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There are many stages between the expression of genotype into fenotip.Gen-gene can not be directly
simply produce the phenotype-phenotype tertentu.Fenotip an individual is determined by enzyme
activity (functional protein.) Different enzyme will cause a different phenotype of the enzyme by
enzyme pula.Perbedaan others determined by the number of species and the composition of amino
acids enzim.Pembentukan protein amino acid is determined by genes or DNA.
Gene expression is the process whereby information encoded in genes is translated into amino acid
sequence during synthesis of the central protein.Dogma about akspresi genes, the DNA that carries
genetic information ditrnaskripsi by RNA, and RNA is translated into polipeptida.Ekspresi gene is
composed of protein synthesis of two stages: the first stage of the chain nucleotide sequence tempale
(mold) of a double-stranded DNA is copied to produce a single chain molecule is called transcription
RNA.Proses and second place in the core is a synthesis sel.Tahap pilopeptida with specific sequence
based on RNA chains made pertama.Proses stage is called translation.
Protein is a macromolecule composed by various amino acids. Meanwhile, enzymes are proteins that
have the ability as catalysts for biochemical reactions in the process of cellular metabolism. Based on the
research Beadle and Tatum (1941), genes controlling the metabolic processes or the lives of individuals
through the process of enzyme control. Thus, changes in gene structure can cause changes in protein
structure at amino acid level, which in turn will cause changes in metabolic processes.
Proteins are not synthesized directly by genes, but through the process of transcription and translation
(the gene is a functional name, is a DNA structure). Transcription is the process of DNA replication to
form the RNA-d. Meanwhile, the translation is the process of translating genetic information contained
in the RNA-d runs of amino acids into polypeptides. In transcription, DNA is used as a model for protein
synthesis. To find out more about the transcription and translation in protein synthesis, let's look at the
following description.

Transcription is the synthesis of RNA from a DNA chain, the chain mold or sense, while its complement
of DNA chains called antisense.Rentangan chain DNA transcribed into RNA molecules called
transcription unit.
RNA produced from RNA enzyme activity polimerase.Transkripsi consists of three stages, namely
initiation (beginning), elongation (elongation), and termination (termination) RNA chain.
DNA regions where RNA polymerase and initiate transcription inherent called promoter.Suatu promoter
includes the transcription start point and usually extends several nucleotide pairs in front of the starting
point tersebut.Selain, the promoter also determines where transcription begins, the promoter also
determines which of the two helical strands of DNA that is used as a template.
After RNA synthesis took place, NDA double helix is formed again and a new RNA molecule will be
removed from the DNA template-nya.Transkripsi continues at a rate of approximately 60 nucleotides
per second in eukaryotic cells.

Transcription of RNA polymerase transcribes lasted until the DNA sequence called
terminator.Terminator is a DNA sequence that serves to stop the process transkripsi.Pada prokaryotic
cells, transcription is usually stopped just in time for the RNA polymerase reaches the point
terminasi.Sedangkan in eukaryotic cells, RNA pilomerase continue run through the termination point .
RNA that has formed will be separated from the enzyme.
In the process of translation, cells interpret the genetic code into proteins that sesuai.Kode geneti the
form of a series of codons along the molecule RNAd, interpreternya is RNAt.RNAt transferring amino
acid-amino acid from amino acid pool in the cytoplasm to the ribosom.Molekul RNAt not all identical . At
each amino acid are combined with the appropriate RNAt by a specific enzyme called aminoasil-RNAt
synthetase (aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase). Ribosomes facilitate the specific adhesion between the
anticodon with the codon RNAd RNAt during protein.Sebuah ribosome synthesis is composed of two
subunits, namely large subunit ribosomal subunits kecil.Subunit built by the proteins and molecules
Translation stage can be divided into three stages such as transcription, namely initiation elongation,
and terminasi.Semua this stage require protein factors that help RNAd, RNAt, and ribosomes during the
process of polypeptide chain elongation translasi.Inisiasi and jga require an amount of energy provided
by GTP (guanosine triphosphat), a molecule similar to ATP.
Initiation stage of translation occurs in the presence of RNAd, a RNAt pertma containing amino acids
from polypeptides, and two ribosom.Pertama subunit, small ribosomal subunit binds to and RNAt
inisiator.Di RNAd near the small subunit ribosomal attachment to the AUG initiation codon there RNAd ,
which gives the commencement signal translasi.RNAt process initiator, which carries the amino acid
methionine, attached to the initiation codon AUG.
Therefore, the requirements are initiation codon AUG triplet RNAd should contain and there are RNAt
initiator containing anticodon UAC which brings metionin.Jadi in every process of translation, the amino
acid methionine is always the beginning of the diingat.Triplet AUG as start codon because it is said to
function as a translational start codon .

At the elongation stage of translation, the next amino acid added one by one in the first amino acid
In the ribosome to form hydrogen bonds with the anticodon of the complement molecules RNAt
dengannya.Molekul RNAr of large ribosomal subunit function as an enzyme, which catalyzes peptide
bond formation menggabungkanpolipeptida that extends into the new amino acid polypeptide tiba.Pada
this stage RNAt broke away from its original place perlekatannya , and amino acids at the end
karboksilnya binds to amino acids brought by the new RNAt masuk.Saat RNAd move, antikodonnya still
binds to the codon RNAt.RNAd move together with the anticodon and shifted to the next codon to be
ditranslasi.Sementara it, RNAt without amino acids have been attached to a polypeptide that is
elongated and further ribosom.Langkah RNAt out of this requires energy provided by hirolisis
GTP.Kemudian RNAd moves through the ribosome in one direction only, one codon to another codon to
complete polipeptidanya chain.
The final stage of translation is terminasi.Elongasi continues until the ribosome reaches a stop codon
stop.Triplet base codon is UAA, UAG, or UGA.Kodon not stop encodes an amino acid but act as a signal
to stop translation

Certain genes carry the information needed to make proteins and the information that is referred
to as the genetic code. In other words, the genetic code is a way of encoding sequence of
nucleotides in DNA or RNA separately determine the sequence of amino acids during protein
synthesis. Information on the genetic code is determined by nitrogen bases on the DNA chain
that will determine the composition of amino acids.
In 1968 Nirenherg, Khorana and Holley received the Nobel Prize for their investigations which
have created a genetic code that until now we know. As we know amino acids known to exist 20
kinds. What matters is how the four nitrogenous bases can encode 20 different amino acids
needed to control all cell activities?
The researchers conducted research on the bacterium E. Coli originally used first singlet nitrogen
base then treated by 4 amino acids that can be translated into 20 amino acids but these must be
translated for all the proteins produced can be used, then the scientists mencobalagi with codon
doublet and a new can to menterjemahlkan 16 amino acids was also not enough. Then try with
triplets and 64 amino acids can translate this is not why even exceeding 20 amino acids after all
of 64 amino acids that are translated some memilii symbol / function the same of them (assparat
acid codon (GAU and GAS) is the same acid
acid tyrosine (UAU, UAS) as well as with triptopan (UGG) is highly profitable even in the
process of formation of proteins because it can replace amino acids that are likely Rusan addition
of 20 amino acids some of which are functioning as a cutting agent gene or can not be continued
longer with doubel helix amino acid that serves as a cutting agent such gene (UAA, UAG, UGA)
some properties of the triplet code are:
1. genetic code has many synonyms so that almost every amino acid expressed by more than one
codon. Examples of all codons that start with the SS itemize proline, (GSS, SSS, SSA, and SSG),
all codon that begins with the U.S. itemize treosin (ASU, ASS, ASA, ASG).
2. do not overlap, meaning that no one tungggalpun bases that can take part in the formation of
more than one codon, so that 64 is different nucleotide.
3. genetic code can have two meanings are the same codon can itemize more than one amino
4. It turns out the universal genetic code
Each triplet that represents information for a particular amino acid is expressed as a degenerative
genetic kodon.Kode because 18 and 20 kinds of amino acids specified by more than one codon,
called codons sinonimus.Hanya methionine and tryptophan which have not placed codon
tunggal.Kodon sinonimus randomly, but dikelompokkan.Kodon sinnonimus have differences on
the order of third base.

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