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RESPIRATORY PHYSIOLOGY  Anteriorly- ribs and sternum

Rodina Gorospe MD, MPH | 13-Nov-2019  Laterally- ribs

 Posteriorly- ribs and vertebral
OUTLINE  Inferiorly- diaphragm
I. Introduction  Diaphragm separates the thoracic cavity from
II. Functional Anatomy the abdominal cavity
III. Gas Laws  The heart and the mediastinum is found
IV. External Respiration between the lungs
V. Internal Respiration B. Lungs
VI. Pulmonary volumes and capacities  The total organ-
VII. Alveolar ventilation Is divided into :
VIII. Nervous and Chemical Control of Respiration  Right has 3 lobes
 Left has 2 lobes

I. Introduction
>Respiration is the gaseous interchange between an  The lungs and the chest wall – elastic tissues
organism and its environment  Consist mainly of tiny sac containing air –
alveoli (150M/lung)- site of gas exchange with
Functions: the blood
 Provides oxygen  The outer surface of the lungs – visceral pleura
 Eliminates carbon dioxide  Thoracic cavity innermost covering – parietal
 Regulates the blood hydrogen ion pleura
concentration (pH)  The pleura are separated from each other by a
 Forms speech sounds (phonation) thin film of fluid – pleural fluid
 Potential space between the pleura – pleural
 Defends speech sounds (phonation)
cavity (NCBI)
 Influences arterial concentration of chemical
 Also note that pleura fluid lubricates
messengers by removing some pulmonary
movement of lungs within the cavity
capillary blood and producing and adding
 The lungs are in close apposition with the
others to this blood- acts as a circulatory filter
thoracic wall (it floats in the thoracic cavity
 Traps and dissolve blood clots
surrounded by a thin layer of pleural fluid)
 Since the size of the lungs are smaller
4 major components of respiration:
than that of the thoracic cavity, the
1. Pulmonary ventilation – inflow and outflow o
lungs are always stretched.
air between the atmosphere and the lungs
 At relaxation, the lungs are slightly pulled out
2. Diffusion of oxygen and carbon dioxide
(expanded) while the chest wall is slightly
between the alveoli and the blood
pulled in (retracted)
3. Transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the
 The hilum, which is medially located, is part of
blood and body fluids to and from the body’s
the lungs where all structures (veins, artery,
tissue cells
nerves, lymphatic vessels, and respiratory
4. Regulation of ventilation and other facets of
passages) enter and leave the lungs
 The lungs communicate directly with the
outside through the respiratory passages
II. Functional Anatomy  It can be expanded in 2 ways :
A. Organizational Set-up  Downward and upward movement f
 Thorax and the Thoracic Cavity the diaphragm to lengthen or shorten
 Lungs, right and left lobes, are contained in the the chest cavity (Normal Quiet
thoracic cavity Breathing)
 The thoracic cavity is bounded by  Elevation and depression of the ribs to
increase and decrease the

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 Bronchi
 Bronchioles
 Respiratory Zone
 Alveoli

1. Nasal Cavity
 External nares are lined with skin, inward it is
lined with ciliated columnar epithelium and
some goblet cells
 The nasal lining is very vascular
 The nasal cavity is provided with hairs
 Functions:
 It warms air as it passes through the
surface of the septum and turbinates
 It moistens the air
 It filters off air impurities

anteroposterior diameter of the chest


C. Respiratory Passages
 These extend from the nostrils to the
respiratory bronchioles
 No gas exchange takes place across its walls
 The epithelial surface of the airways, to the
end of the respiratory bronchioles, contains
cilia, they also contain glands

 Conducting Zone/Dead space

 Nose – nostril
 Pharynx
 Larynx
 Trachea 2. Pharynx
 It is a common pathway for air and food
 Branches into two tubes, one (the esophagus)
through which food passes through the
stomach and one (the larynx), which is part of
the airway which houses the vocal chords, the
two strong bands of elastic tissue stretched
horizontally across the lumen

3. Tracheobronchial Tree
 A system of tubes that branch and rebranch as
they near the periphery of the lungs
 It conducts air from the outside into the lung
alveoli/the flow of air past the vocal cords (in
the larynx) cause them to vibrate, producing

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 Larynx open into a long tube, the trachea,
which in turn branches into two bronchi, one
of each enters each lung
 Within the lungs there are more than 20
generations of branching, each resulting into
narrower, shorter, and more numerous tubes
 Tracheal walls contain cartilage
 The first airway branches that no longer
contain cartilage are called respiratory

D. Muscles involved in respiration

Muscles of inspiration (elevates rib cage)
1. External intercostals – most important
muscles that raises the rib cage
- contracts during inspiration
2.Sternocleidomastoid – lifts sternum
3. Anterior Serratius – lift many ribs
4. Scalenes – lift first 2 ribs

Muscles of expiration (depress rib cage)

1. Abdominal rectus – pulls the lower ribs
downward (together with abdominal
muscles compresses abdominal contents
4. Alveoli against diaphragm
 Air sacs 2. Internal intercostals – elongated foward
 Approximately 300M with total surface area of and downward
70 m2
 Are lined by 2 types of epithelial cells E. Pressures for air movement in lungs
 Type I- flat cells, primary lining cells
 Type II- granular pneumocytes, thicker, secrete  Pleural Pressure – pressure of fluid in thin
surfactant (dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine) by space between the lung pleura and the chest
exocytosis wall pleura
 Alveolar tissue contains elastin and collagen, - Slightly negative pressure
the fluid lining its surface is the surfactant - Normal pleura pressure at beginning of
 Removed by pulmonary macrophages inspiration : -5 cm H2O
 Physiologic advantage of Pulmonary Surfactant
1. Decrease surface tension of the liquid  Alveolar pressure – air pressure inside the
lining layer lung alveoli
2. Improve stability of the lung by decreasing - Inspiration : -1 cm (enough to pull 0.5 L
surface tension in smaller alveoli of air into the lungs in 2 seconds
3. Helps to keep the alveoli dry - Expiration : +1 cm (forces 0.5 L of
inspired air out of lungs during 2-3
seconds of expiration

 Transpulmonary pressure – difference

between alveolar and pleural pressure

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Recoil pressure: Measures of elastic alveolar- epithelial cells (10%
forces in lungs that tend to collapse the surface area)
lungs at each instant of respiration. - Mixture of :
 Phospholipid (dipalmitoyl
F. Compliance posphatidylcholine) –
 Lung compliance – extent to which the lungs reduces surface tension by
will expand or each unit increase in dissolving partly the
transpulmonary pressure alveolar lining
 Average Total compliance: 200 ML of air / cm  Proteins
of water transpulmonary pressure (both lungs)  Ions (calcium)
 Distensibility or expansibility of a structure
 Expressed as volume increase in lung 2. Elastic forces caused by surface tension of
area for each unit increase in alveolar the fluid that lines the inside walls of the
pressure alveoli and other lung air spaces
C=VL/Pa - 2/3 of total lung elasticity
 Ratio of change in volume to the lung pressure
 Normal compliance = 0.20 L/cmH2O Surface tension – elastic contractile of lungs
 For every 1cmH2O increase = volume due to alveolar collapse
increase by 0.20L or 200 ml
 In order to inspire 500 ml ITP must Pure water 72 dynes/ cm
decrease by 2.3 cmH2O Normal fluids lining 50 dynes/ cm
 Compliance = size alveoli w/o surfuctant
 ½ normal compliance = ½ lung Normal fluids lining 5 and 30 dynes/ cm
 Factors responsible for the elasticity of the alveoli with normal
lung amounts of surfuctant
 Elastic components of the lung tissue=
nylon stocking elasticity Pressure in occluded alveoli caused by surface
 Surface tension of the liquid film lining tension :
the alveoli
- Role of surfactant
 Reduction in compliance
1. Destruction of lung tissue produces edema
2. Blocked alveoli G. Pulmonary Vessels
3. Deformities of the chest wall (eg. Paralysis  Bronchial vessels receive 1 to 2% of the CO,
of the muscle of the thoracic wall, fibrotic supplies lung tissues, its blood drains to the
pleurisy) pulmonary vein into the left ventricle. This
 Elastic forces that determines compliance: makes the LV output greater than the right
1. Elastic forces of the lung tissue ventricle.
- represents 1/3 of total lung elasticity
- tends to collapse of the air- filled lung
- determined by elastin and collagen
- increases when there is no available

Surfactant- surface active agent in water that

reduces its surface tension
- Secreted by a granular, lipid
containing cell called type 2

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 The blood vessels supplying the lungs generally  At constant temperature, the volume is
accompany the airway and also undergo directly proportional to the absolut
numerous branching. The smallest of these temperature or
branches into network of capillaries.  **Absolute temperature = 273 (kelvin temp) +
37 (Celsius temp)= 310
H. Important Structures  At constant volume, the pressure is
 Cilia- ciliated cells line the larynx, trachea, and directly proportional to the absolute
bronchi temperature
 FXN: propel mucus and waste materials  Avogadro’s Law
towards the pharynx  Equal volumes of different gases at the
 Elastic tissue- plenty in the tracheobronchial same temperature and pressure contain
tree, elastic membrane is responsible for the the same number of molecules
recoil of bronchial tree during expiration  Ideal Gas Law
 Cartilaginous rings- ensures patency of the  Combines all the three laws – Boyle’s law,
tubes Charle’s law, Avogadro’s law
 Smooth muscles- changes the diameter of the
lumen of the tube  Dalton’s law
 Nerve supply- bronchoconstrictor are derived  Each gas in a mixture exerts a pressure
from the vagus according to its own concentration,
independent of the other gases present
III. Gas Laws  Each component behaves as though it
were present alone
1. Kinetic Theory of Gases  The pressure of each gas is referred to as
 The molecule of a gas are in constant random partial pressure or tension
motion and are detached from their course  Pp = conc. x total pressure
only by collision with other molecules or with
the walls of the container  Partial Pressure
 Pressure depends on:
 Gas molecules are in constant rapid
 Number of molecules present motion causing them to strike each other
 Mass the walls or surface – because of this
 Speed/velocity constant bombardment pressure is
 Boyle’s law produced
 At a constant temperature, the
pressure of a given mass of a gas is 2. Composition of Air
inversely proportional to its volume a. Solubility Coefficient of gases at
 Gay Lussac’s Law bodytemperature
 If the pressure of a given quantity of  N2 0.012
gas remains constant but the  O2 0.024
temperature varies – the volume of  Water vapor
the gas increases directly in proportion  Negligible CO2 0.53
to the increase in temperature Inert Gases
 V=T x K  Helium 0.008
 Gas Law b. Dry atmosphere
 Boyle’s Law + Gay Lussac’s Law  1. N2 - 79%
 Graham’s Law  2. O2 - 21%
 The rate of diffusion of a gas is inversely
proportional to the square root of its IV. External Respiration
density - A passive process by Elastic recoil
 Charle’s Law of lungs and chest cage
Steps of Respiration

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 Ventilation- exchange of air between Pulmonary volumes
atmosphere and alveoli by bulk flow
 Exchange of O2 and CO2 between alveolar air and 1. Tidal volumes – volume of air inspired and
blood in lung capillaries by diffusion expired
 Transport of O2 and CO2 through pulmonary and 2. Inspiratory reserve volume – extra volume of
systemic circulation by bulk flow air that can be inspired over and above the tidal
 Exchange of O2 and CO2 between blood in tissue volume when the person inspires full force
capillaries and cells in tissue by diffusion
 Cellular utilization of O2 and production of CO2 3. Expiratory reserve volume – max extra volume
1. Process involved in respiration of air that can be expired by forceful expiration
 Ventilation- the process of moving air from
atmosphere into the alveoli( and carbon dioxide 4. Residual volume – volume of air remaining in
in opposite direction) lungs after the most forceful expiration
 Diffusion- movement of gas across the gas blood
 Matching ventilation and blood flow Pulmonary Capacity
 Pulmonary blood flow- to move oxygen out of
the lung and carbon dioxide in the lung 1. Inspiratory capacity
 Blood gas transport- carriage of oxygen and 2. Functional Residual Capacity
carbon dioxide in the blood 3. Vital Capacity
 Transfer of gases from the peripheral capillaries 4. Total Lung Capacity
and the cells
 Utilization of oxygen VI. Alveolar Ventilation
- the ultimate importance of pulmonary
A. Ventilation (Breathing) ventilation : continually renew the air in gas
 Inspiration- expiration exchange areas of lungs
 Requires 3-5 % of total energy - rate at which new air reaches alveoli, alveolar
 Reasons why there are differences between sacs & ducts and respiratory bronchioles
atmospheric and alveoli air
1. Alveolar air is partially replaced by Dead Space Air – not useful for gas exchange
atmospheric air with each breath since it never reaches gas exchange areas
2. Oxygen is constantly being absorbed from - Only fills respiratory passages like
the alveolar gas nose pharynx and trachea where
3. Carbon dioxide is constantly diffusing from no gas exchange occurs.
the pulmonary blood into the alveoli - One of the major factors that
4. Dry atmosphere air enters the respiratory determine concentrations of
passage is humidified even before it oxygen and carbon dioxide in
reaches the alveoli alveoli.

V. Internal respiration VIII. Nervous and Chemical control of Respiration

- Respiratory muscle contraction
3 fractions :  Sympathetic – bronchodilation
1. To expand the lungs against lung and chest - Epinephrine stimulates beta-
elastic forces adrenergic receptors- dilation of
2. To overcome the viscosity of the lung and the bronchial tree
chest wall structures- Tissue resistance work  Parasympathetic – bronchoconstriction
3. To overcome airway resistance to movement  Also causes bronchoconstriction :
of air into lungs- airway resistance work - Histamine and slow reactive
substances of anaphylaxis
VI. Pulmonary volumes and capacities - Smoke, dust, sulphur dioxide and
some of acidic elements in smog

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Abbreviation and Symbols

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