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Title of Unit:
Grade: Seventh Grade Social Studies
Teachers: Mrs.Teresa Maddox and Coach Phillip Hart
Concept: Africa: An Interactive Presentation
Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to instruct students on the location, physical
features, climate, population, and culture of Africa.
Materials: Computers, poster board, paper, pencils, rubrics, pathfinder
Learner Analysis: This lesson is for a seventh grade social studies class which consists
of twenty-five students.
• Economic Information: This middle school is economically disadvantaged with
59% receiving free or reduced lunch.
• Age/Gender: The students range from 12-14 with two students being 15. There are
13 boys and 12 girls in the class.
• Cultural Background: There are 8 African-Americans, 15 Caucasians, 1 Latino, and
1 mixed race student.
• Educational Background: Two students are repeaters and one is an English as a
second language student. Six students are reading below grade level as noted by the
beginning of the year STAR test. The social studies scores from last year was the
weakest area in seventh grade. 159 students were tested and 33% did not meet the
standard. The mean score was 820.48 the lowest mean score for any subject at the
middle school.
• Special Needs/Accomodations: There are no gifted or special education students in
this class. There are students who read below grade level and a student who isn’t
fluent in English. Anything that is read and not understood will be explained by me or
Discovering Africa Grade Level 6
Curriculum Social Studies and Time Frame Nine Days
Language Arts
the regular education teacher.
Developed by: Teresa Maddox
Stage 1-Desired Results
Content Standard(s):
Social Studies
SS7G1 The student will locate selected features of Africa.
a. Locate on a world and regional political-physical map: the Sahara, Sahel, savanna, tropical
rain forest, Congo River, Niger River, Nile River, Lake Tanganyika, Lake Victoria, Atlas
Mountains, and Kalahari Desert.
b. Locate on a world and regional political-physical map the countries of, Democratic
Republic of the Congo (Zaire), Egypt, Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa, and Sudan.
SS7G3 The student will explain the impact of location, climate, and physical
characteristics on population distribution in Africa.
a. Explain how the characteristics in the Sahara, Sahel, savanna, and tropical rain forest affect
where people live, the type of work they do, and how they travel.
SS7G4 The student will describe the diverse cultures of the people who live in Africa.

a. Explain the differences between an ethnic group and a religious group.

b. Explain the diversity of religions within the Arab, Ashanti, Bantu, and Swahili ethnic
ELA7W3 The student uses research and technology to support writing. The student
c. Includes researched information in different types of products (e.g., compositions,
multimedia presentations, graphic organizers, projects, etc.).
d. Documents sources.
e. Uses electronic media to locate relevant information.
21st Century Learner Goals
1.1.4 Find, evaluate, and select appropriate sources to answer questions.
1.1.6 Read, view, and listen for information presented in any format (e.g., textual,
visual, media, digital) in order to make inferences and gather meaning.
1.3.1 Respect copyright/ intellectual property rights of creators and producers.
1.3.3 Follow ethical and legal guidelines in gathering and using information.
1.4.3 Monitor gathered information, and assess for gaps or weaknesses.
1.4.4 Seek appropriate help when it is needed.

Understanding(s) Students will understand that….

•Researching is a way to learn information.
•The topography, climate, and natural resources of a region influence the
culture, economy, and lifestyle of its inhabitants.
• Technology can help us learn, write, and share information.
• Interactive presentations can communicate ideas.
• You must give credit if you use information from another source.
You must cite your sources that you used or this is plagiarizing.
Related Misconceptions
• When you research, copy the information from your source.
When you research, don’t cite your source.
Essential Question(s):
• How can we find out things we want to know?
• How do topography, climate, and location of a region influence the region?
• Can you copy directly from the Internet, encyclopedia, book, or other source?
Do you always have to cite information that you use?
Students will know…
1. The major physical features of Africa which include the Sahara, Kalahari Desert,
Sahel, savanna, tropical rain forest, Congo River, Niger River, Nile River, Atlas
Mountains, Lake Tanganyika, and Lake Victoria.
2. The countries of Africa which include Egypt, Democratic Republic of Congo, Kenya,
Nigeria, South Africa, and Sudan.
3. Keyword searches make it easier to find information.
4. To cite sources they use.
5. To change delivery of information in order to keep the interest of the audience.

Students will be able to…

1. Create an interactive presentation to present the assigned physical features of Africa.
2. Create an interactive presentation to present the designated countries of Africa.
3. Use keyword searches to find information about their country.
4. Cite sources using the MLA format.
5. Change gestures, vocabulary, method, pace, or visuals in order to keep the interest of
the audience.
6. Use a rubric to assess themselves as well as their peers.
Stage 2: Evidence of Desired Results
Performance Tasks:
Performance Task Assessment #1 4
What country? Students will create an interactive presentation describing
their country’s location,
Self Assessment climate, and
of Interactive resources using information discovered
through research. [Facets 1,2,3]
Other Evidence:
(e.g., tests, quizzes, prompts, work samples, observations, etc.)
1. Analyze ways to learn information. Which way is the best and why?
[Facets 2,4]
2. When would you use a search engine with keyword searches? [Facet 4]
3. Imagine you could move to the country you researched. Would you? Why
or why not? [Facets 4,5]
4. List some problems you faced during your search for information. How
did you solve each one? [Facet 6]
The teacher will observe student participation and understandings daily.
Students’ misunderstandings and problems noticed will be addressed on a
daily basis.
Work Samples
A daily research log will be given to students. Students and teacher will
assess participation, lack of work, etc. as it occurs. [Facet6]
Student Self-Assessment and Reflection:
Self check rubrics for Performance Task Assessments #1 .
Research log. [Facets 1,2,3,4,6]
Performance Task Assessment #1
What country? Students will create an interactive presentation describing
their country’s location, climate, and resources using information discovered
through research. [Facets 1,2,3]
• Your goal is to create an interactive presentation for possible
travelers to your country.
• You are a travel expert.
• You have been asked by a travel agency to create a presentation to
describe a country for possible customers to preview.
• The challenge involves dealing with a group of clients whose lack of
travel has hindered their ability to decide where to go for a vacation.
Your clients need help finding out about the location and physical
features of your country. They don’t know anything about the
Product, Performance, and Purpose
• You will create an interactive presentation teaching the possible
clients about the country so they can make a decision about where to





o Location of country or physical feature with a map

o Climate of country or physical feature

o Population of country or physical feature

o Culture of country or physical feature

o Information presented would persuade or dissuade someone to visit


o Organized ideas in a logical way

o Information and details were easy to understand

o Stayed focused and didn’t get off topic.

o Body of presentation contained many supportive details.

Visual Aids

o Pictures and graphics improved the presentation or reinforced main


o Pictures, graphics and their placement were creative.

o Presentation was attractive.

o Words and pictures were easily viewed and read by the entire


o Presentation contained no spelling or grammatical errors.


o Maintained eye-contact most of the time.

o Spoke to the entire audience, not just one or two people.

o Spoke where everyone could hear.


o Got audience involved in presentation in some way.

o Used notes but did not read directly from them.


o Used several resources to address topic.

o Used reliable resources.

o Used own words in the presentation; didn’t copy all the words.

o Cited all sources using MLA format.

Interactive Presentation Rubric



PowerPoint Presentation


Category 1 2 3 4 5 Tota


Content Included Included Included Included Included X2

location climate population important enough

of of of country issues informati

country country or about on to

or or physical country persuade

physical physical feature. or or

feature feature. physical dissuade

with a feature. someone

map. to visit


Organizat Organize Informat Stayed Body of Presentati

ion d ideas in ion and focused presentat on was

a logical details and didn’t ion organized

way were get off contained and no

easy to topic. many time was

understa supportiv wasted

nd e details. during


Visual Pictures Pictures, Presentati Words Presentati

Aids and graphics on was and on

graphics and their attractive pictures contained

improved placemen . were no spelling

the t were easily or

presentat creative. viewed grammatic

ion or and read al errors.

reinforce by the

d main entire

points. audience.
Delivery Maintaine Spoke to Spoke Got Used

d eye- the where audience notes but

contact entire everyone involved. did not

most of audience, could read

the time. not just hear. directly

one or from

two them.

Resources Used Used Used own Cited all Included

several reliable words in sources bibliograp

resources resource the using hy.

to s. presentati MLA

address on; didn’t format.

topic. copy all


Total Points ______/30

Grade =___________

Stage 3: Learning Activities

• W- Introduction to countries.
• H- Hook students by creating an interactive map of Africa and by playing
African music.
• E-Identify and show the countries and physical features by using them to
stand on interactive map. Go over rubric. Show them the pathfinder that
will help them find information.
• R-Answer questions from students and assist in research.
• E- Respond to writing prompts.
• T- Offer help during research and during homeroom or after school.
• O- Sequence for lesson is below.

Day One
Students have already begun studying the countries of Africa. If they had not, I would
begin with an African map shown and the student would have to come stand on the
country or physical feature that they had gotten when they walked in the door. I would
also play African music while this occurred. When I come in I will explain to them that I
am here to teach them how to do the research on the countries and how to cite their
sources. I will then explain to them how to cite a source by using cards with parts of a
citation written on them, and they will have to line up in the correct order of the citation.
We will then practice citing a few websites. I will also show them
where they can put in the web address and it will cite it for them.
Day Two

I will share the rubric with them and how they will be graded on this portion of the unit.
Since I can’t be there time the students arrive, a journal prompt will be displayed on the
board. It will usually ask them to evaluate their progress or identify any needs they may
have. I will explain to them that their presentation whether it be PowerPoint, game, or
video, etc. must be interactive. This means at some point the audience has to be involved
in their presentation. I will then share the pathfinder with them, but warn them that they
may need to find other sources to support their research. I will then give each student a
country or physical feature to research. This will be randomly distributed among the
class. Research will begin.
Day Three
Students will research information and record their information. I will evaluate their
work. Those who are behind will be the first ones I work with tomorrow.
Day Four
Same as day three.
Day Five
Same as day three.
Day Six
Students will work on their projects. The other teacher and I will approve or disapprove
of their chosen method of presentation.
Day Seven
Continue working on presentations. Students must complete self-assessment rubric.
Day Eight
Begin sharing presentations. Students and teacher will complete presentation rubrics.
Day Nine
Continue sharing presentations. Students and teacher will complete presentation rubrics.

This website includes a detailed description of the Sahara and also has images.
This website has the basics about the Sahara but has no images.

This site gives you the basics about the Sahel but has no images.
This is a map with the countries that are located in the Sahel highlighted.

This discusses the savanna of Africa but has other resources listed if you click on the
click on the left.

These are images for the savanna region of Africa.

Tropical Rain Forest
This site has images and other resources.
This site has lots of images.

Congo River
This site has general information about the river.
This site provides any information you want to know about the Congo, and it has images

Nile River
Learn the basic facts about the Nile.

Lake Tanganyika
This site has basic information about the lake.
This site has beautiful pictures of the lake.

Lake Victoria
This site has beautiful pictures.
This site has basic facts but also has links on the left-hand side of the page.

Atlas Mountains
This site has many pictures and includes the basic information about this mountains.
Gives the basic information.

Kalahari Desert
This site has lots of pictures with general information included. Many links are included
on the right-hand side of the page.
This site has pictures and all the information you need.

This site gives the basic information about each country you will research.
This site gives you many links after you click on the country you are researching.
This site gives you interesting facts about each country in Africa. It even recommends
This site allow you to click on any African country to learn more about the country.

Lesson Reflection:
After reviewing CRCT scores, I realized that seventh grade social studies was our
weakest area. I don’t know if this is because there isn’t a book or program that teaches
this specifically, because students don’t enjoy it, or because students don’t have social
studies every day. They have social studies for 4 ½ weeks and then go to science for 4 ½
weeks on a yearly rotation. We also only have one social studies teacher per grade
whereas other areas have at least two if not three. Other area teachers have someone to
share ideas and concerns with, but the social studies teachers do not-they’re on their own.
I enjoyed working with Coach Phillip Hart. He was open to anything I wanted to try. I
hate the students had already started studying about Africa before I could teach my
lesson, but due to scheduling conflicts it couldn’t be avoided. I would have loved to get
them hooked on the unit. We met after school on two occasions and communicated
through e-mail and short daily conversations to discuss this unit and how it wouldn’t hurt
his test scores.
As I began my unit, I noticed how well-behaved the students were. They participated
well and were actively engaged in the lesson. I don’t know if this is because Coach Hart
is an awesome disciplinarian or they were intrigued by someone new coming into their
classroom. However, if I did this unit again, I would definitely add a participation rubric
as part of their grade. This would eliminate some off task behaviors and encourage on
task behaviors. I hated that I could only teach the research portion on the first day and
then I had to leave due to lack of subs. I was able to sneak a peek on the day the students
were presenting. I was amazed at the quality of work some students produced. Some
produced games; some posters; some PowerPoints. I loved that I added audience
interaction to the rubric. Without this, I believe the students would have all done
PowerPoints and been sitting stiffly and boringly as each other presented their projects. I
also enjoyed the class and teacher rubric assessment of each student. This also
encouraged participation. I hate nothing worse than to attend a training where all you do
is sit and listen for hours. If I can’t stand this, then I know students can’t either.
As mentioned above, I would definitely change some parts of this unit, but when I
read the students’ comments about the projects and research, it made me feel as though
they learned about Africa and enjoyed themselves while doing so. One student wrote, “I
don’t enjoy social studies because usually we just sit and take notes and then have a test.
During this I actually worked to learn because I knew I was going to have to present this
to the class. I worked hard because I didn’t want to be embarrassed.” Although the

presentation grades ranged from 100 to 55, I believe most students learned the material.
This was supported when Coach Hart brought me the class average on the test he gave.
This class had the highest average of the four classes he teaches.

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