendekatan
Komunikatif. Jakarta: House Publisher. 2001.

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