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What’s on your mind? If the thoughts you’ve

had within the last 60 minutes were the only thing to determine whether
you went to heaven or not, do you think God would let you in?

Racism is sin.. It has two roots- pride and fear. God hates racism. Racism is where a person automatically judges
someone solely based on the colour of the person’s skin or racial characteristics. They are incapable of judging correctly
because they judge according to the ignorant prejudices they have about the persons colour or race. They do not know
the person, yet they presume to know what the person is or how the person thinks, based solely on the colour of her
skin. How stupid! They lack intelligence and common sense. Their one brain cell must be very lonely! If this is you let me
educate you. Try your best to grasp these facts. You cannot tell what a person is or how a person thinks just by looking
at the colour of her skin. Get a grip! To be racist does not come freely or cheap. There is a price that will one day have
to be paid. The Bible says we will reap what we sow. Don’t let anyone deceive you, there will be consequences to your
actions. One day you will have to give an account for every deed and thought you ever had while you lived your life on
this earth. That includes every perverted thought. That includes every racist thought. There will be
no racists in heaven. Racism will not be found in heaven. Will you? (Hebrews 9v27)

The Bible says “Blessed are the pure in heart,

for they shall see God“.
(Matthew 5 v 8)

Does God hate homosexuals? Absolutely not! Some people believe this but nothing could be further from the
truth! God loves homosexuals. God is a God of love. The Bible says ‘For God so loved the world that He gave His
only Son so that whoever believes (trusts) in Him will not perish but will have eternal life. (John 3:16) God
loves homosexuals, But just because He loves them, that does not mean He loves what they do. God loves
people, but He hates sin. Homosexuality is a sin and God hates homosexuality. He hates lesbianism and all
other sexual perversions. God destroyed two cities because of the depravity and homosexuality of the cities.
God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because they were depraved, unnatural, full of lust and sexual
perversion. (a bit like Britain today eh?) The people of Sodom and Gomorrah continually lusted after other
people’s bodies. They had no concept of love, they were only interested in lust, as is the case with all who
practice sexual perversion. It’s only ever about using another person’s body like a piece of meat. God
destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because they were perverted. It is not the done thing to speak the truth
today, people seem to be allergic to the truth. But God is not politically correct and He is not afraid of you.
What your opinion is or what you say does not concern God in the slightest, but what God says should
concern you, because how you respond to that will determine where you go when you die. How you live now
will determine where you spend eternity. Homosexuality is a sexual perversion based on lust, it is confusion,
utterly selfish and unless repented of will keep all those involved in it, out of heaven.

For your information

Sex is not dirty, naughty or bad. Sex was designed by God to us to be a blessing.
But when we disobey God’s rules it becomes a curse. Sex is only meant to be between
one man and one woman in a marriage relationship. Anything other than this is
perversion, and is based on lust and selfishness. Nobody was born to have their
body used like a piece of meat.


Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonour their bodies among
themselves, who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshipped and served the creature rather than the
Creator, who is blessed forever, Amen. For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women
exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman,
burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful and receiving in themselves the
penalty of their error which was due.
(The Bible. Romans chapter 1 verse 24-27)

Homosexuality, lesbianism and racism are all sins of the flesh and God hates them. Racism is a sin of
pride and selfishness. Someone thinks they are better than somebody else. But there is always fear in their
heart. If, as soon as you see a black person (usually a woman) you immediately think negative thoughts
about her based on your own unclean perverted ideas, even though you don’t even know her and solely
because of the colour of her skin, regardless of what colour you are yourself, you are a racist. Do you racist
attitudes please God? What about perverted thoughts? What does God think of them? When your heart
stops beating and you go on to your eternal home, what then? Will you have spent all your life being
suspicious of certain people because of the colour of their skin and thinking evil thoughts about them? Will
you have spent your life with a dirty mind, obsessed with perversion, obsessed with looking for perversion
in other people, and judging others because you have issues with your own sexuality? Anxiety about one’s
sexuality can cause one to become obsessed with sex and begin to look for perversion in other people,
imagining that others must think in the same way as oneself. Repulsive thoughts are only conceived in a
sick mind. And believe me, those kind of thoughts are repulsive. God did not intend you to have a sick mind.
Friend, its time to get real. If you have a sexual problem, you need to face the truth and get it dealt with.
If you’re looking for a pervert, look In the mirror. Stop looking at others to judge. The problem is within you.


What do you find yourself thinking about? What does your mind dwell on? Do you find yourself thinking
racist thoughts? Do you think about sexual perversion? If so, you are in need of help. If your thoughts are
not right and your mind is dirty, it is because you have sin in your heart. This is not anyone judging you,
we are all born sinners. The Bible says ‘All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God’ (Romans 3v23)
Because God is a holy God He cannot let sin into His presence. Because we have broken the ten commandments
the Bible says we all deserve punishment. We all deserve to go to hell, including you. That’s the bad news. But
the good news is, God has given us a solution, and His Name is Jesus. Jesus has taken our punishment for us.
We have a way out! We may be born wrong, but we don’t have to stay that way! At the moment, because of
your sinful nature you are living selfishly, but that was not what you were born for. God wants you to have
a personal relationship with Him and live the best way, the way He intended you to live, with dignity and a
clean conscience. But to do that you need a new nature. You need to be born again. If you want to live the
way God intended, just pray this prayer:
Dear God, I confess that I am a sinner. I am on my way to hell because I am a sinner. Please have mercy on
me. I am sorry for living selfishly. I am sorry for my sins. Please forgive me. I believe that Jesus Christ is
the Son of God. I believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross for my sins. I accept Jesus as my Saviour. Jesus
please come into my heart and be my Lord. Wash my heart clean and give me a clean mind. Thank you Jesus.

IF YOU ARE A CHRISTIAN (or should we say you call yourself one)

If you are a Christian with a racist heart, you need to repent of this sin. You may have wondered why this
leaflet is about racism and sexual perversion, It’s because the two are both linked. Don’t you know every
time you judge the quality of a person because of the colour of their skin you are playing God? Racism is
judging someone’s worth according to how they look on the outside, in other words their race or colour. It
comes from a heart of pride. You need to remember, you are not superior to anyone. You are thinking as the
devil wants you to think. You are walking according to the flesh. Christians seem to believe racism is
acceptable. It is not. (James 2 v 8-9 & Galatians 3 v 38) Christians who are racist are insecure and have
fear in their hearts. They have never fully repented of racism and never let the Holy Spirit do a deep enough
work in their heart to rid them of this sin. If they had, this evil sin would repel them. The deeper the cross
works in us, the more humble we will become, and the more secure in His love. If you really love God and
belong to God as you say, how can you have racism in your heart? If you are racist, all talk of loving God is a
lie. (1 John 4 v 20-21, & 1 John 3 v 14 - 15) Don’t leave it another minute. Humble yourself. Repent of the sin of
racism. Be honest with God. Ask Him to give you a clean mind. Then re-dedicate your life to God and
determine to allow the Holy Spirit to guide the thoughts you have in your mind about other people. Keep
your mind clean. The Bible says “Finally brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble,
whatever things are just, whatever things are pure,….. whatever things are of good report, if there is any
virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy-think on these things. (Philippians 4 v 8)

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