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Basic Tamil

Verb Tables

Michael Lockwood
List of 56 Model Verbs and Irregular Verbs

1. (001) a∂akku (a∂akka, a∂akki) (v.t.), pp. 2-3 2. (002) a∂a≥gu (a∂a≥ga, a∂a≥gi) (v.i.), pp. 4-5
3. (005) eΩuppu (eΩuppa, eΩuppi) (v.t.), pp. 6-7 4. (006) eΩumbu (eΩumba, eΩumbi) (v.i.), pp. 8-9
5. (037) äkku (äkka, äkki) (v.t.), pp. 10-11 6. (038) ä(gu) (äga, ägi [äy]) irreg. past thru contract.
7. (047) ëmä∞∞u (ëmä∞∞a, ëmä∞∞i) (v.t.), pp. 14-15 8. (048) ëmä∞u (ëmä∞a, ëmä∞i) (v.i.), pp. 16-17
9. (051) ö††u (ö††a, ö††i) (v.t.), pp. 18-19 10. (052) ö∂u (ö∂a, ö∂i) (v.i.), pp. 20-21
11. (101) pa∂utthu (pa∂uttha, pa∂utthi), pp. 22-23
12. (121) thö√∞u (thö√∞a, thö√∞i), pp. 24-25
13. (128) pa∫∫u (pa∫∫a, pa∫∫i), pp. 26-27 ‘I’-Family’s one and only conjugation:
14. (134) eΩuthu (eΩutha, eΩuthi), pp. 28-29 Infixes: -gi∞- (present); -i√- (past); -v- (future)
15. (138) kaΩuvu (kaΩuva, kaΩuvi), pp. 30-31
16. (149) pësu (pësa, pësi), pp. 32-33
17. (156) sol(lu) (solla, solli) irregular past tense thru contraction, pp. 34-35
18. (157) pö (pöga, pöy) irregular past tense thru contraction, pp. 36-37
19. (164) asai (asaikka, asaitthu) (v.t.), pp. 38-39 20. (165) asai (asaiya, asainthu) (v.i.)
21. (178) eri (erikka, eritthu) (v.t.), pp. 42-43 22. (179) eri (eriya, erinthu) (v.i.) 5. Weak ‘U’ (a):
23. (214) mëy (mëykka, mëytthu) (v.t.), pp. 46-47 24. (215) mëy (mëya, mëynthu) (v.i.) -gi∞-; -nth-; -v-
25. (206) sër (sërkka, sërtthu) (v.t.), pp. 50-51 26. (207) sër (sëra, sërnthu) (v.i.) (identical twins)
27. (202) kaviΩ (kaviΩkka, kaviΩtthu) (v.t.), pp. 54-55 28. (203) kaviΩ (kaviΩa, kaviΩnthu) (v.i.)
29. (222) pa∂u (pa∂ukka, pa∂utthu), pp. 58-59 30. (223) pa∂u (pa∂a, pa††u) 4. Middle ‘U’ (b):
31. (356) i∂u (i∂a, i††u), 62-63 -gi∞-; (-††- & -∞∞-); -v-
1. ‘U’-Family, Strong (a): -kki∞-; -tth-; -pp- 32. (384) pe∞u (pe∞a, pe∞∞u), 64-65
33. (386) sä(gu) (säga, setthu) irregular: root vowel
34. (240) o (okka, otthu), pp. 68-69 (pp. 66-67) shortened in the past tense
35. (282) pagu (pagukka, pagutthu), pp. 70-71 .............................................................................................
36. (295) ma∞u (ma∞ukka, ma∞utthu), pp. 72-73
37. (305) väsi (väsikka, väsitthu), pp. 74-75
38. (289) pär (pärkka, pärtthu), pp. 76-77
39. (314) kë¬ (kë†ka, k놆u) euphonic variant, pp. 78-79
40. (317) kal(lu) (ka∞ka, ka∞∞u) euphonic variant, pp. 80-81
41. (318) vil(lu) (vi∞ka, vi∞∞u) euphonic variant, pp. 82-83
42. (326) a∫ai (anaikka, anaitthu), pp. 84-85
43. (328) iru (irukka, irunthu), pp. 86-87
44. (335) na∂a (na∂akka, na∂anthu), pp. 88-89 2. Strong ‘U’ (b): -kki∞-; -nth-; -pp-
45. (341) nil(lu) (ni†ka, ni√∞u) euphonic variant, pp. 90-91
46. (354) kä∫ (kä∫a, ka∫∂u) irregular: root vowel shortened in the past tense, pp. 92-93
47. (353) u∫(∫u) (u∫∫a, u∫∂u), pp. 94-95
48. (351) e√(√u) (e√√a, e√∞u), pp. 96-97 3. Middle ‘U’ (a): -gi∞-; (-∫∂- & -√∞-); -b-
49. (398) viΩu (viΩa, viΩunthu), pp. 98-99
50. (409) u†kär (u†kära, u†kärnthu), pp. 100-101 5. Weak ‘U’ (a), (non-twins):
51. (426) ko¬(¬u) (ko¬¬a, ko∫∂u) euphonic variant (past), pp. 102-103 -gi∞-; -nth-; -v-
52. (423) sel(lu) (sella, se√∞u) euphonic variant (past), pp. 104-105
53. (400) vä (vara, vanthu) irregular thru contraction & imperative vowel lengthened, pp. 106-107
54. (407) vë(gu) (vëga, venthu) irregular: root vowel shortened in the past tense, pp. 108-109
55. (436) aΩu (aΩa, aΩuthu), pp. 110-111
56. (437) sey (seyya, seythu), pp. 112-113 6. Weak ‘U’ (b): -gi∞-; -th-; -v-
For the Cover’s spine!:

Basic Tamil Verb Tables * Lockwood

← Print the opposite on the INSIDE of both the Front Cover & Back Cover!
Basic Tamil
Verb Tables

Michael Lockwood

Tambaram Research Associates
MCC, Tambaram, Madras 600 059

Second Edition

Copyright © 2007: Michael Lockwood

Typeset by T.R.A. on a Macintosh¨ PB G3

Printed at Sudarsan Graphics, Madras 600 017

Although books of verb tables are commonly available
for European languages, this is not the case with Indian
languages. Therefore, following the direction I took earlier
(1994) in compiling a dictionary of ‘Basic Tamil’, I have
ventured to produce the present work which is devoted to the
task of conjugating some 450+ verbs of a ‘basic’ Tamil
vocabulary. As the Tamil language is very systematic in its
structure, I have selected only 56 of these verbs as model verbs
and irregular verbs to be elaborately conjugated. Each of the
remaining verbs (almost 400 of them) is assigned to one of
the model verbs to illustrate its proper conjugation.
The Tamil vocabulary is given both in the Tamil script
and in transliteration. The method of transliteration used is a
modification of the system used in the Tamil Lexicon
(University of Madras).
The following table gives the letters which are ‘initial’
vowels (i.e., vowels which begin a word):

The Initial Vowels
î = a (the short a, as in ‘among’)
A = ä (the long ä, as in ‘alms’)
i = i (the short i, as in ‘in’)
I = ï (the long ï, as in ‘machine’)
u = u (the short u, as in ‘put’)
U = ü (the long ü, as in ‘ruby’ or ‘Zulu’)
¶ = e (the short e, as in ‘etiquette’)
´ = ë (the long ë, as in ‘étude’)
W = ai (a diphthong, as ai in ‘aisle’)
o = o (the short, clipped o, as in ‘opaque’)
O = ö (the long ö, as in ‘owe’)
o¬ = au (a diphthong, as ou in ‘ouch’)

The consonant letters K, C, D, T, P, and ‰ are pronounced
differently in different positions in a word. At the beginning
of words, the first five of these letters are pronounced roughly
as k in ‘kin’; as s in ‘sin’; as t in ‘tin’; as th in ‘thin’ (but as a
pure plosive, with no air escaping past the tongue at the start
of the word); and as p in ‘pin’. The consonant ‰ (˛) never
begins a word.

When doubled within words, the first five of these

letters, with the exception of Cc (ccha), are pronounced
similarly. The exception, Cc (ccha), as in îCckM
(acchagam), is pronounced approximately as the ch in
‘chum’. As transliterated in this work, ‰® (˛˛a) as in m‰®
(ma˛˛a) is pronounced approximately as tra in the word
‘tradition’ (the ˛ sound is rolled).

Intervocalically, that is, with vowels in front and back
of any one of these consonant letters (e.g., K in îkM
- K - is pronounced as a fricative g;
- C - is pronounced as s in ‘sin’;
- D- is pronounced as d in ‘madam’;
- T - is pronounced as the voiced th in ‘mother’;
- P - is pronounced as b in ‘labor’; and
- ‰ - is pronounced with a rolled r sound.
Each of the above six consonant letters has a related
K has ı (√) as in ‘sing’;
C has ü (ñ) as in ‘onion’;
D has B (≈), a retroflexive n;
T has N (n), a dental n, as in ‘month’;
P has M (m), as in ‘amber’; and
‰ has ˜ (π), an alveolar n.

When directly preceded by a nasal, these six letters
(k, c, d, t, p, and ®) are voiced. E.g.:
- ık - = - √ga -
- üc - = - ñja -
- Bd- = - ≈Ãa -
- Nt - = - ntha -
- Mp - = - mba -
- ˜® - = - π˛a - (the π˛ is pronounced like the ndr in
‘undress’, with the ˛ slightly rolled)
With two exceptions, the rest of the letters (which are
semi-vowels) are relatively straight-forward in their
Y (y) as in ‘yes’
R (r), a rolled r
L (l) as in ‘level’
V (v) as in ‘very’
The two exceptions are:
Z (∑), a fricative, retroflexive l quite peculiar to
Tamil and some other Dravidian languages
Ò (µ), a retroflexive l

Finally, there are in general usage six letters borrowed
from the Sanskrit Grantha alphabet (whose sounds are fixed
and do not vary according to their position in the words):

J = j as in ‘jar’
Q = ± (a retroflexive sh sound)
S = s as in ‘sin’
H = h as in ‘hug’
X = k± (a conjunct of k and ±)
§ = ≥rï (a conjunct of ≥ and r plus the
medial vowel ï) (≥ as in ‘shame’)

The complete Tamil alphabet, in proper order, together
with the transliterated sounds associated with each letter, is
given as follows:
î a K k, g Y y
A ä ı √ R r
i i C s, ch, j L l
I ï ü ñ V v
u u D ª, Ã
Uü B≈
¶ e T th (voiced & unvoiced)
´ ë N n
W ai P p, b Z ∑
o o M m Ò µ
O ö ‰ ˛
o¬ au ˜ π
Along with each verb, appearing in this dictionary in its
imperative singular form, are given in parentheses its
infinitive and converbial (or ‘adverbial’ participle):
ekaƒ koÃu (ekaƒKk, ekaƒT∆)


Preface iii

Verb Tables: Model Verbs and Irregular Verbs 1

A New Classification of Tamil Verbs:

Two Families; Identical and Fraternal Twins 114

The Seven Forms of Conjugation 121

Verbs Classified by Family, Twinship, and Conjugation 124

Tamil-English Alphabetical Index of Verbs 136

Impersonal Verb Forms 147

English-Tamil Alphabetical Index of Verbs 148

Tamil Numbers 164

List of Model Verbs and Irregular Verbs Inside covers, front & back

The 56 model verbs and irregular verbs which are conjugated on the following
pages are not arranged in any consistent alphabetical order. They are grouped
there according to seven types of conjugation. A synoptic, one-page list of these
56 model verbs and irregular verbs is given on the insides of the cover, front and
back. Each of these verbs is conjugated on a two page spread (pages 2-113). These
conjugations can be directly located by the page numbers which are listed after
each entry in the synoptic list.
To locate any verb (either in Tamil or in English), consult either the ‘Tamil-
English Alphabetical Index’ (pp. 136-146) or the ‘English-Tamil Alphabetical Index’
(pp. 148-163). If any Tamil verb is not a model verb or irregular verb – and most of
the 450+ basic Tamil verbs are not – it is assigned to one of the model verbs to
illustrate its proper conjugation.
A listing of the different types of conjugation is found in the verb classification
list (pp. 124-135). A detailed discussion of the different types of conjugation is
found in, ‘A New Classification of Tamil Verbs’ (pp. 114-120) and ‘The Seven
Forms of the Conjugation of Tamil Verbs’ (pp. 121-123).

Model Verbs and Irregular Verbs


ådK¿ a∂akku (v.t.) ådK¿ıkÒ a∂akku≥ga¬ ådKk a∂akka ådKá a∂akki 2
control (sth) (you)! (imperative) control (sth) (you)! (imper. pl.) to control (sth) (infinitive) (having) controlled (sth) (past participle)

ådKሠa∂akki√a1 (past adj. p.) ådK¿á® a∂akkugi∞a (pres. adj. p.) ådK¿M a∂akkum (future adjectival participle)
(who, which) controlled (sth) (who, which) controls (sth) (who, which) will control (sth)
Present Tense Present Perfect & Present Continuous
ådK¿áE®˜ a∂akkugi∞ïë√ I control (sth) ådKáëÃKáE®˜ a∂akkiy’irukki∞ïë√ I’ve controlled; I’m controlling (sth)
ådK¿á®aY a∂akkugi∞ïäy you control (sth) ådKáëÃKá®aY a∂akkiy’irukki∞ïäy you’ve controlled; you are controlling (sth)
ådK¿á®a˜ a∂akkugi∞ïä√ he controls (sth) ådKáëÃKá®a˜ a∂akkiy’irukki∞ïä√ he has controlled; he is controlling (sth)
ådK¿á®aÒ a∂akkugi∞ïä¬ she controls (sth) ådKáëÃKá®aÒ a∂akkiy’irukki∞ïä¬ she has controlled; she is controlling (sth)
ådK¿á®∆ a∂akkugi∞ïathu it controls (sth) ådKáëÃKá®∆ a∂akkiy’irukki∞ïathu it has controlled; it is controlling (sth)
ådK¿áE®aM a∂akkugi∞ïöm we control (sth) ådKáëÃKáE®aM a∂akkiy’irukki∞ïöm we’ve controlled; we are controlling (sth)
ådK¿áΩR(kÒ) a∂akkugi∞ïïr(ga¬) you control (sth) ådKáëÃKáΩR(kÒ) a∂akkiy’irukki∞ïïr(ga¬) you’ve controlled; °are controlling (sth)
ådK¿á®aR(kÒ) a∂akkugi∞ïär(ga¬) they control (sth) ådKáëÃKá®aR(kÒ) a∂akkiy’irukki∞ïär(ga¬) they’ve controlled; °are controlling (sth)
ådK¿á˜®ˆ a∂akkugi√∞ïa√a they control (sth) ådKáëÃKᘮˆ a∂akkiy’irukki√∞ïa√a they’ve controlled; °are controlling (sth)

Past Tense Past Pefect & Past Continuous

ådKáEˆ˜ a∂akki√ïë√ I controlled (sth) ådKáëÃNEt˜ a∂akkiy’irunthïë√ I had controlled; I was controlling (sth)
ådKáˆaY a∂akki√ïäy you controlled (sth) ådKáëÃNtaY a∂akkiy’irunthïäy you’d controlled; you were controlling (sth)
ådKáˆa˜ a∂akki√ïä√ he controlled (sth) ådKáëÃNta˜ a∂akkiy’irunthïä√’ he’d controlled; he was controlling (sth)
ådKáˆaÒ a∂akki√ïä¬ she controlled (sth) ådKáëÃNtaÒ a∂akkiy’irunthïä¬ she’d controlled; she was controlling (sth)
ådKáˆ∆2 a∂akki√ïathu it controlled (sth) ådKáëÃNt∆ a∂akkiy’irunthïathu it had controlled; it was controlling (sth)
ådKáEˆaM a∂akki√ïöm we controlled (sth) ådKáëÃNEtaM a∂akkiy’irunthïöm we’d controlled; we were controlling (sth)
ådKáæR(kÒ) a∂akki√ïïr(ga¬) you controlled (sth) ådKáëÃN≥R(kÒ) a∂akkiy’irunthïïr(ga¬) you’d controlled; °were controlling (sth)
ådKáˆaR(kÒ) a∂akki√ïär(ga¬) they controlled (sth) ådKáëÃNtaR(kÒ) a∂akkiy’irunthïär(ga¬) they’d controlled; °were controlling (sth)
ådKáˆ1 a∂akki√ïa they controlled (sth) ådKáëÃNtˆ a∂akkiy’irunthïa√a they’d controlled; °were controlling (sth)

Future Tense Future Perfect & Future Continuous

ådK¿Ev˜ a∂akkuvïë√ I’ll control (sth) ådKáëÃPEp˜ a∂akkiy’iruppïë√ I’ll ’ve controlled; °be controlling (sth)
ådK¿vaY a∂akkuvïäy you’ll control (sth) ådKáëÃPpaY a∂akkiy’iruppïäy you’ll ’ve controlled; °be controlling (sth)
ådK¿va˜ a∂akkuvïä√ he’ll control (sth) ådKáëÃPpa˜ a∂akkiy’iruppïä√ he’ll ’ve controlled; °be controlling (sth)
ådK¿vaÒ a∂akkuvïä¬ she’ll control (sth) ådKáëÃPpaÒ a∂akkiy’iruppïä¬ she’ll ’ve controlled; °be controlling (sth)
ådK¿M a∂akkïum it’ll control (sth) ådKáëÃK¿M a∂akkiy’irukkïum it’ll have controlled; °be controlling (sth)
ådK¿EvaM a∂akkuvïöm we’ll control (sth) ådKáëÃPEpaM a∂akkiy’iruppïöm we’ll ’ve controlled; °be controlling (sth)
ådK¿™R(kÒ) a∂akkuvïïr(ga¬) you’ll control (sth) ådKáëÃPµR(kÒ) a∂akkiy’iruppïïr(ga¬) you’ll ’ve controlled; °be controlling (sth)
ådK¿vaR(kÒ) a∂akkuvïär(ga¬) they’ll control (sth) ådKáëÃPpaR(kÒ) a∂akkiy’iruppïär(ga¬) they’ll ’ve controlled; °be controlling (sth)
ådK¿M a∂akkïum they’ll control (sth) ådKáëÃK¿M a∂akkiy’irukkïum they’ll ’ve controlled; °be controlling (sth)
ådK¿tL a∂akkuthal ådK¿wk3 a∂akkugai ådKkL a∂akkal ådK¿Œ3 a∂akkuvu 3
controlling (sth) (verbal noun) controlling (sth) (v. noun) controlling (sth) (verbal noun) controlling (sth) (v. noun)
ådKáˆ∆2 a∂akki√’athu ådK¿á®∆ a∂akkugi∞’athu ådK¿v∆ a∂akkuv’athu ådKáˆaL a∂akki√äl
a (past) controlling (sth) (v. noun) a (present) controlling (sth) (v. n.) a (future) controlling (sth) (v. n.) (I-they) control/s (sth)-if (conditional)
ådKkaEt a∂akkäthë ådKka≥R(kÒ) a∂akkäthïr(ga¬) ådKkat a∂akkätha ådKka∆ a∂akkäthu; ådKkamL a∂akkämal
don’t (you) control (sth)! (imp.) don’t control (sth)! (imp. pl.) non-controlling (sth) (neg. adj. part.) without controlling (sth) (neg. participle)
ådKkÉLwl a∂akkavillai ådKEk˜4 a∂akkë√ ådKkmaDEd˜ a∂akka-m䆆ë√ ådKkawm a∂akkämai; ådKkat∆ a∂akkäthathu
(I-they) didn’t control (sth) (‘past’) I won’t control (sth) (tenseless) I won’t control (sth) (‘future’) non-controlling (sth) (neg. verbal nouns)
ådKáˆ∆2 iLwl a∂akki√athu illai ådK¿á®çLwl a∂akkugi∞ath’illai ådK¿v∆ iLwl a∂akkuvathu illai ådKkaÉDdaL a∂akkävi††äl
(I-they) haven’t/hasn’t (ever) controlled (I-they) don’t/doesn’t (ever) control (I-they) won’t (ever) control (I-they) don’t/doesn’t control-if (condition.)
ådKkatv˜ a∂akkäth’ava√, a man who did not control, does not control, or will not control (sth) (this and all the following are participial nouns)
ådKáˆv˜5 a∂akki√’ava√, he who controlled; ådK¿á®v˜ a∂akkugi∞’ava√, he who controls; ådK¿pv˜ a∂akkub’ava√, he who will control (sth)
ådKkatvÒ a∂akkäth’ava¬, a woman who did not control, does not control, or will not control (sth)
ådKáˆvÒ a∂akki√’ava¬, she who controlled; ådK¿á®vÒ a∂akkugi∞’ava¬, she who controls; ådK¿pvÒ a∂akkub’ava¬, she who will control (sth)
ådKkat∆ a∂akkäth’athu, an animal or thing which did not control, does not control, or will not control (sth)
ådKáˆ∆ a∂akki√’athu, it which controlled; ådK¿á®∆ a∂akkugi∞’athu, it which controls; ådK¿v∆ a∂akkuv’athu, it which will control (sth)
ådKkatvR(kÒ) a∂akkäth’avar(ga¬), people who did not control, do not control, or will not control (sth)
ådKáˆvR(kÒ) a∂akki√’avar(ga¬), they who controlled; ådK¿á®vR(kÒ) a∂akkugi∞’avar(ga¬),°control; ådK¿pvR(kÒ) a∂akkub’avar(ga¬),°will control
ådKkatwv(kÒ) a∂akkäth’avai(ga¬), animals or things which did not control, do not control, or will not control (sth)
ådKáˆwv(kÒ) a∂akki√’avai(ga¬), they who controlled; ådK¿á®wv(kÒ) a∂akkugi∞’avai(ga¬),°control; ådK¿pwv(kÒ) a∂akkub’avai(ga¬),°will control

Negative Compound Forms (the neg. participle ådKka∆ a∂akkäthu [dropping the ‘u’] + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru;
and the neg. participle ådKkamL a∂akkämal + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru):
ådKkaçÃNEt˜ ådKkaçÃKáE®˜ ådKkaçÃPEp˜ ådKkaçÃNtaL
a∂akkäth’irunthë√ a∂akkäth’irukki∞ë√ a∂akkäth’iruppë√ a∂akkäth’irunthäl (conditional)
ådKkamL iÃNEt˜ ådKkamL iÃKáE®˜ ådKkamL iÃPEp˜ ådKkamL iÃNtaL
a∂akkämal irunthë√ (past perf.) a∂akkämal irukki∞ë√ (pres. perf.)3 a∂akkämal iruppë√ (f. perf.)3 a∂akkämal irunthäl (conditional)
I hadn’t controlled (sth) ↵ I haven’t controlled (sth) ↵ I won’t have controlled (sth) ↵ (I-they) hadn’t controlled (sth)-if
I wasn’t controlling (sth) I am not controlling (sth) I won’t be controlling (sth) (I-they) wasn’t/weren’t controlling (sth)-if
(past continuous) (present continuous) (future continuous) (I-they) don’t/doesn’t control (sth)-if
1A common alternate form is ådKáy a∂akkiya. 2A common alternate form is ådKáy∆ a∂akkiyathu. 3Not in common use today.
4Inearly times (see Joseph Beschi’s A Grammar of the Common Dialect of the Tamil Language Called ekaƒNtêZ, 1728), these forms of the negative verb
could, according to their surrounding context, express habitual behavior or any tense:
ådKEk˜ a∂akkë√ I didn’t/don’t/won’t control.
ådKkaY a∂akkäy You didn’t/don’t/won’t control.
ådKka˜ a∂akkä√ He didn’t/doesn’t/won’t control. Etc., etc.
5Common alternate forms are ådKáyv˜ a∂akkiy’ava√, ådKáyvÒ a∂akkiy’ava¬, etc.
ådı¿ a∂a≥gu (v.i.) ådı¿ıkÒ a∂a≥gu≥ga¬ ådık a∂a≥ga ådıá a∂a≥gi 4
obey (you)! (imperative) obey (you)! (imper. pl.) to obey (infinitive) (having) obeyed (past participle)

ådıáˆ1 a∂a≥gi√a (past adj. p.) ådı¿á® a∂a≥gugi∞a (pres. adj. p.) ådı¿M a∂a≥gum (future adjectival participle)
(who, which) obeyed (who, which) obeys (who, which) will obey
Present Tense Present Perfect & Present Continuous
ådı¿áE®˜ a∂a≥gugi∞ïë√ I obey ådıáëÃKáE®˜ a∂a≥giy’irukki∞ïë√ I’ve obeyed; I am obeying
ådı¿á®aY a∂a≥gugi∞ïäy you obey ådıáëÃKá®aY a∂a≥giy’irukki∞ïäy you’ve obeyed; you are obeying
ådı¿á®a˜ a∂a≥gugi∞ïä√ he obeys ådıáëÃKá®a˜ a∂a≥giy’irukki∞ïä√ he has obeyed; he is obeying
ådı¿á®aÒ a∂a≥gugi∞ïä¬ she obeys ådıáëÃKá®aÒ a∂a≥giy’irukki∞ïä¬ she has obeyed; she is obeying
ådı¿á®∆ a∂a≥gugi∞ïathu it obeys ådıáëÃKá®∆ a∂a≥giy’irukki∞ïathu it has obeyed; it is obeying
ådı¿áE®aM a∂a≥gugi∞ïöm we obey ådıáëÃKáE®aM a∂a≥giy’irukki∞ïöm we’ve obeyed; we are obeying
ådı¿áΩR(kÒ) a∂a≥gugi∞ïïr(ga¬) you obey ådıáëÃKáΩR(kÒ) a∂a≥giy’irukki∞ïïr(ga¬) you’ve obeyed; you are obeying
ådı¿á®aR(kÒ) a∂a≥gugi∞ïär(ga¬) they obey ådıáëÃKá®aR(kÒ) a∂a≥giy’irukki∞ïär(ga¬) they’ve obeyed; they are obeying
ådı¿á˜®ˆ a∂a≥gugi√∞ïa√a they obey ådıáëÃKᘮˆ a∂a≥giy’irukki√∞ïa√a they’ve obeyed; they are obeying

Past Tense Past Pefect & Past Continuous

ådıáEˆ˜ a∂a≥gi√ïë√ I obeyed ådıáëÃNEt˜ a∂a≥giy’irunthïë√ I had obeyed; I was obeying
ådıáˆaY a∂a≥gi√ïäy you obeyed ådıáëÃNtaY a∂a≥giy’irunthïäy you’d obeyed; you were obeying
ådıáˆa˜ a∂a≥gi√ïä√ he obeyed ådıáëÃNta˜ a∂a≥giy’irunthïä√ he’d obeyed; he was obeying
ådıáˆaÒ a∂a≥gi√ïä¬ she obeyed ådıáëÃNtaÒ a∂a≥giy’irunthïä¬ she’d obeyed; she was obeying
ådıáˆ∆2 a∂a≥gi√ïathu it obeyed ådıáëÃNt∆ a∂a≥giy’irunthïathu it had obeyed; it was obeying
ådıáEˆaM a∂a≥gi√ïöm we obeyed ådıáëÃNEtaM a∂a≥giy’irunthïöm we had obeyed; we were obeying
ådıáæR(kÒ) a∂a≥gi√ïïr(ga¬) you obeyed ådıáëÃN≥R(kÒ) a∂a≥giy’irunthïïr(ga¬) you’d obeyed; you were obeying
ådıáˆaR(kÒ) a∂a≥gi√ïär(ga¬) they obeyed ådıáëÃNtaR(kÒ) a∂a≥giy’irunthïär(ga¬) they’d obeyed; they were obeying
ådıáˆ1 a∂a≥gi√ïa they obeyed ådıáëÃNtˆ a∂a≥giy’irunthïa√a they’d obeyed; they were obeying

Future Tense Future Perfect & Future Continuous

ådı¿Ev˜ a∂a≥guvïë√ I’ll obey ådıáëÃPEp˜ a∂a≥giy’iruppïë√ I’ll ’ve obeyed; I’ll be obeying
ådı¿vaY a∂a≥guvïäy you’ll obey ådıáëÃPpaY a∂a≥giy’iruppïäy you’ll ’ve obeyed; you’ll be obeying
ådı¿va˜ a∂a≥guvïä√ he’ll obey ådıáëÃPpa˜ a∂a≥giy’iruppïä√ he’ll ’ve obeyed; he’ll be obeying
ådı¿vaÒ a∂a≥guvïä¬ she’ll obey ådıáëÃPpaÒ a∂a≥giy’iruppïä¬ she’ll ’ve obeyed; she’ll be obeying
ådı¿M a∂a≥gïum it’ll obey ådıáëÃK¿M a∂a≥giy’irukkïum it’ll have obeyed; it’ll be obeying
ådı¿EvaM a∂a≥guvïöm we’ll obey ådıáëÃPEpaM a∂a≥giy’iruppïöm we’ll ’ve obeyed; we’ll be obeying
ådı¿™R(kÒ) a∂a≥guvïïr(ga¬) you’ll obey ådıáëÃPµR(kÒ) a∂a≥giy’iruppïïr(ga¬) you’ll ’ve obeyed; you’ll be obeying
ådı¿vaR(kÒ) a∂a≥guvïär(ga¬) they’ll obey ådıáëÃPpaR(kÒ) a∂a≥giy’iruppïär(ga¬) they’ll ’ve obeyed; they’ll be obeying
ådı¿M a∂a≥gïum they’ll obey ådıáëÃK¿M a∂a≥giy’irukkïum they’ll ’ve obeyed; they’ll be obeying
ådı¿tL a∂a≥guthal ådı¿wk3 a∂a≥gugai ådıkL a∂a≥gal ådı¿Œ3 a∂a≥guvu 5
obeying (verbal noun) obeying (v. noun) obeying (verbal noun) obeying (verbal noun)
ådıáˆ∆2 a∂a≥gi√’athu ådı¿á®∆ a∂a≥gugi∞’athu ådı¿v∆ a∂a≥guv’athu ådıáˆaL a∂a≥gi√äl
a (past) obeying (v. noun) a (present) obeying (v. noun) a (future) obeying (v. noun) (I-they) obey/s-if (conditional)
ådıkaEt a∂a≥gäthë ådıka≥R(kÒ) a∂a≥gäthïr(ga¬) ådıkat a∂a≥gätha ådıka∆ a∂a≥gäthu; ådıkamL a∂a≥gämal
don’t (you) obey! (imp.) don’t obey! (imp. pl.) non-obeying (neg. adj. part.) without obeying (neg. participle)
ådıkÉLwl a∂a≥gavillai ådıEk˜4 a∂a≥gë√ ådıkmaDEd˜ a∂a≥ga-m䆆ë√ ådıkawm a∂a≥gämai; ådıkat∆ a∂a≥gäthathu
(I-they) didn’t obey (‘past’) I won’t obey (tenseless) I won’t obey (‘future’) non-obeying (neg. verbal nouns)
ådıáˆ∆2 iLwl a∂a≥gi√athu illai ådı¿á®çLwl a∂a≥gugi∞ath’illai ådı¿v∆ iLwl a∂a≥guvathu illai ådıkaÉDdaL a∂a≥gävi††äl
(I-they) haven’t/hasn’t (ever) obeyed (I-they) don’t/doesn’t (ever) obey (I-they) won’t (ever) obey (I-they) don’t/doesn’t obey-if (condition.)
ådıkatv˜ a∂a≥gäth’ava√, a man who did not obey, does not obey, or will not obey (this and all the following are participial nouns)
ådıáˆv˜5 a∂a≥gi√’ava√, he who obeyed; ådı¿á®v˜ a∂a≥gugi∞’ava√, he who obeys; ådı¿pv˜ a∂a≥gub’ava√, he who will obey
ådıkatvÒ a∂a≥gäth’ava¬, a woman who did not obey, does not obey, or will not obey
ådıáˆvÒ a∂a≥gi√’ava¬, she who obeyed; ådı¿á®vÒ a∂a≥gugi∞’ava¬, she who obeys; ådı¿pvÒ a∂a≥gub’ava¬, she who will obey
ådıkat∆ a∂a≥gäth’athu, an animal or thing which did not obey, does not obey, or will not obey
ådıáˆ∆ a∂a≥gi√’athu, it which obeyed; ådı¿á®∆ a∂a≥gugi∞’athu, it which obeys; ådı¿v∆ a∂a≥guv’athu, it which will obey
ådıkatvR(kÒ) a∂a≥gäth’avar(ga¬), people who did not obey, do not obey, or will not obey
ådıáˆvR(kÒ) a∂a≥gi√’avar(ga¬), they who obeyed; ådı¿á®vR(kÒ) a∂a≥gugi∞’avar(ga¬),°obey; ådı¿pvR(kÒ) a∂a≥gub’avar(ga¬),°will obey
ådıkatwv(kÒ) a∂a≥gäth’avai(ga¬), animals or things which did not obey, do not obey, or will not obey
ådıáˆwv(kÒ) a∂a≥gi√’avai(ga¬), they who obeyed; ådı¿á®wv(kÒ) a∂a≥gugi∞’avai(ga¬),°obey; ådı¿pwv(kÒ) a∂a≥gub’avai(ga¬),°will obey

Negative Compound Forms (the neg. participle ådıka∆ a∂a≥gäthu [dropping the ‘u’] + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru;
and the neg. participle ådıkamL a∂a≥gämal + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru):
ådıkaçÃNEt˜ ådıkaçÃKáE®˜ ådıkaçÃPEp˜ ådıkaçÃNtaL
a∂a≥gäth’irunthë√ a∂a≥gäth’irukki∞ë√ a∂a≥gäth’iruppë√ a∂a≥gäth’irunthäl (conditional)
ådıkamL iÃNEt˜ ådıkamL iÃKáE®˜ ådıkamL iÃPEp˜ ådıkamL iÃNtaL
a∂a≥gämal irunthë√ a∂a≥gämal irukki∞ë√ a∂a≥gämal iruppë√ a∂a≥gämal irunthäl (conditional)
I hadn’t obeyed (past perf.) I haven’t obeyed (pres. perf.)3 I won’t have obeyed (f. perf.)3 (I-they) hadn’t obeyed-if
I wasn’t obeying I am not obeying I won’t be obeying (I-they) was/were not obeying-if
(past continuous) (present continuous) (future continuous) (I-they) don’t/doesn’t obey-if
1A common alternate form is ådıáy a∂a≥giya. 2A common alternate form is ådıáy∆ a∂a≥giyathu.
3Not in common use today. 4See footnote 4 on page 3.
5Common alternate forms are ådıáyv˜ a∂a≥giy’ava√, ådıáyvÒ a∂a≥giy’ava¬, etc.
¶¤P» eΩuppu (v.t.) ¶¤P»ıkÒ eΩuppu≥ga¬ ¶¤Pp eΩuppa ¶¤Pè eΩuppi 6
awaken (s.o.) (you)! (imperative) awaken (s.o.) (you)! (imper. pl.) to awaken (.s.o.) (infinitive) (having) awakened (s.o.) (past participle)

¶¤Pèˆ1 eΩuppi√a (past adj. p.) ¶¤P»á® eΩuppugi∞a (pres. adj. p.) ¶¤P»M eΩuppum (future adjectival participle)
(who, which) awakened (s.o.) (who, which) awakens (s.o.) (who, which) will awaken (s.o.)
Present Tense Present Perfect & Present Continuous
¶¤P»áE®˜ eΩuppugi∞ïë√ I awaken (s.o.) ¶¤PèëÃKáE®˜ eΩuppiy’irukki∞ïë√ I’ve awakened; I’m awakening (s.o.)
¶¤P»á®aY eΩuppugi∞ïäy you awaken (s.o.) ¶¤PèëÃKá®aY eΩuppiy’irukki∞ïäy you’ve awakened; °are awakening (s.o.)
¶¤P»á®a˜ eΩuppugi∞ïä√ he awakens (s.o.) ¶¤PèëÃKá®a˜ eΩuppiy’irukki∞ïä√ he has awakened; he is awakening (s.o.)
¶¤P»á®aÒ eΩuppugi∞ïä¬ she awakens (s.o.) ¶¤PèëÃKá®aÒ eΩuppiy’irukki∞ïä¬ she has awakened; she is awakening (s.o.)
¶¤P»á®∆ eΩuppugi∞ïathu it awakens (s.o.) ¶¤PèëÃKá®∆ eΩuppiy’irukki∞ïathu it has awakened; it is awakening (s.o.)
¶¤P»áE®aM eΩuppugi∞ïöm we awaken (s.o.) ¶¤PèëÃKáE®aM eΩuppiy’irukki∞ïöm we’ve awakened; we are awakening (s.o.)
¶¤P»áΩR(kÒ) eΩuppugi∞ïïr(ga¬) you awaken (s.o.) ¶¤PèëÃKáΩR(kÒ) eΩuppiy’irukki∞ïïr(ga¬) you’ve awakened; °are awakening (s.o.)
¶¤P»á®aR(kÒ) eΩuppugi∞ïär(ga¬) they awaken (s.o.) ¶¤PèëÃKá®aR(kÒ) eΩuppiy’irukki∞ïär(ga¬) they’ve awakened; °are awakening (s.o.)
¶¤P»á˜®ˆ eΩuppugi√∞ïa√a they awaken (s.o.) ¶¤PèëÃKᘮˆ eΩuppiy’irukki√∞ïa√a they’ve awakened; °are awakening (s.o.)

Past Tense Past Pefect & Past Continuous

¶¤PèEˆ˜ eΩuppi√ïë√ I awakened (s.o.) ¶¤PèëÃNEt˜ eΩuppiy’irunthïë√ I had awakened; I was awakening (s.o.)
¶¤PèˆaY eΩuppi√ïäy you awakened (s.o.) ¶¤PèëÃNtaY eΩuppiy’irunthïäy you’d awakened; °were awakening (s.o.)
¶¤Pèˆa˜ eΩuppi√ïä√ he awakened (s.o.) ¶¤PèëÃNta˜ eΩuppiy’irunthïä√ he’d awakened; he was awakening (s.o.)
¶¤PèˆaÒ eΩuppi√ïä¬ she awakened (s.o.) ¶¤PèëÃNtaÒ eΩuppiy’irunthïä¬ she’d awakened; she was awakening (s.o.)
¶¤Pèˆ∆2 eΩuppi√ïathu it awakened (s.o.) ¶¤PèëÃNt∆ eΩuppiy’irunthïathu it had awakened; it was awakening (s.o.)
¶¤PèEˆaM eΩuppi√ïöm we awakened (s.o.) ¶¤PèëÃNEtaM eΩuppiy’irunthïöm we’d awakened; °were awakening (s.o.)
¶¤PèæR(kÒ) eΩuppi√ïïr(ga¬) you awakened (s.o.) ¶¤PèëÃN≥R(kÒ) eΩuppiy’irunthïïr(ga¬) you’d awakened; °were awakening (s.o.)
¶¤PèˆaR(kÒ) eΩuppi√ïär(ga¬) they awakened (s.o.) ¶¤PèëÃNtaR(kÒ) eΩuppiy’irunthïär(ga¬) they’d awakened; °were awakening (s.o.)
¶¤Pèˆ1 eΩuppi√ïa they awakened (s.o.) ¶¤PèëÃNtˆ eΩuppiy’irunthïa√a they’d awakened; °were awakening (s.o.)

Future Tense Future Perfect & Future Continuous

¶¤P»Ev˜ eΩuppuvïë√ I’ll awaken (s.o.) ¶¤PèëÃPEp˜ eΩuppiy’iruppïë√ I’ll ’ve awakened; I’ll be awakening (s.o.)
¶¤P»vaY eΩuppuvïäy you’ll awaken (s.o.) ¶¤PèëÃPpaY eΩuppiy’iruppïäy you’ll ’ve awakened; °be awakening (s.o.)
¶¤P»va˜ eΩuppuvïä√ he’ll awaken (s.o.) ¶¤PèëÃPpa˜ eΩuppiy’iruppïä√ he’ll ’ve awakened; °be awakening (s.o.)
¶¤P»vaÒ eΩuppuvïä¬ she’ll awaken (s.o.) ¶¤PèëÃPpaÒ eΩuppiy’iruppïä¬ she’ll ’ve awakened; °be awakening (s.o.)
¶¤P»M eΩuppïum it’ll awaken (s.o.) ¶¤PèëÃK¿M eΩuppiy’irukkïum it’ll have awakened; °be awakening (s.o.)
¶¤P»EvaM eΩuppuvïöm we’ll awaken (s.o.) ¶¤PèëÃPEpaM eΩuppiy’iruppïöm we’ll ’ve awakened; °be awakening (s.o.)
¶¤P»™R(kÒ) eΩuppuvïïr(ga¬) you’ll awaken (s.o.) ¶¤PèëÃPµR(kÒ) eΩuppiy’iruppïïr(ga¬) you’ll ’ve awakened; °be awakening (s.o.)
¶¤P»vaR(kÒ) eΩuppuvïär(ga¬) they’ll awaken (s.o.) ¶¤PèëÃPpaR(kÒ) eΩuppiy’iruppïär(ga¬) they’ll ’ve awakened; °be awakening (s.o.)
¶¤P»M eΩuppïum they’ll awaken (s.o.) ¶¤PèëÃK¿M eΩuppiy’irukkïum they’ll ’ve awakened; °be awakening (s.o.)
¶¤P»tL eΩupputhal ¶¤P»wk3 eΩuppugai ¶¤PpL eΩuppal ¶¤P»Œ3 eΩuppuvu 7
awakening (s.o.) (verbal noun) awakening (s.o.) (v. noun) awakening (s.o.) (verbal noun) awakening (s.o.) (v. noun)
¶¤Pèˆ∆2 eΩuppi√’athu ¶¤P»á®∆ eΩuppugi∞’athu ¶¤P»v∆ eΩuppuv’athu ¶¤PèˆaL eΩuppi√äl
a (past) awakening (s.o.) (v. noun) a (present) awakening (s.o.) (v. n.) a (future) awakening (s.o.) (v. n.) (I-they) awaken/s (s.o.)-if (conditional)
¶¤PpaEt eΩuppäthë ¶¤Ppa≥R(kÒ) eΩuppäthïr(ga¬) ¶¤Ppat eΩuppätha ¶¤Ppa∆ eΩuppäthu; ¶¤PpamL eΩuppämal
don’t (you) awaken (s.o.)! (imp.) don’t awaken (s.o.)! (imp. pl.) non-awaking (s.o.) (neg. adj. part.) without awaking (s.o.) (neg. participle)
¶¤PpÉLwl eΩuppavillai ¶¤PEp˜4 eΩuppë√ ¶¤PpmaDEd˜ eΩuppa-m䆆ë√ ¶¤Ppawm eΩuppämai; ¶¤Ppat∆ eΩuppäthathu
(I-they) didn’t awaken (s.o.) (‘past’) I won’t awaken (s.o.) (tenseless) I won’t awaken (s.o.) (‘future’) non-awakening (s.o.) (neg. verbal nouns)
¶¤Pèˆ∆2 iLwl eΩuppi√athu illai ¶¤P»á®çLwl eΩuppugi∞ath’illai ¶¤P»v∆ iLwl eΩuppuvathu illai ¶¤PpaÉDdaL eΩuppävi††äl
(I-they) haven’t/hasn’t (ever) awakened (I-they) don’t/doesn’t (ever) awaken (I-they) won’t (ever) awaken (s.o.) (I-they) don’t/doesn’t awaken (s.o.)-if (cond.)
¶¤Ppatv˜ eΩuppäth’ava√, a man who did not awaken, does not awaken, or will not awaken (s.o.) (this and all the following are participial nouns)
¶¤Pèˆv˜5 eΩuppi√’ava√, he who awakened; ¶¤P»á®v˜ eΩuppugi∞’ava√, he who awakens; ¶¤P»pv˜ eΩuppub’ava√, he who will awaken (s.o.)
¶¤PpatvÒ eΩuppäth’ava¬, a woman who did not awaken, does not awaken, or will not awaken (s.o.)
¶¤PèˆvÒ eΩuppi√’ava¬, she who awakened; ¶¤P»á®vÒ eΩuppugi∞’ava¬, she who awakens; ¶¤P»pvÒ eΩuppub’ava¬, she who will awaken (s.o.)
¶¤Ppat∆ eΩuppäth’athu, an animal or thing which did not awaken, does not awaken, or will not awaken (s.o.)
¶¤Pèˆ∆ eΩuppi√’athu, it which awakened; ¶¤P»á®∆ eΩuppugi∞’athu, it which awakens; ¶¤P»v∆ eΩuppuv’athu, it which will awaken (s.o.)
¶¤PpatvR(kÒ) eΩuppäth’avar(ga¬), people who did not awaken, do not awaken, or will not awaken (s.o.)
¶¤PèˆvR(kÒ) eΩuppi√’avar(ga¬), they who awakened; ¶¤P»á®vR(kÒ) eΩuppugi∞’avar(ga¬),°awaken; ¶¤P»pvR(kÒ) eΩuppub’avar(ga¬),°will awaken
¶¤Ppatwv(kÒ) eΩuppäth’avai(ga¬), animals or things which did not awaken, do not awaken, or will not awaken (s.o.)
¶¤Pèˆwv(kÒ) eΩuppi√’avai(ga¬), they who awakened; ¶¤P»á®wv(kÒ) eΩuppugi∞’avai(ga¬),°awaken; ¶¤P»pwv(kÒ) eΩuppub’avai(ga¬),°will awaken

Negative Compound Forms (the neg. participle ¶¤Ppa∆ eΩuppäthu [dropping the ‘u’] + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru;
and the neg. participle ¶¤PpamL eΩuppämal + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru):
¶¤PpaçÃNEt˜ ¶¤PpaçÃKáE®˜ ¶¤PpaçÃPEp˜ ¶¤PpaçÃNtaL
eΩuppäth’irunthë√ eΩuppäth’irukki∞ë√ eΩuppäth’iruppë√ eΩuppäth’irunthäl (conditional)
¶¤PpamL iÃNEt˜ ¶¤PpamL iÃKáE®˜ ¶¤PpamL iÃPEp˜ ¶¤PpamL iÃNtaL
eΩuppämal irunthë√ (past perf.) eΩuppämal irukki∞ë√ (pres. perf.)3 eΩuppämal iruppë√ (f. perf.)3 eΩuppämal irunthäl (conditional)
I hadn’t awakened (s.o.) ↵ I haven’t awakened (s.o.) ↵ I won’t have awakened (s.o.) ↵ (I-they) hadn’t awakened (s.o.)-if
I wasn’t awakening (s.o.) I am not awakening (s.o.) I won’t be awakening (s.o.) (I-they) wasn’t/weren’t awakening (s.o.) -if
(past continuous) (present continuous) (future continuous) (I-they) don’t/doesn’t awaken (s.o.)-if
1A common alternate form is ¶¤Pèy eΩuppiya. 2A common alternate form is ¶¤Pèy∆ eΩuppiyathu.
3Not in common use today. 4See footnote 4 on page 3.
5Common alternate forms are ¶¤Pèyv˜ eΩuppiy’ava√, ¶¤PèyvÒ eΩuppiy’ava¬, etc.
¶¤M» eΩumbu (v.i.) ¶¤M»ıkÒ eΩumbu≥ga¬ ¶¤Mp eΩumba ¶¤Mè eΩumbi 8
awake (you)! (imperative sing.) awake (you)! (imperative pl.) to awake (infinitive) (having) awoken (past participle)
¶¤Mèˆ1 eΩumbi√a (past adj. p.) ¶¤M»á® eΩumbugi∞a (pres. adj. p.) ¶¤M»M eΩumbum (future adjectival participle)
(who, which) awoke (who, which) awakes (who, which) will awake
Present Tense Present Perfect & Present Continuous
¶¤M»áE®˜ eΩumbugi∞ïë√ I awake ¶¤MèëÃKáE®˜ eΩumbiy’irukki∞ïë√ I’ve awoken; I am awaking
¶¤M»á®aY eΩumbugi∞ïäy you awake ¶¤MèëÃKá®aY eΩumbiy’irukki∞ïäy you’ve awoken; you are awaking
¶¤M»á®a˜ eΩumbugi∞ïä√ he awakes ¶¤MèëÃKá®a˜ eΩumbiy’irukki∞ïä√ he has awoken; he is awaking
¶¤M»á®aÒ eΩumbugi∞ïä¬ she awakes ¶¤MèëÃKá®aÒ eΩumbiy’irukki∞ïä¬ she has awoken; she is awaking
¶¤M»á®∆ eΩumbugi∞ïathu it awakes ¶¤MèëÃKá®∆ eΩumbiy’irukki∞ïathu it has awoken; it is awaking
¶¤M»áE®aM eΩumbugi∞ïöm we awake ¶¤MèëÃKáE®aM eΩumbiy’irukki∞ïöm we’ve awoken; we are awaking
¶¤M»áΩR(kÒ) eΩumbugi∞ïïr(ga¬) you awake ¶¤MèëÃKáΩR(kÒ) eΩumbiy’irukki∞ïïr(ga¬) you’ve awoken; you are awaking
¶¤M»á®aR(kÒ) eΩumbugi∞ïär(ga¬) they awake ¶¤MèëÃKá®aR(kÒ) eΩumbiy’irukki∞ïär(ga¬) they’ve awoken; they are awaking
¶¤M»á˜®ˆ eΩumbugi√∞ïa√a they awake ¶¤MèëÃKᘮˆ eΩumbiy’irukki√∞ïa√a they’ve awoken; they are awaking

Past Tense Past Pefect & Past Continuous

¶¤MèEˆ˜ eΩumbi√ïë√ I awoke ¶¤MèëÃNEt˜ eΩumbiy’irunthïë√ I had awoken; I was awaking
¶¤MèˆaY eΩumbi√ïäy you awoke ¶¤MèëÃNtaY eΩumbiy’irunthïäy you’d awoken; you were awaking
¶¤Mèˆa˜ eΩumbi√ïä√ he awoke ¶¤MèëÃNta˜ eΩumbiy’irunthïä√ he’d awoken; he was awaking
¶¤MèˆaÒ eΩumbi√ïä¬ she awoke ¶¤MèëÃNtaÒ eΩumbiy’irunthïä¬ she’d awoken; she was awaking
¶¤Mèˆ∆2 eΩumbi√ïathu it awoke ¶¤MèëÃNt∆ eΩumbiy’irunthïathu it had awoken; it was awaking
¶¤MèEˆaM eΩumbi√ïöm we awoke ¶¤MèëÃNEtaM eΩumbiy’irunthïöm we’d awoken; we were awaking
¶¤MèæR(kÒ) eΩumbi√ïïr(ga¬) you awoke ¶¤MèëÃN≥R(kÒ) eΩumbiy’irunthïïr(ga¬) you’d awoken; you were awaking
¶¤MèˆaR(kÒ) eΩumbi√ïär(ga¬) they awoke ¶¤MèëÃNtaR(kÒ) eΩumbiy’irunthïär(ga¬) they’d awoken; they were awaking
¶¤Mèˆ1 eΩumbi√ïa they awoke ¶¤MèëÃNtˆ eΩumbiy’irunthïa√a they’d awoken; they were awaking

Future Tense Future Perfect & Future Continuous

¶¤M»Ev˜ eΩumbuvïë√ I’ll awake ¶¤MèëÃPEp˜ eΩumbiy’iruppïë√ I’ll ’ve awoken; I’ll be awaking
¶¤M»vaY eΩumbuvïäy you’ll awake ¶¤MèëÃPpaY eΩumbiy’iruppïäy you’ll ’ve awoken; you’ll be awaking
¶¤M»va˜ eΩumbuvïä√ he’ll awake ¶¤MèëÃPpa˜ eΩumbiy’iruppïä√ he’ll ’ve awoken; he’ll be awaking
¶¤M»vaÒ eΩumbuvïä¬ she’ll awake ¶¤MèëÃPpaÒ eΩumbiy’iruppïä¬ she’ll ’ve awoken; she’ll be awaking
¶¤M»M eΩumbïum it’ll awake ¶¤MèëÃK¿M eΩumbiy’irukkïum it’ll have awoken; it’ll be awaking
¶¤M»EvaM eΩumbuvïöm we’ll awake ¶¤MèëÃPEpaM eΩumbiy’iruppïöm we’ll ’ve awoken; we’ll be awaking
¶¤M»™R(kÒ) eΩumbuvïïr(ga¬) you’ll awake ¶¤MèëÃPµR(kÒ) eΩumbiy’iruppïïr(ga¬) you’ll ’ve awoken; you’ll be awaking
¶¤M»vaR(kÒ) eΩumbuvïär(ga¬) they’ll awake ¶¤MèëÃPpaR(kÒ) eΩumbiy’iruppïär(ga¬) they’ll ’ve awoken; they’ll be awaking
¶¤M»M eΩumbïum they’ll awake ¶¤MèëÃK¿M eΩumbiy’irukkïum they’ll ’ve awoken; they’ll be awaking
¶¤M»tL eΩumbuthal ¶¤M»wk3 eΩumbugai ¶¤MpL eΩumbal ¶¤M»Œ eΩumbuvu 9
awaking (verbal noun) awaking (v. noun) awaking (verbal noun) awaking (v. noun)
¶¤Mèˆ∆2 eΩumbi√’athu ¶¤M»á®∆ eΩumbugi∞’athu ¶¤M»v∆ eΩumbuv’athu ¶¤MèˆaL eΩumbi√äl
a (past) awaking (v. noun) a (present) awaking (v. n.) a (future) awaking (v. n.) (I-they) awake/s-if (conditional)
¶¤MpaEt eΩumbäthë ¶¤Mpa≥R(kÒ) eΩumbäthïr(ga¬) ¶¤Mpat eΩumbätha ¶¤Mpa∆ eΩumbäthu; ¶¤MpamL eΩumbämal
don’t (you) awake! (imperative) don’t awake! (imp. pl.) non-awaking (neg. adj. part.) without awaking (neg. participle)
¶¤MpÉLwl eΩumbavillai ¶¤MEp˜4 eΩumbë√ ¶¤MpmaDEd˜ eΩumba-m䆆ë√ ¶¤Mpawm eΩumbämai; ¶¤Mpat∆ eΩumbäthathu
(I-they) didn’t awake (‘past’) I won’t awake (tenseless) I won’t awake (‘future’) non-awakening (s.o.) (neg. verbal nouns)
¶¤Mèˆ∆2iLwl eΩumbi√athu illai ¶¤M»á®çLwl eΩumbugi∞ath’illai ¶¤M»v∆ iLwl eΩumbuvathu illai ¶¤MpaÉDdaL eΩumbävi††äl
(I-they) haven’t/hasn’t (ever) awoken (I-they) don’t/doesn’t (ever) awake (I-they) won’t (ever) awake (I-they) don’t/doesn’t awake-if (cond.)
¶¤Mpatv˜ eΩumbäth’ava√, a man who did not awake, does not awake, or will not awake (this and all the following are participial nouns)
¶¤Mèˆv˜5 eΩumbi√’ava√, he who awoke; ¶¤P»á®v˜ eΩumbugi∞’ava√, he who awakes; ¶¤P»pv˜ eΩumbub’ava√, he who will awake
¶¤MpatvÒ eΩumbäth’ava¬, a woman who did not awake, does not awake, or will not awake
¶¤MèˆvÒ eΩumbi√’ava¬, she who awoke; ¶¤P»á®vÒ eΩumbugi∞’ava¬, she who awakes; ¶¤P»pvÒ eΩumbub’ava¬, she who will awake
¶¤Mpat∆ eΩumbäth’athu, an animal or thing which did not awake, does not awake, or will not awake
¶¤Mèˆ∆ eΩumbi√’athu, it which awoke; ¶¤P»á®∆ eΩumbugi∞’athu, it which awakes; ¶¤P»v∆ eΩumbuv’athu, it which will awake
¶¤MpatvR(kÒ) eΩumbäth’avar(ga¬), people who did not awake, do not awake, or will not awake
¶¤MèˆvR(kÒ) eΩumbi√’avar(ga¬), they who awoke; ¶¤P»á®vR(kÒ) eΩumbugi∞’avar(ga¬), °awake; ¶¤P»pvR(kÒ) eΩumbub’avar(ga¬), °will awake
¶¤Mpatwv(kÒ) eΩumbäth’avai(ga¬), animals or things which did not awake, do not awake, or will not awake
¶¤Mèˆwv(kÒ) eΩumbi√’avai(ga¬), they who awoke; ¶¤P»á®wv(kÒ) eΩumbugi∞’avai(ga¬),°awake; ¶¤P»pwv(kÒ) eΩumbub’avai(ga¬),°will awake

Negative Compound Forms (the neg. participle ¶¤Mpa∆ eΩumbäthu [dropping the ‘u’] + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru;
and the neg. participle ¶¤MpamL eΩumbämal + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru):
¶¤MpaçÃNEt˜ ¶¤MpaçÃKáE®˜ ¶¤MpaçÃPEp˜ ¶¤MpaçÃNtaL
eΩumbäth’irunthë√ eΩumbäth’irukki∞ë√ eΩumbäth’iruppë√ eΩuppäth’irunthäl (conditional)
¶¤MpamL iÃNEt˜ ¶¤MpamL iÃKáE®˜ ¶¤MpamL iÃPEp˜ ¶¤MpamL iÃNtaL
eΩumbämal irunthë√ eΩumbämal irukki∞ë√ eΩumbämal iruppë√ eΩumbämal irunthäl (conditional)
I hadn’t awoken (past perf.) I haven’t awoken (pres. perf.)3 I won’t have awoke (f. perf.)3 (I-they) hadn’t awoken-if
I wasn’t awaking I am not awaking I won’t be awaking (I-they) wasn’t/weren’t awaking-if
(past continuous) (present continuous) (future continuous) (I-they) don’t/doesn’t awake-if
1A common alternate form is ¶¤Mèy eΩumbiya. 2A common alternate form is ¶¤Mèy∆ eΩumbiyathu.
3Not in common use today. 4See footnote 4 on page 3.
5Common alternate forms are ¶¤Mèyv˜ eΩumbiy’ava√, ¶¤MèyvÒ eΩumbiy’ava¬, etc.
AK¿ äkku (v.t.) AK¿ıkÒ äkku≥ga¬ AKk äkka AKá äkki 10
create (sth) (you)! (imperative) create (sth) (you)! (imper. pl.) to create (sth) (infinitive) (having) created (sth) (past participle)
AKáˆ1 äkki√a (past adj. p.) AK¿á® äkkugi∞a (pres. adj. p.) AK¿M äkkum (future adjectival participle)
(who, which) created (sth) (who, which) creates (sth) (who, which) will create (sth)
Present Tense Present Perfect & Present Continuous
AK¿áE®˜ äkkugi∞ïë√ I create (sth) AKáëÃKáE®˜ äkkiy’irukki∞ïë√ I’ve created; I’m creating (sth)
AK¿á®aY äkkugi∞ïäy you create (sth) AKáëÃKá®aY äkkiy’irukki∞ïäy you’ve created; you are creating (sth)
AK¿á®a˜ äkkugi∞ïä√ he creates (sth) AKáëÃKá®a˜ äkkiy’irukki∞ïä√ he has created; he is creating (sth)
AK¿á®aÒ äkkugi∞ïä¬ she creates (sth) AKáëÃKá®aÒ äkkiy’irukki∞ïä¬ she has created; she is creating (sth)
AK¿á®∆ äkkugi∞ïathu it creates (sth) AKáëÃKá®∆ äkkiy’irukki∞ïathu it has created; it is creating (sth)
AK¿áE®aM äkkugi∞ïöm we create (sth) AKáëÃKáE®aM äkkiy’irukki∞ïöm we’ve created; we are creating (sth)
AK¿áΩR(kÒ) äkkugi∞ïïr(ga¬) you create (sth) AKáëÃKáΩR(kÒ) äkkiy’irukki∞ïïr(ga¬) you’ve created; you are creating (sth)
AK¿á®aR(kÒ) äkkugi∞ïär(ga¬) they create (sth) AKáëÃKá®aR(kÒ) äkkiy’irukki∞ïär(ga¬) they’ve created; they are creating (sth)
AK¿á˜®ˆ äkkugi√∞ïa√a they create (sth) AKáëÃKᘮˆ äkkiy’irukki√∞ïa√a they’ve created; they are creating (sth)

Past Tense Past Pefect & Past Continuous

AKáEˆ˜ äkki√ïë√ I created (sth) AKáëÃNEt˜ äkkiy’irunthïë√ I had created; I was creating (sth)
AKáˆaY äkki√ïäy you created (sth) AKáëÃNtaY äkkiy’irunthïäy you’d created; you were creating (sth)
AKáˆa˜ äkki√ïä√ he created (sth) AKáëÃNta˜ äkkiy’irunthïä√ he’d created; he was creating (sth)
AKáˆaÒ äkki√ïä¬ she created (sth) AKáëÃNtaÒ äkkiy’irunthïä¬ she’d created; she was creating (sth)
AKáˆ∆2 äkki√ïathu it created (sth) AKáëÃNt∆ äkkiy’irunthïathu it had created; it was creating (sth)
AKáEˆaM äkki√ïöm we created (sth) AKáëÃNEtaM äkkiy’irunthïöm we’d created; we were creating (sth)
AKáæR(kÒ) äkki√ïïr(ga¬) you created (sth) AKáëÃN≥R(kÒ) äkkiy’irunthïïr(ga¬) you’d created; you were creating (sth)
AKáˆaR(kÒ) äkki√ïär(ga¬) they created (sth) AKáëÃNtaR(kÒ) äkkiy’irunthïär(ga¬) they’d created; they were creating (sth)
AKáˆ1 äkki√ïa they created (sth) AKáëÃNtˆ äkkiy’irunthïa√a they’d created; they were creating (sth)

Future Tense Future Perfect & Future Continuous

AK¿Ev˜ äkkuvïë√ I’ll create (sth) AKáëÃPEp˜ äkkiy’iruppïë√ I’ll ’ve created; I’ll be creating (sth)
AK¿vaY äkkuvïäy you’ll create (sth) AKáëÃPpaY äkkiy’iruppïäy you’ll ’ve created; you’ll be creating (sth)
AK¿va˜ äkkuvïä√ he’ll create (sth) AKáëÃPpa˜ äkkiy’iruppïä√ he’ll ’ve created; he’ll be creating (sth)
AK¿vaÒ äkkuvïä¬ she’ll create (sth) AKáëÃPpaÒ äkkiy’iruppïä¬ she’ll ’ve created; she’ll be creating (sth)
AK¿M äkkïum it’ll create (sth) AKáëÃK¿M äkkiy’irukkïum it’ll have created; it’ll be creating (sth)
AK¿EvaM äkkuvïöm we’ll create (sth) AKáëÃPEpaM äkkiy’iruppïöm we’ll ’ve created; we’ll be creating (sth)
AK¿™R(kÒ) äkkuvïïr(ga¬) you’ll create (sth) AKáëÃPµR(kÒ) äkkiy’iruppïïr(ga¬) you’ll ’ve created; you’ll be creating (sth)
AK¿vaR(kÒ) äkkuvïär(ga¬) they’ll create (sth) AKáëÃPpaR(kÒ) äkkiy’iruppïär(ga¬) they’ll ’ve created; they’ll be creating (sth)
AK¿M äkkïum they’ll create (sth) AKáëÃK¿M äkkiy’irukkïum they’ll ’ve created; they’ll be creating (sth)
AK¿tL äkkuthal AK¿wk3 äkkugai AKkL äkkal AK¿Œ äkkuvu 11
creating (sth) (verbal noun) creating (sth) (v. noun) creating (sth) (verbal noun) creating (sth) (v. noun)
AKáˆ∆2 äkki√’athu AK¿á®∆ äkkugi∞’athu AK¿v∆ äkkuv’athu AKáˆaL äkki√äl
a (past) creating (sth) (v. noun) a (present) creating (sth) (v. n.) a (future) creating (sth) (v. n.) (I-they) create/s (sth)-if (conditional)
AKkaEt äkkäthë AKka≥R(kÒ) äkkäthïr(ga¬) AKkat äkkätha AKka∆ äkkäthu; AKkamL äkkämal
don’t (you) create (sth)! (imp.) don’t create (sth)! (imp. pl.) non-creating (sth) (neg. adj. part.) without creating (sth) (neg. participle)
AKkÉLwl äkkavillai AKEk˜4 äkkë√ AKkmaDEd˜ äkka-m䆆ë√ AKkawm äkkämai; AKkat∆ äkkäthathu
(I-they) didn’t create (sth) (‘past’) I won’t create (sth) (tenseless) I won’t create (sth) (‘future’) non-creating (sth) (neg. verbal nouns)
AKáˆ∆2 iLwl äkki√athu illai AK¿á®çLwl äkkugi∞ath’illai AK¿v∆ iLwl äkkuvathu illai AKkaÉDdaL äkkävi††äl
(I-they) haven’t/hasn’t (ever) created (I-they) don’t/doesn’t (ever) create (I-they) won’t (ever) create (sth) (I-they) don’t/doesn’t create (sth)-if (condition.)
AKkatv˜ äkkäth’ava√, a man who did not create, does not create, or will not create (sth) (this and all the following are participial nouns)
AKáˆv˜5 äkki√’ava√, he who created; AK¿á®v˜ äkkugi∞’ava√, he who creates; AK¿pv˜ äkkub’ava√, he who will create (sth)
AKkatvÒ äkkäth’ava¬, a woman who did not create, does not create, or will not create (sth)
AKáˆvÒ äkki√’ava¬, she who created; AK¿á®vÒ äkkugi∞’ava¬, she who creates; AK¿pvÒ äkkub’ava¬, she who will create (sth)
AKkat∆ äkkäth’athu, an animal or thing which did not create, does not create, or will not create (sth)
AKáˆ∆ äkki√’athu, it which created; AK¿á®∆ äkkugi∞’athu, it which creates; AK¿v∆ äkkuv’athu, it which will create (sth)
AKkatvR(kÒ) äkkäth’avar(ga¬), people who did not create, do not create, or will not create (sth)
AKáˆvR(kÒ) äkki√’avar(ga¬), they who created; AK¿á®vR(kÒ) äkkugi∞’avar(ga¬), they who create; AK¿pvR(kÒ) äkkub’avar(ga¬), °will create (sth)
AKkatwv(kÒ) äkkäth’avai(ga¬), animals or things which did not create, do not create, or will not create (sth)
AKáˆwv(kÒ) äkki√’avai(ga¬), they who created; AK¿á®wv(kÒ) äkkugi∞’avai(ga¬), they who create; AK¿pwv(kÒ) äkkub’avai(ga¬), °will create (sth)

Negative Compound Forms (the neg. participle AKka∆ äkkäthu [dropping the ‘u’] + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru;
and the neg. participle AKkamL äkkämal + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru):
AKkaçÃNEt˜ AKkaçÃKáE®˜ AKkaçÃPEp˜ AKkaçÃNtaL
äkkäth’irunthë√ äkkäth’irukki∞ë√ äkkäth’iruppë√ äkkäth’irunthäl (conditional)
AKkamL iÃNEt˜ AKkamL iÃKáE®˜ AKkamL iÃPEp˜ AKkamL iÃNtaL
äkkämal irunthë√ äkkämal irukki∞ë√ (pres. perf.)3 äkkämal iruppë√ (f. perf.)3 äkkämal irunthäl (conditional)
I hadn’t created (sth) (past perf.) I haven’t created (sth) ↵ I won’t have created (sth) ↵ (I-they) hadn’t created (sth)-if
I wasn’t creating (sth) I am not creating (sth) I won’t be creating (sth) (I-they) was/were not creating (sth)-if
(past continuous) (present continuous) (future continuous) (I-they) don’t/doesn’t create (sth)-if
1An alternate form is AKáy äkkiya. 2A common alternate form is AKáy∆ äkkiyathu.
3Not in common use today. 4See footnote 4 on page 3.
5Common alternate forms are AKáyv˜ äkkiy’ava√, AKáyvÒ äkkiy’ava¬, etc.
A(¿) ä(gu) (v.i.) A¿ıkÒ ägu≥ga¬ Ak äga AY äy / Aá ägi 12
become (you)! (imperative) become (you)! (imper. pl.) to become (infinitive) (having) become (past participle)
Aˆ1 ä√a (past adj. p.) Aá® ägi∞a (pres. adj. p.) A¿M ägum (future adjectival participle)
(who, which) became (who, which) becomes (who, which) will become
Present Tense Present Perfect & Present Continuous
AáE®˜ ägi∞ïë√ I become AáëÃKáE®˜ ägiy’irukki∞ïë√ I’ve become; I’m becoming
Aá®aY ägi∞ïäy you become AáëÃKá®aY ägiy’irukki∞ïäy you’ve become; you are becoming
Aá®a˜ ägi∞ïä√ he becomes AáëÃKá®a˜ ägiy’irukki∞ïä√ he has become; he is becoming
Aá®aÒ ägi∞ïä¬ she becomes AáëÃKá®aÒ ägiy’irukki∞ïä¬ she has become; she is becoming
Aá®∆ ägi∞ïathu it becomes AáëÃKá®∆ ägiy’irukki∞ïathu it has become; it is becoming
AáE®aM ägi∞ïöm we become AáëÃKáE®aM ägiy’irukki∞ïöm we’ve become; we are becoming
AáΩR(kÒ) ägi∞ïïr(ga¬) you become AáëÃKáΩR(kÒ) ägiy’irukki∞ïïr(ga¬) you’ve become; you are becoming
Aá®aR(kÒ) ägi∞ïär(ga¬) they become AáëÃKá®aR(kÒ) ägiy’irukki∞ïär(ga¬) they’ve become; they are becoming
Aᘮˆ ägi√∞ïa√a they become AáëÃKᘮˆ ägiy’irukki√∞ïa√a they’ve become; they are becoming

Past Tense Past Pefect & Past Continuous

AEˆ˜ ä√ïë√ I became AáëÃNEt˜ ägiy’irunthïë√ I had become; I was becoming
AˆaY ä√ïäy you became AáëÃNtaY ägiy’irunthïäy you’d become; you were becoming
Aˆa˜ ä√ïä√ he became AáëÃNta˜ ägiy’irunthïä√ he’d become; he was becoming
AˆaÒ ä√ïä¬ she became AáëÃNtaÒ ägiy’irunthïä¬ she’d become; she was becoming
Aˆ∆2 ä√ïathu it became AáëÃNt∆ ägiy’irunthïathu it had become; it was becoming
AEˆaM ä√ïöm we became AáëÃNEtaM ägiy’irunthïöm we’d become; we were becoming
AæR(kÒ) ä√ïïr(ga¬) you became AáëÃN≥R(kÒ) ägiy’irunthïïr(ga¬) you’d become; you were becoming
AˆaR(kÒ) ä√ïär(ga¬) they became AáëÃNtaR(kÒ) ägiy’irunthïär(ga¬) they’d become; they were becoming
Aˆ1 ä√ïa they became AáëÃNtˆ ägiy’irunthïa√a they’d become; they were becoming

Future Tense Future Perfect & Future Continuous

AEv˜ ävïë√ I’ll become AáëÃPEp˜ ägiy’iruppïë√ I’ll ’ve become; I’ll be becoming
AvaY ävïäy you’ll become AáëÃPpaY ägiy’iruppïäy you’ll ’ve become; you’ll be becoming
Ava˜ ävïä√ he’ll become AáëÃPpa˜ ägiy’iruppïä√ he’ll ’ve become; he’ll be becoming
AvaÒ ävïä¬ she’ll become AáëÃPpaÒ ägiy’iruppïä¬ she’ll ’ve become; she’ll be becoming
A¿M ägïum it’ll become AáëÃK¿M ägiy’irukkïum it’ll have become; it’ll be becoming
AEvaM ävïöm we’ll become AáëÃPEpaM ägiy’iruppïöm we’ll ’ve become; we’ll be becoming
A™R(kÒ) ävïïr(ga¬) you’ll become AáëÃPµR(kÒ) ägiy’iruppïïr(ga¬) you’ll ’ve become; you’ll be becoming
AvaR(kÒ) ävïär(ga¬) they’ll become AáëÃPpaR(kÒ) ägiy’iruppïär(ga¬) they’ll ’ve become; they’ll be becoming
A¿M ägïum they’ll become AáëÃK¿M ägiy’irukkïum they’ll ’ve become; they’ll be becoming
AtL äthal /A¿tL äguthal Awk ägai AkL ägal A¿Œ3 äguvu 13
becoming (verbal noun) becoming (v. noun) becoming (verbal noun) becoming (v. noun)
Aáˆ∆2 ägi√’athu Aá®∆ ägi∞’athu Av∆ äv’athu AˆaL ä√äl / AáL ägil
a (past) becoming (v. noun) a (present) becoming (v. n.) a (future) becoming (v. n.) (I-they) become/s-if (conditional)
AkaEt ägäthë Aka≥R(kÒ) ägäthïr(ga¬) Akat ägätha Aka∆ ägäthu; AkamL ägämal
don’t (you) become! (imp.) don’t become! (imp. pl.) non-become (neg. adj. part.) without becoming (neg. participle)
AkÉLwl ägavillai AEk˜4 ägë√ AkmaDEd˜ äga-m䆆ë√ Akawm ägämai; Akat∆ ägäthathu
(I-they) didn’t become (‘past’) I won’t become (tenseless) I won’t become (‘future’) non-becoming (neg. verbal nouns)
Aˆ∆2 iLwl ä√athu illai Aá®çLwl ägi∞ath’illai Av∆ iLwl ävathu illai AkaÉDdaL ägävi††äl
(I-they) haven’t/hasn’t (ever) become (I-they) don’t/doesn’t (ever) become (I-they) won’t (ever) become (I-they) don’t/doesn’t become-if (condition.)
Akatv˜ ägäth’ava√, a man who did not become, does not become, or will not become (this and all the following are participial nouns)
Aˆv˜5 ä√’ava√, he who became; Aá®v˜ ägi∞’ava√, he who becomes; Apv˜ äb’ava√, he who will become
AkatvÒ ägäth’ava¬, a woman who did not become, does not become, or will not become
AˆvÒ ä√’ava¬, she who became; Aá®vÒ ägi∞’ava¬, she who becomes; ApvÒ äb’ava¬, she who will become
Akat∆ ägäth’athu, an animal or thing which did not become, does not become, or will not become
Aˆ∆ ä√’athu, it which became; Aá®∆ ägi∞’athu, it which becomes; Av∆ äv’athu, it which will become
AkatvR(kÒ) ägäth’avar(ga¬), people who did not become, do not become, or will not become
AˆvR(kÒ) ä√’avar(ga¬), they who became; Aá®vR(kÒ) ägi∞’avar(ga¬), they who become; ApvR(kÒ) äb’avar(ga¬), they who will become
Akatwv(kÒ) ägäth’avai(ga¬), animals or things which did not become, do not become, or will not become
Aˆwv(kÒ) ä√’avai(ga¬), they who became; Aá®wv(kÒ) ägi∞’avai(ga¬), they who become; Apwv(kÒ) äb’avai(ga¬), they who will become

Negative Compound Forms (the neg. participle Aka∆ ägäthu [dropping the ‘u’] + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru;
and the neg. participle AkamL ägämal + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru):
AkaçÃNEt˜ AkaçÃKáE®˜ AkaçÃPEp˜ AkaçÃNtaL
ägäth’irunthë√ ägäth’irukki∞ë√ ägäth’iruppë√ ägäth’irunthäl (conditional)
AkamL iÃNEt˜ AkamL iÃKáE®˜ AkamL iÃPEp˜ AkamL iÃNtaL
ägämal irunthë√ ägämal irukki∞ë√ ägämal iruppë√ ägämal irunthäl (conditional)
I hadn’t become (past perf.) I haven’t become (pres. perf.)3 I won’t have become (f. perf.)3 (I-they) hadn’t become-if
I wasn’t becoming I am not becoming I won’t be becoming (I-they) was/were not becoming-if
(past continuous) (present continuous) (future continuous) (I-they) don’t/doesn’t become-if
1Alternateforms are Aáy ägiya and Aëˆ äyi√a. 2A common alternate form is A뉛 äyi∞∞u.
3Not in common use today. 4See footnote 4 on page 3.
5Common alternate forms are Aáyv˜ ägiy’ava√, AáyvÒ ägiy’ava¬, etc.
´ma‰› ëmä∞∞u (v.t.) ´ma‰›ıkÒ ëmä∞∞u≥ga¬ ´ma‰® ëmä∞∞a ´ma‰ó ëmä∞∞i 14
cheat (you)! (imperative) cheat (you)! (imper. pl.) to cheat (infinitive) (having) cheated (past participle)
´ma‰óˆ1 ëmä∞∞i√a (past adj. p.) ´ma‰›á® ëmä∞∞ugi∞a (pres. adj. p.) ´ma‰›M ëmä∞∞um (future adjectival participle)
(who, which) cheated (who, which) cheats (who, which) will cheat
Present Tense Present Perfect & Present Continuous
´ma‰›áE®˜ ëmä∞∞ugi∞ïë√ I cheat ´ma‰óëÃKáE®˜ ëmä∞∞iy’irukki∞ïë√ I’ve cheated; I am cheating
´ma‰›á®aY ëmä∞∞ugi∞ïäy you cheat ´ma‰óëÃKá®aY ëmä∞∞iy’irukki∞ïäy you’ve cheated; you are cheating
´ma‰›á®a˜ ëmä∞∞ugi∞ïä√ he cheats ´ma‰óëÃKá®a˜ ëmä∞∞iy’irukki∞ïä√ he has cheated; he is cheating
´ma‰›á®aÒ ëmä∞∞ugi∞ïä¬ she cheats ´ma‰óëÃKá®aÒ ëmä∞∞iy’irukki∞ïä¬ she has cheated; she is cheating
´ma‰›á®∆ ëmä∞∞ugi∞ïathu it cheats ´ma‰óëÃKá®∆ ëmä∞∞iy’irukki∞ïathu it has cheated; it is cheating
´ma‰›áE®aM ëmä∞∞ugi∞ïöm we cheat ´ma‰óëÃKáE®aM ëmä∞∞iy’irukki∞ïöm we’ve cheated; we are cheating
´ma‰›áΩR(kÒ) ëmä∞∞ugi∞ïïr(ga¬) you cheat ´ma‰óëÃKáΩR(kÒ) ëmä∞∞iy’irukki∞ïïr(ga¬) you’ve cheated; you are cheating
´ma‰›á®aR(kÒ) ëmä∞∞ugi∞ïär(ga¬) they cheat ´ma‰óëÃKá®aR(kÒ) ëmä∞∞iy’irukki∞ïär(ga¬) they’ve cheated; they are cheating
´ma‰›á˜®ˆ ëmä∞∞ugi√∞ïa√a they cheat ´ma‰óëÃKᘮˆ ëmä∞∞iy’irukki√∞ïa√a they’ve cheated; they are cheating

Past Tense Past Pefect & Past Continuous

´ma‰óEˆ˜ ëmä∞∞i√ïë√ I cheated ´ma‰óëÃNEt˜ ëmä∞∞iy’irunthïë√ I had cheated; I was cheating
´ma‰óˆaY ëmä∞∞i√ïäy you cheated ´ma‰óëÃNtaY ëmä∞∞iy’irunthïäy you’d cheated; you were cheating
´ma‰óˆa˜ ëmä∞∞i√ïä√ he cheated ´ma‰óëÃNta˜ ëmä∞∞iy’irunthïä√ he’d cheated; he was cheating
´ma‰óˆaÒ ëmä∞∞i√ïä¬ she cheated ´ma‰óëÃNtaÒ ëmä∞∞iy’irunthïä¬ she’d cheated; she was cheating
´ma‰óˆ∆2 ëmä∞∞i√ïathu it cheated ´ma‰óëÃNt∆ ëmä∞∞iy’irunthïathu it had cheated; it was cheating
´ma‰óEˆaM ëmä∞∞i√ïöm we cheated ´ma‰óëÃNEtaM ëmä∞∞iy’irunthïöm we’d cheated; we were cheating
´ma‰óæR(kÒ) ëmä∞∞i√ïïr(ga¬) you cheated ´ma‰óëÃN≥R(kÒ) ëmä∞∞iy’irunthïïr(ga¬) you’d cheated; you were cheating
´ma‰óˆaR(kÒ) ëmä∞∞i√ïär(ga¬) they cheated ´ma‰óëÃNtaR(kÒ) ëmä∞∞iy’irunthïär(ga¬) they’d cheated; they were cheating
´ma‰óˆ1 ëmä∞∞i√ïa they cheated ´ma‰óëÃNtˆ ëmä∞∞iy’irunthïa√a they’d cheated; they were cheating

Future Tense Future Perfect & Future Continuous

´ma‰›Ev˜ ëmä∞∞uvïë√ I’ll cheat ´ma‰óëÃPEp˜ ëmä∞∞iy’iruppïë√ I’ll ’ve cheated; I’ll be cheating
´ma‰›vaY ëmä∞∞uvïäy you’ll cheat ´ma‰óëÃPpaY ëmä∞∞iy’iruppïäy you’ll ’ve cheated; you’ll be cheating
´ma‰›va˜ ëmä∞∞uvïä√ he’ll cheat ´ma‰óëÃPpa˜ ëmä∞∞iy’iruppïä√ he’ll ’ve cheated; he’ll be cheating
´ma‰›vaÒ ëmä∞∞uvïä¬ she’ll cheat ´ma‰óëÃPpaÒ ëmä∞∞iy’iruppïä¬ she’ll ’ve cheated; she’ll be cheating
´ma‰›M ëmä∞∞ïum it’ll cheat ´ma‰óëÃK¿M ëmä∞∞iy’irukkïum it’ll have cheated; it’ll be cheating
´ma‰›EvaM ëmä∞∞uvïöm we’ll cheat ´ma‰óÃPEpaM ëmä∞∞iy’iruppïöm we’ll ’ve cheated; we’ll be cheating
´ma‰›™R(kÒ) ëmä∞∞uvïïr(ga¬) you’ll cheat ´ma‰óëÃPµR(kÒ) ëmä∞∞iy’iruppïïr(ga¬) you’ll ’ve cheated; you’ll be cheating
´ma‰›vaR(kÒ) ëmä∞∞uvïär(ga¬) they’ll cheat ´ma‰óëÃPpaR(kÒ) ëmä∞∞iy’iruppïär(ga¬) they’ll ’ve cheated; they’ll be cheating
´ma‰›M ëmä∞∞ïum they’ll cheat ´ma‰óëÃK¿M ëmä∞∞iy’irukkïum they’ll ’ve cheated; they’ll be cheating
´ma‰›tL ëmä∞∞uthal ´ma‰›wk3 ëmä∞∞ugai ´ma‰®L ëmä∞∞al ´ma‰›Œ ëmä∞∞uvu 15
cheating (verbal noun) cheating (v. noun) cheating (verbal noun) cheating (v. noun)
´ma‰óˆ∆2 ëmä∞∞i√’athu ´ma‰›á®∆ ëmä∞∞ugi∞’athu ´ma‰›v∆ ëmä∞∞uv’athu ´ma‰óˆaL ëmä∞∞i√äl
a (past) cheating (v. noun) a (present) cheating (v. n.) a (future) cheating (v. n.) (I-they) cheat/s-if (conditional)
´ma‰®aEt ëmä∞∞äthë ´ma‰®a≥R(kÒ) ëmä∞∞äthïr(ga¬) ´ma‰®at ëmä∞∞ätha ´ma‰®a∆ ëmä∞∞äthu; ´ma‰®amL ëmä∞∞ämal
don’t (you) cheat! (imp.) don’t cheat! (imp. pl.) non-cheating (neg. adj. part.) without cheating (neg. participle)
´ma‰®ÉLwl ëmä∞∞avillai ´ma‰E®˜4 ëmä∞∞ë√ ´ma‰®maDEd˜ ëmä∞∞a-m䆆ë√ ´ma‰®awm ëmä∞∞ämai; ´ma‰®at∆ ëmä∞∞äthathu
(I-they) didn’t cheat (‘past’) I won’t cheat (tenseless) I won’t cheat (‘future’) non-cheating (neg. verbal nouns)
´ma‰óˆ∆2iLwl ëmä∞∞i√athu illai ´ma‰›á®çLwl ëmä∞∞ugi∞ath’illai ´ma‰›v∆ iLwl ëmä∞∞uvathu illai ´ma‰®aÉDdaL ëmä∞∞ävi††äl
(I-they) haven’t/hasn’t (ever) cheated (I-they) don’t/doesn’t (ever) cheat (I-they) won’t (ever) cheat (I-they) don’t/doesn’t cheat-if (condition.)
´ma‰®atv˜ ëmä∞∞äth’ava√, a man who did not cheat, does not cheat, or will not cheat (this and all the following are participial nouns)
´ma‰óˆv˜5 ëmä∞∞i√’ava√, he who cheated; ´ma‰›á®v˜ ëmä∞∞ugi∞’ava√, he who cheats; ´ma‰›pv˜ ëmä∞∞ub’ava√, he who will cheat
´ma‰®atvÒ ëmä∞∞äth’ava¬, a woman who did not cheat, does not cheat, or will not cheat
´ma‰óˆvÒ ëmä∞∞i√’ava¬, she who cheated; ´ma‰›á®vÒ ëmä∞∞ugi∞’ava¬, she who cheats; ´ma‰›pvÒ ëmä∞∞ub’ava¬, she who will cheat
´ma‰®at∆ ëmä∞∞äth’athu, an animal or thing which did not cheat, does not cheat, or will not cheat
´ma‰óˆ∆ ëmä∞∞i√’athu, it which cheated; ´ma‰›á®∆ ëmä∞∞ugi∞’athu, it which cheats; ´ma‰›v∆ ëmä∞∞uv’athu, it which will cheat
´ma‰®atvR(kÒ) ëmä∞∞äth’avar(ga¬), people who did not cheat, do not cheat, or will not cheat
´ma‰óˆvR(kÒ) ëmä∞∞i√’avar(ga¬), they who cheated; ´ma‰›á®vR(kÒ) ëmä∞∞ugi∞’avar(ga¬), °cheat; ´ma‰›pvR(kÒ) ëmä∞∞ub’avar(ga¬), °will cheat
´ma‰®atwv(kÒ) ëmä∞∞äth’avai(ga¬), animals or things which did not cheat, do not cheat, or will not cheat
´ma‰óˆwv(kÒ) ëmä∞∞i√’avai(ga¬), they who cheated; ´ma‰›á®wv(kÒ) ëmä∞∞ugi∞’avai(ga¬), °cheat; ´ma‰›pwv(kÒ) ëmä∞∞ub’avai(ga¬), °will cheat

Negative Compound Forms (the neg. participle ´ma‰®a∆ ëmä∞∞äthu [dropping the ‘u’] + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru;
and the neg. participle ´ma‰®amL ëmä∞∞ämal + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru):
´ma‰®açÃNEt˜ ´ma‰®açÃKáE®˜ ´ma‰®açÃPEp˜ ´ma‰®açÃNtaL
ëmä∞∞äth’irunthë√ ëmä∞∞äth’irukki∞ë√ ëmä∞∞äth’iruppë√ ëmä∞∞äth’irunthäl (conditional)
´ma‰®amL iÃNEt˜ ´ma‰®amL iÃKáE®˜ ´ma‰®amL iÃPEp˜ ´ma‰®amL iÃNtaL
ëmä∞∞ämal irunthë√ ëmä∞∞ämal irukki∞ë√ ëmä∞∞ämal iruppë√ ëmä∞∞ämal irunthäl (conditional)
I hadn’t cheated (past perf.) I haven’t cheated (pres. perf.)3 I won’t have cheated (f. perf.)3 (I-they) hadn’t cheated-if
I wasn’t cheating I am not cheating I won’t be cheating (I-they) wasn’t/weren’t cheating-if
(past continuous) (present continuous) (future continuous) (I-they) don’t/doesn’t cheat-if
1An alternate form is ´ma‰óy ëmä∞∞iya. 2A common alternate form is ´ma‰óy∆ ëmä∞∞iyathu.
3Not in common use today. 4See footnote 4 on page 3.
5Common alternate forms are ´ma‰óyv˜ ëmä∞∞iy’ava√, ´ma‰óyvÒ ëmä∞∞iy’ava¬, etc.
´ma› ëmä∞u (v.i.) ´ma›ıkÒ ëmä∞u≥ga¬ ´ma® ëmä∞a ´ma‰ó ëmä∞i 16
be cheated (you)! (imperative s.) be cheated (you)! (imperative pl.) to be cheated (infinitive) (having) been cheated (past participle)

´maóˆ1 ëmä∞i√a (past adj. p.) ´ma›á® ëmä∞ugi∞a (pres. adj. p.) ´ma›M ëmä∞um (future adjectival participle)°
(who, which) was cheated (who, which) is cheated (who, which) will be cheated
Present Tense Present Perfect & Present Continuous
´ma›áE®˜ ëmä∞ugi∞ïë√ I’m cheated ´maóëÃKáE®˜ ëmä∞iy’irukki∞ïë√ I’ve been cheated; I am being cheated
´ma›á®aY ëmä∞ugi∞ïäy you are cheated ´maóëÃKá®aY ëmä∞iy’irukki∞ïäy you’ve been cheated; °are being cheated
´ma›á®a˜ ëmä∞ugi∞ïä√ he is cheated ´maóëÃKá®a˜ ëmä∞iy’irukki∞ïä√ he has been cheated; he is being cheated
´ma›á®aÒ ëmä∞ugi∞ïä¬ she is cheated ´maóëÃKá®aÒ ëmä∞iy’irukki∞ïä¬ she has been cheated; she is being cheated
´ma›á®∆ ëmä∞ugi∞ïathu it is cheated ´maóëÃKá®∆ ëmä∞iy’irukki∞ïathu it has been cheated; it is being cheated
´ma›áE®aM ëmä∞ugi∞ïöm we are cheated ´maóëÃKáE®aM ëmä∞iy’irukki∞ïöm we’ve been cheated; we are being cheated
´ma›áΩR(kÒ) ëmä∞ugi∞ïïr(ga¬) you are cheated ´maóëÃKáΩR(kÒ) ëmä∞iy’irukki∞ïïr(ga¬) you’ve been cheated; °are being cheated
´ma›á®aR(kÒ) ëmä∞ugi∞ïär(ga¬) they are cheated ´maóëÃKá®aR(kÒ) ëmä∞iy’irukki∞ïär(ga¬) they’ve been cheated; °are being cheated
´ma›á˜®ˆ ëmä∞ugi√∞ïa√a they are cheated ´maóëÃKᘮˆ ëmä∞iy’irukki√∞ïa√a they’ve been cheated; °are being cheated

Past Tense Past Pefect & Past Continuous

´maóEˆ˜ ëmä∞i√ïë√ I was cheated ´maóëÃNEt˜ ëmä∞iy’irunthïë√ I had been cheated; I was being cheated
´maóˆaY ëmä∞i√ïäy you were cheated ´maóëÃNtaY ëmä∞iy’irunthïäy you’d been cheated; °were being cheated
´maóˆa˜ ëmä∞i√ïä√ he was cheated ´maóëÃNta˜ ëmä∞iy’irunthïä√ he’d been cheated; °was being cheated
´maóˆaÒ ëmä∞i√ïä¬ she was cheated ´maóëÃNtaÒ ëmä∞iy’irunthïä¬ she’d been cheated; °was being cheated
´maóˆ∆2 ëmä∞i√ïathu it was cheated ´maóëÃNt∆ ëmä∞iy’irunthïathu it had been cheated; °was being cheated
´maóEˆaM ëmä∞i√ïöm we were cheated ´maóëÃNEtaM ëmä∞iy’irunthïöm we’d been cheated; we were being cheated
´maóæR(kÒ) ëmä∞i√ïïr(ga¬) you were cheated ´maóëÃN≥R(kÒ) ëmä∞iy’irunthïïr(ga¬) you’d been cheated; °were being cheated
´maóˆaR(kÒ) ëmä∞i√ïär(ga¬) they were cheated ´maóëÃNtaR(kÒ) ëmä∞iy’irunthïär(ga¬) they’d been cheated; °were being cheated
´maóˆ1 ëmä∞i√ïa they were cheated ´maóëÃNtˆ ëmä∞iy’irunthïa√a they’d been cheated; °were being cheated

Future Tense Future Perfect & Future Continuous

´ma›Ev˜ ëmä∞uvïë√ I’ll be cheated ´maóëÃPEp˜ ëmä∞iy’iruppïë√ I’ll ’ve been cheated; I’ll be being cheated
´ma›vaY ëmä∞uvïäy you’ll be cheated ´maóëÃPpaY ëmä∞iy’iruppïäy you’ll ’ve been cheated; °be being cheated
´ma›va˜ ëmä∞uvïä√ he’ll be cheated ´maóëÃPpa˜ ëmä∞iy’iruppïä√ he’ll ’ve been cheated; °be being cheated
´ma›vaÒ ëmä∞uvïä¬ she’ll be cheated ´maóëÃPpaÒ ëmä∞iy’iruppïä¬ she’ll ’ve been cheated; °be being cheated
´ma›M ëmä∞ïum it’ll be cheated ´maóëÃK¿M ëmä∞iy’irukkïum it’ll have been cheated; °be being cheated
´ma›EvaM ëmä∞uvïöm we’ll be cheated ´maóëÃPEpaM ëmä∞iy’iruppïöm we’ll ’ve been cheated; °be being cheated
´ma›™R(kÒ) ëmä∞uvïïr(ga¬) you’ll be cheated ´maóëÃPµR(kÒ) ëmä∞iy’iruppïïr(ga¬) you’ll ’ve been cheated; °be being cheated
´ma›vaR(kÒ) ëmä∞uvïär(ga¬) they’ll be cheated ´maóëÃPpaR(kÒ) ëmä∞iy’iruppïär(ga¬) they’ll ’ve been cheated; °be being cheated
´ma›M ëmä∞ïum they’ll be cheated ´maóëÃK¿M ëmä∞iy’irukkïum they’ll ’ve been cheated; °be being cheated
´ma›tL ëmä∞uthal ´ma›wk3 ëmä∞ugai ´ma®L ëmä∞al ´ma›Œ ëmä∞uvu 17
being cheated (verbal noun) being cheated (v. noun) being cheated (verbal noun) being cheated (v. noun)
´maóˆ∆2 ëmä∞i√’athu ´ma›á®∆ ëmä∞ugi∞’athu ´ma›v∆ ëmä∞uv’athu ´maóˆaL ëmä∞i√äl
a (past) being cheated (v. noun) a (present) being cheated (v. n.) a (future) being cheated (v. n.) (I-they) am/are cheated-if (conditional)
´ma®aEt ëmä∞äthë ´ma®a≥R(kÒ) ëmä∞äthïr(ga¬) ´ma®at ëmä∞ätha ´ma®a∆ ëmä∞äthu; ´ma®amL ëmä∞ämal
don’t (you) be cheated! (imper. s.) don’t (you) be cheated! (imp. pl.) non-being cheated (neg. adj. part.) without being cheated (neg. participle)
´ma®ÉLwl ëmä∞avillai ´maE®˜4 ëmä∞ë√ ´ma®maDEd˜ ëmä∞a-m䆆ë√ ´ma®awm ëmä∞ämai; ´ma®at∆ ëmä∞äthathu
(I-they) wasn’t/weren’t cheated I won’t be cheated (tenseless) I won’t be cheated (‘future’) non-being-cheated (neg. verbal nouns)
´maóˆ∆ iLwl ëmä∞i√athu illai ´ma›á®çLwl ëmä∞ugi∞ath’illai ´ma›v∆ iLwl ëmä∞uvathu illai ´ma®aÉDdaL ëmä∞ävi††äl
(I-they) was/were never cheated (I-they) am/are/is never cheated (I-they) won’t (ever) be cheated (I-they) am/are/is not cheated-if (condition.)
´ma®atv˜ ëmä∞äth’ava√, a man who wasn’t cheated, isn’t cheated, or won’t be cheated (this and all the following are participial nouns)
´maóˆv˜5 ëmä∞i√’ava√, he who was cheated; ´ma›á®v˜ ëmä∞ugi∞’ava√, he who is cheated; ´ma›pv˜ ëmä∞ub’ava√, he who will be cheated
´ma®atvÒ ëmä∞äth’ava¬, a woman who wasn’t cheated, isn’t cheated, or won’t be cheated
´maóˆvÒ ëmä∞i√’ava¬, she who was cheated; ´ma›á®vÒ ëmä∞ugi∞’ava¬, she who is cheated; ´ma›pvÒ ëmä∞ub’ava¬, she who will be cheated
´ma®at∆ ëmä∞äth’athu, an animal or thing which wasn’t cheated, isn’t cheated, or won’t be cheated
´maóˆ∆ ëmä∞i√’athu, it which was cheated; ´ma›á®∆ ëmä∞ugi∞’athu, it which is cheated; ´ma›v∆ ëmä∞uv’athu, it which will be cheated
´ma®atvR(kÒ) ëmä∞äth’avar(ga¬), people who weren’t cheated, aren’t cheated, or won’t be cheated
´maóˆvR(kÒ) ëmä∞i√’avar(ga¬), they who were cheated; ´ma›á®vR(kÒ) ëmä∞ugi∞’avar(ga¬), °are cheated: ´ma›pvR(kÒ) ëmä∞ub’avar(ga¬), °will be
´ma®atwv(kÒ) ëmä∞äth’avai(ga¬), animals or things which weren’t cheated, aren’t cheated, or won’t be cheated
´maóˆwv(kÒ) ëmä∞i√’avai(ga¬), they who were cheated; ´ma›á®wv(kÒ) ëmä∞ugi∞’avai(ga¬), °are cheated; ´ma›pwv(kÒ) ëmä∞ub’avai(ga¬), °will be

Negative Compound Forms (the neg. participle ´ma®a∆ ëmä∞äthu [dropping the ‘u’] + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru;
and the neg. participle ´ma®amL ëmä∞ämal + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru):
´ma®açÃNEt˜ ´ma®açÃKáE®˜ ´ma®açÃPEp˜ ´ma®açÃNtaL
ëmä∞äth’irunthë√ ëmä∞äth’irukki∞ë√ ëmä∞äth’iruppë√ ëmä∞äth’irunthäl (conditional)
´ma®amL iÃNEt˜ ´ma®amL iÃKáE®˜ ´ma®amL iÃPEp˜ ´ma®amL iÃNtaL
ëmä∞ämal irunthë√ ëmä∞ämal irukki∞ë√ (pres. perf.)3 ëmä∞ämal iruppë√ (f. perf.)3 ëmä∞ämal irunthäl (conditional)
I hadn’t been cheated (past perf.) I haven’t been cheated ↵ I won’t have been cheated ↵ (I-they) hadn’t been cheated-if
I wasn’t being cheated I am not being cheated I won’t be being cheated (I-they) wasn’t/weren’t being cheated-if
(past continuous) (present continuous) (future continuous) (I-they) am not/aren’t cheated-if
1An alternate form is ´maóy ëmä∞iya. 2A common alternate form is ´maóy∆ ëmä∞iyathu.
3Not in common use today. 4See footnote 4 on page 3..
5Common alternate forms are ´maóyv˜ ëmä∞iy’ava√, ´maóyvÒ ëmä∞iy’ava¬, etc.
ODƒ ö††u (v.t.) ODƒıkÒ ö††u≥ga¬ ODd ö††a ODã ö††i 18
drive (you)! (imperative) drive (you)! (imper. pl.) to drive (infinitive) (having) driven (past participle)
ODãˆ1 ö††i√a (past adj. p.) ODƒá® ö††ugi∞a (pres. adj. p.) ODƒM ö††um (future adjectival participle)
(who, which) drove (who, which) drives (who, which) will drive
Present Tense Present Perfect & Present Continuous
ODƒáE®˜ ö††ugi∞ïë√ I drive ODãëÃKáE®˜ ö††iy’irukki∞ïë√ I have driven; I am driving
ODƒá®aY ö††ugi∞ïäy you drive ODãëÃKá®aY ö††iy’irukki∞ïäy you have driven; you are driving
ODƒá®a˜ ö††ugi∞ïä√ he drives ODãëÃKá®a˜ ö††iy’irukki∞ïä√ he has driven; he is driving
ODƒá®aÒ ö††ugi∞ïä¬ she drives ODãëÃKá®aÒ ö††iy’irukki∞ïä¬ she has driven; she is driving
ODƒá®∆ ö††ugi∞ïathu it drives ODãëÃKá®∆ ö††iy’irukki∞ïathu it has driven; it is driving
ODƒáE®aM ö††ugi∞ïöm we drive ODãëÃKáE®aM ö††iy’irukki∞ïöm we have driven; we are driving
ODƒáΩR(kÒ) ö††ugirïïr(ga¬) you drive ODãëÃKáΩR(kÒ) ö††iy’irukki∞ïïr(ga¬) you have driven; you are driving
ODƒá®aR(kÒ) ö††ugi∞ïär(ga¬) they drive ODãëÃKá®aR(kÒ) ö††iy’irukki∞ïär(ga¬) they have driven; they are driving
ODƒá˜®ˆ ö††ugi√∞ïa√a they drive ODãëÃKᘮˆ ö††iy’irukki√∞ïa√a they have driven; they are driving

Past Tense Past Pefect & Past Continuous

ODãEˆ˜ ö††i√ïë√ I drove ODãëÃNEt˜ ö††iy’irunthïë√ I had driven; I was driving
ODãˆaY ö††i√ïäy you drove ODãëÃNtaY ö††iy’irunthïäy you had driven; you were driving
ODãˆa˜ ö††i√ïä√ he drove ODãëÃNta˜ ö††iy’irunthïä√ he had driven; he was driving
ODãˆaÒ ö††i√ïä¬ she drove ODãëÃNtaÒ ö††iy’irunthïä¬ she had driven; she was driving
ODãˆ∆2 ö††i√ïathu it drove ODãëÃNt∆ ö††iy’irunthïathu it had driven; it was driving
ODãEˆaM ö††i√ïöm we drove ODãëÃNEtaM ö††iy’irunthïöm we had driven; we were driving
ODãæR(kÒ) ö††i√ïïr(ga¬) you drove ODãëÃN≥R(kÒ) ö††iy’irunthïïr(ga¬) you had driven; you were driving
ODãˆaR(kÒ) ö††i√ïär(ga¬) they drove ODãëÃNtaR(kÒ) ö††iy’irunthïär(ga¬) they had driven; they were driving
ODãˆ1 ö††i√ïa they drove ODãëÃNtˆ ö††iy’irunthïa√a they had driven; they were driving

Future Tense Future Perfect & Future Continuous

ODƒEv˜ ö††uvïë√ I’ll drive ODãëÃPEp˜ ö††iy’iruppïë√ I’ll have driven; I’ll be driving
ODƒvaY ö††uvïäy you’ll drive ODãëÃPpaY ö††iy’iruppïäy you’ll have driven; you’ll be driving
ODƒva˜ ö††uvïä√ he’ll drive ODãëÃPpa˜ ö††iy’iruppïä√ he’ll have driven; he’ll be driving
ODƒvaÒ ö††uvïä¬ she’ll drive ODãëÃPpaÒ ö††iy’iruppïä¬ she’ll have driven; she’ll be driving
ODƒM ö††ïum it’ll drive ODãëÃK¿M ö††iy’irukkïum it’ll have driven; it’ll be driving
ODƒEvaM ö††uvïöm we’ll drive ODãëÃPEpaM ö††iy’iruppïöm we’ll have driven; we’ll be driving
ODƒ™R(kÒ) ö††uvïïr(ga¬) you’ll drive ODãëÃPµR(kÒ) ö††iy’iruppïïr(ga¬) you’ll have driven; you’ll be driving
ODƒvaR(kÒ) ö††uvïär(ga¬) they’ll drive ODãëÃPpaR(kÒ) ö††iy’iruppïär(ga¬) they’ll have driven; they’ll be driving
ODƒM ö††ïum they’ll drive ODãëÃK¿M ö††iy’irukkïum they’ll have driven; they’ll be driving
ODƒtL ö††uthal ODƒwk3 ö††ugai ODdL ö††al ODƒŒ ö††uvu 19
driving (verbal noun) driving (v. noun) driving (verbal noun) driving (v. noun)
ODãˆ∆2 ö††i√’athu ODƒá®∆ ö††ugi∞’athu ODƒv∆ ö††uv’athu ODãˆaL ö††i√äl
a (past) driving (v. noun) a (present) driving (v. n.) a (future) driving (v. n.) (I-they) drive/s-if (conditional)
ODdaEt ö††äthë ODda≥R(kÒ) ö††äthïr(ga¬) ODdat ö††ätha ODda∆ ö††äthu; ODdamL ö††ämal
don’t (you) drive! (imperative s.) don’t (you) drive! (imp. pl.) non-driving (neg. adj. part.) without driveing (neg. participle)
ODdÉLwl ö††avillai ODEd˜4 ö††ë√ ODdmaDEd˜ ö††a-m䆆ë√ ODdawm ö††ämai; ODdat∆ ö††äthathu
(I-they) didn’t drive (‘past’) I won’t drive (tenseless) I won’t drive (‘future’) non-driving (neg. verbal nouns)
ODãˆ∆2 iLwl ö††i√athu illai ODƒá®çLwl ö††ugi∞ath’illai ODƒv∆ iLwl ö††uvathu illai ODdaÉDdaL ö††ävi††äl
(I-they) haven’t/hasn’t (ever) driven (I-they) don’t/doesn’t (ever) drive (I-they) won’t (ever) drive (I-they) don’t/doesn’t drive-if (conditional)
ODdatv˜ ö††äth’ava√, a man who did not drive, does not drive, or will not drive (this and all the following are participial nouns)
ODãˆv˜5 ö††i√’ava√, he who drove; ODƒá®v˜ ö††ugi∞’ava√, he who drives; ODƒpv˜ ö††ub’ava√, he who will drive
ODdatvÒ ö††äth’ava¬, a woman who did not drive, does not drive, or will not drive
ODãˆvÒ ö††i√’ava¬, she who drove; ODƒá®vÒ ö††ugi∞’ava¬, she who drives; ODƒpvÒ ö††ub’ava¬, she who will drive
ODdat∆ ö††äth’athu, an animal or thing which did not drive, does not drive, or will not drive
ODãˆ∆ ö††i√’athu, it which drove; ODƒá®∆ ö††ugi∞’athu, it which drives; ODƒv∆ ö††uv’athu, it which will drive
ODdatvR(kÒ) ö††äth’avar(ga¬), people who did not drive, do not drive, or will not drive
ODãˆvR(kÒ) ö††i√’avar(ga¬), they who drove; ODƒá®vR(kÒ) ö††ugi∞’avar(ga¬), they who drive; ODƒpvR(kÒ) ö††ub’avar(ga¬), they who’ll drive
ODdatwv(kÒ) ö††äth’avai(ga¬), animals or things which did not drive, do not drive, or will not drive
ODãˆwv(kÒ) ö††i√’avai(ga¬), they who drove; ODƒá®wv(kÒ) ö††ugi∞’avai(ga¬), they who drive; ODƒpwv(kÒ) ö††ub’avai(ga¬), they who’ll drive

Negative Compound Forms (the neg. participle ODda∆ ö††äthu [dropping the ‘u’] + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru;
and the neg. participle ODdamL ö††ämal + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru):
ODdaçÃNEt˜ ODdaçÃKáE®˜ ODdaçÃPEp˜ ODdaçÃNtaL
ö††äth’irunthë√ ö††äth’irukki∞ë√ ö††äth’iruppë√ ö††äth’irunthäl (conditional)
ODdamL iÃNEt˜ ODdamL iÃKáE®˜ ODdamL iÃPEp˜ ODdamL iÃNtaL
ö††ämal irunthë√ ö††ämal irukki∞ë√ ö††ämal iruppë√ ö††ämal irunthäl (conditional)
I hadn’t driven (past perf.) I haven’t driven (pres. perf.)3 I won’t have driven (f. perf.)3 (I-they) hadn’t driven-if
I wasn’t driving I am not driving I won’t be driving (I-they) wasn’t/weren’t driving-if
(past continuous) (present continuous) (future continuous) (I-they) don’t/doesn’t drive-if
1A common alternate form is ODãy ö††iya. 2A common alternate form is ODãy∆ ö††iyathu.
3Not in common use today. 4See footnote 4 on page 3.
5Common alternate forms are ODãyv˜ ö††iy’ava√, ODãyvÒ ö††iy’ava¬, etc.
Oƒ ö∂u (v.i.) OƒıkÒ ö∂u≥ga¬ Od ö∂a Oã ö∂i 20
run (you)! (imperative) run (you)! (imper. pl.) to run (infinitive) (having) run (past participle)
Oãˆ1 ö∂i√a (past adj. p.) Oƒá® ö∂ugi∞a (pres. adj. p.) OƒM ö∂um (future adjectival participle)
(who, which) ran (who, which) runs (who, which) will run
Present Tense Present Perfect & Present Continuous
OƒáE®˜ ö∂ugi∞ïë√ I run OãëÃKáE®˜ ö∂iy’irukki∞ïë√ I have run; I am running
Oƒá®aY ö∂ugi∞ïäy you run OãëÃKá®aY ö∂iy’irukki∞ïäy you have run; you are running
Oƒá®a˜ ö∂ugi∞ïä√ he runs OãëÃKá®a˜ ö∂iy’irukki∞ïä√ he has run; he is running
Oƒá®aÒ ö∂ugi∞ïä¬ she runs OãëÃKá®aÒ ö∂iy’irukki∞ïä¬ she has run; she is running
Oƒá®∆ ö∂ugi∞ïathu it runs OãëÃKá®∆ ö∂iy’irukki∞ïathu it has run; it is running
OƒáE®aM ö∂ugi∞ïöm we run OãëÃKáE®aM ö∂iy’irukki∞ïöm we have run; we are running
OƒáΩR(kÒ) ö∂ugi∞ïïr(ga¬) you run OãëÃKáΩR(kÒ) ö∂iy’irukki∞ïïr(ga¬) you have run; you are running
Oƒá®aR(kÒ) ö∂ugi∞ïär(ga¬) they run OãëÃKá®aR(kÒ) ö∂iy’irukki∞ïär(ga¬) they have run; they are running
Oƒá˜®ˆ ö∂ugi√∞ïa√a they run OãëÃKᘮˆ ö∂iy’irukki√∞ïa√a they have run; they are running

Past Tense Past Pefect & Past Continuous

OãEˆ˜ ö∂i√ïë√ I ran OãëÃNEt˜ ö∂iy’irunthïë√ I had run; I was running
OãˆaY ö∂i√ïäy you ran OãëÃNtaY ö∂iy’irunthïäy you had run; you were running
Oãˆa˜ ö∂i√ïä√ he ran OãëÃNta˜ ö∂iy’irunthïä√ he had run; he was running
OãˆaÒ ö∂i√ïä¬ she ran OãëÃNtaÒ ö∂iy’irunthïä¬ she had run; she was running
Oãˆ∆2 ö∂i√ïathu it ran OãëÃNt∆ ö∂iy’irunthïathu it had run; it was running
OãEˆaM ö∂i√ïöm we ran OãëÃNEtaM ö∂iy’irunthïöm we had run; we were running
OãæR(kÒ) ö∂i√ïïr(ga¬) you ran OãëÃN≥R(kÒ) ö∂iy’irunthïïr(ga¬) you had run; you were running
OãˆaR(kÒ) ö∂i√ïär(ga¬) they ran OãëÃNtaR(kÒ) ö∂iy’irunthïär(ga¬) they had run; they were running
Oãˆ1 ö∂i√ïa they ran OãëÃNtˆ ö∂iy’irunthïa√a they had run; they were running

Future Tense Future Perfect & Future Continuous

OƒEv˜ ö∂uvïë√ I’ll run OãëÃPEp˜ ö∂iy’iruppïë√ I’ll have run; I’ll be running
OƒvaY ö∂uvïäy you’ll run OãëÃPpaY ö∂iy’iruppïäy you’ll have run; you’ll be running
Oƒva˜ ö∂uvïä√ he’ll run OãëÃPpa˜ ö∂iy’iruppïä√ he’ll have run; he’ll be running
OƒvaÒ ö∂uvïä¬ she’ll run OãëÃPpaÒ ö∂iy’iruppïä¬ she’ll have run; she’ll be running
OƒM ö∂ïum it’ll run OãëÃK¿M ö∂iy’irukkïum it’ll have run; it’ll be running
OƒEvaM ö∂uvïöm we’ll run OãëÃPEpaM ö∂iy’iruppïöm we’ll have run; we’ll be running
Oƒ™R(kÒ) ö∂uvïïr(ga¬) you’ll run OãëÃPµR(kÒ) ö∂iy’iruppïïr(ga¬) you’ll have run; you’ll be running
OƒvaR(kÒ) ö∂uvïär(ga¬) they’ll run OãëÃPpaR(kÒ) ö∂iy’iruppïär(ga¬) they’ll have run; they’ll be running
OƒM ö∂ïum they’ll run OãëÃK¿M ö∂iy’irukkïum they’ll have run; they’ll be running
OƒtL ö∂uthal Oƒwk3 ödugai OdL ö∂al OƒŒ3 ö∂uvu 21
running (verbal noun) running (verbal noun) running (verbal noun) running (verbal noun)
Oãˆ∆2 ö∂i√’athu Oƒá®∆ ö∂ugi∞’athu Oƒv∆ ö∂uv’athu OãˆaL ö∂i√äl
a (past) running (v. noun) a (present) running (v. n.) a (future) running (v. n.) (I-they) run/s-if (conditional)
OdaEt ö∂äthë Oda≥R(kÒ) ö∂äthïr(ga¬) Odat ö∂ätha Oda∆ ö∂äthu; OdamL ö∂ämal
don’t (you) run! (imperative s.) don’t (you) run! (imp. pl.) non-running (neg. adj. part.) without running (neg. participle)
OdÉLwl ö∂avillai OEd˜4 ö∂ë√ OdmaDEd˜ ö∂a-m䆆ë√ Odawm ö∂ämai; Odat∆ ö∂äthathu
(I-they) didn’t run (‘past’) I won’t run (tenseless) I won’t run (‘future’) non-running (neg. verbal nouns)
Oãˆ∆2 iLwl ö∂i√athu illai Oƒá®çLwl ö∂ugi∞ath’illai Oƒv∆ iLwl ö∂uvathu illai OdaÉDdaL ö∂ävi††ä¬
(I-they) haven’t/hasn’t (ever) run (I-they) don’t/doesn’t (ever) run (I-they) won’t (ever) run (I-they) don’t/doesn’t run-if (condition.)
Odatv˜ ö∂äth’ava√, a man who did not run, does not run, or will not run (this and all the following are participial nouns)
Oãˆv˜5 ö∂i√’ava√, he who ran; Oƒá®v˜ ö∂ugi∞’ava√, he who runs; Oƒpv˜ ö∂ub’ava√, he who will run
OdatvÒ ö∂äth’ava¬, a woman who did not run, does not run, or will not run
OãˆvÒ ö∂i√’ava¬, she who ran; Oƒá®vÒ ö∂ugi∞’ava¬, she who runs; OƒpvÒ ö∂ub’ava¬, she who will run
Odat∆ ö∂äth’athu, an animal or thing which did not run, does not run, or will not run
Oãˆ∆ ö∂i√’athu, it which ran; Oƒá®∆ ö∂ugi∞’athu, it which runs; Oƒv∆ ö∂uv’athu, it which will run
OdatvR(kÒ) ö∂äth’avar(ga¬), people who did not run, do not run, or will not run
OãˆvR(kÒ) ö∂i√’avar(ga¬), they who ran; Oƒá®vR(kÒ) ö∂ugi∞’avar(ga¬), they who run; OƒpvR(kÒ) ö∂ub’avar(ga¬), they who will run
Odatwv(kÒ) ö∂äth’avai(ga¬), animals or things which did not run, do not run, or will not run
Oãˆwv(kÒ) ö∂i√’avai(ga¬), they who ran; Oƒá®wv(kÒ) ö∂ugi∞’avai(ga¬), they who run; Oƒpwv(kÒ) ö∂ub’avai(ga¬), they who will run

Negative Compound Forms (the neg. participle Oda∆ ö∂äthu [dropping the ‘u’] + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru;
and the neg. participle OdamL ö∂ämal + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru):
OdaçÃNEt˜ OdaçÃKáE®˜ OdaçÃPEp˜ OdaçÃNtaL
ö∂äth’irunthë√ ö∂äth’irukki∞ë√ ö∂äth’iruppë√ ö∂äth’irunthäl (conditional)
OdamL iÃNEt˜ OdamL iÃKáE®˜ OdamL iÃPEp˜ OdamL iÃNtaL
ö∂ämal irunthë√ ö∂ämal irukki∞ë√ ö∂ämal iruppë√ ö∂ämal irunthäl (conditional)
I hadn’t run (past perf.) I haven’t run (present perf.)3 I won’t have run (future perf.)3 (I-they) hadn’t run-if
I wasn’t running I am not running I won’t be running (I-they) wasn’t/weren’t running-if
(past continuous) (present continuous) (future continuous) (I-they) don’t/doesn’t run-if
1A common alternate form is Oãy ö∂iya. 2A common alternate form is Oãy∆ ö∂iyathu.
3Not in common use today. 4See footnote 4 on page 3.
5Common alternate forms are Oãyv˜ ö∂iy’ava√, OãyvÒ ö∂iy’ava¬, etc.
pƒT∆ pa∂utthu (v.t.) pƒT∆ıkÒ pa∂utthu≥ga¬ pƒTt pa∂uttha pƒTç pa∂utthi 22
*cause ‘x’! cause ‘x’! (imperative pl.) to cause ‘x’ (infinitive) (having) caused ‘x’ (past participle)
pƒTçˆ pa∂utthi√a (past adj. p.) pƒT∆á® pa∂utthugi∞a (pres. adj. p.) pƒT∆M pa∂utthum (future adjectival participle)
(who, which) caused ‘x’ (who, which) causes ‘x’ (who, which) will cause ‘x’
Present Tense Present Perfect & Present Continuous
pƒT∆áE®˜ pa∂utthugi∞ïë√ I cause ‘x’ pƒTçëÃKáE®˜ pa∂utthiy’irukki∞ïë√ I’ve caused; I am causing ‘x’
pƒT∆á®aY pa∂utthugi∞ïäy you cause ‘x’ pƒTçëÃKá®aY pa∂utthiy’irukki∞ïäy you’ve caused; you are causing ‘x’
pƒT∆á®a˜ pa∂utthugi∞ïä√ he causes ‘x’ pƒTçëÃKá®a˜ pa∂utthiy’irukki∞ïä√ he has caused; he is causing ‘x’
pƒT∆á®aÒ pa∂utthugi∞ïä¬ she causes‘x’ pƒTçëÃKá®aÒ pa∂utthiy’irukki∞ïä¬ she has caused; she is causing ‘x’
pƒT∆á®∆ pa∂utthugi∞ïathu it causes ‘x’ pƒTçëÃKá®∆ pa∂utthiy’irukki∞ïathu it has caused; it is causing ‘x’
pƒT∆áE®aM pa∂utthugi∞ïöm we cause ‘x’ pƒTçëÃKáE®aM pa∂utthiy’irukki∞ïöm we’ve caused; we are causing ‘x’
pƒT∆áΩR(kÒ) pa∂utthugi∞ïïr(ga¬) you cause ‘x’ pƒTçëÃKáΩR(kÒ) pa∂utthiy’irukki∞ïïr(ga¬) you’ve caused; you are causing ‘x’
pƒT∆á®aR(kÒ) pa∂utthugi∞ïär(ga¬) they cause ‘x’ pƒTçëÃKá®aR(kÒ) pa∂utthiy’irukki∞ïär(ga¬) they’ve caused; they are causing ‘x’
pƒT∆ᘮˆ pa∂utthugi√∞ïa√a they cause ‘x’ pƒTçëÃKᘮˆ pa∂utthiy’irukki√∞ïa√a they’ve caused; they are causing ‘x’

Past Tense Past Pefect & Past Continuous

pƒTçEˆ˜ pa∂utthi√ïë√ I caused ‘x’ pƒTçëÃNEt˜ pa∂utthiy’irunthïë√ I had caused; I was causing ‘x’
pƒTçˆaY pa∂utthi√ïäy you caused ‘x’ pƒTçëÃNtaY pa∂utthiy’irunthïäy you’d caused; you were causing ‘x’
pƒTçˆa˜ pa∂utthi√ïä√ he caused ‘x’ pƒTçëÃNta˜ pa∂utthiy’irunthïä√ he’d caused; he was causing ‘x’
pƒTçˆaÒ pa∂utthi√ïä¬ she caused ‘x’ pƒTçëÃNtaÒ pa∂utthiy’irunthïä¬ she’d caused; she was causing ‘x’
pƒTçˆ∆2 pa∂utthi√ïathu it caused ‘x’ pƒTçëÃNt∆ pa∂utthiy’irunthïathu it had caused; it was causing ‘x’
pƒTçEˆaM pa∂utthi√ïöm we caused ‘x’ pƒTçëÃNEtaM pa∂utthiy’irunthïöm we’d caused; we were causing ‘x’
pƒTçæR(kÒ) pa∂utthi√ïïr(ga¬) you caused ‘x’ pƒTçëÃN≥R(kÒ) pa∂utthiy’irunthïïr(ga¬) you’d caused; you were causing ‘x’
pƒTçˆaR(kÒ) pa∂utthi√ïär(ga¬) they caused ‘x’ pƒTçëÃNtaR(kÒ) pa∂utthiy’irunthïär(ga¬) they’d caused; they were causing ‘x’
pƒTçˆ1 pa∂utthi√ïa they caused ‘x’ pƒTçëÃNtˆ pa∂utthiy’irunthïa√a they’d caused; they were causing ‘x’

Future Tense Future Perfect & Future Continuous

pƒT∆Ev˜ pa∂utthuvïë√ I’ll cause ‘x’ pƒTçëÃPEp˜ pa∂utthiy’iruppïë√ I’ll ’ve caused; I’ll be causing ‘x’
pƒT∆vaY pa∂utthuvïäy you’ll cause ‘x’ pƒTçëÃPpaY pa∂utthiy’iruppïäy you’ll ’ve caused; you’ll be causing ‘x’
pƒT∆va˜ pa∂utthuvïä√ he’ll cause ‘x’ pƒTçëÃPpa˜ pa∂utthiy’iruppïä√ he’ll ’ve caused; he’ll be causing ‘x’
pƒT∆vaÒ pa∂utthuvïä¬ she’ll cause ‘x’ pƒTçëÃPpaÒ pa∂utthiy’iruppïä¬ she’ll ’ve caused; she’ll be causing ‘x’
pƒT∆M pa∂utthïum it’ll cause ‘x’ pƒTçëÃK¿M pa∂utthiy’irukkïum it’ll have caused; it’ll be causing ‘x’
pƒT∆EvaM pa∂utthuvïöm we’ll cause ‘x’ pƒTçëÃPEpaM pa∂utthiy’iruppïöm we’ll ’ve caused; we’ll be causing ‘x’
pƒT∆R(kÒ) pa∂utthuvïïr(ga¬) you’ll cause ‘x’ pƒTçëÃPµR(kÒ) pa∂utthiy’iruppïïr(ga¬) you’ll ’ve caused; you’ll be causing ‘x’
pƒT∆vaR(kÒ) pa∂utthuvïär(ga¬) they’ll cause ‘x’ pƒTçëÃPpaR(kÒ) pa∂utthiy’iruppïär(ga¬) they’ll ’ve caused; they’ll be causing ‘x’
pƒT∆M pa∂utthïum they’ll cause ‘x’ pƒTçëÃK¿M pa∂utthiy’irukkïum they’ll ’ve caused; they’ll be causing ‘x’
pƒT∆tL pa∂utthuthal pƒT∆wk3 pa∂utthugai pƒTtL pa∂utthal pƒT∆Œ3 pa∂utthuvu 23
causing ‘x’ (verbal noun) causing ‘x’ (v. noun) causing ‘x’ (verbal noun) causing ‘x’ (v. noun)
pƒTçˆ∆2 pa∂utthi√’athu pƒT∆á®∆ pa∂utthugi∞’athu pƒT∆v∆ pa∂utthuv’athu pƒTçˆaL pa∂utthi√äl
a (past) causing ‘x’ (v. noun) a (present) causing ‘x’ (v. n.) a (future) causing ‘x’ (v. n.) (I-they) cause/s ‘x’-if (conditional)
pƒTtaEt pa∂utthäthë pƒTta≥R(kÒ) pa∂utthäthïr(ga¬) pƒTtat pa∂utthätha pƒTta∆ pa∂utthäthu; pƒTtamL pa∂utthämal
don’t cause ‘x’! (imperative s.) don’t cause ‘x’! (imperative pl.) not-caused ‘x’ (neg. adj. part.) without causing ‘x’ (neg. participle)
pƒTtÉLwl pa∂utthavillai pƒTEt˜4 pa∂utthë√ pƒTtmaDEd˜ pa∂uttha-m䆆ë√ pƒTtawm pa∂utthämai; pƒTtat∆ pa∂utthäthathu
(I-they) didn’t cause ‘x’! (‘past’) I won’t cause ‘x’! (tenseless) I won’t cause ‘x’! (‘future’) non-causing ‘x’ (neg. verbal nouns)
pƒTçˆ∆2iLwl pa∂utthi√athu illai pƒT∆á®çLwl pa∂utthugi∞ath’illai pƒT∆v∆ iLwl pa∂utthuvathu illai pƒTtaÉDdaL pa∂utthävi††äl
(I-they) have/has never caused ‘x’ (I-they) never cause/s ‘x’ (I-they) never cause ‘x’ (I-they) don’t/doesn’t cause ‘x’-if (condition.)
pƒTtatv˜ pa∂utthäth’ava√, a man who has not caused, does not cause, or will not cause ‘x’ (this and all the following are participial nouns)
pƒTçˆv˜5 pa∂utthi√’ava√, he who caused; pƒT∆á®v˜ pa∂utthugi∞’ava√, he who causes; pƒT∆pv˜ pa∂utthub’ava√, he who will cause ‘x’
pƒTtatvÒ pa∂utthäth’ava¬, a woman who has not caused, does not cause, or will not cause ’x’
pƒTçˆvÒ pa∂utthi√’ava¬, she who caused; pƒT∆á®vÒ pa∂utthugi∞’ava¬, she who causes; pƒT∆pvÒ pa∂utthub’ava¬, she who will cause ‘x’
pƒTtat∆ pa∂utthäth’athu, an animal or thing which has not caused, does not cause, or will not cause ‘x’
pƒTçˆ∆ pa∂utthi√’athu, it which caused; pƒT∆á®∆ pa∂utthugi∞’athu, it which causes; pƒT∆v∆ pa∂utthuv’athu, it which will cause ‘x’
pƒTtatvR(kÒ) pa∂utthäth’avar(ga¬), people who have not caused, do not cause, or will not cause ‘x’
pƒTçˆvR(kÒ) pa∂utthi√’avar(ga¬), they who caused; pƒT∆á®vR(kÒ) pa∂utthugi∞’avar(ga¬), °cause; pƒT∆pvR(kÒ) pa∂utthub’avar(ga¬), °will cause ‘x’
pƒTtatwv(kÒ) pa∂utthäth’avai(ga¬), animals or things which have not caused, do not cause, or will not cause ‘x’
pƒTçˆwv(kÒ) pa∂utthi√’avai(ga¬), they who caused; pƒT∆á®wv(kÒ) pa∂utthugi∞’avai(ga¬), °cause; pƒT∆pwv(kÒ) pa∂utthub’avai(ga¬), °will cause ‘x’

Negative Compound Forms (the neg. participle pƒTta∆ pa∂utthäthu [dropping the ‘u’] + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru;
and the neg. participle pƒTtamL pa∂utthämal + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru):
pƒTtaçÃNEt˜ pƒTtaçÃKáE®˜ pƒTtaçÃPEp˜ pƒTtaçÃNtaL
pa∂utthäth’irunthë√ pa∂utthäth’irukki∞ë√ pa∂utthäth’iruppë√ pa∂utthäth’irunthäl (conditional)
pƒTtamL iÃNEt˜ pƒTtamL iÃKáE®˜ pƒTtamL iÃPEp˜ pƒTtamL iÃNtaL
pa∂utthämal irunthë√ pa∂utthämal irukki∞ë√ pa∂utthämal iruppë√ pa∂utthämal irunthäl (conditional)
I hadn’t caused ‘x’ (past perf.) I haven’t caused ‘x’ (pres. perf.)3 I won’t have caused ‘x’ (f. perf.)3 (I-they) hadn’t caused ‘x’-if
I wasn’t causing ‘x’ I am not causing ‘x’ I won’t be causing ‘x’ (I-they) was/were not causing ‘x’-if
(past continuous) (present continuous) (future continuous) (I-they) don’t/doesn’t causing ‘x’-if
*To cause ‘x’, where ‘x’ = (cause) someone to experience some feeling. This verb is then added to nouns of feeling to form such causal verbs
as cNEtaqPpƒT∆ santhöshappa∂utthu = cause to experience happiness (noun: cNEtaqM happiness + pƒT∆) and pyPpƒT∆ payappa∂utthu = cause
to experience fear (noun: pyM fear + pƒT∆), etc.
1A common alternate form is pƒTçy pa∂utthiya. 2A common alternate form is pƒTçy∆ pa∂utthiyathu.
3Not in common use today. 4See footnote 4 on page 3.
5Common alternate forms are pƒTçyv˜ pa∂utthiy’ava√, pƒTçyvÒ pa∂utthiy’ava¬, etc.
Eta˜› thö√∞u (v.i.) Eta˜›ıkÒ thö√∞u≥ga¬ Eta˜® thö√∞a Eta˜ó thö√∞i 24
appear (you)! (imperative s.) appear (you)! (imperative pl.) to appear (infinitive) (having) appeared (past participle)

Eta˜óˆ1 thö√∞i√a (past adj. p.) Eta˜›á® thö√∞ugi∞a (pres. adj. p.) Eta˜›M thö√∞um (future adjectival participle)
(who, which) appeared (who, which) appears (who, which) will appear
Present Tense Present Perfect & Present Continuous
Eta˜›áE®˜ thö√∞ugi∞ïë√ I appear Eta˜óëÃKáE®˜ thö√∞iy’irukki∞ïë√ I have appeared; I am appearing
Eta˜›á®aY thö√∞ugi∞ïäy you appear Eta˜óëÃKá®aY thö√∞iy’irukki∞ïäy you have appeared; you are appearing
Eta˜›á®a˜ thö√∞ugi∞ïä√ he appears Eta˜óëÃKá®a˜ thö√∞iy’irukki∞ïä√ he has appeared; he is appearing
Eta˜›á®aÒ thö√∞ugi∞ïä¬ she appears Eta˜óëÃKá®aÒ thö√∞iy’irukki∞ïä¬ she has appeared; she is appearing
Eta˜›á®∆ thö√∞ugi∞ïathu it appears Eta˜óëÃKá®∆ thö√∞iy’irukki∞ïathu it has appeared; it is appearing
Eta˜›áE®aM thö√∞ugi∞ïöm we appear Eta˜óëÃKáE®aM thö√∞iy’irukki∞ïöm we have appeared; we are appearing
Eta˜›áΩR(kÒ) thö√∞ugi∞ïïr(ga¬) you appear Eta˜óëÃKáΩR(kÒ) thö√∞iy’irukki∞ïïr(ga¬) you have appeared; you are appearing
Eta˜›á®aR(kÒ) thö√∞ugi∞ïär(ga¬) they appear Eta˜óëÃKá®aR(kÒ) thö√∞iy’irukki∞ïär(ga¬) they have appeared; they are appearing
Eta˜›á˜®ˆ thö√∞ugi√∞ïa√a they appear Eta˜óëÃKᘮˆ thö√∞iy’irukki√∞ïa√a they have appeared; they are appearing

Past Tense Past Pefect & Past Continuous

Eta˜óEˆ˜ thö√∞i√ïë√ I appeared Eta˜óëÃNEt˜ thö√∞iy’irunthïë√ I had appeared; I was appearing
Eta˜óˆaY thö√∞i√ïäy you appeared Eta˜óëÃNtaY thö√∞iy’irunthïäy you had appeared; you were appearing
Eta˜óˆa˜ thö√∞i√ïä√ he appeared Eta˜óëÃNta˜ thö√∞iy’irunthïä√ he had appeared; he was appearing
Eta˜óˆaÒ thö√∞i√ïä¬ she appeared Eta˜óëÃNtaÒ thö√∞iy’irunthïä¬ she had appeared; she was appearing
Eta˜óˆ∆2 thö√∞i√ïathu it appeared Eta˜óëÃNt∆ thö√∞iy’irunthïathu it had appeared; it was appearing
Eta˜óEˆaM thö√∞i√ïöm we appeared Eta˜óëÃNEtaM thö√∞iy’irunthïöm we had appeared; we were appearing
Eta˜óæR(kÒ) thö√∞i√ïïr(ga¬) you appeared Eta˜óëÃN≥R(kÒ) thö√∞iy’irunthïïr(ga¬) you had appeared; you were appearing
Eta˜óˆaR(kÒ) thö√∞i√ïär(ga¬) they appeared Eta˜óëÃNtaR(kÒ) thö√∞iy’irunthïär(ga¬) they had appeared; they were appearing
Eta˜óˆ1 thö√∞i√ïa they appeared Eta˜óëÃNtˆ thö√∞iy’irunthïa√a they had appeared; they were appearing

Future Tense Future Perfect & Future Continuous

Eta˜›Ev˜ thö√∞uvïë√ I’ll appear Eta˜óëÃPEp˜ thö√∞iy’iruppïë√ I’ll have appeared; I’ll be appearing
Eta˜›vaY thö√∞uvïäy you’ll appear Eta˜óëÃPpaY thö√∞iy’iruppïäy you’ll have appeared; you’ll be appearing
Eta˜›va˜ thö√∞uvïä√ he’ll appear Eta˜óëÃPpa˜ thö√∞iy’iruppïä√ he’ll have appeared; he’ll be appearing
Eta˜›vaÒ thö√∞uvïä¬ she’ll appear Eta˜óëÃPpaÒ thö√∞iy’iruppïä¬ she’ll have appeared; she’ll be appearing
Eta˜›M thö√∞ïum it’ll appear Eta˜óëÃK¿M thö√∞iy’irukkïum it’ll have appeared; it’ll be appearing
Eta˜›EvaM thö√∞uvïöm we’ll appear Eta˜óëÃPEpaM thö√∞iy’iruppïöm we’ll have appeared; we’ll be appearing
Eta˜›™R(kÒ) thö√∞uvïïr(ga¬) you’ll appear Eta˜óëÃPµR(kÒ) thö√∞iy’iruppïïr(ga¬) you’ll have appeared; you’ll be appearing
Eta˜›vaR(kÒ) thö√∞uvïär(ga¬) they’ll appear Eta˜óëÃPpaR(kÒ) thö√∞iy’iruppïär(ga¬) they’ll ’ve appeared; they’ll be appearing
Eta˜›M thö√∞ïum they’ll appear Eta˜óëÃK¿M thö√∞iy’irukkïum they’ll ’ve appeared; they’ll be appearing
Eta˜›tL thö√∞uthal Eta˜›wk3 thö√∞ugai Eta˜®L thö√∞al Eta˜›Œ thö√∞uvu 25
appearing (verbal noun) appearing (v. noun) appearing (verbal noun) appearing (v. noun)
Eta˜óˆ∆2 thö√∞i√’athu Eta˜›á®∆ thö√∞ugi∞’athu Eta˜›v∆ thö√∞uv’athu Eta˜óˆaL thö√∞i√äl
a (past) appearing (v. noun) a (present) appearing (v. n.) a (future) appearing (v. n.) (I-they) appear/s-if (conditional)
Eta˜®aEt thö√∞äthë Eta˜®a≥R(kÒ) thö√∞äthïr(ga¬) Eta˜®at thö√∞ätha Eta˜®a∆ thö√∞äthu; Eta˜®amL thö√∞ämal
don’t (you) appear! (imper. s.) don’t (you) appear! (imp. pl.) non-appearing (neg. adj. part.) without appearing (neg. participle)
Eta˜®ÉLwl thö√∞avillai Eta˜E®˜4 thö√∞ë√ Eta˜®maDEd˜ thö√∞a-m䆆ë√ Eta˜®awm thö√∞ämai; Eta˜®at∆ thö√∞äthathu
(I-they) didn’t appear I won’t appear (tenseless) I won’t appear (‘future’) non-appearing (neg. verbal nouns)
Eta˜óˆ∆2iLwl thö√∞i√athu illai Eta˜›á®çLwl thö√∞ugi∞ath’illai Eta˜›v∆ iLwl thö√∞uvathu illai Eta˜®aÉDdaL thö√∞ävi††äl
(I-they) didn’t (ever) appear (I-they) don’t/doesn’t (ever) appear (I-they) won’t (ever) appear (I-they) don’t/doesn’t appear-if (condition.)
Eta˜®atv˜ thö√∞äth’ava√, a man who hasn’t appeared, doesn’t appear, or won’t appear (this and all the following are participial nouns)
Eta˜óˆv˜5 thö√∞i√’ava√, he who appeared; Eta˜›á®v˜ thö√∞ugi∞’ava√, he who appears; Eta˜›pv˜ thö√∞ub’ava√, he who will appear
Eta˜®atvÒ thö√∞äth’ava¬, a woman who hasn’t appeared, doesn’t appear, or won’t appear
Eta˜óˆvÒ thö√∞i√’ava¬, she who appeared; Eta˜›á®vÒ thö√∞ugi∞’ava¬, she who appears; Eta˜›pvÒ thö√∞ub’ava¬, she who will appear
Eta˜®at∆ thö√∞äth’athu, an animal or thing which hasn’t appeared, doesn’t appear, or won’t appear
Eta˜óˆ∆ thö√∞i√’athu, it which appeared; Eta˜›á®∆ thö√∞ugi∞’athu, it which appears; Eta˜›v∆ thö√∞uv’athu, it which will appear
Eta˜®atvR(kÒ) thö√∞äth’avar(ga¬), people who haven’t appeared, don’t appear, or won’t appear
Eta˜óˆvR(kÒ) thö√∞i√’avar(ga¬), they who appeared; Eta˜›á®vR(kÒ) thö√∞ugi∞’avar(ga¬), °appear; Eta˜›pvR(kÒ) thö√∞ub’avar(ga¬), °will app.
Eta˜®atwv(kÒ) thö√∞äth’avai(ga¬), animals or things which haven’t appeared, don’t appear, or won’t appear
Eta˜óˆwv(kÒ) thö√∞i√’avai(ga¬), they who appeared; Eta˜›á®wv(kÒ) thö√∞ugi∞’avai(ga¬), °appear; Eta˜›pwv(kÒ) thö√∞ub’avai(ga¬), °will app.

Negative Compound Forms (the neg. participle Eta˜®a∆ thö√∞äthu [dropping the ‘u’] + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru;
and the neg. participle Eta˜®amL thö√∞ämal + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru):
Eta˜®açÃNEt˜ Eta˜®açÃKáE®˜ Eta˜®açÃPEp˜ Eta˜®açÃNtaL
thö√∞äth’irunthë√ thö√∞äth’irukki∞ë√ thö√∞äth’iruppë√ thö√∞äth’irunthäl (conditional)
Eta˜®amL iÃNEt˜ Eta˜®amL iÃKáE®˜ Eta˜®amL iÃPEp˜ Eta˜®amL iÃNtaL
thö√∞ämal irunthë√ thö√∞ämal irukki∞ë√ thö√∞ämal iruppë√ thö√∞ämal irunthäl (conditional)
I hadn’t appeared (past perf.) I haven’t appeared (pres. perf.)3 I won’t have appeared (f. perf.)3 (I-they) hadn’t appeared-if
I wasn’t appearing I am not appearing I won’t be appearing (I-they) was/were not appearing-if
(past continuous) (present continuous) (future continuous) (I-they) don’t/doesn’t appear-if
1A common alternate form is Eta˜óy thö√∞iya. 2A common alternate form is Eta˜óy∆ thö√∞iyathu.
3Not in common use today. 4See footnote 4 on page 3.
5Common alternate forms are Eta˜óyv˜ thö√∞iy’ava√, Eta˜óyvÒ thö√∞iy’ava¬, etc.
pB≈ pa∫∫u (v.t.) pB≈ıkÒ pa∫∫u≥ga¬ pBb pa∫∫a pBõ pa∫∫i 26
make (you)! (imperative s.) make (you)! (imperative pl.) to make (infinitive) (having) made (past participle)

pBõˆ1 pa∫∫i√a (past adj. p.) pB≈á® pa∫∫ugi∞a (pres. adj. p.) pB≈M pa∫∫um (future adjectival participle)
(who, which) made (who, which) makes (who, which) will make
Present Tense Present Perfect & Present Continuous
pB≈áE®˜ pa∫∫ugi∞ïë√ I make pBõëÃKáE®˜ pa∫∫iy’irukki∞ïë√ I’ve made; I am making
pB≈á®aY pa∫∫ugi∞ïäy you make pBõëÃKá®aY pa∫∫iy’irukki∞ïäy you’ve made; you are making
pB≈á®a˜ pa∫∫ugi∞ïä√ he makes pBõëÃKá®a˜ pa∫∫iy’irukki∞ïä√ he has made; he is making
pB≈á®aÒ pa∫∫ugi∞ïä¬ she makes pBõëÃKá®aÒ pa∫∫iy’irukki∞ïä¬ she has made; she is making
pB≈á®∆ pa∫∫ugi∞ïathu it makes pBõëÃKá®∆ pa∫∫iy’irukki∞ïathu it has made; it is making
pB≈áE®aM pa∫∫ugi∞ïöm we make pBõëÃKáE®aM pa∫∫iy’irukki∞ïöm we’ve made; we are making
pB≈áΩR(kÒ) pa∫∫ugi∞ïïr(ga¬) you make pBõëÃKáΩR(kÒ) pa∫∫iy’irukki∞ïïr(ga¬) you’ve made; you are making
pB≈á®aR(kÒ) pa∫∫ugi∞ïär(ga¬) they make pBõëÃKá®aR(kÒ) pa∫∫iy’irukki∞ïär(ga¬) they’ve made; they are making
pB≈ᘮˆ pa∫∫ugi√∞ïa√a they make pBõëÃKᘮˆ pa∫∫iy’irukki√∞ïa√a they’ve made; they are making

Past Tense Past Pefect & Past Continuous

pBõEˆ˜ pa∫∫i√ïë√ I made pBõëÃNEt˜ pa∫∫iy’irunthïë√ I had made; I was making
pBõˆaY pa∫∫i√ïäy you made pBõëÃNtaY pa∫∫iy’irunthïäy you’d made; you were making
pBõˆa˜ pa∫∫i√ïä√ he made pBõëÃNta˜ pa∫∫iy’irunthïä√ he’d made; he was making
pBõˆaÒ pa∫∫i√ïä¬ she made pBõëÃNtaÒ pa∫∫iy’irunthïä¬ she’d made; she was making
pBõˆ∆2 pa∫∫i√ïathu it made pBõëÃNt∆ pa∫∫iy’irunthïathu it had made; it was making
pBõEˆaM pa∫∫i√ïöm we made pBõëÃNEtaM pa∫∫iy’irunthïöm we’d made; we were making
pBõæR(kÒ) pa∫∫i√ïïr(ga¬) you made pBõëÃN≥R(kÒ) pa∫∫iy’irunthïïr(ga¬) you’d made; you were making
pBõˆaR(kÒ) pa∫∫i√ïär(ga¬) they made pBõëÃNtaR(kÒ) pa∫∫iy’irunthïär(ga¬) they’d made; they were making
pBõˆ1 pa∫∫i√ïa they made pBõëÃNtˆ pa∫∫iy’irunthïa√a they’d made; they were making

Future Tense Future Perfect & Future Continuous

pB≈Ev˜ pa∫∫uvïë√ I’ll make pBõëÃPEp˜ pa∫∫iy’iruppïë√ I’ll ’ve made; I’ll be making
pB≈vaY pa∫∫uvïäy you’ll make pBõëÃPpaY pa∫∫iy’iruppïäy you’ll ’ve made; you’ll be making
pB≈va˜ pa∫∫uvïä√ he’ll make pBõëÃPpa˜ pa∫∫iy’iruppïä√ he’ll ’ve made; he’ll be making
pB≈vaÒ pa∫∫uvïä¬ she’ll make pBõëÃPpaÒ pa∫∫iy’iruppïä¬ she’ll ’ve made; she’ll be making
pB≈M pa∫∫ïum it’ll make pBõëÃK¿M pa∫∫iy’irukkïum it’ll have made; it’ll be making
pB≈EvaM pa∫∫uvïöm we’ll make pBõëÃPEpaM pa∫∫iy’iruppïöm we’ll ’ve made; we’ll be making
pB≈™R(kÒ) pa∫∫uvïïr(ga¬) you’ll make pBõëÃPµR(kÒ) pa∫∫iy’iruppïïr(ga¬) you’ll ’ve made; you’ll be making
pB≈vaR(kÒ) pa∫∫uvïär(ga¬) they’ll make pBõëÃPpaR(kÒ) pa∫∫iy’iruppïär(ga¬) they’ll ’ve made; they’ll be making
pB≈M pa∫∫ïum they’ll make pBõëÃK¿M pa∫∫iy’irukkïum they’ll ’ve made; they’ll be making
pB≈tL pa∫∫uthal pB≈wk3 pa∫∫ugai pBbL pa∫∫al pB≈Œ3 pa∫∫uvu 27
making (verbal noun) making (v. noun) making (verbal noun) making (v. noun)
pBõˆ∆2 pa∫∫i√’athu pB≈á®∆ pa∫∫ugi∞’athu pB≈v∆ pa∫∫uv’athu pBõˆaL pa∫∫i√äl
a (past) making (v. noun) a (present) making (v. n.) a (future) making (v. n.) (I-they) make/s-if (conditional)
pBbaEt pa∫∫äthë pBba≥R(kÒ) pa∫∫äthïr(ga¬) pBbat pa∫∫ätha pBba∆ pa∫∫äthu; pBbamL pa∫∫ämal
don’t (you) make! (imper. s.) don’t (you) make! (imp. pl.) non-making (neg. adj. part.) without making (neg. participle)
pBbÉLwl pa∫∫avillai pBEb˜4 pa∫∫ë√ pBbmaDEd˜ pa∫∫a-m䆆ë√ pBbawm pa∫∫ämai; pBbat∆ pa∫∫äthathu
(I-they) didn’t make I won’t make (tenseless) I won’t make (‘future’) non-making (neg. verbal nouns)
pBõˆ∆2iLwl pa∫∫i√athu illai pB≈á®çLwl pa∫∫ugi∞ath’illai pB≈v∆ iLwl pa∫∫uvathu illai pBbaÉDdaL pa∫∫ävi††äl
(I-they) didn’t (ever) make(I-they) don’t/doesn’t (ever) make (I-they) won’t (ever) make (I-they) don’t/doesn’t make-if (condition.)
pBbatv˜ pa∫∫äth’ava√, a man who didn’t make, doesn’t make, or won’t make (this and all the following are participial nouns)
pBõˆv˜5 pa∫∫i√’ava√, he who made; pB≈á®v˜ pa∫∫ugi∞’ava√, he who makes; pB≈pv˜ pa∫∫ub’ava√, he who will make
pBbatvÒ pa∫∫äth’ava¬, a woman who didn’t make, doesn’t make, or won’t make
pBõˆvÒ pa∫∫i√’ava¬, she who made; pB≈á®vÒ pa∫∫ugi∞’ava¬, she who makes; pB≈pvÒ pa∫∫ub’ava¬, she who will make
pBbat∆ pa∫∫äth’athu, an animal or thing which didn’t make, doesn’t make, or won’t make
pBõˆ∆ pa∫∫i√’athu, it which made; pB≈á®∆ pa∫∫ugi∞’athu, it which makes; pB≈v∆ pa∫∫uv’athu, it which will make
pBbatvR(kÒ) pa∫∫äth’avar(ga¬), people who didn’t make, don’t make, or won’t make
pBõˆvR(kÒ) pa∫∫i√’avar(ga¬), they who made; pB≈á®vR(kÒ) pa∫∫ugi∞’avar(ga¬), they who make; pB≈pvR(kÒ) pa∫∫uub’avar(ga¬), °will make
pBbatwv(kÒ) pa∫∫äth’avai(ga¬), animals or things which didn’t make, don’t make, or won’t make
pBõˆwv(kÒ) pa∫∫i√’avai(ga¬), they who made; pB≈á®wv(kÒ) pa∫∫ugi∞’avai(ga¬), they who make; pB≈pwv(kÒ) pa∫∫ub’avai(ga¬), °will make

Negative Compound Forms (the neg. participle pBba∆ pa∫∫äthu [dropping the ‘u’] + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru;
and the neg. participle pBbamL pa∫∫ämal + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru):
pBbaçÃNEt˜ pBbaçÃKáE®˜ pBbaçÃPEp˜ pBbaçÃNtaL
pa∫∫äth’irunthë√ pa∫∫äth’irukki∞ë√ pa∫∫äth’iruppë√ pa∫∫äth’irunthäl (conditional)
pBbamL iÃNEt˜ pBbamL iÃKáE®˜ pBbamL iÃPEp˜ pBbamL iÃNtaL
pa∫∫ämal irunthë√ pa∫∫ämal irukki∞ë√ pa∫∫ämal iruppë√ pa∫∫ämal irunthäl (conditional)
I hadn’t made (past perf.) I haven’t made (pres. perf.)3 I won’t have made (f. perf.)3 (I-they) hadn’t made-if
I wasn’t making I am not making I won’t be making (I-they) was/were not making-if
(past continuous) (present continuous) (future continuous) (I-they) don’t/doesn’t make-if
1A common alternate form is pBõy pa∫∫iya. 2A common alternate form is pBõy∆ pa∫∫iyathu.
3Not in common use today. 4See footnote 4 on page 3.
5Common alternate forms are pBõyv˜ pa∫∫iy’ava√, pBõyvÒ pa∫∫iy’ava¬, etc.
¶¤∆ eΩuthu (v.t.) ¶¤∆ıkÒ eΩuthu≥ga¬ ¶¤t eΩutha ¶¤ç eΩuthi 28
write (you)! (imperative) write (you)! (imper. pl.) to write (infinitive) (having) written (past participle)
¶¤çˆ1 eΩuthi√a (past adj. p.) ¶¤∆á® eΩuthugi∞a (pres. adj. p.) ¶¤∆M eΩuthum (future adjectival participle)
(who, which) wrote (who, which) writes (who, which) will write
Present Tense Present Perfect & Present Continuous
¶¤∆áE®˜ eΩuthugi∞ïë√ I write ¶¤çëÃKáE®˜ eΩuthiy’irukki∞ïë√ I have written; I am writing
¶¤∆á®aY eΩuthugi∞ïäy you write ¶¤çëÃKá®aY eΩuthiy’irukki∞ïäy you’ve written; you are writing
¶¤∆á®a˜ eΩuthugi∞ïä√ he writes ¶¤çëÃKá®a˜ eΩuthiy’irukki∞ïä√ he has written; he is writing
¶¤∆á®aÒ eΩuthugi∞ïä¬ she writes ¶¤çëÃKá®aÒ eΩuthiy’irukki∞ïä¬ she has written; she is writing
¶¤∆á®∆ eΩuthugi∞ïathu it writes ¶¤çëÃKá®∆ eΩuthiy’irukki∞ïathu it has written; it is writing
¶¤∆áE®aM eΩuthugi∞ïöm we write ¶¤çëÃKáE®aM eΩuthiy’irukki∞ïöm we’ve written; we are writing
¶¤∆áΩR(kÒ) eΩuthugi∞ïïr(ga¬) you write ¶¤çëÃKáΩR(kÒ) eΩuthiy’irukki∞ïïr(ga¬) you’ve written; you are writing
¶¤∆á®aR(kÒ) eΩuthugi∞ïär(ga¬) they write ¶¤çëÃKá®aR(kÒ) eΩuthiy’irukki∞ïär(ga¬) they’ve written; they are writing
¶¤∆ᘮˆ eΩuthugi√∞ïa√a they write ¶¤çëÃKᘮˆ eΩuthiy’irukki√∞ïa√a they’ve written; they are writing

Past Tense Past Pefect & Past Continuous

¶¤çEˆ˜ eΩuthi√ïë√ I wrote ¶¤çëÃNEt˜ eΩuthiy’irunthïë√ I had written; I was writing
¶¤çˆaY eΩuthi√ïäy you wrote ¶¤çëÃNtaY eΩuthiy’irunthïäy you’d written; you were writing
¶¤çˆa˜ eΩuthi√ïä√ he wrote ¶¤çëÃNta˜ eΩuthiy’irunthïä√ he’d written; he was writing
¶¤çˆaÒ eΩuthi√ïä¬ she wrote ¶¤çëÃNtaÒ eΩuthiy’irunthïä¬ she’d written; she was writing
¶¤çˆ∆2 eΩuthi√ïathu it wrote ¶¤çëÃNt∆ eΩuthiy’irunthïathu it had written; it was writing
¶¤çEˆaM eΩuthi√ïöm we wrote ¶¤çëÃNEtaM eΩuthiy’irunthïöm we’d written; we were writing
¶¤çæR(kÒ) eΩuthi√ïïr(ga¬) you wrote ¶¤çëÃN≥R(kÒ) eΩuthiy’irunthïïr(ga¬) you’d written; you were writing
¶¤çˆaR(kÒ) eΩuthi√ïär(ga¬) they wrote ¶¤çëÃNtaR(kÒ) eΩuthiy’irunthïär(ga¬) they’d written; they were writing
¶¤çˆ1 eΩuthi√ïa they wrote ¶¤çëÃNtˆ eΩuthiy’irunthïa√a they’d written; they were writing

Future Tense Future Perfect & Future Continuous

¶¤∆Ev˜ eΩuthuvïë√ I’ll write ¶¤çëÃPEp˜ eΩuthiy’iruppïë√ I’ll ’ve written; I’ll be writing
¶¤∆vaY eΩuthuvïäy you’ll write ¶¤çëÃPpaY eΩuthiy’iruppïäy you’ll ’ve written; you’ll be writing
¶¤∆va˜ eΩuthuvïä√ he’ll write ¶¤çëÃPpa˜ eΩuthiy’iruppïä√ he’ll ’ve written; he’ll be writing
¶¤∆vaÒ eΩuthuvïä¬ she’ll write ¶¤çëÃPpaÒ eΩuthiy’iruppïä¬ she’ll ’ve written; she’ll be writing
¶¤∆M eΩuthïum it’ll write ¶¤çëÃK¿M eΩuthiy’irukkïum it’ll have written; it’ll be writing
¶¤∆EvaM eΩuthuvïöm we’ll write ¶¤çëÃPEpaM eΩuthiy’iruppïöm we’ll ’ve written; we’ll be writing
¶¤∆™R(kÒ) eΩuthuvïïr(ga¬) you’ll write ¶¤çëÃPµR(kÒ) eΩuthiy’iruppïïr(ga¬) you’ll ’ve written; you’ll be writing
¶¤∆vaR(kÒ) eΩuthuvïär(ga¬) they’ll write ¶¤çëÃPpaR(kÒ) eΩuthiy’iruppïär(ga¬) they’ll ’ve written; they’ll be writing
¶¤∆M eΩuthïum they’ll write ¶¤çëÃK¿M eΩuthiy’irukkïum they’ll ’ve written; they’ll be writing
¶¤∆tL eΩuthuthal ¶¤∆wk3 eΩuthugai ¶¤tL eΩuthal ¶¤∆Œ eΩuthuvu 29
writing (verbal noun) writing (v. noun) writing (verbal noun) writing (v. noun)
¶¤çˆ∆2 eΩuthi√’athu ¶¤∆á®∆ eΩuthugi∞’athu ¶¤∆v∆ eΩuthuv’athu ¶¤çˆaL eΩuthi√äl
a (past) writing (v. noun) a (present) writing (v. n.) a (future) writing (v. n.) (I-they) write/s-if (conditional)
¶¤taEt eΩuthäthë ¶¤ta≥R(kÒ) eΩuthäthïr(ga¬) ¶¤tat eΩuthätha ¶¤ta∆ eΩuthäthu; ¶¤tamL eΩuthämal
don’t (you) write! (imp.) don’t write! (imp. pl.) non-writing (neg. adj. part.) without writing (neg. participle)
¶¤tÉLwl eΩuthavillai ¶¤Et˜4 eΩuthë√ ¶¤tmaDEd˜ eΩutha-m䆆ë√ ¶¤tawm eΩuthämai; ¶¤tat∆ eΩuthäthathu
(I-they) didn’t write! (‘past’) I won’t write! (tenseless) I won’t write! (‘future’) non-writing (neg. verbal nouns)
¶¤çˆ∆2iLwl eΩuthi√athu illai ¶¤∆á®çLwl eΩuthugi∞ath’illai ¶¤∆v∆ iLwl eΩuthuvathu illai ¶¤taÉDdaL eΩuthävi††äl
(I-they) haven’t/hasn’t (ever) written (I-they) don’t/doesn’t (ever) write (I-they) won’t (ever) write (I-they) don’t/doesn’t write-if (condition.)
¶¤tatv˜ eΩuthäth’ava√, a man who did not write, does not write, or will not write (this and all the following are participial nouns)
¶¤çˆv˜5 eΩuthi√’ava√, he who wrote; ¶¤∆á®v˜ eΩuthugi∞’ava√, he who writes; ¶¤∆pv˜ eΩuthub’ava√, he who will write
¶¤tatvÒ eΩuthäth’ava¬, a woman who did not write, does not write, or will not write
¶¤çˆvÒ eΩuthi√’ava¬, she who wrote; ¶¤∆á®vÒ eΩuthugi∞’ava¬, she who writes; ¶¤∆pvÒ eΩuthub’ava¬, she who will write
¶¤tat∆ eΩuthäth’athu, an animal or thing which did not write, does not write, or will not write
¶¤çˆ∆ eΩuthi√’athu, it which wrote; ¶¤∆á®∆ eΩuthugi∞’athu, it which writes; ¶¤∆v∆ eΩuthuv’athu, it which will write
¶¤tatvR(kÒ) eΩuthäth’avar(ga¬), people who did not write, do not write, or will not write
¶¤çˆvR(kÒ) eΩuthi√’avar(ga¬), they who wrote; ¶¤∆á®vR(kÒ) eΩuthugi∞’avar(ga¬), they who write; ¶¤∆pvR(kÒ) eΩuthub’avar(ga¬), °will write
¶¤tatwv(kÒ) eΩuthäth’avai(ga¬), animals or things which did not write, do not write, or will not write
¶¤çˆwv(kÒ) eΩuthi√’avai(ga¬), they who wrote; ¶¤∆á®wv(kÒ) eΩuthugi∞’avai(ga¬), they who write; ¶¤∆pwv(kÒ) eΩuthub’avai(ga¬), °will write

Negative Compound Forms (the neg. participle ¶¤ta∆ eΩuthäthu [dropping the ‘u’] + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru;
and the neg. participle ¶¤tamL eΩuthämal + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru):
¶¤taçÃNEt˜ ¶¤taçÃKáE®˜ ¶¤taçÃPEp˜ ¶¤taçÃNtaL
eΩuthäth’irunthë√ eΩuthäth’irukki∞ë√ eΩuthäth’iruppë√ eΩuthäth’irunthäl (conditional)
¶¤tamL iÃNEt˜ ¶¤tamL iÃKáE®˜ ¶¤tamL iÃPEp˜ ¶¤tamL iÃNtaL
eΩuthämal irunthë√ eΩuthämal irukki∞ë√ eΩuthämal iruppë√ eΩuthämal irunthäl (conditional)
I hadn’t written (past perf.) I haven’t written (pres. perf.)3 I won’t have written (f. perf.)3 (I-they) hadn’t written-if
I wasn’t writing I am not writing I won’t be writing (I-they) was/were not writing-if
(past continuous) (present continuous) (future continuous) (I-they) don’t/doesn’t write-if
1A common alternate form is ¶¤çy eΩuthiya. 2A common alternate form is ¶¤çy∆ eΩuthiyathu.
3Not in common use today. 4See footnote 4 on page 3.
5Common alternate forms are ¶¤çyv˜ eΩuthiy’ava√, ¶¤çyvÒ eΩuthiy’ava¬, etc.
k¤Œ kaΩuvu (v.t.) k¤ŒıkÒ kaΩuvu≥ga¬ k¤v kaΩuva k¤É kaΩuvi 30
wash (you)! (imperative s.) wash (you)! (imperative pl.) to wash (infinitive) (having) washed (past participle)
k¤Éˆ1 kaΩuvi√a (past adj. p.) k¤Œá® kaΩuvugi∞a (pres. adj. p.) k¤ŒM kaΩuvum (future adjectival participle)
(who, which) washed (who, which) washes (who, which) will wash
Present Tense Present Perfect & Present Continuous
k¤ŒáE®˜ kaΩuvugi∞ïë√ I wash k¤ÉëÃKáE®˜ kaΩuviy’irukki∞ïë√ I’ve washed; I am washing
k¤Œá®aY kaΩuvugi∞ïäy you wash k¤ÉëÃKá®aY kaΩuviy’irukki∞ïäy you’ve washed; you are washing
k¤Œá®a˜ kaΩuvugi∞ïä√ he washes k¤ÉëÃKá®a˜ kaΩuviy’irukki∞ïä√ he has washed; he is washing
k¤Œá®aÒ kaΩuvugi∞ïä¬ she washes k¤ÉëÃKá®aÒ kaΩuviy’irukki∞ïä¬ she has washed; she is washing
k¤Œá®∆ kaΩuvugi∞ïathu it washes k¤ÉëÃKá®∆ kaΩuviy’irukki∞ïathu it has washed; it is washing
k¤ŒáE®aM kaΩuvugi∞ïöm we wash k¤ÉëÃKáE®aM kaΩuviy’irukki∞ïöm we’ve washed; we are washing
k¤ŒáΩR(kÒ) kaΩuvugi∞ïïr(ga¬) you wash k¤ÉëÃKáΩR(kÒ) kaΩuviy’irukki∞ïïr(ga¬) you’ve washed; you are washing
k¤Œá®aR(kÒ) kaΩuvugi∞ïär(ga¬) they wash k¤ÉëÃKá®aR(kÒ) kaΩuviy’irukki∞ïär(ga¬) they’ve washed; they are washing
k¤Œá˜®ˆ kaΩuvugi√∞ïa√a they wash k¤ÉëÃKᘮˆ kaΩuviy’irukki√∞ïa√a they’ve washed; they are washing
Past Tense Past Pefect & Past Continuous
k¤ÉEˆ˜ kaΩuvi√ïë√ I washed k¤ÉëÃNEt˜ kaΩuviy’irunthïë√ I had washed; I was washing
k¤ÉˆaY kaΩuvi√ïäy you washed k¤ÉëÃNtaY kaΩuviy’irunthïäy you’d washed; you were washing
k¤Éˆa˜ kaΩuvi√ïä√ he washed k¤ÉëÃNta˜ kaΩuviy’irunthïä√ he’d washed; he was washing
k¤ÉˆaÒ kaΩuvi√ïä¬ she washed k¤ÉëÃNtaÒ kaΩuviy’irunthïä¬ she’d washed; she was washing
k¤Éˆ∆2 kaΩuvi√ïathu it washed k¤ÉëÃNt∆ kaΩuviy’irunthïathu it had washed; it was washing
k¤ÉEˆaM kaΩuvi√ïöm we washed k¤ÉëÃNEtaM kaΩuviy’irunthïöm we’d washed; we were washing
k¤ÉæR(kÒ) kaΩuvi√ïïr(ga¬) you washed k¤ÉëÃN≥R(kÒ) kaΩuviy’irunthïïr(ga¬) you’d washed; you were washing
k¤ÉˆaR(kÒ) kaΩuvi√ïär(ga¬) they washed k¤ÉëÃNtaR(kÒ) kaΩuviy’irunthïär(ga¬) they’d washed; they were washing
k¤Éˆ1 kaΩuvi√ïa they washed k¤ÉëÃNtˆ kaΩuviy’irunthïa√a they’d washed; they were washing
Future Tense Future Perfect & Future Continuous
k¤ŒEv˜ kaΩuvuvïë√ I’ll wash k¤ÉëÃPEp˜ kaΩuviy’iruppïë√ I’ll ’ve washed; I’ll be washing
k¤ŒvaY kaΩuvuvïäy you’ll wash k¤ÉëÃPpaY kaΩuviy’iruppïäy you’ll ’ve washed; you’ll be washing
k¤Œva˜ kaΩuvuvïä√ he’ll wash k¤ÉëÃPpa˜ kaΩuviy’iruppïä√ he’ll ’ve washed; he’ll be washing
k¤ŒvaÒ kaΩuvuvïä¬ she’ll wash k¤ÉëÃPpaÒ kaΩuviy’iruppïä¬ she’ll ’ve washed; she’ll be washing
k¤ŒM kaΩuvïum it’ll wash k¤ÉëÃK¿M kaΩuviy’irukkïum it’ll have washed; it’ll be washing
k¤ŒEvaM kaΩuvuvïöm we’ll wash k¤ÉëÃPEpaM kaΩuviy’iruppïöm we’ll ’ve washed; we’ll be washing
k¤Œ™R(kÒ) kaΩuvuvïïr(ga¬) you’ll wash k¤ÉëÃPµR(kÒ) kaΩuviy’iruppïïr(ga¬) you’ll ’ve washed; you’ll be washing
k¤ŒvaR(kÒ) kaΩuvuvïär(ga¬) they’ll wash k¤ÉëÃPpaR(kÒ) kaΩuviy’iruppïär(ga¬) they’ll ’ve washed; they’ll be washing
k¤ŒM kaΩuvïum they’ll drive k¤ÉëÃK¿M kaΩuviy’irukkïum they’ll ’ve washed; they’ll be washing
k¤ŒtL kaΩuvuthal k¤Œwk3 kaΩuvugai k¤vL kaΩuval k¤ŒŒ3 kaΩuvuvu 31
washing (verbal noun) washing (verbal noun) washing (verbal noun) washing (verbal noun)
k¤Éˆ∆2 kaΩuvi√’athu k¤Œá®∆ kaΩuvugi∞’athu k¤Œv∆ kaΩuvuv’athu k¤ÉˆaL kaΩuvi√äl
a (past) washing (v. noun) a (present) washing (v. n.) a (future) washing (v. n.) (I-they) wash/es-if (conditional)
k¤vaEt kaΩuväthë k¤va≥R(kÒ) kaΩuväthïr(ga¬) l¤vat kaΩuvätha k¤va∆ kaΩuväthu; k¤vamL kaΩuvämal
don’t (you) wash! (imperative s.) don’t (you) wash! (imp. pl.) non-washing (neg. adj. part.) without washing (neg. participle)
k¤vÉLwl kaΩuvavillai k¤Ev˜4 kaΩuvë√ k¤vmaDEd˜ kaΩuva-m䆆ë√ k¤vawm kaΩuvämai; k¤vat∆ kaΩuväthathu
(I-they) didn’t wash (‘past’) I won’t wash (tenseless) I won’t wash (‘future’) non-washing (neg. verbal nouns)
k¤Éˆ∆2iLwl kaΩuvi√athu illai k¤Œá®çLwl kaΩuvugi∞ath’illai k¤vv∆ iLwl kaΩuvuvathu illai k¤vaÉDdaL kaΩuvävi††äl
(I-they) haven’t/hasn’t washed (I-they) don’t/doesn’t (ever) wash (I-they) won’t (ever) wash (I-they) don’t/doesn’t wash-if (conditional)
k¤vatv˜ kaΩuväth’ava√, a man who did not wash, does not wash, or will not wash (this and all the following are participial nouns)
k¤Éˆv˜5 kaΩuvi√’ava√, he who washed; k¤Œá®v˜ kaΩuvugi∞’ava√, he who washes; k¤Œpv˜ kaΩuvub’ava√, he who will wash
k¤vatvÒ kaΩuväth’ava¬, a woman who did not wash, does not wash, or will not wash
k¤ÉˆvÒ kaΩuvi√’ava¬, she who washed; k¤Œá®vÒ kaΩuvugi∞’ava¬, she who washes; k¤ŒpvÒ kaΩuvub’ava¬, she who will wash
k¤vat∆ kaΩuväth’athu, an animal or thing which did not wash, does not wash, or will not wash
k¤Éˆ∆ kaΩuvi√’athu, it which washed; k¤Œá®∆ kaΩuvugi∞’athu, it which washes; k¤Œv∆ kaΩuvuv’athu, it which will wash
k¤vatvR(kÒ) kaΩuväth’avar(ga¬), people who did not wash, do not wash, or will not wash
k¤ÉˆvR(kÒ) kaΩuvi√’avar(ga¬), they who washed; k¤Œá®vR(kÒ) kaΩuvugi∞’avar(ga¬), °who wash; k¤ŒpvR(kÒ) kaΩuvub’avar(ga¬), °who’ll wash
k¤vatwv(kÒ) kaΩuväth’avai(ga¬), animals or things which did not wash, do not wash, or will not wash
k¤Éˆwv(kÒ) kaΩuvi√’avai(ga¬), they who washed; k¤Œá®wv(kÒ) kaΩuvugi∞’avai(ga¬), °who wash; k¤Œpwv(kÒ) kaΩuvub’avai(ga¬), °who’ll wash

Negative Compound Forms (the neg. participle k¤va∆ kaΩuväthu [dropping the ‘u’] + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru;
and the neg. participle k¤vamL kaΩuvämal + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru):
k¤vaçÃNEt˜ k¤vaçÃKáE®˜ k¤vaçÃPEp˜ k¤vaçÃNtaL
kaΩuväth’irunthë√ kaΩuväth’irukki∞ë√ kaΩuväth’iruppë√ kaΩuväth’irunthäl (conditional)
k¤vamL iÃNEt˜ k¤vamL iÃKáE®˜ k¤vamL iÃPEp˜ k¤vamL iÃNtaL
kaΩuvämal irunthë√ kaΩuvämal irukki∞ë√ kaΩuvämal iruppë√ kaΩuvämal irunthäl (conditional)
I hadn’t washed (past perf.) I haven’t washed (pres. perf.)3 I won’t have washed (f. perf.)3 (I-they) hadn’t washed-if
I wasn’t washing I am not washing I won’t be washing (I-they) wasn’t/weren’t washing-if
(past continuous) (present continuous) (future continuous) (I-they) don’t/doesn’t wash-if
1An alternate form is k¤Éy kaΩuviya. 2A common alternate form is k¤Éy∆ kaΩuviyathu.
3Not in common use today. 4See footnote 4 on page 3.
5Common alternate forms are k¤Éyv˜ kaΩuviy’ava√, k¤ÉyvÒ kaΩuviy’ava¬, etc.
Ep◊ pësu (v.i.) Ep◊ıkÒ pësu≥ga¬ Epc pësa Epâ pësi 32
talk (you)! (imperative) talk (you)! (imper. pl.) to talk (infinitive) (having) talked (past participle)
Epâˆ1 pësi√a (past adj. p.) Ep◊á® pësugi∞a (pres. adj. p.) Ep◊M pësum (future adjectival participle)
(who, which) talked (who, which) talks (who, which) will talk
Present Tense Present Perfect & Present Continuous
Ep◊áE®˜ pësugi∞ïë√ I talk EpâëÃKáE®˜ pësiy’irukki∞ïë√ I have talked; I am talking
Ep◊á®aY pësugi∞ïäy you talk EpâëÃKá®aY pësiy’irukki∞ïäy you have talked; you are talking
Ep◊á®a˜ pësugi∞ïä√ he talks EpâëÃKá®a˜ pësiy’irukki∞ïä√ he has talked; he is talking
Ep◊á®aÒ pësugi∞ïä¬ she talks EpâëÃKá®aÒ pësiy’irukki∞ïä¬ she has talked; she is talking
Ep◊á®∆ pësugi∞ïathu it talks EpâëÃKá®∆ pësiy’irukki∞ïathu it has talked; it is talking
Ep◊áE®aM pësugi∞ïöm we talk EpâëÃKáE®aM pësiy’irukki∞ïöm we have talked; we are talking
Ep◊áΩR(kÒ) pësugi∞ïïr(ga¬) you talk EpâëÃKáΩR(kÒ) pësiy’irukki∞ïïr(ga¬) you have talked; you are talking
Ep◊á®aR(kÒ) pësugi∞ïär(ga¬) they talk EpâëÃKá®aR(kÒ) pësiy’irukki∞ïär(ga¬) they have talked; they are talking
Ep◊ᘮˆ pësugi√∞ïa√a they talk EpâëÃKᘮˆ pësiy’irukki√∞ïa√a they have talked; they are talking

Past Tense Past Pefect & Past Continuous

EpâEˆ˜ pësi√ïë√ I talked EpâëÃNEt˜ pësiy’irunthïë√ I had talked; I was talking
EpâˆaY pësi√ïäy you talked EpâëÃNtaY pësiy’irunthïäy you had talked; you were talking
Epâˆa˜ pësi√ïä√ he talked EpâëÃNta˜ pësiy’irunthïä√ he had talked; he was talking
EpâˆaÒ pësi√ïä¬ she talked EpâëÃNtaÒ pësiy’irunthïä¬ she had talked; she was talking
Epâˆ∆2 pësi√ïathu it talked EpâëÃNt∆ pësiy’irunthïathu it had talked; it was talking
EpâEˆaM pësi√ïöm we talked EpâëÃNEtaM pësiy’irunthïöm we had talked; we were talking
EpâæR(kÒ) pësi√ïïr(ga¬) you talked EpâëÃN≥R(kÒ) pësiy’irunthïïr(ga¬) you had talked; you were talking
EpâˆaR(kÒ) pësi√ïär(ga¬) they talked EpâëÃNtaR(kÒ) pësiy’irunthïär(ga¬) they had talked; they were talking
Epâˆ1 pësi√ïa they talked EpâëÃNtˆ pësiy’irunthïa√a they had talked; they were talking

Future Tense Future Perfect & Future Continuous

Ep◊Ev˜ pësuvïë√ I’ll talk EpâëÃPEp˜ pësiy’iruppïë√ I’ll have talked; I’ll be talking
Ep◊vaY pësuvïäy you’ll talk EpâëÃPpaY pësiy’iruppïäy you’ll have talked; you’ll be talking
Ep◊va˜ pësuvïä√ he’ll talk EpâëÃPpa˜ pësiy’iruppïä√ he’ll have talked; he’ll be talking
Ep◊vaÒ pësuvïä¬ she’ll talk EpâëÃPpaÒ pësiy’iruppïä¬ she’ll have talked; she’ll be talking
Ep◊M pësïum it’ll talk EpâëÃK¿M pësiy’irukkïum it’ll have talked; it’ll be talking
Ep◊EvaM pësuvïöm we’ll talk EpâëÃPEpaM pësiy’iruppïöm we’ll have talked; we’ll be talking
Ep◊™R(kÒ) pësuvïïr(ga¬) you’ll talk EpâëÃPµR(kÒ) pësiy’iruppïïr(ga¬) you’ll have talked; you’ll be talking
Ep◊vaR(kÒ) pësuvïär(ga¬) they’ll talk EpâëÃPpaR(kÒ) pësiy’iruppïär(ga¬) they’ll have talked; they’ll be talking
Ep◊M pësïum they’ll talk EpâëÃK¿M pësiy’irukkïum they’ll have talked; they’ll be talking
Ep◊tL pësuthal Ep◊wk3 pësugai EpcL pësal Ep◊Œ3 pësuvu 33
talking (verbal noun) talking (verbal noun) talking (verbal noun) talking (verbal noun)
Epâˆ∆2 pësi√’athu Ep◊á®∆ pësugi∞’athu Ep◊v∆ pësuv’athu EpâˆaL pësi√äl
a (past) talking (v. noun) a (present) talking (v. n.) a (future) talking (v. n.) (I-they) talk/s-if (conditional)
EpcaEt pësäthë Epca≥R(kÒ) pësäthïr(ga¬) Epcat pësätha Epca∆ pësäthu; EpcamL pësämal
don’t (you) talk! (imperative s.) don’t (you) talk! (imp. pl.) non-talking (past adj. part.) without talking (neg. participle)
EpcÉLwl pësavillai EpEc˜4 pësë√ EpcmaDEd˜ pësa-m䆆ë√ Epcawm pësämai; Epcat∆ pësäthathu
(I-they) didn’t talk (‘past’) I won’t talk (tenseless) I won’t talk (‘future’) non-talking (neg. verbal nouns)
Epâˆ∆2 iLwl pësi√athu illai Ep◊á®çLwl pësugi∞ath’illai Ep◊v∆ iLwl pësuvathu illai EpcaÉDdaL pësävi††äl
(I-they) didn’t (ever) talk (I-they) don’t/doesn’t (ever) talk (I-they) won’t (ever) talk (I-they) don’t/doesn’t talk-if (condition.)
Epcatv˜ pësäth’ava√, a man who did not talk, does not talk, or will not talk (this and all the following are participial nouns)
Epâˆv˜5 pësi√’ava√, he who talked; Ep◊á®v˜ pësugi∞’ava√, he who talks; Ep◊pv˜ pësub’ava√, he who will talk
EpcatvÒ pësäth’ava¬, a woman who did not talk, does not talk, or will not talk
EpâˆvÒ pësi√’ava¬, she who talked; Ep◊á®vÒ pësugi∞’ava¬, she who talks; Ep◊pvÒ pësub’ava¬, she who will talk
Epcat∆ pësäth’athu, an animal or thing which did not talk, does not talk, or will not talk
Epâˆ∆ pësi√’athu, it which talked; Ep◊á®∆ pësugi∞’athu, it which talks; Ep◊v∆ pësuv’athu, it which will talk
EpcatvR(kÒ) pësäth’avar(ga¬), people who did not talk, do not talk, or will not talk
EpâˆvR(kÒ) pësi√’avar(ga¬), they who talked; Ep◊á®vR(kÒ) pësugi∞’avar(ga¬), they who talk; Ep◊pvR(kÒ) pësub’avar(ga¬), they who will talk
Epcatwv(kÒ) pësäth’avai(ga¬), animals or things which did not talk, do not talk, or will not talk
Epâˆwv(kÒ) pësi√’avai(ga¬), they who talked; Ep◊á®wv(kÒ) pësugi∞’avai(ga¬), they who talk; Ep◊pwv(kÒ) pësub’avai(ga¬), they who will talk

Negative Compound Forms (the neg. participle Epca∆ pësäthu [dropping the ‘u’] + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru;
and the neg. participle EpcamL pësämal + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru):
EpcaçÃNEt˜ EpcaçÃKáE®˜ EpcaçÃPEp˜ EpcaçÃNtaL
pësäth’irunthë√ pësäth’irukki∞ë√ pësäth’iruppë√ pësäth’irunthäl (conditional)
EpcamL iÃNEt˜ EpcamL iÃKáE®˜ EpcamL iÃPEp˜ EpcamL iÃNtaL
pësämal irunthë√ pësämal irukki∞ë√ pësämal l iruppë√ pësämal irunthäl (conditional)
I hadn’t talked (past perf.) I haven’t talked (pres. perf.)3 I won’t have talked (f. perf.)3 (I-they) hadn’t talked-if
I wasn’t talking I am not talking I won’t be talking (I-they) wasn’t/weren’t talking -if
(past continuous) (present continuous) (future continuous) (I-they) don’t/doesn’t talk-if
1An alternate form is Epây pësiya. 2A common alternate form is Epây∆ pësiyathu.
3Not in common use today. 4See footnote 4 on page 3.
5Common alternate forms are Epâyv˜ pësiy’ava√, EpâyvÒ pësiy’ava¬, etc.
ecaL(Õ) sol(lu) (v.i.) ecaLÕıkÒ sollu≥ga¬ ecaLl solla ecaLì solli 34
say (you)! (imperative s.) say (you)! (imperative pl.) to say (infinitive) (having) said (past participle)
eca˜ˆ1 so√√a (past adj. p.) ecaLÕá® sollugi∞a (pres. adj. p.) ecaLÕM sollum (future adjectival participle)
(who, which) said (who, which) says (who, which) will say
Present Tense Present Perfect & Present Continuous
ecaLÕáE®˜ sollugi∞ïë√ I say ecaLìëÃKáE®˜ solliy’irukki∞ïë√ I have said; I am saying
ecaLÕá®aY sollugi∞ïäy you say ecaLìëÃKá®aY solliy’irukki∞ïäy you have said; you are saying
ecaLÕá®a˜ sollugi∞ïä√ he says ecaLìëÃKá®a˜ solliy’irukki∞ïä√ he has said; he is saying
ecaLÕá®aÒ sollugi∞ïä¬ she says ecaLìëÃKá®aÒ solliy’irukki∞ïä¬ she has said; she is saying
ecaLÕá®∆ sollugi∞ïathu it says ecaLìëÃKá®∆ solliy’irukki∞ïathu it has said; it is saying
ecaLÕáE®aM sollugi∞ïöm we say ecaLìëÃKáE®aM solliy’irukki∞ïöm we have said; we are saying
ecaLÕáΩR(kÒ) sollugi∞ïïr(ga¬) you say ecaLìëÃKáΩR(kÒ) solliy’irukki∞ïïr(ga¬) you have said; you are saying
ecaLÕá®aR(kÒ) sollugi∞ïär(ga¬) they say ecaLìëÃKá®aR(kÒ) solliy’irukki∞ïär(ga¬) they have said; they are saying
ecaLÕᘮˆ sollugi√∞ïa√a they say ecaLìëÃKᘮˆ solliy’irukki√∞ïa√a they have said; they are saying

Past Tense Past Pefect & Past Continuous

eca˜Eˆ˜ so√√ïë√ I said ecaLìëÃNEt˜ solliy’irunthïë√ I had said; I was saying
eca˜ˆaY so√√ïäy you said EcaLìëÃNtaY solliy’irunthïäy you had said; you were saying
eca˜ˆa˜ so√√ïä√ he said ecaLìëÃNta˜ solliy’irunthïä√ he had said; he was saying
eca˜ˆaÒ so√√ïä¬ she said ecaLìëÃNtaÒ solliy’irunthïä¬ she had said; she was saying
eca˜ˆ∆2 so√√ïathu it said ecaLìëÃNt∆ solliy’irunthïathu it had said; it was saying
eca˜EˆaM so√√ïöm we said ecaLìëÃNEtaM solliy’irunthïöm we had said; we were saying
eca˜æR(kÒ) so√√ïïr(ga¬) you said ecaLìëÃN≥R(kÒ) solliy’irunthïïr(ga¬) you had said; you were saying
eca˜ˆaR(kÒ) so√√ïär(ga¬) they said ecaLìëÃNtaR(kÒ) solliy’irunthïär(ga¬) they had said; they were saying
ecaLìˆ1 solli√ïa they said ecaLìëÃNtˆ solliy’irunthïa√a they had said; they were saying

Future Tense Future Perfect & Future Continuous

ecaLÕEv˜ solluvïë√ I’ll say ecaLìëÃPEp˜ solliy’iruppïë√ I’ll have said; I’ll be saying
ecaLÕvaY solluvïäy you’ll say ecaLìëÃPpaY solliy’iruppïäy you’ll have said; you’ll be saying
ecaLÕva˜ solluvïä√ he’ll say EpâëÃPpa˜ solliy’iruppïä√ he’ll have said; he’ll be saying
ecaLÕvaÒ solluvïä¬ she’ll say ecaLìëÃPpaÒ solliy’iruppïä¬ she’ll have said; she’ll be saying
ecaLÕM sollïum it’ll say ecaLìëÃK¿M solliy’irukkïum it’ll have said; it’ll be saying
ecaLÕEvaM solluvïöm we’ll say ecaLìëÃPEpaM solliy’iruppïöm we’ll have said; we’ll be saying
ecaLÕ™R(kÒ) solluvïïr(ga¬) you’ll say ecaLìÃPµR(kÒ) solliy’iruppïïr(ga¬) you’ll have said; you’ll be saying
ecaLÕvaR(kÒ) solluvïär(ga¬) they’ll say ecaLìëÃPpaR(kÒ) solliy’iruppïär(ga¬) they’ll have said; they’ll be saying
ecaLÕM sollïum they’ll say ecaLìëÃK¿M solliy’irukkïum they’ll have said; they’ll be saying
ecaLÕtL solluthal ecaLÕwk3 sollugai ecaLlL sollal ecaLÕŒ3 solluvu 35
saying (verbal noun) saying (verbal noun) saying (verbal noun) saying (verbal noun)
eca˜ˆ∆2 so√√’athu ecaLÕá®∆ sollugi∞’athu ecaLÕv∆ solluv’athu eca˜ˆaL so√√äl
a (past) saying (v. noun) a (present) saying (v. n.) a (future) saying (v. n.) (I-they) say/s-if (conditional)
ecaLlaEt solläthë ecaLla≥R(kÒ) solläthïr(ga¬) ecaLlat sollätha ecaLla∆ solläthu; ecaLlamL sollämal
don’t (you) say! (imperative s.) don’t (you) say! (imp. pl.) non-saying (neg. adj. part.) without saying (neg. participle)
ecaLlÉLwl sollavillai ecaLEl˜4 sollë√ ecaLlmaDEd˜ solla-m䆆ë√ ecaLlawm sollämai; ecaLlat∆ solläthathu
(I-they) didn’t say (‘past’) I won’t say (tenseless) I won’t say (‘future’) non-saying (neg. verbal nouns)
eca˜ˆ∆2iLwl so√√athu illai ecaLÕá®çLwl sollugi∞ath’illai ecaLÕv∆ iLwl solluvathu illai ecaLlaÉDdaL sollävi††äl
(I-they) didn’t (ever) say (I-they) don’t/doesn’t (ever) say (I-they) won’t (ever) say (I-they) don’t/doesn’t say-if (condition.)
ecaLlatv˜ solläth’ava√, a man who did not say, does not say, or will not say (this and all the following are participial nouns)
eca˜ˆv˜5 so√√’ava√, he who said; ecaLÕá®v˜ sollugi∞’ava√, he who says; ecaLÕpv˜ sollub’ava√, he who will say
ecaLlatvÒ solläth’ava¬, a woman who did not say, does not say, or will not say
eca˜ˆvÒ so√√’ava¬, she who said; ecaLÕá®vÒ sollugi∞’ava¬, she who says; ecaLÕpvÒ sollub’ava¬, she who will say
ecaLlat∆ solläth’athu, an animal or thing which did not say, does not say, or will not say
eca˜ˆ∆ so√√’athu, it which said; ecaLÕá®∆ sollugi∞’athu, it which says; ecaLÕv∆ solluv’athu, it which will say
ecaLlatvR(kÒ) solläth’avar(ga¬), people who did not say, do not say, or will not say
eca˜ˆvR(kÒ) so√√’avar(ga¬), they who said; ecaLÕá®vR(kÒ) sollugi∞’avar(ga¬), they who say; ecaLÕpvR(kÒ) sollub’avar(ga¬), they who’ll say
ecaLlatwv(kÒ) solläth’avai(ga¬), animals or things which did not say, do not say, or will not say
eca˜ˆwv(kÒ) so√√’avai(ga¬), they who said; ecaLÕá®wv(kÒ) sollugi∞’avai(ga¬), they who say; ecaLÕpwv(kÒ) sollub’avai(ga¬), they who’ll say

Negative Compound Forms (the neg. participle ecaLla∆ solläthu [dropping the ‘u’] + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru;
and the neg. participle ecaLlamL sollämal + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru):
ecaLlaçÃNEt˜ ecaLlaçÃKáE®˜ ecaLlaçÃPEp˜ ecaLlaçÃNtaL
solläth’irunthë√ solläth’irukki∞ë√ solläth’iruppë√ solläth’irunthäl (conditional)
ecaLlamL iÃNEt˜ ecaLlamL iÃKáE®˜ ecaLlamL iÃPEp˜ ecaLlamL iÃNtaL
sollämal irunthë√ sollämal irukki∞ë√ sollämal iruppë√ sollämal irunthäl (conditional)
I hadn’t said (past perf.) I haven’t said (pres. perf.)3 I won’t have said (f. perf.)3 (I-they) hadn’t said-if
I wasn’t saying I am not saying I won’t be saying (I-they) wasn’t/weren’t saying-if
(past continuous) (present continuous) (future continuous) (I-they) don’t/doesn’t say-if
1An alternate form is ecaLìy solliya. 2A common alternate form is ecaLìy∆ solliyathu.
3Not in common use today. 4See footnote 4 on page 3.
5Common alternate forms are ecaLìyv˜ solliy’ava√, ecaLìyvÒ solliy’ava¬, etc.
Epa pö (v.i.) EpaıkÒ pö≥ga¬ Epak pöga EpaY pöy 36
go (you)! (imperative) go (you)! (imper. pl.) to go (infinitive) (having) gone (past participle)
Epaˆ pö√a (past adj. p.) Epaá® pögi∞a (pres. adj. p.) Epa¿M pögum (future adjectival participle)
(who, which) went (who, which) goes (who, which) will go
Present Tense Present Perfect & Present Continuous
EpaáE®˜ pögi∞ïë√ I go EpaëÃKáE®˜ pöy’irukki∞ïë√ I have gone; I am going
Epaá®aY pögi∞ïäy you go EpaëÃKá®aY pöy’irukki∞ïäy youhave gone; you are going
Epaá®a˜ pögi∞ïä√ he goes EpaëÃKá®a˜ pöy’irukki∞ïä√ he has gone; he is going
Epaá®aÒ pögi∞ïä¬ she goes EpaëÃKá®aÒ pöy’irukki∞ïä¬ she has gone; she is going
Epaá®∆ pögi∞ïathu it goes EpaëÃKá®∆ pöy’irukki∞ïathu it has gone; it is going
EpaáE®aM pögi∞ïöm we go EpaëÃKáE®aM pöy’irukki∞ïöm we have gone; we are going
EpaáΩR(kÒ) pögi∞ïïr(ga¬) you go EpaëÃKáΩR(kÒ) pöy’irukki∞ïïr(ga¬) you have gone; you are going
Epaá®aR(kÒ) pögi∞ïär(ga¬) they go EpaëÃKá®aR(kÒ) pöy’irukki∞ïär(ga¬) they have gone; they are going
Epaᘮˆ pögi√∞ïa√a they go EpaëÃKᘮˆ pöy’irukki√∞ïa√a they have gone; they are going

Past Tense Past Pefect & Past Continuous

EpaEˆ˜ pö√ïë√ I went EpaëÃNEt˜ pöy’irunthïë√ I had gone; I was going
EpaˆaY pö√ïäy you went EpaëÃNtaY pöy’irunthïäy you had gone; you were going
Epaˆa˜ pö√ïä√ he went EpaëÃNta˜ pöy’irunthïä√ he had gone; he was going
EpaˆaÒ pö√ïä¬ she went EpaëÃNtaÒ pöy’irunthïä¬ she had gone; she was going
Epaˆ∆1 pö√ïathu it went EpaëÃNt∆ pöy’irunthïathu it had gone; it was going
EpaEˆaM pö√ïöm we went EpaëÃNEtaM pöy’irunthïöm we had gone; we were going
EpaæR(kÒ) pö√ïïr(ga¬) you went EpaëÃN≥R(kÒ) pöy’irunthïïr(ga¬) you had gone; you were going
EpaˆaR(kÒ) pö√ïär(ga¬) they went EpaëÃNtaR(kÒ) pöy’irunthïär(ga¬) they had gone; they were going
Epaëˆ pöyi√ïa they went EpaëÃNtˆ pöy’irunthïa√a they had gone; they were going

Future Tense Future Perfect & Future Continuous

EpaEv˜ pövïë√ I’ll go EpaëÃPEp˜ pöy’iruppïë√ I’ll ’ve gone; I’ll be going
EpavaY pövïäy you’ll go EpaëÃPpaY pöy’iruppïäy you’ll ’ve gone; you’ll be going
Epava˜ pövïä√ he’ll go EpaëÃPpa˜ pöy’iruppïä√ he’ll ’ve gone; he’ll be going
EpavaÒ pövïä¬ she’ll go EpaëÃPpaÒ pöy’iruppïä¬ she’ll ’ve gone; she’ll be going
Epa¿M pögïum it’ll go EpaëÃK¿M pöy’irukkïum it’ll have gone; it’ll be going
EpaEvaM pövïöm we’ll go EpaëÃPEpaM pöy’iruppïöm we’ll ’ve gone; we’ll be going
Epa™R(kÒ) pövïïr(ga¬) you’ll go EpaëÃPµR(kÒ) pöy’iruppïïr(ga¬) you’ll ’ve gone; you’ll be going
EpavaR(kÒ) pövïär(ga¬) they’ll go EpaëÃPpaR(kÒ) pöy’iruppïär(ga¬) they’ll ’ve gone; they’ll be going
Epa¿M pögïum they’ll go EpaëÃK¿M pöy’irukkïum they’ll ’ve gone; they’ll be going
EpatL pöthal Epawk pögai EpakL pögal – 37
going (verbal noun) going (v. noun) going (verbal noun) going (verbal noun)
Epaˆ∆1 pö√’athu Epaá®∆ pögi∞’athu Epav∆ pöv’athu EpaˆaL pö√äl
a (past) going (v. noun) a (present) going (v. noun) a (future) going (v. noun) (I-they) going-if (conditional)
EpakaEt pögäthë Epaka≥R(kÒ) pögäthïr(ga¬) Epakat pögätha Epaka∆ pögäthu; EpakamL pögämal
don’t (you) go! (imp.) don’t go! (imp. pl.) non-going (neg. adj. part.) without going (neg. participle)
EpakÉLwl pögavillai EpaEk˜2 pögë√ EpakmaDEd˜ pöga-m䆆ë√ Epakawm pögämai; Epakat∆ pögäthathu
(I-they) didn’t go (‘past’) I won’t go (tenseless) I won’t go (‘future’) non-going (neg. verbal nouns)
Epaˆ∆1 iLwl pö√athu illai Epaá®çLwl pögi∞ath’illai Epav∆ iLwl pövathu illai EpakaÉDdaL pögävi††äl
(I-they) haven’t/hasn’t (ever) gone (I-they) don’t/doesn’t (ever) go (I-they) won’t (ever) go (I-they) don’t/doesn’t go-if (condition.)
Epakatv˜ pögäth’ava√, a man who did not go, does not go, or will not go (this and all the following are participial nouns)
Epaˆv˜ pö√’ava√, he who went; Epaá®v˜ pögi∞’ava√, he who goes; Epapv˜ pöb’ava√, he who will go
EpakatvÒ pögäth’ava¬, a woman who did not go, does not go, or will not go
EpaˆvÒ pö√’ava¬, she who went; Epaá®vÒ pögi∞’ava¬, she who goes; EpapvÒ pöb’ava¬, she who will go
Epakat∆ pögäth’athu, an animal or thing which did not go, does not go, or will not go
Epaˆ∆ pö√’athu, it which went; Epaá®∆ pögi∞’athu, it which goes; Epav∆ pöv’athu, it which will go
EpakatvR(kÒ) pögäth’avar(ga¬), people who did not go, do not go, or will not go
EpaˆvR(kÒ) pö√’avar(ga¬), they who went; Epaá®vR(kÒ) pögi∞’avar(ga¬), they who go; EpapvR(kÒ) pöb’avar(ga¬), they who will go
Epakatwv(kÒ) pögäth’avai(ga¬), animals or things which did not go, do not go, or will not go
Epaˆwv(kÒ) pö√’avai(ga¬), they who went; Epaá®wv(kÒ) pögi∞’avai(ga¬), they who go; Epapwv(kÒ) pöb’avai(ga¬), they who will go

Negative Compound Forms (the neg. participle Epaka∆ pögäthu [dropping the ‘u’] + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru;
and the neg. participle EpakamL pögämal + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru):
EpakaçÃNEt˜ EpakaçÃKáE®˜ EpakaçÃPEp˜ EpakaçÃNtaL
pögäth’irunthë√ pögäth’irukki∞ë√ pögäth’iruppë√ pögäth’irunthäl (conditional)
EpakamL iÃNEt˜ EpakamL iÃKáE®˜ EpakamL iÃPEp˜ EpakamL iÃNtaL
pögämal irunthë√ pögämal irukki∞ë√ pögämal iruppë√ pögämal irunthäl (conditional)
I hadn’t gone (past perf.) I haven’t gone (pres. perf.)3 I won’t have gone (f. perf.)3 (I-they) hadn’t gone-if
I wasn’t going I am not going I won’t be going (I-they) was/were not going-if
(past continuous) (present continuous) (future continuous) (I-they) don’t/doesn’t go-if
1An alternate form is Epa뉛 pöyi∞∞u. 2See footnote 4 on page 3. 3Not in common use today.
åwc asai (v.t.) åwcÀıkÒ asaiyu≥ga¬ åwcKk asaikka åwcT∆ asaitthu 38
move (sth) (you)! (imperative s.) move (sth) (you)! (imper. plural) to move (sth) (infinitive) (having) moved (sth) (past participle)

åwcTt asaittha (past adj. p.) åwcKá® asaikki∞a (pres. adj. p.) åwcK¿M asaikkum (future adjectival participle)
(who, which) moved (sth) (who, which) moves (sth) (who, which) will move (sth)
Present Tense Present Perfect & Present Continuous
åwcKáE®˜ asaikki∞ïë√ I move (sth) åwcTçÃKáE®˜ asaitth’irukki∞ïë√ I have moved; I am moving (sth)
åwcKá®aY asaikki∞ïäy you move (sth) åwcTçÃKá®aY asaitth’irukki∞ïäy you have moved; you are moving (sth)
åwcKá®a˜ asaikki∞ïä√ he moves (sth) åwcTçÃKá®a˜ asaitth’irukki∞ïä√ he has moved; he is moving (sth)
åwcKá®aÒ asaikki∞ïä¬ she moves (sth) åwcTçÃKá®aÒ asaitth’irukki∞ïä¬ she has moved; she is moving (sth)
åwcKá®∆ asaikki∞ïathu it moves (sth) åwcTçÃKá®∆ asaitth’irukki∞ïathu it has moved; it is moving (sth)
åwcKáE®aM asaikki∞ïöm we move (sth) åwcTçÃKáE®aM asaitth’irukki∞ïöm we have moved; we are moving (sth)
åwcKáΩR(kÒ) asaikki∞ïïr(ga¬) you move (sth) åwcTçÃKáΩR(kÒ) asaitth’irukki∞ïïr(ga¬) you have moved; you are moving (sth)
åwcKá®aR(kÒ) asaikki∞ïär(ga¬) they move (sth) åwcTçÃKá®aR(kÒ) asaitth’irukki∞ïär(ga¬) they have moved; they are moving (sth)
åwcKᘮˆ asaikki√∞ïa√a they move (sth) åwcTçÃKᘮˆ asaitth’irukki√∞ïa√a they have moved; they are moving (sth)

Past Tense Past Pefect & Past Continuous

åwcTEt˜ asaitthïë√ I moved (sth) åwcTçÃNEt˜ asaitth’irunthïë√ I had moved; I was moving (sth)
åwcTtaY asaitthïäy you moved (sth) åwcTçÃNtaY asaitth’irunthïäy you had moved; you were moving (sth)
åwcTta˜ asaitthïä√ he moved (sth) åwcTçÃNta˜ asaitth’irunthïä√ he had moved; he was moving (sth)
åwcTtaÒ asaitthïä¬ she moved (sth) åwcTçÃNtaÒ asaitth’irunthïä¬ she had moved; she was moving (sth)
åwcTt∆ asaitthïathu it moved (sth) åwcTçÃNt∆ asaitth’irunthïathu it had moved; it was moving (sth)
åwcTEtaM asaitthïöm we moved (sth) åwcTçÃNEtaM asaitth’irunthïöm we had moved; we were moving (sth)
åwcT≥R(kÒ) asaitthïïr(ga¬) you moved (sth) åwcTçÃN≥(kÒ) asaitth’irunthïïr(ga¬) you had moved; you were moving (sth)
åwcTtaR(kÒ) asaitthïär(ga¬) they moved (sth) åwcTçÃNtaR(kÒ) asaitth’irunthïär(ga¬) they had moved; they were moving (sth)
åwcTtˆ asaitthïa√a they moved (sth) åwcTçÃNtˆ asaitth’irunthïa√a they had moved; they were moving (sth)

Future Tense Future Perfect & Future Continuous

åwcPEp˜ asaippïë√ I’ll move (sth) åwcTçÃPEp˜ asaitth’iruppïë√ I’ll have moved; I’ll be moving (sth)
åwcPpaY asaippïäy you’ll move (sth) åwcTçÃPpaY asaitth’iruppïäy you’ll have moved; you’ll be moving (sth)
åwcPpa˜ asaippïä√ he’ll move (sth) åwcTçÃPpa˜ asaitth’iruppïä√ he’ll have moved; he’ll be moving (sth)
åwcPpaÒ asaippïä¬ she’ll move (sth) åwcTçÃPpaÒ asaitth’iruppïä¬ she’ll have moved; she’ll be moving (sth)
åwcK¿M asaikkïum it’ll move (sth) åwcTçÃK¿M asaitth’irukkïum it’ll have moved; it’ll be moving (sth)
åwcPEpaM asaippïöm we’ll move (sth) åwcTçÃPEpaM asaitth’iruppïöm we’ll have moved; we’ll be moving (sth)
åwcPµR(kÒ) asaippïïr(ga¬) you’ll move (sth) åwcTçÃPµR(kÒ) asaitth’iruppïïr(ga¬) you’ll have moved; you’ll be moving (sth)
åwcPpaR(kÒ) asaippïär(ga¬) they’ll move (sth) åwcTçÃPpaR(kÒ) asaitth’iruppïär(ga¬) they’ll have moved; they’ll be moving (sth)
åwcK¿M asaikkïum they’ll move (sth) åwcTçÃK¿M asaitth’irukkïum they’ll have moved; they’ll be moving (sth)
åwcTtL asaitthal åwcKwk1 asaikkai åwcKkL asaikkal åwcP» asaippu 39
moving (sth) (verbal noun) moving (sth) (action) (v. noun) moving (sth) (verbal noun) moving (sth) (verbal noun)
åwcTt∆ asaitth’athu åwcKá®∆ asaikki∞’athu åwcPp∆ asaipp’athu åwcTtaL asaitthäl
a (past) moving (sth) (v. noun) a (present) moving (sth) (v. noun) a (future) moving (sth) (v. noun) (I-they) move/moves (sth)-if (conditional)
åwcKkaEt asaikkäthë åwcKka≥R(kÒ) asaikkäthïr(ga¬) åwcKkat asaikkätha åwcKka∆ asaikkäthu; åwcKkamL asaikkämal
don’t (you) move (sth)! (imp.) don’t (you) move (sth)! (imp. pl.) non-moving (sth) (neg. adj. part.) non-moving (sth) (neg. participle)
åwcKkÉLwl asaikkavillai åwcEy˜2 asaiyë√ åwcKkmaDEd˜ asaikka-m䆆ë√ åwcKkawm asaikkämai; °Kkat∆ °kkäthathu
(I-they) didn’t move (sth) (‘past’) I won’t move (sth) (tenseless) I won’t move (sth) (‘future’) non-moving (sth) (neg. verbal nouns)
åwcTt∆ iLwl asaitthathu illai åwcKá®çLwl asaikki∞ath’illai åwcPp∆ iLwl asaippathu illai åwcKkaÉDdaL asaikkävi††äl
(I-they) haven’t/hasn’t (ever) moved (I-they) don’t/doesn’t (ever) move (I-they) won’t (ever) move (I-they) don’t/doesn’t move-if (conditional)
åwcKkatv˜ asaikkäth’ava√, a man who did not move, does not move, or will not move (sth) (this and all the following are participial nouns)
åwcTtv˜ asaitth’ava√, he who moved; åwcKá®v˜ asaikki∞’ava√, he who moves; åwcPpv˜ asaipp’ava√, he who will move (sth)
åwcKkatvÒ asaikkäth’ava¬, a woman who did not move, does not move, or will not move (sth)
åwcTtvÒ asaitth’ava¬, she who moved; åwcKá®vÒ asaikki∞’ava¬, she who moves; åwcPpvÒ asaipp’ava¬, she who will move (sth)
åwcKkat∆ asaikkäth’athu, an animal or thing which did not move, does not move, or will not move (sth)
åwcTt∆ asaitth’athu, it which moved; åwcKá®∆ asaikki∞’athu, it which moves; åwcPp∆ asaipp’athu, it which will move (sth)
åwcKkatvR(kÒ) asaikkäth’avar(ga¬), people who did not move, do not move, or will not move (sth)
åwcTtvR(kÒ) asaitth’avar(ga¬), they who moved; åwcKá®vR(kÒ) asaikki∞’avar(ga¬), °who move; åwcPpvR(kÒ) asaipp’avar(ga¬), °who’ll move (sth)
åwcKkatwv(kÒ) asaikkäth’avai(ga¬), animals or things which did not move, do not move, or will not move (sth)
åwcTtwv(kÒ) asaitth’avai(ga¬), they who moved; åwcKá®wv(kÒ) asaikki∞’avai(ga¬), °who move; åwcPpwv(kÒ) asaipp’avai(ga¬), °who’ll move (sth)

Negative Compound Forms (the neg. participle åwcKka∆ asaikkäthu [dropping the ‘u’] + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru;
and the neg. participle åwcKkamL asaikkämal + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru):
åwcKkaçÃNEt˜ åwcKkaçÃKáE®˜ åwcKkaçÃPEp˜ åwcKkaçÃNtaL
asaikkäth’irunthë√ asaikkäth’irukki∞ë√ asaikkäth’iruppë√ asaikkäth’irunthäl (conditional)
åwcKkamL iÃNEt˜ åwcKkamL iÃKáE®˜ åwcKkamL iÃPEp˜ åwcKkamL iÃNtaL
asaikkämal irunthë√ asaikkämal irukki∞ë√ asaikkämal iruppë√ (f. perf.)1 asaikkämal irunthäl (conditional)
I hadn’t moved (sth) (past perf.) I haven’t moved (sth) (pres. perf.)1 I won’t have moved (sth) ↵ (I-they) hadn’t moved (sth)-if
I wasn’t moving (sth) I am not moving (sth) I won’t be moving (sth) (I-they) was/were not moving (sth)-if
(past continuous) (present continuous) (future continuous) (I-they) don’t/doesn’t move (sth)-if
1Not in common use today.
2See footnote 4 on page 3.
åwc asai (v.i.) åwcÀıkÒ asaiyu≥ga¬ åwcy asaiya åwcN∆ asainthu 40
move (you)! (imperative sing.) move (you)! (imperative plural) to move (infinitive) (having) moved (past participle)
åwcNt asaintha (past adj. p.) åwcá® asaigi∞a (pres. adj. p.) åwcÀM asaiyum (future adjectival participle)
(who, which) moved (who, which) moves (who, which) will move
Present Tense Present Perfect & Present Continuous
åwcáE®˜ asaigi∞ïë√ I move åwcNçÃKáE®˜ asainth’irukki∞ïë√ I have moved; I am moving
åwcá®aY asaigi∞ïäy you move åwcNçÃKá®aY asainth’irukki∞ïäy you have moved; you are moving
åwcá®a˜ asaigi∞ïä√ he moves åwcNçÃKá®a˜ asainth’irukki∞ïä√ he has moved; he is moving
åwcá®aÒ asaigi∞ïä¬ she moves åwcNçÃKá®aÒ asainth’irukki∞ïä¬ she has moved; she is moving
åwcá®∆ asaigi∞ïathu it moves åwcNçÃKá®∆ asainth’irukki∞ïathu it has moved; it is moving
åwcáE®aM asaigi∞ïöm we move åwcNçÃKáE®aM asainth’irukki∞ïöm we have moved; we are moving
åwcáΩR(kÒ) asaigi∞ïïr(ga¬) you move åwcNçÃKáΩR(kÒ) asainth’irukki∞ïïr(ga¬) you have moved; you are moving
åwcá®aR(kÒ) asaigi∞ïär(ga¬) they move åwcNçÃKá®aR(kÒ) asainth’irukki∞ïär(ga¬) they have moved; they are moving
åwcᘮˆ asaigi√∞ïa√a they move åwcNçÃKᘮˆ asainth’irukki√∞ïa√a they have moved; they are moving
Past Tense Past Pefect & Past Continuous
åwcNEt˜ asainthïë√ I moved åwcNçÃNEt˜ asainth’irunthïë√ I had moved; I was moving
åwcNtaY asainthïäy you moved åwcNçÃNtaY asainth’irunthïäy you had moved; you were moving
åwcNta˜ asainthïä√ he moved åwcNçÃNta˜ asainth’irunthïä√ he had moved; he was moving
åwcNtaÒ asainthïä¬ she moved åwcNçÃNtaÒ asainth’irunthïä¬ she had moved; she was moving
åwcNt∆ asainthïathu it moved åwcNçÃNt∆ asainth’irunthïathu it had moved; it was moving
åwcNEtaM asainthïöm we moved åwcNçÃNEtaM asainth’irunthïöm we had moved; we were moving
åwcN≥R(kÒ) asainthïïr(ga¬) you moved åwcNçÃN≥(kÒ) asainth’irunthïïr(ga¬) you had moved; you were moving
åwcNtaR(kÒ) asainthïär(ga¬) they moved åwcNçÃNtaR(kÒ) asainth’irunthïär(ga¬) they had moved; they were moving
åwcNtˆ asainthïa√a they moved åwcNçÃNtˆ asainth’irunthïa√a they had moved; they were moving
Future Tense Future Perfect & Future Continuous
åwcEv˜ asaivïë√ I’ll move åwcNçÃPEp˜ asainth’iruppïë√ I’ll have moved; I’ll be moving
åwcvaY asaivïäy you’ll move åwcNçÃPpaY asainth’iruppïäy you’ll have moved; you’ll be moving
åwcva˜ asaivïä√ he’ll move åwcNçÃPpa˜ asainth’iruppïä√ he’ll have moved; he’ll be moving
åwcvaÒ asaivïä¬ she’ll move åwcNçÃPpaÒ asainth’iruppïä¬ she’ll have moved; she’ll be moving
åwcÀM asaiyïum it’ll move åwcNçÃK¿M asainth’irukkïum it’ll have moved; it’ll be moving
åwcEvaM asaivïöm we’ll move åwcNçÃPEpaM asainth’iruppïöm we’ll have moved; we’ll be moving
åwc™R(kÒ) asaivïïr(ga¬) you’ll move åwcNçÃPµR(kÒ) asainth’iruppïïr(ga¬) you’ll have moved; you’ll be moving
åwcvaR(kÒ) asaivïär(ga¬) they’ll move åwcNçÃPpaR(kÒ) asainth’iruppïär(ga¬) they’ll have moved; they’ll be moving
åwcÀM asaiyïum they’ll move åwcNçÃK¿M asainth’irukkïum they’ll have moved; they’ll be moving
åwctL asaithal åwcwk1 asaigai åwcyL asaiyal åwcŒ asaivu 41
moving (verbal noun) moving (action) (v. noun) moving (verbal noun) moving (verbal noun)
åwcNt∆ asainth’athu åwcá®∆ asaigi∞’athu åwcv∆ asaiv’athu åwcNtaL asainthäl
a (past) moving (v. noun) a (present) moving (v. noun) a (future) moving (v. noun) (I-they) move/moves-if (conditional)
åwcyaEt asaiyäthë åwcya≥R(kÒ) asaiyäthïr(ga¬) åwcyat asaiyätha åwcya∆ asaiyäthu; åwcyamL asaiyämal
don’t (you) move! (imp.) don’t (you) move! (imp. pl.) non-moving (neg. adj. part.) without moving (neg. participle)
åwcyÉLwl asaiyavillai åwcEy˜2 asaiyë√ åwcymaDEd˜ asaiya-m䆆ë√ åwcyawm asaiyämai; åwcyat∆ asaiyäthathu
(I-they) didn’t move (‘past’) I won’t move (tenseless) I won’t move (‘future’) non-moving (neg. verbal nouns)
åwcNt∆ iLwl asainthathu illai åwcá®çLwl asaigi∞ath’illai åwcv∆ iLwl asaivathu illai åwcyaÉDdaL asaiyävi††äl
(I-they) haven’t/hasn’t (ever) moved (I-they) don’t/doesn’t (ever) move (I-they) won’t (ever) move (I-they) don’t/doesn’t move-if (conditional)
åwcyatv˜ asaiyäth’ava√, a man who did not move, does not move, or will not move (this and all the following are participial nouns)
åwcNtv˜ asainth’ava√, he who moved; åwcá®v˜ asaigi∞’ava√, he who moves; åwcpv˜ asaib’ava√, he who will move
åwcyatvÒ asaiyäth’ava¬, a woman who did not move, does not move, or will not move
åwcNtvÒ asainth’ava¬, she who moved; åwcá®vÒ asaigi∞’ava¬, she who moves; åwcpvÒ asaib’ava¬, she who will move
åwcyat∆ asaiyäth’athu, an animal or thing which did not move, does not move, or will not move
åwcNt∆ asainth’athu, it which moved; åwcá®∆ asaigi∞’athu, it which moves; åwcv∆ asaiv’athu, it which will move
åwcyatvR(kÒ) asaiyäth’avar(ga¬), people who did not move, do not move, or will not move
åwcNtvR(kÒ) asainth’avar(ga¬), they who moved; åwcá®vR(kÒ) asaigi∞’avar(ga¬), they who move; åwcpvR(kÒ) asaib’avar(ga¬), they who’ll move
åwcyatwv(kÒ) asaiyäth’avai(ga¬), animals or things which did not move, do not move, or will not move
åwcNtwv(kÒ) asainth’avai(ga¬), they who moved; åwcá®wv(kÒ) asaigi∞’avai(ga¬), they who move; åwcpwv(kÒ) asaib’avai(ga¬), they who’ll move

Negative Compound Forms (the neg. participle åwcya∆ asaiyäthu [dropping the ‘u’] + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru;
and the neg. participle åwcyamL asaiyämal + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru):
åwcyaçÃNEt˜ åwcyaçÃKáE®˜ åwcyaçÃPEp˜ åwcyaçÃNtaL
asaiyäth’irunthë√ asaiyäth’irukki∞ë√ asaiyäth’iruppë√ asaiyäth’irunthäl (conditional)
åwcyamL iÃNEt˜ åwcyamL iÃKáE®˜ åwcyamL iÃPEp˜ åwcyamL iÃNtaL
asaiyämal irunthë√ asaiyämal irukki∞ë√ asaiyämal iruppë√ asaiyämal irunthäl (conditional)
I hadn’t moved (past perf.) I haven’t moved (pres. perf.)1 I won’t have moved (f. perf.)1 (I-they) hadn’t moved-if
I wasn’t moving I am not moving I won’t be moving (I-they) was/were not moving-if
(past continuous) (present continuous) (future continuous) (I-they) don’t/doesn’t move-if
1Not in common use today.
2See footnote 4 on page 3.
¶í eri (v.t.) ¶íÀıkÒ eriyu≥ga¬ ¶íKk erikka ¶íT∆ eritthu 42
burn (sth) (you)! (imperative s.) burn (sth) (you)! (imper. plural) to burn (sth) (infinitive) (having) burned (sth) (past participle)
¶íTt erittha (past adj. p.) ¶íKá® erikki∞a (pres. adj. p.) ¶íK¿M erikkum (future adjectival participle)
(who, which) burned (sth) (who, which) burns (sth) (who, which) will burn (sth)
Present Tense Present Perfect & Present Continuous
¶íKáE®˜ erikki∞ïë√ I burn (sth) ¶íTçÃKáE®˜ eritth’irukki∞ïë√ I have burned; I am burning (sth)
¶íKá®aY erikki∞ïäy you burn (sth) ¶íTçÃKá®aY eritth’irukki∞ïäy you have burned; you are burning (sth)
¶íKá®a˜ erikki∞ïä√ he burns (sth) ¶íTçÃKá®a˜ eritth’irukki∞ïä√ he has burned; he is burning (sth)
¶íKá®aÒ erikki∞ïä¬ she burns (sth) ¶íTçÃKá®aÒ eritth’irukki∞ïä¬ she has burned; she is burning (sth)
¶íKá®∆ erikki∞ïathu it burns (sth) ¶íTçÃKá®∆ eritth’irukki∞ïathu it has burned; it is burning (sth)
¶íKáE®aM erikki∞ïöm we burn (sth) ¶íTçÃKáE®aM eritth’irukki∞ïöm we have burned; we are burning (sth)
¶íKáΩR(kÒ) erikki∞ïïr(ga¬) you burn (sth) ¶íTçÃKáΩR(kÒ) eritth’irukki∞ïïr(ga¬) you have burned; you are burning (sth)
¶íKá®aR(kÒ) erikki∞ïär(ga¬) they burn (sth) ¶íTçÃKá®aR(kÒ) eritth’irukki∞ïär(ga¬) they have burned; they are burning (sth)
¶íKᘮˆ erikki√∞ïa√a they burn (sth) ¶íTçÃKᘮˆ eritth’irukki√∞ïa√a they have burned; they are burning (sth)

Past Tense Past Pefect & Past Continuous

¶íTEt˜ eritthïë√ I burned (sth) ¶íTçÃNEt˜ eritth’irunthïë√ I had burned; I was burning (sth)
¶íTtaY eritthïäy you burned (sth) ¶íTçÃNtaY eritth’irunthïäy you had burned; you were burning (sth)
¶íTta˜ eritthïä√ he burned (sth) ¶íTçÃNta˜ eritth’irunthïä√ he had burned; he was burning (sth)
¶íTtaÒ eritthïä¬ she burned (sth) ¶íTçÃNtaÒ eritth’irunthïä¬ she had burned; she was burning (sth)
¶íTt∆ eritthïathu it burned (sth) ¶íTçÃNt∆ eritth’irunthïathu it had burned; it was burning (sth)
¶íTEtaM eritthïöm we burned (sth) ¶íTçÃNEtaM eritth’irunthïöm we had burned; we were burning (sth)
¶íT≥R(kÒ) eritthïïr(ga¬) you burned (sth) ¶íTçÃN≥(kÒ) eritth’irunthïïr(ga¬) you had burned; you were burning (sth)
¶íTtaR(kÒ) eritthïär(ga¬) they burned (sth) ¶íTçÃNtaR(kÒ) eritth’irunthïär(ga¬) they had burned; they were burning (sth)
¶íTtˆ eritthïa√a they burned (sth) ¶íTçÃNtˆ eritth’irunthïa√a they had burned; they were burning (sth)

Future Tense Future Perfect & Future Continuous

¶íPEp˜ erippïë√ I’ll burn (sth) ¶íTçÃPEp˜ eritth’iruppïë√ I’ll have burned; I’ll be burning (sth)
¶íPpaY erippïäy you’ll burn (sth) ¶íTçÃPpaY eritth’iruppïäy you’ll have burned; you’ll be burning (sth)
¶íPpa˜ erippïä√ he’ll burn (sth) ¶íTçÃPpa˜ eritth’iruppïä√ he’ll have burned; he’ll be burning (sth)
¶íPpaÒ erippïä¬ she’ll burn (sth) ¶íTçÃPpaÒ eritth’iruppïä¬ she’ll have burned; she’ll be burning (sth)
¶íK¿M erikkïum it’ll burn (sth) ¶íTçÃK¿M eritth’irukkïum it’ll have burned; it’ll be burning (sth)
¶íPEpaM erippïöm we’ll burn (sth) ¶íTçÃPEpaM eritth’iruppïöm we’ll have burned; we’ll be burning (sth)
¶íPµR(kÒ) erippïïr(ga¬) you’ll burn (sth) ¶íTçÃPµR(kÒ) eritth’iruppïïr(ga¬) you’ll have burned; you’ll be burning (sth)
¶íPpaR(kÒ) erippïär(ga¬) they’ll burn (sth) ¶íTçÃPpaR(kÒ) eritth’iruppïär(ga¬) they’ll have burned; they’ll be burning (sth)
¶íK¿M erikkïum they’ll burn (sth) ¶íTçÃK¿M eritth’irukkïum they’ll have burned; they’ll be burning (sth)
¶íTtL eritthal ¶íKwk erikkai ¶íKkL erikkal ¶íP» erippu 43
burning (sth) (verbal noun) burning (sth) (action) (v. noun) burning (sth) (verbal noun) burning (sth) (verbal noun)
¶íTt∆ eritth’athu ¶íKá®∆ erikki∞’athu ¶íPp∆ eripp’athu ¶íTtaL eritthäl
a (past) burning (sth) (v. noun) a (present) burning (sth) (v. noun) a (future) burning (sth) (v. noun) (I-they) burn/burned (sth)-if (conditional)
¶íKkaEt erikkäthë ¶íKka≥R(kÒ) erikkäthïr(ga¬) ¶íKkat erikkätha ¶íKka∆ erikkäthu; ¶íKkamL erikkämal
don’t (you) burn (sth)! (imp.) don’t (you) burn (sth)! (imp. pl.) non-burning (sth) (neg. adj. part.) without burning (sth) (neg. participle)
¶íKkÉLwl erikkavillai ¶íEy˜1 eriyë√ ¶íKkmaDEd˜ erikka-m䆆ë√ ¶íKkawm erikkämai; ¶íKkat∆ erikkäthathu
(I-they) didn’t burn (sth) (‘past’) I won’t burn (sth) (tenseless) I won’t burn (sth) (‘future’) non-burning (sth) (neg. verbal nouns)
¶íTt∆ iLwl eritthathu illai ¶íKá®çLwl erikki∞ath’illai ¶íPp∆ iLwl erippathu illai ¶íKkaÉDdaL erikkävi††äl
(I-they) never burned (sth) (I-they) don’t/doesn’t (ever) burn (I-they) won’t (ever) burn (sth) (I-they) don’t/doesn’t burn-if (conditional)
¶íKkatv˜ erikkäth’ava√, a man who did not burn, does not burn, or will not burn (sth) (this and all the following are participial nouns)
¶íTtv˜ eritth’ava√, he who burned; ¶íKá®v˜ erikki∞’ava√, he who burns; ¶íPpv˜ eripp’ava√, he who will burn (sth)
¶íKkatvÒ erikkäth’ava¬, a woman who did not burn, does not burn, or will not burn (sth)
¶íTtvÒ eritth’ava¬, she who burned; ¶íKá®vÒ erikki∞’ava¬, she who burns; ¶íPpvÒ eripp’ava¬, she who will burn (sth)
¶íKkat∆ erikkäth’athu, an animal or thing which did not burn, does not burn, or will not burn (sth)
¶íTt∆ eritth’athu, it which burned; ¶íKá®∆ erikki∞’athu, it which burns; ¶íPp∆ eripp’athu, it which will burn (sth)
¶íKkatvR(kÒ) erikkäth’avar(ga¬), people who did not burn, do not burn, or will not burn (sth)
¶íTtvR(kÒ) eritth’avar(ga¬), they who burned; ¶íKá®vR(kÒ) erikki∞’avar(ga¬), they who burn; ¶íPpvR(kÒ) eripp’avar(ga¬), they who’ll burn (sth)
¶íKkatwv(kÒ) erikkäth’avai(ga¬), animals or things which did not burn, do not burn, or will not burn (sth)
¶íTtwv(kÒ) eritth’avai(ga¬), they who burned; ¶íKá®wv(kÒ) erikki∞’avai(ga¬), they who burn; ¶íPpwv(kÒ) eripp’avai(ga¬), they who’ll burn (sth)

Negative Compound Forms (the neg. participle ¶íKka∆ erikkäthu [dropping the ‘u’] + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru;
and the neg. participle ¶íKkamL erikkämal + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru):
¶íKkaçÃNEt˜ ¶íKkaçÃKáE®˜ ¶íKkaçÃPEp˜ ¶íKkaçÃNtaL
erikkäth’irunthë√ erikkäth’irukki∞ë√ erikkäth’iruppë√ erikkäth’irunthäl (conditional)
¶íKkamL iÃNEt˜ ¶íKkamL iÃKáE®˜ ¶íKkamL iÃPEp˜ ¶íKkamL iÃNtaL
erikkämal irunthë√ erikkämal irukki∞ë√ erikkämal iruppë√ (f. perf.)2 erikkämal irunthäl (conditional)
I hadn’t burned (sth) (past perf.) I haven’t burned (sth) (pres. perf.)2 I won’t have burned (sth) ↵ (I-they) hadn’t burned (sth)-if
I wasn’t burning (sth) I am not burning (sth) I won’t be burning (sth) (I-they) was/were not burning (sth)-if
(past continuous) (present continuous) (future continuous) (I-they) don’t/doesn’t burn (sth)-if
1See footnote 4 on page 3.
2Not in common use today.
¶í eri (v.i.) ¶íÀıkÒ eriyu≥ga¬ ¶íy eriya ¶íN∆ erinthu 44
burn (you)! (imperative sing.) burn (you)! (imperative plural) to burn (infinitive) (having) burned (past participle)
¶íNt erintha (past adj. p.) ¶íá® erigi∞a (pres. adj. p.) ¶íÀM eriyum (future adjectival participle)
(who, which) burned (who, which) burns (who, which) will burn
Present Tense Present Perfect & Present Continuous
¶íáE®˜ erigi∞ïë√ I burn ¶íNçÃKáE®˜ erinth’irukki∞ïë√ I have burned; I am burning
¶íá®aY erigi∞ïäy you burn ¶íNçÃKá®aY erinth’irukki∞ïäy you have burned; you are burning
¶íá®a˜ erigi∞ïä√ he burns ¶íNçÃKá®a˜ erinth’irukki∞ïä√ he has burned; he is burning
¶íá®aÒ erigi∞ïä¬ she burns ¶íNçÃKá®aÒ erinth’irukki∞ïä¬ she has burned; she is burning
¶íá®∆ erigi∞ïathu it burns ¶íNçÃKá®∆ erinth’irukki∞ïathu it has burned; it is burning
¶íáE®aM erigi∞ïöm we burn ¶íNçÃKáE®aM erinth’irukki∞ïöm we have burned; we are burning
¶íáΩR(kÒ) erigi∞ïïr(ga¬) you burn ¶íNçÃKáΩR(kÒ) erinth’irukki∞ïïr(ga¬) you have burned; you are burning
¶íá®aR(kÒ) erigi∞ïär(ga¬) they burn ¶íNçÃKá®aR(kÒ) erinth’irukki∞ïär(ga¬) they have burned; they are burning
¶íᘮˆ erigi√∞ïa√a they burn ¶íNçÃKᘮˆ erinth’irukki√∞ïa√a they have burned; they are burning
Past Tense Past Pefect & Past Continuous
¶íNEt˜ erinthïë√ I burned ¶íNçÃNEt˜ erinth’irunthïë√ I had burned; I was burning
¶íNtaY erinthïäy you burned ¶íNçÃNtaY erinth’irunthïäy you had burned; you were burning
¶íNta˜ erinthïä√ he burned ¶íNçÃNta˜ erinth’irunthïä√ he had burned; he was burning
¶íNtaÒ erinthïä¬ she burned ¶íNçÃNtaÒ erinth’irunthïä¬ she had burned; she was burning
¶íNt∆ erinthïathu it burned ¶íNçÃNt∆ erinth’irunthïathu it had burned; it was burning
¶íNEtaM erinthïöm we burned ¶íNçÃNEtaM erinth’irunthïöm we had burned; we were burning
¶íN≥R(kÒ) erinthïïr(ga¬) you burned ¶íNçÃN≥(kÒ) erinth’irunthïïr(ga¬) you had burned; you were burning
¶íNtaR(kÒ) erinthïär(ga¬) they burned ¶íNçÃNtaR(kÒ) erinth’irunthïär(ga¬) they had burned; they were burning
¶íNtˆ erinthïa√a they burned ¶íNçÃNtˆ erinth’irunthïa√a they had burned; they were burning
Future Tense Future Perfect & Future Continuous
¶íEv˜ erivïë√ I’ll burn ¶íNçÃPEp˜ erinth’iruppïë√ I’ll have burned; I’ll be burning
¶ívaY erivïäy you’ll burn ¶íNçÃPpaY erinth’iruppïäy you’ll have burned; you’ll be burning
¶íva˜ erivïä√ he’ll burn ¶íNçÃPpa˜ erinth’iruppïä√ he’ll have burned; he’ll be burning
¶ívaÒ erivïä¬ she’ll burn ¶íNçÃPpaÒ erinth’iruppïä¬ she’ll have burned; she’ll be burning
¶íÀM eriyïum it’ll burn ¶íNçÃK¿M erinth’irukkïum it’ll have burned; it’ll be burning
¶íEvaM erivïöm we’ll burn ¶íNçÃPEpaM erinth’iruppïöm we’ll have burned; we’ll be burning
¶í™R(kÒ) erivïïr(ga¬) you’ll burn ¶íNçÃPµR(kÒ) erinth’iruppïïr(ga¬) you’ll have burned; you’ll be burning
¶ívaR(kÒ) erivïär(ga¬) they’ll burn ¶íNçÃPpaR(kÒ) erinth’iruppïär(ga¬) they’ll have burned; they’ll be burning
¶íÀM eriyïum they’ll burn ¶íNçÃK¿M erinth’irukkïum they’ll have burned; they’ll be burning
¶ítL erithal ¶íwk erigai ¶íyL eriyal ¶íŒ erivu 45
burning (verbal noun) burning (action) (v. noun) burning (verbal noun) burning (verbal noun)
¶íNt∆ erinth’athu ¶íá®∆ erigi∞’athu ¶ív∆ eriv’athu ¶íNtaL erinthäl
a (past) burning (v. noun) a (present) burning (v. noun) a (future) burning (v. noun) (I-they) burn/s-if (conditional)
¶íyaEt eriyäthë ¶íya≥R(kÒ) eriyäthïr(ga¬) ¶íyat eriyätha ¶íya∆ eriyäthu; ¶íyamL eriyämal
don’t (you) burn! (imp.) don’t (you) burn! (imp. pl.) non-burning (neg. adj. part.) without burning (neg. participle)
¶íyÉLwl eriyavillai ¶íEy˜1 eriyë√ ¶íymaDEd˜ eriya-m䆆ë√ ¶íyawm eriyämai; ¶íyat∆ eriyäthathu
(I-they) didn’t burn (‘past’) I won’t burn (tenseless) I won’t burn (‘future’) non-burning (neg. verbal nouns)
¶íNt∆ iLwl erinthathu illai ¶íá®çLwl erigi∞ath’illai ¶ív∆ iLwl erivathu illai ¶íyaÉDdaL eriyävi††äl
(I-they) didn’t (ever) burn (I-they) don’t/doesn’t (ever) burn (I-they) won’t (ever) burn (I-they) don’t/doesn’t burn-if (conditional)
¶íyatv˜ eriyäth’ava√, a man who did not burn, does not burn, or will not burn (this and all the following are participial nouns)
¶íNtv˜ erinth’ava√, he who burned; ¶íá®v˜ erigi∞’ava√, he who burns; ¶ípv˜ erib’ava√, he who will burn
¶íyatvÒ eriyäth’ava¬, a woman who did not burn, does not burn, or will not burn
¶íNtvÒ erinth’ava¬, she who burned; ¶íá®vÒ erigi∞’ava¬, she who burns; ¶ípvÒ erib’ava¬, she who will burn
¶íyat∆ eriyäth’athu, an animal or thing which did not burn, does not burn, or will not burn
¶íNt∆ erinth’athu, it which burned; ¶íá®∆ erigi∞’athu, it which burns; ¶ív∆ eriv’athu, it which will burn
¶íyatvR(kÒ) eriyäth’avar(ga¬), people who did not burn, do not burn, or will not burn
¶íNtvR(kÒ) erinth’avar(ga¬), they who burned; ¶íá®vR(kÒ) erigi∞’avar(ga¬), they who burn; ¶ípvR(kÒ) erib’avar(ga¬), they who’ll burn
¶íyatwv(kÒ) eriyäth’avai(ga¬), animals or things which did not burn, do not burn, or will not burn
¶íNtwv(kÒ) erinth’avai(ga¬), they who burned; ¶íá®wv(kÒ) erigi∞’avai(ga¬), they who burn; ¶ípwv(kÒ) erib’avai(ga¬), they who’ll burn

Negative Compound Forms (the neg. participle ¶íya∆ eriyäthu [dropping the ‘u’] + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru;
and the neg. participle ¶íyamL eriyämal + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru):
¶íyaçÃNEt˜ ¶íyaçÃKáE®˜ ¶íyaçÃPEp˜ ¶íyaçÃNtaL
eriyäth’irunthë√ eriyäth’irukki∞ë√ eriyäth’iruppë√ eriyäth’irunthäl (conditional)
¶íyamL iÃNEt˜ ¶íyamL iÃKáE®˜ ¶íyamL iÃPEp˜ ¶íyamL iÃNtaL
eriyämal irunthë√ eriyämal irukki∞ë√ eriyämal iruppë√ eriyämal irunthäl (conditional)
I hadn’t burned (past perf.) I haven’t burned (pres. perf.)2 I won’t have burned (f. perf.)2 (I-they) haven’t burned-if
I wasn’t burning I am not burning I won’t be burning (I-they) was/were not burning-if
(past continuous) (present continuous) (future continuous) (I-they) don’t/doesn’t burn-if
1See footnote 4 on page 3.
2Not in common use today.
EmY mëy (v.t.) EmÀıkÒ mëyu≥ga¬ EmYKk mëykka EmYT∆ mëytthu 46
(you) graze (cattle)! (imp. s.) (you) graze (cattle)! (imper. pl.) to graze (cattle) (infinitive) (having) grazed (cattle) (past participle)
EmYTt mëyttha (past adj. p.) EmYKá® mëykki∞a (pres. adj. p.) EcRK¿M mëykkum (future adjectival participle)
(who, which) grazed (cattle) (who, which) grazes (cattle) (who, which) will graze (cattle)
Present Tense Present Perfect & Present Continuous
EmYKáE®˜ mëykki∞ïë√ I graze (cattle) EmYTçÃKáE®˜ mëytth’irukki∞ïë√ I have grazed; I am grazing (cattle)
EmYKá®aY mëykki∞ïäy you graze (cattle) EmYTçÃKá®aY mëytth’irukki∞ïäy you have grazed; you are grazing (cattle)
EmYKá®a˜ mëykki∞ïä√ he grazes (cattle) EmYTçÃKá®a˜ mëytth’irukki∞ïä√ he has grazed; he is grazing (cattle)
EmYKá®aÒ mëykki∞ïä¬ she grazes (cattle) EmYTçÃKá®aÒ mëytth’irukki∞ïä¬ she has grazed; she is grazing (cattle)
EmYKá®∆ mëykki∞ïathu it grazes (cattle) EmYTçÃKá®∆ mëytth’irukki∞ïathu it has grazed; it is grazing (cattle)
EmYKáE®aM mëykki∞ïöm we graze (cattle) EmYTçÃKáE®aM mëytth’irukki∞ïöm we have grazed; we are grazing (cattle)
EmYKáΩR(kÒ) mëykki∞ïïr(ga¬) you graze (cattle) EmYTçÃKáΩR(kÒ) mëytth’irukki∞ïïr(ga¬) you have grazed; you are grazing (cattle)
EmYKá®aR(kÒ) mëykki∞ïär(ga¬) they graze (cattle) EmYTçÃKá®aR(kÒ) mëytth’irukki∞ïär(ga¬) they have grazed; they are grazing (cattle)
EmYKᘮˆ mëykki√∞ïa√a they graze (cattle) EmYTçÃKᘮˆ mëytth’irukki√∞ïa√a they have grazed; they are grazing (cattle)

Past Tense Past Pefect & Past Continuous

EmYTEt˜ mëytthïë√ I grazed (cattle) EmYTçÃNEt˜ mëytth’irunthïë√ I had grazed; I was grazing (cattle)
EmYTtaY mëytthïäy you grazed (cattle) EmYTçÃNtaY mëytth’irunthïäy you had grazed; you were grazing (cattle)
EmYTta˜ mëytthïä√ he grazed (cattle) EmYTçÃNta˜ mëytth’irunthïä√ he had grazed; he was grazing (cattle)
EmYTtaÒ mëytthïä¬ she grazed (cattle) EmYTçÃNtaÒ mëytth’irunthïä¬ she had grazed; she was grazing (cattle)
EmYTt∆ mëytthïathu it grazed (cattle) EmYTçÃNt∆ mëytth’irunthïathu it had grazed; it was grazing (cattle)
EmYTEtaM mëytthïöm we grazed (cattle) EmYTçÃNEtaM mëytth’irunthïöm we had grazed; we were grazing (cattle)
EmYT≥R(kÒ) mëytthïïr(ga¬) you grazed (cattle) EmYTçÃN≥(kÒ) mëytth’irunthïïr(ga¬) you had grazed; you were grazing (cattle)
EmYTtaR(kÒ) mëytthïär(ga¬) they grazed (cattle) EmYTçÃNtaR(kÒ) mëytth’irunthïär(ga¬) they had grazed; they were grazing (cattle)
EmYTtˆ mëytthïa√a they grazed (cattle) EmYTçÃNtˆ mëytth’irunthïa√a they had grazed; they were grazing (cattle)

Future Tense Future Perfect & Future Continuous

EmYPEp˜ mëyppïë√ I’ll graze (cattle) EmYTçÃPEp˜ mëytth’iruppïë√ I’ll have grazed; I’ll be grazing (cattle)
EmYPpaY mëyppïäy you’ll graze (cattle) EmYTçÃPpaY mëytth’iruppïäy you’ll ’ve grazed; you’ll be grazing (cattle)
EmYPpa˜ mëyppïä√ he’ll graze (cattle) EmYTçÃPpa˜ mëytth’iruppïä√ he’ll ‘ve grazed; he’ll be grazing (cattle)
EmYPpaÒ mëyppïä¬ she’ll graze (cattle) EmYTçÃPpaÒ mëytth’iruppïä¬ she’ll ’ve grazed; she’ll be grazing (cattle)
EmYK¿M mëykkïum it’ll graze (cattle) EmYTçÃK¿M mëytth’irukkïum it’ll have grazed; it’ll be grazing (cattle)
EmYPEpaM mëyppïöm we’ll graze (cattle) EmYTçÃPEpaM mëytth’iruppïöm we’ll have grazed; we’ll be grazing (cattle)
EmYPµR(kÒ) mëyppïïr(ga¬) you’ll graze (cattle) EmYTçÃPµR(kÒ) mëytth’iruppïïr(ga¬) you’ll ’ve grazed; you’ll be grazing (cattle)
EmYPpaR(kÒ) mëyppïär(ga¬) they’ll graze (cattle) EmYTçÃPpaR(kÒ) mëytth’iruppïär(ga¬) they’ll ’ve grazed; they’ll be grazing (cattle)
EmYK¿M mëykkïum they’ll graze (cattle) EmYTçÃK¿M mëytth’irukkïum they’ll ’ve grazed; they’ll be grazing (cattle)
EmYTtL mëytthal EmYKwk1 mëykkai EmYKkL mëykkal EmYP» mëyppu 47
grazing (cattle) (v. noun) grazing (cattle) (v. noun) grazing (cattle) (v. noun) grazing (cattle) (verbal noun)
EmYTt∆ mëytth’athu EmYKá®∆ mëykki∞’athu EmYPp∆ mëypp’athu EmYTtaL mëytthäl
a (past) grazing (of cattle) a (present) grazing (verbal noun) a (future) grazing (verbal noun) (I-they) graze/s (cattle)-if (conditional)
EmYKkaEt mëykkäthë EmYKka≥R(kÒ) mëykkäthïr(ga¬) EmYKkat mëykkätha EmYKka∆ mëykkäthu; EmYKkamL mëykkämal
don’t (you) graze! (imperative s.) don’t (you) graze! (imperative pl.) non-grazing (cattle) (neg. adj. part.) without grazing (cattle) (neg. particple)
EmYKkÉLwl mëykkavillai EmEy˜2 mëyë√ EmYKkmaDEd˜ mëykka-m䆆ë√ EmYKkawm mëykkämai;°Kkat∆ °kkäthathu
(I-they) didn’t graze (cattle) (past) I won’t graze (cattle) (tenseless) I won’t graze (cattle) (future) non-grazing (of cattle) (neg. verbal nouns)
EmYTt∆ iLwl mëytthathu illai EmYKá®çLwl mëykki∞ath’illai EmYPp∆ iLwl mëyppathu illai EmYKkaÉDdaL˜ mëykkävi††äl
(I-they) never grazed (cattle,) (I-they) don’t/doesn’t graze (I-they) won’t graze (cattle) (I-they) don’t/doesn’t graze (cattle)-if (condit.)
EmYKkatv˜ mëykkäth’ava√, a man who didn’t graze, doesn’t graze, or won’t graze (cattle) (this and all the following are participial nouns)
EmYTtv˜ mëytth’ava√, he who grazed; EmYKá®v˜ mëyrkki∞’ava√, he who grazes; EmYPpv˜ mëypp’ava√, he who will graze (cattle)
EmYKkatvÒ mëykkäth’ava¬, a woman who didn’t graze, doesn’t graze, or won’t graze (cattle)
EmYTtvÒ mëytth’ava¬, she who grazed; EmYKá®vÒ mëykki∞’ava¬, she who grazes; EmYPpvÒ mëypp’ava¬; she who will graze (cattle)
EmYKkat∆ mëykkäth’athu, an animal or thing which didn’t graze, doesn’t graze, or won’t graze (cattle)
EmYTt∆ mëyth’athu, it which grazed; EmYKá®∆ mëykki∞’athu, it which grazes; EmYPp∆ mëypp’athu, it which will graze (cattle)
EmYKkatvR(kÒ) mëykkäth’avar(ga¬), people who didn’t graze, don’t graze, or won’t graze (cattle)
EmYTtvR(kÒ) mëytth’avar(ga¬), they who grazed; EmYKá®vR(kÒ) mëykki∞’avar(ga¬), °who graze; EmYPpvR(kÒ) mëypp’avar(ga¬), °will graze (cattle)
EmYKkatwv(kÒ) mëykkäth’avai(ga¬), animals or things which didn’t graze, don’t graze, or won’t graze (cattle)
EmYTtwv(kÒ) mëytth’avai(ga¬), they who grazed; EmYKá®wv(kÒ) mëykki∞’avai(ga¬), °who graze; EmYPpwv(kÒ) mëypp’avai(ga¬), °will graze (cattle)

Negative Compound Forms (the neg. participle EmYKka∆ mëykkäthu [dropping the ‘u’] + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru;
and the neg. participle EmYKkamL mëykkämal + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru):
EmYKkaçÃNEt˜ EmYKkaçÃKáE®˜ EmYKkaçÃPEp˜ EmYKkaçÃNtaL
mëykkäth’irunthë√ mëykkäth’irukki∞ë√ mëykkäth’iruppë√ mëykkäth’irunthäl (conditional)
EmYKkamL iÃNEt˜ EmYKkamL iÃKáE®˜ EmYKkamL iÃPEp˜ EmYKkamL iÃNtaL
mëykkämal irunthë√ mëykkämal irukki∞ë√ mëykkämal iruppë√ mëykkämal irunthäl (conditional)
I hadn’t grazed (cattle) (p. perf.) I haven’t grazed (pres. perf.)1 I won’t have grazed (f. perf.)1 (I-they) hadn’t grazed (cattle)-if
I wasn’t grazing (cattle) I am not grazing (cattle) I won’t be grazing (cattle) (I-they) was/were not grazing (cattle)-if
(past continuous) (present continuous) (future continuous) (I-they) don’t/doesn’t graze (cattle)-if
1Not in common use today.
2See footnote 4 on page 3.
EmY mëy (v.i.) EmÀıkÒ mëyu≥ga¬ Emy mëya EmYN∆ mëynthu 48
graze (you)! (imperative s.) graze (you)! (imperative pl.) to graze (infinitive) (having) grazed (past participle)
EmYNt mëyntha (past adj. p.) EmYá® mëygi∞a (pres. adj. p.) EmÀM mëyum (future adjectival participle)
(who, which) grazed (who, which) grazes (who, which) will graze
Present Tense Present Perfect & Present Continuous
EmYáE®˜ mëygi∞ïë√ I graze EmYNçÃKáE®˜ mëynth’irukki∞ïë√ I have grazed; I am grazing
EmYá®aY mëygi∞ïäy you graze EmYNçÃKá®aY mëynth’irukki∞ïäy you have grazed; you are grazing
EmYá®a˜ mëygi∞ïä√ he grazes EmYNçÃKá®a˜ mëynth’irukki∞ïä√ he has grazed; he is grazing
EmYá®aÒ mëygi∞ïä¬ she grazes EmYNçÃKá®aÒ mëynth’irukki∞ïä¬ she has grazed; she is grazing
EmYá®∆ mëygi∞ïathu it grazes EmYNçÃKá®∆ mëynth’irukki∞ïathu it has grazed; it is grazing
EmYáE®aM mëygi∞ïöm we graze EmYNçÃKáE®aM mëynth’irukki∞ïöm we have grazed; we are grazing
EmYáΩR(kÒ) mëygi∞ïïr(ga¬) you graze EmYNçÃKáΩR(kÒ) mëynth’irukki∞ïïr(ga¬) you have grazed; you are grazing
EmYá®aR(kÒ) mëygi∞ïär(ga¬) they graze EmYNçÃKá®aR(kÒ) mëynth’irukki∞ïär(ga¬) they have grazed; they are grazing
EmYᘮˆ mëygi√∞ïa√a they graze EmYNçÃKᘮˆ mëynth’irukki√∞ïa√a they have grazed; they are grazing
Past Tense Past Pefect & Past Continuous
EmYNEt˜ mëynthïë√ I grazed EmYNçÃNEt˜ mëynth’irunthïë√ I had grazed; I was grazing
EmYNtaY mëynthïäy you grazed EmYNçÃNtaY mëynth’irunthïäy you had grazed; you were grazing
EmYNta˜ mëynthïä√ he grazed EmYNçÃNta˜ mëynth’irunthïä√ he had grazed; he was grazing
EmYNtaÒ mëynthïä¬ she grazed EmYNçÃNtaÒ mëynth’irunthïä¬ she had grazed; she was grazing
EmYNNt∆ mëynthïathu it grazed EmYNçÃNt∆ mëynth’irunthïathu it had grazed; it was grazing
EmYNEtaM mëynthïöm we grazed EmYNçÃNEtaM mëynth’irunthïöm we had grazed; we were grazing
EmYN≥R(kÒ) mëynthïïr(ga¬) you grazed EmYNçÃN≥(kÒ) mëynth’irunthïïr(ga¬) you had grazed; you were grazing
EmYNtaR(kÒ) mëynthïär(ga¬) they grazed EmYNçÃNtaR(kÒ) mëynth’irunthïär(ga¬) they had grazed; they were grazing
EmYNtˆ mëynthïa√a they grazed EmYNçÃNtˆ mëynth’irunthïa√a they had grazed; they were grazing
Future Tense Future Perfect & Future Continuous
EmYEv˜ mëyvïë√ I’ll graze EmYNçÃPEp˜ mëynth’iruppïë√ I’ll have grazed; I’ll be grazing
EmYvaY mëyvïäy you’ll graze EmYNçÃPpaY mëynth’iruppïäy you’ll have grazed; you’ll be grazing
EmYva˜ mëyvïä√ he’ll graze EmYNçÃPpa˜ mëynth’iruppïä√ he’ll have grazed; he’ll be grazing
EmYvaÒ mëyvïä¬ she’ll graze EmYNçÃPpaÒ mëynth’iruppïä¬ she’ll have grazed; she’ll be grazing
EmÀM mëyïum it’ll graze EmYNçÃK¿M mëynth’irukkïum it’ll have grazed; it’ll be grazing
EmYEvaM mëyvïöm we’ll graze EmYNçÃPEpaM mëynth’iruppïöm we’ll have grazed; we’ll be grazing
EmY™R(kÒ) mëyvïïr(ga¬) you’ll graze EmYNçÃPµR(kÒ) mëynth’iruppïïr(ga¬) you’ll have grazed; you’ll be grazing
EmYvaR(kÒ) mëyvïär(ga¬) they’ll graze EmYNçÃPpaR(kÒ) mëynth’iruppïär(ga¬) they’ll have grazed; they’ll be grazing
EmÀM mëyïum they’ll graze EmYNçÃK¿M mëynth’irukkïum they’ll have grazed; they’ll be grazing
EmYtL mëythal EmYwk1 mëygai EmyL mëyal EmYŒ mëyvu 49
grazing (verbal noun) grazing (v. noun) grazing (verbal noun) grazing (verbal noun)
EmYNt∆ mëynth’athu EmYá®∆ mëygi∞’athu EmYv∆ mëyv’athu EmYNtaL mëynthäl
a (past) grazing (v. noun) a (present) grazing (v. noun) a (future) grazing (v. noun) (I-they) graze/s-if (conditional)
EmyaEt mëyäthë Emya≥R(kÒ) mëyäthïr(ga¬) Emyat mëyätha Emya∆ mëyäthu; EmyamL mëyämal
don’t (you) graze! (imperative s.) don’t (you) graze! (imp. pl.) non-grazing (neg. adj. part.) without grazing (neg. participle)
EmyÉLwl mëyavillai EmEy˜2 mëyë√ EmymaDEd˜ mëya-m䆆ë√ Emyawm mëyämai; Emyat∆ mëyäthathu
(I-they) didn’t graze (‘past’) I won’t graze (tenseless) I won’t graze (‘future’) non-grazing (neg. verbal nouns)
EmYNt∆ iLwl mëynthathu illai EmYá®çLwl mëygi∞ath’illai EmYv∆ iLwl mëyvathu illai EmyaÉDdaL mëyävi††äl
(I-they) didn’t (ever) graze (I-they) don’t/doesn’t graze (I-they) won’t (ever) graze (I-they) don’t/doesn’t graze-if (conditional)
Emyatv˜ mëyäth’ava√, a man who didn’t graze, doesn’t graze, or won’t graze (this and all the following are participial nouns)
EmYNtv˜ mëynth’ava√, he who grazed; EmYá®v˜ mëygi∞’ava√, he who grazes; EmYpv˜ mëyb’ava√, he who will graze
EmyatvÒ mëyäth’ava¬, a woman who didn’t graze, doesn’t graze, or won’t graze
EmYNtvÒ mëynth’ava¬, she who grazed; EmYá®vÒ mëygi∞’ava¬, she who grazes; EmYpvÒ mëyb’ava¬, she who will graze
Emyat∆ mëyäth’athu, an animal or thing which didn’t graze, doesn’t graze, or won’t graze
EmYNt∆ mëynth’athu, it which grazed; EmYá®∆ mëygi∞’athu, it which grazes; EmYv∆ mëyv’athu, it which will graze
EmyatvR(kÒ) mëyäth’avar(ga¬), people who didn’t graze, don’t graze, or won’t graze
EmYNtvR(kÒ) mëynth’avar(ga¬), they who grazed; EmYá®vR(kÒ) mëygi∞’avar(ga¬), they who graze; EmYpvR(kÒ) mëyb’avar(ga¬), they who’ll graze
Emyatwv(kÒ) mëyäth’avai(ga¬), animals or things which didn’t graze, don’t graze, or won’t graze
EmYNtwv(kÒ) mëynth’avai(ga¬), they who grazed; EmYá®wv(kÒ) mëygi∞’avai(ga¬), they who graze; EmYpwv(kÒ) mëyb’avai(ga¬), they who’ll graze

Negative Compound Forms (the neg. participle Emya∆ mëyäthu [dropping the ‘u’] + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru;
and the neg. participle EmyamL mëyämal + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru):
EmyaçÃNEt˜ EmyaçÃKáE®˜ EmyaçÃPEp˜ EmyaçÃNtaL
mëyäth’irunthë√ mëyäth’irukki∞ë√ mëyäth’iruppë√ mëyäth’irunthäl (conditional)
EmyamL iÃNEt˜ EmyamL iÃKáE®˜ EmyamL iÃPEp˜ EmyamL iÃNtaL
mëyämal irunthë√ mëyämal irukki∞ë√ mëyämal iruppë√ mëyämal irunthäl (conditional)
I hadn’t grazed (past perf.) I haven’t grazed (pres. perf.)1 I won’t have grazed (f. perf.)1 (I-they) hadn’t grazed-if
I wasn’t grazing I am not grazing I won’t be grazing (I-they) wasn’t/weren’t grazing-if
(past continuous) (present continuous) (future continuous) (I-they) don’t/doesn’t graze-if
1Not in common use today.
2See footnote 4 on page 3.
EcR sër (v.t.) EcÃıkÒ sëru≥ga¬ EcRKk sërkka EcRT∆ sërtthu 50
gather (you)! (imp. s.) gather (you)! (imper. pl.) to gather (infinitive) (having) gathered (past participle)
EcRTt sërttha (past adj. p.) EcRKá® sërkki∞a (pres. adj. p.) EcRK¿M sërkkum (future adjectival participle)
(who, which) gathered (who, which) gathers (who, which) will gather
Present Tense Present Perfect & Present Continuous
EcRKáE®˜ sërkki∞ïë√ I gather EcRTçÃKáE®˜ sërtth’irukki∞ïë√ I have gathered; I am gathering
EcRKá®aY sërkki∞ïäy you gather EcRTçÃKá®aY sërtth’irukki∞ïäy you have gathered; you are gathering
EcRKá®a˜ sërkki∞ïä√ he gathers EcRTçÃKá®a˜ sërtth’irukki∞ïä√ he has gathered; he is gathering
EcRKá®aÒ sërkki∞ïä¬ she gathers EcRTçÃKá®aÒ sërtth’irukki∞ïä¬ she has gathered; she is gathering
EcRKá®∆ sërkki∞ïathu it gathers EcRTçÃKá®∆ sërtth’irukki∞ïathu it has gathered; it is gathering
EcRKáE®aM sërkki∞ïöm we gather EcRTçÃKáE®aM sërtth’irukki∞ïöm we have gathered; we are gathering
EcRKáΩR(kÒ) sërkki∞ïïr(ga¬) you gather EcRTçÃKáΩR(kÒ) sërtth’irukki∞ïïr(ga¬) you have gathered; you are gathering
EcRKá®aR(kÒ) sërkki∞ïär(ga¬) they gather EcRTçÃKá®aR(kÒ) sërtth’irukki∞ïär(ga¬) they have gathered; they are gathering
EcRKᘮˆ sërkki√∞ïa√a they gather EcRTçÃKᘮˆ sërtth’irukki√∞ïa√a they have gathered; they are gathering

Past Tense Past Pefect & Past Continuous

EcRTEt˜ sërtthïë√ I gathered EcRTçÃNEt˜ sërtth’irunthïë√ I had gathered; I was gathering
EcRTtaY sërtthïäy you gathered EcRTçÃNtaY sërtth’irunthïäy you had gathered; you were gathering
EcRTta˜ sërtthïä√ he gathered EcRTçÃNta˜ sërtth’irunthïä√ he had gathered; he was gathering
EcRTtaÒ sërtthïä¬ she gathered EcRTçÃNtaÒ sërtth’irunthïä¬ she had gathered; she was gathering
EcRTt∆ sërtthïathu it gathered EcRTçÃNt∆ sërtth’irunthïathu it had gathered; it was gathering
EcRTEtaM sërtthïöm we gathered EcRTçÃNEtaM sërtth’irunthïöm we had gathered; we were gathering
EcRT≥R(kÒ) sërtthïïr(ga¬) you gathered EcRTçÃN≥(kÒ) sërtth’irunthïïr(ga¬) you had gathered; you were gathering
EcRTtaR(kÒ) sërtthïär(ga¬) they gathered EcRTçÃNtaR(kÒ) sërtth’irunthïär(ga¬) they had gathered; they were gathering
EcRTtˆ sërtthïa√a they gathered EcRTçÃNtˆ sërtth’irunthïa√a they had gathered; they were gathering

Future Tense Future Perfect & Future Continuous

EcRPEp˜ sërppïë√ I’ll gather EcRTçÃPEp˜ sërtth’iruppïë√ I’ll have gathered; I’ll be gathering
EcRPpaY sërppïäy you’ll gather EcRTçÃPpaY sërtth’iruppïäy you’ll have gathered; you’ll be gathering
EcRPpa˜ sërppïä√ he’ll gather EcRTçÃPpa˜ sërtth’iruppïä√ he’ll have gathered; he’ll be gathering
EcRPpaÒ sërppïä¬ she’ll gather EcRTçÃPpaÒ sërtth’iruppïä¬ she’ll have gathered; she’ll be gathering
EcRK¿M serkkïum it’ll gather EcRTçÃK¿M sërtth’irukkïum it’ll have gathered; it’ll be gathering
EcRPEpaM sërppïöm we’ll gather EcRTçÃPEpaM sërtth’iruppïöm we’ll have gathered; we’ll be gathering
EcRPµR(kÒ) sërppïïr(ga¬) you’ll gather EcRTçÃPµR(kÒ) sërtth’iruppïïr(ga¬) you’ll have gathered; you’ll be gathering
EcRPpaR(kÒ) sërppïär(ga¬) they’ll gather EcRTçÃPpaR(kÒ) sërtth’iruppïär(ga¬) they’ll have gathered; they’ll be gathering
EcRK¿M sërkkïum they’ll gather EcRTçÃK¿M sërtth’irukkïum they’ll have gathered; they’ll be gathering
EcRTtL sërtthal EcRKwk sërkkai EcRKkL sërkkal EcRP» sërppu 51
gathering (verbal noun) gathering (v. noun) gathering (verbal noun) gathering (verbal noun)
EcRTt∆ sërtth’athu EcRKá®∆ sërkki∞’athu EcRPp∆ sërpp’athu EcRTtaL sërtthäl
a (past) gathering (v. noun) a (present) gathering (v. noun) a (future) gathering (v. noun) (I-they) gather/s-if (conditional)
EcRKkaEt sërkkäthë EcRKka≥R(kÒ) sërkkäthïr(ga¬) EcRKkat sërkkätha EcRKka∆ sërkkäthu; EcRKkamL sërkkämal
don’t (you) gather! (imperative s.) don’t (you) gather! (imperative pl.) non-gathering (neg. adj. part.) without gathering (neg. participle)
EcRKkÉLwl sërkkavillai EcEr˜1 sërë√ EcRKkmaDEd˜ sërkka-m䆆ë√ EcRKkawm sërkkämai; EcRKkat∆ sërkkäthathu
(I-they) didn’t gather (‘past’) I won’t gather (tenseless) I won’t gather (‘future’) non-gathering (neg. verbal nouns)
EcRTt∆ iLwl sërtthathu illai EcRKá®çLwl sërkki∞ath’illai EcRPp∆ iLwl sërppathu illai EcRKkaÉDdaL sërkkävi††äl
(I-they) never gathered (I-they) don’t/doesn’t gather (I-they) won’t gather (I-they) don’t/doesn’t gather-if (conditional)
EcRKkatv˜ sërkkäth’ava√, a man who didn’t gather, doesn’t gather, or won’t gather (this and all the following are participial nouns)
EcRTtv˜ sërtth’ava√, he who gathered; EcRKá®v˜ sërkki∞’ava√, he who gathers; EcRPpv˜ sërpp’ava√, he who will gather
EcRKkatvÒ sërkkäth’ava¬, a woman who didn’t gather, doesn’t gather, or won’t gather
EcRTtvÒ sërtth’ava¬, she who gathered; EcRKá®vÒ sërkki∞’ava¬, she who gathers; EcRPpvÒ sërpp’ava¬; she who will gather
EcRKkat∆ sërkkäth’athu, an animal or thing which didn’t gather, doesn’t gather, or won’t gather
EcRTt∆ sërtth’athu, it which gathered; EcRKá®∆ sërkki∞’athu, it which gathers; EcRPp∆ sërpp’athu, it which will gather
EcRKkatvR(kÒ) sërkkäth’avar(ga¬), people who didn’t gather, don’t gather, or won’t gather
EcRTtvR(kÒ) sërtth’avar(ga¬), they who gathered; EcRKá®vR(kÒ) sërkki∞’avar(ga¬), they who gather; EcRPpvR(kÒ) sërpp’avar(ga¬), they who’ll gather
EcRKkatwv(kÒ) sërkkäth’avai(ga¬), animals or things which didn’t gather, do not gather, or will not gather
EcRTtwv(kÒ) sërtth’avai(ga¬), they who gathered; EcRKá®wv(kÒ) sërkki∞’avai(ga¬), they who gather; EcRPpwv(kÒ) sërpp’avai(ga¬), they who’ll gather

Negative Compound Forms (the neg. participle EcRKka∆ sërkkäthu [dropping the ‘u’] + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru;
and the neg. participle EcRKkamL sërkkämal + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru):
EcRKkaçÃNEt˜ EcRKkaçÃKáE®˜ EcRKkaçÃPEp˜ EcRKkaçÃNtaL
sërkkäth’irunthë√ sërkkäth’irukki∞ë√ sërkkäth’iruppë√ sërkkäth’irunthäl (conditional)
EcRKkamL iÃNEt˜ EcRKkamL iÃKáE®˜ EcRKkamL iÃPEp˜ EcRKkamL iÃNtaL
sërkkämal irunthë√ sërkkämal irukki∞ë√ sërkkämal iruppë√ sërkkämal irunthäl (conditional)
I hadn’t gathered (past perf.) I haven’t gathered (pres. perf.)2 I won’t have gathered (f. perf.)2 (I-they) hadn’t gathered-if
I wasn’t gathering I am not gathering I won’t be gathering (I-they) was/were not gathering-if
(past continuous) (present continuous) (future continuous) (I-they) don’t/doesn’t gather-if
1See footnote 4 on page 3.
2Not in common use today.
EcR sër (v.i.) EcÃıkÒ sëru≥ga¬ Ecr sëra EcRN∆ sërnthu 52
reach (you)! (imperative s.) reach (you)! (imperative pl.) to reach (infinitive) (having) reached (past participle)
EcRNt sërntha (past adj. p.) EcRá® sërgi∞a (pres. adj. p.) EcÃM sërum (future adjectival participle)
(who, which) reached (who, which) reaches (who, which) will reach
Present Tense Present Perfect & Present Continuous
EcRáE®˜ sërgi∞ïë√ I reach EcRNçÃKáE®˜ sërnth’irukki∞ïë√ I have reached; I am reaching
EcRá®aY sërgi∞ïäy you reach EcRNçÃKá®aY sërnth’irukki∞ïäy you have reached; you are reaching
EcRá®a˜ sërgi∞ïä√ he reaches EcRNçÃKá®a˜ sërnth’irukki∞ïä√ he has reached; he is reaching
EcRá®aÒ sërgi∞ïä¬ she reaches EcRNçÃKá®aÒ sërnth’irukki∞ïä¬ she has reached; she is reaching
EcRá®∆ sërgi∞ïathu it reaches EcRNçÃKá®∆ sërnth’irukki∞ïathu it has reached; it is reaching
EcRáE®aM sërgi∞ïöm we reach EcRNçÃKáE®aM sërnth’irukki∞ïöm we have reached; we are reaching
EcRáΩR(kÒ) sërgi∞ïïr(ga¬) you reach EcRNçÃKáΩR(kÒ) sërnth’irukki∞ïïr(ga¬) you have reached; you are reaching
EcRá®aR(kÒ) sërgi∞ïär(ga¬) they reach EcRNçÃKá®aR(kÒ) sërnth’irukki∞ïär(ga¬) they have reached; they are reaching
EcRᘮˆ sërgi√∞ïa√a they reach EcRNçÃKᘮˆ sërnth’irukki√∞ïa√a they have reached; they are reaching
Past Tense Past Pefect & Past Continuous
EcRNEt˜ sërnthïë√ I reached EcRNçÃNEt˜ sërnth’irunthïë√ I had reached; I was reaching
EcRNtaY sërnthïäy you reached EcRNçÃNtaY sërnth’irunthïäy you had reached; you were reaching
EcRNta˜ sërnthïä√ he reached EcRNçÃNta˜ sërnth’irunthïä√ he had reached; he was reaching
EcRNtaÒ sërnthïä¬ she reached EcRNçÃNtaÒ sërnth’irunthïä¬ she had reached; she was reaching
EcRNNt∆ sërnthïathu it reached EcRNçÃNt∆ sërnth’irunthïathu it had reached; it was reaching
EcRNEtaM sërnthïöm we reached EcRNçÃNEtaM sërnth’irunthïöm we had reached; we were reaching
EcRN≥R(kÒ) sërnthïïr(ga¬) you reached EcRNçÃN≥(kÒ) sërnth’irunthïïr(ga¬) you had reached; you were reaching
EcRNtaR(kÒ) sërnthïär(ga¬) they reached EcRNçÃNtaR(kÒ) sërnth’irunthïär(ga¬) they had reached; they were reaching
EcRNtˆ sërnthïa√a they reached EcRNçÃNtˆ sërnth’irunthïa√a they had reached; they were reaching
Future Tense Future Perfect & Future Continuous
EcREv˜ sërvïë√ I’ll reach EcRNçÃPEp˜ sërnth’iruppïë√ I’ll have reached; I’ll be reaching
EcRvaY sërvïäy you’ll reach EcRNçÃPpaY sërnth’iruppïäy you’ll have reached; you’ll be reaching
EcRva˜ sërvïä√ he’ll reach EcRNçÃPpa˜ sërnth’iruppïä√ he’ll have reached; he’ll be reaching
EcRvaÒ sërvïä¬ she’ll reach EcRNçÃPpaÒ sërnth’iruppïä¬ she’ll have reached; she’ll be reaching
EcÃM sërïum it’ll reach EcRNçÃK¿M sërnth’irukkïum it’ll have reached; it’ll be reaching
EcREvaM sërvïöm we’ll reach EcRNçÃPEpaM sërnth’iruppïöm we’ll have reached; we’ll be reaching
EcR™R(kÒ) sërvïïr(ga¬) you’ll reach EcRNçÃPµR(kÒ) sërnth’iruppïïr(ga¬) you’ll have reached; you’ll be reaching
EcRvaR(kÒ) sërvïär(ga¬) they’ll reach EcRNçÃPpaR(kÒ) sërnth’iruppïär(ga¬) they’ll have reached; they’ll be reaching
EcÃM sërïum they’ll reach EcRNçÃK¿M sërnth’irukkïum they’ll have reached; they’ll be reaching
EcRtL sërthal EcRwk sërgai EcrL sëral EcRŒ sërvu 53
reaching (verbal noun) reaching (v. noun) reaching (verbal noun) reaching (verbal noun)
EcRNt∆ sërnth’athu EcRá®∆ sërgi∞’athu EcRv∆ sërv’athu EcRNtaL sërnthäl
a (past) reaching (v. noun) a (present) reaching (v. noun) a (future) reaching (v. noun) (I-they) reach/es-if (conditional)
EcraEt sëräthë Ecra≥R(kÒ) sëräthïr(ga¬) Ecrat sërätha Ecra∆ sëräthu; EcramL sërämal
don’t (you) reach! (imperative s.) don’t (you) reach! (imp. pl.) non-reaching (neg. adj. part.) without reaching (neg. participle)
EcrÉLwl sëravillai EcEr˜1 sërë√ EcrmaDEd˜ sëra-m䆆ë√ Ecrawm sërämai; Ecrat∆ sëräthathu
(I-they) didn’t reach (‘past’) I won’t reach (tenseless) I won’t reach (‘future’) non-reaching (neg. verbal nouns)
EcRNt∆ iLwl sërnthathu illai EcRá®çLwl sërgi∞ath’illai EcRv∆ iLwl sërvathu illai EcraÉDdaL sërävi††äl
(I-they) didn’t (ever) reach (I-they) don’t/doesn’t reach (I-they) won’t (ever) reach (I-they) don’t/doesn’t reach-if (conditional)
Ecratv˜ sëräth’ava√, a man who didn’t reach, doesn’t reach, or won’t reach (this and all the following are participial nouns)
EcRNtv˜ sërnth’ava√, he who reached; EcRá®v˜ sërgi∞’ava√, he who reaches; EcRpv˜ sërb’ava√, he who will reach
EcratvÒ sëräth’ava¬, a woman who didn’t reach, doesn’t reach, or won’t reach
EcRNtvÒ sërnth’ava¬, she who reached; EcRá®vÒ sërgi∞’ava¬, she who reaches; EcRpvÒ sërb’ava¬, she who will reach
Ecrat∆ sëräth’athu, an animal or thing which didn’t reach, doesn’t reach, or won’t reach
EcRNt∆ sërnth’athu, it which reached; EcRá®∆ sërgi∞’athu, it which reaches; EcRv∆ sërv’athu, it which will reach
EcratvR(kÒ) sëräth’avar(ga¬), people who didn’t reach, don’t reach, or won’t reach
EcRNtvR(kÒ) sërnth’avar(ga¬), they who reached; EcRá®vR(kÒ) sërgi∞’avar(ga¬), they who reach; EcRpvR(kÒ) sërb’avar(ga¬), they who’ll reach
Ecratwv(kÒ) sëräth’avai(ga¬), animals or things which didn’t reach, don’t reach, or won’t reach
EcRNtwv(kÒ) sërnth’avai(ga¬), they who reached; EcRá®wv(kÒ) sërgi∞’avai(ga¬), they who reach; EcRpwv(kÒ) sërb’avai(ga¬), they who’ll reach

Negative Compound Forms (the neg. participle Ecra∆ sëräthu [dropping the ‘u’] + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru;
and the neg. participle EcramL sërämal + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru):
EcraçÃNEt˜ EcraçÃKáE®˜ EcraçÃPEp˜ EcraçÃNtaL
sëräth’irunthë√ sëräth’irukki∞ë√ sëräth’iruppë√ sëräth’irunthäl (conditional)
EcramL iÃNEt˜ EcramL iÃKáE®˜ EcramL iÃPEp˜ EcramL iÃNtaL
sërämal irunthë√ sërämal irukki∞ë√ sërämal iruppë√ sërämal irunthäl (conditional)
I hadn’t reached (past perf.) I haven’t reached (pres. perf.)2 I won’t have reached (f. perf.)2 (I-they) hadn’t reached-if
I wasn’t reaching I am not reaching I won’t be reaching (I-they) wasn’t/weren’t reaching-if
(past continuous) (present continuous) (future continuous) (I-they) don’t/doesn’t reach-if
1See footnote 4 on page 3.
2Not in common use today.
kÉZ kaviΩ (v.t.) kɤıkÒ kaviΩu≥ga¬ kÉZKk kaviΩkka kÉZT∆ kaviΩtthu 54
turn over (sth) (you)! (imp. s.) turn over (sth) (you)! (imper. pl.) to turn over (sth) (infinitive) (having) turned over (sth) (past participle)
kÉZTt kaviΩttha (past adj. p.) kÉZKá® kaviΩkki∞a (pres. adj. p.) kÉZK¿M kaviΩkkum (future adjectival participle)°
(who, which) turned over (sth) (who, which) turns over (sth) (who, which) will turn over (sth)
Present Tense Present Perfect & Present Continuous
kÉZKáE®˜ kaviΩkki∞ïë√ I turn over (sth) kÉZTçÃKáE®˜ kaviΩtth’irukki∞ïë√ I have turned over; I am turning over (sth)
kÉZKá®aY kaviΩkki∞ïäy you turn over (sth) kÉZTçÃKá®aY kaviΩtth’irukki∞ïäy you’ve turned over; °are turning over (sth)
kÉZKá®a˜ kaviΩkki∞ïä√ he turns over (sth) kÉZTçÃKá®a˜ kaviΩtth’irukki∞ïä√ he has turned over; he is turning over (sth)
kÉZKá®aÒ kaviΩkki∞ïä¬ she turns over (sth) kÉZTçÃKá®aÒ kaviΩtth’irukki∞ïä¬ she has turned over; she is turning over (sth)
kÉZKá®∆ kaviΩkki∞ïathu it turns over (sth) kÉZTçÃKá®∆ kaviΩtth’irukki∞ïathu it has turned over; it is turning over (sth)
kÉZKáE®aM kaviΩkki∞ïöm we turn over (sth) kÉZTçÃKáE®aM kaviΩtth’irukki∞ïöm we have turned over; °are turning over (sth)
kÉZKáΩR(kÒ) kaviΩkki∞ïïr(ga¬) you turn over (sth) kÉZTçÃKáΩR(kÒ) kaviΩtth’irukki∞ïïr(ga¬) you ‘ve turned over; °are turning over (sth)
kÉZKá®aR(kÒ) kaviΩkki∞ïär(ga¬) they turn over (sth) kÉZTçÃKá®aR(kÒ) kaviΩtth’irukki∞ïär(ga¬) they’ve turned over; °are turning over (sth)
kÉZKᘮˆ kaviΩkki√∞ïa√a they turn over (sth) kÉZTçÃKᘮˆ kaviΩtth’irukki√∞ïa√a they’ve turned over; °are turning over (sth)

Past Tense Past Pefect & Past Continuous

kÉZTEt˜ kaviΩtthïë√ I turned over (sth) kÉZTçÃNEt˜ kaviΩtth’irunthïë√ I had turned over; °was turning over (sth)
kÉZTtaY kaviΩtthïäy you turned over (sth) kÉZTçÃNtaY kaviΩtth’irunthïäy you‘d turned over; °were turning over (sth)
kÉZTta˜ kaviΩtthïä√ he turned over (sth) kÉZTçÃNta˜ kaviΩtth’irunthïä√ he’d turned over; °was turning over (sth)
kÉZTtaÒ kaviΩtthïä¬ she turned over (sth) kÉZTçÃNtaÒ kaviΩtth’irunthïä¬ she’d turned over; °was turning over (sth)
kÉZTt∆ kaviΩtthïathu it turned over (sth) kÉZTçÃNt∆ kaviΩtth’irunthïathu it had turned over; °was turning over (sth)
kÉZTEtaM kaviΩtthïöm we turned over (sth) kÉZTçÃNEtaM kaviΩtth’irunthïöm we’d turned over; °were turning over (sth)
kÉZT≥R(kÒ) kaviΩtthïïr(ga¬) you turned over (sth) kÉZTçÃN≥(kÒ) kaviΩtth’irunthïïr(ga¬) you’d turned over; °were turning over (sth)
kÉZTtaR(kÒ) kaviΩtthïär(ga¬) they turned over (sth) kÉZTçÃNtaR(kÒ) kaviΩtth’irunthïär(ga¬) they’d turned over; °were turning over (sth)
kÉZTtˆ kaviΩtthïa√a they turned over (sth) kÉZTçÃNtˆ kaviΩtth’irunthïa√a they’d turned over; °were turning over (sth)

Future Tense Future Perfect & Future Continuous

kÉZPEp˜ kaviΩppïë√ I’ll turn over (sth) kÉZTçÃPEp˜ kaviΩtth’iruppïë√ I’ll have turned over; °be turning over (sth)
kÉZPpaY kaviΩppïäy you’ll turn over (sth) kÉZTçÃPpaY kaviΩtth’iruppïäy you’ll ’ve turned over; °be turning over (sth)
kÉZPpa˜ kaviΩppïä√ he’ll turn over (sth) kÉZTçÃPpa˜ kaviΩtth’iruppïä√ he’ll ‘ve turned over; °be turning over (sth)
kÉZPpaÒ kaviΩppïä¬ she’ll turn over (sth) kÉZTçÃPpaÒ kaviΩtth’iruppïä¬ she’ll ’ve turned over; °be turning over (sth)
kÉZK¿M kaviΩkkïum it’ll turn over (sth) kÉZTçÃK¿M kaviΩtth’irukkïum it’ll ’ve turned over; °be turning over (sth)
kÉZPEpaM kaviΩppïöm we’ll turn over (sth) kÉZTçÃPEpaM kaviΩtth’iruppïöm we’ll ‘ve turned over; °be turning over (sth)
kÉZPµR(kÒ) kaviΩppïïr(ga¬) you’ll turn over (sth) kÉZTçÃPµR(kÒ) kaviΩtth’iruppïïr(ga¬) you’ll ’ve turned over; °be turning over (sth)
kÉZPpaR(kÒ) kaviΩppïär(ga¬) they’ll turn over (sth) kÉZTçÃPpaR(kÒ) kaviΩtth’iruppïär(ga¬) they’ll ’ve turned over; °be turning over (sth)
kÉZK¿M kaviΩkkïum they’ll turn over (sth) kÉZTçÃK¿M kaviΩtth’irukkïum they’ll ’ve turned over; °be turning over (sth)
kÉZTtL kaviΩtthal kÉZKwk kaviΩkkai kÉZKkL kaviΩkkal kÉZP»1 kaviΩppu 55
turning (sth) over (verbal noun) turning (sth) over (v. noun) turning (sth) over (verbal noun) turning (sth) over (verbal noun)
kÉZTt∆ kaviΩtth’athu kÉZKá®∆ kaviΩkki∞’athu kÉZPp∆ kaviΩpp’athu kÉZTtaL kaviΩtthäl
a (past) turning (sth) over (v. noun) a (present) turning over (v. noun) a (future) turning over (v. noun) (I-they) turn/s (sth) over-if (conditional)
kÉZKkaEt kaviΩkkäthë kÉZKka≥R(kÒ) kaviΩkkäthïr(ga¬) kÉZKkat kaviΩkkätha kÉZKka∆ kaviΩkkäthu; kÉZKkamL kaviΩkkämal
don’t (you) turn (sth) over! (imp.) don’t (you) turn (sth) over! (imp.) non-turning (sth) (neg. adj. part.) without turning (sth) over (neg. participle)
kÉZKkÉLwl kaviΩkkavillai kÉEz˜2 kaviΩë√ kÉZKkmaDEd˜ kaviΩkka-m䆆ë√ kÉZKkawm kaviΩkkämai; °Kkat∆ °kkäthathu
(I-they) didn’t turn (sth) (‘past’) I won’t turn (sth) (tenseless) I won’t turn (sth) (‘future’) non-turning over (sth) (neg. verbal nouns)
kÉZTt∆ iLwl kaviΩtthathu illai kÉZKá®çLwl kaviΩkki∞ath’illai kÉZPp∆ iLwl kaviΩppathu illai kÉZKkaÉDdaL kaviΩkkävi††äl
(I-they) never turned (sth) over (I-they) don’t/doesn’t turn (sth) over (I-they) won’t turn (sth) over (I-they) don’t/doesn’t turn over-if (condit.)
kÉZKkatv˜ kaviΩkkäth’ava√, a man who didn’t turn over, doesn’t turn over, or won’t turn over (sth) (this and all the following are participial nouns)
kÉZTtv˜ kaviΩtth’ava√, he who turned over; kÉZKá®v˜ kaviΩkki∞’ava√, who turns over; kÉZPpv˜ kaviΩpp’ava√, who will turn over (sth)
kÉZKkatvÒ kaviΩkkäth’ava¬, a woman who didn’t turn over, doesn’t turn over, or won’t turn over (sth)
kÉZTtvÒ kaviΩtth’ava¬, she who turned over; kÉZKá®vÒ kaviΩkki∞’ava¬, who turns over; kÉZPpvÒ kaviΩpp’ava¬; who will turn over (sth)
kÉZKkat∆ kaviΩkkäth’athu, an animal or thing which didn’t turn over, doesn’t turn over, or won’t turn over (sth)
kÉZTt∆ kaviΩtth’athu, it which turned over; kÉZKá®∆ kaviΩkki∞’athu, it which turns over; kÉZPp∆ kaviΩpp’athu, it which will turn over (sth)
kÉZKkatvR(kÒ) kaviΩkkäth’avar(ga¬), people who didn’t turn over, do not turn over, or will not turn over (sth)
kÉZTtvR(kÒ) kaviΩtth’avar(ga¬), they who turned over; kÉZKá®vR(kÒ) kaviΩkki∞’avar(ga¬), °turn over; kÉZPpvR(kÒ kaviΩpp’avar(ga¬), °will turn o.
kÉZKkatwv(kÒ) kaviΩkkäth’avai(ga¬), animals or things which didn’t turn over, do not turn over, or will not turn over (sth)
kÉZTtwv(kÒ) kaviΩtth’avai(ga¬), they who turned over; kÉZKá®wv(kÒ) kaviΩkki∞’avai(ga¬), °turn over; kÉZPpwv(kÒ) kaviΩpp’avai(ga¬), °will turn o.

Negative Compound Forms (the neg. participle kÉZKka∆ kaviΩkkäthu [dropping the ‘u’] + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru;
and the neg. participle kÉZKkamL kaviΩkkämal + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru):
kÉZKkaçÃNEt˜ kÉZKkaçÃKáE®˜ kÉZKkaçÃPEp˜ kÉZKkaçÃNtaL
kaviΩkkäth’irunthë√ kaviΩkkäth’irukki∞ë√ kaviΩkkäth’iruppë√ kaviΩkkäth’irunthäl (conditional)
kÉZKkamL iÃNEt˜ kÉZKkamL iÃKáE®˜ kÉZKkamL iÃPEp˜ kÉZKkamL iÃNtaL
kaviΩkkämal irunthë√ kaviΩkkämal irukki∞ë√ kaviΩkkämal iruppë√ (f. perf.)1 kaviΩkkämal irunthäl (conditional)
I hadn’t turned over (sth) (p. perf.) I haven’t turned over (pres. perf.)1 I won’t have turned over ↵ (I-they) hadn’t turned over (sth)-if
I wasn’t turning over (sth) I am not turning over (sth) I won’t be turning over (sth) (I-they) was/were not turning over (sth)-if
(past continuous) (present continuous) (future continuous) (I-they) don’t/doesn’t turn over (sth)-if
1Not in common use today.
2See footnote 4 on page 3.
kÉZ kaviΩ (v.i.) kɤıkÒ kaviΩu≥ga¬ kÉz kaviΩa kÉZN∆ kaviΩnthu 56
turn over (you)! (imperative s.) turn over (you)! (imperative pl.) to turn over (infinitive) (having) turned over (past participle)
kÉZNt kaviΩntha (past adj. p.) kÉZá® kaviΩgi∞a (pres. adj. p.) kɤM kaviΩum (future adjectival participle)
(who, which) turned over (who, which) turns over (who, which) will turn over
Present Tense Present Perfect & Present Continuous
kÉZáE®˜ kaviΩgi∞ïë√ I turn over kÉZNçÃKáE®˜ kaviΩnth’irukki∞ïë√ I have turned over; I am turning over
kÉZá®aY kaviΩgi∞ïäy you turn over kÉZNçÃKá®aY kaviΩnth’irukki∞ïäy you’ve turned over; you’re turning over
kÉZá®a˜ kaviΩgi∞ïä√ he turns over kÉZNçÃKá®a˜ kaviΩnth’irukki∞ïä√ he has turned over; he is turning over
kÉZá®aÒ kaviΩgi∞ïä¬ she turns over kÉZNçÃKá®aÒ kaviΩnth’irukki∞ïä¬ she has turned over; she is turning over
kÉZá®∆ kaviΩgi∞ïathu it turns over kÉZNçÃKá®∆ kaviΩnth’irukki∞ïathu it has turned over; it is turning over
kÉZáE®aM kaviΩgi∞ïöm we turn over kÉZNçÃKáE®aM kaviΩnth’irukki∞ïöm we have turned over; we are turning over
káZáΩR(kÒ) kaviΩgi∞ïïr(ga¬) you turn over kÉZNçÃKáΩR(kÒ) kaviΩnth’irukki∞ïïr(ga¬) you’ve turned over; you’re turning over
kÉZá®aR(kÒ) kaviΩgi∞ïär(ga¬) they turn over kÉZNçÃKá®aR(kÒ) kaviΩnth’irukki∞ïär(ga¬) they’ve turned over; they’re turning over
kÉZᘮˆ kaviΩgi√∞ïa√a they turn over kÉZNçÃKᘮˆ kaviΩnth’irukki√∞ïa√a they’ve turned over; they ’re turning over
Past Tense Past Pefect & Past Continuous
kÉZNEt˜ kaviΩnthïë√ I turned over kÉZNçÃNEt˜ kaviΩnth’irunthïë√ I had turned over; I was turning over
kÉZNtaY kaviΩnthïäy you turned over kÉZNçÃNtaY kaviΩnth’irunthïäy you’d turned over; you were turning over
kÉZNta˜ kaviΩnthïä√ he turned over kÉZNçÃNta˜ kaviΩnth’irunthïä√ he had turned over; he was turning over
kÉZNtaÒ kaviΩnthïä¬ she turned over kÉZNçÃNtaÒ kaviΩnth’irunthïä¬ she had turned over; she was turning over
kÉZNt∆ kaviΩnthïathu it turned over kÉZNçÃNt∆ kaviΩnth’irunthïathu it had turned over; it was turning over
kÉZNEtaM kaviΩnthïöm we turned over kÉZNçÃNEtaM kaviΩnth’irunthïöm we’d turned over; we were turning over
kÉZN≥R(kÒ) kaviΩnthïïr(ga¬) you turned over kÉZNçÃN≥(kÒ) kaviΩnth’irunthïïr(ga¬) you’d turned over; you were turning over
kÉZNtaR(kÒ) kaviΩnthïär(ga¬) they turned over kÉZNçÃNtaR(kÒ) kaviΩnth’irunthïär(ga¬) they’d turned over; they were turning over
kÉZNtˆ kaviΩnthïa√a they turned over kÉZNçÃNtˆ kaviΩnth’irunthïa√a they’d turned over; they were turning over
Future Tense Future Perfect & Future Continuous
kÉZEv˜ kaviΩvïë√ I’ll turn over kÉZNçÃPEp˜ kaviΩnth’iruppïë√ I’ll have turned over; I’ll be turning over
kÉZvaY kaviΩvïäy you’ll turn over kÉZNçÃPpaY kaviΩnth’iruppïäy you’ll ’ve turned over; you’ll be turning o.
kÉZva˜ kaviΩvïä√ he’ll turn over kÉZNçÃPpa˜ kaviΩnth’iruppïä√ he’ll ’ve turned over; he’ll be turning over
kÉZvaÒ kaviΩvïä¬ she’ll turn over kÉZNçÃPpaÒ kaviΩnth’iruppïä¬ she’ll ’ve turned over; she’ll be turning o.
kɤM kaviΩïum it’ll turn over kÉZNçÃK¿M kaviΩnth’irukkïum it’ll have turned over; it’ll be turning over
kÉZEvaM kaviΩvïöm we’ll turn over kÉZNçÃPEpaM kaviΩnth’iruppïöm we’ll ’ve turned over; we’ll be tutned over
kÉZ™R(kÒ) kaviΩvïïr(ga¬) you’ll turn over kÉZNçÃPµR(kÒ) kaviΩnth’iruppïïr(ga¬) you’ll ’ve turned over; you’ll be turning o.
kÉZvaR(kÒ) kaviΩvïär(ga¬) they’ll turn over kÉZNçÃPpaR(kÒ) kaviΩnth’iruppïär(ga¬) they’ll ’ve turned over; they’ll be turning o.
kɤM kaviΩïum they’ll turn over kÉZNçÃK¿M kaviΩnth’irukkïum they’ll ’ve turned over; they’ll be turning o.
kÉZtL kaviΩthal kÉZwk kaviΩgai kÉzL kaviΩal kÉZŒtL kaviΩvuthal 57
turning over (verbal noun) turning over (v. noun) turning over (verbal noun) turning over (verbal noun)
kÉZNt∆ kaviΩnth’athu kÉZá®∆ kaviΩgi∞’athu kÉZv∆ kaviΩv’athu kÉZNtaL kaviΩnthäl
a (past) turning over (v. noun) a (present) turning over (v. noun) a (future) turning over (v. noun) (I-they) turn/s over-if (conditional)
kÉzaEt kaviΩäthë kÉza≥R(kÒ) kaviΩäthïr(ga¬) kÉzat kaviΩätha kÉza∆ kaviΩäthu; kÉzamL kaviΩämal
don’t (you) turn over! (imp.) don’t (you) turn over! (imp. pl.) non-turning over (neg. adj. part.) without turning over (neg. participle)
kÉzÉLwl kaviΩavillai kÉEz˜1 kaviΩë√ kÉzmaDEd˜ kaviΩa-m䆆ë√ kÉzawm kaviΩämai; kÉzat∆ kaviΩäthathu
(I-they) didn’t turn over (‘past’) I won’t turn over (tenseless) I won’t turn over (‘future’) non-turning over (neg. verbal nouns)
kÉZNt∆ iLwl kaviΩnthathu illai kÉZá®çLwl kaviΩgi∞ath’illai kÉZv∆ iLwl kaviΩvathu illai kÉzaÉDdaL kaviΩävi††äl
(I-they) didn’t (ever) turn over (I-they) don’t/doesn’t turn over (I-they) won’t (ever) turn over (I-they) don’t/doesn’t turn over-if (conditional)
kÉzatv˜ kaviΩäth’ava√, a man who didn’t turn over, doesn’t turn over, or won’t turn over (this and all the following are participial nouns)
kÉZNtv˜ kaviΩnth’ava√, he who turned over; kÉZá®v˜ kaviΩgi∞’ava√, he who turns over; kÉZpv˜ kaviΩb’ava√, he who will turn over
kÉzatvÒ kaviΩäth’ava¬, a woman who didn’t turn over, doesn’t turn over, or won’t turn over
kÉZNtvÒ kaviΩnth’ava¬, she who turned over; kÉZá®vÒ kaviΩgi∞’ava¬, she who turns over; kÉZpvÒ kaviΩb’ava¬, she who will turn over
kÉzat∆ kaviΩäth’athu, an animal or thing which didn’t turn over, doesn’t turn over, or won’t turn over
kÉZNt∆ kaviΩnth’athu, it which turned over; kÉZá®∆ kaviΩgi∞’athu, it which turns over; kÉZv∆ kaviΩv’athu, it which will turn over
kÉzatvR(kÒ) kaviΩäth’avar(ga¬), people who didn’t turn over, don’t turn over, or won’t turn over
kÉZNtvR(kÒ) kaviΩnth’avar(ga¬), they who turned over; kÉZá®vR(kÒ) kaviΩgi∞’avar(ga¬), °turn over; kÉZpvR(kÒ) kaviΩb’avar(ga¬), °will turn over
kÉzatwv(kÒ) kaviΩäth’avai(ga¬), animals or things which didn’t turn over, don’t turn over, or won’t turn over
kÉZNtwv(kÒ) kaviΩnth’avai(ga¬), they who turned over; kÉZá®wv(kÒ) kaviΩgi∞’avai(ga¬), °turn over; kÉZpwv(kÒ) kaviΩb’avai(ga¬), °will turn over

Negative Compound Forms (the neg. participle kÉza∆ kaviΩäthu [dropping the ‘u’] + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru;
and the neg. participle kÉzamL kaviΩämal + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru):
kÉzaçÃNEt˜ kÉzaçÃKáE®˜ kÉzaçÃPEp˜ kÉzaçÃNtaL
kaviΩäth’irunthë√ kaviΩäth’irukki∞ë√ kaviΩäth’iruppë√ kaviΩäth’irunthäl (conditional)
kÉzamL iÃNEt˜ kÉzamL iÃKáE®˜ kÉzamL iÃPEp˜ kÉzamL iÃNtaL
kaviΩämal irunthë√ kaviΩämal irukki∞ë√ kaviΩämal iruppë√ kaviΩämal irunthäl (conditional)
I hadn’t turned over (past perf.) I haven’t turned over (pres. perf.)2 I won’t have turned over (f. perf.)2 (I-they) hadn’t turned over-if
I wasn’t turning over I am not turning over I won’t be turning over (I-they) wasn’t/weren’t turning over-if
(past continuous) (present continuous) (future continuous) (I-they) don’t/doesn’t turn over-if
1See footnote 4 on page 3.
2Not in common use today.
pƒ pa∂u (v.t.) pƒıkÒ pa∂u≥ga¬ pƒKk pa∂ukka pƒT∆ pa∂utthu 58
(you) lie down! (imp. s.) (you) lie down! (imper. pl.) to lie down (infinitive) (having) lain down (past participle)
pƒTt pa∂uttha (past adj. p.) pƒKá® pa∂ukki∞a (pres. adj. p.) pƒK¿M pa∂ukkum (future adjectival participle)
(who, which) lay down (who, which) lies down (who, which) will lie down
Present Tense Present Perfect & Present Continuous
pƒKáE®˜ pa∂ukki∞ïë√ I lie down pƒTçÃKáE®˜ pa∂utth’irukki∞ïë√ I have lain down; I am lying down
pƒKá®aY pa∂ukki∞ïäy you lie down pƒTçÃKá®aY pa∂utth’irukki∞ïäy you have lain down; you are lying down
pƒKá®a˜ pa∂ukki∞ïä√ he lies down pƒTçÃKá®a˜ pa∂utth’irukki∞ïä√ he has lain down; he is lying down
pƒKá®aÒ pa∂ukki∞ïä¬ she lies down pƒTçÃKá®aÒ pa∂utth’irukki∞ïä¬ she has lain down; she is lying down
pƒKá®∆ pa∂ukki∞ïathu it lies down pƒTçÃKá®∆ pa∂utth’irukki∞ïathu it has lain down; it is lying down
pƒKáE®aM pa∂ukki∞ïöm we lie down pƒTçÃKáE®aM pa∂utth’irukki∞ïöm we have lain down; we are lying down
pƒKáΩR(kÒ) pa∂ukki∞ïïr(ga¬) you lie down pƒTçÃKáΩR(kÒ) pa∂utth’irukki∞ïïr(ga¬) you have lain down; you are lying down
pƒKá®aR(kÒ) pa∂ukki∞ïär(ga¬) they lie down pƒTçÃKá®aR(kÒ) pa∂utth’irukki∞ïär(ga¬) they have lain down; they are lying down
pƒKᘮˆ pa∂ukki√∞ïa√a they lie down pƒTçÃKᘮˆ pa∂utth’irukki√∞ïa√a they have lain down; they are lying down

Past Tense Past Pefect & Past Continuous

pƒTEt˜ pa∂utthïë√ I lay down pƒTçÃNEt˜ pa∂utth’irunthïë√ I had lain down; I was lying down
pƒTtaY pa∂utthïäy you lay down pƒTçÃNtaY pa∂utth’irunthïäy you had lain down; you were lying down
pƒTta˜ pa∂utthïä√ he lay down pƒTçÃNta˜ pa∂utth’irunthïä√ he had lain down; he was lying down
pƒTtaÒ pa∂utthïä¬ she lay down pƒTçÃNtaÒ pa∂utth’irunthïä¬ she had lain down; she was lying down
pƒTt∆ pa∂utthïathu it lay down pƒTçÃNt∆ pa∂utth’irunthïathu it had lain down; it was lying down
pƒTEtaM pa∂utthïöm we lay down pƒTçÃNEtaM pa∂utth’irunthïöm we had lain down; we were lying down
pƒT≥R(kÒ) pa∂utthïïr(ga¬) you lay down pƒTçÃN≥(kÒ) pa∂utth’irunthïïr(ga¬) you had lain down; you were lying down
pƒTtaR(kÒ) pa∂utthïär(ga¬) they lay down pƒTçÃNtaR(kÒ) pa∂utth’irunthïär(ga¬) they had lain down; they were lying down
pƒTtˆ pa∂utthïa√a they lay down pƒTçÃNtˆ pa∂utth’irunthïa√a they had lain down; they were lying down

Future Tense Future Perfect & Future Continuous

pƒPEp˜ pa∂uppïë√ I’ll lie down pƒTçÃPEp˜ pa∂utth’iruppïë√ I’ll have lain down; I’ll be lying down
pƒPpaY pa∂uppïäy you’ll lie down pƒTçÃPpaY pa∂utth’iruppïäy you’ll ’ve lain down; you’ll be lying down
pƒPpa˜ pa∂uppïä√ he’ll lie down pƒTçÃPpa˜ pa∂utth’iruppïä√ he’ll ‘ve lain down; he’ll be lying down
pƒPpaÒ pa∂uppïä¬ she’ll lie down pƒTçÃPpaÒ pa∂utth’iruppïä¬ she’ll ’ve lain down; she’ll be lying down
pƒK¿M pa∂ukkïum it’ll lie down pƒTçÃK¿M pa∂utth’irukkïum it’ll have lain down; it’ll be lying down
pƒPEpaM pa∂uppïöm we’ll lie down pƒTçÃPEpaM pa∂utth’iruppïöm we’ll ‘ve lain down; we’ll be lying down
pƒPµR(kÒ) pa∂uppïïr(ga¬) you’ll lie down pƒTçÃPµR(kÒ) pa∂utth’iruppïïr(ga¬) you’ll ’ve lain down; you’ll be lying down
pƒPpaR(kÒ) pa∂uppïär(ga¬) they’ll lie down pƒTçÃPpaR(kÒ) pa∂utth’iruppïär(ga¬) they’ll ’ve lain down; they’ll be lying down
pƒK¿M pa∂ukkïum they’ll lie down pƒTçÃK¿M pa∂utth’irukkïum they’ll ’ve lain down; they’ll be lying down
pƒTtL pa∂utthal pƒKwk1 pa∂ukkai pƒKkL pa∂ukkal pƒP» pa∂uppu 59
lying down (verbal noun) lying down (v. noun) lying down (verbal noun) lying down (verbal noun)
pƒTt∆ pa∂utth’athu pƒKá®∆ pa∂ukki∞’athu pƒPp∆ pa∂upp’athu pƒTtaL pa∂utthäl
a (past) lying down (v. noun) a (present) lying down (v. noun) a (future) lying down (v. noun) (I-they) lie/s down-if (conditional)
pƒKkaEt pa∂ukkäthë pƒKka≥R(kÒ) pa∂ukkäthïr(ga¬) pƒKkat pa∂ukkätha pƒKka∆ pa∂ukkäthu; pƒKkamL pa∂ukkämal
don’t (you) lie down! (imper. s.) don’t (you) lie down! (imper. pl.) non-lying down (neg. adj. part.) without lying down (neg. participle)
pƒKkÉLwl pa∂ukkavillai pEd˜2 pa∂ë√ pƒKkmaDEd˜ pa∂ukka-m䆆ë√ pƒKkawm pa∂ukkämai; °Kkat∆ °kkäthathu
(I-they) didn’t lie down (‘past’) I won’t lie down (tenseless) I won’t lie down (‘future’) non-lying down (neg. verbal nouns)
pƒTt∆ iLwl pa∂utthathu illai pƒKá®çLwl pa∂ukki∞ath’illai pƒPp∆ iLwl pa∂uppathu illai pƒKkaÉDdaL pa∂ukkävi††äl
(I-they) never lay down (I-they) don’t/doesn’t lie down (I-they) won’t lie down (I-they) don’t/doesn’t lie down-if (condit.)
pƒKkatv˜ pa∂ukkäth’ava√, a man who didn’t lie down, doesn’t lie down, or won’t lie down (this and all the following are participial nouns)
pƒTtv˜ pa∂utth’ava√, he who lay down; pƒKá®v˜ pa∂ukki∞’ava√, he who lies down; pƒPpv˜ pa∂upp’ava√, he who will lie down
pƒKkatvÒ pa∂ukkäth’ava¬, a woman who didn’t lie down, doesn’t lie down, or won’t lie down
pƒTtvÒ pa∂utth’ava¬, she who lay down; pƒKá®vÒ pa∂ukki∞’ava¬, she who lies down; pƒPpvÒ pa∂upp’ava¬, she who will lie down
pƒKkat∆ pa∂ukkäth’athu, an animal or thing which didn’t lie down, doesn’t lie down, or won’t lie down
pƒTt∆ pa∂utth’athu, it which lay down; pƒKá®∆ pa∂ukki∞’athu, it which lies down; pƒPp∆ pa∂upp’athu, it which will lie down
pƒKkatvR(kÒ) pa∂ukkäth’avar(ga¬), people who didn’t lie down, don’t lie down, or won’t lie down
pƒTtvR(kÒ) pa∂utth’avar(ga¬), they who lay down; pƒKá®vR(kÒ) pa∂ukki∞’avar(ga¬), °who lie down; pƒPpvR(kÒ) pa∂upp’avar(ga¬), °will lie down
pƒKkatwv(kÒ) pa∂ukkäth’avai(ga¬), animals or things which didn’t lie down, don’t lie down, or won’t lie down
pƒTtwv(kÒ) pa∂utth’avai(ga¬), they who lay down; pƒKá®wv(kÒ) pa∂ukki∞’avai(ga¬), °who lie down; pƒPpwv(kÒ) pa∂upp’avai(ga¬), °will lie down

Negative Compound Forms (the neg. participle pƒKka∆ pa∂ukkäthu [dropping the ‘u’] + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru;
and the neg. participle pƒKkamL pa∂ukkämal + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru):
pƒKkaçÃNEt˜ pƒKkaçÃKáE®˜ pƒKkaçÃPEp˜ pƒKkaçÃNtaL
pa∂ukkäth’irunthë√ pa∂ukkäth’irukki∞ë√ pa∂ukkäth’iruppë√ pa∂ukkäth’irunthäl (conditional)
pƒkamL iÃNEt˜ pƒKkamL iÃKáE®˜ pƒKkamL iÃPEp˜ pƒKkamL iÃNtaL
pa∂ukkämal irunthë√ pa∂ukkämal irukki∞ë√ pa∂ukkämal iruppë√ pa∂ukkämal irunthäl (conditional)
I hadn’t lain down (past perf.) I haven’t lain down (pres. perf.)1 I won’t have lain dow (f. perf.)1 (I-they) hadn’t lain down-if
I wasn’t lying down I am not lying down I won’t be lying down (I-they) was/were not lying down-if
(past continuous) (present continuous) (future continuous) (I-they) don’t/doesn’t lie down-if
1Not in common use today.
2See footnote 4 on page 3.
pƒ pa∂u (v.i.) pƒıkÒ pa∂u≥ga¬ pd pa∂a pDƒ pa††u 60
feel (you)! (imperative s.) feel (you)! (imper. plural) to feel (infinitive) (having) felt (past participle)
pDd pa††a (past adj. p.) pƒá® pa∂ugi∞a (pres. adj. p.) pƒM pa∂um (future adjectival participle)
(who, which) felt (who, which) feels (who, which) will feel
Present Tense Present Perfect & Present Continuous
pƒáE®˜ pa∂ugi∞ïë√ I feel pDãÃKáE®˜ pa††’irukki∞ïë√ I have felt; I am feeling
pƒá®aY pa∂ugi∞ïäy you feel pDãÃKá®aY pa††’irukki∞ïäy you have felt; you are feeling
pƒá®a˜ pa∂ugi∞ïä√ he feels pDãÃKá®a˜ pa††’irukki∞ïä√ he has felt; he is feeling
pƒá®aÒ pa∂ugi∞ïä¬ she feels pDãÃKá®aÒ pa††’irukki∞ïä¬ she has felt; she is feeling
pƒá®∆ pa∂ugi∞ïathu it feels pDãÃKá®∆ pa††’irukki∞ïathu it has felt; it is feeling
pƒáE®aM pa∂ugi∞ïöm we feel pDãÃKáE®aM pa††’irukki∞ïöm we have felt; we are feeling
pƒáΩR(kÒ) pa∂ugi∞ïïr(ga¬) you feel pDãÃKáΩR(kÒ) pa††’irukki∞ïïr(ga¬) you have felt; you are feeling
pƒá®aR(kÒ) pa∂ugi∞ïär(ga¬) they feel pDãÃKá®aR(kÒ) pa††’irukki∞ïär(ga¬) they have felt; they are feeling
pƒá˜®ˆ pa∂ugi√∞ïa√a they feel pDãÃKᘮˆ pa††’irukki√∞ïa√a they have felt; they are feeling

Past Tense Past Pefect & Past Continuous

pDEd˜ pa††ïë√ I felt pDãÃNEt˜ pa††’irunthïë√ I had felt; I was feeling
pDdaY pa††ïäy you felt pDãÃNtaY pa††’irunthïäy you had felt; you were feeling
pDda˜ pa††ïä√ he felt pDãÃNta˜ pa††’irunthïä√ he had felt; he was feeling
pDdaÒ pa††ïä¬ she felt pDãÃNtaÒ pa††’irunthïä¬ she had felt; she was feeling
pDd∆ pa††ïathu it felt pDãÃNt∆ pa††’irunthïathu it had felt; it was feeling
pDEdaM pa††ïöm we felt pDãÃNEtaM pa††’irunthïöm we had felt; we were feeling
pD±R(kÒ) pa††ïïr(ga¬) you felt pDãÃN≥(kÒ) pa††’irunthïïr(ga¬) you had felt; you were feeling
pDdaR(kÒ) pa††ïär(ga¬) they felt pDãÃNtaR(kÒ) pa††’irunthïär(ga¬) they had felt; they were feeling
pDdˆ pa††ïa√a they felt pDãÃNtˆ pa††’irunthïa√a they had felt; they were feeling

Future Tense Future Perfect & Future Continuous

pƒEv˜ pa∂uvïë√ I’ll feel pDãÃPEp˜ pa††’iruppïë√ I’ll have felt; I’ll be feeling
pƒvaY pa∂uvïäy you’ll feel pDãÃPpaY pa††’iruppïäy you’ll have felt; you’ll be feeling
pƒva˜ pa∂uvïä√ he’ll feel pDãÃPpa˜ pa††’iruppïä√ he’ll have felt; he’ll be feeling
pƒvaÒ pa∂uvïä¬ she’ll feel pDãÃPpaÒ pa††’iruppïä¬ she’ll have felt; she’ll be feeling
pƒM pa∂ïum it’ll feel pDãÃK¿M pa††’irukkïum it’ll have felt; it’ll be feeling
pƒEvaM pa∂uvïöm we’ll feel pDãÃPEpaM pa††’iruppïöm we’ll have felt; we’ll be feeling
pƒ™R(kÒ) pa∂uvïïr(ga¬) you’ll feel pDãÃPµR(kÒ) pa††’iruppïïr(ga¬) you’ll have felt; you’ll be feeling
pƒvaR(kÒ) pa∂uvïär(ga¬) they’ll feel pDãÃPpaR(kÒ) pa††’iruppïär(ga¬) they’ll have felt; they’ll be feeling
pƒM pa∂ïum they’ll feel pDãÃK¿M pa††’irukkïum they’ll have felt; they’ll be feeling
pƒtL pa∂uthal pƒwk pa∂ugai pdL pa∂al pƒŒ1 pa∂uvu 61
feeling (verbal noun) feeling (action) (v. noun) feeling (verbal noun) feeling (verbal noun)
pDd∆ pa††’athu pƒá®∆ pa∂ugi∞’athu pƒv∆ pa∂uv’athu pDdaL pa††äl
a (past) feeling (v. noun) a (present) feeling (v. noun) a (future) feeling (v. noun) (I-they) feel/feels-if (conditional)
pdaEt pa∂äthë pda≥R(kÒ) pa∂äthïr(ga¬) pdat pa∂ätha pda∆ pa∂äthu; pdamL pa∂ämal
don’t (you) feel! (imperative s.) don’t (you) feel! (imp. pl.) non-feeling (neg. adj. part.) without feeling (neg. participle)
pdÉLwl pa∂avillai pEd˜2 pa∂ë√ pdmaDEd˜ pa∂a-m䆆ë√ pdawm pa∂ämai; pdat∆ pa∂äthathu
(I-they) didn’t feel (‘past’) I won’t feel (tenseless) I won’t feel (‘future’) non-feeling (neg. verbal nouns)
pDd∆ iLwl pa††athu illai pƒá®çLwl pa∂ugi∞ath’illai pƒŒ∆ iLwl pa∂uvathu illai pdaÉDdaL pa∂ävi††äl
(I-they) haven’t/hasn’t (ever) felt (I-they) don’t/doesn’t (ever) feel (I-they) won’t (ever) feel (I-they) don’t/doesn’t feel-if (conditional)
pdatv˜ pa∂äth’ava√, a man who did not feel, does not feel, or will not feel (this and all the following are participial nouns)
pDdv˜ pa††’ava√, he who felt; pƒá®v˜ pa∂ugi∞’ava√, he who feels; pƒpv˜ pa∂ub’ava√, he who will feel
pdatvÒ pa∂äth’ava¬, a woman who did not feel, does not feel, or will not feel
pDdvÒ pa††’ava¬, she who felt; pƒá®vÒ pa∂ugi∞’ava¬, she who feels; pƒpvÒ pa∂ub’ava¬, she who will feel
pdat∆ pa∂äth’athu, an animal or thing which did not feel, does not feel, or will not feel
pDd∆ pa††’athu, it which felt; pƒá®∆ pa∂ugi∞’athu, it which feels; pƒv∆ pa∂uv’athu, it which will feel
pdatvR(kÒ) pa∂äth’avar(ga¬), people who did not feel, do not feel, or will not feel
pDdvR(kÒ) pa††’avar(ga¬), they who felt; pƒá®vR(kÒ) pa∂ugi∞’avar(ga¬), they who feel; pƒpvR(kÒ) pa∂ub’avar(ga¬), they who’ll feel
pdatwv(kÒ) pa∂äth’avai(ga¬), animals or things which did not feel, do not feel, or will not feel
pDdwv(kÒ) pa††’avai(ga¬), they who felt; pƒá®wv(kÒ) pa∂ugi∞’avai(ga¬), they who feel; pƒpwv(kÒ) pa∂ub’avai(ga¬), they who’ll feel

Negative Compound Forms (the neg. participle pda∆ pa∂äthu [dropping the ‘u’] + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru;
and the neg. participle pdamL pa∂ämal + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru):
pdaçÃNEt˜ pdaçÃKáE®˜ pdaçÃPEp˜ pdaçÃNtaL
pa∂äth’irunthë√ pa∂äth’irukki∞ë√ pa∂äth’iruppë√ pa∂äth’irunthäl (conditional)
pdamL iÃNEt˜ pdamL iÃKáE®˜ pdamL iÃPEp˜ pdamL iÃNtaL
pa∂ämal irunthë√ pa∂ämal irukki∞ë√ pa∂ämal iruppë√ pa∂ämal irunthäl (conditional)
I hadn’t felt (past perf.) I haven’t felt (pres. perf.)1 I won’t have felt (f. perf.)1 (I-they) hadn’t felt-if
I wasn’t feeling I am not feeling I won’t be feeling (I-they) was/were not feeling-if
(past continuous) (present continuous) (future continuous) (I-they) don’t/doesn’t feel-if
1Not in use today.
2See footnote 4 on page 3.
iƒ i∂u (v.i.) iƒıkÒ i∂u≥ga¬ id i∂a iDƒ i††u 62
put (you)! (imperative s.) put (you)! (imper. plural) to put (infinitive) (having) put (past participle)
iDd i††a (past adj. p.) iƒá® i∂ugi∞a (pres. adj. p.) iƒM i∂um (future adjectival participle)
(who, which) put (who, which) puts (who, which) will put
Present Tense Present Perfect & Present Continuous
iƒáE®˜ i∂ugi∞ïë√ I put iDãÃKáE®˜ i††’irukki∞ïë√ I have put; I am putting
iƒá®aY i∂ugi∞ïäy you put iDãÃKá®aY i††’irukki∞ïäy you have put; you are putting
iƒá®a˜ i∂ugi∞ïä√ he puts iDãÃKá®a˜ i††’irukki∞ïä√ he has put; he is putting
iƒá®aÒ i∂ugi∞ïä¬ she puts iDãÃKá®aÒ i††’irukki∞ïä¬ she has put; she is putting
iƒá®∆ i∂ugi∞ïathu it puts iDãÃKá®∆ i††’irukki∞ïathu it has put; it is putting
iƒáE®aM i∂ugi∞ïöm we put iDãÃKáE®aM i††’irukki∞ïöm we have put; we are putting
iƒáΩR(kÒ) i∂ugi∞ïïr(ga¬) you put iDãÃKáΩR(kÒ) i††’irukki∞ïïr(ga¬) you have put; you are putting
iƒá®aR(kÒ) i∂ugi∞ïär(ga¬) they put iDãÃKá®aR(kÒ) i††’irukki∞ïär(ga¬) they have put; they are putting
iƒá˜®ˆ i∂ugi√∞ïa√a they put iDãÃKᘮˆ i††’irukki√∞ïa√a they have put; they are putting

Past Tense Past Pefect & Past Continuous

iDEd˜ i††ïë√ I put iDãÃNEt˜ i††’irunthïë√ I had put; I was putting
iDdaY i††ïäy you put iDãÃNtaY i††’irunthïäy you had put; you were putting
iDda˜ i††ïä√ he put iDãÃNta˜ i††’irunthïä√ he had put; he was putting
iDdaÒ i††ïä¬ she put iDãÃNtaÒ i††’irunthïä¬ she had put; she was putting
iDd∆ i††ïathu it put iDãÃNt∆ i††’irunthïathu it had put; it was putting
iDEdaM i††ïöm we put iDãÃNEtaM i††’irunthïöm we had put; we were putting
iD±R(kÒ) i††ïïr(ga¬) you put iDãÃN≥(kÒ) i††’irunthïïr(ga¬) you had put; you were putting
iDdaR(kÒ) i††ïär(ga¬) they put iDãÃNtaR(kÒ) i††’irunthïär(ga¬) they had put; they were putting
iDdˆ i††ïa√a they put iDãÃNtˆ i††’irunthïa√a they had put; they were putting

Future Tense Future Perfect & Future Continuous

iƒEv˜ i∂uvïë√ I’ll put iDãÃPEp˜ i††’iruppïë√ I’ll have put; I’ll be putting
iƒvaY i∂uvïäy you’ll put iDãÃPpaY i††’iruppïäy you’ll have put; you’ll be putting
iƒva˜ i∂uvïä√ he’ll put iDãÃPpa˜ i††’iruppïä√ he’ll have put; he’ll be putting
iƒvaÒ i∂uvïä¬ she’ll put iDãÃPpaÒ i††’iruppïä¬ she’ll have put; she’ll be putting
iƒM i∂ïum it’ll put iDãÃK¿M i††’irukkïum it’ll have put; it’ll be putting
iƒEvaM i∂uvïöm we’ll put iDãÃPEpaM i††’iruppïöm we’ll have put; we’ll be putting
iƒ™R(kÒ) i∂uvïïr(ga¬) you’ll put iDãÃPµR(kÒ) i††’iruppïïr(ga¬) you’ll have put; you’ll be putting
iƒvaR(kÒ) i∂uvïär(ga¬) they’ll put iDãÃPpaR(kÒ) i††’iruppïär(ga¬) they’ll have put; they’ll be putting
iƒM i∂ïum they’ll put iDãÃK¿M i††’irukkïum they’ll have put; they’ll be putting
iDdL i††al iƒwk i∂ugai idL i∂al iƒŒ1 i∂uvu 63
putting (verbal noun) putting (action) (v. noun) putting (verbal noun) putting (verbal noun)
iDd∆ i††’athu iƒá®∆ i∂ugi∞’athu iƒv∆ i∂uv’athu iDdaL i††äl
a (past) putting (v. noun) a (present) putting (v. noun) a (future) putting (v. noun) (I-they) put/puts-if (conditional)
idaEt i∂äthë ida≥R(kÒ) i∂äthïr(ga¬) idat i∂ätha ida∆ i∂äthu; idamL i∂ämal
don’t (you) put! (imperative s.) don’t (you) put! (imp. pl.) non-putting (neg. adj. part.) without putting (neg. participle)
idÉLwl i∂avillai iEd˜2 i∂ë√ idmaDEd˜ i∂a-m䆆ë√ idawm i∂ämai; idat∆ i∂äthathu
(I-they) didn’t put (‘past’) I won’t put (tenseless) I won’t put (‘future’) non-putting (neg. verbal nouns)
iDd∆ iLwl i††athu illai iƒá®çLwl i∂ugi∞ath’illai iƒŒ∆ iLwl i∂uvathu illai idaÉDdaL i∂ävi††äl
(I-they) haven’t/hasn’t (ever) put (I-they) don’t/doesn’t (ever) put (I-they) won’t (ever) put (I-they) don’t/doesn’t put-if (conditional)
idatv˜ i∂äth’ava√, a man who did not put, does not put, or will not put (this and all the following are participial nouns)
iDdv˜ i††’ava√, he who did put; iƒá®v˜ i∂ugi∞’ava√, he who does put; iƒpv˜ i∂ub’ava√, he who will put
idatvÒ i∂äth’ava¬, a woman who did not put, does not put, or will not put
iDdvÒ i††’ava¬, she who did put; iƒá®vÒ i∂ugi∞’ava¬, she who does put; iƒpvÒ i∂ub’ava¬, she who will put
idat∆ i∂äth’athu, an animal or thing which did not put, does not put, or will not put
iDd∆ i††’athu, it which did put; iƒá®∆ i∂ugi∞’athu, it which does put; iƒv∆ i∂uv’athu, it which will put
idatvR(kÒ) i∂äth’avar(ga¬), people who did not put, do not put, or will not put
iDdvR(kÒ) i††’avar(ga¬), they who did put; iƒá®vR(kÒ) i∂ugi∞’avar(ga¬), they who do put; iƒpvR(kÒ) i∂ub’avar(ga¬), they who’ll put
idatwv(kÒ) i∂äth’avai(ga¬), animals or things which did not put, do not put, or will not put
iDdwv(kÒ) i††’avai(ga¬), they who did put; iƒá®wv(kÒ) i∂ugi∞’avai(ga¬), they who do put; iƒpwv(kÒ) i∂ub’avai(ga¬), they who’ll put

Negative Compound Forms (the neg. participle ida∆ i∂äthu [dropping the ‘u’] + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru;
and the neg. participle idamL i∂ämal + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru):
idaçÃNEt˜ idaçÃKáE®˜ idaçÃPEp˜ idaçÃNtaL
i∂äth’irunthë√ i∂äth’irukki∞ë√ i∂äth’iruppë√ i∂äth’irunthäl (conditional)
idamL iÃNEt˜ idamL iÃKáE®˜ idamL iÃPEp˜ idamL iÃNtaL
i∂ämal irunthë√ i∂ämal irukki∞ë√ i∂ämal iruppë√ i∂ämal irunthäl (conditional)
I hadn’t put (past perf.) I haven’t put (pres. perf.)1 I won’t have put (f. perf.)1 (I-they) hadn’t put-if
I wasn’t putting I am not putting I won’t be putting (I-they) was/were not putting-if
(past continuous) (present continuous) (future continuous) (I-they) don’t/doesn’t put-if
1Not in use today.
2See footnote 4 on page 3.
ep› pe∞u (v.t.) ep›ıkÒ pe∞u≥ga¬ ep® pe∞a ep‰› pe∞∞u 64
get (you)! (imperative s.) get (you)! (imper. plural) to get (infinitive) (having) got (past participle)
ep‰® pe∞∞a (past adj. p.) ep›á® pe∞ugi∞a (pres. adj. p.) ep›M pe∞um (future adjectival participle)
(who, which) got (who, which) gets (who, which) will get
Present Tense Present Perfect & Present Continuous
ep›áE®˜ pe∞ugi∞ïë√ I get ep‰óÃKáE®˜ pe∞∞’irukki∞ïë√ I have got; I am getting
ep›á®aY pe∞ugi∞ïäy you get ep‰óÃKá®aY pe∞∞’irukki∞ïäy you have got; you are getting
ep›á®a˜ pe∞ugi∞ïä√ he gets ep‰óÃKá®a˜ pe∞∞’irukki∞ïä√ he has got; he is getting
ep›á®aÒ pe∞ugi∞ïä¬ she gets ep‰óÃKá®aÒ pe∞∞’irukki∞ïä¬ she has got; she is getting
ep›á®∆ pe∞ugi∞ïathu it gets ep‰óÃKá®∆ pe∞∞’irukki∞ïathu it has got; it is getting
ep›áE®aM pe∞ugi∞ïöm we get ep‰óÃKáE®aM pe∞∞’irukki∞ïöm we have got; we are getting
ep›áΩR(kÒ) pe∞ugi∞ïïr(ga¬) you get ep‰óÃKáΩR(kÒ) pe∞∞’irukki∞ïïr(ga¬) you have got; you are getting
ep›á®aR(kÒ) pe∞ugi∞ïär(ga¬) they get ep‰óÃKá®aR(kÒ) pe∞∞’irukki∞ïär(ga¬) they’ve got; they are getting
ep›á˜®ˆ pe∞ugi√∞ïa√a they get ep‰óÃKᘮˆ pe∞∞’irukki√∞ïa√a they’ve got; they are getting

Past Tense Past Pefect & Past Continuous

ep‰E®˜ pe∞∞ïë√ I got ep‰óÃNEt˜ pe∞∞’irunthïë√ I had got; I was getting
ep‰®aY pe∞∞ïäy you got ep‰óÃNtaY pe∞∞’irunthïäy you had got; you were getting
ep‰®a˜ pe∞∞ïä√ he got ep‰óÃNta˜ pe∞∞’irunthïä√ he had got; he was getting
ep‰®aÒ pe∞∞ïä¬ she got ep‰óÃNtaÒ pe∞∞’irunthïä¬ she had got; she was getting
ep‰®∆ pe∞∞ïathu it got ep‰óÃNt∆ pe∞∞’irunthïathu it had got; it was getting
ep‰E®aM pe∞∞ïöm we got ep‰óÃNEtaM pe∞∞’irunthïöm we had got; we were getting
ep‰ΩR(kÒ) pe∞∞ïïr(ga¬) you got ep‰óÃN≥(kÒ) pe∞∞’irunthïïr(ga¬) you had got; you were getting
ep‰®aR(kÒ) pe∞∞ïär(ga¬) they got ep‰óÃNtaR(kÒ) pe∞∞’irunthïär(ga¬) they’d got; they were getting
ep‰®ˆ pe∞∞ïa√a they got ep‰óÃNtˆ pe∞∞’irunthïa√a they’d got; they were getting

Future Tense Future Perfect & Future Continuous

ep›Ev˜ pe∞uvïë√ I’ll get ep‰óÃPEp˜ pe∞∞’iruppïë√ I’ll have got; I’ll be getting
ep›vaY pe∞uvïäy you’ll get ep‰óÃPpaY pe∞∞’iruppïäy you’ll ’ve got; you’ll be getting
ep›va˜ pe∞uvïä√ he’ll get ep‰óÃPpa˜ pe∞∞’iruppïä√ he’ll have got; he’ll be getting
ep›vaÒ pe∞uvïä¬ she’ll get ep‰óÃPpaÒ pe∞∞’iruppïä¬ she’ll ’ve got; she’ll be getting
ep›M pe∞ïum it’ll get ep‰óÃK¿M pe∞∞’irukkïum it’ll have got; it’ll be getting
ep›EvaM pe∞uvïöm we’ll get ep‰óÃPEpaM pe∞∞’iruppïöm we’ll have got; we’ll be getting
ep›™R(kÒ) pe∞uvïïr(ga¬) you’ll get ep‰óÃPµR(kÒ) pe∞∞’iruppïïr(ga¬) you’ll ’ve got; you’ll be getting
ep›vaR(kÒ) pe∞uvïär(ga¬) they’ll get ep‰óÃPpaR(kÒ) pe∞∞’iruppïär(ga¬) they’ll ’ve got; they’ll be getting
ep›M pe∞ïum they’ll get ep‰óÃK¿M pe∞∞’irukkïum they’ll ’ve got; they’ll be getting
ep‰®L pe∞∞al ep›wk1 pe∞ugai ep®L pe∞al ep›Œ1 pe∞uvu 65
getting (verbal noun) getting (action) (v. noun) getting (verbal noun) getting (verbal noun)
ep‰®∆ pe∞∞’athu ep›á®∆ pe∞ugi∞’athu ep›v∆ pe∞uv’athu ep‰®aL pe∞∞äl
a (past) getting (v. noun) a (present) getting (v. noun) a (future) getting (v. noun) (I-they) get/gets-if (conditional)
ep®aEt pe∞äthë ep®a≥R(kÒ) pe∞äthïr(ga¬) ep®at pe∞ätha ep®a∆ pe∞äthu; ep®amL pe∞ämal
don’t (you) get! (imperative s.) don’t (you) get! (imp. pl.) non-getting (neg. adj. part.) without getting (neg. participle)
ep®ÉLwl pe∞avillai epE®˜2 pe∞ë√ ep®maDEd˜ pe∞a-m䆆ë√ ep®awm pe∞ämai; ep®at∆ pe∞äthathu
(I-they) didn’t get (‘past’) I won’t get (tenseless) I won’t get (‘future’) non-getting (neg. verbal nouns)
ep‰®∆ iLwl pe∞∞athu illai ep›á®çLwl pe∞ugi∞ath’illai ep›v∆ iLwl pe∞uvathu illai ep®aÉDdaL pe∞ävi††äl
(I-they) haven’t/hasn’t (ever) got (I-they) don’t/doesn’t (ever) get (I-they) won’t (ever) get (I-they) don’t/doesn’t get-if (conditional)
ep®atv˜ pe∞äth’ava√, a man who did not get, does not get, or will not get (this and all the following are participial nouns)
ep‰®v˜ pe∞∞’ava√, he who got; ep›á®v˜ pe∞ugi∞’ava√, he who gets; ep›pv˜ pe∞ub’ava√, he who will get
ep®atvÒ pe∞äth’ava¬, a woman who did not get, does not get, or will not get
ep‰®vÒ pe∞∞’ava¬, she who got; ep›á®vÒ pe∞ugi∞’ava¬, she who gets; ep›pvÒ pe∞ub’ava¬, she who will get
ep®at∆ pe∞äth’athu, an animal or thing which did not get, does not get, or will not get
ep‰®∆ pe∞∞’athu, it which got; ep›á®∆ pe∞ugi∞’athu, it which gets; ep›v∆ pe∞uv’athu, it which will get
ep®atvR(kÒ) pe∞äth’avar(ga¬), people who did not get, do not get, or will not get
ep‰®vR(kÒ) pe∞∞’avar(ga¬), they who got; ep›á®vR(kÒ) pe∞ugi∞’avar(ga¬), they who get; ep›pvR(kÒ) pe∞ub’avar(ga¬), they who’ll get
ep®atwv(kÒ) pe∞äth’avai(ga¬), animals or things which did not get, do not get, or will not get
ep‰®wv(kÒ) pe∞∞’avai(ga¬), they who got; ep›á®wv(kÒ) pe∞ugi∞’avai(ga¬), they who get; ep›pwv(kÒ) pe∞ub’avai(ga¬), they who’ll get

Negative Compound Forms (the neg. participle ep®a∆ pe∞äthu [dropping the ‘u’] + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru;
and the neg. participle ep®amL pe∞ämal + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru):
ep®açÃNEt˜ ep®açÃKáE®˜ ep®açÃPEp˜ ep®açÃNtaL
pe∞äth’irunthë√ pe∞äth’irukki∞ë√ pe∞äth’iruppë√ pe∞äth’irunthäl (conditional)
ep®amL iÃNEt˜ ep®amL iÃKáE®˜ ep®amL iÃPEp˜ ep®amL iÃNtaL
pe∞ämal irunthë√ pe∞ämal irukki∞ë√ pe∞ämal iruppë√ pe∞ämal irunthäl (conditional)
I hadn’t got (past perf.) I haven’t got (pres. perf.)1 I won’t have got (f. perf.)1 (I-they) hadn’t got-if
I wasn’t getting I am not getting I won’t be getting (I-they) was/were not getting-if
(past continuous) (present continuous) (future continuous) (I-they) don’t/doesn’t get-if
1Not in common use today.
2See footnote 4 on page 3.
ca(¿) sä(gu) (v.i.) ca¿ıkÒ sägu≥ga¬ cak säga ecT∆ setthu 66
die (you)! (imperative s.) die (you)! (imper. plural) to die (infinitive) (having) died (past participle)
ecTt settha (past adj. p.) caá® sägi∞a (pres. adj. p.) ca¿M sägum (future adjectival participle)
(who, which) died (who, which) dies (who, which) will die
Present Tense Present Perfect & Present Continuous
caáE®˜ sägi∞ïë√ I die ecTçÃKáE®˜ setth’irukki∞ïë√ I have died; I am dying
caá®aY sägi∞ïäy you die ecTçÃKá®aY setth’irukki∞ïäy you have died; you are dying
caá®a˜ sägi∞ïä√ he dies ecTçÃKá®a˜ setth’irukki∞ïä√ he has died; he is dying
caá®aÒ sägi∞ïä¬ she dies ecTçÃKá®aÒ setth’irukki∞ïä¬ she has died; she is dying
caá®∆ sägi∞ïathu it dies ecTçÃKá®∆ setth’irukki∞ïathu it has died; it is dying
caáE®aM sägi∞ïöm we die ecTçÃKáE®aM setth’irukki∞ïöm we have died; we are dying
caáΩR(kÒ) sägi∞ïïr(ga¬) you die ecTçÃKáΩR(kÒ) setth’irukki∞ïïr(ga¬) you have died; you are dying
caá®aR(kÒ) sägi∞ïär(ga¬) they die ecTçÃKá®aR(kÒ) setth’irukki∞ïär(ga¬) they have died; they are dying
caᘮˆ sägi√∞ïa√a they die ecTçÃKᘮˆ setth’irukki√∞ïa√a they have died; they are dying

Past Tense Past Pefect & Past Continuous

ecTEt˜ setthïë√ I died ecTçÃNEt˜ setth’irunthïë√ I had died; I was dying
ecTtaY setthïäy you died ecTçÃNtaY setth’irunthïäy you had died; you were dying
ecTta˜ setthïä√ he died ecTçÃNta˜ setth’irunthïä√ he had died; he was dying
ecTtaÒ setthïä¬ she died ecTçÃNtaÒ setth’irunthïä¬ she had died; she was dying
ecTt∆ setthïathu it died ecTçÃNt∆ setth’irunthïathu it had died; it was dying
ecTEtaM setthïöm we died ecTçÃNEtaM setth’irunthïöm we had died; we were dying
ecT≥R(kÒ) setthïïr(ga¬) you died ecTçÃN≥(kÒ) setth’irunthïïr(ga¬) you had died; you were dying
ecTtaR(kÒ) setthïär(ga¬) they died ecTçÃNtaR(kÒ) setth’irunthïär(ga¬) they had died; they were dying
ecTtˆ setthïa√a they died ecTçÃNtˆ setth’irunthïa√a they had died; they were dying

Future Tense Future Perfect & Future Continuous

caEv˜ sävïë√ I’ll die ecTçÃPEp˜ setth’iruppïë√ I’ll have died; I’ll be dying
cavaY sävïäy you’ll die ecTçÃPpaY setth’iruppïäy you’ll have died; you’ll be dying
cava˜ sävïä√ he’ll die ecTçÃPpa˜ setth’iruppïä√ he’ll have died; he’ll be dying
cavaÒ sävïä¬ she’ll die ecTçÃPpaÒ setth’iruppïä¬ she’ll have died; she’ll be dying
ca¿M sägïum it’ll die ecTçÃK¿M setth’irukkïum it’ll have died; it’ll be dying
caEvaM sävïöm we’ll die ecTçÃPEpaM setth’iruppïöm we’ll have died; we’ll be dying
ca™R(kÒ) sävïïr(ga¬) you’ll die ecTçÃPµR(kÒ) setth’iruppïïr(ga¬) you’ll have died; you’ll be dying
cavaR(kÒ) sävïär(ga¬) they’ll die ecTçÃPpaR(kÒ) setth’iruppïär(ga¬) they’ll have died; they’ll be dying
ca¿M sägïum they’ll die ecTçÃK¿M setth’irukkïum they’ll have died; they’ll be dying
ecTtL setthal cawk1 sägai cakL sägal caŒ sävu 67
dying (verbal noun) dying (v. noun) dying (verbal noun) dying (verbal noun) / death (noun)
ecTt∆ setth’athu caá®∆ sägi∞’athu cav∆ säv’athu ecTtaL setthäl
a (past) dying (v. noun) a (present) dying (v. noun) a (future) dying (v. noun) (I-they) die/dies-if (conditional)
cakaEt sägäthë caka≥R(kÒ) sägäthïr(ga¬) cakat sägätha caka∆ sägäthu; cakamL sägämal
don’t (you) die! (imperative s.) don’t (you) die! (imp. pl.) non-dying (neg. adj. part.) without dying (neg. participle)
cakÉLwl sägavillai caEk˜2 sägë√ cakmaDEd˜ säga-m䆆ë√ cakawm sägämai; cakat∆ sägäthathu
(I-they) didn’t die (‘past’) I won’t die (tenseless) I won’t die (‘future’) non-dying (neg. verbal nouns)
ecTt∆ iLwl setthathu illai caá®çLwl sägi∞ath’illai cav∆ iLwl sävathu illai cakaÉDdaL sägävi††äl
(I-they) haven’t/hasn’t (ever) died (I-they) don’t/doesn’t (ever) die (I-they) won’t (ever) die (I-they) don’t/doesn’t die-if (conditional)
cakatv˜ sägäth’ava√, a man who did not die, does not die, or will not die (this and all the following are participial nouns)
ecTtv˜ setth’ava√, he who died; caá®v˜ sägi∞’ava√, he who dies; capv˜ säb’ava√, he who will die
cakatvÒ sägäth’ava¬, a woman who did not die, does not die, or will not die
ecTtvÒ setth’ava¬, she who died; caá®vÒ sägi∞’ava¬, she who dies; capvÒ säb’ava¬, she who will die
cakat∆ sägäth’athu, an animal or thing which did not die, does not die, or will not die
ecTt∆ setth’athu, it which died; caá®∆ sägi∞’athu, it which dies; cav∆ säv’athu, it which will die
cakatvR(kÒ) sägäth’avar(ga¬), people who did not die, do not die, or will not die
ecTtvR(kÒ) setth’avar(ga¬), they who died; caá®vR(kÒ) sägi∞’avar(ga¬), they who die; capvR(kÒ) säb’avar(ga¬), they who will die
cakatwv(kÒ) sägäth’avai(ga¬), animals or things which did not die, do not die, or will not die
ecTtwv(kÒ) setth’avai(ga¬), they who died; caá®wv(kÒ) sägi∞’avai(ga¬), they who die; capwv(kÒ) säb’avai(ga¬), they who will die

Negative Compound Forms (the neg. participle caka∆ sägäthu [dropping the ‘u’] + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru;
and the neg. participle cakamL sägämal + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru):
cakaçÃNEt˜ cakaçÃKáE®˜ cakaçÃPEp˜ cakaçÃNtaL
sägäth’irunthë√ sägäth’irukki∞ë√ sägäth’iruppë√ sägäth’irunthäl (conditional)
cakamL iÃNEt˜ cakamL iÃKáE®˜ cakamL iÃPEp˜ cakamL iÃNtaL
sägämal irunthë√ sägämal irukki∞ë√ sägämal iruppë√ sägämal irunthäl (conditional)
I hadn’t died (past perf.) I haven’t died (pres. perf.)1 I won’t have died (f. perf.)1 (I-they) hadn’t died-if
I wasn’t dying I am not dying I won’t be dying (I-they) was/were not dying-if
(past continuous) (present continuous) (future continuous) (I-they) don’t/doesn’t die-if
1Not in common use today.
2See footnote 4 on page 3.
o o (v.t.) oVŒıkÒ ovvu≥ga¬ oKk okka oT∆ otthu 68
(you) resemble! (imperative s.) (you) resemble! (imperative pl.) to resemble (infinitive) (having) resembled (past participle)
oTt ottha (past adj. p.) oKá® okki∞a (pres. adj. p.) oK¿M okkum (future adjectival participle)
(who, which) resembled (who, which) resembles (who, which) will resemble
Present Tense Present Perfect & Present Continuous
oKáE®˜ okki∞ïë√ I resemble oTçÃKáE®˜ otth’irukki∞ïë√ I have resembled; I am resembling
oKá®aY okki∞ïäy you resemble oTçÃKá®aY otth’irukki∞ïäy you have resembled; you are resembling
oKá®a˜ okki∞ïä√ he resembles oTçÃKá®a˜ otth’irukki∞ïä√ he has resembled; he is resembling
oKá®aÒ okki∞ïä¬ she resembles oTçÃKá®aÒ otth’irukki∞ïä¬ she has resembled; she is resembling
oKá®∆ okki∞ïathu it resembles oTçÃKá®∆ otth’irukki∞ïathu it has resembled; it is resembling
oKáE®aM okki∞ïöm we resemble oTçÃKáE®aM otth’irukki∞ïöm we have resembled; we are resembling
oKáΩR(kÒ) okki∞ïïr(ga¬) you resemble oTçÃKáΩR(kÒ) otth’irukki∞ïïr(ga¬) you have resembled; you are resembling
oKá®aR(kÒ) okki∞ïär(ga¬) they resemble oTçÃKá®aR(kÒ) otth’irukki∞ïär(ga¬) they have resembled; they are resembling
oKᘮˆ okki√∞ïa√a they resemble oTçÃKᘮˆ otth’irukki√∞ïa√a they have resembled; they are resembling

Past Tense Past Pefect & Past Continuous

oTEt˜ otthïë√ I resembled oTçÃNEt˜ otth’irunthïë√ I had resembled; I was resembling
oTtaY otthïäy you resembled oTçÃNtaY otth’irunthïäy you had resembled; you were resembling
oTta˜ otthïä√ he resembled oTçÃNta˜ otth’irunthïä√ he had resembled; he was resembling
oTtaÒ otthïä¬ she resembled oTçÃNtaÒ otth’irunthïä¬ she had resembled; she was resembling
oTt∆ otthïathu it resembled oTçÃNt∆ otth’irunthïathu it had resembled; it was resembling
oTEtaM otthïöm we resembled oTçÃNEtaM otth’irunthïöm we had resembled; we were resembling
oT≥R(kÒ) otthïïr(ga¬) you resembled oTçÃN≥(kÒ) otth’irunthïïr(ga¬) you had resembled; you were resembling
oTtaR(kÒ) otthïär(ga¬) they resembled oTçÃNtaR(kÒ) otth’irunthïär(ga¬) they had resembled; they were resembling
oTtˆ otthïa√a they resembled oTçÃNtˆ otth’irunthïa√a they had resembled; they were resembling

Future Tense Future Perfect & Future Continuous

oPEp˜ oppïë√ I’ll resemble oTçÃPEp˜ otth’iruppïë√ I’ll have resembled; I’ll be resembling
oPpaY oppïäy you’ll resemble oTçÃPpaY otth’iruppïäy you’ll have resembled; you’ll be resembling
oPpa˜ oppïä√ he’ll resemble oTçÃPpa˜ otth’iruppïä√ he’ll have resembled; he’ll be resembling
oPpaÒ oppïä¬ she’ll resemble oTçÃPpaÒ otth’iruppïä¬ she’ll have resembled; she’ll be resembling
oK¿M okkïum it’ll resemble oTçÃK¿M otth’irukkïum it’ll have resembled; it’ll be resembling
oPEpaM oppïöm we’ll resemble oTçÃPEpaM otth’iruppïöm we’ll have resembled; we’ll be resembling
oPµR(kÒ) oppïïr(ga¬) you’ll resemble oTçÃPµR(kÒ) otth’iruppïïr(ga¬) you’ll have resembled; you’ll be resembling
oPpaR(kÒ) oppïär(ga¬) they’ll resemble oTçÃPpaR(kÒ) otth’iruppïär(ga¬) they’ll ’ve resembled; they’ll be resembling
oK¿M okkïum they’ll resemble oTçÃK¿M otth’irukkïum they’ll ’ve resembled; they’ll be resembling
oTtL otthal oKwk1 okkai oKkL okkal oP» oppu 69
resembling (verbal noun) resembling (v. noun) resembling (verbal noun) resembling (verbal noun)
oTt∆ otth’athu oKá®∆ okki∞’athu oPp∆ opp’athu oTtaL otthäl
a (past) resembling (v. noun) a (present) resembling (v. noun) a (future) resembling (v. noun) (I-they) resembled-if (conditional)
oKkaEt okkäthë oKka≥R(kÒ) okkäthïr(ga¬) oKkat okkätha oKka∆ okkäthu; oKkamL okkämal
don’t (you) resemble! (imper. s.) don’t (you) resemble! (imper. pl.) non-resembling (neg. adj. part.) without resembling (neg. participle)
oKkÉLwl okkavillai oVEv˜2 ovvë√ oKkmaDEd˜ okka-m䆆ë√ oKkawm okkämai; oKkat∆ okkäthathu
(I-they) didn’t resemble (‘past’) I won’t resemble (tenseless) I won’t resemble (‘future’) non-resembling (neg. verbal nouns)
oTt∆ iLwl otthathu illai oKá®çLwl okki∞ath’illai oPp∆ iLwl oppathu illai oKkaÉDdaL okkävi††äl
(I-they) never resembled (I-they) don’t/doesn’t resemble (I-they) won’t resemble (I-they) don’t/doesn’t resemble-if (condit.)
oKkatv˜ okkäth’ava√, a man who didn’t resemble, doesn’t resemble, or won’t resemble (this and all the following are participial nouns)
oTtv˜ otth’ava√, he who resembled; oKá®v˜ okki∞’ava√, he who resembles; oPpv˜ opp’ava√, he who will resemble
oKkatvÒ okkäth’ava¬, a woman who didn’t resemble, doesn’t resemble, or won’t resemble
oTtvÒ otth’ava¬, she who resembled; oKá®vÒ okki∞’ava¬, she who resembles; oPpvÒ opp’ava¬, she who will resemble
oKkat∆ okkäth’athu, an animal or thing which didn’t resemble, doesn’t resemble, or won’t resemble
oTt∆ otth’athu, it which resembled; oKá®∆ okki∞’athu, it which resembles; oPp∆ opp’athu, it which will resemble
oKkatvR(kÒ) okkäth’avar(ga¬), people who didn’t resemble, don’t resemble, or won’t resemble
oTtvR(kÒ) otth’avar(ga¬), they who resembled; oKá®vR(kÒ) okki∞’avar(ga¬), they who resemble; oPpvR(kÒ) opp’avar(ga¬), they who’ll resemble
oKkatwv(kÒ) okkäth’avai(ga¬), animals or things which didn’t resemble, don’t resemble, or won’t resemble
oTtwv(kÒ) otth’avai(ga¬), they who resembled; oKá®wv(kÒ) okki∞’avai(ga¬), they who resemble; oPpwv(kÒ) opp’avai(ga¬), they who’ll resemble

Negative Compound Forms (the neg. participle oKka∆ okkäthu [dropping the ‘u’] + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru;
and the neg. participle oKkamL okkämal + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru):
oKkaçÃNEt˜ oKkaçÃKáE®˜ oKkaçÃPEp˜ oKkaçÃNtaL
okkäth’irunthë√ okkäth’irukki∞ë√ okkäth’iruppë√ okkäth’irunthäl (conditional)
okamL iÃNEt˜ oKkamL iÃKáE®˜ oKkamL iÃPEp˜ oKkamL iÃNtaL
okkämal irunthë√ okkämal irukki∞ë√ okkämal iruppë√ okkämal irunthäl (conditional)
I hadn’t resembled (p. perf.) I haven’t resembled (pres. perf.)1 I won’t have resembled (f. perf.)1 (I-they) hadn’t resembled-if
I wasn’t resembling I am not resembling I won’t be resembling (I-they) wasn’t/weren’t resembling-if
(past continuous) (present continuous) (future continuous) (I-they) don’t/doesn’t resemble-if
1Not in use today.
2See footnote 4 on page 3.
p¿ pagu (v.t.) p¿ıkÒ pagu≥ga¬ p¿Kk pagukka p¿T∆ pagutthu 70
(you) share! (imp. s.) (you) share! (imper. pl.) to share (infinitive) (having) shared (past participle)
p¿Tt paguttha (past adj. p.) p¿Ká® pagukki∞a (pres. adj. p.) p¿K¿M pagukkum (future adjectival participle)
(who, which) shared (who, which) shares (who, which) will share
Present Tense Present Perfect & Present Continuous
p¿KáE®˜ pagukki∞ïë√ I share p¿TçÃKáE®˜ pagutth’irukki∞ïë√ I have shared; I am sharing
p¿Ká®aY pagukki∞ïäy you share p¿TçÃKá®aY pagutth’irukki∞ïäy you have shared; you are sharing
p¿Ká®a˜ pagukki∞ïä√ he shares p¿TçÃKá®a˜ pagutth’irukki∞ïä√ he has shared; he is sharing
p¿Ká®aÒ pagukki∞ïä¬ she shares p¿TçÃKá®aÒ pagutth’irukki∞ïä¬ she has shared; she is sharing
p¿Ká®∆ pagukki∞ïathu it shares p¿TçÃKá®∆ pagutth’irukki∞ïathu it has shared; it is sharing
p¿KáE®aM pagukki∞ïöm we share p¿TçÃKáE®aM pagutth’irukki∞ïöm we have shared; we are sharing
p¿KáΩR(kÒ) pagukki∞ïïr(ga¬) you share p¿TçÃKáΩR(kÒ) pagutth’irukki∞ïïr(ga¬) you have shared; you are sharing
p¿Ká®aR(kÒ) pagukki∞ïär(ga¬) they share p¿TçÃKá®aR(kÒ) pagutth’irukki∞ïär(ga¬) they have shared; they are sharing
p¿Kᘮˆ pagukki√∞ïa√a they share p¿TçÃKᘮˆ pagutth’irukki√∞ïa√a they have shared; they are sharing

Past Tense Past Pefect & Past Continuous

p¿TEt˜ pagutthïë√ I shared p¿TçÃNEt˜ pagutth’irunthïë√ I had shared; I was sharing
p¿TtaY pagutthïäy you shared p¿TçÃNtaY pagutth’irunthïäy you had shared; you were sharing
p¿Tta˜ pagutthïä√ he shared p¿TçÃNta˜ pagutth’irunthïä√ he had shared; he was sharing
p¿TtaÒ pagutthïä¬ she shared p¿TçÃNtaÒ pagutth’irunthïä¬ she had shared; she was sharing
p¿Tt∆ pagutthïathu it shared p¿TçÃNt∆ pagutth’irunthïathu it had shared; it was sharing
p¿TEtaM pagutthïöm we shared p¿TçÃNEtaM pagutth’irunthïöm we had shared; we were sharing
p¿T≥R(kÒ) pagutthïïr(ga¬) you shared p¿TçÃN≥(kÒ) pagutth’irunthïïr(ga¬) you had shared; you were sharing
p¿TtaR(kÒ) pagutthïär(ga¬) they shared p¿TçÃNtaR(kÒ) pagutth’irunthïär(ga¬) they had shared; they were sharing
p¿Ttˆ pagutthïa√a they shared p¿TçÃNtˆ pagutth’irunthïa√a they had shared; they were sharing

Future Tense Future Perfect & Future Continuous

p¿PEp˜ paguppïë√ I’ll share p¿TçÃPEp˜ pagutth’iruppïë√ I’ll have shared; I’ll be sharing
p¿PpaY paguppïäy you’ll share p¿TçÃPpaY pagutth’iruppïäy you’ll have shared; you’ll be sharing
p¿Ppa˜ paguppïä√ he’ll share p¿TçÃPpa˜ pagutth’iruppïä√ he’ll have shared; he’ll be sharing
p¿PpaÒ paguppïä¬ she’ll share p¿TçÃPpaÒ pagutth’iruppïä¬ she’ll have shared; she’ll be sharing
p¿K¿M pagukkïum it’ll share p¿TçÃK¿M pagutth’irukkïum it’ll have shared; it’ll be sharing
p¿PEpaM paguppïöm we’ll share p¿TçÃPEpaM pagutth’iruppïöm we’ll have shared; we’ll be sharing
p¿PµR(kÒ) paguppïïr(ga¬) you’ll share p¿TçÃPµR(kÒ) pagutth’iruppïïr(ga¬) you’ll have shared; you’ll be sharing
p¿PpaR(kÒ) paguppïär(ga¬) they’ll share p¿TçÃPpaR(kÒ) pagutth’iruppïär(ga¬) they’ll have shared; they’ll be sharing
p¿K¿M pagukkïum they’ll share p¿TçÃK¿M pagutth’irukkïum they’ll have shared; they’ll be sharing
p¿TtL pagutthal p¿Kwk1 pagukkai p¿KkL pagukkal p¿P» paguppu 71
sharing (verbal noun) sharing (v. noun) sharing (verbal noun) sharing (verbal noun)
p¿Tt∆ pagutth’athu p¿Ká®∆ pagukki∞’athu p¿Pp∆ pagupp’athu p¿TtaL pagutthäl
a (past) sharing (v. noun) a (present) sharing (v. noun) a (future) sharing (v. noun) (I-they) share/s-if (conditional)
p¿KkaEt pagukkäthë p¿Kka≥R(kÒ) pagukkäthïr(ga¬) p¿Kkat pagukkätha p¿Kka∆ pagukkäthu; p¿KkamL pagukkämal
don’t (you) share! (imper. s.) don’t (you) share! (imper. pl.) non-sharing (neg. adj. part.) without sharing (neg. participle)
p¿KkÉLwl pagukkavillai pEk˜2 pagë√ p¿KkmaDEd˜ pagukka-m䆆ë√ p¿Kkawm pagukkämai; °Kkat∆ °kkäthathu
(I-they) didn’t share (‘past’) I won’t share (tenseless) I won’t share (‘future’) non-sharing (neg. verbal nouns)
p¿Tt∆ iLwl pagutthathu illai p¿Ká®çLwl pagukki∞ath’illai p¿Pp∆ iLwl paguppathu illai p¿KkaÉDdaL pagukkävi††äl
(I-they) never shared (I-they) don’t/doesn’t share (I-they) won’t share (I-they) don’t/doesn’t share-if (conditional)
p¿Kkatv˜ pagukkäth’ava√, a man who didn’t share, doesn’t share, or won’t share (this and all the following are participial nouns)
p¿Ttv˜ pagutth’ava√, he who shared; p¿Ká®v˜ pagukki∞’ava√, he who shares; p¿Ppv˜ pagupp’ava√, he who will share
p¿KkatvÒ pagukkäth’ava¬, a woman who didn’t share, doesn’t share, or won’t share
p¿TtvÒ pagutth’ava¬, she who shared; p¿Ká®vÒ pagukki∞’ava¬, she who shares; p¿PpvÒ pagupp’ava¬, she who will share
p¿Kkat∆ pagukkäth’athu, an animal or thing which didn’t share, doesn’t share, or won’t share
p¿Tt∆ pagutth’athu, it which shared; p¿Ká®∆ pagukki∞’athu, it which shares; p¿Pp∆ pagupp’athu, it which will share
p¿KkatvR(kÒ) pagukkäth’avar(ga¬), people who didn’t share, don’t share, or won’t share
p¿TtvR(kÒ) pagutth’avar(ga¬), they who shared; p¿Ká®vR(kÒ) pagukki∞’avar(ga¬), they who share; p¿PpvR(kÒ) pagupp’avar(ga¬), °who’ll share
p¿Kkatwv(kÒ) pagukkäth’avai(ga¬), animals or things which didn’t share, don’t share, or won’t share
p¿Ttwv(kÒ) pagutth’avai(ga¬), they who shared; p¿Ká®wv(kÒ) pagukki∞’avai(ga¬), they who share; p¿Ppwv(kÒ) pagupp’avai(ga¬), °who’ll share

Negative Compound Forms (the neg. participle p¿Kka∆ pagukkäthu [dropping the ‘u’] + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru;
and the neg. participle p¿KkamL pagukkämal + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru):
p¿KkaçÃNEt˜ p¿KkaçÃKáE®˜ p¿KkaçÃPEp˜ p¿KkaçÃNtaL
pagukkäth’irunthë√ pagukkäth’irukki∞ë√ pagukkäth’iruppë√ pagukkäth’irunthäl (conditional)
p¿kamL iÃNEt˜ p¿KkamL iÃKáE®˜ p¿KkamL iÃPEp˜ p¿KkamL iÃNtaL
pagukkämal irunthë√ pagukkämal irukki∞ë√ pagukkämal iruppë√ pagukkämal irunthäl (conditional)
I hadn’t shared (past perf.) I haven’t shared (pres. perf.)1 I won’t have shared (f. perf.)1 (I-they) hadn’t shared-if
I wasn’t sharing I am not sharing I won’t be sharing (I-they) was/were not sharing-if
(past continuous) (present continuous) (future continuous) (I-they) don’t/doesn’t share-if
1Not in common use today.
2See footnote 4 on page 3.
m› ma∞u (v.t.) m›ıkÒ ma∞u≥ga¬ m›Kk ma∞ukka m›T∆ ma∞utthu 72
(you) deny! (imperative s.) (you) deny! (imper. pl.) to deny (infinitive) (having) denied (past participle)
m›Tt ma∞uttha (past adj. p.) m›Ká® ma∞ukki∞a (pres. adj. p.) m›K¿M ma∞ukkum (future adjectival participle)
(who, which) denied (who, which) deny (who, which) will deny
Present Tense Present Perfect & Present Continuous
m›KáE®˜ ma∞ukki∞ïë√ I deny m›TçÃKáE®˜ ma∞utth’irukki∞ïë√ I have denied; I am denying
m›Ká®aY ma∞ukki∞ïäy you deny m›TçÃKá®aY ma∞utth’irukki∞ïäy you have denied; you are denying
m›Ká®a˜ ma∞ukki∞ïä√ he denies m›TçÃKá®a˜ ma∞utth’irukki∞ïä√ he has denied; he is denying
m›Ká®aÒ ma∞ukki∞ïä¬ she denies m›TçÃKá®aÒ ma∞utth’irukki∞ïä¬ she has denied; she is denying
m›Ká®∆ ma∞ukki∞ïathu it denies m›TçÃKá®∆ ma∞utth’irukki∞ïathu it has denied; it is denying
m›KáE®aM ma∞ukki∞ïöm we deny m›TçÃKáE®aM ma∞utth’irukki∞ïöm we have denied; we are denying
m›KáΩR(kÒ) ma∞ukki∞ïïr(ga¬) you deny m›TçÃKáΩR(kÒ) ma∞utth’irukki∞ïïr(ga¬) you have denied; you are denying
m›Ká®aR(kÒ) ma∞ukki∞ïär(ga¬) they deny m›TçÃKá®aR(kÒ) ma∞utth’irukki∞ïär(ga¬) they have denied; they are denying
m›Kᘮˆ ma∞ukki√∞ïa√a they deny m›TçÃKᘮˆ ma∞utth’irukki√∞ïa√a they have denied; they are denying

Past Tense Past Pefect & Past Continuous

m›TEt˜ ma∞utthïë√ I denied m›TçÃNEt˜ ma∞utth’irunthïë√ I had denied; I was denying
m›TtaY ma∞utthïäy you denied m›TçÃNtaY ma∞utth’irunthïäy you had denied; you were denying
m›Tta˜ ma∞utthïä√ he denied m›TçÃNta˜ ma∞utth’irunthïä√ he had denied; he was denying
m›TtaÒ ma∞utthïä¬ she denied m›TçÃNtaÒ ma∞utth’irunthïä¬ she had denied; she was denying
m›Tt∆ ma∞utthïathu it denied m›TçÃNt∆ ma∞utth’irunthïathu it had denied; it was denying
m›TEtaM ma∞utthïöm we denied m›TçÃNEtaM ma∞utth’irunthïöm we had denied; we were denying
m›T≥R(kÒ) ma∞utthïïr(ga¬) you denied m›TçÃN≥(kÒ) ma∞utth’irunthïïr(ga¬) you had denied; you were denying
m›TtaR(kÒ) ma∞utthïär(ga¬) they denied m›TçÃNtaR(kÒ) ma∞utth’irunthïär(ga¬) they had denied; they were denying
m›Ttˆ ma∞utthïa√a they denied m›TçÃNtˆ ma∞utth’irunthïa√a they had denied; they were denying

Future Tense Future Perfect & Future Continuous

m›PEp˜ ma∞uppïë√ I’ll deny m›TçÃPEp˜ ma∞utth’iruppïë√ I’ll have denied; I’ll be denying
m›PpaY ma∞uppïäy you’ll deny m›TçÃPpaY ma∞utth’iruppïäy you’ll have denied; you’ll be denying
m›Ppa˜ ma∞uppïä√ he’ll deny m›TçÃPpa˜ ma∞utth’iruppïä√ he’ll have denied; he’ll be denying
m›PpaÒ ma∞uppïä¬ she’ll deny m›TçÃPpaÒ ma∞utth’iruppïä¬ she’ll have denied; she’ll be denying
m›K¿M ma∞ukkïum it’ll deny m›TçÃK¿M ma∞utth’irukkïum it’ll have denied; it’ll be denying
m›PEpaM ma∞uppïöm we’ll deny m›TçÃPEpaM ma∞utth’iruppïöm we’ll have denied; we’ll be denying
m›PµR(kÒ) ma∞uppïïr(ga¬) you’ll deny m›TçÃPµR(kÒ) ma∞utth’iruppïïr(ga¬) you’ll have denied; you’ll be denying
m›PpaR(kÒ) ma∞uppïär(ga¬) they’ll deny m›TçÃPpaR(kÒ) ma∞utth’iruppïär(ga¬) they’ll have denied; they’ll be denying
m›K¿M ma∞ukkïum they’ll deny m›TçÃK¿M ma∞utth’irukkïum they’ll have denied; they’ll be denying
m›TtL ma∞utthal m›Kwk1 ma∞ukkai m›KkL ma∞ukkal m›P» ma∞uppu 73
denying (verbal noun) denying (v. noun) denying (verbal noun) denying (verbal noun)
m›Tt∆ ma∞utth’athu m›Ká®∆ ma∞ukki∞’athu m›Pp∆ ma∞upp’athu m›TtaL ma∞utthäl
a (past) denying (v. noun) a (present) denying (v. noun) a (future) denying (v. noun) (I-they) deny/ies-if (conditional)
m›KkaEt ma∞ukkäthë m›Kka≥R(kÒ) ma∞ukkäthïr(ga¬) m›Kkat ma∞ukkätha m›Kka∆ ma∞ukkäthu; m›KkamL ma∞ukkämal
don’t (you) deny! (imper. s.) don’t (you) deny! (imper. pl.) non-denying (neg. adj. part.) without denying (neg. participle)
m›KkÉLwl ma∞ukkavillai mE®˜2 ma∞ë√ m›KkmaDEd˜ ma∞ukka-m䆆ë√ m›Kkawm ma∞ukkämai; °Kkat∆ °kkäthathu
(I-they) didn’t deny (‘past’) I won’t deny (tenseless) I won’t deny (‘future’) non-denying (neg. verbal nouns)
m›Tt∆ iLwl ma∞utthathu illai m›Ká®çLwl ma∞ukki∞ath’illai m›Pp∆ iLwl ma∞uppathu illai m›KkaÉDdaL ma∞ukkävi††äl
(I-they) never denied (I-they) don’t/doesn’t deny (I-they) won’t deny (I-they) don’t/doesn’t deny-if (conditional)
m›Kkatv˜ ma∞ukkäth’ava√, a man who didn’t deny, doesn’t deny, or won’t deny (this and all the following are participial nouns)
m›Ttv˜ ma∞utth’ava√, he who denied; m›Ká®v˜ ma∞ukki∞’ava√, he who denies; m›Ppv˜ ma∞upp’ava√, he who will deny
m›KkatvÒ ma∞ukkäth’ava¬, a woman who didn’t deny, doesn’t deny, or won’t deny
m›TtvÒ ma∞utth’ava¬, she who denied; m›Ká®vÒ ma∞ukki∞’ava¬, she who denies; m›PpvÒ ma∞upp’ava¬, she who will deny
m›Kkat∆ ma∞ukkäth’athu, an animal or thing which didn’t deny, doesn’t deny, or won’t deny
m›Tt∆ ma∞utth’athu, it which denied; m›Ká®∆ ma∞ukki∞’athu, it which denies; m›Pp∆ ma∞upp’athu, it which will deny
m›KkatvR(kÒ) ma∞ukkäth’avar(ga¬), people who didn’t deny, don’t deny, or won’t deny
m›TtvR(kÒ) ma∞utth’avar(ga¬), they who denied; m›Ká®vR(kÒ) ma∞ukki∞’avar(ga¬), they who deny; m›PpvR(kÒ) ma∞upp’avar(ga¬), °who’ll deny
m›Kkatwv(kÒ) ma∞ukkäth’avai(ga¬), animals or things which didn’t deny, don’t deny, or won’t deny
m›Ttwv(kÒ) ma∞utth’avai(ga¬), they who denied; m›Ká®wv(kÒ) ma∞ukki∞’avai(ga¬), they who deny; m›Ppwv(kÒ) ma∞upp’avai(ga¬), °who’ll deny

Negative Compound Forms (the neg. participle m›Kka∆ ma∞ukkäthu [dropping the ‘u’] + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru;
and the neg. participle m›KkamL ma∞ukkämal + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru):
m›KkaçÃNEt˜ m›KkaçÃKáE®˜ m›KkaçÃPEp˜ m›KkaçÃNtaL
ma∞ukkäth’irunthë√ ma∞ukkäth’irukki∞ë√ ma∞ukkäth’iruppë√ ma∞ukkäth’irunthäl (conditional)
m›kamL iÃNEt˜ m›KkamL iÃKáE®˜ m›KkamL iÃPEp˜ m›KkamL iÃNtaL
ma∞ukkämal irunthë√ ma∞ukkämal irukki∞ë√ ma∞ukkämal iruppë√ ma∞ukkämal irunthäl (conditional)
I hadn’t denied (p. perf.) I haven’t denied (pres. perf.)1 I won’t have denied (f. perf.)1 (I-they) hadn’t denied-if
I wasn’t denying I am not denying I won’t be denying (I-they) was/were not denying-if
(past continuous) (present continuous) (future continuous) (I-they) don’t/doesn’t deny-if
1Not in common use today.
2See footnote 4 on page 3.
vaâ väsi (v.t.) vaâÀıkÒ väsiyu≥ga¬ vaâKk väsikka vaâT∆ väsitthu 74
read (you)! (imperative s.) read (you)! (imper. plural) to read (infinitive) (having) read (past participle)
vaâTt väsittha (past adj. p.) vaâKá® väsikki∞a (pres. adj. p.) vaâK¿M väsikkum (future adjectival participle)
(who, which) read (who, which) reads (who, which) will read
Present Tense Present Perfect & Present Continuous
vaâKáE®˜ väsikki∞ïë√ I read vaâTçÃKáE®˜ väsitth’irukki∞ïë√ I have read; I am reading
vaâKá®aY väsikki∞ïäy you read vaâTçÃKá®aY väsitth’irukki∞ïäy you have read; you are reading
vaâKá®a˜ väsikki∞ïä√ he reads vaâTçÃKá®a˜ väsitth’irukki∞ïä√ he has read; he is reading
vaâKá®aÒ väsikki∞ïä¬ she reads vaâTçÃKá®aÒ väsitth’irukki∞ïä¬ she has read; she is reading
vaâKá®∆ väsikki∞ïathu it reads vaâTçÃKá®∆ väsitth’irukki∞ïathu it has read; it is reading
vaâKáE®aM väsikki∞ïöm we read vaâTçÃKáE®aM väsitth’irukki∞ïöm we have read; we are reading
vaâKáΩR(kÒ) väsikki∞ïïr(ga¬) you read vaâTçÃKáΩR(kÒ) väsitth’irukki∞ïïr(ga¬) you have read; you are reading
vaâKá®aR(kÒ) väsikki∞ïär(ga¬) they read vaâTçÃKá®aR(kÒ) väsitth’irukki∞ïär(ga¬) they have read; they are reading
vaâKᘮˆ väsikki√∞ïa√a they read vaâTçÃKᘮˆ väsitth’irukki√∞ïa√a they have read; they are reading

Past Tense Past Pefect & Past Continuous

vaâTEt˜ väsitthïë√ I read vaâTçÃNEt˜ väsitth’irunthïë√ I had read; I was reading
vaâTtaY väsitthïäy you read vaâTçÃNtaY väsitth’irunthïäy you had read; you were reading
vaâTta˜ väsitthïä√ he read vaâTçÃNta˜ väsitth’irunthïä√ he had read; he was reading
vaâTtaÒ väsitthïä¬ she read vaâTçÃNtaÒ väsitth’irunthïä¬ she had read; she was reading
vaâTt∆ väsitthïathu it read vaâTçÃNt∆ väsitth’irunthïathu it had read; it was reading
vaâTEtaM väsitthïöm we read vaâTçÃNEtaM väsitth’irunthïöm we had read; we were reading
vaâT≥R(kÒ) väsitthïïr(ga¬) you read vaâTçÃN≥(kÒ) väsitth’irunthïïr(ga¬) you had read; you were reading
vaâTtaR(kÒ) väsitthïär(ga¬) they read vaâTçÃNtaR(kÒ) väsitth’irunthïär(ga¬) they had read; they were reading
vaâTtˆ väsitthïa√a they read vaâTçÃNtˆ väsitth’irunthïa√a they had read; they were reading

Future Tense Future Perfect & Future Continuous

vaâPEp˜ väsippïë√ I’ll read vaâTçÃPEp˜ väsitth’iruppïë√ I’ll have read; I’ll be reading
vaâPpaY väsippïäy you’ll read vaâTçÃPpaY väsitth’iruppïäy you’ll have read; you’ll be reading
vaâPpa˜ väsippïä√ he’ll read vaâTçÃPpa˜ väsitth’iruppïä√ he’ll have read; he’ll be reading
vaâPpaÒ väsippïä¬ she’ll read vaâTçÃPpaÒ väsitth’iruppïä¬ she’ll have read; she’ll be reading
vaâK¿M väsikkïum it’ll read vaâTçÃK¿M väsitth’irukkïum it’ll have read; it’ll be reading
vaâPEpaM väsippïöm we’ll read vaâTçÃPEpaM väsitth’iruppïöm we’ll have read; we’ll be reading
vaâPµR(kÒ) väsippïïr(ga¬) you’ll read vaâTçÃPµR(kÒ) väsitth’iruppïïr(ga¬) you’ll have read; you’ll be reading
vaâPpaR(kÒ) väsippïär(ga¬) they’ll read vaâTçÃPpaR(kÒ) väsitth’iruppïär(ga¬) they’ll have read; they’ll be reading
vaâK¿M väsikkïum they’ll read vaâTçÃK¿M väsitth’irukkïum they’ll have read; they’ll be reading
vaâTtL väsitthal vaâKwk1 väsikkai vaâKkL väsikkal vaâP» väsippu 75
reading (verbal noun) reading (v. noun) reading (verbal noun) reading (verbal noun)
vaâTt∆ väsitth’athu vaâKá®∆ väsikki∞’athu vaâPp∆ väsipp’athu vaâTtaL väsitthäl
a (past) reading (v. noun) a (present) reading (v. noun) a (future) reading (v. noun) (I-they) read/reads-if (conditional)
vaâKkaEt väsikkäthë vaâKka≥R(kÒ) väsikkäthïr(ga¬) vaâKkat väsikkätha vaâKka∆ väsikkäthu; vaâKkamL väsikkämal
don’t (you) read! (imp.) don’t (you) read! (imp. pl.) non-reading (neg. adj. part.) without reading (negative participle)
vaâKkÉLwl väsikkavillai vaâEy˜2 väsiyë√ vaâKkmaDEd˜ väsikka-m䆆ë√ vaâKkawm väsikkämai; vaâKkat∆ väsikkäthathu
(I-they) didn’t read (‘past’) I won’t read (tenseless) I won’t read (‘future’) non-reading (neg. verbal nouns)
vaâTt∆ iLwl väsitthathu illai vaâKá®çLwl väsikki∞ath’illai vaâPp∆ iLwl väsippathu illai vaâKkaÉDdaL väsikkävi††äl
(I-they) haven’t/hasn’t (ever) read (I-they) don’t/doesn’t (ever) read (I-they) won’t (ever) read (I-they) don’t/doesn’t read-if (conditional)
vaâKkatv˜ väsikkäth’ava√, a man who did not read, does not read, or will not read (this and all the following are participial nouns)
vaâTtv˜ väsitth’ava√, he who read; vaâKá®v˜ väsikki∞’ava√, he who reads; vaâPpv˜ väsipp’ava√, he who will read
vaâKkatvvÒ väsikkäth’ava¬, a woman who did not read, does not read, or will not read
vaâTtvÒ väsitth’ava¬, she who read; vaâKá®vÒ väsikki∞’ava¬, she who reads; vaâPpvÒ väsipp’ava¬, she who will read
vaâKkat∆ väsikkäth’athu, an animal or thing which did not read, does not read, or will not read
vaâTt∆ väsitth’athu, it which read; vaâKá®∆ väsikki∞’athu, it which reads; vaâPp∆ väsipp’athu, it which will read
vaâKkatvR(kÒ) väsikkäth’avar(ga¬), people who did not read, do not read, or will not read
vaâTtvR(kÒ) väsitth’avar(ga¬), they who read; vaâKá®vR(kÒ) väsikki∞’avar(ga¬), they who do read; vaâPpvR(kÒ) väsipp’avar(ga¬), they who’ll read
vaâKkatwv(kÒ) väsikkäth’avai(ga¬), animals or things which did not read, do not read, or will not read
vaâTtwv(kÒ) väsitth’avai(ga¬), they who read; vaâKá®wv(kÒ) väsikki∞’avai(ga¬), they who do read; vaâPpwv(kÒ) väsipp’avai(ga¬), they who’ll read

Negative Compound Forms (the neg. participle vaâKka∆ väsikkäthu [dropping the ‘u’] + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru;
and the neg. participle vaâKkamL väsikkämal + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru):
vaâKkaçÃNEt˜ vaâKkaçÃKáE®˜ vaâKkaçÃPEp˜ vaâKkaçÃNtaL
väsikkäth’irunthë√ väsikkäth’irukki∞ë√ väsikkäth’iruppë√ väsikkäth’irunthäl (conditional)
vaâKkamL iÃNEt˜ vaâKkamL iÃKáE®˜ vaâKkamL iÃPEp˜ vaâKkamL iÃNtaL
väsikkämal irunthë√ väsikkämal irukki∞ë√ väsikkämal iruppë√ väsikkämal irunthäl (conditional)
I hadn’t read (past perf.) I haven’t read (pres. perf.)1 I won’t have read (f. perf.)1 (I-they) hadn’t read-if
I wasn’t reading I am not reading I won’t be reading (I-they) was/were not reading-if
(past continuous) (present continuous) (future continuous) (I-they) don’t/doesn’t read-if
1Not in common use today.
2See footnote 4 on page 3.
paR pär (v.t.) paÃıkÒ päru≥ga¬ paRKk pärkka paRT∆ pärtthu 76
look (you)! (imp. s.) look (you)! (imper. pl.) to look (infinitive) (having) looked (past participle)
paRTt pärttha (past adj. p.) paRKá® pärkki∞a (pres. adj. p.) paRK¿M pärkkum (future adjectival participle)
(who, which) looked (who, which) looks (who, which) will look
Present Tense Present Perfect & Present Continuous
paRKáE®˜ pärkki∞ïë√ I look paRTçÃKáE®˜ pärtth’irukki∞ïë√ I have looked; I am looking
paRKá®aY pärkki∞ïäy you look paRTçÃKá®aY pärtth’irukki∞ïäy you have looked; you are looking
paRKá®a˜ pärkki∞ïä√ he looks paRTçÃKá®a˜ pärtth’irukki∞ïä√ he has looked; he is looking
paRKá®aÒ pärkki∞ïä¬ she looks paRTçÃKá®aÒ pärtth’irukki∞ïä¬ she has looked; she is looking
paRKá®∆ pärkki∞ïathu it looks paRTçÃKá®∆ pärtth’irukki∞ïathu it has looked; it is looking
paRKáE®aM pärkki∞ïöm we look paRTçÃKáE®aM pärtth’irukki∞ïöm we have looked; we are looking
paRKáΩR(kÒ) pärkki∞ïïr(ga¬) you look paRTçÃKáΩR(kÒ) pärtth’irukki∞ïïr(ga¬) you have looked; you are looking
paRKá®aR(kÒ) pärkki∞ïär(ga¬) they look paRTçÃKá®aR(kÒ) pärtth’irukki∞ïär(ga¬) they have looked; they are looking
paRKᘮˆ pärkki√∞ïa√a they look paRTçÃKᘮˆ pärtth’irukki√∞ïa√a they have looked; they are looking

Past Tense Past Pefect & Past Continuous

paRTEt˜ pärtthïë√ I looked paRTçÃNEt˜ pärtth’irunthïë√ I had looked; I was looking
paRTtaY pärtthïäy you looked paRTçÃNtaY pärtth’irunthïäy you had looked; you were looking
paRTta˜ pärtthïä√ he looked paRTçÃNta˜ pärtth’irunthïä√ he had looked; he was looking
paRTtaÒ pärtthïä¬ she looked paRTçÃNtaÒ pärtth’irunthïä¬ she had looked; she was looking
paRTt∆ pärtthïathu it looked paRTçÃNt∆ pärtth’irunthïathu it had looked; it was looking
paRTEtaM pärtthïöm we looked paRTçÃNEtaM pärtth’irunthïöm we had looked; we were looking
paRT≥R(kÒ) pärtthïïr(ga¬) you looked paRTçÃN≥(kÒ) pärtth’irunthïïr(ga¬) you had looked; you were looking
paRTtaR(kÒ) pärtthïär(ga¬) they looked paRTçÃNtaR(kÒ) pärtth’irunthïär(ga¬) they had looked; they were looking
paRTtˆ pärtthïa√a they looked paRTçÃNtˆ pärtth’irunthïa√a they had looked; they were looking

Future Tense Future Perfect & Future Continuous

paRPEp˜ pärppïë√ I’ll look paRTçÃPEp˜ pärtth’iruppïë√ I’ll have looked; I’ll be looking
paRPpaY pärppïäy you’ll look paRTçÃPpaY pärtth’iruppïäy you’ll have looked; you’ll be looking
paRPpa˜ pärppïä√ he’ll look paRTçÃPpa˜ pärtth’iruppïä√ he’ll have looked; he’ll be looking
paRPpaÒ pärppïä¬ she’ll look paRTçÃPpaÒ pärtth’iruppïä¬ she’ll have looked; she’ll be looking
paRK¿M pärkkïum it’ll look paRTçÃK¿M pärtth’irukkïum it’ll have looked; it’ll be looking
paRPEpaM pärppïöm we’ll look paRTçÃPEpaM pärtth’iruppïöm we’ll have looked; we’ll be looking
paRPµR(kÒ) pärppïïr(ga¬) you’ll look paRTçÃPµR(kÒ) pärtth’iruppïïr(ga¬) you’ll have looked; you’ll be looking
paRPpaR(kÒ) pärppïär(ga¬) they’ll look paRTçÃPpaR(kÒ) pärtth’iruppïär(ga¬) they’ll have looked; they’ll be looking
paRK¿M pärkkïum they’ll look paRTçÃK¿M pärtth’irukkïum they’ll have looked; they’ll be looking
paRTtL pärtthal paRKwk1 pärkkai paRKkL pärkkal paRP» pärppu 77
looking (verbal noun) looking (v. noun) looking (verbal noun) looking (verbal noun)
paRTt∆ pärtth’athu paRKá®∆ pärkki∞’athu paRPp∆ pärpp’athu paRTtaL pärtthäl
a (past) looking (v. noun) a (present) looking (v. noun) a (future) looking (v. noun) (I-they) look/s-if (conditional)
paRKkaEt pärkkäthë paRKka≥R(kÒ) pärkkäthïr(ga¬) paRKkat pärkkätha paRKka∆ pärkkäthu; paRKkamL pärkkämal
don’t (you) look! (imperative s.) don’t (you) look! (imperative pl.) non-looking (neg. adj. part.) without looking (neg. participle)
paRKkÉLwl pärkkavillai paEr˜2 pärë√ paRKkmaDEd˜ pärkka-m䆆ë√ paRKkawm pärkkämai; paRKkat∆ pärkkäthathu
(I-they) didn’t look (‘past’) I won’t look (tenseless) I won’t look (‘future’) non-looking (neg. verbal nouns)
paRTt∆ iLwl pärtthathu illai paRKá®çLwl pärkki∞ath’illai paRPp∆ iLwl pärppathu illai paRKkaÉDdaL pärkkävi††äl
(I-they) never looked (I-they) don’t/doesn’t look (I-they) won’t look (I-they) don’t/doesn’t look-if (conditional)
paRKkatv˜ pärkkäth’ava√, a man who didn’t look, doesn’t look, or won’t look (this and all the following are participial nouns)
paRTtv˜ pärtth’ava√, he who looked; paRKá®v˜ pärkki∞’ava√, he who looks; paRPpv˜ pärpp’ava√, he who will look
paRKkatvÒ pärkkäth’ava¬, a woman who didn’t look, doesn’t look, or won’t look
paRTtvÒ pärtth’ava¬, she who looked; paRKá®vÒ pärkki∞’ava¬, she who looks; paRPpvÒ pärpp’ava¬; she who will look
paRKkat∆ pärkkäth’athu, an animal or thing which didn’t look, doesn’t look, or won’t look
paRTt∆ pärtth’athu, it which looked; paRKá®∆ pärkki∞’athu, it which looks; paRPp∆ pärpp’athu, it which will look
paRKkatvR(kÒ) pärkkäth’avar(ga¬), people who didn’t look, don’t look, or won’t look
paRTtvR(kÒ) pärtth’avar(ga¬), they who looked; paRKá®vR(kÒ) pärkki∞’avar(ga¬), they who look; paRPpvR(kÒ) pärpp’avar(ga¬), they who will look
paRKkatwv(kÒ) pärkkäth’avai(ga¬), animals or things which didn’t look, don’t look, or won’t look
paRTtwv(kÒ) pärtth’avai(ga¬), they who looked; paRKá®wv(kÒ) pärkki∞’avai(ga¬), they who look; paRPpwv(kÒ) pärpp’avai(ga¬), they who will look

Negative Compound Forms (the neg. participle paRKka∆ pärkkäthu [dropping the ‘u’] + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru;
and the neg. participle paRKkamL pärkkämal + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru):
paRKkaçÃNEt˜ paRKkaçÃKáE®˜ paRKkaçÃPEp˜ paRKkaçÃNtaL
pärkkäth’irunthë√ pärkkäth’irukki∞ë√ pärkkäth’iruppë√ pärkkäth’irunthäl (conditional)
paRKkamL iÃNEt˜ paRKkamL iÃKáE®˜ paRKkamL iÃPEp˜ paRKkamL iÃNtaL
pärkkämal irunthë√ pärkkämal irukki∞ë√ pärkkämal iruppë√ pärkkämal irunthäl (conditional)
I hadn’t looked (past perf.) I haven’t looked (pres. perf.)1 I won’t have looked (f. perf.)1 (I-they) hadn’t looked-if
I wasn’t looking I am not looking I won’t be looking (I-they) was/were not looking-if
(past continuous) (present continuous) (future continuous) (I-they) don’t/doesn’t look-if
1Not in common use today.
2See footnote 4 on page 3.
EkÒ kë¬ (v.t.) Ek‹ıkÒ kë¬u≥ga¬ EkDk kë†ka EkDƒ k놆u 78
hear (sth) (you)! (imperative s.) hear (sth) (you)! (imper. plural) to hear (sth) (infinitive) (having) heard (sth) (past participle)
EkDd k놆a (past adj. p.) EkDá kë†ki∞a (pres. adj. p.) EkD¿M kë†kum (future adjectival participle)
(who, which) heard (sth) (who, which) hears (sth) (who, which) will hear (sth)
Present Tense Present Perfect & Present Continuous
EkDáE®˜ kë†ki∞ïë√ I hear (sth) EkDãÃKáE®˜ k놆’irukki∞ïë√ I have heard; I am hearing (sth)
EkDá®aY kë†ki∞ïäy you hear (sth) EkDãÃKá®aY k놆’irukki∞ïäy you’ve heard; you are hearing (sth)
EkDá®a˜ kë†ki∞ïä√ he hears (sth) EkDãÃKá®a˜ k놆’irukki∞ïä√ he has heard; he is hearing (sth)
EkDá®aÒ kë†ki∞ïä¬ she hears (sth) EkDãÃKá®aÒ k놆’irukki∞ïä¬ she has heard; she is hearing (sth)
EkDá®∆ kë†ki∞ïathu it hears (sth) EkDãÃKá®∆ k놆’irukki∞ïathu it has heard; it is hearing (sth)
EkDáE®aM kë†ki∞ïöm we hear (sth) EkDãÃKáE®aM k놆’irukki∞ïöm we have heard; we are hearing (sth)
EkDáΩR(kÒ) kë†ki∞ïïr(ga¬) you hear (sth) EkDãÃKáΩR(kÒ) k놆’irukki∞ïïr(ga¬) you’ve heard; you are hearing (sth)
EkDá®aR(kÒ) kë†ki∞ïär(ga¬) they hear (sth) EkDãÃKá®aR(kÒ) k놆’irukki∞ïär(ga¬) they’ve heard; they are hearing (sth)
EkDᘮˆ kë†ki√∞ïa√a they hear (sth) EkDãÃKᘮˆ k놆’irukki√∞ïa√a they’ve heard; they are hearing (sth)

Past Tense Past Pefect & Past Continuous

EkDEd˜ k놆ïë√ I heard (sth) EkDãÃNEt˜ k놆’irunthïë√ I had heard; I was hearing (sth)
EkDdaY k놆ïäy you heard (sth) EkDãÃNtaY k놆’irunthïäy you’d heard; you were hearing (sth)
EkDda˜ k놆ïä√ he heard (sth) EkDãÃNta˜ k놆’irunthïä√ he had heard; he was hearing (sth)
EkDdaÒ k놆ïä¬ she heard (sth) EkDãÃNtaÒ k놆’irunthïä¬ she had heard; she was hearing (sth)
EkDd∆ k놆ïathu it heard (sth) EkDãÃNt∆ k놆’irunthïathu it had heard; it was hearing (sth)
EkDEdaM k놆ïöm we heard (sth) EkDãÃNEtaM k놆’irunthïöm we had heard; we were hearing (sth)
EkD±R(kÒ) k놆ïïr(ga¬) you heard (sth) EkDãÃN≥(kÒ) k놆’irunthïïr(ga¬) you’d heard; you were hearing (sth)
EkDdaR(kÒ) k놆ïär(ga¬) they heard (sth) EkDãÃNtaR(kÒ) k놆’irunthïär(ga¬) they’d heard; they were hearing (sth)
EkDdˆ k놆ïa√a they heard (sth) EkDãÃNtˆ k놆’irunthïa√a they’d heard; they were hearing (sth)

Future Tense Future Perfect & Future Continuous

EkDEp˜ kë†pïë√ I’ll hear (sth) EkDãÃPEp˜ k놆’iruppïë√ I’ll have heard; I’ll be hearing (sth)
EkDpaY kë†pïäy you’ll hear (sth) EkDãÃPpaY k놆’iruppïäy you’ll ’ve heard; you’ll be hearing (sth)
EkDpa˜ kë†pïä√ he’ll hear (sth) EkDãÃPpa˜ k놆’iruppïä√ he’ll have heard; he’ll be hearing (sth)
EkDpaÒ kë†pïä¬ she’ll hear (sth) EkDãÃPpaÒ k놆’iruppïä¬ she’ll ’ve heard; she’ll be hearing (sth)
EkD¿M kë†kïum it’ll hear (sth) EkDãÃK¿M k놆’irukkïum it’ll have heard; it’ll be hearing (sth)
EkDEpaM kë†pïöm we’ll hear (sth) EkDãÃPEpaM k놆’iruppïöm we’ll have heard; we’ll be hearing (sth)
EkDµR(kÒ) kë†pïïr(ga¬) you’ll hear (sth) EkDãÃPµR(kÒ) k놆’iruppïïr(ga¬) you’ll ’ve heard; you’ll be hearing (sth)
EkDpaR(kÒ) kë†pïär(ga¬) they’ll hear (sth) EkDãÃPpaR(kÒ) k놆’iruppïär(ga¬) they’ll ’ve heard; they’ll be hearing (sth)
EkD¿M kë†kïum they’ll hear (sth) EkDãÃK¿M k놆’irukkïum they’ll ’ve heard; they’ll be hearing (sth)
EkDdL k놆al EkDwk kë†kai EkDkL kë†kal EkD» kë†pu 79
hearing (sth) (verbal noun) hearing (sth) (action) (v. noun) hearing (sth) (verbal noun) hearing (sth) (verbal noun)
EkDd∆ k놆’athu EkDá®∆ kë†ki∞’athu EkDp∆ kë†p’athu EkDdaL k놆äl
a (past) hearing (sth) (v. noun) a (present) hearing (sth) (v. noun) a (future) hearing (sth) (v. noun) (I-they) hear/hears (sth)-if (conditional)
EkDkaEt kë†käthë EkDka≥R(kÒ) kë†käthïr(ga¬) EkDkat kë†kätha EkDka∆ kë†käthu; EkDkamL kë†kämal
don’t (you) hear (sth)! (imp.) don’t (you) hear (sth)! (imp. pl.) non-hearing (sth) (neg. adj. part.) without hearing (sth) (neg. participle)
EkDkÉLwl kë†kavillai EkE¬˜1 kë¬ë√ EkDkmaDEd˜ kë†ka-m䆆ë√ EkDkawm kë†kämai; EkDkat∆ kë†käthathu
(I-they) didn’t hear (sth) (‘past’) I won’t hear (sth) (tenseless) I won’t hear (sth) (‘future’) non-hearing (sth) (neg. verbal nouns)
EkDd∆ iLwl k놆athu illai EkDá®çLwl kë†ki∞ath’illai EkDp∆ iLwl kë†pathu illai EkDkaÉDdaL këkävi††äl
(I-they) haven’t/hasn’t (ever) heard (I-they) don’t/doesn’t (ever) hear (I-they) won’t (ever) hear (I-they) don’t/doesn’t hear-if (conditional)
EkDkatv˜ kë†käth’ava√, a man who did not hear, does not hear, or will not hear (sth) (this and all the following are participial nouns)
EkDdv˜ k놆’ava√, he who heard; EkDá®v˜ kë†ki∞’ava√, he who hears; EkDpv˜ kë†p’ava√, he who will hear (sth)
EkDkatvÒ kë†käth’ava¬, a woman who did not hear, does not hear, or will not hear (sth)
EkDdvÒ k놆’ava¬, she who heard; EkDá®vÒ kë†ki∞’ava¬, she who hears; EkDpvÒ kë†p’ava¬, she who will hear (sth)
EkDkat∆ kë†käth’athu, an animal or thing which did not hear, does not hear, or will not hear (sth)
EkDd∆ k놆’athu, it which heard; EkDá®∆ kë†ki∞’athu, it which hears; EkDp∆ kë†p’athu, it which will hear (sth)
EkDkatvR(kÒ) kë†käth’avar(ga¬), people who did not hear, do not hear, or will not hear (sth)
EkDdvR(kÒ) k놆’avar(ga¬), they who heard; EkDá®vR(kÒ) kë†ki∞’avar(ga¬), they who hear; EkDpvR(kÒ) kë†p’avar(ga¬), they who’ll hear (sth)
EkDkatwv(kÒ) kë†käth’avai(ga¬), animals or things which did not hear, do not hear, or will not hear (sth)
EkDdwv(kÒ) k놆’avai(ga¬), they who heard; EkDá®wv(kÒ) kë†ki∞’avai(ga¬), they who hear; EkDpwv(kÒ) kë†p’avai(ga¬), they who’ll hear (sth)

Negative Compound Forms (the neg. participle EkDka∆ kë†käthu [dropping the ‘u’] + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru;
and the neg. participle EkDkamL kë†kämal + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru):
EkDkaçÃNEt˜ EkDkaçÃKáE®˜ EkDkaçÃPEp˜ EkDkaçÃNtaL
kë†käth’irunthë√ kë†käth’irukki∞ë√ kë†käth’iruppë√ kë†käth’irunthäl (conditional)
EkDkamL iÃNEt˜ EkDkamL iÃKáE®˜ EkDkamL iÃPEp˜ EkDkamL iÃNtaL
kë†kämal irunthë√ kë†kämal irukki∞ë√ kë†kämal iruppë√ kë†kämal irunthäl (conditional)
I hadn’t heard (sth) (past perf.) I haven’t heard (sth) (pres. perf.)2 I won’t have heard (sth) (f. perf.)2 (I-they) hadn’t heard (sth)-if
I wasn’t hearing (sth) I am not hearing (sth) I won’t be hearing (sth) (I-they) was/were not hearing (sth)-if
(past continuous) (present continuous) (future continuous) (I-they) don’t/doesn’t hear (sth)-if
1See footnote 4 on page 3.
2Not in common use today.
kL(Õ) kal(lu) (v.t.) kLÕıkÒ kallu≥ga¬ k‰k ka∞ka k‰› ka∞∞u 80
learn (sth) (you)! (imperative s.) learn (sth) (you)! (imper. plural) to learn (sth) (infinitive) (having) learned (sth) (past participle)
k‰® ka∞∞a (past adj. p.) k‰á® ka∞ki∞a (pres. adj. p.) k‰¿M ka∞kum (future adjectival participle)
(who, which) learned (sth) (who, which) learns (sth) (who, which) will learn (sth)
Present Tense Present Perfect & Present Continuous
k‰áE®˜ ka∞ki∞ïë√ I learn (sth) k‰óÃKáE®˜ ka∞∞’irukki∞ïë√ I have learned; I am learning (sth)
k‰á®aY ka∞ki∞ïäy you learn (sth) k‰óÃKá®aY ka∞∞’irukki∞ïäy you’ve learned; you are learning (sth)
k‰á®a˜ ka∞ki∞ïä√ he learns (sth) k‰óÃKá®a˜ ka∞∞’irukki∞ïä√ he has learned; he is learning (sth)
k‰á®aÒ ka∞ki∞ïä¬ she learns (sth) k‰óÃKá®aÒ ka∞∞’irukki∞ïä¬ she has learned; she is learning (sth)
k‰á®∆ ka∞ki∞ïathu it learns (sth) k‰óÃKá®∆ ka∞∞’irukki∞ïathu it has learned; it is learning (sth)
k‰áE®aM ka∞ki∞ïöm we learn (sth) k‰óÃKáE®aM ka∞∞’irukki∞ïöm we have learned; we are learning (sth)
k‰áΩR(kÒ) ka∞ki∞ïïr(ga¬) you learn (sth) k‰óÃKáΩR(kÒ) ka∞∞’irukki∞ïïr(ga¬) you have learned; you are learning (sth)
k‰á®aR(kÒ) ka∞ki∞ïär(ga¬) they learn (sth) k‰óÃKá®aR(kÒ) ka∞∞’irukki∞ïär(ga¬) they’ve learned; they are learning (sth)
k‰á˜®ˆ ka∞ki√∞ïa√a they learn (sth) k‰óÃKᘮˆ ka∞∞’irukki√∞ïa√a they’ve learned; they are learning (sth)

Past Tense Past Pefect & Past Continuous

k‰E®˜ ka∞∞ïë√ I learned (sth) k‰óÃNEt˜ ka∞∞’irunthïë√ I had learned; I was learning (sth)
k‰®aY ka∞∞ïäy you learned (sth) k‰óÃNtaY ka∞∞’irunthïäy you had learned; you were learning (sth)
k‰®a˜ ka∞∞ïä√ he learned (sth) k‰óÃNta˜ ka∞∞’irunthïä√ he had learned; he was learning (sth)
k‰®aÒ ka∞∞ïä¬ she learned (sth) k‰óÃNtaÒ ka∞∞’irunthïä¬ she had learned; she was learning (sth)
k‰®∆ ka∞∞ïathu it learned (sth) k‰óÃNt∆ ka∞∞’irunthïathu it had learned; it was learning (sth)
k‰E®aM ka∞∞ïöm we learned (sth) k‰óÃNEtaM ka∞∞’irunthïöm we had learned; we were learning (sth)
k‰ΩR(kÒ) ka∞∞ïïr(ga¬) you learned (sth) k‰óÃN≥(kÒ) ka∞∞’irunthïïr(ga¬) you’d learned; you were learning (sth)
k‰®aR(kÒ) ka∞∞ïär(ga¬) they learned (sth) k‰óÃNtaR(kÒ) ka∞∞’irunthïär(ga¬) they’d learned; they were learning (sth)
k‰®ˆ ka∞∞ïa√a they learned (sth) k‰óÃNtˆ ka∞∞’irunthïa√a they’d learned; they were learning (sth)

Future Tense Future Perfect & Future Continuous

k‰Ep˜ ka∞pïë√ I’ll learn (sth) k‰óÃPEp˜ ka∞∞’iruppïë√ I’ll have learned; I’ll be learning (sth)
k‰paY ka∞pïäy you’ll learn (sth) k‰óÃPpaY ka∞∞’iruppïäy you’ll ’ve learned; you’ll be learning (sth)
k‰pa˜ ka∞pïä√ he’ll learn (sth) k‰óÃPpa˜ ka∞∞’iruppïä√ he’ll have learned; he’ll be learning (sth)
k‰paÒ ka∞pïä¬ she’ll learn (sth) k‰óÃPpaÒ ka∞∞’iruppïä¬ she’ll ’ve learned; she’ll be learning (sth)
k‰¿M ka∞kïum it’ll learn (sth) k‰óÃK¿M ka∞∞’irukkïum it’ll have learned; it’ll be learning (sth)
k‰EpaM ka∞pïöm we’ll learn (sth) k‰óÃPEpaM ka∞∞’iruppïöm we’ll have learned; we’ll be learning (sth)
k‰µR(kÒ) ka∞pïïr(ga¬) you’ll learn (sth) k‰óÃPµR(kÒ) ka∞∞’iruppïïr(ga¬) you’ll ’ve learned; you’ll be learning (sth)
k‰paR(kÒ) ka∞pïär(ga¬) they’ll learn (sth) k‰óÃPpaR(kÒ) ka∞∞’iruppïär(ga¬) they’ll ’ve learned; they’ll be learning (sth)
k‰¿M ka∞kïum they’ll learn (sth) k‰óÃK¿M ka∞∞’irukkïum they’ll ’ve learned; they’ll be learning (sth)
k‰®L ka∞∞al k‰wk1 ka∞kai k‰kL ka∞kal k‰»2 ka∞pu 81
learning (sth) (verbal noun) learning (sth) (action) (v. noun) learning (sth) (verbal noun) learning (sth) (verbal noun)
k‰®∆ ka∞∞’athu k‰á®∆ ka∞ki∞’athu k‰p∆ ka∞p’athu k‰®aL ka∞∞äl
a (past) learning (sth) (v. noun) a (present) learning (sth) (v. noun) a (future) learning (sth) (v. noun) (I-they) learn/learns (sth)-if (conditional)
k‰kaEt ka∞käthë k‰ka≥R(kÒ) ka∞käthïr(ga¬) k‰kat ka∞kätha k‰ka∆ ka∞käthu; k‰kamL ka∞kämal
don’t (you) learn (sth)! (imp.) don’t (you) learn (sth)! (imp. pl.) non-learning (sth) (neg. adj. part.) without learning (sth) (neg. participle)
k‰kÉLwl ka∞kavillai kLEl˜3 kallë√ k‰kmaDEd˜ ka∞ka-m䆆ë√ k‰kawm ka∞kämai; k‰kat∆ ka∞käthathu
(I-they) didn’t learn (sth) (‘past’) I won’t learn (sth) (tenseless) I won’t learn (sth) (‘future’) non-learning (sth) (neg. verbal nouns)
k‰®∆ iLwl ka∞∞athu illai k‰á®çLwl ka∞ki∞ath’illai k‰p∆ iLwl ka∞pathu illai k‰kaÉDdaL ka∞kävi††äl
(I-they) haven’t/hasn’t (ever) learned (I-they) don’t/doesn’t (ever) learn (I-they) won’t (ever) learn (I-they) don’t/doesn’t learn-if (conditional)
k‰katv˜ ka∞käth’ava√, a man who did not learn, does not learn, or will not learn (sth) (this and all the following are participial nouns)
k‰®v˜ ka∞∞’ava√, he who learned; k‰á®v˜ ka∞ki∞’ava√, he who learns; k‰pv˜ ka∞p’ava√, he who will learn (sth)
k‰katvÒ ka∞käth’ava¬, a woman who did not learn, does not learn, or will not learn (sth)
k‰®vÒ ka∞∞’ava¬, she who learned; k‰á®vÒ ka∞ki∞’ava¬, she who learns; k‰pvÒ ka∞p’ava¬, she who will learn (sth)
k‰kat∆ ka∞käth’athu, an animal or thing which did not learn, does not learn, or will not learn (sth)
k‰®∆ ka∞∞’athu, it which learned; k‰á®∆ ka∞ki∞’athu, it which learns; k‰p∆ ka∞p’athu, it which will learn (sth)
k‰katvR(kÒ) ka∞käth’avar(ga¬), people who did not learn, do not learn, or will not learn (sth)
k‰®vR(kÒ) ka∞∞’avar(ga¬), they who learned; k‰á®vR(kÒ) ka∞ki∞’avar(ga¬), they who learn; k‰pvR(kÒ) ka∞p’avar(ga¬), they who’ll learn (sth)
k‰katwv(kÒ) ka∞käth’avai(ga¬), animals or things which did not learn, do not learn, or will not learn (sth)
k‰®wv(kÒ) ka∞∞’avai(ga¬), they who learned; k‰á®wv(kÒ) ka∞ki∞’avai(ga¬), they who learn; k‰pwv(kÒ) ka∞p’avai(ga¬), they who’ll learn (sth)

Negative Compound Forms (the neg. participle k‰ka∆ ka∞käthu [dropping the ‘u’] + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru;
and the neg. participle k‰kamL ka∞kämal + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru):
k‰kaçÃNEt˜ k‰kaçÃKáE®˜ k‰kaçÃPEp˜ k‰kaçÃNtaL
ka∞käth’irunthë√ ka∞käth’irukki∞ë√ ka∞käth’iruppë√ ka∞käth’irunthäl (conditional)
k‰kamL iÃNEt˜ k‰kamL iÃKáE®˜ k‰kamL iÃPEp˜ k‰kamL iÃNtaL
ka∞kämal irunthë√ ka∞kämal irukki∞ë√ ka∞kämal iruppë√ (f. perf.)1 ka∞kämal irunthäl (conditional)
I hadn’t learned (sth) (past perf.) I haven’t learned (sth) (pres. perf.)1 I won’t have learned (sth) ↵ (I-they) hadn’t learned (sth)-if
I wasn’t learning (sth) I am not learning (sth) I won’t be learning (sth) (I-they) was/were not learning (sth)-if
(past continuous) (present continuous) (future continuous) (I-they) don’t/doesn’t learn (sth)-if
1Not in common use today
2As a verbal noun, its meaning, now, has been restricted to a specialized form of learning: k‰» ka∞pu (regular noun) = ‘chastity’!
3See footnote 4 on page 3. .
ÉL(Õ)1 vil(lu) (v.t.) ÉLÕıkÒ villu≥ga¬ ɉk vi∞ka ɉ› vi∞∞u 82
(you) sell! (imperative s.) (you) sell! (imper. plural) to sell (infinitive) (having) sold (past participle)
ɉ® vi∞∞a (past adj. p.) ɉᮠvi∞ki∞a (pres. adj. p.) ɉ¿M vi∞kum (future adjectival participle)
(who, which) sold (sth) (who, which) sells (sth) (who, which) will sell (sth)
Present Tense Present Perfect & Present Continuous
ɉáE®˜ vi∞ki∞ïë√ I sell ɉóÃKáE®˜ vi∞∞’irukki∞ïë√ I have sold; I am selling
ɉá®aY vi∞ki∞ïäy you sell ɉóÃKá®aY vi∞∞’irukki∞ïäy you have sold; you are selling
ɉá®a˜ vi∞ki∞ïä√ he sells ɉóÃKá®a˜ vi∞∞’irukki∞ïä√ he has sold; he is selling
ɉá®aÒ vi∞ki∞ïä¬ she sells ɉóÃKá®aÒ vi∞∞’irukki∞ïä¬ she has sold; she is selling
ɉá®∆ vi∞ki∞ïathu it sells (sth) ɉóÃKá®∆ vi∞∞’irukki∞ïathu it has sold; it is selling (sth)
ɉáE®aM vi∞ki∞ïöm we sell ɉóÃKáE®aM vi∞∞’irukki∞ïöm we have sold; we are selling
ɉáΩR(kÒ) vi∞ki∞ïïr(ga¬) you sell ɉóÃKáΩR(kÒ) vi∞∞’irukki∞ïïr(ga¬) you have sold; you are selling
ɉá®aR(kÒ) vi∞ki∞ïär(ga¬) they sell ɉóÃKá®aR(kÒ) vi∞∞’irukki∞ïär(ga¬) they have sold; they are selling
ɉᘮˆ vi∞ki√∞ïa√a they sell (sth) ɉóÃKᘮˆ vi∞∞’irukki√∞ïa√a they’ve sold; they are selling (sth)

Past Tense Past Pefect & Past Continuous

ɉE®˜ vi∞∞ïë√ I sold ɉóÃNEt˜ vi∞∞’irunthïë√ I had sold; I was selling
ɉ®aY vi∞∞ïäy you sold ɉóÃNtaY vi∞∞’irunthïäy you had sold; you were selling
ɉ®a˜ vi∞∞ïä√ he sold ɉóÃNta˜ vi∞∞’irunthïä√ he had sold; he was selling
ɉ®aÒ vi∞∞ïä¬ she sold ɉóÃNtaÒ vi∞∞’irunthïä¬ she had sold; she was selling
ɉ®∆ vi∞∞ïathu it sold (sth) ɉóÃNt∆ vi∞∞’irunthïathu it had sold; it was selling (sth)
ɉE®aM vi∞∞ïöm we sold ɉóÃNEtaM vi∞∞’irunthïöm we had sold; we were selling
ɉΩR(kÒ) vi∞∞ïïr(ga¬) you sold ɉóÃN≥(kÒ) vi∞∞’irunthïïr(ga¬) you had sold; you were selling
ɉ®aR(kÒ) vi∞∞ïär(ga¬) they sold ɉóÃNtaR(kÒ) vi∞∞’irunthïär(ga¬) they had sold; they were selling
ɉ®ˆ vi∞∞ïa√a they sold (sth) ɉóÃNtˆ vi∞∞’irunthïa√a they’d sold; they were selling (sth)

Future Tense Future Perfect & Future Continuous

ɉEp˜ vi∞pïë√ I’ll sell ɉóÃPEp˜ vi∞∞’iruppïë√ I’ll have sold; I’ll be selling
ɉpaY vi∞pïäy you’ll sell ɉóÃPpaY vi∞∞’iruppïäy you’ll have sold; you’ll be selling
ɉpa˜ vi∞pïä√ he’ll sell ɉóÃPpa˜ vi∞∞’iruppïä√ he’ll have sold; he’ll be selling
ɉpaÒ vi∞pïä¬ she’ll sell ɉóÃPpaÒ vi∞∞’iruppïä¬ she’ll have sold; she’ll be selling
ɉ¿M vi∞kïum it’ll sell (sth) ɉóÃK¿M vi∞∞’irukkïum it’ll have sold; it’ll be selling (sth)
ɉEpaM vi∞pïöm we’ll sell ɉóÃPEpaM vi∞∞’iruppïöm we’ll have sold; we’ll be selling
ɉµR(kÒ) vi∞pïïr(ga¬) you’ll sell ɉóÃPµR(kÒ) vi∞∞’iruppïïr(ga¬) you’ll have sold; you’ll be selling
ɉpaR(kÒ) vi∞pïär(ga¬) they’ll sell ɉóÃPpaR(kÒ) vi∞∞’iruppïär(ga¬) they’ll have sold; they’ll be selling
ɉ¿M vi∞kïum they’ll sell (sth) ɉóÃK¿M vi∞∞’irukkïum they’ll ’ve sold; they’ll be selling (sth)
ɉ®L vi∞∞al ɉwk2 vi∞kai ɉkL vi∞kal ɉ» vi∞pu 83
selling (verbal noun) selling (verbal noun) selling (verbal noun) selling (verbal noun)
ɉ®∆ vi∞∞’athu ɉá®∆ vi∞ki∞’athu ɉp∆ vi∞p’athu ɉ®aL vi∞∞äl
a (past) selling (v. noun) a (present) selling (v. noun) a (future) selling (v. noun) (I-they) sell/s-if (conditional)
ɉkaEt vi∞käthë ɉka≥R(kÒ) vi∞käthïr(ga¬) ɉkat vi∞kätha ɉka∆ vi∞käthu; ɉkamL vi∞kämal
don’t (you) sell! (imperative s.) don’t (you) sell! (imp. pl.) non-selling (neg adj. part.) without selling (sth) (neg. participle)
ɉkÉLwl vi∞kavillai ÉLEl˜3 villë√ ɉkmaDEd˜ vi∞ka-m䆆ë√ ɉkawm vi∞kämai; ɉkat∆ vi∞käthathu
(I-they) didn’t sell (‘past’) I won’t sell (tenseless) I won’t sell (‘future’) non-selling (sth) (neg. verbal nouns)
ɉ®∆ iLwl vi∞∞athu illai ɉá®çLwl vi∞ki∞ath’illai ɉp∆ iLwl vi∞pathu illai ɉkaÉDdaL vi∞kävi††äl
(I-they) didn’t (ever) sell (I-they) don’t/doesn’t (ever) sell (I-they) won’t (ever) sell (I-they) don’t/doesn’t sell-if (conditional)
ɉkatv˜ vi∞käth’ava√, a man who didn’t sell, doesn’t sell, or won’t sell (this and all the following are participial nouns)
ɉ®v˜ vi∞∞’ava√, he who sold; ɉá®v˜ vi∞ki∞’ava√, he who sells; ɉpv˜ vi∞p’ava√, he who will sell
ɉkatvÒ vi∞käth’ava¬, a woman who didn’t sell, doesn’t sell, or won’t sell
ɉ®vÒ vi∞∞’ava¬, she who sold; ɉá®vÒ vi∞ki∞’ava¬, she who sells; ɉpvÒ vi∞p’ava¬, she who will sell
ɉkat∆ vi∞käth’athu, an animal or thing which didn’t sell, doesn’t sell, or won’t sell
ɉ®∆ vi∞∞’athu, it which sold; ɉá®∆ vi∞ki∞’athu, it which sells; ɉp∆ vi∞p’athu, it which will sell
ɉkatvR(kÒ) vi∞käth’avar(ga¬), people who didn’t sell, don’t sell, or won’t sell
ɉ®vR(kÒ) vi∞∞’avar(ga¬), they who sold; ɉá®vR(kÒ) vi∞ki∞’avar(ga¬), they who sell; ɉpvR(kÒ) vi∞p’avar(ga¬), they who will sell
ɉkatwv(kÒ) vi∞käth’avai(ga¬), animals or things which didn’t sell, don’t sell, or won’t sell
ɉ®wv(kÒ) vi∞∞’avai(ga¬), they who sold; ɉá®wv(kÒ) vi∞ki∞’avai(ga¬), they who sell; ɉpwv(kÒ) vi∞p’avai(ga¬), they who will sell

Negative Compound Forms (the neg. participle ɉka∆ vi∞käthu [dropping the ‘u’] + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru;
and the neg. participle ɉkamL vi∞kämal + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru):
ɉkaçÃNEt˜ ɉkaçÃKáE®˜ ɉkaçÃPEp˜ ɉkaçÃNtaL
vi∞käth’irunthë√ vi∞käth’irukki∞ë√ vi∞käth’iruppë√ vi∞käth’irunthäl (conditional)
ɉkamL iÃNEt˜ ɉkamL iÃKáE®˜ ɉkamL iÃPEp˜ ɉkamL iÃNtaL
vi∞kämal irunthë√ vi∞kämal irukki∞ë√ vi∞kämal iruppë√ vi∞kämal irunthäl (conditional)
I hadn’t sold (past perf.) I haven’t sold (pres. perf.)2 I won’t have sold (f. perf.)2 (I-they) hadn’t sold-if
I wasn’t selling I am not selling I won’t be selling (I-they) wasn’t/weren’t selling-if
(past continuous) (present continuous) (future continuous) (I-they) don’t/doesn’t sell-if
1Instead of the imperative form ÉL (top of p. 82), a form such as ɉ› Ƀ is commonly used.
2Not in common use today. 3See footnote 4 on page 3.
åwb a∫ai (v.t.) åwbÀıkÒ a∫aiyu≥ga¬ åwbKk a∫aikka åwbT∆ a∫aitthu 84
(you) embrace! (imperative s.) (you) embrace! (imper. plural) to embrace (infinitive) (having) embraced (past participle)

åwbTt a∫aittha (past adj. p.) åwbKá® a∫aikki∞a (pres. adj. p.) åwbK¿M a∫aikkum (future adjectival participle)
(who, which) embraced (who, which) embraces (who, which) will embrace
Present Tense Present Perfect & Present Continuous
åwbKáE®˜ a∫aikki∞ïë√ I embrace åwbTçÃKáE®˜ a∫aitth’irukki∞ïë√ I have embraced; I am embracing
åwbKá®aY a∫aikki∞ïäy you embrace åwbTçÃKá®aY a∫aitth’irukki∞ïäy you’ve embraced; you are embracing
åwbKá®a˜ a∫aikki∞ïä√ he embraces åwbTçÃKá®a˜ a∫aitth’irukki∞ïä√ he has embraced; he is embracing
åwbKá®aÒ a∫aikki∞ïä¬ she embraces åwbTçÃKá®aÒ a∫aitth’irukki∞ïä¬ she has embraced; she is embracing
åwbKá®∆ a∫aikki∞ïathu it embraces åwbTçÃKá®∆ a∫aitth’irukki∞ïathu it has embraced; it is embracing
åwbKáE®aM a∫aikki∞ïöm we embrace åwbTçÃKáE®aM a∫aitth’irukki∞ïöm we’ve embraced; we are embracing
åwbKáΩR(kÒ) a∫aikki∞ïïr(ga¬) you embrace åwbTçÃKáΩR(kÒ) a∫aitth’irukki∞ïïr(ga¬) you’ve embraced; you are embracing
åwbKá®aR(kÒ) a∫aikki∞ïär(ga¬) they embrace åwbTçÃKá®aR(kÒ) a∫aitth’irukki∞ïär(ga¬) they’ve embraced; they are embracing
åwbKᘮˆ a∫aikki√∞ïa√a they embrace åwbTçÃKᘮˆ a∫aitth’irukki√∞ïa√a they’ve embraced; they are embracing

Past Tense Past Pefect & Past Continuous

åwbTEt˜ a∫aitthïë√ I embraced åwbTçÃNEt˜ a∫aitth’irunthïë√ I had embraced; I was embracing
åwbTtaY a∫aitthïäy you embraced åwbTçÃNtaY a∫aitth’irunthïäy you had embraced; you were embracing
åwbTta˜ a∫aitthïä√ he embraced åwbTçÃNta˜ a∫aitth’irunthïä√ he had embraced; he was embracing
åwbTtaÒ a∫aitthïä¬ she embraced åwbTçÃNtaÒ a∫aitth’irunthïä¬ she had embraced; she was embracing
åwbTt∆ a∫aitthïathu it embraced åwbTçÃNt∆ a∫aitth’irunthïathu it had embraced; it was embracing
åwbTEtaM a∫aitthïöm we embraced åwbTçÃNEtaM a∫aitth’irunthïöm we had embraced; we were embracing
åwbT≥R(kÒ) a∫aitthïïr(ga¬) you embraced åwbTçÃN≥(kÒ) a∫aitth’irunthïïr(ga¬) you’d embraced; you were embracing
åwbTtaR(kÒ) a∫aitthïär(ga¬) they embraced åwbTçÃNtaR(kÒ) a∫aitth’irunthïär(ga¬) they’d embraced; they were embracing
åwbTtˆ a∫aitthïa√a they embraced åwbTçÃNtˆ a∫aitth’irunthïa√a they’d embraced; they were embracing

Future Tense Future Perfect & Future Continuous

åwbPEp˜ a∫aippïë√ I’ll embrace åwbTçÃPEp˜ a∫aitth’iruppïë√ I’ll have embraced; I’ll be embracing
åwbPpaY a∫aippïäy you’ll embrace åwbTçÃPpaY a∫aitth’iruppïäy you’ll ’ve embraced; you’ll be embracing
åwbPpa˜ a∫aippïä√ he’ll embrace åwbTçÃPpa˜ a∫aitth’iruppïä√ he’ll have embraced; he’ll be embracing
åwbPpaÒ a∫aippïä¬ she’ll embrace åwbTçÃPpaÒ a∫aitth’iruppïä¬ she’ll ’ve embraced; she’ll be embracing
åwbK¿M a∫aikkïum it’ll embrace åwbTTçÃK¿M a∫aitth’irukkïum it’ll have embraced; it’ll be embracing
åwbPEpaM a∫aippïöm we’ll embrace åwbTçÃPEpaM a∫aitth’iruppïöm we’ll have embraced; we’ll be embracing
åwbPµR(kÒ) a∫aippïïr(ga¬) you’ll embrace åwbTçÃPµR(kÒ) a∫aitth’iruppïïr(ga¬) you’ll ’ve embraced; you’ll be embracing
åwbPpaR(kÒ) a∫aippïär(ga¬) they’ll embrace åwbTçÃPpaR(kÒ) a∫aitth’iruppïär(ga¬) they’ll ’ve embraced; they’ll be embracing
åwbK¿M a∫aikkïum they’ll embrace åwbTçÃK¿M a∫aitth’irukkïum they’ll ’ve embraced; they’ll be embracing
åwbTtL a∫aitthal åwbKwk1 a∫aikkai åwbKkL a∫aikkal åwbP» a∫aippu 85
embracing (verbal noun) embracing (v. noun) embracing (verbal noun) embracing (verbal noun)
åwbTt∆ a∫aitth’athu åwbKá®∆ a∫aikki∞’athu åwbPp∆ a∫aipp’athu åwbTtaL a∫aitthäl
a (past) embracing (v. noun) a (present) embracing (v. noun) a (future) embracing (v. noun) (I-they) embrace/s-if (conditional)
åwbKkaEt a∫aikkäthë åwbKka≥R(kÒ) a∫aikkäthïr(ga¬) åwbKkat a∫aikkätha åwbKka∆ a∫aikkäthu; åwbKkamL a∫aikkämal
don’t (you) embrace! (imp.) don’t (you) embrace! (imp. pl.) non-embracing (past adj. part.) without embracing (past participle)
åwbKkÉLwl a∫aikkavillai åwbEy˜2 a∫aiyë√ åwbKkmaDEd˜ a∫aikka-m䆆ë√ åwbKkawm a∫aikkämai; °Kkat∆ °kkäthathu
(I-they) didn’t embrace (‘past’) I won’t embrace (tenseless) I won’t embrace (‘future’) non-embracing (neg. verbal nouns)
åwbTt∆ iLwl a∫aitthathu illai åwbKá®çLwl a∫aikki∞ath’illai åwbPp∆ iLwl a∫aippathu illai åwbKkaÉDdaL a∫aikkävi††äl
(I-they) didn’t (ever) embrace (I-they) don’t (ever) embrace (I-they) won’t (ever) embrace (I-they) don’t/doesn’t embrace-if (cond.)
åwbKkatv˜ a∫aikkäth’ava√, a man who didn’t embrace, doesn’t embrace, or won’t embrace (this and all the following are participial nouns)
åwbTtv˜ a∫aitth’ava√, he who embraced; åwbKá®v˜ a∫aikki∞’ava√, he who embraces; åwbPpv˜ a∫aipp’ava√, he who will embrace
åwbKkatvÒ a∫aikkäth’ava¬, a woman who didn’t embrace, doesn’t embrace, or won’t embrace
åwbTtvÒ a∫aitth’ava¬, she who embraced; åwbKá®vÒ a∫aikki∞’ava¬, she who embraces; åwbPpvÒ a∫aipp’ava¬, she who will embrace
åwbKkat∆ a∫aikkäth’athu, an animal or thing which didn’t embrace, doesn’t embrace, or won’t embrace
åwbTt∆ a∫aitth’athu, it which embraced; åwbKá®∆ a∫aikki∞’athu, it which embraces; åwbPp∆ a∫aipp’athu, it which will embrace
åwbKkatvR(kÒ) a∫aikkäth’avar(ga¬), people who didn’t embrace, don’t embrace, or won’t embrace
åwbTtvR(kÒ) a∫aitth’avar(ga¬), they who embraced; åwbKá®vR(kÒ) a∫aikki∞’avar(ga¬), °embrace; åwbPpvR(kÒ) a∫aipp’avar(ga¬), °will e.
åwbKkatwv(kÒ) a∫aikkäth’avai(ga¬), animals or things which didn’t embrace, don’t embrace, or won’t embrace
åwbTtwv(kÒ) a∫aitth’avai(ga¬), they who embraced; åwbKá®wv(kÒ) a∫aikki∞’avai(ga¬), °embrace; åwbPpwv(kÒ) a∫aipp’avai(ga¬), °will e.

Negative Compound Forms (the neg. participle åwbKka∆ a∫aikkäthu [dropping the ‘u’] + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru;
and the neg. participle ndKkamL a∫aikkämal + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru):
åwbKkaçÃNEt˜ åwbKkaçÃKáE®˜ åwbKkaçÃPEp˜ åwbKkaçÃNtaL
a∫aikkäth’irunthë√ a∫aikkäth’irukki∞ë√ a∫aikkäth’iruppë√ a∫aikkäth’irunthäl (conditional)
åwbKkamL iÃNEt˜ åwbKkamL iÃKáE®˜ åwbKkamL iÃPEp˜ åwbKkamL iÃNtaL
a∫aikkämal irunthë√ a∫aikkämal irukki∞ë√ a∫aikkämal iruppë√ a∫aikkämal irunthäl (conditional)
I hadn’t embraced (past perf.) I haven’t embraced (pres. perf.)1 I won’t have embraced (f. perf.)1 (I-they) hadn’t embraced-if
I wasn’t embracing I am not embracing I won’t be embracing (I-they) wasn’t/weren’t embracing-if
(past continuous) (present continuous) (future continuous) (I-they) don’t/doesn’t embrace -if
1Not in common use today.
2See footnote 4 on page 3.
ià iru (v.i.) iÃıkÒ iru≥ga¬ iÃKk irukka iÃN∆ irunthu 86
stay1 (you)! (imperative s.) stay (you)! (imper. plural) to stay (infinitive) (having) stayed (past participle)

iÃNt iruntha (past adj. p.) iÃKá® irukki∞a (pres. adj. p.) iÃK¿M irukkum (future adjectival participle)
(who, which) stayed (who, which) stays (who, which) will stay
Present Tense Present Perfect & Present Continuous
iÃKáE®˜ irukki∞ïë√ I stay iÃNçÃKáE®˜ irunth’irukki∞ïë√ I have stayed; I am staying
iÃKá®aY irukki∞ïäy you stay iÃNçÃKá®aY irunth’irukki∞ïäy you have stayed; you are staying
iÃKá®a˜ irukki∞ïä√ he stays iÃNçÃKá®a˜ irunth’irukki∞ïä√ he has stayed; he is staying
iÃKá®aÒ irukki∞ïä¬ she stays iÃNçÃKá®aÒ irunth’irukki∞ïä¬ she has stayed; she is staying
iÃKá®∆ irukki∞ïathu it stays iÃNçÃKá®∆ irunth’irukki∞ïathu it has stayed; it is staying
iÃKáE®aM irukki∞ïöm we stay iÃNçÃKáE®aM irunth’irukki∞ïöm we have stayed; we are staying
iÃKáΩR(kÒ) irukki∞ïïr(ga¬) you stay iÃNçÃKáΩR(kÒ) irunth’irukki∞ïïr(ga¬) you have stayed; you are staying
iÃKá®aR(kÒ) irukki∞ïär(ga¬) they stay iÃNçÃKá®aR(kÒ) irunth’irukki∞ïär(ga¬) they’ve stayed; they are staying
iÃKᘮˆ irukki√∞ïa√a they stay iÃNçÃKᘮˆ irunth’irukki√∞ïa√a they’ve stayed; they are staying

Past Tense Past Pefect & Past Continuous

iÃNEt˜ irunthïë√ I stayed iÃNçÃNEt˜ irunth’irunthïë√ I had stayed; I was staying
iÃNtaY irunthïäy you stayed iÃNçÃNtaY irunth’irunthïäy you had stayed; you were staying
iÃNta˜ irunthïä√ he stayed iÃNçÃNta˜ irunth’irunthïä√ he had stayed; he was staying
iÃNtaÒ irunthïä¬ she stayed iÃNçÃNtaÒ irunth’irunthïä¬ she had stayed; she was staying
iÃNt∆ irunthïathu it stayed iÃNçÃNt∆ irunth’irunthïathu it had stayed; it was staying
iÃNEtaM irunthïöm we stayed iÃNçÃNEtaM irunth’irunthïöm we had stayed; we were staying
iÃN≥R(kÒ) irunthïïr(ga¬) you stayed iÃNçÃN≥(kÒ) irunth’irunthïïr(ga¬) you had stayed; you were staying
iÃNtaR(kÒ) irunthïär(ga¬) they stayed iÃNçÃNtaR(kÒ) irunth’irunthïär(ga¬) they’d stayed; they were staying
iÃNtˆ irunthïa√a they stayed iÃNçÃNtˆ irunth’irunthïa√a they’d stayed; they were staying

Future Tense Future Perfect & Future Continuous

iÃPEp˜ iruppïë√ I’ll stay iÃNçÃPEp˜ irunth’iruppïë√ I’ll have stayed; I’ll be staying
iÃPpaY iruppïäy you’ll stay iÃNçÃPpaY irunth’iruppïäy you’ll ’ve stayed; you’ll be staying
iÃPpa˜ iruppïä√ he’ll stay iÃNçÃPpa˜ irunth’iruppïä√ he’ll have stayed; he’ll be staying
iÃPpaÒ iruppïä¬ she’ll stay iÃNçÃPpaÒ irunth’iruppïä¬ she’ll ’ve stayed; she’ll be staying
iÃK¿M irukkïum it’ll stay iÃNTçÃK¿M irunth’irukkïum it’ll have stayed; it’ll be staying
iÃPEpaM iruppïöm we’ll stay iÃNçÃPEpaM irunth’iruppïöm we’ll have stayed; we’ll be staying
iÃPµR(kÒ) iruppïïr(ga¬) you’ll stay iÃNçÃPµR(kÒ) irunth’iruppïïr(ga¬) you’ll ’ve stayed; you’ll be staying
iÃPpaR(kÒ) iruppïär(ga¬) they’ll stay iÃNçÃPpaR(kÒ) irunth’iruppïär(ga¬) they’ll ’ve stayed; they’ll be staying
iÃK¿M irukkïum they’ll stay iÃNçÃK¿M irunth’irukkïum they’ll ’ve stayed; they’ll be staying
iÃNtL2 irunthal iÃKwk irukkai iÃKkL irukkal iÃP»2 iruppu 87
staying (verbal noun) staying (action) (v. noun) staying (verbal noun) staying (verbal noun)
iÃNt∆ irunth’athu iÃKá®∆ irukki∞’athu iÃPp∆ irupp’athu iÃNtaL irunthäl
a (past) staying (v. noun) a (present) staying (v. noun) a (future) staying (v. noun) (I-they) stay/stays-if (conditional)
iÃKkaEt irukkäthë iÃKka≥R(kÒ) irukkäthïr(ga¬) iÃKkat irukkätha iÃKka∆ irukkäthu; iÃKkamL irukkämal
don’t (you) stay! (imp.) don’t (you) stay! (imp. pl.) non-staying (neg. adj. part.) without staying (neg. participle)
iÃKkÉLwl irukkavillai iEr˜3 irë√ iÃKkmaDEd˜ irukka-m䆆ë√ iÃKkawm irukkämai; iÃKkat∆ irukkäthathu
(I-they) didn’t stay (‘past’) I won’t stay (tenseless) I won’t stay (‘future’) non-staying (neg. verbal nouns)
iÃNt∆ iLwl irunthathu illai iÃKá®çLwl irukki∞ath’illai iÃPp∆ iLwl iruppathu illai iÃKkaÉDdaL irukkävi††äl
(I-they) didn’t (ever) stay (I-they) don’t/doesn’t (ever) stay (I-they) won’t (ever) stay (I-they) don’t/doesn’t stay-if (conditional)
iÃKkatv˜ irukkäth’ava√, a man who did not stay, does not stay, or will not stay (this and all the following are participial nouns)
iÃNtv˜ irunth’ava√, he who stayed; iÃKá®v˜ irukki∞’ava√, he who stays; iÃPpv˜ irupp’ava√, he who will stay
iÃKkatvÒ irukkäth’ava¬, a woman who did not stay, does not stay, or will not stay
iÃNtvÒ irunth’ava¬, she who stayed; iÃKá®vÒ irukki∞’ava¬, she who stays; iÃPpvÒ irupp’ava¬, she who will stay
iÃKkat∆ irukkäth’athu, an animal or thing which did not stay, does not stay, or will not stay
iÃNt∆ irunth’athu, it which stayed; iÃKá®∆ irukki∞’athu, it which stays; iÃPp∆ irupp’athu, it which will stay
iÃKkatvR(kÒ) irukkäth’avar(ga¬), people who did not stay, do not stay, or will not stay
iÃNtvR(kÒ) irunth’avar(ga¬), they who stayed; iÃKá®vR(kÒ) irukki∞’avar(ga¬), they who stay; iÃPpvR(kÒ) irupp’avar(ga¬), they who’ll stay
iÃKkatwv(kÒ) irukkäth’avai(ga¬), animals or things which did not stay, do not stay, or will not stay
iÃNtwv(kÒ) irunth’avai(ga¬), they who stayed; iÃKá®wv(kÒ) irukki∞’avai(ga¬), they who stay; iÃPpwv(kÒ) irupp’avai(ga¬), they who’ll stay

Negative Compound Forms (the neg. participle iÃKka∆ irukkäthu [dropping the ‘u’] + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru;
and the neg. participle iÃKkamL irukkämal + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru):
iÃKkaçÃNEt˜ iÃKkaçÃKáE®˜ iÃKkaçÃPEp˜ iÃKkaçÃNtaL
irukkäth’irunthë√ irukkäth’irukki∞ë√ irukkäth’iruppë√ irukkäth’irunthäl (conditional)
iÃKkamL iÃNEt˜ iÃKkamL iÃKáE®˜ iÃKkamL iÃPEp˜ iÃKkamL iÃNtaL
irukkämal irunthë√ irukkämal irukki∞ë√ irukkämal iruppë√ irukkämal irunthäl (conditional)
I hadn’t stayed (past perf.) I haven’t stayed (pres. perf.)2 I won’t have stayed (f. perf.)2 (I-they) hadn’t stayed-if
I wasn’t staying I am not staying I won’t be staying (I-they) wasn’t/weren’t staying-if
(past continuous) (present continuous) (future continuous) (I-they) don’t/doesn’t stay-if
1This same verb ià iru also has the meanings: to be, to exist; to have. Each of these meanings may be substituted for ‘to stay’.
2Not in common use today.
3See footnote 4 on page 3.
nd1 na∂a (v.i.) ndŒıkÒ na∂avu≥ga¬ ndKk na∂akka ndN∆ na∂anthu 88
walk (you)! (imperative s.) walk (you)! (imper. plural) to walk (infinitive) (having) walked (past participle)

ndNt na∂antha (past adj. p.) ndKá® na∂akki∞a (pres. adj. p.) ndK¿M na∂akkum (future adjectival participle)
(who, which) walked (who, which) walks (who, which) will walk
Present Tense Present Perfect & Present Continuous
ndKáE®˜ na∂akki∞ïë√ I walk ndNçÃKáE®˜ na∂anth’irukki∞ïë√ I have walked; I am walking
ndKá®aY na∂akki∞ïäy you walk ndNçÃKá®aY na∂anth’irukki∞ïäy you have walked; you are walking
ndKá®a˜ na∂akki∞ïä√ he walks ndNçÃKá®a˜ na∂anth’irukki∞ïä√ he has walked; he is walking
ndKá®aÒ na∂akki∞ïä¬ she walks ndNçÃKá®aÒ na∂anth’irukki∞ïä¬ she has walked; she is walking
ndKá®∆ na∂akki∞ïathu it walks ndNçÃKá®∆ na∂anth’irukki∞ïathu it has walked; it is walking
ndKáE®aM na∂akki∞ïöm we walk ndNçÃKáE®aM na∂anth’irukki∞ïöm we have walked; we are walking
ndKáΩR(kÒ) na∂akki∞ïïr(ga¬) you walk ndNçÃKáΩR(kÒ) na∂anth’irukki∞ïïr(ga¬) you have walked; you are walking
ndKá®aR(kÒ) na∂akki∞ïär(ga¬) they walk ndNçÃKá®aR(kÒ) na∂anth’irukki∞ïär(ga¬) they’ve walked; they are walking
ndKᘮˆ na∂akki√∞ïa√a they walk ndNçÃKᘮˆ na∂anth’irukki√∞ïa√a they’ve walked; they are walking

Past Tense Past Pefect & Past Continuous

ndNEt˜ na∂anthïë√ I walked ndNçÃNEt˜ na∂anth’irunthïë√ I had walked; I was walking
ndNtaY na∂anthïäy you walked ndNçÃNtaY na∂anth’irunthïäy you had walked; you were walking
ndNta˜ na∂anthïä√ he walked ndNçÃNta˜ na∂anth’irunthïä√ he had walked; he was walking
ndNtaÒ na∂anthïä¬ she walked ndNçÃNtaÒ na∂anth’irunthïä¬ she had walked; she was walking
ndNt∆ na∂anthïathu it walked ndNçÃNt∆ na∂anth’irunthïathu it had walked; it was walking
ndNEtaM na∂anthïöm we walked ndNçÃNEtaM na∂anth’irunthïöm we had walked; we were walking
ndN≥R(kÒ) na∂anthïïr(ga¬) you walked ndNçÃN≥(kÒ) na∂anth’irunthïïr(ga¬) you had walked; you were walking
ndNtaR(kÒ) na∂anthïär(ga¬) they walked ndNçÃNtaR(kÒ) na∂anth’irunthïär(ga¬) they’d walked; they were walking
ndNtˆ na∂anthïa√a they walked ndNçÃNtˆ na∂anth’irunthïa√a they’d walked; they were walking

Future Tense Future Perfect & Future Continuous

ndPEp˜ na∂appïë√ I’ll walk ndNçÃPEp˜ na∂anth’iruppïë√ I’ll have walked; I’ll be walking
ndPpaY na∂appïäy you’ll walk ndNçÃPpaY na∂anth’iruppïäy you’ll ’ve walked; you’ll be walking
ndPpa˜ na∂appïä√ he’ll walk ndNçÃPpa˜ na∂anth’iruppïä√ he’ll have walked; he’ll be walking
ndPpaÒ na∂appïä¬ she’ll walk ndNçÃPpaÒ na∂anth’iruppïä¬ she’ll ’ve walked; she’ll be walking
ndK¿M na∂akkïum it’ll walk ndNçÃK¿M na∂anth’irukkïum it’ll have walked; it’ll be walking
ndPEpaM na∂appïöm we’ll walk ndNçÃPEpaM na∂anth’iruppïöm we’ll have walked; we’ll be walking
ndPµR(kÒ) na∂appïïr(ga¬) you’ll walk ndNçÃPµR(kÒ) na∂anth’iruppïïr(ga¬) you’ll ’ve walked; you’ll be walking
ndPpaR(kÒ) na∂appïär(ga¬) they’ll walk ndNçÃPpaR(kÒ) na∂anth’iruppïär(ga¬) they’ll ’ve walked; they’ll be walking
ndK¿M na∂akkïum they’ll walk ndNçÃK¿M na∂anth’irukkïum they’ll ’ve walked; they’ll be walking
ndNtL na∂anthal ndKwk na∂akkai ndKkL na∂akkal ndP»2 na∂appu 89
walking (verbal noun) walking (action) (v. noun) walking (verbal noun) walking (verbal noun)
ndNt∆ na∂anth’athu ndKá®∆ na∂akki∞’athu ndPp∆ na∂app’athu ndNtaL na∂anthäl
a (past) walking (v. noun) a (present) walking (v. noun) a (future) walking (v. noun) (I-they) walk/s-if (conditional)
ndKkaEt3 na∂akkäthë ndKka≥R(kÒ)3 na∂akkäthïr(ga¬) ndKkat na∂akkätha ndKka∆ na∂akkäthu; ndKkamL na∂akkämal
don’t (you) walk! (imperative s.) don’t (you) walk! (imp. pl.) non-walking (past adj. part.) without walking (neg. participle)
ndKkÉLwl na∂akkavillai ndEv˜4 na∂avë√ ndKkmaDEd˜ na∂akka-m䆆ë√ ndKkawm na∂akkämai; ndKkat∆ na∂akkäthathu
(I-they) didn’t walk (‘past’) I won’t walk (tenseless) I won’t walk (‘future’) non-walking (neg. verbal nouns)
ndNt∆ iLwl na∂anthathu illai ndKá®çLwl na∂akki∞ath’illai ndPp∆ iLwl na∂appathu illai ndKkaÉDdaL5 na∂akkävi††äl
(I-they) didn’t (ever) walk (I-they) don’t (ever) walk (I-they) won’t (ever) walk (I-they) don’t/doesn’t walk-if (conditional)
ndKkatv˜ na∂akkäth’ava√, a man who didn’t walk, doesn’t walk, or won’t walk (this and all the following are participial nouns)
ndNtv˜ na∂anth’ava√, he who walked; ndKá®v˜ na∂akki∞’ava√, he who walks; ndPpv˜ na∂app’ava√, he who will walk
ndKkatvÒ na∂akkäth’ava¬, a woman who didn’t walk, doesn’t walk, or won’t walk
ndNtvÒ na∂anth’ava¬, she who walked; ndKá®vÒ na∂akki∞’ava¬, she who walks; ndPpvÒ na∂app’ava¬, she who will walk
ndKkat∆ na∂akkäth’athu, an animal or thing which didn’t walk, doesn’t walk, or won’t walk
ndNt∆ na∂anth’athu, it which walked; ndKá®∆ na∂akki∞’athu, it which walks; ndPp∆ na∂app’athu, it which will walk
ndKkatvR(kÒ) na∂akkäth’avar(ga¬), people who didn’t walk, don’t walk, or won’t walk
ndNtvR(kÒ) na∂anth’avar(ga¬), they who walked; ndKá®vR(kÒ) na∂akki∞’avar(ga¬), they who walk; ndPpvR(kÒ) na∂app’avar(ga¬), they who’ll walk
ndKkatwv(kÒ) na∂akkäth’avai(ga¬), animals or things which didn’t walk, don’t walk, or won’t walk
ndNtwv(kÒ) na∂anth’avai(ga¬), they who walked; ndKá®wv(kÒ) na∂akki∞’avai(ga¬), they who walk; ndPpwv(kÒ) na∂app’avai(ga¬), they who’ll walk

Negative Compound Forms (the neg. participle ndKka∆ na∂akkäthu [dropping the ‘u’] + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru;
and the neg. participle ndKkamL na∂akkämal + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru):
ndKkaçÃNEt˜ ndKkaçÃKáE®˜ ndKkaçÃPEp˜ ndKkaçÃNtaL
na∂akkäth’irunthë√ na∂akkäth’irukki∞ë√ na∂akkäth’iruppë√ na∂akkäth’irunthäl (conditional)
ndKkamL iÃNEt˜ ndKkamL iÃKáE®˜ ndKkamL iÃPEp˜ ndKkamL iÃNtaL
na∂akkämal irunthë√ na∂akkämal irukki∞ë√ na∂akkämal iruppë√ na∂akkämal irunthäl (conditional)
I hadn’t walked (past perf.) I haven’t walked (pres. perf.)2 I won’t have walked (f. perf.)2 (I-they) hadn’t walked-if
I wasn’t walking I am not walking I won’t be walking (I-they) wasn’t / weren’t walking-if
(past continuous) (present continuous) (future continuous) (I-they) don’t / doesn’t walk -if
1This same verb nd na∂a also has the meanings: ‘happen’ and ‘behave’. 2Not in common use today.
3This could also mean: ‘don’t (you) behave [foolishly, etc.]’. 4See footnote 4 on page 3.
5This could also mean either ‘if (it) doesn’t happen’ or ‘if (I, you, he, she, etc.) don’t / doesn’t behave’.
éL(Õ)1 nil(lu) (v.i.) éLÕıkÒ nillu≥ga¬ é‰k ni∞ka 阛 ni√∞u 90
stand (you)! (imperative s.) stand (you)! (imper. plural) to stand (infinitive) (having) stood (past participle)
阮 ni√∞a (past adj. p.) é‰á® ni∞ki∞a (pres. adj. p.) 鉿M ni∞kum (future adjectival participle)
(who, which) stood (who, which) stands (who, which) will stand
Present Tense Present Perfect & Present Continuous
é‰áE®˜ ni∞ki∞ïë√ I stand é˜óÃKáE®˜ ni√∞’irukki∞ïë√ I have stood; I am standing
é‰á®aY ni∞ki∞ïäy you stand é˜óÃKá®aY ni√∞’irukki∞ïäy you have stood; you are standing
é‰á®a˜ ni∞ki∞ïä√ he stands é˜óÃKá®a˜ ni√∞’irukki∞ïä√ he has stood; he is standing
é‰á®aÒ ni∞ki∞ïä¬ she stands é˜óÃKá®aÒ ni√∞’irukki∞ïä¬ she has stood; she is standing
é‰á®∆ ni∞ki∞ïathu it stands é˜óÃKá®∆ ni√∞’irukki∞ïathu it has stood; it is standing
é‰áE®aM ni∞ki∞ïöm we stand é˜óÃKáE®aM ni√∞’irukki∞ïöm we have stood; we are standing
é‰áΩR(kÒ) ni∞ki∞ïïr(ga¬) you stand é˜óÃKáΩR(kÒ) ni√∞’irukki∞ïïr(ga¬) you have stood; you are standing
é‰á®aR(kÒ) ni∞ki∞ïär(ga¬) they stand é˜óÃKá®aR(kÒ) ni√∞’irukki∞ïär(ga¬) they’ve stood; they are standing
é‰á˜®ˆ ni∞ki√∞ïa√a they stand é˜óÃKᘮˆ ni√∞’irukki√∞ïa√a they’ve stood; they are standing

Past Tense Past Pefect & Past Continuous

é˜E®˜ ni√∞ïë√ I stood é˜óÃNEt˜ ni√∞’irunthïë√ I had stood; I was standing
阮aY ni√∞ïäy you stood é˜óÃNtaY ni√∞’irunthïäy you had stood; you were standing
阮a˜ ni√∞ïä√ he stood é˜óÃNta˜ ni√∞’irunthïä√ he had stood; he was standing
阮aÒ ni√∞ïä¬ she stood é˜óÃNtaÒ ni√∞’irunthïä¬ she had stood; she was standing
阮∆ ni√∞ïathu it stood é˜óÃNt∆ ni√∞’irunthïathu it had stood; it was standing
é˜E®aM ni√∞ïöm we stood é˜óÃNEtaM ni√∞’irunthïöm we had stood; we were standing
é˜ΩR(kÒ) ni√∞ïïr(ga¬) you stood é˜óÃN≥(kÒ) ni√∞’irunthïïr(ga¬) you had stood; you were standing
阮aR(kÒ) ni√∞ïär(ga¬) they stood é˜óÃNtaR(kÒ) ni√∞’irunthïär(ga¬) they’d stood; they were standing
阮ˆ ni√∞ïa√a they stood é˜óÃNtˆ ni√∞’irunthïa√a they’d stood; they were standing

Future Tense Future Perfect & Future Continuous

é‰Ep˜ ni∞pïë√ I’ll stand é˜óÃPEp˜ ni√∞’iruppïë√ I’ll have stood; I’ll be standing
é‰paY ni∞pïäy you’ll stand é˜óÃPpaY ni√∞’iruppïäy you’ll ’ve stood; you’ll be standing
é‰pa˜ ni∞pïä√ he’ll stand é˜óÃPpa˜ ni√∞’iruppïä√ he’ll have stood; he’ll be standing
é‰paÒ ni∞pïä¬ she’ll stand é˜óÃPpaÒ ni√∞’iruppïä¬ she’ll ’ve stood; she’ll be standing
鉿M ni∞kïum it’ll stand é˜óÃK¿M ni√∞’irukkïum it’ll have stood; it’ll be standing
é‰EpaM ni∞pïöm we’ll stand é˜óÃPEpaM ni√∞’iruppïöm we’ll have stood; we’ll be standing
鉵R(kÒ) ni∞pïïr(ga¬) you’ll stand é˜óÃPµR(kÒ) ni√∞’iruppïïr(ga¬) you’ll ’ve stood; you’ll be standing
é‰paR(kÒ) ni∞pïär(ga¬) they’ll stand é˜óÃPpaR(kÒ) ni√∞’iruppïär(ga¬) they’ll ’ve stood; they’ll be standing
鉿M ni∞kïum they’ll stand é˜óÃK¿M ni√∞’irukkïum they’ll ’ve stood; they’ll be standing
鉮L ni∞∞al é‰wk ni∞kai é‰kL ni∞kal 鉻2 ni∞pu 91
standing (verbal noun) standing (action) (v. noun) standing (verbal noun) standing (verbal noun)
阮∆ ni√∞’athu é‰á®∆ ni∞ki∞’athu é‰p∆ ni∞p’athu 阮aL ni√∞äl
a (past) standing (v. noun) a (present) standing (v. noun) a (future) standing (v. noun) (I-they) stand/stands-if (conditional)
é‰kaEt ni∞käthë é‰ka≥R(kÒ) ni∞käthïr(ga¬) é‰kat ni∞kätha é‰ka∆ ni∞käthu; é‰kamL ni∞kämal
don’t (you) stand! (imp.) don’t (you) stand! (imp. pl.) non-standing (neg. adj. part.) without standing (neg. participle)
é‰kÉLwl ni∞kavillai éLEl˜3 nillë√ é‰kmaDEd˜ ni∞ka-m䆆ë√ é‰kawm ni∞kämai; é‰kat∆ ni∞käthathu
(I-they) didn’t stand (‘past’) I won’t stand (tenseless) I won’t stand (‘future’) non-standing (neg. verbal nouns)
阮∆ iLwl ni√∞athu illai é‰á®çLwl ni∞ki∞ath’illai é‰p∆ iLwl ni∞pathu illai é‰kaÉDdaL ni∞kävi††äl
(I-they) haven’t/hasn’t (ever) stood (I-they) don’t/doesn’t (ever) stand (I-they) won’t (ever) stand (I-they) don’t/doesn’t stand-if (conditional)
é‰katv˜ ni∞käth’ava√, a man who did not stand, does not stand, or will not stand (this and all the following are participial nouns)
阮v˜ ni√∞’ava√, he who stood; é‰á®v˜ ni∞ki∞’ava√, he who stands; é‰pv˜ ni∞p’ava√, he who will stand
é‰katvÒ ni∞käth’ava¬, a woman who did not stand, does not stand, or will not stand
阮vÒ ni√∞’ava¬, she who stood; é‰á®vÒ ni∞ki∞’ava¬, she who stands; é‰pvÒ ni∞p’ava¬, she who will stand
é‰kat∆ ni∞käth’athu, an animal or thing which did not stand, does not stand, or will not stand
阮∆ ni√∞’athu, it which stood; é‰á®∆ ni∞ki∞’athu, it which stands; é‰p∆ ni∞p’athu, it which will stand
é‰katvR(kÒ) ni∞käth’avar(ga¬), people who did not stand, do not stand, or will not stand
阮vR(kÒ) ni√∞’avar(ga¬), they who stood; é‰á®vR(kÒ) ni∞ki∞’avar(ga¬), they who stand; é‰pvR(kÒ) ni∞p’avar(ga¬), they who’ll stand
é‰katwv(kÒ) ni∞käth’avai(ga¬), animals or things which did not stand, do not stand, or will not stand
阮wv(kÒ) ni√∞’avai(ga¬), they who stood; é‰á®wv(kÒ) ni∞ki∞’avai(ga¬), they who stand; é‰pwv(kÒ) ni∞p’avai(ga¬), they who’ll stand

Negative Compound Forms (the neg. participle é‰ka∆ ni∞käthu [dropping the ‘u’] + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru;
and the neg. participle é‰kamL ni∞kämal + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru):
é‰kaçÃNEt˜ é‰kaçÃKáE®˜ é‰kaçÃPEp˜ é‰kaçÃNtaL
ni∞käth’irunthë√ ni∞käth’irukki∞ë√ ni∞käth’iruppë√ ni∞käth’irunthäl (conditional)
é‰kamL iÃNEt˜ é‰kamL iÃKáE®˜ é‰kamL iÃPEp˜ é‰kamL iÃNtaL
ni∞kämal irunthë√ ni∞kämal irukki∞ë√ ni∞kämal iruppë√ ni∞kämal irunthäl (conditional)
I hadn’t stood (past perf.) I haven’t stood (pres. perf.)2 I won’t have stood (f. perf.)2 (I-they) hadn’t stood-if
I wasn’t standing I am not standing I won’t be standing (I-they) was/were not standing-if
(past continuous) (present continuous) (future continuous) (I-they) don’t/doesn’t stand-if
1We have used ‘stand’ as the translation for éL in this paradigm, but other important meanings are ‘be’ and ‘stay’.
2Not in common use today. 3See footnote 4 on page 3.
kaB kä∫ (v.t.) ka≈ıkÒ kä∫u≥ga¬ kab kä∫a kBƒ ka∫∂u 92
see (you)! (imperative s.) see (you)! (imper. plural) to see (infinitive) (having) seen (past participle)
kBd ka∫∂a (past adj. p.) kaBá® kä∫gi∞a (pres. adj. p.) ka≈M kä∫um (future adjectival participle)
(who, which) saw (who, which) sees (who, which) will see
Present Tense Present Perfect & Present Continuous
kaBáE®˜ kä∫gi∞ïë√ I see kBãÃKáE®˜ ka∫∂’irukki∞ïë√ I have seen; I am seeing
kaBá®aY kä∫gi∞ïäy you see kBãÃKá®aY ka∫∂’irukki∞ïäy you have seen; you are seeing
kaBá®a˜ kä∫gi∞ïä√ he sees kBãÃKá®a˜ ka∫∂’irukki∞ïä√ he has seen; he is seeing
kaBá®aÒ kä∫gi∞ïä¬ she sees kBãÃKá®aÒ ka∫∂’irukki∞ïä¬ she has seen; she is seeing
kaBá®∆ kä∫gi∞ïathu it sees kBãÃKá®∆ ka∫∂’irukki∞ïathu it has seen; it is seeing
kaBáE®aM kä∫gi∞ïöm we see kBãÃKáE®aM ka∫∂’irukki∞ïöm we have seen; we are seeing
kaBáΩR(kÒ) kä∫gi∞ïïr(ga¬) you see kBãÃKáΩR(kÒ) ka∫∂’irukki∞ïïr(ga¬) you have seen; you are seeing
kaBá®aR(kÒ) kä∫gi∞ïär(ga¬) they see kBãÃKá®aR(kÒ) ka∫∂’irukki∞ïär(ga¬) they’ve seen; they are seeing
kaBᘮˆ kä∫gi√∞ïa√a they see kBãÃKᘮˆ ka∫∂’irukki√∞ïa√a they’ve seen; they are seeing

Past Tense Past Pefect & Past Continuous

kBEd˜ ka∫∂ïë√ I saw kBãÃNEt˜ ka∫∂’irunthïë√ I had seen; I was seeing
kBdaY ka∫∂ïäy you saw kBãÃNtaY ka∫∂’irunthïäy you had seen; you were seeing
kBda˜ ka∫∂ïä√ he saw kBãÃNta˜ ka∫∂’irunthïä√ he had seen; he was seeing
kBdaÒ ka∫∂ïä¬ she saw kBãÃNtaÒ ka∫∂’irunthïä¬ she had seen; she was seeing
kBd∆ ka∫∂ïathu it saw kBãÃNt∆ ka∫∂’irunthïathu it had seen; it was seeing
kBEdaM ka∫∂ïöm we saw kBãÃNEtaM ka∫∂’irunthïöm we had seen; we were seeing
kB±R(kÒ) ka∫∂ïïr(ga¬) you saw kBãÃN≥(kÒ) ka∫∂’irunthïïr(ga¬) you had seen; you were seeing
kBdaR(kÒ) ka∫∂ïär(ga¬) they saw kBãÃNtaR(kÒ) ka∫∂’irunthïär(ga¬) they’d seen; they were seeing
kBdˆ ka∫∂ïa√a they saw kBãÃNtˆ ka∫∂’irunthïa√a they’d seen; they were seeing

Future Tense Future Perfect & Future Continuous

kaBEp˜ kä∫bïë√ I’ll see kBãÃPEp˜ ka∫∂’iruppïë√ I’ll have seen; I’ll be seeing
kaBpaY kä∫bïäy you’ll see kBãÃPpaY ka∫∂’iruppïäy you’ll ’ve seen; you’ll be seeing
kaBpa˜ kä∫bïä√ he’ll see kBãÃPpa˜ ka∫∂’iruppïä√ he’ll have seen; he’ll be seeing
kaBpaÒ kä∫bïä¬ she’ll see kBãÃPpaÒ ka∫∂’iruppïä¬ she’ll ’ve seen; she’ll be seeing
ka≈M kä∫ïum it’ll see kBãÃK¿M ka∫∂’irukkïum it’ll have seen; it’ll be seeing
kaBEpaM kä∫bïöm we’ll see kBãÃPEpaM ka∫∂’iruppïöm we’ll have seen; we’ll be seeing
kaBµR(kÒ) kä∫bïïr(ga¬) you’ll see kBãÃPµR(kÒ) ka∫∂’iruppïïr(ga¬) you’ll ’ve seen; you’ll be seeing
kaBpaR(kÒ) kä∫bïär(ga¬) they’ll see kBãÃPpaR(kÒ) ka∫∂’iruppïär(ga¬) they’ll ’ve seen; they’ll be seeing
ka≈M kä∫ïum they’ll see kBãÃK¿M ka∫∂’irukkïum they’ll ’ve seen; they’ll be seeing
kaBdL kä∫∂al kaBwk1 kä∫gai kabL kä∫al kaB» kä∫bu 93
seeing (verbal noun) seeing (action) (v. noun) seeing (verbal noun) seeing (verbal noun)
kBd∆ ka∫∂’athu kaBá®∆ kä∫gi∞’athu kaBp∆ kä∫b’athu kBdaL ka∫∂äl
a (past) seeing (v. noun) a (present) seeing (v. noun) a (future) seeing (v. noun) (I-they) see/sees-if (conditional)
kabaEt kä∫äthë kaba≥R(kÒ) kä∫äthïr(ga¬) kabat kä∫ätha kaba∆ kä∫äthu; kabamL kä∫ämal
don’t (you) see! (imp.) don’t (you) see! (imp. pl.) non-seeing (neg. adj. part.) without seeing (neg. participle)
kabÉLwl kä∫avillai kaEb˜2 kä∫ë√ kabmaDEd˜ kä∫a-m䆆ë√ kabawm kä∫ämai; kabat∆ kä∫äthathu
(I-they) didn’t see (‘past’) I won’t see (tenseless) I won’t see (‘future’) non-seeing (neg. verbal nouns)
kBd∆ iLwl ka∫∂athu illai kaBá®çLwl kä∫gi∞ath’illai kaBp∆ iLwl kä∫bathu illai kabaÉDdaL kä∫ävi††äl
(I-they) haven’t/hasn’t (ever) seen (I-they) don’t/doesn’t (ever) see (I-they) won’t (ever) see (I-they) don’t/doesn’t see-if (conditional)
kabatv˜ kä∫äth’ava√, a man who did not see, does not see, or will not see (this and all the following are participial nouns)
kBdv˜ ka∫∂’ava√, he who saw; kaBá®v˜ kä∫gi∞’ava√, he who sees; kaBpv˜ kä∫b’ava√, he who will see
kabatvÒ kä∫äth’ava¬, a woman who did not see, does not see, or will not see
kBdvÒ ka∫∂’ava¬, she who saw; kaBá®vÒ kä∫gi∞’ava¬, she who sees; kaBpvÒ kä∫b’ava¬, she who will see
kabat∆ kä∫äth’athu, an animal or thing which did not see, does not see, or will not see
kBd∆ ka∫∂’athu, it which saw; kaBá®∆ kä∫gi∞’athu, it which sees; kaBp∆ kä∫b’athu, it which will see
kabatvR(kÒ) kä∫äth’avar(ga¬), people who did not see, do not see, or will not see
kBdvR(kÒ) ka∫∂’avar(ga¬), they who saw; kaBá®vR(kÒ) kä∫gi∞’avar(ga¬), they who see; kaBpvR(kÒ) kä∫b’avar(ga¬), they who’ll see
kabatwv(kÒ) kä∫äth’avai(ga¬), animals or things which did not see, do not see, or will not see
kBdwv(kÒ) ka∫∂’avai(ga¬), they who saw; kaBá®wv(kÒ) kä∫gi∞’avai(ga¬), they who see; kaBpwv(kÒ) kä∫b’avai(ga¬), they who’ll see

Negative Compound Forms (the neg. participle kaba∆ kä∫äthu [dropping the ‘u’] + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru;
and the neg. participle kabamL kä∫ämal + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru):
kabaçÃNEt˜ kabaçÃKáE®˜ kabaçÃPEp˜ kabaçÃNtaL
kä∫äth’irunthë√ kä∫äth’irukki∞ë√ kä∫äth’iruppë√ kä∫äth’irunthäl (conditional)
kabamL iÃNEt˜ kabamL iÃKáE®˜ kabamL iÃPEp˜ kabamL iÃNtaL
kä∫ämal irunthë√ kä∫ämal irukki∞ë√ kä∫ämal iruppë√ kä∫ämal irunthäl (conditional)
I hadn’t seen (past perf.) I haven’t seen (pres. perf.)1 I won’t have seen (f. perf.)1 (I-they) hadn’t seen-if
I wasn’t seeing I am not seeing I won’t be seeing (I-they) was/were not seeing-if
(past continuous) (present continuous) (future continuous) (I-they) don’t/doesn’t see-if
1Not in common use today.
2In modern times, kaEbaM kä∫öm (‘we haven’t seen’) is a very common idiomatic expression. But kaEb˜ kä∫ë√ and the others are not – see footnote 4
on page 3.
uB(≈) u∫(∫u) (v.t.) uB≈ıkÒ u∫∫u≥ga¬ uBb u∫∫a uBƒ u∫∂u 94
eat (you)! (imperative s.) eat (you)! (imper. plural) to eat (infinitive) (having) eaten (past participle)
uBd u∫∂a (past adj. p.) uBá® u∫gi∞a (pres. adj. p.) uB≈M u∫∫um (future adjectival participle)
(who, which) eaten (who, which) eats (who, which) will eat
Present Tense Present Perfect & Present Continuous
uBáE®˜ u∫gi∞ïë√ I eat uBãÃKáE®˜ u∫∂’irukki∞ïë√ I have eaten; I am eating
uBá®aY u∫gi∞ïäy you eat uBãÃKá®aY u∫∂’irukki∞ïäy you have eaten; you are eating
uBá®a˜ u∫gi∞ïä√ he eats uBãÃKá®a˜ u∫∂’irukki∞ïä√ he has eaten; he is eating
uBá®aÒ u∫gi∞ïä¬ she eats uBãÃKá®aÒ u∫∂’irukki∞ïä¬ she has eaten; she is eating
uBá®∆ u∫gi∞ïathu it eats uBãÃKá®∆ u∫∂’irukki∞ïathu it has eaten; it is eating
uBáE®aM u∫gi∞ïöm we eat uBãÃKáE®aM u∫∂’irukki∞ïöm we have eaten; we are eating
uBáΩR(kÒ) u∫gi∞ïïr(ga¬) you eat uBãÃKáΩR(kÒ) u∫∂’irukki∞ïïr(ga¬) you have eaten; you are eating
uBá®aR(kÒ) u∫gi∞ïär(ga¬) they eat uBãÃKá®aR(kÒ) u∫∂’irukki∞ïär(ga¬) they have eaten; they are eating
uBᘮˆ u∫gi√∞ïa√a they eat uBãÃKᘮˆ u∫∂’irukki√∞ïa√a they have eaten; they are eating

Past Tense Past Pefect & Past Continuous

uBEd˜ u∫∂ïë√ I ate uBãÃNEt˜ u∫∂’irunthïë√ I had eaten; I was eating
uBdaY u∫∂ïäy you ate uBãÃNtaY u∫∂’irunthïäy you had eaten; you were eating
uBda˜ u∫∂ïä√ he ate uBãÃNta˜ u∫∂’irunthïä√ he had eaten; he was eating
uBdaÒ u∫∂ïä¬ she ate uBãÃNtaÒ u∫∂’irunthïä¬ she had eaten; she was eating
uBd∆ u∫∂ïathu it ate uBãÃNt∆ u∫∂’irunthïathu it had eaten; it was eating
uBEdaM u∫∂ïöm we ate uBãÃNEtaM u∫∂’irunthïöm we had eaten; we were eating
uB±R(kÒ) u∫∂ïïr(ga¬) you ate uBãÃN≥(kÒ) u∫∂’irunthïïr(ga¬) you had eaten; you were eating
uBdaR(kÒ) u∫∂ïär(ga¬) they ate uBãÃNtaR(kÒ) u∫∂’irunthïär(ga¬) they had eaten; they were eating
uBdˆ u∫∂ïa√a they ate uBãÃNtˆ u∫∂’irunthïa√a they had eaten; they were eating

Future Tense Future Perfect & Future Continuous

uBEp˜ u∫bïë√ I’ll eat uBãÃPEp˜ u∫∂’iruppïë√ I’ll have eaten; I’ll be eating
uBpaY u∫bïäy you’ll eat uBãÃPpaY u∫∂’iruppïäy you’ll have eaten; you’ll be eating
uBpa˜ u∫bïä√ he’ll eat uBãÃPpa˜ u∫∂’iruppïä√ he’ll have eaten; he’ll be eating
uBpaÒ u∫bïä¬ she’ll eat uBãÃPpaÒ u∫∂’iruppïä¬ she’ll have eaten; she’ll be eating
uB≈M u∫∫ïum it’ll eat uBãÃK¿M u∫∂’irukkïum it’ll have eaten; it’ll be eating
uBEpaM u∫bïöm we’ll eat uBãÃPEpaM u∫∂’iruppïöm we’ll have eaten; we’ll be eating
uBµR(kÒ) u∫bïïr(ga¬) you’ll eat uBãÃPµR(kÒ) u∫∂’iruppïïr(ga¬) you’ll have eaten; you’ll be eating
uBpaR(kÒ) u∫bïär(ga¬) they’ll eat uBãÃPpaR(kÒ) u∫∂’iruppïär(ga¬) they’ll have eaten; they’ll be eating
uB≈M u∫∫ïum they’ll eat uBãÃK¿M u∫∂’irukkïum they’ll have eaten; they’ll be eating
uB≈tL u∫∫uthal uBwk u∫gai uBbL u∫∫al uB»1 u∫bu 95
eating (verbal noun) eating (action) (v. noun) eating (verbal noun) eating (verbal noun)
uBd∆ u∫∂’athu uBá®∆ u∫gi∞’athu uBp∆ u∫b’athu uBdaL u∫∂äl
a (past) eating (v. noun) a (present) eating (v. noun) a (future) eating (v. noun) (I-they) eat/eats-if (conditional)
uBbaEt u∫∫äthë uBba≥R(kÒ) u∫∫äthïr(ga¬) uBbat u∫∫ätha uBba∆ u∫∫äthu; uBbamL u∫∫ämal
don’t (you) eat! (imp.) don’t (you) eat! (imp. pl.) non-eating (neg. adj. part.) without eating (neg. participle)
uBbÉLwl u∫∫avillai uBEb˜2 u∫∫ë√ uBbmaDEd˜ u∫∫a-m䆆ë√ uBbawm u∫∫ämai; uBbat∆ u∫∫äthathu
(I-they) didn’t eat (‘past’) I won’t eat (tenseless) I won’t eat (‘future’) non-eating (neg. verbal nouns)
uBd∆ iLwl u∫∂athu illai uBá®çLwl u∫gi∞ath’illai uBp∆ iLwl u∫bathu illai uBbaÉDdaL u∫∫ävi††äl
(I-they) haven’t/hasn’t (ever) eaten (I-they) don’t/doesn’t (ever) eat (I-they) won’t (ever) eat (I-they) don’t/doesn’t eat-if (conditional)
uBbatv˜ u∫∫äth’ava√, a man who did not eat, does not eat, or will not eat (this and all the following are participial nouns)
uBdv˜ u∫∂’ava√, he who ate; uBá®v˜ u∫gi∞’ava√, he who eats; uBpv˜ u∫b’ava√, he who will eat
uBbatvÒ u∫∫äth’ava¬, a woman who did not eat, does not eat, or will not eat
uBdvÒ u∫∂’ava¬, she who ate; uBá®vÒ u∫gi∞’ava¬, she who eats; uBpvÒ u∫b’ava¬, she who will eat
uBbat∆ u∫∫äth’athu, an animal or thing which did not eat, does not eat, or will not eat
uBd∆ u∫∂’athu, it which ate; uBá®∆ u∫gi∞’athu, it which eats; uBp∆ u∫b’athu, it which will eat
uBbatvR(kÒ) u∫∫äth’avar(ga¬), people who did not eat, do not eat, or will not eat
uBdvR(kÒ) u∫∂’avar(ga¬), they who ate; uBá®vR(kÒ) u∫gi∞’avar(ga¬), they who eat; uBpvR(kÒ) u∫b’avar(ga¬), they who will eat
uBbatwv(kÒ) u∫∫äth’avai(ga¬), animals or things which did not eat, do not eat, or will not eat
uBdwv(kÒ) u∫∂’avai(ga¬), they who ate; uBá®wv(kÒ) u∫gi∞’avai(ga¬), they who eat; uBpwv(kÒ) u∫b’avai(ga¬), they who will eat

Negative Compound Forms (the neg. participle uBba∆ u∫∫äthu [dropping the ‘u’] + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru;
and the neg. participle uBbamL u∫∫ämal + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru):
uBbaçÃNEt˜ uBbaçÃKáE®˜ uBbaçÃPEp˜ uBbaçÃNtaL
u∫∫äth’irunthë√ u∫∫äth’irukki∞ë√ u∫∫äth’iruppë√ u∫∫äth’irunthäl (conditional)
uBbamL iÃNEt˜ uBbamL iÃKáE®˜ uBbamL iÃPEp˜ uBbamL iÃNtaL
u∫∫ämal irunthë√ u∫∫ämal irukki∞ë√ u∫∫ämal iruppë√ u∫∫ämal irunthäl (conditional)
I hadn’t eaten (past perf.) I haven’t eaten (pres. perf.)1 I won’t have eaten (f. perf.)1 (I-they) hadn’t eaten-if
I wasn’t eating I am not eating I won’t be eating (I-they) was/were not eating-if
(past continuous) (present continuous) (future continuous) (I-they) don’t/doesn’t eat-if
1Not in common use today.
2See footnote 4 on page 3.
¶˜(fi)* e√(√u) (v.t.) ¶˜fiıkÒ* e√√u≥ga¬ ¶˜ˆ e√√a ¶˜› e√∞u 96
say (you)! (imperative s.) say (you)! (imper. plural) to say (infinitive) (having) said (past participle)
¶˜® e√∞a (past adj. p.) ¶˜á® e√gi∞a (pres. adj. p.) ¶˜fiM e√√um (future adjectival participle)
(who, which) said (who, which) says (who, which) will say
Present Tense Present Perfect & Present Continuous
¶˜áE®˜ e√gi∞ïë√ I say ¶˜óÃKáE®˜ e√∞’irukki∞ïë√ I have said; I am saying
¶˜á®aY e√gi∞ïäy you say ¶˜óÃKá®aY e√∞’irukki∞ïäy you have said; you are saying
¶˜á®a˜ e√gi∞ïä√ he says ¶˜óÃKá®a˜ e√∞’irukki∞ïä√ he has said; he is saying
¶˜á®aÒ e√gi∞ïä¬ she says ¶˜óÃKá®aÒ e√∞’irukki∞ïä¬ she has said; she is saying
¶˜á®∆ e√gi∞ïathu it says ¶˜óÃKá®∆ e√∞’irukki∞ïathu it has said; it is saying
¶˜áE®aM e√gi∞ïöm we say ¶˜óÃKáE®aM e√∞’irukki∞ïöm we have said; we are saying
¶˜áΩR(kÒ) e√gi∞ïïr(ga¬) you say ¶˜óÃKáΩR(kÒ) e√∞’irukki∞ïïr(ga¬) you have said; you are saying
¶˜á®aR(kÒ) e√gi∞ïär(ga¬) they say ¶˜óÃKá®aR(kÒ) e√∞’irukki∞ïär(ga¬) they’ve said; they are saying
¶˜á˜®ˆ e√gi√∞ïa√a they say ¶˜óÃKᘮˆ e√∞’irukki√∞ïa√a they’ve said; they are saying

Past Tense Past Pefect & Past Continuous

¶˜E®˜ e√∞ïë√ I said ¶˜óÃNEt˜ e√∞’irunthïë√ I had said; I was saying
¶˜®aY e√∞ïäy you said ¶˜óÃNtaY e√∞’irunthïäy you had said; you were saying
¶˜®a˜ e√∞ïä√ he said ¶˜óÃNta˜ e√∞’irunthïä√ he had said; he was saying
¶˜®aÒ e√∞ïä¬ she said ¶˜óÃNtaÒ e√∞’irunthïä¬ she had said; she was saying
¶˜®∆ e√∞ïathu it said ¶˜óÃNt∆ e√∞’irunthïathu it had said; it was saying
¶˜E®aM e√∞ïöm we said ¶˜óÃNEtaM e√∞’irunthïöm we had said; we were saying
¶˜ΩR(kÒ) e√∞ïïr(ga¬) you said ¶˜óÃN≥(kÒ) e√∞’irunthïïr(ga¬) you had said; you were saying
¶˜®aR(kÒ) e√∞ïär(ga¬) they said ¶˜óÃNtaR(kÒ) e√∞’irunthïär(ga¬) they’d said; they were saying
¶˜®ˆ e√∞ïa√a they said ¶˜óÃNtˆ e√∞’irunthïa√a they’d said; they were saying

Future Tense Future Perfect & Future Continuous

¶˜Ep˜ e√bïë√ I’ll say ¶˜óÃPEp˜ e√∞’iruppïë√ I’ll have said; I’ll be saying
¶˜paY e√bïäy you’ll say ¶˜óÃPpaY e√∞’iruppïäy you’ll ’ve said; you’ll be saying
¶˜pa˜ e√bïä√ he’ll say ¶˜óÃPpa˜ e√∞’iruppïä√ he’ll have said; he’ll be saying
¶˜paÒ e√bïä¬ she’ll say ¶˜óÃPpaÒ e√∞’iruppïä¬ she’ll ’ve said; she’ll be saying
¶˜fiM e√√ïum it’ll say ¶˜óÃK¿M e√∞’irukkïum it’ll have said; it’ll be saying
¶˜EpaM e√bïöm we’ll say ¶˜óÃPEpaM e√∞’iruppïöm we’ll have said; we’ll be saying
¶˜µR(kÒ) e√bïïr(ga¬) you’ll say ¶˜óÃPµR(kÒ) e√∞’iruppïïr(ga¬) you’ll ’ve said; you’ll be saying
¶˜paR(kÒ) e√bïär(ga¬) they’ll say ¶˜óÃPpaR(kÒ) e√∞’iruppïär(ga¬) they’ll ’ve said; they’ll be saying
¶˜fiM e√√ïum they’ll say ¶˜óÃK¿M e√∞’irukkïum they’ll ’ve said; they’ll be saying
¶˜®L* e√∞al ¶˜wk1 e√gai ¶˜ˆL e√√al ¶˜»1 e√bu 97
saying (verbal noun) saying (action) (v. noun) saying (verbal noun) saying (verbal noun)
¶˜®∆ e√∞’athu ¶˜á®∆ e√gi∞’athu ¶˜p∆ e√b’athu ¶˜®aL e√∞äl
a (past) saying (v. noun) a (present) saying (v. noun) a (future) saying (v. noun) (I-they) say/says-if (conditional)
¶˜ˆaEt e√√äthë ¶˜ˆa≥R(kÒ) e√√äthïr(ga¬) ¶˜ˆat e√√ätha ¶˜ˆa∆ e√√äthu; ¶˜ˆamL e√√ämal
don’t (you) say! (imp.) don’t (you) say! (imp. pl.) non-saying (neg. adj. part.) without saying (neg. participle)
¶˜ˆÉLwl e√√avillai ¶˜Eˆ˜2 e√√ë√ ¶˜ˆmaDEd˜* e√√a-m䆆ë√ ¶˜ˆawm* e√√ämai; ¶˜ˆat∆* e√√äthathu
(I-they) didn’t say (‘past’) I won’t say (tenseless) I won’t say (‘future’) non-saying (neg. verbal nouns)
¶˜®∆ iLwl e√∞athu illai ¶˜á®çLwl e√gi∞ath’illai ¶˜p∆ iLwl e√bathu illai ¶˜ˆaÉDdaL* e√√ävi††äl
(I-they) haven’t/hasn’t (ever) said (I-they) don’t/doesn’t (ever) say (I-they) won’t (ever) say (I-they) don’t/doesn’t say-if (conditional)
¶˜ˆatv˜ e√√äth’ava√, a man who did not say, does not say, or will not say (this and all the following are participial nouns*)
¶˜®v˜ e√∞’ava√, he who said; ¶˜á®v˜ e√gi∞’ava√, he who says; ¶˜pv˜ e√b’ava√, he who will say
¶˜ˆatvÒ e√√äth’ava¬, a woman who did not say, does not say, or will not say
¶˜®vÒ e√∞’ava¬, she who said; ¶˜á®vÒ e√gi∞’ava¬, she who says; ¶˜pvÒ e√b’ava¬, she who will say
¶˜ˆat∆ e√√äth’athu, an animal or thing which did not say, does not say, or will not say
¶˜®∆ e√∞’athu, it which said; ¶˜á®∆ e√gi∞’athu, it which says; ¶˜p∆ e√b’athu, it which will say
¶˜ˆatvR(kÒ) e√√äth’avar(ga¬), people who did not say, do not say, or will not say
¶˜®vR(kÒ) e√∞’avar(ga¬), they who said; ¶˜á®vR(kÒ) e√gi∞’avar(ga¬), they who say; ¶˜pvR(kÒ) e√b’avar(ga¬), they who’ll say
¶˜ˆatwv(kÒ) e√√äth’avai(ga¬), animals or things which did not say, do not say, or will not say
¶˜®wv(kÒ) e√∞’avai(ga¬), they who said; ¶˜á®wv(kÒ) e√gi∞’avai(ga¬), they who say; ¶˜pwv(kÒ) e√b’avai(ga¬), they who’ll say

Negative Compound Forms (the neg. participle ¶˜ˆa∆ e√√äthu [dropping the ‘u’] + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru;
and the neg. participle ¶˜ˆamL e√√ämal + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru):
¶˜ˆaçÃNEt˜ ¶˜ˆaçÃKáE®˜ ¶˜ˆaçÃPEp˜ ¶˜ˆaçÃNtaL
e√√äth’irunthë√ e√√äth’irukki∞ë√ e√√äth’iruppë√ e√√äth’irunthäl (conditional)
¶˜ˆamL iÃNEt˜ ¶˜ˆamL iÃKáE®˜ ¶˜ˆamL iÃPEp˜ ¶˜ˆamL iÃNtaL
e√√ämal irunthë√ e√√ämal irukki∞ë√ e√√ämal iruppë√ e√√ämal irunthäl (conditional)
I hadn’t said (past perf.) I haven’t said (pres. perf.)1 I won’t have said (f. perf.)1 (I-they) hadn’t said-if
I wasn’t saying I am not saying I won’t be saying (I-they) was/were not saying-if
(past continuous) (present continuous) (future continuous) (I-they) don’t/doesn’t say-if
1Not in common use today.
2See footnote 4 on page 3.
ɤ viΩu (v.i.) ɤıkÒ viΩu≥ga¬ Éz viΩa ɤN∆ viΩunthu 98
(you) fall! (imperative singular) (you) fall! (imperative pural) to fall (infinitive) (having) fallen (past participle)
ɤNt viΩuntha (past adj. p.) ɤᮠviΩugi∞a (pres. adj. p.) ɤM viΩum (future adjectival participle)
(who, which) fell (who, which) falls (who, which) will fall
Present Tense Present Perfect & Present Continuous
ɤáE®˜ viΩugi∞ïë√ I fall ɤNçÃKáE®˜ viΩunth’irukki∞ïë√ I have fallen; I am falling
ɤá®aY viΩugi∞ïäy you fall ɤNçÃKá®aY viΩunth’irukki∞ïäy you have fallen; you are falling
ɤá®a˜ viΩugi∞ïä√ he falls ɤNçÃKá®a˜ viΩunth’irukki∞ïä√ he has fallen; he is falling
ɤá®aÒ viΩugi∞ïä¬ she falls ɤNçÃKá®aÒ viΩunth’irukki∞ïä¬ she has fallen; she is falling
ɤá®∆ viΩugi∞ïathu it falls ɤNçÃKá®∆ viΩunth’irukki∞ïathu it has fallen; it is falling
ɤáE®aM viΩugi∞ïöm we fall ɤNçÃKáE®aM viΩunth’irukki∞ïöm we have fallen; we are falling
ɤáΩR(kÒ) viΩugi∞ïïr(ga¬) you fall ɤNçÃKáΩR(kÒ) viΩunth’irukki∞ïïr(ga¬) you have fallen; you are falling
ɤá®aR(kÒ) viΩugi∞ïär(ga¬) they fall ɤNçÃKá®aR(kÒ) viΩunth’irukki∞ïär(ga¬) they have fallen; they are falling
ɤᘮˆ viΩugi√∞ïa√a they fall ɤNçÃKᘮˆ viΩunth’irukki√∞ïa√a they have fallen; they are falling
Past Tense Past Pefect & Past Continuous
ɤNEt˜ viΩunthïë√ I fell ɤNçÃNEt˜ viΩunth’irunthïë√ I had fallen; I was falling
ɤNtaY viΩunthïäy you fell ɤNçÃNtaY viΩunth’irunthïäy you had fallen; you were falling
ɤNta˜ viΩunthïä√ he fell ɤNçÃNta˜ viΩunth’irunthïä√ he had fallen; he was falling
ɤNtaÒ viΩunthïä¬ she fell ɤNçÃNtaÒ viΩunth’irunthïä¬ she had fallen; she was falling
ɤNt∆ viΩunthïathu it fell ɤNçÃNt∆ viΩunth’irunthïathu it had fallen; it was falling
ɤNEtaM viΩunthïöm we fell ɤNçÃNEtaM viΩunth’irunthïöm we had fallen; we were falling
ɤN≥R(kÒ) viΩunthïïr(ga¬) you fell ɤNçÃN≥(kÒ) viΩunth’irunthïïr(ga¬) you had fallen; you were falling
ɤNtaR(kÒ) viΩunthïär(ga¬) they fell ɤNçÃNtaR(kÒ) viΩunth’irunthïär(ga¬) they had fallen; they were falling
ɤNtˆ viΩunthïa√a they fell ɤNçÃNtˆ viΩunth’irunthïa√a they had fallen; they were falling
Future Tense Future Perfect & Future Continuous
ɤEv˜ viΩuvïë√ I’ll fall ɤNçÃPEp˜ viΩunth’iruppïë√ I’ll have fallen; I’ll be falling
ɤvaY viΩuvïäy you’ll fall ɤNçÃPpaY viΩunth’iruppïäy you’ll have fallen; you’ll be falling
ɤva˜ viΩuvïä√ he’ll fall ɤNçÃPpa˜ viΩunth’iruppïä√ he’ll have fallen; he’ll be falling
ɤvaÒ viΩuvïä¬ she’ll fall ɤNçÃPpaÒ viΩunth’iruppïä¬ she’ll have fallen; she’ll be falling
É ¤M viΩïum it’ll fall ɤNçÃK¿M viΩunth’irukkïum it’ll have fallen; it’ll be falling
ɤEvaM viΩuvïöm we’ll fall ɤNçÃPEpaM viΩunth’iruppïöm we’ll have fallen; we’ll be falling
ɤ™R(kÒ) viΩuvïïr(ga¬) you’ll fall ɤNçÃPµR(kÒ) viΩunth’iruppïïr(ga¬) you’ll have fallen; you’ll be falling
ɤvaR(kÒ) viΩuvïär(ga¬) they’ll fall ɤNçÃPpaR(kÒ) viΩunth’iruppïär(ga¬) they’ll have fallen; they’ll be falling
É ¤M viΩïum they’ll fall ɤNçÃK¿M viΩunth’irukkïum they’ll have fallen; they’ll be falling
ɤtL viΩuthal ɤwk1 viΩugai ÉzL viΩal ɤŒ viΩuvu 99
falling (verbal noun) falling (verbal noun) falling (verbal noun) falling (verbal noun)
ɤNt∆ viΩunth’athu ɤá®∆ viΩugi∞’athu ɤv∆ viΩuv’athu ɤNtaL viΩunthäl
a (past) falling (verbal noun) a (present) falling (verbal noun) a (future) falling (verbal noun) (I-they) fall/s-if (conditional)
ÉzaEt viΩäthë Éza≥R(kÒ) viΩäthïr(ga¬) Ézat viΩätha Éza∆ viΩäthu; ÉzamL viΩämal
don’t (you) fall! (imperative s.) don’t (you) fall! (imperative pl.) non-falling (neg. adj. part.) without falling (neg. participle)
ÉzÉLwl viΩavillai ÉEz˜2 viΩë√ ÉzmaDEd˜ viΩa-m䆆ë√ Ézawm viΩämai; Ézat∆ viΩäthathu
(I-they) didn’t fall (‘past’) I won’t fall (tenseless) I won’t fall (‘future’) non-falling (negative verbal nouns)
É Nt∆ iLw viΩunthathu illai ɤá®çLwl viΩugi∞ath’illai ɤv∆ iLwl viΩuvathu illai ÉzaÉDdaL viΩävi††äl
(I-they) didn’t (ever) fall (I-they) don’t/doesn’t (ever) fall (I-they) won’t (ever) fall (I-they) don’t/doesn’t fall-if (conditional)
Ézatv˜ viΩäth’ava√, a man who didn’t fall, doesn’t fall, or won’t fall (this and all the following are participial nouns)
ɤNtv˜ viΩunth’ava√, he who fell; ɤá®v˜ viΩugi∞’ava√, he who falls; ɤpv˜ viΩub’ava√, he who will fall
ÉzatvÒ viΩäth’ava¬, a woman who didn’t fall, doesn’t fall, or won’t fall
ɤNtvÒ viΩunth’ava¬, she who fell; ɤá®vÒ viΩugi∞’ava¬, she who falls; ɤpvÒ viΩub’ava¬, she who will fall
Ézat∆ viΩäth’athu, an animal or thing which didn’t fall, doesn’t fall, or won’t fall
ɤNt∆ viΩunth’athu, it which fell; ɤá®∆ viΩugi∞’athu, it which falls; ɤv∆ viΩuv’athu, it which will fall
ÉzatvR(kÒ) viΩäth’avar(ga¬), people who didn’t fall, don’t fall, or won’t fall
ɤNtvR(kÒ) viΩunth’avar(ga¬), they who fell; ɤá®vR(kÒ) viΩugi∞’avar(ga¬), they who fall; ɤpvR(kÒ) viΩub’avar(ga¬), they who will fall
Ézatwv(kÒ) viΩäth’avai(ga¬), animals or things which didn’t fall, don’t fall, or won’t fall
ɤNtwv(kÒ) viΩunth’avai(ga¬), they who fell; ɤá®wv(kÒ) viΩugi∞’avai(ga¬), they who fall; ɤpwv(kÒ) viΩub’avai(ga¬), they who will fall

Negative Compound Forms (the neg. participle Éza∆ viΩäthu [dropping the ‘u’] + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru;
and the neg. participle ÉzamL viΩämal + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru):
ÉzaçÃNEt˜ ÉzaçÃKáE®˜ ÉzaçÃPEp˜ ÉzaçÃNtaL
viΩäth’irunthë√ viΩäth’irukki∞ë√ viΩäth’iruppë√ viΩäth’irunthäl (conditional)
ÉzamL iÃNEt˜ ÉzamL iÃKáE®˜ ÉzamL iÃPEp˜ ÉzamL iÃNtaL
viΩämal irunthë√ viΩämal irukki∞ë√ viΩämal iruppë√ viΩämal irunthäl (conditional)
I hadn’t fallen (past perf.) I haven’t fallen (pres. perf.)1 I won’t have fallen (f. perf.)1 (I-they) hadn’t fallen-if
I wasn’t falling I am not falling I won’t be falling (I-they) wasn’t/weren’t falling-if
(past continuous) (present continuous) (future continuous) (I-they) don’t/doesn’t fall-if
1Not in common use today.
2See footnote 4 on page 3.
uDkaR u†kär (v.i.) uDkaÃıkÒ u†käru≥ga¬ uDkar u†kära uDkaRN∆ u†kärnthu 100
sit (you)! (imperative sing.) sit (you)! (imperative plural) to sit (infinitive) (having) sat (past participle)
uDkaRNt u†kärntha (past adj. p.) uDkaÃá® u†kärugi∞a (pres. adj. p.) uDkaÃM u†kärum (future adjectival participle)
(who, which) sat (who, which) sits (who, which) will sit
Present Tense Present Perfect & Present Continuous
uDkaÃáE®˜ u†kärugi∞ïë√ I sit uDkaRNçÃKáE®˜ u†kärnth’irukki∞ïë√ I have sat; I am sitting
uDkaÃá®aY u†kärugi∞ïäy you sit uDkaRNçÃKá®aY u†kärnth’irukki∞ïäy you have sat; you are sitting
uDkaÃá®a˜ u†kärugi∞ïä√ he sits uDkaRNçÃKá®a˜ u†kärnth’irukki∞ïä√ he has sat; he is sitting
uDkaÃá®aÒ u†kärugi∞ïä¬ she sits uDkaRNçÃKá®aÒ u†kärnth’irukki∞ïä¬ she has sat; she is sitting
uDkaÃá®∆ u†kärugi∞ïathu it sits uDkaRNçÃKá®∆ u†kärnth’irukki∞ïathu it has sat; it is sitting
uDkaÃáE®aM u†kärugi∞ïöm we sit uDkaRNçÃKáE®aM u†kärnth’irukki∞ïöm we have sat; we are sitting
uDkaÃáΩR(kÒ) u†kärugi∞ïïr(ga¬) you sit uDkaRNçÃKáΩR(kÒ) u†kärnth’irukki∞ïïr(ga¬) you have sat; you are sitting
uDkaÃá®aR(kÒ) u†kärugi∞ïär(ga¬) they sit uDkaRNçÃKá®aR(kÒ) u†kärnth’irukki∞ïär(ga¬) they have sat; they are sitting
uDkaÃᘮˆ u†kärugi√∞ïa√a they sit uDkaRNçÃKᘮˆ u†kärnth’irukki√∞ïa√a they have sat; they are sitting
Past Tense Past Pefect & Past Continuous
uDkaRNEt˜ u†kärnthïë√ I sat uDkaRNçÃNEt˜ u†kärnth’irunthïë√ I had sat; I was sitting
uDkaRNtaY u†kärnthïäy you sat uDkaRNçÃNtaY u†kärnth’irunthïäy you had sat; you were sitting
uDkaRNta˜ u†kärnthïä√ he sat uDkaRNçÃNta˜ u†kärnth’irunthïä√ he had sat; he was sitting
uDkaRNtaÒ u†kärnthïä¬ she sat uDkaRNçÃNtaÒ u†kärnth’irunthïä¬ she had sat; she was sitting
uDkaRNt∆ u†kärnthïathu it sat uDkaRNçÃNt∆ u†kärnth’irunthïathu it had sat; it was sitting
uDkaRNEtaM u†kärnthïöm we sat uDkaRNçÃNEtaM u†kärnth’irunthïöm we had sat; we were sitting
uDkaRN≥R(kÒ) u†kärnthïïr(ga¬) you sat uDkaRNçÃN≥(kÒ) u†kärnth’irunthïïr(ga¬) you had sat; you were sitting
uDkaRNtaR(kÒ) u†kärnthïär(ga¬) they sat uDkaRNçÃNtaR(kÒ) u†kärnth’irunthïär(ga¬) they had sat; they were sitting
uDkaRNtˆ u†kärnthïa√a they sat uDkaRNçÃNtˆ u†kärnth’irunthïa√a they had sat; they were sitting
Future Tense Future Perfect & Future Continuous
uDkaÃEv˜ u†käruvïë√ I’ll sit uDkaRNçÃPEp˜ u†kärnth’iruppïë√ I’ll have sat; I’ll be sitting
uDkaÃvaY u†käruvïäy you’ll sit uDkaRNçÃPpaY u†kärnth’iruppïäy you’ll have sat; you’ll be sitting
uDkaÃva˜ u†käruvïä√ he’ll sit uDkaRNçÃPpa˜ u†kärnth’iruppïä√ he’ll have sat; he’ll be sitting
uDkaÃvaÒ u†käruvïä¬ she’ll sit uDkaRNNçÃPpaÒ u†kärnth’iruppïä¬ she’ll have sat; she’ll be sitting
uDkaÃM u†kärïum it’ll sit uDkaRNçÃK¿M u†kärnth’irukkïum it’ll have sat; it’ll be sitting
uDkaÃEvaM u†käruvïöm we’ll sit uDkaRNçÃPEpaM u†kärnth’iruppïöm we’ll have sat; we’ll be sitting
uDkaÙR(kÒ) u†käruvïïr(ga¬) you’ll sit uDkaRNçÃPµR(kÒ) u†kärnth’iruppïïr(ga¬) you’ll have sat; you’ll be sitting
uDkaÃvaR(kÒ) u†käruvïär(ga¬) they’ll sit uDkaRNçÃPpaR(kÒ) u†kärnth’iruppïär(ga¬) they’ll have sat; they’ll be sitting
uDkaÃM u†kärïum they’ll sit uDkaRNçÃK¿M u†kärnth’irukkïum they’ll have sat; they’ll be sitting
uDkaÃtL u†kärathal uDkaÃwk1 u†kärugai uDkarL u†käral uDkaÃŒ1 u†käruvu 101
sitting (verbal noun) sitting (action) (v. noun) sitting (verbal noun) sitting (verbal noun)
uDkaRNt∆ u†kärnth’athu uDkaÃá®∆ u†kärugi∞’athu uDkaÃv∆ u†käruv’athu uDkaRNtaL u†kärnthäl
a (past) sitting (v. noun) a (present) sitting (v. noun) a (future) sitting (v. noun) (I-they) sit/sits-if (conditional)
uDkaraEt u†käräthë uDkara≥R(kÒ) u†käräthïr(ga¬) uDkarat u†kärätha uDkara∆ u†käräthu; uDkaramL u†kärämal
don’t (you) sit! (imp.) don’t (you) sit! (imp. pl.) non-sitting (neg. adj. part.) without sitting (neg. participle)
uDkarÉLwl u†käravillai uDkaEr˜2 u†kärë√ uDkarmaDEd˜ u†kära-m䆆ë√ uDkarawm u†kärämai; uDkarat∆ u†käräthathu
(I-they) didn’t sit (‘past’) I won’t sit (tenseless) I won’t sit (‘future’) non-sitting (neg. verbal nouns)
uDkaRNt∆ iLwl u†kärnthathu illai uDkaÃá®çLwl u†kärugi∞ath’illai uDkaÃv∆ iLwl u†käruvathu illai uDkaraÉDdaL u†kärävi††äl
(I-they) haven’t/hasn’t (ever) sat (I-they) don’t/doesn’t (ever) sit (I-they) won’t (ever) sit (I-they) don’t/doesn’t sit-if (conditional)
uDkaratv˜ u†käräth’ava√, a man who did not sit, does not sit, or will not sit (this and all the following are participial nouns)
uDkaRNtv˜ u†kärnth’ava√, he who sat; uDkaÃá®v˜ u†kärugi∞’ava√, he who sits; uDkaÃpv˜ u†kärub’ava√, he who will sit
uDkaratvÒ u†käräth’ava¬, a woman who did not sit, does not sit, or will not sit
uDkaRNtvÒ u†kärnth’ava¬, she who sat; uDkaÃá®vÒ u†kärugi∞’ava¬, she who sits; uDkaÃpvÒ u†kärub’ava¬, she who will sit
uDkarat∆ u†käräth’athu, an animal or thing which did not sit, does not sit, or will not sit
uDkaRNt∆ u†kärnth’athu, it which sat; uDkaÃá®∆ u†kärugi∞’athu, it which sits; uDkaÃv∆ u†käruv’athu, it which will sit
uDkaratvR(kÒ) u†käräth’avar(ga¬), people who did not sit, do not sit, or will not sit
uDkaRNtvR(kÒ) u†kärnth’avar(ga¬), they who sat; uDkaÃá®vR(kÒ) u†kärugi∞’avar(ga¬), they who sit; uDkaÃpvR(kÒ) u†kärub’avar(ga¬), °who’ll sit
uDkaratwv(kÒ) u†käräth’avai(ga¬), animals or things which did not sit, do not sit, or will not sit
uDkaRNtwv(kÒ) u†kärnth’avai(ga¬), they who sat; uDkaÃá®wv(kÒ) u†kärugi∞’avai(ga¬), they who sit; uDkaÃpwv(kÒ) u†kärub’avai(ga¬), °who’ll sit

Negative Compound Forms (the neg. participle uDkara∆ u†käräthu [dropping the ‘u’] + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru;
and the neg. participle uDkaramL u†kärämal + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru):
uDkaraçÃNEt˜ uDkaraçÃKáE®˜ uDkaraçÃPEp˜ uDkaraçÃNtaL
u†käräth’irunthë√ u†käräth’irukki∞ë√ u†käräth’iruppë√ u†käräth’irunthäl (conditional)
uDkaramL iÃNEt˜ uDkaramL iÃKáE®˜ uDkaramL iÃPEp˜ uDkaramL iÃNtaL
u†kärämal irunthë√ u†kärämal irukki∞ë√ u†kärämal iruppë√ u†kärämal irunthäl (conditional)
I hadn’t sat (past perf.) I haven’t sat (pres. perf.)1 I won’t have sat (f. perf.)1 (I-they) hadn’t sat-if
I wasn’t sitting I am not sitting I won’t be sitting (I-they) was/were not sitting-if
(past continuous) (present continuous) (future continuous) (I-they) don’t/doesn’t sit-if
1Not in common use today.
2See footnote 4 on page 3.
ekaÒ(‹) ko¬(¬u) (v.t.) ekaÒ‹ıkÒ ko¬¬u≥ga¬ ekaÒ¬ ko¬¬a ekaBƒ ko∫∂u 102
take (you)! (imperative s.) take (you)! (imper. plural) to take (infinitive) (having) taken (past participle)
ekaBd ko∫∂a (past adj. p.) ekaÒ(‹)á® ko¬(¬u)gi∞a (pres. adj. p.) ekaÒ‹M ko¬¬um (future adjectival participle)
(who, which) took (who, which) takes (who, which) will take
Present Tense Present Perfect & Present Continuous
ekaÒ(‹)áE®˜1 ko¬(¬u)gi∞ïë√ I take ekaBãÃKáE®˜ ko∫∂’irukki∞ïë√ I have taken; I am taking
ekaÒ‹á®aY ko¬¬ugirïäy you take ekaBãÃKá®aY ko∫∂’irukki∞ïäy you have taken; you are taking
ekaÒ‹á®a˜ ko¬¬ugi∞ïä√ he takes ekaBãÃKá®a˜ ko∫∂’irukki∞ïä√ he has taken; he is taking
ekaÒ‹á®aÒ ko¬¬ugi∞ïä¬ she sees ekaBãÃKá®aÒ ko∫∂’irukki∞ïä¬ she has taken; she is taking
ekaÒ‹á®∆ ko¬¬ugi∞ïathu it takes ekaBãÃKá®∆ ko∫∂’irukki∞ïathu it has taken; it is taking
ekaÒ‹áE®aM ko¬¬ugi∞ïöm we take ekaBãÃKáE®aM ko∫∂’irukki∞ïöm we have taken; we are taking
ekaÒ‹áΩR(kÒ) ko¬¬ugi∞ïïr(ga¬) you take ekaBãÃKáΩR(kÒ) ko∫∂’irukki∞ïïr(ga¬) you have taken; you are taking
ekaÒ‹á®aR(kÒ) ko¬¬ugi∞ïär(ga¬) they take ekaBãÃKá®aR(kÒ) ko∫∂’irukki∞ïär(ga¬) they’ve taken; they are taking
ekaҋᘮˆ ko¬¬ugi√∞ïa√a they take ekaBãÃKᘮˆ ko∫∂’irukki√∞ïa√a they’ve taken; they are taking

Past Tense Past Pefect & Past Continuous

ekaBEd˜ ko∫∂ïë√ I took ekaBãÃNEt˜ ko∫∂’irunthïë√ I had taken; I was taking
ekaBdaY ko∫∂ïäy you took ekaBãÃNtaY ko∫∂’irunthïäy you had taken; you were taking
ekaBda˜ ko∫∂ïä√ he took ekaBãÃNta˜ ko∫∂’irunthïä√ he had taken; he was taking
ekaBdaÒ ko∫∂ïä¬ she took ekaBãÃNtaÒ ko∫∂’irunthïä¬ she had taken; she was taking
ekaBd∆ ko∫∂ïathu it took ekaBãÃNt∆ ko∫∂’irunthïathu it had taken; it was taking
ekaBEdaM ko∫∂ïöm we took ekaBãÃNEtaM ko∫∂’irunthïöm we had taken; we were taking
ekaB±R(kÒ) ko∫∂ïïr(ga¬) you took ekaBãÃN≥(kÒ) ko∫∂’irunthïïr(ga¬) you had taken; you were taking
ekaBdaR(kÒ) ko∫∂ïär(ga¬) they took ekaBãÃNtaR(kÒ) ko∫∂’irunthïär(ga¬) they’d taken; they were taking
ekaBdˆ ko∫∂ïa√a they took ekaBãÃNtˆ ko∫∂’irunthïa√a they’d taken; they were taking

Future Tense Future Perfect & Future Continuous

ekaÒ(‹)Ev˜1 ko¬(¬u)vïë√ I’ll take ekaBãÃPEp˜ ko∫∂’iruppïë√ I’ll have taken; I’ll be taking
ekaÒ‹vaY ko¬¬uvïäy you’ll take ekaBãÃPpaY ko∫∂’iruppïäy you’ll ’ve taken; you’ll be taking
ekaÒ‹va˜ ko¬¬uvïä√ he’ll take ekaBãÃPpa˜ ko∫∂’iruppïä√ he’ll have taken; he’ll be taking
ekaÒ‹vaÒ ko¬¬uvïä¬ she’ll take ekaBãÃPpaÒ ko∫∂’iruppïä¬ she’ll ’ve taken; she’ll be taking
ekaÒ‹M ko¬¬ïum it’ll take ekaBãÃK¿M ko∫∂’irukkïum it’ll have taken; it’ll be taking
ekaÒ‹EvaM ko¬¬uvïöm we’ll see ekaBãÃPEpaM ko∫∂’iruppïöm we’ll have taken; we’ll be taking
ekaÒ‹™R(kÒ) ko¬¬uvïïr(ga¬) you’ll see ekaBãÃPµR(kÒ) ko∫∂’iruppïïr(ga¬) you’ll ’ve taken; you’ll be taking
ekaÒ‹vaR(kÒ) ko¬¬uvïär(ga¬) they’ll see ekaBãÃPpaR(kÒ) ko∫∂’iruppïär(ga¬) they’ll ’ve taken; they’ll be taking
ekaÒ‹M ko¬¬ïum they’ll see ekaBãÃK¿M ko∫∂’irukkïum they’ll ’ve taken; they’ll be taking
ekaÒ‹tL ko¬¬uthal ekaÒ‹wk ko¬¬ugai ekaÒ¬L ko¬¬al ekaÒ‹Œ ko¬¬uvu 103
taking (verbal noun) taking (action) (v. noun) taking (verbal noun) taking (verbal noun)
ekaBd∆ ko∫∂’athu ekaÒ(‹)á®∆ ko¬(¬u)gi∞’athu ekaÒ(‹)v∆ ko¬(¬u)v’athu ekaBdaL ko∫∂äl
a (past) taking (v. noun) a (present) taking (v. noun) a (future) taking (v. noun) (I-they) take/takes-if (conditional)
ekaÒ¬aEt ko¬¬äthë ekaÒ¬a≥R(kÒ) ko¬¬äthïr(ga¬) ekaÒ¬at ko¬¬ätha ekaÒ¬a∆ ko¬¬äthu; ekaÒ¬amL ko¬¬ämal
don’t (you) take! (imp.) don’t (you) take! (imp. pl.) non-taking (neg. adj. part.) without taking (neg. participle)
ekaÒ¬ÉLwl ko¬¬avillai ekaÒE¬˜ ko¬¬ë√
2 ekaÒ¬maDEd˜ ko¬¬a-m䆆ë√ ekaÒ¬awm ko¬¬ämai; ekaÒ¬at∆ ko¬¬äthathu
(I-they) didn’t take (‘past’) I won’t take (tenseless) I won’t take (‘future’) non-taking (neg. verbal nouns)
ekaBd∆ iLwl ko∫∂athu illai ekaÒ‹á®çLwl ko¬¬ugi∞ath’illai ekaÒ‹v∆ iLwl ko¬¬uvathu illai ekaÒ¬aÉDdaL ko¬¬ävi††äl
(I-they) haven’t/hasn’t (ever) taken (I-they) don’t/doesn’t (ever) take (I-they) won’t (ever) take (I-they) don’t/doesn’t take-if (conditional)
ekaÒ¬atv˜ ko¬¬äth’ava√, a man who did not take, does not take, or will not take (this and all the following are participial nouns)
ekaBdv˜ ko∫∂’ava√, he who took; ekaÒ‹á®v˜ ko¬¬ugi∞’ava√, he who takes; ekaÒ‹pv˜ ko¬¬ub’ava√, he who will take
ekaÒ¬atvÒ ko¬¬äth’ava¬, a woman who did not take, does not take, or will not take
ekaBdvÒ ko∫∂’ava¬, she who took; ekaÒ‹á®vÒ ko¬¬ugi∞’ava¬, she who takes; ekaÒ‹pvÒ ko¬¬ub’ava¬, she who will take
ekaÒ¬at∆ ko¬¬äth’athu, an animal or thing which did not take, does not take, or will not take
ekaBd∆ ko∫∂’athu, it which took; ekaÒ‹á®∆ ko¬¬ugi∞’athu, it which takes; ekaÒ‹p∆ ko¬¬ub’athu, it which will take
ekaÒ¬atvR(kÒ) ko¬¬äth’avar(ga¬), people who did not take, do not take, or will not take
ekaBdvR(kÒ) ko∫∂’avar(ga¬), they who took; ekaÒ‹á®vR(kÒ) ko¬¬ugi∞’avar(ga¬), they who take; ekaÒ‹pvR(kÒ) ko¬¬ub’avar(ga¬), they who’ll take
ekaÒ¬atwv(kÒ) ko¬¬äth’avai(ga¬), animals or things which did not take, do not take, or will not take
ekaBdwv(kÒ) ko∫∂’avai(ga¬), they who took; ekaÒ‹á®wv(kÒ) ko¬¬ugi∞’avai(ga¬), they who take; ekaÒ‹pwv(kÒ) ko¬¬ub’avai(ga¬), they who’ll take

Negative Compound Forms (the neg. participle ekaÒ¬a∆ ko¬¬äthu [dropping the ‘u’] + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru;
and the neg. participle ekaÒ¬amL ko¬¬ämal + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru):
ekaÒ¬açÃNEt˜ ekaÒ¬açÃKáE®˜ ekaÒ¬açÃPEp˜ ekaÒ¬açÃNtaL
ko¬¬äth’irunthë√ ko¬¬äth’irukki∞ë√ ko¬¬äth’iruppë√ ko¬¬äth’irunthäl (conditional)
ekaÒ¬amL iÃNEt˜ ekaÒ¬amL iÃKáE®˜ ekaÒ¬amL iÃPEp˜ ekaÒ¬amL iÃNtaL
ko¬¬ämal irunthë√ ko¬¬ämal irukki∞ë√ ko¬¬ämal iruppë√ ko¬¬ämal irunthäl (conditional)
I hadn’t taken (past perf.) I haven’t taken (pres. perf.)3 I won’t have taken (f. perf.)3 (I-they) hadn’t taken-if
I wasn’t taking I am not taking I won’t be taking (I-they) was/were not taking-if
(past continuous) (present continuous) (future continuous) (I-they) don’t/doesn’t take-if
1The more common spellings are ekaÒáE®˜ ko¬gi∞ïë√, etc., present tense, and ekaÒEv˜ ko¬vïë√, etc., future tense.
2See footnote 4 on page 3. 3Not in common use today.
ecL(Õ) sel(lu) (v.i.) ecLÕıkÒ sellu≥ga¬ ecLl sella ec˜› se√∞u 104
go (you)! (imperative s.) go (you)! (imperative pl.) to go (infinitive) (having) gone (past participle)
ec˜® se√∞a (past adj. p.) ecLÕá® sellugi∞a (pres. adj. p.) ecLÕM sellum (future adjectival participle)
(who, which) went (who, which) goes (who, which) will go
Present Tense Present Perfect & Present Continuous
ecLÕáE®˜ sellugi∞ïë√ I go ec˜óÃKáE®˜ se√∞’irukki∞ïë√ I have gone; I am going
ecLÕá®aY sellugi∞ïäy you go ec˜óÃKá®aY se√∞’irukki∞ïäy you have gone; you are going
ecLÕá®a˜ sellugi∞ïä√ he goes ec˜óÃKá®a˜ se√∞’irukki∞ïä√ he has gone; he is going
ecLÕá®aÒ sellugi∞ïä¬ she goes ec˜óÃKá®aÒ se√∞’irukki∞ïä¬ she has gone; she is going
ecLÕá®∆ sellugi∞ïathu it goes ec˜óÃKá®∆ se√∞’irukki∞ïathu it has gone; it is going
ecLÕáE®aM sellugi∞ïöm we go ec˜óÃKáE®aM se√∞’irukki∞ïöm we have gone; we are going
ecLÕáΩR(kÒ) sellugi∞ïïr(ga¬) you go ec˜óÃKáΩR(kÒ) se√∞’irukki∞ïïr(ga¬) you have gone; you are going
ecLÕá®aR(kÒ) sellugi∞ïär(ga¬) they go ec˜óÃKá®aR(kÒ) se√∞’irukki∞ïär(ga¬) they have gone; they are going
ecLÕᘮˆ sellugi√∞ïa√a they go ec˜óÃKᘮˆ se√∞’irukki√∞ïa√a they have gone; they are going
Past Tense Past Pefect & Past Continuous
ec˜E®˜ se√∞ïë√ I went ec˜óÃNEt˜ se√∞’irunthïë√ I had gone; I was going
ec˜®aY se√∞ïäy you went ec˜óÃNtaY se√∞’irunthïäy you had gone; you were going
ec˜®a˜ se√∞ïä√ he went ec˜óÃNta˜ se√∞’irunthïä√ he had gone; he was going
ec˜®aÒ se√∞ïä¬ she went ec˜óÃNtaÒ se√∞’irunthïä¬ she had gone; she was going
ec˜®∆ se√∞ïathu it went ec˜óÃNt∆ se√∞’irunthïathu it had gone; it was going
ec˜E®aM se√∞ïöm we went ec˜óÃNEtaM se√∞’irunthïöm we had gone; we were going
ec˜ΩR(kÒ) se√∞ïïr(ga¬) you went ec˜óÃN≥(kÒ) se√∞’irunthïïr(ga¬) you had gone; you were going
ec˜®aR(kÒ) se√∞ïär(ga¬) they went ec˜óÃNtaR(kÒ) se√∞’irunthïär(ga¬) they had gone; they were going
ec˜®ˆ se√∞ïa√a they went ec˜óÃNtˆ se√∞’irunthïa√a they had gone; they were going
Future Tense Future Perfect & Future Continuous
ecLÕEv˜ selluvïë√ I’ll go ec˜óÃPEp˜ se√∞’iruppïë√ I’ll have gone; I’ll be going
ecLÕvaY selluvïäy you’ll go ec˜óÃPpaY se√∞’iruppïäy you’ll have gone; you’ll be going
ecLÕva˜ selluvïä√ he’ll go ec˜óÃPpa˜ se√∞’iruppïä√ he’ll have gone; he’ll be going
ecLÕvaÒ selluvïä¬ she’ll go ec˜óÃPpaÒ se√∞’iruppïä¬ she’ll have gone; she’ll be going
ecLÕM sellïum it’ll go ec˜óÃK¿M se√∞’irukkïum it’ll have gone; it’ll be going
ecLÕEvaM selluvïöm we’ll go ec˜óÃPEpaM se√∞’iruppïöm we’ll have gone; we’ll be going
ecLÕ™R(kÒ) selluvïïr(ga¬) you’ll go ec˜óÃPµR(kÒ) se√∞’iruppïïr(ga¬) you’ll have gone; you’ll be going
ecLÕvaR(kÒ) selluvïär(ga¬) they’ll go ec˜óÃPpaR(kÒ) se√∞’iruppïär(ga¬) they’ll have gone; they’ll be going
ecLÕM sellïum they’ll go ec˜óÃK¿M se√∞’irukkïum they’ll have gone; they’ll be going
ecLÕtL selluthal ecLÕwk1 sellugai ecLlL sellal ecLÕŒ selluvu 105
going (verbal noun) going (v. noun) going (verbal noun) going (verbal noun)
ec˜®∆ se√∞’athu ecLÕá®∆ sellugi∞’athu ecLÕv∆ selluv’athu ec˜®aL se√∞äl
a (past) going (v. noun) a (present) going (v. noun) a (future) going (v. noun) (I-they) go/es-if (conditional)
ecLlaEt selläthë ecLla≥R(kÒ) selläthïr(ga¬) ecLlat sellätha ecLla∆ selläthu; ecLlamL sellämal
don’t (you) go! (imperative s.) don’t (you) go! (imperative pl.) non-going (neg. adj. part.) without going (neg. participle)
ecLlÉLwl sellavillai ecLEl˜2 sellë√ ecLlmaDEd˜ sella-m䆆ë√ ecLlawm sellämai; ecLlat∆ selläthathu
(I-they) didn’t go (‘past’) I won’t go (tenseless) I won’t go (‘future’) non-going (neg. verbal nouns)
ec˜®∆ iLwl se√∞athu illai ecLÕá®çLwl sellugi∞ath’illai ecLÕv∆ iLwl selluvathu illai ecLlaÉDdaL sellävi††äl
(I-they) didn’t (ever) go (I-they) don’t/doesn’t (ever) go (I-they) won’t (ever) go (I-they) don’t/doesn’t go-if (conditional)
ecLlatv˜ selläth’ava√, a man who didn’t go, doesn’t go, or won’t go (this and all the following are participial nouns)
ec˜®v˜ se√∞’ava√, he who went; ecLÕá®v˜ sellugi∞’ava√, he who goes; ecLÕpv˜ sellub’ava√, he who will go
ecLlatvÒ selläth’ava¬, a woman who didn’t go, doesn’t go, or won’t go
ec˜®vÒ se√∞’ava¬, she who went; ecLÕá®vÒ sellugi∞’ava¬, she who goes; ecLÕpvÒ sellub’ava¬, she who will go
ecLlat∆ selläth’athu, an animal or thing which didn’t go, doesn’t go, or won’t go
ec˜®∆ se√∞’athu, it which went; ecLÕá®∆ sellugi∞’athu, it which goes; ecLÕv∆ selluv’athu, it which will go
ecLlatvR(kÒ) selläth’avar(ga¬), people who didn’t go, don’t go, or won’t go
ec˜®vR(kÒ) se√∞’avar(ga¬), they who went; ecLÕá®vR(kÒ) sellugi∞’avar(ga¬), they who go; ecLÕpvR(kÒ) sellub’avar(ga¬), they who will go
ecLlatwv(kÒ) selläth’avai(ga¬), animals or things which didn’t go, don’t go, or won’t go
ec˜®wv(kÒ) se√∞’avai(ga¬), they who went; ecLÕá®wv(kÒ) sellugi∞’avai(ga¬); they who go; ecLÕpwv(kÒ) sellub’avai(ga¬), they who will go

Negative Compound Forms (the neg. participle ecLla∆ selläthu [dropping the ‘u’] + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru;
and the neg. participle ecLlamL sellämal + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru):
ecLlaçÃNEt˜ ecLlaçÃKáE®˜ ecLlaçÃPEp˜ ecLlaçÃNtaL
selläth’irunthë√ selläth’irukki∞ë√ selläth’iruppë√ selläth’irunthäl (conditional)
ecLlamL iÃNEt˜ ecLlamL iÃKáE®˜ ecLlamL iÃPEp˜ ecLlamL iÃNtaL
sellämal irunthë√ sellämal irukki∞ë√ sellämal iruppë√ sellämal irunthäl (conditional)
I hadn’t gone (past perf.) I haven’t gone (pres. perf.)1 I won’t have gone (f. perf.)1 (I-they) hadn’t gone-if
I wasn’t going I am not going I won’t be going (I-they) wasn’t/weren’t going-if
(past continuous) (present continuous) (future continuous) (I-they) don’t/doesn’t go-if
1Not in common use today.
2See footnote 4 on page 3.
va vä (v.i.) vaÃıkÒ väru≥ga¬ vr vara vN∆ vanthu 106
come (you)! (imperative sing.) come (you)! (imperative plural) to come (infinitive) (having) come (past participle)
vNt vantha (past adj. p.) vÃá® varugi∞a (pres. adj. p.) vÃM varum (future adjectival participle)
(who, which) came (who, which) comes (who, which) will come
Present Tense Present Perfect & Present Continuous
vÃáE®˜ varugi∞ïë√ I come vNçÃKáE®˜ vanth’irukki∞ïë√ I have come; I am coming
vÃá®aY varugi∞ïäy you come vNçÃKá®aY vanth’irukki∞ïäy you have come; you are coming
vÃá®a˜ varugi∞ïä√ he comes vNçÃKá®a˜ vanth’irukki∞ïä√ he has come; he is coming
vÃá®aÒ varugi∞ïä¬ she comes vNçÃKá®aÒ vanth’irukki∞ïä¬ she has come; she is coming
vÃá®∆ varugi∞ïathu it comes vNçÃKá®∆ vanth’irukki∞ïathu it has come; it is coming
vÃáE®aM varugi∞ïöm we come vNçÃKáE®aM vanth’irukki∞ïöm we have come; we are coming
vÃáΩR(kÒ) varugi∞ïïr(ga¬) you come vNçÃKáΩR(kÒ) vanth’irukki∞ïïr(ga¬) you have come; you are coming
vÃá®aR(kÒ) varugi∞ïär(ga¬) they come vNçÃKá®aR(kÒ) vanth’irukki∞ïär(ga¬) they have come; they are coming
vÃᘮˆ varugi√∞ïa√a they come vNçÃKᘮˆ vanth’irukki√∞ïa√a they have come; they are coming
Past Tense Past Pefect & Past Continuous
vNEt˜ vanthïë√ I came vNçÃNEt˜ vanth’irunthïë√ I had come; I was coming
vNtaY vanthïäy you came vNçÃNtaY vanth’irunthïäy you had come; you were coming
vNta˜ vanthïä√ he came vNçÃNta˜ vanth’irunthïä√ he had come; he was coming
vNtaÒ vanthïä¬ she came vNçÃNtaÒ vanth’irunthïä¬ she had come; she was coming
vNt∆ vanthïathu it came vNçÃNt∆ vanth’irunthïathu it had come; it was coming
vNEtaM vanthïöm we came vNçÃNEtaM vanth’irunthïöm we had come; we were coming
vN≥R(kÒ) vanthïïr(ga¬) you came vNçÃN≥(kÒ) vanth’irunthïïr(ga¬) you had come; you were coming
vNtaR(kÒ) vanthïär(ga¬) they came vNçÃNtaR(kÒ) vanth’irunthïär(ga¬) they had come; they were coming
vNtˆ vanthïa√a they came vNçÃNtˆ vanth’irunthïa√a they had come; they were coming
Future Tense Future Perfect & Future Continuous
vÃEv˜ varuvïë√ I’ll come vNçÃPEp˜ vanth’iruppïë√ I’ll have come; I’ll be coming
vÃvaY varuvïäy you’ll come vNçÃPpaY vanth’iruppïäy you’ll have come; you’ll be coming
vÃva˜ varuvïä√ he’ll come vNçÃPpa˜ vanth’iruppïä√ he’ll have come; he’ll be coming
vÃvaÒ varuvïä¬ she’ll come vNçÃPpaÒ vanth’iruppïä¬ she’ll have come; she’ll be coming
vÃM varïum it’ll come vNçÃK¿M vanth’irukkïum it’ll have come; it’ll be coming
vÃEvaM varuvïöm we’ll come vNçÃPEpaM vanth’iruppïöm we’ll have come; we’ll be coming
vÙR(kÒ) varuvïïr(ga¬) you’ll come vNçÃPµR(kÒ) vanth’iruppïïr(ga¬) you’ll have come; you’ll be coming
vÃvaR(kÒ) varuvïär(ga¬) they’ll come vNçÃPpaR(kÒ) vanth’iruppïär(ga¬) they’ll have come; they’ll be coming
vÃM varïum they’ll come vNçÃK¿M vanth’irukkïum they’ll have come; they’ll be coming
vÃtL varuthal vÃwk varugai vrL varal vrŒ varavu 107
coming (verbal noun) coming (action) (v. noun) coming (verbal noun) coming (verbal noun)
vNt∆ vanth’athu vÃá®∆ varugi∞’athu vÃv∆ varuv’athu vNtaL vanthäl
a (past) coming (v. noun) a (present) coming (v. noun) a (future) coming (v. noun) (I-they) come/comes-if (conditional)
vraEt varäthë vra≥R(kÒ) varäthïr(ga¬) vrat varätha vra∆ varäthu; vramL varämal
don’t (you) come! (imp.) don’t (you) come! (imp. pl.) non-coming (neg. adj. part.) without coming (neg. participle)
vrÉLwl varavillai vaEr˜1 värë√ vrmaDEd˜ vara-m䆆ë√ vrawm varämai; vrat∆ varäthathu
(I-they) didn’t come (‘past’) I won’t come (tenseless) I won’t come (‘future’) non-coming (neg. verbal nouns)
vNt∆ iLwl vanthathu illai vÃá®çLwl varugi∞ath’illai vÃv∆ iLwl varuvathu illai vraÉDdaL varävi††äl
(I-they) haven’t/hasn’t (ever) come (I-they) don’t/doesn’t (ever) come (I-they) won’t (ever) come (I-they) don’t/doesn’t come-if (conditional)
vratv˜ varäth’ava√, a man who did not come, does not come, or will not come (this and all the following are participial nouns)
vNtv˜ vanth’ava√, he who came; vÃá®v˜ varugi∞’ava√, he who comes; vÃpv˜ varub’ava√, he who will come
vratvÒ varäth’ava¬, a woman who did not come, does not come, or will not come
vNtvÒ vanth’ava¬, she who came; vÃá®vÒ varugi∞’ava¬, she who comes; vÃpvÒ varub’ava¬, she who will come
vrat∆ varäth’athu, an animal or thing which did not come, does not come, or will not come
vNt∆ vanth’athu, it which came; vÃá®∆ varugi∞’athu, it which comes; vÃv∆ varuv’athu, it which will come
vratvR(kÒ) varäth’avar(ga¬), people who did not come, do not come, or will not come
vNtvR(kÒ) vanth’avar(ga¬), they who came; vÃá®vR(kÒ) varugi∞’avar(ga¬), they who come; vÃpvR(kÒ) varub’avar(ga¬), they who’ll come
vratwv(kÒ) varäth’avai(ga¬), animals or things which did not come, do not come, or will not come
vNtwv(kÒ) vanth’avai(ga¬), they who came; vÃá®wv(kÒ) varugi∞’avai(ga¬), they who come; vÃpwv(kÒ) varub’avai(ga¬), they who’ll come

Negative Compound Forms (the neg. participle vra∆ varäthu [dropping the ‘u’] + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru;
and the neg. participle vramL varämal + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru):
vraçÃNEt˜ vraçÃKáE®˜ vraçÃPEp˜ vraçÃNtaL
varäth’irunthë√ varäth’irukki∞ë√ varäth’iruppë√ varäth’irunthäl (conditional)
vramL iÃNEt˜ vramL iÃKáE®˜ vramL iÃPEp˜ vramL iÃNtaL
varämal irunthë√ varämal irukki∞ë√ varämal iruppë√ varämal irunthäl (conditional)
I hadn’t come (past perf. ) I haven’t come (pres. perf.)2 I won’t have come (f. perf.)2 (I-they) hadn’t come-if
I wasn’t coming I am not coming I won’t be coming (I-they) was/were not coming-if
(past continuous) (present continuous) (future continuous) (I-they) don’t/doesn’t come-if
1See footnote 4 on page 3.
2Not in common use today.
Ev(¿) vë(gu) (v.i.) Ev¿ıkÒ vëgu≥ga¬ Evk vëga evN∆ venthu 108
heat up (you)! (imperative s.) heat up (you)! (imperative pl.) to heat up (infinitive) (having) heated up (past participle)
evNt ventha (past adj. p.) Evá® vëgi∞a (pres. adj. p.) Ev¿M vëgum (future adjectival participle)
(who, which) heated up (who, which) heats up (who, which) will heat up
Present Tense Present Perfect & Present Continuous
EváE®˜ vëgi∞ïë√ I heat up evNçÃKáE®˜ venth’irukki∞ïë√ I’ve heated up; I am heating up
Evá®aY vëgi∞ïäy you heat up evNçÃKá®aY venth’irukki∞ïäy you’ve heated up; you are heating up
Evá®a˜ vëgi∞ïä√ he heats up evNçÃKá®a˜ venth’irukki∞ïä√ he has heated up; he is heating up
Evá®aÒ vëgi∞ïä¬ she heats up evNçÃKá®aÒ venth’irukki∞ïä¬ she has heated up; she is heating up
Evá®∆ vëgi∞ïathu it heats up evNçÃKá®∆ venth’irukki∞ïathu it has heated up; it is heating up
EváE®aM vëgi∞ïöm we heat up evNçÃKáE®aM venth’irukki∞ïöm we’ve heated up; we are heating up
EváΩR(kÒ) vëgi∞ïïr(ga¬) you heat up evNçÃKáΩR(kÒ) venth’irukki∞ïïr(ga¬) you’ve heated up; you are heating up
Evá®aR(kÒ) vëgi∞ïär(ga¬) they heat up evNçÃKá®aR(kÒ) venth’irukki∞ïär(ga¬) they’ve heated up; they are heating up
Evᘮˆ vëgi√∞ïa√a they heat up evNçÃKᘮˆ venth’irukki√∞ïa√a they’ve heated up; they are heating up
Past Tense Past Pefect & Past Continuous
evNEt˜ venthïë√ I heated up evNçÃNEt˜ venth’irunthïë√ I had heated up; I was heating up
evNtaY venthïäy you heated up evNçÃNtaY venth’irunthïäy you had heated up; you were heating up
evNta˜ venthïä√ he heated up evNçÃNta˜ venth’irunthïä√ he had heated up; he was heating up
evNtaÒ venthïä¬ she heated up evNçÃNtaÒ venth’irunthïä¬ she had heated up; she was heating up
evNt∆ venthïathu it heated up evNçÃNt∆ venth’irunthïathu it had heated up; it was heating up
evNEtaM venthïöm we heated up evNçÃNEtaM venth’irunthïöm we had heated up; we were heating up
evN≥R(kÒ) venthïïr(ga¬) you heated up evNçÃN≥(kÒ) venth’irunthïïr(ga¬) you had heated up; you were heating up
evNtaR(kÒ) venthïär(ga¬) they heated up evNçÃNtaR(kÒ) venth’irunthïär(ga¬) they had heated up; °were heating up
evNtˆ venthïa√a they heated up evNçÃNtˆ venth’irunthïa√a they had heated up; °were heating up
Future Tense Future Perfect & Future Continuous
Ev¿Ev˜ vëguvïë√ I’ll heat up evNçÃPEp˜ venth’iruppïë√ I’ll have heated up; I’ll be heating up
Ev¿vaY vëguvïäy you’ll heat up evNçÃPpaY venth’iruppïäy you’ll ’ve heated up; you’ll be heating up
Ev¿va˜ vëguvïä√ he’ll heat up evNçÃPpa˜ venth’iruppïä√ he’ll ’ve heated up; he’ll be heating up
Ev¿vaÒ vëguvïä¬ she’ll heat up evNçÃPpaÒ venth’iruppïä¬ she’ll ’ve heated up; she’ll be heating up
Ev¿M vëgïum it’ll heat up evNçÃK¿M venth’irukkïum it’ll ’ve heated up; it’ll be heating up
Ev¿EvaM vëguvïöm we’ll heat up evNçÃPEpaM venth’iruppïöm we’ll have heated up; we’ll be heating up
Ev¿™R(kÒ) vëguvïïr(ga¬) you’ll heat up evNçÃPµR(kÒ) venth’iruppïïr(ga¬) you’ll ’ve heated up; you’ll be heating up
Ev¿vaR(kÒ) vëguvïär(ga¬) they’ll heat up evNçÃPpaR(kÒ) venth’iruppïär(ga¬) they’ll ’ve heated up; °be heating up
Ev¿M vëgïum they’ll heat up evNçÃK¿M venth’irukkïum they’ll ’ve heated up; °be heating up
Ev¿tL vëguthal Ev¿wk1 vëgugai EvkL vëgal Ev¿Œ1 vëguvu 109
heating up (verbal noun) heating up (action) (v. noun) heating up (verbal noun) heating up (verbal noun)
evNt∆ venth’athu Evá®∆ vëgi∞’athu Ev¿v∆ vëguv’athu evNtaL venthäl
a (past) heating (v. noun) a (present) heating (v. noun) a (future) heating (v. noun) (I-they) heat/s up-if (conditional)
EvkaEt vëgäthë Evka≥R(kÒ) vëgäthïr(ga¬) Evkat vëgätha Evka∆ vëgäthu; EvkamL vëgämal
don’t (you) heat up! (imp.) don’t (you) heat up! (imp. pl.) non-heating up (neg. adj. part.) without heating up (neg. participle)
EvkÉLwl vëgavillai EvEk˜2 vëgë√ EvkmaDEd˜ vëga-m䆆ë√ Evkawm vëgämai; Evkat∆ vëgäthathu
(I-they) didn’t heat up (‘past’) I won’t heat up (tenseless) I won’t heat up (‘future’) non-heated (neg. verbal nouns)
evNt∆ iLwl venthathu illai Evá®çLwl vëgi∞ath’illai Ev¿v∆ iLwl vëguvathu illai EvkaÉDdaL vëgävi††äl
(I-they) didn’t (ever) heat-up (I-they) don’t/doesn’t (ever) heat-up (I-they) won’t (ever) heat-up (I-they) don’t/doesn’t heat up-if (conditional)
Evkatv˜ vëgäth’ava√, a man who didn’t heat up, doesn’t heat up, or will not heat up (this and all the following are participial nouns)
evNtv˜ venth’ava√, he who heated up; Evá®v˜ vëgi∞’ava√, he who heats up; Ev¿pv˜ vëgub’ava√, he who will heat up
EvkatvÒ vëgäth’ava¬, a woman who didn’t heat up, doesn’t heat up, or will not heat up
evNtvÒ venth’ava¬, she who heated up; Evá®vÒ vëgi∞’ava¬, she who heats up; Ev¿pvÒ vëgub’ava¬, she who will heat up
Evkat∆ vëgäth’athu, an animal or thing which didn’t heat up, doesn’t heat up, or will not heat up
evNt∆ venth’athu, it which heated up; Evá®∆ vëgi∞’athu, it which heats up; Ev¿v∆ vëguv’athu, it which will heat up
EvkatvR(kÒ) vëgäth’avar(ga¬), people who didn’t heat up, don’t heat up, or will not heat up
evNtvR(kÒ) venth’avar(ga¬), they who heated up; Evá®vR(kÒ) vëgi∞’avar(ga¬), they who heat up; Ev¿pvR(kÒ) vëgub’avar(ga¬), they who’ll heat up
Evkatwv(kÒ) vëgäth’avai(ga¬), animals or things which didn’t heat up, don’t heat up, or will not heat up
evNtwv(kÒ) venth’avai(ga¬), they who heated up; Evá®wv(kÒ) vëgi∞’avai(ga¬), they who heat up; Ev¿pwv(kÒ) vëgub’avai(ga¬), they who’ll heat up

Negative Compound Forms (the neg. participle Evka∆ vëgäthu [dropping the ‘u’] + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru;
and the neg. participle EvkamL vëgämal + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru):
EvkaçÃNEt˜ EvkaçÃKáE®˜ EvkaçÃPEp˜ EvkaçÃNtaL
vëgäth’irunthë√ vëgäth’irukki∞ë√ vëgäth’iruppë√ vëgäth’irunthäl (conditional)
EvkamL iÃNEt˜ EvkamL iÃKáE®˜ EvkamL iÃPEp˜ EvkamL iÃNtaL
vëgämal irunthë√ vëgämal irukki∞ë√ vëgämal iruppë√ vëgämal irunthäl (conditional)
I hadn’t heated up (past perf.) I haven’t heated up (pres. perf.)1 I won’t heat up (f. perf.)1 (I-they) hadn’t heated up-if
I wasn’t heating up I am not heating up I won’t be heating up (I-they) wasn’t/weren’t heating up-if
(past continuous) (present continuous) (future continuous) (I-they) am not/aren’t/isn’t heating up-if
1Not in common use today.
2See footnote 4 on page 3.
å¤ aΩu (v.i.) å¤ıkÒ aΩu≥ga¬ åz aΩa å¤∆ aΩuthu 110
cry (you)! (imperative sing.) cry (you)! (imperative plural) to cry (infinitive) (having) cried (past participle)
å¤t aΩutha å¤á® aΩugi∞a å¤M aΩum
(who, which) cried (past adj. part.) (who, which) cries (pres. adj. p.) (who, which) will cry (future adjectival participle)
Present Tense Present Perfect & Present Continuous
å¤áE®˜ aΩugi∞ïë√ I cry å¤çÃKáE®˜ aΩuth’irukki∞ïë√ I have cried; I am crying
å¤á®aY aΩugi∞ïäy you cry å¤çÃKá®aY aΩuth’irukki∞ïäy you have cried; you are crying
å¤á®a˜ aΩugi∞ïä√ he cries å¤çÃKá®a˜ aΩuth’irukki∞ïä√ he has cried; he is crying
å¤á®aÒ aΩugi∞ïä¬ she cries å¤çÃKá®aÒ aΩuth’irukki∞ïä¬ she has cried; she is crying
å¤á®∆ aΩugi∞ïathu it cries å¤çÃKá®∆ aΩuth’irukki∞ïathu it has cried; it is crying
å¤áE®aM aΩugi∞ïöm we cry å¤çÃKá®aM aΩuth’irukki∞ïöm we have cried; we are crying
å¤áΩR(kÒ) aΩugi∞ïïr(ga¬) you cry å¤çÃKáΩR(kÒ) aΩuth’irukki∞ïïr(ga¬) you have cried; you are crying
å¤á®aR(kÒ) aΩugi∞ïär(ga¬) they cry å¤çÃKá®aR(kÒ) aΩuth’irukki∞ïär(ga¬) they’ve cried; they are crying
å¤á˜®ˆ aΩugi√∞ïa√a they cry å¤çÃKᘮˆ aΩuth’irukki√∞ïa√a they have cried; they are crying

Past Tense Past Pefect & Past Continuous

å¤Et˜ aΩuthïë√ I cried å¤çÃNEt˜ aΩuth’irunthïë√ I had cried; I was crying
å¤taY aΩuthïäy you cried å¤çÃNtaY aΩuth’irunthïäy you had cried; you were crying
å¤ta˜ aΩuthïä√ he cried å¤çÃNta˜ aΩuth’irunthïä√ he had cried; he was crying
å¤taÒ aΩuthïä¬ she cried å¤çÃNtaÒ aΩuth’irunthïä¬ she had cried; she was crying
å¤t∆ aΩuthïathu it cried å¤çÃNt∆ aΩuth’irunthïathu it had cried; it was crying
å¤EtaM aΩuthïöm we cried å¤çÃNEtaM aΩuth’irunthïöm we had cried; we were crying
å¤≥R(kÒ) aΩuthïïr(ga¬) you cried å¤çÃN≥(kÒ) aΩuth’irunthïïr(ga¬) you had cried; you were crying
å¤taR(kÒ) aΩuthïär(ga¬) they cried å¤çÃNtaR(kÒ) aΩuth’irunthïär(ga¬) they’d cried; they were crying
å¤tˆ aΩuthïa√a they cried å¤çÃNtˆ aΩuth’irunthïa√a they had cried; they were crying

Future Tense Future Perfect & Future Continuous

å¤Ev˜ aΩuvïë√ I’ll cry å¤çÃPEp˜ aΩuth’iruppïë√ I’ll have cried; I’ll be crying
å¤vaY aΩuvïäy you’ll cry å¤çÃPpaY aΩuth’iruppïäy you’ll have cried; you’ll be crying
å¤va˜ aΩuvïä√ he’ll cry å¤çÃPpa˜ aΩuth’iruppïä√ he’ll have cried; he’ll be crying
å¤vaÒ aΩuvïä¬ she’ll cry å¤çÃPpaÒ aΩuth’iruppïä¬ she’ll have cried; she’ll be crying
å¤M aΩïum it’ll cry å¤çÃK¿M aΩuth’iruppïum it’ll have cried; it’ll be crying
å¤EvaM aΩuvïöm we’ll cry å¤çÃPEpaM aΩuth’iruppïöm we’ll have cried; we’ll be crying
夙R(kÒ) aΩuvïïr(ga¬) you’ll cry å¤çÃPµR(kÒ) aΩuth’iruppïïr(ga¬) you’ll have cried; you’ll be crying
å¤vaR(kÒ) aΩuvïär(ga¬) they’ll cry å¤çÃPpaR(kÒ) aΩuth’iruppïär(ga¬) they’ll have cried; they’ll be crying
å¤M aΩïum they’ll cry å¤çÃK¿M aΩuth’iruppïum they’ll have cried; they’ll be crying
å¤tL aΩuthal å¤wk aΩugai åzL aΩal 夌 aΩuvu 111
crying (verbal noun) crying (action) (verbal noun) crying (action) (verbal noun) crying (verbal noun)
å¤t∆ aΩuth’athu å¤á®∆ aΩugi∞’athu å¤v∆ aΩuv’athu å¤taL aΩuthäl
a (past) crying (verbal noun) a (present) crying (verbal noun) a (future) crying (verbal noun) (I-they) cry/cries-if (conditional)
åzaEt aΩäthë åza≥R(kÒ) aΩäthïr(ga¬) åzat aΩätha åza∆ aΩäthu; åzamL aΩämal
don’t (you) cry! (imper. sing.) don’t (you) cry! (imper. plural) non-crying (neg. adj. part.) without crying (neg. participle)
åzÉLwl aΩavillai åEz˜1 aΩë√ åzmaDEd˜ aΩa-m䆆ë√ åzawm aΩämai; åzat∆ aΩäthathu
(I-they) didn’t cry (‘past’) I won’t cry (etc.) (tenseless neg.) I won’t cry (etc.) (‘future’) non-crying (neg. verbal nouns)
å¤t∆ iLwl aΩuthathu illai å¤á®çLwl aΩugi∞ath’illai å¤v∆ iLwl aΩuvathu illai åzaÉDdaL aΩävi††äl
(I-they) haven’t/hasn’t (ever) cried (I-they) don’t/doesn’t (ever) cry (I-they) won’t (ever) cry (I-they) don’t/doesn’t cry-if (conditional)
åzatv˜ aΩäth’ava√, a man who did not cry, does not cry, or will not cry (all of these are participial nouns)
å¤tv˜ aΩuth’ava√, he who cried; å¤á®v˜ aΩugi∞’ava√, he who cries; å¤pv˜ aΩub’ava√, he who will cry
åzatvÒ aΩäth’ava¬, a woman who did not cry, does not cry, or will not cry
å¤tvÒ aΩuth’ava¬, she who cried; å¤á®vÒ aΩugi∞’ava¬, she who cries; å¤pvÒ aΩub’ava¬, she who will cry
åzat∆ aΩäth’athu, an animal or thing which did not cry, does not cry, or will not cry
å¤t∆ aΩuth’athu, it which cried; å¤á®∆ aΩugi∞’athu, it which cries; å¤v∆ aΩuv’athu, it which will cry
åzatvR(kÒ) aΩäth’avar(ga¬), people who did not cry, do not cry, or will not cry
å¤tvR(kÒ) aΩuth’avar(ga¬), they who cried; å¤á®vR(kÒ) aΩugi∞’avar(ga¬), they who cry; å¤pvR(kÒ) aΩub’avar(ga¬), they who will cry
åzatwv(kÒ) aΩäth’avai(ga¬), animals or things which did not cry, do not cry, or will not cry
å¤twv(kÒ) aΩuth’avai(ga¬), they who cried; å¤á®wv(kÒ) aΩugi∞’avai(ga¬), they who cry; å¤pwv(kÒ) aΩub’avai(ga¬), they who will cry

Negative Compound Forms (the neg. participle åza∆ aΩäthu [dropping the ‘u’] + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru;
and the neg. participle åzamL aΩämal + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru):
åzaçÃNEt˜ åzaçÃKáE®˜ åzaçÃPEp˜ åzaçÃNtaL
aΩäth’irunthë√ aΩäth’irukki∞ë√ aΩäth’iruppë√ aΩäth’irunthäl (conditional)
åzamL iÃNEt˜ åzamL iÃKáE®˜ åzamL iÃPEp˜ åzamL iÃNtaL
aΩämal irunthë√ aΩämal irukki∞ë√ aΩämal iruppë√ aΩämal irunthäl (conditional)
I hadn’t cried (past perfect) I haven’t cried (pres. perf.)2 I won’t have cried (f. perf.)2 (I-they) hadn’t cried-if//don’t/doesn’t cry-if
I wasn’t crying I am not crying I won’t be crying (I-they) was/were not crying-if
(past continuous) (present continuous) (future continuous) (I-they) don’t/doesn’t cry-if
1See footnote 4 on page 3.
2Not in common use today.
ecY sey ecYÀıkÒ seyyu≥ga¬ ecYy seyya ecY∆ seythu 112
do (you)! (imperative sing.) do (you)! (imperative plural) to do (infinitive) (having) done (past participle)
ecYt seytha ecYá® seygi∞a ecYÀM seyyum
(who, which) did (past adj. part.) (who, which) does (pres. adj. p.) (who, which) will do (future adjectival participle)
Present Tense Present Perfect & Present Continuous
ecYáE®˜ seygi∞ïë√ I do ecYçÃKáE®˜ seyth’irukki∞ïë√ I have done; I am doing
ecYá®aY seygi∞ïäy you do ecYçÃKá®aY seyth’irukki∞ïäy you have done; you are doing
ecYá®a˜ seygi∞ïä√ he does ecYçÃKá®a˜ seyth’irukki∞ïä√ he has done; he is doing
ecYá®aÒ seygi∞ïä¬ she does ecYçÃKá®aÒ seyth’irukki∞ïä¬ she has done; she is doing
ecYá®∆ seygi∞ïathu it does ecYçÃKá®∆ seyth’irukki∞ïathu it has done; it is doing
ecYáE®aM seygi∞ïöm we do ecYçÃKáE®aM seyth’irukki∞ïöm we have done; we are doing
ecYáΩR(kÒ) seygi∞ïïr(ga¬) you do ecYçÃKáΩR(kÒ) seyth’irukki∞ïïr(ga¬) you have done; you are doing
ecYá®aR(kÒ) seygi∞ïär(ga¬) they do ecYçÃKá®aR(kÒ) seyth’irukki∞ïär(ga¬) they have done; they are doing
ecYᘮˆ seygi√∞ïa√a they do ecYçÃKᘮˆ seyth’irukki√∞ïa√a they have done; they are doing

Past Tense Past Pefect & Past Continuous

ecYEt˜ seythïë√ I did ecYçÃNEt˜ seyth’irunthïë√ I had done; I was doing
ecYtaY seythïäy you did ecYçÃNtaY seyth’irunthïäy you had done; you were doing
ecYta˜ seythïä√ he did ecYçÃNta˜ seyth’irunthïä√ he had done; he was doing
ecYtaÒ seythïä¬ she did ecYçÃNtaÒ seyth’irunthïä¬ she had done; she was doing
ecYt∆ seythïathu it did ecYçÃNt∆ seyth’irunthïathu it had done; it was doing
ecYEtaM seythïöm we did ecYçÃNEtaM seyth’irunthïöm we had done; we were doing
ecY≥R(kÒ) seythïïr(ga¬) you did ecYçÃN≥(kÒ) seyth’irunthïïr(ga¬) you had done; you were doing
ecYtaR(kÒ) seythïär(ga¬) they did ecYçÃNtaR(kÒ) seyth’irunthïär(ga¬) they had done; they were doing
ecYtˆ seythïa√a they did ecYçÃNtˆ seyth’irunthïa√a they had done; they were doing

Future Tense Future Perfect & Future Continuous

ecYEv˜ seyvïë√ I’ll do ecYçÃPEp˜ seyth’iruppïë√ I’ll have done; I’ll be doing
ecYvaY seyvïäy you’ll do ecYçÃPpaY seyth’iruppïäy you’ll have done; you’ll be doing
ecYva˜ seyvïä√ he’ll do ecYçÃPpa˜ seyth’iruppïä√ he’ll have done; he’ll be doing
ecYvaÒ seyvïä¬ she’ll do ecYçÃPpaÒ seyth’iruppïä¬ she’ll have done; she’ll be doing
ecYÀM seyyïum it’ll do ecYçÃK¿M seyth’irukkïum it’ll have done; it’ll be doing
ecYEvaM seyvïöm we’ll do ecYçÃPEpaM seyth’iruppïöm we’ll have done; we’ll be doing
ecY™R(kÒ) seyvïïr(ga¬) you’ll do ecYçÃPµR(kÒ) seyth’iruppïïr(ga¬) you’ll have done; you’ll be doing
ecYvaR(kÒ) seyvïär(ga¬) they’ll do ecYçÃPpaR(kÒ) seyth’iruppïär(ga¬) they’ll have done; they’ll be doing
ecYÀM seyyïum they’ll do ecYçÃK¿M seyth’irukkïum they’ll have done; they’ll be doing
ecYtL seythal ecYwk seygai ecYyL seyyal ecYŒ1 seyvu 113
doing (verbal noun) doing (action) (verbal noun) doing (action) (verbal noun) doing (verbal noun)
ecYt∆ seyth’athu ecYá®∆ seygi∞’athu ecYv∆ seyv’athu ecYtaL seythäl
a (past) doing (verbal noun) a (present) doing (verbal noun) a (future) doing (verbal noun) (I-they) do/does-if (conditional)
ecYyaEt seyyäthë ecYya≥R(kÒ) seyyäthïr(ga¬) ecYyat seyyätha ecYya∆ seyyäthu; ecYyamL seyyämal
don’t (you) do! (imper. sing.) don’t (you) do! (imper. plural) non-doing (neg. adj. part.) without doing (neg. participle)
ecYyÉLwl seyyavillai ecYEy˜2 seyyë√ ecYymaDEd˜ seyya-m䆆ë√ ecYyawm seyyämai; ecYyat∆ seyyäthathu
(I-they) didn’t do (‘past’) I won’t do (etc.) (tenseless neg.) I won’t do (etc.) (‘future’) non-doing (neg. verbal nouns)
ecYt∆ iLwl seythathu illai ecYá®çLwl seygi∞ath’illai ecYv∆ iLwl seyvathu illai ecYyaÉDdaL seyyävi††äl
(I-they) haven’t/hasn’t (ever) done (I-they) don’t/doesn’t (ever) do (I-they) won’t (ever) do (I-they) don’t/doesn’t do-if (conditional)
ecYyatv˜ seyyäth’ava√, a man who did not do, does not do, or will not do (all of these are participial nouns)
ecYtv˜ seyth’ava√, he who did; ecYá®v˜ seygi∞’ava√, he who does; ecYpv˜ seyb’ava√, he who will do
ecYyatvÒ seyyäth’ava¬, a woman who did not do, does not do, or will not do
ecYtvÒ seyth’ava¬, she who did; ecYá®vÒ seygi∞’ava¬, she who does; ecYpvÒ seyb’ava¬, she who will do
ecYyat∆ seyyäth’athu, an animal or thing which did not do, does not do, or will not do
ecYt∆ seyth’athu, it which did; ecYá®∆ seygi∞’athu, it which does; ecYv∆ seyv’athu, it which will do
ecYyatvR(kÒ) seyyäth’avar(ga¬), people who did not do, do not do, or will not do
ecYtvR(kÒ) seyth’avar(ga¬), they who did; ecYá®vR(kÒ) seygi∞’avar(ga¬), they who do; ecYpvR(kÒ) seyb’avar(ga¬), they who will do
ecYyatwv(kÒ) seyyäth’avai(ga¬), animals or things which did not do, do not do, or will not do
ecYtwv(kÒ) seyth’avai(ga¬), they who did; ecYá®wv(kÒ) seygi∞’avai(ga¬), they who do; ecYpwv(kÒ) seyb’avai(ga¬), they who will do

Negative Compound Forms (the neg. participle ecYya∆ seyyäthu [dropping the ‘u’] + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru;
and the neg. participle ecYyamL seyyämal + past, present, & future of the verb ‘to be / to have’, ià iru):
ecYyaçÃNEt˜ ecYyaçÃKáE®˜ ecYyaçÃPEp˜ ecYyaçÃNtaL
seyyäth’irunthë√ seyyäth’irukki∞ë√ seyyäth’iruppë√ seyyäth’irunthäl (conditional)
ecYyamL iÃNEt˜ ecYyamL iÃKáE®˜ ecYyamL iÃPEp˜ ecYyamL iÃNtaL
seyyämal irunthë√ seyyämal irukki∞ë√ seyyämal iruppë√ seyyämal irunthäl (conditional)
I hadn’t done (past perfect) I haven’t done (pres. perf.)1 I won’t have done (f. perf.)1 (I-they) hadn’t done-if//don’t/doesn’t do-if
I wasn’t doing I am not doing I won’t be doing (I-they) was/were not doing-if
(past continuous) (present continuous) (future continuous) (I-they) don’t/doesn’t do-if
1Not in common use today.
2See footnote 4 on page 3.
A New Classification of Tamil Verbs:
Two Families; Identical and Fraternal Twins
The Tamil Affirmative Verb includes:
The Imperative (which is usually identical in form with the verb’s root);
The three Tenses: Present, Past, and Future; and
The Participles, including the Infinitive.
Verbs of the Present, Past, or Future tenses are usually the most important part of any Tamil
sentence. All the clauses in a sentence lead up to the Indicative Present, Past, or Future, which verb contains
the essence of the statement or question conveyed in the sentence.
Verbs of the Present, Past, and Future Tense are called, in Tamil, Éwˆ…‰› (vi√aimu∞∞u), i.e.,
‘Complete Verbs’ – verbs which indicate time (Tense) and agent (Person), and thus can form complete
sentences in themselves. These Complete Verbs are, therefore, appropriately, called ‘Indicative’ in Tamil,
etíéwl Éwˆ…‰› (therinilai vi√aimu∞∞u), i.e., ‘[Time & Person]-State indicating Complete Verbs’.
The three Tenses are called …KkalM (mu-k-kälam), i.e., the ‘Three Times’:
1) ékZkalM (nigaΩ-kälam) = Present Time;
2) i®NtkalM (i∞antha-kälam) = Past Time;
3) ¶çRkalM (ethir-kälam) = Future Time.
All Tamil verbs in the Present, Past, and Future Tenses are formed of three parts or segments. The
first part is the Root which is pregnant with the basic meaning of a particular verb. The middle part, the
Infix, indicates the Tense (the Time: Present, Past, or Future). The third part, the Suffix, is the pronominal
ending which is derived from the personal pronouns. The pronominal endings correspond to the person or
persons, thing or things, which are the Subject of the Verb.
The Infix of the Present Tense takes three forms:
1. The strong: -Ká‰- (-kki∞-), as in åwcKáE®˜ (asai-kki∞-ë√), I move (sth), or
-á‰- (-ki∞-), as in EkDáE®˜ (kë†-ki∞-ë√), I ask.
2. The middling -á‰- (-gi∞-), as in uBáE®˜ (u∫-gi∞-ë√), I eat. [ordinary g sound, after nasal]
3. The weak: -á‰- (-gi∞-), as in vÃáE®˜ (varu-gi∞-ë√), I come. [fricative g sound, intervocalic]
The Infix of the Past Tense takes three main forms:
1. The strong: -TT- (-tth-), as in åwcTEt˜ (asai-tth-ë√), I moved (sth).
2. The middling: -NT- (-nth-), as in vNEt˜ (va-nth-ë√), I came.
3. The weak: -i˜- (-i√-), as in OãEˆ˜ ($ö∂-i√-ë√), I ran.
The Infix of the Future Tense takes three forms:
1. The strong: -PP- (-pp-), as in åwcPEp˜ (asai-pp-ë√), I will move (sth) or
-P- (-p-), as in é‰Ep˜ (ni∞-p-ë√), I will stop.
2. The middling: -P- (-b-), as in uBEp˜ (u∫-b-ë√), I will eat.
3. The weak: -V- (-v-), as in vÃEv˜ (varu-v-ë√), I will come.
With one major exception (in the Fut. 3rd Pers. Neut., both sing. and pl., of all indicative verbs)
and another one based on euphony (noted in brackets, below), the Suffixes are the same in all three Tenses:
•ë√ •öm
•$äy •ï∞(ga¬)
•$ä√ •är(ga¬)
•athu •a√a [•a in the past tense only of the ‘I’-Family verbs]

– 114 –

na˜ paRKáE®˜ naıkÒ paRKáE®aM

nä√ pär-kki∞•ë√ nä≥ga¬ pär-kki∞•öm
I look-do•I [I look] we look-do•we [we look]

¥ paRKá®aY ¥ıkÒ paRKáΩR(kÒ)

nï pär-kki∞•äy nï≥ga¬ pär-kki∞•ïr(ga¬)
you look-do•you you look-do•you

åv˜ paRKá®a˜
ava√ pär-kki∞•ä√
he look-does•he åvR(kÒ) paRKá®aR(kÒ)
avar(ga¬) pär-kki∞•är(ga¬)
åvÒ paRKá®aÒ they look-do•they
ava¬ pär-kki∞•ä¬
she look-does•she

å∆ paRKá®∆ åwv(kÒ) paRKᘮˆ

athu pär-kki∞•athu avai(ga¬) pär-kki√∞•a√a
it look-does•it they look-do•they

– 115 –

na˜ paRTEt˜ naıkÒ paRTEtaM

nä√ pär-tth•ë√ nä≥ga¬ pär-tth•öm
I look-did•I [I looked] we look-did•we [we looked]

¥ paRTtaY ¥ıkÒ paRT≥R(kÒ)

nï pär-tth•äy nï≥ga¬ pär-tth•ïr(ga¬)
you look-did•you you look-did•you

åv˜ paRTta˜
ava√ pär-tth•ä√
he look-did•he åvR(kÒ) paRTtaR(kÒ)
avar(ga¬) pär-tth•är(ga¬)
åvÒ paRTtaÒ they look-did•they
ava¬ pär-tth•ä¬
she look-did•she

å∆ paRTt∆ åwv(kÒ) paRTt∆

athu pär-tth•athu avai(ga¬) pär-tth•a√a
it look-did•it they look-did•they

– 116 –

na˜ paRPEp˜ naıkÒ paRPEpaM

nä√ pär-pp•ë√ nä≥ga¬ pär-pp•öm
I look-will•I [I’ll look] you look-will•you

¥ paRPpaY ¥ıkÒ paRPµR(kÒ)

nï pär-pp•äy nï≥ga¬ pär-pp•ïr(ga¬)
you look-will•you you look-will•you

åv˜ paRPpa˜
ava√ pär-pp•ä√
he look-will•he åvR(kÒ) paRPpaR(kÒ)
avar(ga¬) pär-pp•är(ga¬)
åvÒ paRPpaÒ they look-will•they
ava¬ pär-pp•ä¬
she look-will•she

å∆ paRK¿M åwv(kÒ) paRK¿M

athu pärkk•um* avai(ga¬) pärkk•um*
it look- will they look- will


*There are two striking anomalies in every verb’s Future Tense.

First, in the singular and plural form of the third person, neuter, there is no ‘Time-indicating’ Infix!
Second, the pronominal endings, in both the singular and plural forms of the third person, neuter, have
been replaced by -um – which suffix does not have a recognizable relation to any pronoun! In fact,
the future neuter of any Tamil verb is identical in both its singular and plural form and has only two
parts or segments:
Its Infinitive form (minus the final ‘a’) + the Suffix ‘um’.
Our example, above: pärkk•um.

– 117 –
The chief aid in learning to conjugate verbs is usually found in some system of verb classification.
With Tamil verbs, the Infix is the element which varies, and thus this variation provides the basis of
classification. (In contrast, the Suffixes [the pronominal endings] do not vary.)
Phonetic Strength (or Lack of It) as Indicators of a Verb’s Transitivity (or Intransitivity)
1. Variation in the Phonetic Strength of Verb Infixes
We have already roughly characterized the Infix as varying in phonetic strength from ‘strong’ to
‘middling’ to ‘weak’. Every indicative verb has three infixes: those of its Present, Past, and Future tense.
These variations in the Infix not only allow grammarians to categorize Tamil verbs and to build up systems
of classification, but very often a verb’s phonetic strength (or lack of it) indicates whether that verb is
transitive or intransitive (plosive strength very often indicating transitivity; weaker infixes very often
indicating intransitivity). In fact, there is one group of verbs where the cumulative phonetic strength of the
three (present, past, and future) infixes of a particular verb will positively indicate its transitivity or
intransitivity. This group is composed of pairs of verbs which have identical roots. Because the twins of
each pair, in this group, have the same, identical root, we shall call them ‘identical’ twins. But each twin
differs from the other in the phonetic strength of its three infixes. With these twins, the one which,
cumulatively, has the phonetically stronger infixes is the transitive verb. The one with the weaker infixes
is intransitive. Consider, for example, the following three pairs of verbs with ‘identical’ twin roots:
Root (& infinitive, past participle) Present Past Future
åwc (åwcKk, åwcT∆) (v.t.) åwcKáE®˜ åwcTEt˜ åwcPEp˜
asai (asaikka, asaitthu) – move (sth.) asai-kki∞-ë√ asai-tth-ë√ asai-pp-ë√
åwc (åwcy, åwcN∆) (v.i.) åwcáE®˜ åwcNEt˜ åwcEv˜
asai (asaiya, asainthu) – move asai-gi∞-ë√ asai-nth-ë√ asai-v-ë√
taZ (taZKk, taZT∆) (v.t.) taZKáE®˜ taZTEt˜ taZPEp˜
thäΩ (thäΩkka, thäΩtthu) – humiliate thäΩ-kki∞-ë√ thäΩ-tth-ë√ thäΩ-pp-ë√
taZ (taz, taZN∆) (v.i.) taZáE®˜ taZNEt˜ taZEv˜
thäΩ (thäΩa, thäΩntha) – be humiliated thäΩ-gi∞-ë√ thäΩ-nth-ë√ thäΩ-v-ë√
ekƒ (ekƒKk, ekƒT∆) (v.t.) ekƒKáE®˜ ekƒTEt˜ ekƒPEp˜
ke∂u (ke∂ukka, ke∂utthu) – spoil ke∂u-kki∞-ë√ ke∂u-tth-ë√ ke∂u-pp-ë√
ekƒ (ekd, ekDƒ) (v.i.) ekƒáE®˜ ekDEd˜ ekƒEv˜
ke∂u (ke∂a, ke††u) – be spoiled ke∂u-gi∞-ë√ ke†-†-ë√ ke∂u-v-ë√
The twins of this first group, along with a majority of non-twin Tamil verbs, have past participles
which end in ‘u’. We therefore classify all of them as belonging to what we shall call the ‘U’-Family. The
past participles of the above six verbs are: asaitthu, asainthu; thäΩtthu, thäΩnthu; ke∂utthu, ke††u.

– 118 –
2. Variation in the Phonetic Strength of a Verb’s Root
There is a second group of twin verbs, all of which belong to the ‘I’-Family (the Family of verbs
whose past participles all end in ‘i’). The twins of this Family are pairs of verbs which have ‘fraternal’ or
‘non-identical’ roots. In a given pair of these twins, one of them has a phonetically strong form of their
common root and is transitive. The other twin has a weakened form of their common root and is
intransitive. As all verbs of the ‘I’-Family – both transitive and intransitive – have only one form of
conjugation, these verbs with ‘fraternal’ or ‘non-identical’ twin roots have an ‘identical’ form of conjugation,
and therefore have the same infixes (whereas, the verbs with ‘identical’ twin roots of the ‘U’-Family have
‘non-identical’ forms of conjugation and therefore have different infixes!).
We present, as examples, the following four pairs of ‘I’-Family verbs with non-identical twin roots:

Root (& infinitive, past participle) Present Past Future

ådK¿ (ådKk, ådKá) (v.t.) ådK¿áE®˜ ådKáEˆ˜ ådK¿Ev˜
a∂akku (a∂akka, a∂akki) – control a∂akku-gi∞-ë√ a∂akk’-i√-ë√ a∂akku-v-ë√
ådı¿ (ådık, ådıá) (v.i.) ådı¿áE®˜ ådıáEˆ˜ ådı¿Ev˜
a∂a≥gu (a∂a≥ga, a∂a≥gi) – obey a∂a≥gu-gi∞-ë√ a∂a≥g’-i√-ë√ a∂a≥gu-v-ë√
AK¿ (AKk, AKá) (v.t.) AK¿áE®˜ AKáEˆ˜ AK¿Ev˜
äkku (äkka, äkki) – create äkku-gi∞-ë√ äkk’-i√-ë√ äkku-v-ë√
A¿ (Ak, Aá) (v.i.) A¿áE®˜ AáEˆ˜ A¿Ev˜
ägu (äga, ägi) – become ägu-gi∞-ë√ äg’-i√-ë√ ägu-v-ë√
i®K¿ (i®Kk, i®Ká) (v.t.) i®K¿áE®˜ i®KáEˆ˜ i®K¿Ev˜
i∞akku (i∞akka, i∞akki) – bring down i∞akku-gi∞-ë√ i∞akk’-i√-ë√ i∞akku-v-ë√
i®ı¿ (i®ık, i®ıá) (v.i.) i®ı¿áE®˜ i®ıáEˆ˜ i®ı¿Ev˜
i∞a≥gu (i∞a≥ga, i∞a≥gi) – get down i∞a≥gu-gi∞-ë√ i∞a≥g’-i√-ë√ i∞a≥gu-v-ë√
¶¤P» (¶¤Pp, ¶¤Pè) (v.t.) ¶¤P»áE®˜ ¶¤PèEˆ˜ ¶¤P»Ev˜
eΩuppu (eΩuppa, eΩuppi) – make get up eΩuppu-gi∞-ë√ eΩupp’-i√-ë√ eΩuppu-v-ë√
¶¤M» (¶¤Mp, ¶¤Mè) (v.i.) ¶¤M»áE®˜ ¶¤MèEˆ˜ ¶¤M»Ev˜
eΩumbu (eΩumba, eΩumbi) – rise up eΩumbu-gi∞-ë√ eΩumb’-i√-ë√ eΩumbu-v-ë√

All Tamil indicative verbs belong either to the ‘U’-Family or to the ‘I’-Family.
The twin verbs of this second group are so exceptional that they and their non-twin siblings, also
similarly conjugated, have been classified by us as a separate Family. As we have said above, this Family
of verbs is distinguished by the form of their past participles, which always end in ‘i’. The past participles
of the eight verbs, listed above, are: a∂akki, a∂a≥gi; äkki, ägi; i∞akki, i∞a≥gi; eΩuppi, eΩumbi.

– 119 –
Formation of the Infinitive
There is another peculiarity of the ‘I’-Family verbs. All the roots of the ‘I’-Family verbs end in
‘u’ – and with every single one of these verbs, its infinitive is formed by dropping the final ‘u’ of its root and
substituting an ‘a’. For example, consider the following:
Root Infinitive
îdK¿ a∂akku îdKk a∂akka to control (v.t.)
îdı¿ a∂a≥gu îdık a∂a≥ga to obey (v.i.)
AK¿ äkku AKk äkka to create (v.t.)
A¿ ägu Ak äga to become (v.i.)
i®K¿ i∞akku i®Kk i∞akka to bring down (v.t.)
i®ı¿ i∞a≥gu i®ık i∞a≥ga to descend from (v.i.)
¶¤P» eΩuppu ¶¤Pp eΩuppa to make get up (v.t.)
¶¤M» eΩumbu ¶¤Mp eΩumba to rise up (v.i.)
In contrast, with regard to approximately half of the verbs of the ‘U’-Family – the phonetically
strong ones (of the 1st and 2nd Conjugations), their infinitives are formed by adding -Kk (-kka) to their
roots. With most of the remaining verbs of the ‘U’-Family, the phonetically weaker ones (some of the 3rd
and 5th Conjugations), their infinitives are formed by adding an ‘a’ to their roots directly (if their roots end
in a semivowel) or (in the 5th) by adding an ‘a’ to their roots after an inserted euphonic ‘y’ (if their roots end
in a vowel). For example, consider the following:
Root Infinitive (Strong Form) Root Infinitive (Weak Form)
taZ thäΩ taZKk thäΩkka to humiliate (v.t.) taZ thäΩ taz thäΩa to be humiliated (v.i.)
EcR sër EcRKk sërkka to join (v.t.) EcR sër Ecr sera to join with (v.i.)
¶í eri ¶íKk erikka to burn (sth) (v.t.) ¶í eri ¶íy eriya to be burned (v.i.)
îã a∂i îãKk a∂ikka to hit (v.t.) îõ a∫i îõy a∫iya to wear (v.i.)
There are some verbs of the ‘U’-Family (a scattering in the weaker 4th, 5th, and 6th Conjugations)
which have infinitives formed in the same manner as the ‘I’-Family: that is, by dropping the final ‘u’ of
their roots and substituting an ‘a’. For example, consider the following:
Root Conj. Infinitive
î¤ aΩu 6th îz aΩa to cry
iƒ i∂u 4th id i∂a to put
¶¤ eΩu 5th ¶z eΩa to get up
ekƒ ke∂u 4th ekd ke∂a to be spoiled
»¿ pugu 5th »k puga to enter
Finally, there is a very small number of verbs of the ‘U’-Family (3rd, 5th, and 6th Conjugations)
whose roots end in a nasal or semivowel and which double that nasal or semivowel in their infinitives. For
example, consider these:
Root Conj. Infinitive
uB u∫ 3rd uBb u∫∫a to eat
ç˜ thi√ 3rd 瘈 thi√√a to eat (said of animals)
ecY sey 6th ecYy seyya to do
emL mel 5th emLl mella to chew
ekaÒ ko¬ 5th ekaÒ¬ ko¬¬a to possess; to take

– 120 –
The Seven Forms of Conjugation of Tamil Verbs
In formulating a classification of the different forms of conjugation of Tamil verbs, an analysis of variations in
‘phonetic strength’ plays the major role. Tamil grammarians divide the eighteen consonants into three classes:
a) vLìˆM valli√am (the strong class – K, C, D, T, P, ‰, with their plosive, sonant, and other sounds);
b) emLìˆM melli√am (the soft class – the nasals: ı, ü, B, N, M, ˜); and
c) iwdëˆM i∂aiyi√am (the medial class – the semi-vowels: Y, R, L, V, Z, Ò).
This classification does not distinguish the different plosive, sonant, and other sounds of each letter in the
‘strong’ category. Our analysis, below, recognizes these distinctions. The numbers in the Key, below, indicate the
Strength Index (s.i.) – the degree of phonetic ‘hardness’ or ‘strength’ – of the various types of consonants.
Key: cc = strong, plosive double-consonant (phonetic Strength Index: 4)
n c = less strong sonant preceded by a nasal consonant (s.i.: 3)
c = sonant or nasal (s.i.: 2) – when either is preceded and followed by a vowel
s = semi-vowel consonant, preceded and followed by a vowel (s.i.: 1)
The Numerical Quantification of Phonetic Strength Variation
Phonetic analysis is chiefly aimed at grading the phonetic strength of a Tamil verb’s three infixes – in the
present, past, and future tenses – in order to classify the different forms of conjugation. In our analysis, however, the
terms ‘strong’ and ‘weak’ have also been applied to the roots of the verbs belonging to the ‘I’-Family (which family
includes all those verbs whose past participles end with the short ‘i ’ vowel). As already noted, all of the verbs
belonging to the ‘I’-Family, follow only one particular ‘weak’ conjugation. Therefore, the phonetic strength or weakness
of their roots has no effect on the form of their conjugation. But this strength or weakness, as we have noted, often
indicates transitivity or intransitivity of verbs of the ‘I’-Family.
1. Variation in the Phonetic Strength of ‘I’-Family Verb Roots
The phonetic strength or weakness of the final consonants of the roots of ‘I’-Family verbs can be assigned
numerical values, as illustrated in the following examples:
1) strong (with a plosive double-consonant – Strength Index: 4): ådK¿ a∂akku; and ´ma‰› ëmä∞∞u;
2) nasalized (with a nasal-sonant conjunct – s.i.: 3): ådı¿ a∂a≥gu; or
3) weak (with only one sonant – s.i.: 2): ´ma› ëmä∞u.
If the root of a verb of the ‘I’-Family has a Strength Index of 4, then it is almost always a transitive verb. On
the other hand, if the root is nasalized (s.i.: 3) or weak (s.i.: 2), the verb is most often intransitive. One of the more
interesting aspects of this mimicking of the concept of verbal transitivity by phonetic ‘strength’ and, of intransitivity
by phonetic ‘weakness’, is the impressive number of twin verbs of the ‘I’-Family, one twin of which is transitive and
the other, intransitive. Each pair of twins springs from one common root, but the transitivity of one of the twins is
expressed by the phonetic strength (s.i.: 4) of its form of that root, whereas the intransitivity of the other twin is
expressed by the relative weakening (s.i.: 3 or 2) of the root.
For example, consider the following pair of twins (type A) of the ‘I’-Family, where the hardness of the final
double-consonant plosive of the root of the strong twin, a∂akku, is softened into a final nasal-sonant conjunct of the
weaker twin, a∂a≥gu:
ådK¿ a∂akku [s.i.: 4], control (v.t.)
ådı¿ a∂a≥gu [s.i.: 3], be controlled (v.i.)
There is a second variety of twins (type B) in the ‘I’-Family, where the hardness of the final double-consonant
plosive of the root of the strong twin, for example, ëmä∞∞u, is softened into a single final sonant consonant of the
weaker twin, ëmä∞u:
´ma‰› ëmä∞∞u [s.i.: 4], cheat (v.t.)
´ma› ëmä∞u [s.i.: 2], be cheated (v.i.)

– 121 –
2. Variation in the Phonetic Strength of ‘I’-Family Verb Infixes
A sampling of verbs of the ‘I’-Family is presented, below, giving the first person singular of the present, past,
and future tense of these verbs. This sampling illustrates the ‘I’-Family’s single Form of conjugation – a conjugation
as weak as the weakest form of conjugation in the ‘U’-Family, its 6th Form.
With all ‘I’ verbs, the phonetic Strength Index of the infix of their present tense is 2; of their past tense, 2; and
of their future tense, 1. These three values add up to a total of 5.
3. Variation in the Phonetic Strength of ‘U’-Family Verb Infixes
Presented on the facing page is a sampling of verbs of the ‘U’-Family, illustrating six other Forms of conjugation.
Those ‘U’ verbs with the strongest infixes in all three of their tenses (4+4+4 = 12) are verbs which belong to the
strongest conjugation, No. 1. With regard to the verbal roots ke¬ and kal, the semi-vowels ¬ and l are, before the
infixes of the three tenses, transformed by rules of sandhi, respectively, into the stronger, ‘harder’ plosive consonants
† and ∞. These transformations are made for the sake of euphony. (Note that ¬ and † are related retroflexive sounds;
and l and ∞ are related alveolar sounds.) All infixes of the two verbs, ke¬ and kal, have thus gained a plosive, double-
consonant conjunct, and each infix possesses the phonetic Strength Index 4.
Verbs of the next strongest conjugation, No. 2, have a weakened, nasalized infix in the past tense, with a sonant
following a nasal. The three infixes have the following phonetic Strength Index: 4+3+4, which gives a total of 11.
Phonetic transformations through sandhi are evident again in this conjugation, as they are in most other conjugations
of this Family.
With verbs of the 3rd conjugation, all three infixes (present, past, and future) are reduced in phonetic strength
from plosive force to sonants preceded by nasals (3+3+3 = 9). The nasals, it should be noted, are all supplied by the
roots. Most notably, the strong plosive, p sound, of the future tense infix of the first two conjugations has now been
reduced to the sonant sound b, in this 3rd conjugation, future tense infix.
In the 4th conjugation, the present tense infix is reduced still further in phonetic strength (s.i. 2) and the infix of
the future tense is reduced to the weakest, semi-vowel level (s.i. 1). Surprisingly, the infix of the past tense, in this
conjugation, has the maximum, plosive strength (s.i. 4). The strength of this infix is created by a doubling of its
consonant – courtesy of the juxtaposed, transformed final consonant of the root.
The 5th and 6th conjugations continue with the same weak present tense and future tense infixes as in the 4th.
But the 5th conjugation’s past tense infix returns to the standard -nth- (s.i. 3) of the 2nd conjugation. And, by
dropping the nasal, the 6th conjugation reduces the phonetic strength of its past tense infix even further, to -th- (s.i. 2).
‘I’-Family (which has only one form of conjugation):
Root (& infinitive, past participle) Present Past Future
1 ådK¿ (ådKk, ådKá) ådK¿áE®˜ ådKáEˆ˜ ådK¿Ev˜
a∂akku (a∂akka, a∂akki) – control (v.t.) a∂akku-gi∞-ë√ 2 + a∂akk’i√-ë√ 2 + a∂akku-v-ë√ 1 = 5
ådı¿ (ådık, ådıá) ådı¿áE®˜ ådıáEˆ˜ ådı¿Ev˜
a∂a≥gu (a∂a≥ga, a∂a≥gi) – obey (v.i.) a∂a≥gu-gi∞-ë√ 2 + a∂a≥g’i√-ë√ 2 + a∂a≥gu-v-ë√ 1 = 5
AK¿ (AKk, AKá) AK¿áE®˜ AKáEˆ˜ AK¿Ev˜
äkku (äkka, äkki) – create (v.t.) $ äkku-gi∞-ë√ 2 + $äkk’i√-ë√ 2 + $äkku-v-ë√ 1 = 5
A / A¿ (Ak, Aá) A¿áE®˜ AáEˆ˜ A¿Ev˜
ä$ / ägu (äga, ägi) – become (v.i.) $ ägu-gi∞-ë√ 2 + äg’i√-ë√ 2 + ägu-v-ë√ 1 = 5
Epa (Epak, EpaY) irregular EpaáE®˜ EpaEˆ˜ EpaEv˜
pö (pöga, pöy) – go (v.i.) pö-gi∞-ë√ 2 + pö’√-ë√ 2 + pö-v-ë√ 1 = 5
¶¤∆ (¶¤t, ¶¤ç) ¶¤∆áE®˜ ¶¤çEˆ˜ ¶¤∆Ev˜
eΩuthu (eΩutha, eΩuthi) – write (v.t.) eΩuthu-gi∞-ë√ 2 + eΩuth’i√-ë√ 2 + eΩuthu-v-ë√ 1 = 5

– 122 –
‘U’-Family (with six different forms of conjugation):
Root (& infinitive, past participle) Present Past Future
1 åwc (åwcKk, åwcT∆) åwcKáE®˜ åwcTEt˜ åwcPEp˜
asai (asaikka, asaitthu) – move (sth.) asai-kki∞-ë√ 4 + asai-tth-ë√ 4 + asai-pp-ë√ 4 = 12
EkÒ (EkDk, EkDƒ) EkDáE®˜ EkDEd˜ EkDEp˜
ke¬ (ke†ka, ke††u) – ask (v.) ke†-ki∞-ë√ 4 + ke†-†-ë√ 4+ ke†-p-ë√ 4 = 12
kL (k‰k, k‰›) k‰áE®˜ k‰E®˜ k‰Ep˜
kal (ka∞ka, ka∞∞u) – learn (v.t.) ka∞-ki∞-ë√ 4 + ka∞-∞-ë√ 4+ ka∞-p-ë√ 4 = 12
2 ià (iÃKk, iÃN∆) iÃKáE®˜ iÃNEt˜ iÃPEp˜
iru (irukka, irunthu) – be (v.i.) iru-kki∞-ë√ 4 + iru-nth-ë√ 3 + iru-pp-ë√ 4 = 11
éL(Õ) (é‰k, 阛) é‰áE®˜ é˜E®˜ é‰Ep˜
nil(lu) (ni∞ka, ni˚u) – stop (v.i.) ni∞-ki∞-ë√ 4 + ni√-∞-ë√ 3+ ni∞-p-ë√ 4 = 11
3 ¶˜ (¶˜ˆ, ¶˜›) ¶˜áE®˜ ¶˜E®˜ ¶˜Ep˜
e√ (e√√a, e√∞u) – say (v.t.) e√-gi∞-ë√ 3 + e√-∞-ë√ 3 + e√-b-ë√ 3 = 9
uB (uBb, uBƒ) uBáE®˜ uBEd˜ uBEp˜
u∫ (u∫∫a, u∫∂u) – eat (v.t.) u∫-gi∞-ë√ 3 + u∫-∂-ë√ 3 + u∫-b-ë√ 3 = 9
kaB (kab, kBƒ) irregular kaBáE®˜ kBEd˜ kaBEp˜
kä∫ (kä∫a, ka∫∂u) – see (v.t.) kä∫-gi∞-ë√ 3 + ka∫-∂-ë√ 3 + kä∫-b-ë√ 3 = 9
4 pƒ (pd, pDƒ ) pƒáE®˜ pDEd˜ pƒEv˜
pa∂u (pa∂a, pa††u) – feel (v.i.) pa∂u-gi∞-ë√ 2 + pa†-†-ë√ 4 + pa∂u-v-ë√ 1 = 7
ep› (ep®, ep‰›) ep›áE®˜ ep‰E®˜ ep›Ev˜
pe∞u (pe∞a, pe∞∞u) – get (v.t.) pe∞u-gi∞-ë√ 2 + pe∞-∞-ë√ 4 + pe∞u-v-ë√ 1 = 7
ca (cak, ecT∆) irregular caáE®˜ ecTEt˜ caEv˜
sä (säga, setthu) – die (v.i.) sä-gi∞-ë√ 2 + se-tth-ë√ 4 + sä-v-ë√ 1 = 7
5 åwc (åwcy, åwcN∆) åwcáE®˜ åwcNEt˜ åwcEv˜
asai (asaiya, asainthu) – move (v.i.) asai-gi∞-ë√ 2 + asai-nth-ë√ 3 + asai-v-ë√ 1 = 6
va (vr, vN∆) irregular vÃáE®˜ vNEt˜ vÃEv˜
vä (vara, vanthu) – come (v.i.) varu-gi∞-ë√ 2 + va-nth-ë√ 3 + varu-v-ë√ 1 = 6
Ev (Evk, evN∆) irregular EváE®˜ evNEt˜ EvEv˜
vë (vëga, venthu) – be cooked (v.i.) vë-gi∞-ë√ 2 + ve-nth-ë√ 3 + vë-v-ë√ 1 = 6
ekaÒ(‹) (ekaÒ¬, ekaBƒ) ekaÒ‹áE®˜ ekaBEd˜ ekaÒ‹Ev˜
ko¬(¬u) (ko¬¬a, ko∫∂u) – take (v.t.) ko¬¬u-gi∞-ë√ 2 + ko∫-∂-ë√ 3 + ko¬¬u-v-ë√ 1 = 6
6 å¤ (åz, å¤∆) å¤áE®˜ å¤Et˜ å¤Ev˜
aΩu (aΩa, aΩuthu) – cry (v.i.) aΩu-gi∞-ë√ 2 + aΩu-th-ë√ 2 + aΩu-v-ë√ 1 = 5
ecY (ecYy, ecY∆) irregular ecYáE®˜ ecYEt˜ ecYEv˜
sey (seyya, seythu) – do (v.t.) sey-gi∞-ë√ 2 + sey-th-ë√ 2 + sey-v-ë√ 1 = 5

– 123 –
Verbs Classified according to Family, Twinship, and Conjugation
‘I’-Family: A-twins [final consonants of strong root: c c (v.t.) & nasalized root: n c (v.i.)] :
*Infixes for all ‘I’-Family verbs: -gi∞- (present); -i√- (past); -v- (future)
*Example: (Conjugation I: addakku-gi∞- [present]; addakk’-i√- [past]; addakku-v- [future])
001 ådK¿ a∂akku (ådKk, ådKá) control (v.t.); restrain; contain
002 ådı¿ a∂a≥gu (ådık, ådıá) act restrained (v.i.); obey; act modest
*Example: (Conjugation I: adda≥gu-gi∞- [present]; adda≥g’-i√- [past]; adda≥gu-v- [future])
003 i®K¿ i∞akku (i®Kk, i®Ká) bring down (v.t.); put down (I: i∞akku-gi∞-; i∞akk’-i√-; i∞akku-v-)
004 i®ı¿ i∞a≥gu (i®ık, i®ıá) get down (v.i.); descend from (I: i∞a≥gu-gi∞-; i∞a≥g’-i√-; i∞a≥gu-v-)
005 ¶¤P» eΩuppu (¶¤Pp, ¶¤Pè) make get up (v.t.); awaken (I: eΩuppu-gi∞-; eΩupp’-i√-; eΩuppu-v-)
006 ¶¤M» eΩumbu (¶¤Mp, ¶¤Mè) go up (v.i.); rise (I: eΩumbu-gi∞-; eΩumb’-i√-; eΩumbu-v-)
007 klK¿ kalakku (klKk, klKá) disturb (v.t.); stir (I: kalakku-gi∞-; kalakk’-i√-; kalakku-v-)
008 klı¿ kala≥gu (klık, klıá) become stirred; disturbed(v.i.) (kala≥gu-gi∞-; kala≥g’-i√-; kala≥gu-v-)
009 á¬P» ki¬appu (á¬Pp, á¬Pè) start (a car ) (v.t.); incite (I: ki¬appu-gi∞-; ki¬app’-i√-; ki¬appu-v-)
010 á¬M» ki¬ambu (á¬Mp, á¬Mè) start (v.i.); rise; emerge (I: ki¬ambu-gi∞-; ki¬amb’-i√-; ki¬ambu-v-)
011 ¿zP» kuΩappu (¿zPp, ¿zPè) confuse (others) (v.t.) (I: kuΩappu-gi∞-; kuΩapp’-i√-; kuΩappu-v-)
012 ¿zM» kuΩambu (¿zMp, ¿zMè) become confused (v.i.) (I: kuΩambu-gi∞-; kuΩamb’-i√-; kuΩambu-v-)
013 ◊ÃK¿ surukku (◊ÃKk, ◊ÃKá) shrink (make small) (v.t.) (I: surukku-gi∞-; surukk’-i√-; surukku-v-)
014 ◊Ãı¿ suru≥gu (◊Ãık, ◊Ãıá) shrink (v.i.);wrinkle; frown (I: suru≥gu-gi∞-; suru≥g’-i√-; suru≥gu-v-)
015 taK¿ thäkku (taKk, taKá) attack (v.t.) (I: thäkku-gi∞-; thäkk’-i√-; thäkku-v-)
016 taı¿ thä≥gu (taık, taıá) sustain (I: thä≥gu-gi∞-; thä≥g’-i√-; thä≥gu-v-)
017 çÃP» thiruppu (çÃPp, çÃPè) (cause to) turn (v.t.) (I: thiruppu-gi∞-; thirupp’-i√-; thiruppu-v-)
018 çÃM» thirumbu (çÃMp, çÃMè) turn (v.i.); return (I: thirumbu-gi∞-; thirumb’-i√-; thirumbu-v-)
019 ÁK¿ thükku (ÁKk, ÁKá) lift up (v.t.); carry; weigh (I: thükku-gi∞-; thükk’-i√-; thükku-v-)
020 Áı¿ thü≥gu (Áık, Áıá) sleep (v.i) (I: thü≥gu-gi∞-; thü≥g’-i√-; thü≥gu-v-)
021 n◊K¿ nasukku (n◊Kk, nxKá) crush (v.t.) (I: nasukku-gi∞-; nasukk’-i√-; nasukku-v-)
022 n◊ı¿ nasu≥gu (n◊ık, n◊ıá) become crushed (v.i.) (I: nasu≥gu-gi∞-; nasu≥g’-i√-; nasu≥gu-v-)
023 nƒK¿ na∂ukku (nƒKk, nƒKá) make tremble (v.t.) (I: na∂ukku-gi∞-; na∂ukk’-i√-; na∂ukku-v-)
024 nƒı¿ na∂u≥gu (nƒık, nƒıá) tremble (v.i.) (I: na∂u≥gu-gi∞-; na∂u≥g’-i√-; na∂u≥gu-v-)
025 érP» nirappu (érPp, érPè) fill (v.t.) (I: nirappu-gi∞-; nirapp’-i√-; nirappu-v-)
026 érM» nirambu (érMp, érMè) fill (v.i.) (I: nirambu-gi∞-; niramb’-i√-; nirambu-v-)
027 ¥K¿ nïkku (¥Kk, ¥Ká) dismiss (v.t.) (I: nïkku-gi∞-; nïkk’-i√-; nïkku-v-)
028 ¥ı¿ nï≥gu (¥ık, ¥ıá) cease (hunger, illness, etc.) (v.i.), end (I: nï≥gu-gi∞-; nï≥g’-i√-; nï≥gu-v-)
029 enÃK¿ nerukku (enÃKk, enÃKá) squeeze (v.t.); press (I: nerukku-gi∞-; nerukk’-i√-; nerukku-v-)
030 enÃı¿ neru≥gu (enÃık, enÃıá) approach (v.i.) (I: neru≥gu-gi∞-; neru≥g’-i√-; neru≥gu-v-)
031 ena›K¿ no∞ukku (ena›Kk, ena›Ká) crush (v.t.) (I: no∞ukku-gi∞-; no∞ukk’-i√-; no∞ukku-v-)
032 ena›ı¿ no∞u≥gu (ena›ık, ena›ıá) be crushed (v.i.) (I: no∞u≥gu-gi∞-; no∞u≥g’-i√-; no∞u≥gu-v-)
033 myK¿ mayakku (myKk, myKá) confuse, charm (v.t.) (I: mayakku-gi∞-; mayakk’-i√-; mayakku-v-)
034 myı¿ maya≥gu (myık, myıá) be confused (v.i.) (I: maya≥gu-gi∞-; maya≥g’-i√-; maya≥gu-v-)
035 ɬK¿ vi¬akku (ɬKk, ɬKá) explain (v.t.), illuminate (I: vi¬akku-gi∞-; vi¬akk’-i√-; vi¬akku-v-)
036 ɬı¿ vi¬a≥gu (ɬık, ɬıá) be clear (v.i.); be renowned; flourish (I: vi¬a≥gu-gi∞-; vi¬a≥g’-i√-; vi¬a≥gu-v-)

– 124 –
‘I’-Family: B-twins [final consonants of strong root: c c (v.t.) & weak root: c (v.i.)] :
*Infixes for all ‘I’-Family verbs: -gi∞- (present); -i√- (past); -v- (future)
*Example: (Conjugation I: äkku-gi∞- [present]; äkk’-i√- [past]; äkku-v- [future])
037 AK¿ äkku (AKk, AKá) create (v.t.), make; effect
038 A[¿] ä[gu] (Ak, Aá/AY) be (v.i.), become
*Example: (Conjugation I: ä-gi∞- [present]; ä-√- [irregular past]; ä-v- [future])
*Example: (Conjugation I: ä∞∞u-gi∞- [present]; ä∞∞-i√- [past]; ä∞∞u-v- [future])
039 A‰› ä∞∞u (A‰®, A‰ó) comfort (console) (v.t.)
040 A› ä∞u (A®, Aó) heal (v.i.); calm down
*Example: (Conjugation I: ä∞u-gi∞- [present]; ä∞’-i√- [past]; ä∞u-v- [future])
041 uBdaK¿ u∫∂äkku (-AKk, -AKá) create (v.t.) (I: -äkku-gi∞-; -äkk’-i√-; -äkku-v-)
042 uBda¿ u∫∂ägu (-Ak, -Aá) become (v.i.) (I: -ägu-gi∞-; -äg’-i√-; -ägu-v-)
043 uÃK¿ urukku (uÃKk, uÃKá) make (sth) melt (v.t.) (I: urukku-gi∞-; urukk’-i√-; urukku-v-)
044 uÿ urugu (uÃk, uÃá) melt (be in the process of melting) (v.i.) (urugu-gi∞-; urug’-i√-; urugu-v-)
045 U‰› ü∞∞u (U‰®, U‰ó) pour (v.t.); flow down (I: ü∞∞u-gi∞-; ü∞∞’-i√-; ü∞∞u-v-)
046 U› ü∞u (U®, Uó) flow (v.i.); ooze (I: ü∞u-gi∞-; ü∞’-i√-; ü∞u-v-)
047 ´ma‰› ëmä∞∞u (´ma‰®, ´ma‰ó) cheat (v.t.) (I: ëmä∞∞u-gi∞-; ëmä∞∞’-i√-; ëmä∞∞u-v-)
048 ´ma› ëmä∞u (´ma®, ´maó) be cheated, disappointed (v.i.) (I: ëmä∞u-gi∞-; ëmä∞’-i√-; ëmä∞u-v-)
049 ´‰› ë∞∞u (´‰®, ´‰ó) raise (v.t.); pump (water, etc.) (I: ë∞∞u-gi∞-; ë∞∞’-i√-; ë∞∞u-v-)
050 ´› ë∞u (¶®, ´ó) climb (v.t.), ascend; get onto; enter (a vehicle) (I: ë∞u-gi∞-; ë∞’-i√-; ‘˚u-v-)
051 ODƒ ö††u (ODd, ODã) drive (v.t.) (I: ö††u-gi∞-; ö††u’-i√-; ö††u-v-)
052 Oƒ ö∂u (Od, Oã) run (v.i.) (I: ö∂u-gi∞-; %ö∂’-i√-; ö∂u-v-)
053 ‡Dƒ kü††u (‡Dd, ‡Dƒ) collect (v.t.); gather; add (I: kü††u-gi∞-; kü††’-i√-; kü††u-v-)
054 ‡ƒ kü∂u (‡d, ‡ƒ) join (v.i.); unite; gather; assemble (I: kü∂u-gi∞-; kü∂’-i√-; kü∂u-v-)
055 Et‰› thë∞∞u (Et‰®, Et‰ó) comfort (v.t.); console (I: thë∞∞u-gi∞-; thë∞∞-i√-; thë∞∞u-v-)
056 Et› thë∞u (Et®, Etó) pass (an exam) (v.t.); qualify (I: thë∞u-gi∞-; thë∞-i√-; thë∞u-v-)
057 naDƒ n䆆u (naDd, naDã) establish (v.t.); install; plant; fix (I: n䆆u-gi∞-; n䆆’-i√-; n䆆u-v-)
058 naƒ nä∂u (nad, naã) seek; approach; opt for (I: nä∂u-gi∞-; nä∂’-i√-; nä∂u-v-)
059 ¥¬maK¿ nï¬am-äkku (-AKk, -AKá) lengthen (v.t.); protract (I: -äkku-gi∞-; -äkk’-i√-; -äkku-v-)
060 ¥¬ma¿ nï¬am-ägu (-Ak, -Aá) become protracted (v.i.); be lengthened (I: -ä-gi∞-; -ä-√-; -ä-v-)
061 ma‰› mä∞∞u (ma‰®, ma‰ó) change (v.t.); exchange (I: mä∞∞u-gi∞-; mä∞∞’-i√-; mä∞∞u-v-)
062 ma› mä∞u (ma®, maó) change (v.i.) (I: mä∞u-gi∞-; mä∞’-i√-; mä∞u-v-)

– 125 –
‘I’ Family [final consonants of strong root: c c (v.t. )]:
*Infixes for all ‘I’-Family verbs: -gi∞- (present); -i√- (past); -v- (future)
063 åfiP» a√uppu (åfiPp, åfiPè) send (v.t.) (I: a√uppu-gi∞-; a√upp’-i√-; a√uppu-v-)
064 uƒT∆ u∂utthu (uƒTt, uƒTç) wear (v.t.), put on (I: u∂utthu-gi∞-; u∂utth’-i√-; u∂utthu-v-)
065 uyRT∆ uyartthu (uyRTt, uyRTç) raise (v.t.) (I: uyartthu-gi∞-; uyartth’-i√-; uyartthu-v-)
066 uÃDƒ uru††u (uÃDd, uÃDã) roll (make roll) (v.t.) (I: uru††u-gi∞-; uru††’-i√-; uru††u-v-)
067 uÒ¬dK¿ u¬¬a∂akku (-ådKk, -ådKá) include (v.t.) (I: -a∂akku-gi∞-; -a∂akk’-i√-; -a∂akku-v-)
068 ¶Dƒ e††u (¶Dd, ¶Dã) reach; reach (for) (I: e††u-gi∞; e††’-i√-; e††u-v-)
069 ´‰pƒT∆ ë∞pa∂utthu (-pƒTt, -pƒTç) develop; cause (I: -pa∂utthu-gi∞-; -pa∂utth’-i√-; -pa∂utthu-v-)
070 oDƒ o††u (oDd, oDã) stick (make adhere to) (v.t.) (I: o††u-gi∞-; o††’-i√-; o††u-v-)
071 kDdayPpƒT∆ ka††äya-p-pa∂utthu (-pƒTt, -pƒTç) enforce (v.t.) (I: ºtthu-gi∞-; ºtth’-i√-; ºtthu-v-)
072 kDƒ ka††u (kDd, kDã) bind (v.t.), tie; build (I: ka††u-gi∞-; ka††’-i√-; ka††u-v-)
073 kT∆ katthu (kTt, kTç) shout (I: katthu-gi∞-; katth’-i√-; katthu-v-)
074 klwvyaK¿ kalavai-y-äkku (-AKk, -AKá) mix (v.t.) (I: -äkku-gi∞-; -äkk’-i√-; -äkku-v-)
075 kz‰› kaΩa∞∞u (kz‰®, kz‰ó) remove, take off (clothes, etc.) (v.t.) (I: ºa∞∞u-gi∞-; ºa∞∞’-i√-; ºa∞∞u-v-)
076 kaDƒ k䆆u (kaDd, kaDã) show (point out) (v.t.) (I: k䆆u-gi∞-; k䆆’-i√-; k䆆u-v-)
077 kaPpa‰› käppä∞∞u (kaPpa‰®, kaPpa‰ó) protect (v.t.); save (I: ºpä∞∞u-gi∞-; ºpä∞∞’-i√-; ºpä∞∞u-v-)
078 ‡Dƒ kü††u (‡Dd, ‡Dã) get (v.t.); accrue (I: kü††u-gi∞-; kü††’-i√-; kü††u-v-)
079 ¿bPpƒT∆ gu∫a-p-pa∂atthu (-pƒTt, -pƒTç) cure (I: ºtthu-gi∞-; ºtth’-i√-; ºtthu-v-)
080 ¿bmaK¿ gu∫am-äkku (-AKk, -AKá) cure (I: -äkku-gi∞-; -äkk’-i√-; -äkku-v-)
081 ¿T∆ kutthu (¿Tt, ¿Tç) stab (v.t.) (I: kutthu-gi∞-; kutth’-i√-; kutthu-v-)
082 ¿ñPpaDƒ ku¬ipp䆆u (-ADd, -ADã) bathe (v.t.); wash (a cow, etc.) (I: -p䆆u-gi∞-; -p䆆’-i√-; -p䆆u-v-)
083 ¿‰®M caDƒ ku∞∞am s䆆u (- caDd, - caDã) accuse (I: - s䆆u-gi∞-; - s䆆’-i√-; - s䆆u-v-)

085 cméwlyaK¿ samanilai-y-äkku (-AKk, -AKá) balance; compare (I: -äkku-gi∞-; -äkk’-i√-; -äkku-v-)
086 cíPpƒT∆ sari-p-pa∂utthu (-pƒTt, -pƒTç) set right; repair (I: ºtthu-gi∞-; ºtth’-i√-; ºtthu-v-)
087 cíyaK¿ sari-y-äkku (-AKk, -AKá) correct (I: -äkku-gi∞-; -äkk’-i√-; -äkku-v-)
088 caT∆ sätthu (caTt, caTç) shut (door, etc.) (v.t.), close (I: sätthu-gi∞-; säth’-i√-; sätthu-v-)
089 ◊‰› su∞∞u (◊‰®, ◊‰ó) surround (v.t.) (I: su∞∞u-gi∞-; su∞∞’-i√-; su∞∞u-v-)
090 ecyla‰› seyal-ä∞∞u (-A‰®, -A‰ó) carry out plan, orders (v.t.) (-ä∞∞u-gi∞-; -ä∞∞’-i√-; -ä∞∞u-v-)
091 ecÕT∆ selutthu (ecÕTt, ecÕTç) drive (a vehicle) (v.t.) (I: ºtthu-gi∞-; ºtth’-i√-; ºtthu-v-)
092 ùapkPpƒT∆ ñäbaga-p-pa∂utthu (-pƒTt, -pƒTç) recollect, remember (ºtthu-gi∞-; ºtth’-i√-; ºtthu-v-)
093 çrDƒ thira††u (çrDd, çrDã) gather (v.t.); collect (I: thira††u-gi∞-; thira††’-i√-; thira††u-v-)
094 çÃT∆ thirutthu (çÃTt, çÃTç) correct (v.t.); amend (I: ºtthu-gi∞-; ºtth’-i√-; ºtthu-v-)
095 ∆rT∆ thuratthu (∆rTt, ∆rTç) chase (v.t.), pursue (I: ºtthu-gi∞-; ºtth’-i√-; ºtthu-v-)
096 nkRT∆ nagartthu (nkRTt, nkRTç) move (v.t.), shift (sth.) (I: ºtthu-gi∞-; ºtth’-i√-; ºtthu-v-)
097 ndT∆ na∂atthu (ndTt, ndTç) manage (v.t.); direct (I: ºtthu-gi∞-; ºtth’-i√-; ºtthu-v-)
098 é›T∆ ni∞utthu (é›Tt, é›Tç) stop (v.t.); arrest (I: ºtthu-gi∞-; ºtth’-i√-; ºtthu-v-)
099 éwˆŒpƒT∆ ni√aivu-pa∂utthu (-pƒTt, -pƒTç) remind s.o. of sth. (v.t.) (I: ºtthu-gi∞-; ºtth’-i√-; ºtthu-v-)
100 ¥Dƒ nu (¥Dd, ¥Dã) extend (v.t.) (I: nu-gi∞-; n’-i√-; nu-v-)
101 pƒT∆ pa∂utthu (pƒTt, pƒTç) cause to feel or suffer (v.t.) (I: ºtthu-gi∞-; ºtth’-i√-; ºtthu-v-)
102 prP» parappu (prPp, prPè) expand (v.t.); spread (I: parappu-gi∞-; parapp’-i√-; parappu-v-)
103 plPpƒT∆ bala-p-pa∂utthu (-pƒTt, -pƒTç) strengthen (I: ºtthu-gi∞-; ºtth’-i√-; ºtthu-v-)
104 paraDƒ pär䆆u (paraDd, paraDã) congratulate (v.t.) (I: -䆆u-gi∞-; -䆆’-i√-; -䆆u-v-)
105 »BpƒT∆ pu∫-pa∂utthu (-pƒTt, -pƒTç) wound (I: ºtthu-gi∞-; ºtth’-i√-; ºtthu-v-)
106 »rDƒ pura††u (»rDd, »rDã) overturn (v.t.) (I: pura††u-gi∞-; pura††’-i√-; pura††u-v-)
107 ÈDƒ pü††u (ÈDd, ÈDã) lock (v.t.) (I: pü††u-gi∞-; pü††’-i√-; pü††u-v-)
108 epaãyaK¿ po∂i-y-äkku (-AKk, -AKá) (pound into) powder (I: -äkku-gi∞-; -äkk’-i√-; -äkku-v-)
109 …˜Eˆ‰® pƒT∆ mu√√ë∞∞a pa∂utthu (- pƒTt, - pƒTç) improve (I: ºtthu-gi∞-; ºtth’-i√-; ºtthu-v-)
110 ÉívaK¿ viri-v-äkku (-AKk, -AKá) expand (v.t.); improve (I: -äkku-gi∞-; -äkk’-i√-; -äkku-v-)
111 evDƒ ve††u (evDd, evDã) cut (v.t.), chop (I: ve††u-gi∞-; ve††’-i√-; ve††u-v-)
112 evñKkaDƒ ve¬i-k-k䆆u (-kaDd, -kaDã) express (show outwardly) (v.t.) (º††u-gi∞-; º††’-i√-; º††u-v-)
113 Ev›pƒT∆ vë∞u-pa∂utthu (-pƒTt, -pƒTç) differentiate (v.t.) (I: ºtthu-gi∞-; ºtth’-i√-; ºtthu-v-)
– 126 –
‘I’ Family [final consonants of nasalized roots: n c or n n ]:
*Infixes for all ‘I’-Family verbs: -gi∞- (present); -i√- (past); -v- (future)
114 åü◊ añju (åüc, åüâ) fear, be afraid (I: añju-gi∞-; añj’-i√-; añju-v-)
115 kd˜ vaı¿ ka∂a√ vä≥gu (- vaık, - vaıá) borrow (I: vä≥gu-gi∞-; vä≥g’-i√-; vä≥gu-v-)
116 âN∆ sinthu (âNt, âNç) spill (v.t.) (I: sinthu-gi∞-; sinth’-i√-; sinthu-v-)
117 tı¿ tha≥gu (tık, tı‡) stay (v.i.); rest (I: tha≥gu-gi∞-; tha≥g’-i√-; tha≥gu-v-)
118 ÁBƒ thü∫∂u (ÁBd, ÁBã) excite (v.t.); stimulate; motivate (thü∫∂u-gi∞-; thü∫∂’-i√-; thü∫∂u-v-)
119 etaı¿ tho≥gu (etaık, etaıá) hang (be suspended) (v.i.) (tho≥gu-gi∞-; tho≥g’-i√-; tho≥gu-v-)
120 EtaBƒ thö∫∂u (EtaBd, EtaBã) dig (v.t.) (I: thö∫∂u-gi∞-; thö∫∂’-i√-; thö∫∂u-v-)
121 Eta˜› thö√∞u (Eta˜®, Eta˜ó) appear (v.i.); seem (I: thö√∞u-gi∞-; thö√∞’-i√-; thö√∞u-v-)
122 nM» nambu (nMp, nMè) believe, trust (I: nambu-gi∞-; namb’-i√-; nambu-v-)
123 ¥N∆ nïnthu (¥Nt, ¥Nç) swim (v.i.) (I: nïnthu-gi∞-; nïnth’-i√-; nïnthu-v-)
124 »lM» pulambu (»lMp, »lMè) mourn (v.i.), lament (I: pulambu-gi∞-; pulamb’-i√-; pulambu-v-)
125 vbı¿ va∫a≥gu (vbık, vbıá) bow (down); worship (I: ºa≥gu-gi∞-; ºa≥g’-i√-; ºa≥gu-v-)
126 vaı¿ vä≥gu (vaık, vaıá) buy (v.t.); get; receive (I: vä≥gu-gi∞-; vä≥g’-i√-; vä≥gu-v-)
127 ¶B≈ e∫∫u (¶Bb, ¶Bõ) count (v.t.); think (of); consider (I: e∫∫u-gi∞-; e∫∫’-i√-; e∫∫u-v-)
128 pB≈ pa∫∫u (pBb, pBõ) do (v.t.); make (I: pa∫∫u-gi∞-; pa∫∫’-i√-; pa∫∫u-v-)
‘I’ Family [final consonant of weak roots: c or s ]:
129 ål› ala∞u (ål®, åló) scream (I: ala∞u-gi∞-; ala∞’-i√-; ala∞u-v-)
130 Aƒ ä∂u (Ad, Aã) dance (v.i.); move (I: ä∂u-gi∞-; ä∂’-i√-; ä∂u-v-)
131 utŒ uthavu (utv, utÉ) help (v.t.) (I: uthavu-gi∞-; uthav’-i√-; uthavu-v-)
132 ut› utha∞u (ut®, utó) shake out (dust, water) (v.t.) (I: utha∞u-gi∞-; utha∞’-i√-; utha∞u-v-)
133 U∆ üthu (Ut, Uç) blow (wind, etc.) (v.i.) (I: üthu-gi∞-; üth’-i√-; üthu-v-)
134 ¶¤∆ eΩuthu (¶¤t, ¶¤ç) write (I: eΩuthu-gi∞-; eΩuth’-i√-; eΩuthu-v-)
135 o¤¿ oΩugu (o¤k, o¤á) flow (v.i.); leak; ooze (I: oΩugu-gi∞-; oΩug’-i√-; oΩugu-v-)
136 kÃ∆ karuthu (kÃt, kÃç) consider; think (I: karuthu-gi∞-; karuth’-i√-; karuthu-v-)
137 klN∆ Ep◊ kalanthu pësu (- Epc, - Epâ) confer (talk together) (I: pësu-gi∞-; pës’-i√-; pësu-v-)
138 k¤Œ kaΩuvu (k¤v, k¤É) wash (not laundry) (I: kaΩuvu-gi∞-; kaΩuv’-i√-; kaΩuvu-v-)
139 ᬛ ki¬a∞u (ᬮ, á¬ó) excite (v.t.); arouse; provoke (I: ki¬a∞u-gi∞-; ki¬a∞’-i√-; ki¬a∞u-v-)
140 ‡› kü∞u (‡®, ‡ó) proclaim (v.t.); propose (I: kü∞u-gi∞-; kü∞’-i√-; kü∞u-v-)
141 çà thiru∂u (çÃd, çÃã) steal (v.t.) (I: thiru∂u-gi∞-; thiru∂’-i√-; thiru∂u-v-)
142 ≥RP» ‡› thïrppu kü∞u (- ‡®, - ‡ó) pass judgment (I: kü∞u-gi∞-; kü∞’-i√-; kü∞u-v-)
143 Etƒ thë∂u (Etd, Etã) seek (v.t.); search for (I: thë∂u-gi∞-; thë∂’-i√-; thë∂u-v-)
144 ndˆmaƒ na∂a√am-ä∂u (-Ad, -Aã) dance (I: -ä∂u-gi∞-; -ä∂’-i√-; -ä∂u-v-)
145 na› nä∞u (na®, naó) stink (v.i.) (I: nä∞u-gi∞-; nä∞%˚’-i√-; nä∞u-v-)
146 雌 ni∞uvu (é›v, é›É) base (v.t.); establish as fact (I: ni∞uvu-gi∞-; ni∞uv’-i√-; ni∞uvu-v-)
147 paƒ pä∂u (pad, paã) sing (I: pä∂u-gi∞-; pä∂’-i√-; pä∂u-v-)
148 paRT∆ ¶¤∆ pärtthu eΩuthu (- ¶¤t, - ¶¤ç) copy (in writing) (I: eΩuthu-gi∞-; eΩuth’-i√-; eΩuthu-v-)
149 Ep◊ pësu (Epc, Epâ) speak (I: pësu-gi∞-; pës’-i√-; pësu-v-)
150 Eparaƒ pörä∂u (-Ad, -Aã) struggle, fight (I: -ä∂u-gi∞-; -ä∂’-i√-; -ä∂u-v-)
151 ΃ mü∂u (Îd, Îã) close (v.t.); cover (I: mü∂u-gi∞-; mü∂’-i√-; mü∂u-v-)
152 ÎZ¿ müΩgu (ÎZk, ÎZá) drown (v.i.); sink, submerge (I: müΩgu-gi∞-; müΩg’-i√-; müΩgu-v-)
153 Ema∆ möthu (Emat, Emaç) clash (I: möthu-gi∞-; möth’-i√-; möthu-v-)
154 vataƒ väthä∂u (-Ad, -Aã) argue (I: -ä∂u-gi∞-; -ä∂’-i√-; -ä∂u-v-)
155 Éw¬yaƒ vi¬ai-y-ä∂u (-Ad, -Aã) play (games, etc.), have fun (I: -ä∂u-gi∞-; -ä∂’-i√-; -ä∂u-v-)
156 ecaL[Õ] sol[lu] (ecaLl, ecaLì) say (v.t.); tell (I: sol-gi∞-; so-√√-; sol-v-) irreg. past tense
157 Epa pö (Epak, EpaY) go (v.i.) (I: pö-gi∞-; pö-√-; pö-v-) irregular past tense
158 oT∆PEpa otthu-p-pö (-Epak, -EpaY) compromise (I: -pö-gi∞-; -pö-√-; -pö-v-)
159 OãPEpa ö∂i-p-pö (-Epak, -EpaY) flee; run away (I: -pö-gi∞-; -pö-√-; -pö-v-)
160 ‡dPEpa kü∂a-p-pö (-Epak, -EpaY) accompany (I: -pö-gi∞-; -pö-√-; -pö-v-)
161 ekDƒ Epa ke††u pö (- Epak, - EpaY) be spoiled, go bad (I: - pö-gi∞-; - pö-√-; - pö-v-)
162 ekaBƒ Epa ko∫∂u pö (- Epak, - EpaY) take (away) (v.t.) (I: - pö-gi∞-; - pö-√-; - pö-v-)
163 ecT∆PEpa setthu-p-pö (-Epak, -EpaY) die (v.i.) (I: -pö-gi∞-; -pö-√-; -pö-v-)
– 127 –
‘U’-Family: A-twins [1st, Strong (a), & 5th, Weak (a), conjugations, roots ending in vowels]:
*U1 Infixes: -kki∞- (present); -tth- (past); -pp- (future) & U5 Infixes: -gi∞- (present); -nth- (past); -v- (future)
*Example: (Conjugation U1: asai-kki∞- [present]; asai-tth- [past]; asai-pp- [future])
164 åwc asai (åwcKk, åwcT∆) move (v.t.); agitate; shake
165 åwc asai (åwcy, åwcN∆) move (v.i.)
*Example: (Conjugation U5: asai-gi∞- [present]; asai-nth- [past]; asai-v- [future])
166 åwd a∂ai (åwdKk, åwdT∆) shut (v.t.), close; lock (U1: a∂ai-kki∞-; a∂ai-tth-; a∂ai-pp-)
167 åwd a∂ai (åwdy, åwdN∆) obtain (v.i.); reach; approach (U5: a∂ai-gi∞-; a∂ai-nth-; a∂ai-v-)
168 åwm amai (åwmKk, åwmT∆) settle (v.t.); construct; install (U1: amai-kki∞-; amai-tth-; amai-pp-)
169 åwm amai (åwmy, åwmN∆) be settled (v.i.); suit; be quiet (U5: amai-gi∞-; amai-nth-; amai-v-)
170 åwr arai (åwrKk, åwrT∆) grind (v.t.) (U1: arai-kki∞-; arai-tth-; arai-pp-)
171 åwr arai (åwry, åwrN∆) be ground (v.i.) (U5: arai-gi∞-; arai-nth-; arai-v-)
172 åÉ avi (åÉKk, åÉT∆) steam (v.t.); boil (U1: avi-kki∞-; avi-tth-; avi-pp-)
173 åÉ avi (åÉy, åÉN∆) be steamed (v.i.); be boiled (U5: avi-gi∞-; avi-nth-; avi-v-)
174 åï aΩi (åïKk, åïT∆) destroy (v.t.) (U1: aΩi-kki∞-; aΩi-tth-; aΩi-pp-)
175 åï aΩi (åïy, åïN∆) be destroyed (v.i.) (U5: aΩi-gi∞-; aΩi-nth-; aΩi-v-)
176 uwd u∂ai (uwdKk, uwdT∆) break (v.t.) (U1: u∂ai-kki∞-; u∂ai-tth-; u∂ai-pp-)
177 uwd u∂ai (uwdy, uwdN∆) be broken (v.i.) (U5: u∂ai-gi∞-; u∂ai-nth-; u∂ai-v-)
178 ¶í eri (¶íKk, ¶íT∆) burn (something) (v.t.) (U1: eri-kki∞-; eri-tth-; eri-pp-)
179 ¶í eri (¶íy, ¶íN∆) burn (v.i.); glow (U5: eri-gi∞-; eri-nth-; eri-v-)
180 kã ka∂i (kãKk, kãT∆) bite (v.t.); chew (U1: ka∂i-kki∞-; ka∂i-tth-; ka∂i-pp-)
181 kã ka∂i (kãy, kãN∆) scold, reprimand (U5: ka∂i-gi∞-; ka∂i-nth-; ka∂i-v-)
182 kï kaΩi (kïKk, kïT∆) discharge (v.t.); spend (time); subtract (U1: kaΩi-kki∞-; kaΩi-tth-; kaΩi-pp-)
183 kï kaΩi (kïy, kïN∆) (of time, days) pass (v.i.) (U5: kaΩi-gi∞-; kaΩi-nth-; kaΩi-v-)
184 áï kiΩi (áïKk, áïT∆) rip (v.t.) (U1: kiΩi-kki∞-; kiΩi-tth-; kiΩi-pp-)
185 áï kiΩi (áïy, áïN∆) be ripped (v.i.) (U5: kiΩi-gi∞-; kiΩi-nth-; kiΩi-v-)
186 ¿w® ku∞ai (¿w®Kk, ¿w®T∆) shorten (v.t.); decrease; cut (U1: ku∞ai-kki∞-; ku∞ai-tth-; ku∞ai-pp-)
187 ¿w® ku∞ai (¿w®y, ¿w®N∆) become short (v.i.); be cut (U5: ku∞ai-gi∞-; ku∞ai-nth-; ku∞ai-v-)
188 etawl tholai (etawlKk, etawlT∆) ruin (v.t.); lose (U1: tholai-kki∞-; tholai-tth-; tholai-pp-)
189 etawl tholai (etawly, etawlN∆) be ruined (v.i.); be lost (U5: tholai-gi∞-; tholai-nth-; tholai-v-)
190 éw® ni∞ai (éw®Kk, éw®T∆) fill (v.t.) (U1: ni∞ai-kki∞-; ni∞ai-tth-; ni∞ai-pp-)
191 éw® ni∞ai (éw®y, éw®N∆) be or become full (v.i.); abound (U5: ni∞ai-gi∞-; ni∞ai-nth-; ni∞ai-v-)
192 «wz nuΩai («wzKk, «wzT∆) make enter (v.t.) (U1: nuΩai-kki∞-; nuΩai-tth-; nuΩai-pp-)
193 «wz nuΩai («wzy, «wzN∆) enter (v.i.) (U5: nuΩai-gi∞-; nuΩai-nth-; nuΩai-v-)
194 èí piri (èíKk, èíT∆) separate (v.t.); divide (U1: piri-kki∞-; piri-tth-; piri-pp-)
195 èí piri (èíy, èíN∆) be separated (v.i.); be divided; unravel; depart (U5: piri-gi∞-; piri-nth-; piri-v-)
196 mw® ma∞ai (mw®Kk, mw®T∆) hide (make disappear) (v.t.) (U1: ma∞ai-kki∞-; ma∞ai-tth-; ma∞ai-pp-)
197 mw® ma∞ai (mw®y, mw®N∆) disappear (v.i.); be hidden (U5: ma∞ai-gi∞-; ma∞ai-nth-; ma∞ai-v-)
198 …ã mu∂i (…ãKk, …ãT∆) finish (v.t.), complete (U1: mu∂i-kki∞-; mu∂i-tth-; mu∂i-pp-)
199 …ã mu∂i (…ãy, …ãN∆) finish (v.i.), end (U5: mu∂i-gi∞-; mu∂i-nth-; mu∂i-v-)
200 Éí viri (ÉíKk, ÉíT∆) spread out (hair, etc.) (v.t.) (U1: viri-kki∞-; viri-tth-; viri-pp-)
201 Éí viri (Éíy, ÉíN∆) expand (v.i.); open; extend (U5: viri-gi∞-; viri-nth-; viri-v-)

– 128 –
‘U’-Family: B-twins [1st, Strong (a), & 5th, Weak (a), conjugations, roots ending in semi-vowels]:
U1 Infixes: -kki∞- (present); -tth- (past); -pp- (future) & U5 Infixes: -gi∞- (present); -nth- (past); -v- (future)
*Example: (Conjugation U1: kaviΩ-kki∞- [present]; kaviΩ-tth- [past]; kaviΩ-pp- [future])
202 kÉZ kaviΩ (kÉZKk, kÉZT∆) turn over (v.t.)
203 kÉZ kaviΩ (kÉz, kÉZN∆) overturn (v.i.)
*Example: (Conjugation U5: kaviΩ-gi∞- [present]; kaviΩ-nth- [past]; kaviΩ-v- [future])

204 kaY käy (kaYKk, kaYT∆) bear (fruit) (v.t.) (U1: käy-kki∞-; käy-tth-; käy-pp-)
205 kaY käy (kay, kaYN∆) dry (v.i.); be heated (U5: käy-gi∞-; käy-nth-; käy-v-)

206 EcR sër (EcRKk, EcRT∆) join (v.t.); unite; admit; collect (U1: sër-kki∞-; sër-tth-; sër-pp-)
207 EcR sër (Ecr, EcRN∆) join (with) (v.i.); reach (U5: sër-gi∞-; sër-nth-; sër-v-)

208 taZ thäΩ (taZKk, taZT∆) humiliate (v.t.) (U1: thäΩ-kki∞-; thäΩ-tth-; thäΩ-pp-)
209 taZ thäΩ (taz, taZN∆) descend (v.i.); become humble (U5: thäΩ-gi∞-; thäΩ-nth-; thäΩ-v-)

210 ≥ [≥Y] thï [thïy] (≥YKk, ≥YT∆) scorch ( (v.t.); burn (U1: thïy-kki∞-; thïy-tth-; thïy-pp-)
211 ≥ [≥Y] thï [thïy] (≥y, ≥YN∆) be scorched, burnt (v.i.) (U5: thïy-gi∞-; thïy-nth-; thïy-v-)

212 ≥R thïr (≥RKk, ≥RT∆) resolve (a problem, etc.) (v.t.) (U1: thïr-kki∞-; thïr-tth-; thïr-pp-)
213 ≥R thïr (≥r, ≥RN∆) be finished (v.i.) (U5: thïr-gi∞-; thïr-nth-; thïr-v-)

214 EmY mëy (EmYKk, EmYT∆) graze (v.t.), feed (cattle) (U1: mëy-kki∞-; mëy-tth-; mëy-pp-)
215 EmY mëy (Emy, EmYN∆) graze (v.i.); eat (grass, etc.) (U5: mëy-gi∞-; mëy-nth-; mëy-v-)

216 v¬R va¬ar (v¬RKk, v¬RT∆) (make) grow (v.t.); raise (U1: va¬ar-kki∞-; va¬ar-tth-; va¬ar-pp-)
217 v¬R va¬ar (v¬r, v¬RN∆) grow (v.i.) (U5: va¬ar-gi∞-; va¬ar-nth-; va¬ar-v-)

‘U’-Family: C-twins [1st, Strong (a), & 4th, Middle (b), conjugations]::
U1 Infixes: -kki∞- (present); -tth- (past); -pp- (future) & U4 Infixes: -gi∞- (present); -††- (past); -v- (future)
*Example: (Conjugation U1: ke∂u-kki∞- [present]; ke∂u-tth- [past]; ke∂u-pp- [future])
218 ekƒ ke∂u (ekƒKk, ekƒT∆) damage (v.t.); spoil
219 ekƒ ke∂u (ekd, ekDƒ) be damaged (v.i.); be spoiled
*Example: (Conjugation U4: ke∂u-gi∞- [present]; ke-††- [past]; ke∂u-v- [future])

220 etaƒ tho∂u (etaƒKk, etaƒT∆) connect (v.t.); string (beads, etc.) (U1: tho∂u-kki∞-; -tth-; -pp-)
221 etaƒ tho∂u (etad, etaDƒ) touch (v.t.) (U4: tho∂u-gi∞-; tho-††-; tho∂u-v-)

222 pƒ pa∂u (pƒKk, pƒT∆) lie (down) (U1: pa∂u-kki∞-; pa∂u-tth-; pa∂u-pp-)
223 pƒ pa∂u (pd, pDƒ) experience; feel (after a noun) (U4: pa∂u-gi∞-; pa-††-; pa∂u-v-)

– 129 –
1st Conjugation – Strong ‘U’ Form (a):
(U1 Infixes: -kki∞- [present]; -tth- [past]; -pp- [future])
224 åã a∂i (åãKk, åãT∆) hit (v.t.); ring (bell); blow (e.g., as wind) (U1: a∂i-kki∞-; a∂i-tth-; a∂i-pp-)
225 åwz aΩai (åwzKk, åwzT∆) call (v.t.); invite (U1: aΩai-kki∞-; aΩai-tth-; aΩai-pp-)
226 åñ a¬i (åñKk, åñT∆) give (v.t.); offer; render (U1: a¬i-kki∞-; a¬i-tth-; a¬i-pp-)
227 åóÉ a∞ivi (åóÉKk, åóÉT∆) announce (v.t.) (U1: a∞ivi-kki∞-; a∞ivi-tth-; a∞ivi-pp-)
228 åfimç a√umathi (åfimçKk, åfimçT∆) admit (v.t.) (U1: ºathi-kki∞-; ºathi-tth-; ºathi-pp-)
229 Atí äthari (AtíKk, AtíT∆) support (v.t.); sustain (U1: äthari-kki∞-; äthari-tth-; äthari-pp-)
230 ArMè ärambi (ArMèKk, ArMèT∆) begin (v.t.) (U1: ärambi-kki∞-; ärambi-tth-; ärambi-pp-)
231 iã i∂i (iãKk, iãT∆) pound (v.t.); smash; thunder (U1: i∂i-kki∞-; i∂i-tth-; i∂i-pp-)
232 irDâ ira†chi (irDâKk, irDâT∆) protect (v.t.); save (U1: iraºchi-kki∞-; iraºchi-tth-; iraºchi-pp-)
233 i¤ iΩu (i¤Kk, i¤T∆) pull (v.t.), drag; inhale; stretch (U1: iΩu-kki∞-; iΩu-tth-; iΩu-pp-)
234 iò i√i (iòKk, iòT∆) be sweet (v.i.) (U1: i√i-kki∞-; i√i-tth-; i√i-pp-)
235 uƒ u∂u (uƒKk, uƒT∆) wear (v.t.), put on (U1: u∂u-kki∞-; u∂u-tth-; u∂u-pp-)
236 upEyaá upayögi (upEyaáKk, upEyaáT∆) use (v.t.) (U1: ºyögi-kki∞-; ºyögi-tth-; ºyögi-pp-)
237 uwz uΩai (uwzKk, uwzT∆) work (v.i.), toil; last (to wear well) (U1: uΩai-kki∞-; uΩai-tth-; uΩai-pp-)
238 ¶Ccí ecchari (¶CcíKk, ¶CcíT∆) warn (v.t.); caution (U1: ecchari-kki∞-; ecchari-tth-; ecchari-pp-)
239 ¶ƒ e∂u (¶ƒKk, ¶ƒT∆) take (v.t.); pick up; remove (U1: e∂u-kki∞-; e∂u-tth-; e∂u-pp-)
240 o o (oKk, oT∆) resemble (v.t.); equal (U1: o-kki∞-; o-tth-; o-pp-)
241 oPè oppi (oPèKk, oPèT∆) repeat/reproduce (from memory) (U1: oppi-kki∞-; oppi-tth-; oppi-pp-)
242 oì oli (oìKk, oìT∆) sound (v.t.) (U1: oli-kki∞-; oli-tth-; oli-pp-)
244 kBƒèã ka∫∂u-pi∂i (-èãKk, -èãT∆) find (v.t.); discover; solve (-pi∂i-kki∞-; -pi∂i-tth-; -pi∂i-pp-)
245 kÃTtí karutthari (ºTtíKk, ºTtíT∆) conceive (become pregnant (v.i.) (ºtthari-kki∞-; ºtthari-tth-; ºtthari-pp-)
246 kLÉyñ kalvi-y-a¬i (-åñKk, -åñT∆) educate, teach (kalviya¬i-kki∞-; kalviya¬i-tth-; kalviya¬i-pp-)
247 kvò kava√i (kvòKk, kvòT∆) be careful, watch out (U1: kava√i-kki∞-; kava√i-tth-; kava√i-pp-)
248 k‰›Kekaƒ ka∞∞u-k-ko∂u (-ekaƒKk, -ekaƒT∆) teach (U1: -ko∂u-kki∞-; -ko∂u-tth-; -ko∂u-pp-)
249 kay wv käya vai (- wvKk, - wvT∆) dry (v.t.) (U1: - vai-kki∞-; - vai-tth-; - vai-pp-)
250 ¿ã ku∂i (¿ãKk, ¿ãT∆) drink (v.t.) (U1: ku∂i-kki∞-; ku∂i-tth-; ku∂i-pp-)
251 ¿ç kuthi (¿çKk, ¿çT∆) gallop; jump (U1: kuthi-kki∞-; kuthi-tth-; kuthi-pp-)
252 ¿wr kurai (¿wrKk, ¿wrT∆) bark (v.i.) (U1: kurai-kki∞-; kurai-tth-; kurai-pp-)
253 ¿wl kulai (¿wlKk, ¿wlT∆) bark (v.i.) (U1: kulai-kki∞-; kulai-tth-; kulai-pp-)
254 ¿ñ ku¬i (¿ñKk, ¿ñT∆) bathe (oneself) (v.i.) (U1: ku¬i-kki∞-; ku¬i-tth-; ku¬i-pp-)
255 ¿ó ku∞i (¿óKk, ¿óT∆) mark (v.t.); denote (U1: ku∞i-kki∞-; ku∞i-tth-; ku∞i-pp-)
256 ekaƒ ko∂u (ekaƒKk, ekaƒT∆) give (v.t.) (U1: ko∂u-kki∞-; ko∂u-tth-; ko∂u-pp-)
257 ekaç kothi (ekaçKk, ekaçT∆) boil (v.i.) (U1: kothi-kki∞-; kothi-tth-; kothi-pp-)
258 eka¤ koΩu (eka¤Kk, eka¤T∆) grow fat (v.i.) (U1: koΩu-kki∞-; koΩu-tth-; koΩu-pp-)
259 ekaÒw¬yã ko¬¬ai-y-a∂i (-åãKk, -åãT∆) rob (grand larceny) (v.t.) (-a∂i-kki∞-; -a∂i-tth-; -a∂i-pp-)
260 cNç santhi (cNçKk, cNçT∆) meet (U1: santhi-kki∞-; santhi-tth-; santhi-pp-)
261 cNEtá santhëgi (cNEtáKk, cNEtáT∆) doubt (U1: santhëgi-kki∞-; santhëgi-tth-; santhëgi-pp-)
262 âí siri (âíKk, âíT∆) smile (v.i.); laugh (U1: siri-kki∞-; siri-tth-; siri-pp-)
263 ecLvaKkã selväkk’a∂i (-åãKk, -åãT∆) influence (v.t.) (U1: a∂i-kki∞-; a∂i-tth-; a∂i-pp-)
264 Ecaç söthi (EcaçKk, EcaçT∆) examine (v.t.); test; search (U1: söthi-kki∞-; söthi-tth-; söhi-pp-)
265 tƒ tha∂u (tƒKk, tƒT∆) bar (block) (v.t.) (U1: tha∂u-kki∞-; tha∂u-tth-; tha∂u-pp-)
266 tBã dha∫∂i (tBãKk, tBãT∆) punish (v.t.) (U1: dha∫∂i-kki∞-; dha∫∂i-tth-; dha∫∂i-pp-)
267 tÉR thavir (tÉRKk, tÉRT∆) avoid (v.t.); abstain from (U1: thavir-kki∞-; thavir-tth-; thavir-pp-)
268 tamç thämathi (tamçKk, tamçT∆) delay (v.t.) (U1: thämathi-kki∞-; thämathi-tth-; thämathi-pp-)
269 ≥RPpñ thïrpp’a¬i (-åñKk, -åñT∆) judge (v.t.) (U1: -a¬i-kki∞-; -a¬i-tth-; -a¬i-pp-)
270 ≥Rmaò thïrmä√i (≥RmaòKk, ≥RmaòT∆) decide (U1: thirmä√i-kki∞-; thirmä√i-tth-; thirmä√i-pp-)
271 ∆wd thu∂ai (∆wdKk, ∆wdT∆) wipe (v.t.); dry (U1: thu∂ai-kki∞-; thu∂ai-tth-; thu∂ai-pp-)
272 etíÉ therivi (etíÉKk, etíÉT∆) make known (v.t.); express (U1: ºvi-kki∞-; ºvi-tth-; ºvi-pp-)
273 EtRNetƒ thërnth’e∂u (-¶ƒKk, -¶ƒT∆) choose (v.t.), select; elect (U1: -e∂u-kki∞-; -e∂u-tth-; -e∂u-pp-)
274 wt thai (wtKk, wtT∆) sew (v.t.), stitch (U1: thai-kki∞-; thai-tth-; thai-pp-)

– 130 –
275 Eta‰kã thö∞k’a∂i (-åãKk, -åãT∆) defeat (competitively) (v.t.) (-a∂i-kki∞-; -a∂i-tth-; -a∂i-pp-)
276 Eta‰›É thö∞∞uvi (-ÉKk, -ÉT∆) cause (sth) (v.t.); create (U1: ºvi-kki∞-; ºvi-tth-; ºvi-pp-)
277 nã na∂i (nãKk, nãT∆) act; dance (U1: na∂i-kki∞-; na∂i-tth-; na∂i-pp-)
278 éyê niyami (éyêKk, éyêT∆) appoint (v.t.) (U1: niyami-kki∞-; niyami-tth-; niyami-pp-)
279 éwˆ ni√ai (éwˆKk, éwˆT∆) think; remember (U1: ni√ai-kki∞-; ni√ai-tth-; ni√ai-pp-)
280 ¥ã nï∂i (¥ãKk, ¥ãT∆) extend (time) (v.i.); last (U1: nï∂i-kki∞-; nï∂i-tth-; nï∂i-pp-)
281 Enâ nësi (EnâKk, EnâT∆) love (v.t.) (U1: nësi-kki∞-; nësi-tth-; nësi-pp-)
282 p¿ pagu (p¿Kk, p¿T∆) share (v.t.); apportion; divide (U1: pagu-kki∞-; pagu-tth-; pagu-pp-)
283 pâ pasi (pâKk, pâT∆) be hungry (w/ dat.) (U1: pasi-kki∞-; pasi-tth-; pasi-pp-)
284 pã pa∂i (pãKk, pãT∆) read (v.t.); study (U1: pa∂i-kki∞-; pa∂i-tth-; pa∂i-pp-)
285 [pí]Ecaç [pari]söthi (-EcaçKk, -EcaçT∆) check (examine)(v.t.) (-söthi-kki∞-; -söthi-tth-; -söthi-pp-)
286 pï paΩi (pïKk, pïT∆) blame (v.t.); find fault (with) (U1: paΩi-kki∞-; paΩi-tth-; paΩi-pp-)
287 p¤ paΩu (p¤Kk, p¤T∆) ripen (v.i.) (U1: paΩu-kki∞-athu; paΩu-tth-athu; paΩukk’-um) 3rd pers. only
288 paç päthi (paçKk, paçT∆) affect (v.t.) (U1: päthi-kki∞-; päthi-tth-; päthi-pp-)
289 paR pär (paRKk, paRT∆) look (v.t.), see; try (U1: pär-kki∞-; pär-tth-; pär-pp-)
290 èã pi∂i (èãKk, èãT∆) seize (v.t.), catch, grab; like (U1: pi∂i-kki∞-; pi∂i-tth-; pi∂i-pp-)
291 »wt puthai (»wtKk, »wtT∆) bury (v.t.) (U1: puthai-kki∞-; puthai-tth-; puthai-pp-)
292 È pü (ÈKk, ÈT∆) bloom, blossom (U1: pü-kki∞-athu; pü-tth-athu; pükk’-um) 3rd pers. only
293 epa› po∞u (epa›Kk, epa›T∆) endure (v.t.); tolerate; wait (U1: po∞u-kki∞-; po∞u-tth-; po∞u-pp-)
294 máZÉ magiΩvi (máZÉKk, máZÉT∆) cheer up (s.o.) (v.t.) (ºgiΩvi-kki∞-; ºgiΩvi-tth-; ºgiΩvi-pp-)
295 m› ma∞u (m›Kk, m›T∆) refuse (v.t.); deny (U1: ma∞u-kki∞-; ma∞u-tth-; ma∞u-pp-)
296 m˜ò ma√√i (m˜òKk, m˜òT∆) excuse (v.t.), forgive (U1: ma√√i-kki∞-; ma√√i-tth-; ma√√i-pp-)
297 êtKk wv mithakka vai (- wvKk, -wvT∆) float (v.t.) (U1: - vai-kki∞-; - vai-tth-; - vai-pp-)
298 ÎZkã müΩga∂i (-åãKk, -åãT∆) (cause to) drown (v.t.); dunk (ºa∂i-kki∞-; ºa∂i-tth-; ºa∂i-pp-)
299 emYPè meyppi (emYPèKk, emYPèT∆) prove (v.t.) (U1: ºpi-kki∞-; ºpi-tth-; ºpi-pp-)
300 Eyaâ yösi (Eya‰Kk, Eya‰T∆) consider; ponder (U1: yösi-kki∞-; yösi-tth-; yösi-pp-)
301 râ rasi (râKk, râT∆) enjoy (U1: rasi-kki∞-; rasi-tth-; rasi-pp-)
302 v¿ vagu (v¿Kk, v¿T∆) divide (v.t.); classify (U1: vagu-kki∞-; vagu-tth-; vagu-pp-)
303 vâ vasi (vâKk, vâT∆) live (dwell) (U1: vasi-kki∞-; vasi-tth-; vasi-pp-)
304 vüâ vañji (vüâKk, vüâT∆) cheat (U1: vañji-kki∞-; vañji-tth-; vañji-pp-)
305 vaâ väsi (vaâKk, vaâT∆) read (v.t.); study; play (an instrument) (väsi-kki∞-; väsi-tth-; väsi-pp-)
306 ÉmRâ vimarsi (ÉmRâKk, ÉmRâT∆) criticize (v.t.) (U1: vimarsi-kki∞-; vimarsi-tth-; vimarsi-pp-)
307 Éví vivari (ÉvíKk, ÉvíT∆) describe (v.t.) (U1: vivari-kki∞-; vivari-tth-; vivari-pp-)
308 Évaç viväthi (ÉvaçKk, ÉvaçT∆) argue; debate (U1: viväthi-kki∞-; viväthi-tth-; viväthi-pp-)
309 ɬKkŒwr åñ vi¬akkavurai a¬i (- åñKk, - åñT∆) comment (on) (- a¬i-kki∞-; - a¬i-tth-; - a¬i-pp-)
310 ™bã vï∫a∂i (-åãKk, -åãT∆) waste (i.e., not make use of) (v.t.) (-a∂i-kki∞-; -a∂i-tth-; -a∂i-pp-)
311 evã ve∂i (evãKk, evãT∆) burst (v.t.), explode (U1: ve∂i-kki∞-; ve∂i-tth-; ve∂i-pp-)
312 ev› ve∞u (ev›Kk, ev›T∆) hate (v.t.), dislike (U1: ve∞u-kki∞-; ve∞u-tth-; ve∞u-pp-)
313 wv vai (wvKk, wvT∆) put (v.t.), place; keep; serve (U1: vai-kki∞-; vai-tth-; vai-pp-)
314 EkÒ kë¬ (EkDk, EkDƒ) ask; listen; obey euphonic variant (U1: kë†-ki∞-; kë†-†-; kë†-p-)
315 èCwc EkÒ picchai kë¬ (- EkDk, - EkDƒ) beg euphonic variant (U1: kë†-ki∞-; kë†-†-; kë†-p-)
316 m˜òP» EkÒ ma√√ippu kë¬ (- EkDk, - EkDƒ) ask forgiveness, apologize (kë†-ki∞-; kë†-†-; kë†-p-)
317 kL(Õ) kal(lu) (k‰k, k‰›) study (v.t.); learn euphonic variant (U1: ka∞-ki∞-; ka∞-∞-; ka∞-p-)
318 ÉL(Õ) vil(lu) (ɉk, ɉ›) sell (v.t.) euphonic variant (U1: vi∞-ki∞-; vi∞-∞-; vi∞-p-)
319 ¶çR paR ethir pär (- paRKk, - paRT∆) wait for (v.t.); expect (U1: - pär-kki∞-; - pär-tth-; - pär-pp-)
320 ¿ó paR ku∞i pär (- paRKk, - paRT∆) aim; point at (U1: - pär-kki∞-; - pär-tth-; - pär-pp-)
321 ec˜› paR se√∞u pär (- paRKk, - paRT∆) call on (someone) (U1: - pär-kki∞-; - pär-tth-; - pär-pp-)
322 EtãPpaR thë∂i-p-pär (-paRKk, -paRT∆) seek; search for (U1: - pär-kki∞-; - pär-tth-; - pär-pp-)
323 p¤∆ paR paΩuthu pär (- paRKk, - paRT∆) fix (repair) (U1: - pär-kki∞-; - pär-tth-; - pär-pp-)
324 EmaN∆ paR mönthu pär (- paRKk, - paRT∆) smell (sth.) (U1: - pär-kki∞-; - pär-tth-; - pär-pp-)
325 Ãâ paR rusi pär (- paRKk, - paRT∆) taste (U1: - pär-kki∞-; - pär-tth-; - pär-pp-)
326 åwb a∫ai (åwbKk, åwbT∆) embrace (v.t.); turn off, switch off (U1: a∫ai-kki∞-; a∫ai-tth-; a∫ai-pp-)

– 131 –
2nd Conjugation – Strong ‘U’ Form (b):
(U2 Infixes: -kki∞- [present]; -nth- [past]; -pp- [future])
327 å¬ a¬a (å¬Kk, å¬N∆) measure (v.t.) (U2: a¬a-kki∞-; a¬a-nth-; a¬a-pp-)
328 ià iru (iÃKk, iÃN∆) be (v.i.); stay, remain; wait; have (U2: iru-kki∞-; iru-nth-; iru-pp-)
329 iz iΩa (izKk, izN∆) lose (be unable to keep) (v.t.) (U2: iΩa-kki∞-; iΩa-nth-; iΩa-pp-)
330 i® i∞a (i®Kk, i®N∆) die (v.i.) (U2: i∞a-kki∞-; i∞a-nth-; i∞a-pp-)
330X kd ka∂a (kdKk, kdN∆) cross (over) (v.i.); pass (U2: ka∂a-kki∞-; ka∂a-nth-; ka∂a-pp-)
331 kl kala (klKk, klN∆) mix (v.t.); mingle (v.i.) (U2: kala-kki∞-; kala-nth-; kala-pp-)
332 ád ki∂a (ádKk, ádN∆) remain (v.i.); lie around (U2: ki∂a-kki∞-; ki∂a-nth-; ki∂a-pp-)
333 â® si∞a (â®Kk, â®N∆) excell; be distinguished (U2: si∞a-kki∞-; si∞a-nth-; si∞a-pp-)
334 ç® thi∞a (ç®Kk, ç®N∆) open (v.t.) (U2: thi∞a-kki∞-; thi∞a-nth-; thi∞a-pp-)
335 nd na∂a (ndKk, ndN∆) walk (v.i.); behave; happen (U2: na∂a-kki∞-; na∂a-nth-; na∂a-pp-)
336 p® pa∞a (p®Kk, p®N∆) fly; move swiftly (U2: pa∞a-kki∞-; pa∞a-nth-; pa∞a-pp-)
337 è¬ pi¬a (è¬Kk, è¬N∆) split (v.t.) (U2: pi¬a-kki∞-; pi¬a-nth-; pi¬a-pp-)
338 è® pi∞a (è®Kk, è®N∆) be born (v.i.); be issued (U2: pi∞a-kki∞-; pi∞a-nth-; pi∞a-pp-)
339 m® ma∞a (m®Kk, m®N∆) forget (v.t.) (U2: ma∞a-kki∞-; ma∞a-nth-; ma∞a-pp-)
340 êt mitha (êtKk, êtN∆) float (v.i.) (U2: mitha-kki∞-; mitha-nth-; mitha-pp-)
341 éL(Õ) nil(lu) (é‰k, 阛) stop (v.i.); stay; stand (U2: ni∞-ki∞-; ni√∞-; ni∞-p-) euphonic variants

Composite verbs with iÌ :

(U2 Infixes: -kki∞- [present]; -nth- [past]; -pp- [future])
342 ¶¤Nçà eΩunth’iru (-iÃKk, -iÃN∆) get up (v.i.) (U2: -iru-kki∞-; -iru-nth-; -iru-pp-)
343 kaTçà kätthiru (-iÃKk, -iÃN∆) wait (U2: -iru-kki∞-; -iru-nth-; -iru-pp-)
344 ekaçKkPpDãà kothikka-p-pa††’iru (-iÃKk, -iÃN∆) boil (v.t.) (-iru-kki∞-; -iru-nth-; -iru-pp-)
345 ecaNtmaëà sontham$y-iru (-iÃKk, -iÃN∆) belong (U2: -iru-kki∞-; -iru-nth-; -iru-pp-)
346 t¿Nçà thagunth’iru (-iÃKk, -iÃN∆) be proper (v.i.); be suitable (-iru-kki∞-; -iru-nth-; -iru-pp-)
347 pDãòëà pa††i√i-y-iru (-iÃKk, -iÃN∆) starve (v.i.) (U2: -iru-kki∞-; -iru-nth-; -iru-pp-)
348 pyNçà payanth’iru (-iÃKk, -iÃN∆) be afraid (w/ dat.) (U2: -iru-kki∞-; -iru-nth-; -iru-pp-)
349 epa›Tçà po∞utth’iru (-iÃKk, -iÃN∆) be patient (U2: -iru-kki∞-; -iru-nth-; -iru-pp-)
350 …ãëà mu∂i-y-iru (-iÃKk, -iÃN∆) be closed (v.i.); be covered (U2: -iru-kki∞-; -iru-nth-; -iru-pp-)

3rd Conjugation – Middle ‘U’ Form (a):

(U3 Infixes: -gi∞ [present]; -√∞- or -∫∂- [past]; -b- [future])
351 ¶˜(fi) e√(√u) (¶˜ˆ, ¶˜›) say; tell (U3: e√-gi∞-; e-√∞-; e√-b-)
352 ç˜(fi) thi√(√u) (瘈, 瘛) eat (said of animals); snack (humans) (U3: thi√-gi∞-; thi√∞-; thi√-b-)
353 uB(≈) u∫(∫u) (uBb, uBƒ) eat (v.t.); drink (U3: u∫-gi∞-; u∫∂-; u∫-b-)
354 kaB kä∫ (kab, kBƒ) see (v.t.); find out (U3: kä∫-gi∞-; ka∫∂-; kä∫-b-) irregular: root vowel
shortened in the past tense

– 132 –
4th Conjugation – Middle ‘U’ Form (b): (U4 Infixes: -gi∞-[present]; -††- or -∞∞- [past]; -v-[future])
355 Awbëƒ ä∫ai-y-idu (-id, -iDƒ) command (v.t.) (U4: -i∂u-gi∞-; -i††-; -i∂u-v-)
356 iƒ i∂u (id, iDƒ) put (v.t.); place (U4: i∂u-gi∞-; i††-; i∂u-v-)
357 ud˜pƒ u∂a√-pa∂u (-pd, -pDƒ) comply with; agree (U4: -pa∂u-gi∞-; -pa††-; -pa∂u-v-)
358 Uâ Epaƒ üsi pö∂u (- Epad, - EpaDƒ) inoculate (U4: pö∂u-gi∞-; pö††-; pö∂u-v-)
359 ´‰pƒ ë∞pa∂u (-pd, -pDƒ) develop (v.i.); evolve; begin to be (U4: -pa∂u-gi∞-; -pa††-; -pa∂u-v-)
360 oPèƒ oppi∂u (-id, -iDƒ) compare (v.t.); contrast (U4: oppi∂u-gi∞-; oppi††-; oppi∂u-v-)
361 kDdw¬ëƒ ka††a¬ai-y-i∂u (-id, -iDƒ) command, order (U4: -i∂u-gi∞-; -i††-; -i∂u-v-)
362 kvwlPpƒ kavalai-p-pa∂u (-pd, -pDƒ) worry (v.i.) (U4: -pa∂u-gi∞-; -pa††-; -pa∂u-v-)
363 ¿Mèƒ kumbi∂u (¿Mèd, ¿MèDƒ) worship (v.t.); bow to (U4: -i∂u-gi∞-; -i††-; -i∂u-v-)
364 ¿óPèƒ ku∞ipp’i∂u (-id, -iDƒ) specify (v.t.); mention (U4: -i∂u-gi∞-; -i††-; -i∂u-v-)
365 ¿Pèƒ küppi∂u (¿Pèd, ¿PèDƒ) call (v.t.); shout (U4: -i∂u-gi∞-; -i††-; -i∂u-v-)
366 caPèƒ säppi∂u (caPèd, caPèDƒ) eat (have a meal) (U4: -i∂u-gi∞-; -i††-; -i∂u-v-)
367 ◊ƒ su∂u (◊d, ◊Dƒ) burn, be hot; shoot (U4: su∂u-gi∞-; su††-; su∂u-v-)
368 tÒñ Epaƒ tha¬¬i pö∂u (- Epad, - EpaDƒ) put aside (v.t.); postpone (pö∂u-gi∞-; pö††-; pö∂u-v-)
369 çƒKრthi∂ukki∂u (çƒKád, çƒKáDƒ) be startled (v.i.), alarmed (U4: -i∂u-gi∞-; -i††-; -i∂u-v-)
370 çDdêƒ thi††am-i∂u (-id, -iDƒ) plan (v.t.), design (U4: -i∂u-gi∞-; -i††-; -i∂u-v-)
371 ÁKáL Epaƒ thükkil pö∂u (- Epad, - EpaDƒ) hang (execute) (v.t.) (U4: pö∂u-gi∞-; pö††-; pö∂u-v-)
372 etaıkɃ tho≥gavi∂u (-Éd, -ÉDƒ) hang (suspend) (v.t.) (U4: -vi∂u-gi∞-; -vi††-; -vi∂u-v-)
373 nƒ na∂u (nd, nDƒ) plant (a tree, seedling) (v.t.); fix (a pole, post, etc.) (na∂u-gi∞-; na††-; na∂u-v-)
374 pëíƒ payiri∂u (-id, -iDƒ) farm (U4: -i∂u-gi∞-; -i††; -i∂u-v-)
375 pìëƒ bali-y-i∂u (-id, -iDƒ) sacrifice (U4: -i∂u-gi∞-; -i††-; -i∂u-v-)
376 èryacPpƒ pirayäsa-p-pa∂u (-pd, -pDƒ) try (U4: -pa∂u-gi∞-; -pa††-; -pa∂u-v-)
377 »®Ppƒ pu∞a-p-pa∂u (-pd, -pDƒ) start, set out (U4: -pa∂u-gi∞-; -pa††-; -pa∂u-v-)
378 Epaƒ pö∂u (Epad, EpaDƒ) put (v.t.); throw; (of animals) give birth (pö∂u-gi∞-; pö††-; pö∂u-v-)
379 EpaDãëƒ pö††i-y-i∂u (-id, -iDƒ) compete, contest (U4: -i∂u-gi∞-; -i††-; -i∂u-v-)
380 …Ttêƒ muttham-i∂u (-id, -iDƒ) (give a) kiss (U4: -i∂u-gi∞-; -i††-; -i∂u-v-)
381 Ƀ vi∂u (Éd, ÉDƒ) release (let go) (v.t.); leave; abandon (U4: vi∂u-gi∞-; vi††-; vi∂u-v-)
382 evñëƒ ve¬i-y-i∂u (-id, -iDƒ) publish (v.t.) (U4: -i∂u-gi∞-; -i††-; -i∂u-v-)
383 Ev›pƒ vë∞u-pa∂u (-pd, -pDƒ) differ (be different) (v.i.) (U4: - pa∂u-gi∞-; - pa††-; - pa∂u-v-)
384 ep› pe∞u (ep®, ep‰›) get (v.t.), receive; bear (give birth to) (U4: peru-gi∞-; pe††-; peru-v-)
385 nwd ep› na∂ai pe∞u (- ep®, - ep‰›) happen, take place (U4: - peru-gi∞-; - pe††-; - peru-v-)
386 ca(¿) sä(gu) (cak, ecT∆) die (said of animals) (v.i.) (U4: sä-gi∞-; setth-; sä-v-)
irregular: root vowel shortened in the past tense

– 133 –
5th Conjugation – Weak ‘U’ Form (a): U5 Infixes: -gi∞- [present]; -nth- [past]; -v- [future]
With roots ending in vowels:
387 åõ a∫i (åõy, åõN∆) wear (v.t.); put on (U5: a∫i-gi∞-; a∫i-nth-; a∫i-v-)
388 åwl alai (åwly, åwlN∆) wander (v.i.); go about (U5: alai-gi∞-; alai-nth-; alai-v-)
389 åó a∞i (åóy, åóN∆) know, understand (U5: a∞i-gi∞-; a∞i-nth-; a∞i-v-)
390 ¶¤ eΩu (¶z*, ¶¤N∆) get up (v.i.); awake; emerge (U5: eΩu-gi∞-; eΩu-nth-; eΩu-v-) [*Note infinitive formation]
391 ¶ó e∞i (¶óy, ¶óN∆) throw (v.t.), hurl, toss (U5: e∞i-gi∞-; e∞i-nth-; e∞i-v-)
392 kw¬ ka¬ai (kw¬y, kw¬N∆) clean (grain, etc., with water) (U5: ka¬ai-gi®-; ka¬ai-nth-; ka¬ai-v-)
393 etó theri (etóy, etóN∆) know (v.t.); understand; see (U5: theri-gi∞-; theri-nth-; theri-v-)
394 »wk pugai (»wky, »wkN∆) smoke (emit smoke) (v.i.) (U5: pugai-gi∞-; pugai-nth-; pugai-v-)
395 myıá ɤ maya≥gi viΩu (- Éz* *, - ɤN∆) faint (v.i.); swoon (U5: viΩu-gi∞-; viΩu-nth-; viΩu-v-)
396 rTtM vã rattham va∂i (- vãy, - vãN∆) bleed (U5: va∂i-gi∞-; va∂i-nth-; va∂i-v-)
397 Éã vidi (Éãy, ÉãN∆) rise (e.g., as sun) (v.i.); dawn (U5: vi∂i-gi∞-; vi∂i-nth-; vi∂i-v-)
398 ɤ viΩu (Éz* *, ɤN∆) fall (v.i.) (U5: viΩu-gi∞-; viΩu-nth-; viΩu-v-)
399 ta thä (tr, tN∆) give (v.t.) (U5: tharu-gi∞-; tha-nth-; tharu-v-)
irregular: past contracted & imperative vowel lengthened
400 va vä (vr, vN∆) come (v.i.) (U5: varu-gi∞-; va-nth-; varu-v-)
irregular: past contracted & imperative vowel lengthened
401 ekaBƒ va ko∫∂u vä (- vr, - vN∆) bring (along) (v.t.) (U5: - varu-gi∞-; - va-nth-; - varu-v-)
402 ecaLìT ta solli-t-thä (- tr, - tN∆) teach (U5: - tharu-gi∞-; - tha-nth-; - tharu-v-)
403 çÃMè va thirumbi vä (- vr, - vN∆) return; come back (U5: - varu-gi∞-; - va-nth-; - varu-v-)
404 Ena(¿) nö(gu) (Enak* *, enaN∆) ache (v.i.); hurt (U5: nögu-gi∞-athu; no-nth-athu; nög’-um)
irregular: root vowel shortened in the past tense – this verb used only in the neuter, 3rd person
405 »¿ pugu (»k* *, »¿N∆) enter (U5: pugu-gi∞-; pugu-nth-; pugu-v-)
406 ê¿ migu (êk* *, ê¿N∆) increase (in size, number) (U5: migu-gi∞-; migu-nth-; migu-v-)
407 Ev(¿) vë(gu) (Evk* *, evN∆) heat up (boil, fry) (v.i.) (U5: vëgu-gi∞-; ve-nth-; vëgu-v-)
irregular: root vowel shortened in the past tense
With roots ending in semi-vowels:
408 AraY äräy (Aray, AraYN∆) examine (v.t.); research (U5: äräy-gi∞-; äräy-nth-; äräy-v-)
409 uDkaR u†kär (uDkar, uDkaRN∆) sit (v.i.) (U5: u†kär-gi∞-; u†kär-nth-; u†kär-v-)
410 ubR u∫ar (ubr, ubRN∆) feel (v.i.); realize; recognize (U5: u∫ar-gi∞-; u∫ar-nth-; u∫ar-v-)
411 OY öy (Oy, OYN∆) tire (become tired) (v.i.); cease; desist (U5: öy-gi∞-; öy-nth-; öy-v-)
412 caR sär (car, caRN∆) depend on (U5: sär-gi∞-; sär-nth-; sär-v-)
413 etadR tho∂ar (etadr, etadRN∆) pursue (v.t.); continue; take up (U5: tho∂ar-gi∞-; tho∂ar-nth-; tho∂ar-v-)
415 paY päy (pay, paYN∆) jump (v.i.), leap (U5: päy-gi∞-; päy-nth-; päy-v-)
416 è˜etadR pi√-tho∂ar (-etadr, -etadRN∆) chase (v.t.), follow (U5: -tho∂ar-gi∞-; -tho∂ar-nth-; -tho∂ar-v-)
417 »kZ pugaΩ (»kz, »kZN∆) praise (v.t.), glorify (U5: pugaΩ-gi∞-; pugaΩ-nth-; pugaΩ-v-)
418 máZ magiΩ (máz, máZN∆) rejoice (v.i.), be happy (U5: magiΩ-gi∞-; magiΩ-nth-; magiΩ-v-)
419 mlR malar (mlr, mlRN∆) flower (v.i.), bloom, blossom (U5: malar-gi∞-; malar-nth-; malar-v-)
420 vN∆ EcR vanthu sër (- Ecr, - EcRN∆) arrive (U5: sër-gi∞-; sër-nth-; sër-v-)
421 vaZ väΩ (vaz, vaZN∆) prosper (v.i.); live (U5: väΩ-gi∞-; väΩ-nth-; väΩ-v-)

– 134 –
U5 Infixes: -gi∞- (present); -√∞- (past); -v- (future) – euphonically modified Infix in the past tense
with roots ending in the alveolar consonant ‘l’:
422 ekaL(Õ) kol(lu) (ekaLl, eka˜›) kill (v.t.) (U5: kol-gi∞-; ko√∞-; kol-v-)
423 ecL(Õ) sel(lu) (ecLl, ec˜›) go (v.i.); follow (U5: sel-gi∞-; se√∞-; sel-v-)
424 emL(Õ) mel(lu) (emLl, em˜›) chew (U5: mel-gi∞-; me√∞-; mel-v-)
425 evL(Õ) vel(lu) (evLl, ev˜›) conquer (v.t.); triumph, win (U5: vel-gi∞-; ve√∞-; vel-v-)
With past participles ending in a retroflexive, with or without a following ‘u’:
U5 Infixes: -gi∞- (present); -∫∂- (past); -v- (future) – euphonically modified Infix in the past tense
with roots ending in the retroflex consonant ‘¬’:
426 ekaÒ(‹) ko¬(¬u) (ekaÒ¬, ekaBƒ) possess (v.t.); keep (U5: ko¬-gi∞-; ko∫∂-; ko¬-v-)
427 »rÒ pura¬ (»r¬, »rBƒ) be overturned (v.i.); revolve (U5: pura¬-gi∞-; pura∫∂-; pura¬-v-)
428 嘻 ekaÒ a√bu ko¬ (- ekaÒ¬, - ekaBƒ) love (v.t.) (U5: -ko¬-gi∞-; -ko∫∂-; -ko¬-v-)
429 idıekaÒ i∂a≥go¬ (-ekaÒ¬, -ekaBƒ) occupy (space) (v.i.) (U5: ko¬-gi∞-; ko∫∂-; ko¬-v-)
430 oT∆KekaÒ otthu-k-ko¬ (-ekaÒ¬, -ekaBƒ) accept (U5: -ko¬-gi∞-; -ko∫∂-; -ko¬-v-)
431 oPÈKekañ oppu-k-ko¬ (-ekaÒ¬, -ekaBƒ) accept (U5: -ko¬-gi∞-; -ko∫∂-; -ko¬-v-)
432 kÃKekaÒ karu-k-ko¬ (-ekaÒ¬, -ekaBƒ) conceive (become pregnant) (v.i.) (U5: ditto)
433 pímaóKekaÒ parimä∞i-k-ko¬ (-ekaÒ¬, -ekaBƒ) exchange (v.t.) (U5: ditto)
434 paRT∆KekaÒ pärtthu-k-ko¬ (- ekÒ¬, - ekaBƒ) watch over; take care of (U5: ditto)
435 wvT∆KekaÒ vaitthu-k-ko¬ (-ekaÒ¬, -ekaBƒ) keep; imagine (U5: ditto)
6th Conjugation – Weak ‘U’ Form (b): U6 Infixes: -gi∞- (present); -th- (past); -v- (future)
436 å¤ aΩu (åz, å¤∆) cry (v.i.), weep (U6: aΩu-gi∞-; aΩu-th-; aΩu-v-)
437 ecY sey (ecYy, ecY∆) do (v.t.); make (U6: sey-gi∞-; sey-th-; sey-v-)
438 enY ney (enYy, enY∆) weave (U6: ney-gi∞-; ney-th-; ney-v-)
439 epY pey (epYy, epY∆) rain, shower (U6: pey-gi∞-; pey-th-; pey-v-)
440 u›ç ecY u∞uthi sey (- ecYy, - ecY∆) confirm (v.t.); prove (U6: sey-gi∞-; sey-th-; sey-v-)
441 ´‰paƒ ecY ë∞pä∂u sey (- ecYy, - ecY∆) arrange (U6: sey-gi∞-; sey-th-; sey-v-)
442 ¿dCecY kü∂a-c-chey (-ecYy, -ecY∆) co-operate (U6: -chey-gi∞-; -chey-th-; -chey-v-)
443 wk∆ ecY kaithu sey (- ecYy, - ecY∆) arrest (take into custody) (v.t.) (U6: sey-gi∞-; sey-th-; sey-v-)
444 cmrc ibKkM ecY samarasa i∫akkam sey (- ecYy, - ecY∆) compromise (U6: ditto)
445 cí ecY sari sey (- ecYy, - ecY∆) set right; repair (U6: sey-gi∞-; sey-th-; sey-v-)
446 ◊TtM ecY suttham sey (- ecYy, - ecY∆) clean (U6: sey-gi∞-; sey-th-; sey-v-)
447 ejpM ecY jebam sey (- ecYy, - ecY∆) pray (U6: sey-gi∞-; sey-th-; sey-v-)
448 tamtM ecY thämatham sey (- ecYy, - ecY∆) delay (v.t.) (U6: sey-gi∞-; sey-th-; sey-v-)
449 çÃmbM ecY thiruma∫am sey (- ecYy, - ecY∆) get married (U6: sey-gi∞-; sey-th-; sey-v-)
450 põ ecY pa∫i sey (- ecYy, - ecY∆) serve (U6: sey-gi∞-; sey-th-; sey-v-)
451 Èwj ecY püjai sey (- ecYy, - ecY∆) (U6: sey-gi∞-; sey-th-; sey-v-)
452 rT∆ ecY ratthu sey (- ecYy, -ecY∆) cancel (U6: sey-gi∞-; sey-th-; sey-v-)
453 vücwˆ ecY vañja√ai sey (- ecYy, - ecY∆) deceive; betray (U6: sey-gi∞-; sey-th-; sey-v-)

– 135 –
Tamil-English Alphabetical Index of Verbs
164 *îwc asai (îwcKk, îwcT∆) move (v.t.); agitate; shake (U1: asai-kki∞-; asai-tth-; asai-pp-) [*38-39]
165 *îwc asai (îwcy, îwcN∆) move (v.i.) (U5: asai-gi∞-; asai-nth-; asai-v-) [*40-41]
114 îü◊ añju (îüc, îüâ) fear, be afraid (I: añju-gi∞-; añj’-i√-; añju-v-) [32-33]
001 *îdK¿ a∂akku (îdKk, îdKá) control (v.t.); restrain; oppress (I: ºkku-gi∞-; ºkk’-i√-; ºkku-v-) [*2-3]
002 *îdı¿ a∂a≥gu (îdık, îdıá) be restrained, modest (v.i.); obey (I: º≥gu-gi∞-; º≥g’-i√-; º≥gu-v-) [*4-5]
224 îã a∂i (îãKk, îãT∆) hit (v.t.); ring (bell); blow (e.g., as wind) (U1: a∂i-kki∞-; a∂i-tth-; a∂i-pp-) [42-43]
166 îwd a∂ai (îwdKk, îwdT∆) shut (v.t.), close; lock (U1: a∂ai-kki∞-; a∂ai-tth-; a∂ai-pp-) [38-39]
167 îwd a∂ai (îwdy, îwdN∆) obtain (v.i.); reach; approach (U5: a∂ai-gi∞-; a∂ai-nth-; a∂ai-v-) [40-41]
387 îõ a∫i (îõy, îõN∆) wear (v.t.); put on (U5: a∫i-gi∞-; a∫i-nth-; a∫i-v-) [44-45]
326 *îwb a∫ai (îwbKk, îwbT∆) turn off (v.t.), embrace (U1: a∫ai-kki∞-; a∫ai-tth-; a∫ai-pp-) [*84-85]
168 îwm amai (îwmKk, îwmT∆) settle (v.t.); construct; install (U1: amai-kki∞-; amai-tth-; amai-pp-) [38-39]
169 îwm amai (îwmy, îwmN∆) become settled (v.i.); be quiet; suit (U5: amai-gi∞-; amai-nth-; amai-v-) [40-41]
170 îwr arai (îwrKk, îwrT∆) grind (v.t.) (U1: arai-kki∞-; arai-tth-; arai-pp-) [38-39]
171 îwr arai (îwry, îwrN∆) be ground (v.i.) (U5: arai-gi∞-; arai-nth-; arai-v-) [40-41]
129 îl› ala∞u (îl®, îló) scream (I: ala∞u-gi∞-; ala∞’-i√-; ala∞u-v-) [16-17]
388 îwl alai (îwly, îwlN∆) wander (v.i.); go about (U5: alai-gi∞-; alai-nth-; alai-v-) [40-41]
000 îvcrPpƒ avasara-p-pa∂u (-pd, -pDƒ) hasten (v.i.) (U4: pa∂u-gi∞-; pa†-†-; pa∂u-v-) [60-61]
172 îÉ avi (îÉKk, îÉT∆) steam (v.t.); boil (U1: avi-kki∞-; avi-tth-; avi-pp-) [42-43]
173 îÉ avi (îÉy, îÉN∆) be steamed (v.i.); be boiled (U5: avi-gi∞-; avi-nth-; avi-v-) [44-45]
174 îï aΩi (îïKk, îïT∆) destroy (v.t.) (U1: aΩi-kki∞-; aΩi-tth-; aΩi-pp-) [42-43]
175 îï aΩi (îïy, îïN∆) be destroyed (v.i.) (U5: aΩi-gi∞-; aΩi-nth-; aΩi-v-) [44-45]
436 *î¤ aΩu (îz, î¤∆) cry (v.i.), weep (U6: aΩu-gi∞-; aΩu-th-; aΩu-v-) [*110-111]
225 îwz aΩai (îwzKk, îwzT∆) call (v.t.); invite (U1: aΩai-kki∞-; aΩai-tth-; aΩai-pp-) [38-39]
327 î¬ a¬a (î¬Kk, î¬N∆) measure (v.t.) (U2: a¬a-kki∞-; a¬a-nth-; a¬a-pp-) [88-89]
226 îñ a¬i (îñKk, îñT∆) give (v.t.); offer; render (U1: a¬i-kki∞-; a¬i-tth-; a¬i-pp-) [42-43]
389 îó a∞i (îóy, îóN∆) know, understand (U5: a∞i-gi∞-; a∞i-nth-; a∞i-v-) [44-45]
227 îóÉ a∞ivi (îóÉKk, îóÉT∆) announce (v.t.) (U1: a∞ivi-kki∞-; a∞ivi-tth-; a∞ivi-pp-) [42-43]
063 îfiP» a√uppu (îfiPp, îfiPè) send (v.t.) (I: a√uppu-gi∞-; a√upp’-i√-; a√uppu-v-) [6-7]
228 îfimç a√umathi (îfimçKk, îfimçT∆) admit (v.t.) (U1: ºmathi-kki∞-; ºmathi-tth-; ºmathi-pp-) [42-43]
428  ekaÒ a√bu ko¬ (- ekaÒ¬, - ekaBƒ) love (v.t.) (U5: - ko¬-gi∞-; - ko∫-∂-; - ko¬-v-) [102-103]
038 *A[¿] ä[gu] (Ak, Aá/AY) be (v.i.), become (I: ä’-gi∞-; ä’-√-; ä’v-) [*12-13] irregular
037 *AK¿ äkku (AKk, AKá) create (v.t.), make; effect (I: äkku-gi∞-; äkk’-i√-; äkku-v-) [*10-11]
130 Aƒ ä∂u (Ad, Aã) dance (v.i.); move (I: ä∂u-gi∞-; ä∂’-i√-; ä∂u-v-) [20-21]
355 Awbëƒ ä∫ai-y-i∂u (-id, -iDƒ) command (v.t.) (U4: -i∂u-gi∞-; -i†-†-; -i∂u-v-) [62-63]
229 Atí äthari (AtíKk, AtíT∆) support (v.t.); sustain (U1: ºari-kki∞-; ºari-tth-; ºari-pp-) [42-43]
000 AyTtM pB≈ äyattham pa∫∫u (- pBb, - pBõ) prepare (I: pa∫∫u-gi∞-; pa∫∫’-i√-; pa∫∫u-v-) [26-27]
230 ArMè ärambi (ArMèKk, ArMèT∆) begin (v.t.) (U1: ärambi-kki∞-; ärambi-tth-; ärambi-pp-) [42-43]
408 AraY äräy (Aray, AraYN∆) examine (v.t.); research (U5: äräy-gi∞-; äräy-nth-; äräy-v-) [48-49]
040 A› ä∞u (A®, Aó) heal (v.i.); calm down (I: ä∞u-gi∞-; ä∞’-i√-; ä∞u-v-) [16-17]
039 A‰› ä∞∞u (A‰®, A‰ó) comfort (console) (I: ä∞∞u-gi∞-; ä∞∞’-i√-; ä∞∞u-v-) (v.t.) [14-15]
429 idıekaÒ i∂a≥go¬ (-ekaÒ¬, -ekaBƒ) occupy (space) (v.i.) (U5: -ko¬-gi∞-; -ko∫-∂-; -ko¬-v-) [102-103]
231 iã i∂i (iãKk, iãT∆) pound (v.t.); smash; thunder (U1: i∂i-kki∞-; i∂i-tth-; i∂i-pp-) [42-43]
356 *iƒ i∂u (id, iDƒ) put (v.t.); place (U4: i∂u-gi∞-; i†-†-; i∂u-v-) [*62-63]
232 irDâ ira†chi (irDâKk, irDâT∆) protect (v.t.); save (U1: ira†chi-kki∞-; ira†chi-tth-; ira†chi-pp-) [42-43]
328 *ià iru (iÃKk, iÃN∆) be (v.i.); stay, remain; wait; have (U2: iru-kki∞-; iru-nth-; iru-pp-) [*86-87]
329 iz iΩa (izKk, izN∆) lose (be unable to keep) (v.t.) (U2: iΩa-kki∞-; iΩa-nth-; iΩa-pp-) [88-89]
233 i¤ iΩu (i¤Kk, i¤T∆) pull (v.t.), drag; inhale; stretch (U1: iΩu-kki∞-; iΩu-tth-; iΩu-pp-) [72-73]
330 i® i∞a (i®Kk, i®N∆) die (v.i.) (U2: i∞a-kki∞-; i∞a-nth-; i∞a-pp-) [88-89]
003 i®K¿ i∞akku (i®Kk, i®Ká) bring down (v.t.); put down (I: i∞akku-gi∞-; i∞akk’-i√-; i∞akku-v-) [2-3]
004 i®ı¿ i∞a≥gu (i®ık, i®ıá) get down (v.i.); descend from (I: i∞a≥gu-gi∞-; i∞a≥g’-i√-; i∞a≥gu-v-) [4-5]

– 136 –
234 iò i√i (iòKk, iòT∆) be sweet (v.i.) (U1: i√i-kki∞-; i√i-tth-; i√i-pp-) [42-43]
357 ud˜pƒ u∂a√-pa∂u (-pd, -pDƒ) comply with; agree (U4: -pa∂u-gi∞-; -pa†-†-; -pa∂u-v-) [60-61]
235 uƒ u∂u (uƒKk, uƒT∆) wear (v.t.), put on (U1: u∂u-kki∞-; u∂u-tth-; u∂u-pp-) [58-59]
064 uƒT∆ u∂utthu (uƒTt, uƒTç) wear (v.t.), put on (I: u∂utthu-gi∞-; u∂utth’i√-; u∂utthu-v-) [22-23]
176 uwd u∂ai (uwdKk, uwdT∆) break (v.t.) (U1: u∂ai-kki∞-; u∂ai-tth-; u∂ai-pp-) [38-39]
177 uwd u∂ai (uwdy, uwdN∆) be broken (v.i.) (U5: u∂ai-gi∞-; u∂ai-nth-; u∂ai-v-) [40-41]
409 *uDkaR u†kär (uDkar, uDkaRN∆) sit (v.i.) (U5: u†kär-gi∞-; u†kär-nth-; u†kär-v-) [* *100-101]
410 ubR u∫ar (ubr, ubRN∆) feel (v.i.); realize; recognize (U5: u∫ar-gi∞-; u∫ar-tth-; pa∂u-v-) [100-101]
353 *uB(≈) u∫(∫u) (uBb, uBƒ) eat (v.t.); drink (U3: u∫-gi∞-; u∫-∂-; u∫-b-) [* *94-95]
042 uBda¿ u∫∂ägu (-Ak, -Aá) become (v.i.) (I: u∫∂ägu-gi∞-; u∫∂äg’-i√-; u∫∂ägu-v-) [12-13]
041 uBdaK¿ u∫∂äkku (-AKk, -AKá) create (v.t.) (I: u∫∂äkku-gi∞-; u∫∂äkk’-i√-; u∫∂äkku-v-) [10-11]
000 uBƒ u∫∂u a predicate with the two senses of iÃ: ‘be’ and ‘have’
000 uBƒ pB≈ u∫∂u pa∫∫u (- pBb, -pBõ) create (v.t.) (I: pa∫∫u-gi∞-;pa∫∫’-i√-; pa∫∫u-v-) [26-27]
000 utÉ ecY uthavi sey (- ecYy, - ecY∆) help (U6: - sey-gi∞-; - sey-th-; - sey-v-) [112-113]
131 utŒ uthavu (utv, utÉ) help (v.t.) (I: uthavu-gi∞-; uthav’-i√-; uthavu-v-) [30-31]
132 ut› utha∞u (ut®, utó) shake out (dust, water) (v.t.) (I: utha∞u-gi∞-; utha∞’-i√-; utha∞u-v-) [16-17]
236 upEyaá upayögi (upEyaáKk, upEyaáT∆) use (v.t.) (U1: -yögi-kki∞-; -yögi-tth-; -yögi-pp-) [42-43]
065 uyRT∆ uyartthu (uyRTt, uyRTç) raise (v.t.) (I: uyartthu-gi∞-; uyartth’-i√-; uyartthu-v-) [22-23]
044 uÿ urugu (uÃk, uÃá) melt (v.i.) (I: urugu-gi∞-; urug’-i√-; urugu-v-) [4-5]
043 uÃK¿ urukku (uÃKk, uÃKá) melt (v.t.) (I: urukku-gi∞-; urukk’-i√-; urukku-v-) [2-3]
066 uÃDƒ uru††u (uÃDd, uÃDã) roll (make roll) (v.t.) (I: uru††u-gi∞-; uru††’-i√-; uru††u-v-) [18-19]
237 uwz uΩai (uwzKk, uwzT∆) work (v.i.), toil; last (to wear well) (U1: uΩai-kki∞-; uΩai-tth-; uΩai-pp-) [38-39]
067 uÒ¬dK¿ u¬¬a∂akku (-îdKk, -îdKá) include (I: u¬¬a∂akku-gi∞-; u¬¬a∂akk’-i√-; u¬¬a∂akku-v-) (v.t.) [2-3]
440 u›ç ecY u∞uthi sey (- ecYy, - ecY∆) confirm (v.t.); prove (U6: - sey-gi∞-; - sey-th-; - sey-v-) [112-113]
358 Uâ Epaƒ üsi pö∂u (- Epad, - EpaDƒ) inoculate (U4: - pö∂u-gi∞-; - pö†-†-; - pö∂u-v-) [60-61]
133 U∆ üthu (Ut, Uç) blow (wind, etc.) (v.i.) (I: üthu-gi∞-; üth’-i√-; üthu-v-) [28-29]
046 U› ü∞u (U®, Uó) flow (v.i.); ooze (I: ü∞u-gi∞-; ü∞’-i√-; ü∞u-v-) [16-17]
045 U‰› ü∞∞u (U‰®, U‰ó) pour (v.t.); flow down (I: ü∞∞u-gi∞-; ü∞∞’-i√-; ü∞∞u-v-) [14-15]
238 ¶Ccí ecchari (¶CcíKk, ¶CcíT∆) warn (v.t.); caution (U1: ecchari-kki∞-; ecchari-tth-; ecchari-pp-) [42-43]
239 ¶ƒ e∂u (¶ƒKk, ¶ƒT∆) take (v.t.); pick up; remove (U1: e∂u-kki∞-; e∂u-tth-; e∂u-pp-) [58-59]
068 ¶Dƒ e††u (¶Dd, ¶Dã) reach; reach (for) (I: e††u-gi∞-; e††’-i√-; e††u-v-) [18-19]
127 ¶B≈ e∫∫u (¶Bb, ¶Bõ) count (v.t.); think (of); consider (I: e∫∫u-gi∞-; e∫∫’-i√-; e∫∫u-v-) [26-27]
319 ¶çR paR ethir pär (- paRKk, - paRT∆) wait for (v.t.); expect (U1: - pär-kki∞-; - pär-tth-; - pär-pp-) [76-77]
178 *¶í eri (¶íKk, ¶íT∆) burn (something) (v.t.) (U1: eri-kki∞-; eri-tth-; eri-pp-) [**42-43]
179 *44-45]
*¶í eri (¶íy, ¶íN∆) burn (v.i.); glow (U5: eri-gi∞-; eri-nth-; eri-v-) [*
390 ¶¤ eΩu (¶z, ¶¤N∆) get up (v.i.); awake; emerge (U5: eΩu-gi∞-; eΩu-nth-; eΩu-v-) [98-99]
342 ¶¤Nçà eΩunth’iru (-iÃKk, -iÃN∆) get up (v.i.) (U2: -iru-kki∞-; -iru-nth-; -iru-pp-) [86-87]
005 *¶¤P» eΩuppu (¶¤Pp, ¶¤Pè) make get up (v.t.); awaken (I: eΩuppu-gi∞-; eΩupp’-i√-; eΩuppu-v-) [* *pp. 6-7]
006 *¶¤M» eΩumbu (¶¤Mp, ¶¤Mè) go up (v.i.); rise (I: eΩumbu-gi∞-; eΩumb’-i√-; eΩumbu-v-) [* *8-9]
134 *¶¤∆ eΩuthu (¶¤t, ¶¤ç) writee (I: eΩuthu-gi∞-; eΩuth’-i√-; eΩuthu-v-) [* *28-29]
391 ¶ó e∞i (¶óy, ¶óN∆) throw (v.t.), hurl, toss (U5: e∞i-gi∞-; e∞i-nth-; e∞i-v-) [44-45]
351 *¶˜(fi) e√(√u) (¶˜ˆ, ¶˜›) say; tell (U3: e√-gi∞-; e√-∞-; e√-b-) [* *96-97]
048 *´ma› ëmä∞u (´ma®, ´maó) be cheated (v.i.); disappointed (I: ëmä∞u-gi∞-; ëmä∞’-i√-; ëmä∞u-v-) [* *16-17]
047 *´ma‰› ëmä∞∞u (´ma‰®, ´ma‰ó) cheat (v.t.) (I: ëmä∞∞u-gi∞-; ëmä∞∞’-i√-; ëmä∞∞u-v-) [* *14-15]
050 ´› ë∞u (´®, ´ó) climb (v.t.), ascend; get on to; enter (a vehicle); increase (I: ë∞u-gi∞-; ë∞’-i√-; ë∞u-v-) [32-33]
359 ´‰pƒ ë∞pa∂u (-pd, -pDƒ) develop (v.i.); evolve; be established (U4: -pa∂u-gi∞-; -pa†-†-; -pa∂u-v-) [60-61]
069 ´‰pƒT∆ ë∞pa∂utthu (-pƒTt, -pƒTç) develop (v.t.); create; cause (I: ºtthu-gi∞-; ºtth’-i√-; ºtthu-v-) [22-23]
441 ´‰paƒ ecY ë∞pä∂u sey (- ecYy, - ecY∆) arrange (U6: - sey-gi∞-; - sey-th-; - sey-v-) [112-113]
049 ´‰› ë∞∞u (´‰®, ´‰ó) raise (v.t.); pump (water, etc.) (I: ë∞∞u-gi∞-; ë∞∞’-i√-; ë∞∞u-v-) [14-15]

– 137 –
240 *o o (oKk, oT∆) resemble (v.t.); equal (U1: o-kki∞-; o-tth-; o-pp-) [**68-69]
070 oDƒ o††u (oDd, oDã) stick (make adhere to) (v.t.) (I: o††u-gi∞-; o††’-i√-; o††u-v-) [18-19]
430 oT∆KekaÒ otthu-k-ko¬ (-ekaÒ¬, -ekaBƒ) accept (U5: -ko¬-gi∞-; -ko∫-∂-; -ko¬-v-) [102-103]
158 oT∆PEpa otthu-p-pö (-Epak, -EpaY) compromise (I: -pö-gi∞-; -pö’-√-; -pö-v-) [36-37]
241 oPè oppi (oPèKk, oPèT∆) repeat/reproduce (from memory) (U1: oppi-kki∞-; oppi-tth-; oppi-pp-) [42-43]
360 oPèƒ oppi∂u (-id, -iDƒ) compare (v.t.); contrast (U4: -i∂u-gi∞-; -i†-†-; -i∂u-v-) [62-63]
431 oP»KekaÒ oppu-k-ko¬ (-ekaÒ¬, -ekaBƒ) accept (U5: -ko¬-gi∞-; -ko∫-∂-; -ko¬-v-) [102-103]
242 oì oli (oìKk, oìT∆) (U1: oli-kki∞-; oli-tth-; oli-pp-) sound (v.t.) [42-43]
135 o¤¿ oΩugu (o¤k, o¤á) flow (v.i.); leak; ooze (I: oΩugu-gi∞-; oΩug’-i√-; oΩugu-v-) [4-5]
159 OãPEpa ö∂i-p-pö (-Epak, -EpaY) flee; run away (I: -pö-gi∞-; -pö-√-; -pö-v-) [36-37]
052 *Oƒ ö∂u (Od, Oã) run (v.i.) (I: ö∂u-gi∞-; ö∂’-i∫-; ö∂u-v-) [*
051 *ODƒ ö††u (ODd, ODã) drive (I: ö††u-gi∞-; ö††’-i∫-; ö††u-v-) (v.t.) [*
411 OY öy (Oy, OYN∆) tire (become tired) (v.i.); cease; desist (U5: oy-gi∞-; oy-nth-; oy-v-) [48-49]
330X kd ka∂a (kdKk, kdN∆) cross (over) (v.i.); pass (U2: ka∂a-kki∞-; ka∂a-nth-; ka∂a-pp-) [88-89]
115 kd˜ vaı¿ ka∂a√ vä≥gu (- vaık, - vaıá) borrow (I: -vä≥gu-gi∞-; -vä≥g’-i√-; -vä≥gu-v-) [4-5]
180 kã ka∂i (kãKk, kãT∆) bite (v.t.); chew (U1: ka∂i-kki∞-; ka∂i-tth-; ka∂i-pp-) [42-43]
181 kã ka∂i (kãy, kãN∆) scold, reprimand (U5: ka∂i-gi∞-; ka∂i-nth-; ka∂i-v-) [44-45]
361 kDdw¬ëƒ ka††a¬ai-y-i∂u (-id, -iDƒ) command, order (U4: -i∂u-gi∞-; -i†-†-; -i∂u-v-) [62-63]
071 kDdayPpƒT∆ ka††äya-p-pa∂utthu (-pƒTt, -pƒTç) enforce (I: ºtthu-gi∞-; ºtth’-i√-; ºtthu-v-) [22-23]
072 kDƒ ka††u (kDd, kDã) bind (v.t.), tie; build (I: ka††u-gi∞-; ka††’i∫-; ka††u-v-) [18-19]
244 kBƒèã ka∫∂u-pi∂i (-èãKk, -èãT∆) find (v.t.); discover; solve (U1: -pi∂i-kki∞-; -pi∂i-tth-; -pi∂i-pp-) [42-43]
073 kT∆ katthu (kTt, kTç) shout (I: katthu-gi∞-; katth’-i∫-; katthu-v-) [22-23]
432 kÃKekaÒ karu-k-ko¬ (-ekaÒ¬, -ekaBƒ) conceive (become pregnant) (v.i.) [102-103]
(U5: -ko¬-gi∞-; -ko∫-∂-; -ko¬-v-)
136 kÃ∆ karuthu (kÃt, kÃç) consider; think (I: karuthu-gi∞-; karuth’-i∫-; karuthu-v-) [28-29]
245 kÃTtí karutthari (kÃTtíKk, kÃTtíT∆) conceive (become pregnant) (v.i.) [42-43]
(U1: karutthari-kki∞-; karutthari-tth-; karutthari-pp-)
331 kl kala (klKk, klN∆) mix (v.t.); mingle (v.i.) (U2: kala-kki∞-; kala-nth-; kala-pp-) [88-89]
007 klK¿ kalakku (klKk, klKá) disturb (v.t.); stir (I: kalakku-gi∞-; kalakk’-i∫-; kalakku-v-) [2-3]
008 klı¿ kala≥gu (klık, klıá) be stirred (v.i.); be disturbed (I: kala≥gu-gi∞-; kala≥g’-i∫-; kala≥gu-v-) [4-5]
137 klN∆ Ep◊ kalanthu pësu (- Epc, - Epâ) confer (talk together) (I: - pësu-gi∞-; - pës’-i∫-; - pësu-v-) [32-33]
074 klwvyaK¿ kalavai-y-äkku (-AKk, -AKá) mix (v.t.) (I: -äkku-gi∞-; -äkk’-i∫-; -äkku-v-) [10-11]
317 *kL kal (k‰k, k‰›) study (v.t.); learn (U1: ka∞-ki∞-; ka∞-∞-; ka∞-p-) [*
*80-81] euphonic variant
246 kLÉyñ kalvi-y-a¬i (-îñKk, -îñT∆) educate, teach (U1: -a¬i-kki∞-; -a¬i-tth-; -a¬i-pp-) [42-43]
362 kvwlPpƒ kavalai-p-pa∂u (-pd, -pDƒ) worry (v.i.) (U4: -pa∂u-gi∞-; -pa†-†-; -pa∂u-v-) [58-59]
247 kvò kava√i (kvòKk, kvòT∆) be careful, watch out (U1: kava√i-kki∞-; kava√i-tth-; kava√i-pp-) [42-43]
203 *kÉZ kaviΩ (kÉz, kÉZN∆) overturn (v.i.) (U5: kaviΩ-gi∞-; ka∂i-nth-; ka∂i-v-) [* *56-57]
202 *kÉZ kaviΩ (kÉZKk, kÉZT∆) turn over (v.t.) (U1: kaviΩ-kki∞-; kaviΩ-tth-; kaviΩ-pp-) [* *54-55]
075 kz‰› kaΩa∞∞u (kz‰®, kz‰ó) remove, take off (clothes, etc.) (I: º∞∞u-gi∞-; º∞∞’-i∫-; º∞∞u-v-) (v.t.) [14-15]
182 kï kaΩi (kïKk, kïT∆) discharge (v.t.); spend (time); subtract (U1: kaΩi-kki∞-; kaΩi-tth-; kaΩi-pp-) [42-43]
183 kï kaΩi (kïy, kïN∆) (of time, days) pass (v.i.) (U5: kaΩi-gi∞-; kaΩi-nth-; kaΩi-v-) [44-45]
138 *k¤Œ kaΩuvu (k¤v, k¤É) wash (not laundry) (I: kaΩuvu-gi∞-; kaΩuv’-i∫-; kaΩuvu-v-) [* *30-31]
392 kw¬ ka¬ai (kw¬y, kw¬N∆) clean (grain, etc., with water) (U5: ka¬ai-gi∞-; ka¬ai-nth-; ka¬ai-v-) [40-41]
248 k‰›Kekaƒ ka∞∞u-k-ko∂u (-ekaƒKk, -ekaƒT∆) teach (U1: -ko∂u-kki∞-; -ko∂u-tth-; -ko∂u-pp-) [58-59]
076 kaDƒ k䆆u (kaDd, kaDã) show (point out) (v.t.) (I: k䆆u-gi∞-; k䆆’-i∫-; k䆆u-v-) [18-19]
354 *kaB kä∫ (kab, kBƒ) see (v.t.); find out (U3: kä∫-gi∞-; ka∫-∂-; kä√-b-) [* *92-93]
343 kaTçà kätthiru (-iÃKk, -iÃN∆) wait (U2: -iru-kki∞-; -iru-nth-; -iru-pp-) [86-87]
077 kaPpa‰› käppä∞∞u (kaPpa‰®, kaPpa‰ó) protect (v.t.); save (I: º∞∞u-gi∞-; º∞∞’-i∫-; º∞∞u-v-) [14-15]
205 kaY käy (kay, kaYN∆) dry (v.i.); be heated (U5: käy-gi∞-; käy-nth-; käy-v-) [48-49]

– 138 –
204 kaY käy (kaYKk, kaYT∆) bear (fruit) (v.t.) (U1: käy-kki∞-; käy-tth-; käy-pp-) [46-47]
249 kay wv käya vai (- wvKk, - wvT∆) dry (v.t.) (U1: - vai-kki∞-; - vai-tth-; - vai-pp-) [38-39]
332 ád ki∂a (ádKk, ádN∆) remain (v.i.); lie around (U2: ka∂a-kki∞-; ka∂a-nth-; ka∂a-pp-) [88-89]
000 áwdK¿M ki∂aikkum be available (See Impersonal Verb Forms, p. 147)
078 áDƒ ki††u (áDd, áDã) get (v.t.); accrue (I: ki††u-gi∞-; ki††’-i√-; ki††u-v-) [18-19]
184 áï kiΩi (áïKk, áïT∆) rip (v.t.) (U1: kiΩi-kki∞-; kiΩi-tth-; kiΩii-pp-) [42-43]
185 áï kiΩi (áïy, áïN∆) be ripped (v.i.) (U5: kiΩi-gi∞-; kiΩi-nth-; kiΩi-v-) [44-45]
009 á¬P» ki¬appu (á¬Pp, á¬Pè) start (a car, machine) (v.t.); incite (I: ki¬appu-gi∞-; ki¬app’-i√-; ki¬appu-v-) [6-7]
010 á¬M» ki¬ambu (á¬Mp, á¬Mè) start (v.i.); rise; emerge (I: ki¬ambu-gi∞-; ki¬amb’-i√-; ki¬ambu-v-) [8-9]
139 ᬛ ki¬a∞u (ᬮ, á¬ó) excite (v.t.); arouse; provoke (I: ki¬a∞u-gi∞-; ki¬a∞’-i√-; ki¬a∞u-v-) [16-17]
250 ¿ã ku∂i (¿ãKk, ¿ãT∆) drink (v.t.) (U1: ku∂i-kki∞-; ku∂i-tth-; ku∂i-pp-) [42-43]
079 ¿bPpƒT∆ gu∫a-p-pa∂utthu (-pƒTt, -pƒTç) cure (v.t.) (I: ºtthu-gi∞-; ºtth’-i√-; ºtthu-v-) [22-23]
080 ¿bmaK¿ gu∫am-äkku (-AKk, -AKá) cure (v.t.) (I: -äkku-gi∞-; -äkk’-i√-; -äkku-v-) [10-11]
251 ¿ç kuthi (¿çKk, ¿çT∆) gallop; jump (U1: kuthi-kki∞-; kuthi-tth-; kuthi-pp-) [42-43]
081 ¿T∆ kutthu (¿Tt, ¿Tç) stab (v.t.) (I: kutthu-gi∞-; kutth’-i√-; kutthu-v-) [22-23]
363 ¿Mèƒ kumbi∂u (¿Mèd, ¿MèDƒ) worship (v.t.); bow to (U4: -i∂u-gi∞-; -i†-†-; -i∂u-v-) [62-63]
252 ¿wr kurai (¿wrKk, ¿wrT∆) bark (v.i.) (U1: kurai-kki∞-; kurai-tth-; kurai-pp-) [38-39]
253 ¿wl kulai (¿wlKk, ¿wlT∆) bark (v.i.) (U1: kulai-kki∞-; kulai-tth-; kulai-pp-) [38-39]
011 ¿zP» kuΩappu (¿zPp, ¿zPè) confuse (others) (v.t.) (I: kuΩappu-gi∞-; kuΩapp’-i√-; kuΩappu-v-) [6-7]
012 ¿zM» kuΩambu (¿zMp, ¿zMè) be confused (v.i.) [8-9] (I: kuΩambu-gi∞-; kuΩamb’-i√-; kuΩambu-v-)
254 ¿ñ ku¬i (¿ñKk, ¿ñT∆) bathe (oneself) (v.i.) (U1: ku¬i-kki∞-; ku¬i-tth-; ku¬i-pp-) [42-43]
082 ¿ñPpaDƒ ku¬ipp’䆆u (-ADd, -ADã) bathe (v.t.); wash (s.o./sth) (I: -䆆u-gi∞-; -䆆’-i√-; -䆆u-v-) [18-19]
255 ¿ó ku∞i (¿óKk, ¿óT∆) mark (v.t.); denote (U1: ku∞i-kki∞-; ku∞i-tth-; ku∞i-pp-) [42-43]
320 ¿ó paR ku∞i pär (- paRKk, - paRT∆) aim; point at (U1: - pär-kki∞-; - pär-tth-; - pär-pp-) [76-77]
364 ¿óPèƒ ku∞ipp’i∂u (-id, -iDƒ) specify (v.t.); mention (U4: -i∂u-gi∞-; -i†-†-; -i∂u-v-) [62-63]
186 ¿w® ku∞ai (¿w®Kk, ¿w®T∆) shorten (v.t.); decrease; cut (U1: ku∞ai-kki∞-; ku∞ai-tth-; ku∞ai-pp-) [38-39]
187 ¿w® ku∞ai (¿w®y, ¿w®N∆) become short (v.i.); be cu (U2: ka∞ai-kki∞-; ka∞ai-nth-; ka∞ai-pp-) [40-41]
000 ¿‰®M kaB ku∞∞am kä∫ (- kab, - kBƒ) criticize (U3: - kä∫-gi∞-; - ka∫-∂-; - kä∫-b-) [92-93]
083 ¿‰®M caDƒ ku∞∞am s䆆u (- caDd, - caDã) accuse (I: s䆆u-gi∞-; s䆆’-i√-; s䆆u-v-) [18-19]
160 ‡dPEpa kü∂a-p-pö (-Epak, -EpaY) accompany (I: -pö-gi∞-; -pö-√-; -pö-v-) [36-37]
442 ‡dCecY kü∂a-c-chey (-ecYy, -ecY∆) co-operate (U6: -chey-gi∞-; -chey-th-; -chey-v-) [112-113]
054 ‡ƒ kü∂u (‡d, ‡ã) join (v.i.); unite; gather; assemble (I: kü∂u-gi∞-; kü∂’-i√-; kü∂u-v-) [20-21]
053 ‡Dƒ kü††u (‡Dd, ‡Dã) collect (v.t.); gather; add (I: kü††u-gi∞-; kü††’-i√-; ku††u-v-) [18-19]
365 ‡Pèƒ küppi∂u (‡Pèd, ‡PèDƒ) call (v.t.); shout (U4: küppi∂u-gi∞-; küppi†-†-; küppi∂u-v-) [62-63]
140 ‡› kü∞u (‡®, ‡ó) proclaim (v.t.); propose (I: kü∞u-gi∞-; kü∞’-i√-; kü∞u-v-) [16-17]
219 ekƒ ke∂u (ekd, ekDƒ) be damaged (v.i.); be spoiled (U4: ke∂u-gi∞-; ke†-†-; ke∂u-v-) [60-61]
218 ekƒ ke∂u (ekƒKk, ekƒT∆) damage (v.t.); spoil (U1: ke∂u-kki∞-; ke∂u-tth-; ke∂u-pp-) [58-59]
161 ekDƒ Epa ke††u pö (- Epak, - EpaY) be spoiled, go bad (I: - pö-gi∞-; - pö-√-; - pö-v-) [36-37]
314 *EkÒ kë¬ (EkDk, EkDƒ) ask; listen; obey (U1: ke†-ki∞-; ke†-†-; ke†-p-) [*
*78-79] euphonic variant
443 wk∆ ecY kaithu sey (- ecYy, - ecY∆) arrest (custody) (v.t.) (U6: - sey-gi∞-; - sey-th-; - sey-v-) [112-113]
256 ekaƒ ko∂u (ekaƒKk, ekaƒT∆) give (v.t.) (U1: ko∂u-kki∞-; ko∂u-tth-; ko∂u-pp-) [58-59]
162 ekaBƒ Epa ko∫∂u pö (- Epak, - EpaY) take (away) (v.t.) (I: - pö-gi∞-; - pö-√-; - pö-v-) [36-37]
401 ekaBƒ va ko∫∂u vä (- vr, - vN∆) bring (along) (v.t.) (U5: varu-gi∞-; va-nth-; varu-v-) [106-107]
257 ekaç kothi (ekaçKk, ekaçT∆) boil (v.i.) (U1: kothi-kki∞-; kothi-tth-; kothi-pp-) [42-43]
344 ekaçKkPpDãà kothikka-p-pa††’iru (-iÃKk, -iÃN∆) boil (v.t.) (U2: -iru-kki∞-; -iru-nth-; -iru-pp-) [86-87]
422 ekaL kol (ekaLl, eka˜›) kill (v.t.) (U5: kol-gi∞-; ko√-∞-; kol-v-) [104-105] euphonic variant
258 eka¤ koΩu (eka¤Kk, eka¤T∆) grow fat (v.i.) (U1: koΩu-kki∞-; koΩu-tth-; koΩu-pp-) [70-71]
426 *ekaÒ ko¬ (ekaÒ¬, ekaBƒ) possess (v.t.); take; keep (U5: ko¬-gi∞-; ko∫-∂-; ko¬-v-) [* *102-103]
259 ekaÒw¬yã ko¬¬ai-y-a∂i (-îãKk, -îãT∆) rob (grand larceny) (v.t.) (U1: a∂i-kki∞-; a∂i-tth-; a∂i-pp-) [42-43]

– 139 –
000 cBwd Epaƒ sa∫∂ai pö∂u (- Epad, - EpaDƒ) fight (v.i.) (U4: pö∂u-gi∞-; pö†-†-; pö∂u-v-) [60-61]
260 cNç santhi (cNçKk, cNçT∆) meet (U1: santhi-kki∞-; santhi-tth-; santhi-pp-) [42-43]
261 cNEtá santhëgi (cNEtáKk, cNEtáT∆) doubt (U1: santhëgi-kki∞-; santhëgi-tth-; santhëgi-pp-) [42-43]
085 cméwlyaK¿ samanilai-y-äkku (-AKk, -AKá) balance (v.t.); compare (I: äkku-gi∞-; äkk’-i√-; äkku-v-) [10-11]
444 cmrc ibKkM ecY samarasa i∫akkam sey (- ecYy, - ecY∆) compromise (U6: sey-gi∞-; sey-th-; sey-v-) [112|
000 cwm samai (cwmKk, cwmT∆) cook (a meal) (U1: samai-kki∞-; samai-tth-; samai-pp-) [38-39]
000 cMpaç sambäthi (cMpaçKk, cMpaçT∆) earn (U1: sambäthi-kki∞-; sambäthi-tth-; sambäthi-pp-) [42-43]
445 cí ecY sari sey (- ecYy, - ecY∆) set right; repair (U6: - sey-gi∞-; - sey-th-; - sey-v-) [112-113]
086 cíPpƒT∆ sari-p-pa∂utthu (-pƒTt, -pƒTç) set right; repair (I: ºtthu-gi∞-; ºtth’-i√-; ºtthu-v-) [22-23]
087 cíyaK¿ sari-y-äkku (-AKk, -AKá) correct (I: äkku-gi∞-; äkk’-i√-; äkku-v-) [10-11]
386 *ca(¿) sä(gu) (cak, ecT∆) die (said of animals) (v.i.) (U4: sä-gi∞-; setth-; sä-v-) [*66-67] irregular
088 caT∆ sätthu (caTt, caTç) shut (door, etc.) (v.t.), close (I: sättthu-gi∞-; sättth’-i√-; sättthu-v-) [22-23]
366 caPèƒ säppi∂u (caPèd, caPèDƒ) eat (have a meal) (U4: säppi∂u-gi∞-; säppi†-†-; säppi∂u-v-) [62-63]
412 caR sär (car, caRN∆) depend on (U5: sär-gi∞-; sär-nth-; sär-v-) [100-101]
116 âN∆ sinthu (âNt, âNç) spill (v.t.) (I: sinthu-gi∞-; sinth’-i√-; sinthu-v-) [28-29]
262 âí siri (âíKk, âíT∆) smile (v.i.); laugh (U1: siri-kki∞-; siri-tth-; siri-pp-) [42-43]
333 â® si∞a (â®Kk, â®N∆) excell; be distinguished (U2: si∞a-kki∞-; si∞a-nth-; si∞a-pp-) [88-89]
367 ◊ƒ su∂u (◊d, ◊Dƒ) burn, be hot; shoot (U4: su∂u-gi∞-; su†-†-; su∂u-v-) [60-61]
446 ◊TtM ecY suttham sey (- ecYy, - ecY∆) clean (U6: - sey-gi∞-; - sey-th-; - sey-v-) [112-113]
013 ◊ÃK¿ surukku (◊ÃKk, ◊ÃKá) shrink (make small) (v.t.) (I: surukku-gi∞-; surukk’-i√-; surukku-v-) [2-3]
014 ◊Ãı¿ suru≥gu (◊Ãık, ◊Ãıá) shrink (v.i.); wrinkle; frown (I: suru≥gu-gi∞-; suru≥g’-i√-; suru≥gu-v-) [4-5]
089 ◊‰› su∞∞u (◊‰®, ◊‰ó) surround (v.t.) (I: su∞∞u-gi∞-; su∞∞’-i√-; su∞∞u-v-) [14-15]
163 ecT∆PEpa setthu-p-pö (-Epak, -EpaY) die (v.i.) (I: - pö-gi∞-; - pö-√-; - pö-v-) [36-37]
090 ecyla‰› seyal-ä∞∞u (-A‰®, -A‰ó) execute (carry out plan, orders) (v.t.) (I: ä∞∞u-gi∞-; ä∞∞’-i√-; ä∞∞u-v-) [14]
437 *ecY sey (ecYy, ecY∆) do (v.t.); make (U6: sey-gi∞-; sey-th-; sey-v-) [*112-113]
091 ecÕT∆ selutthu (ecÕTt, ecÕTç) drive (a vehicle) (v.t.) (I: selutthu-gi∞-; selutth’-i√-; selutthu-v-) [22-23]
423 *ecL sel (ecLl, ec˜›) go (v.i.); follow (U5: sel-gi∞-; se√-∞-; sel-v-) [*104-105] euphonic variant
263 ecLvaKkñ selväkk’a¬i (-îñKk, -îñT∆) influence (v.t.) (U1: a¬i-kki∞-; a¬i-tth-; a¬i-pp-) [42-43]
321 ec˜› paR se√∞u pär (- paRKk, - paRT∆) call on (someone) (U1: - pär-kki∞-; - pär-tth-; - pär-pp-) [76-77]
207 *EcR sër (Ecr, EcRN∆) join (with) (v.i.); reach (U5: sër-gi∞-; sër’nth-; sër-v-) [*52-53]
206 *EcR sër (EcRKk, EcRT∆) join (v.t.); unite; admit; collect (U1: sër-kki∞-; sër-tth-; sër-pp-) [*50-51]
345 ecaNtmaëà sonthamäy-iru (-iÃKk, -iÃN∆) belong (U2: -iru-kki∞-; -iru-nth-; -iru-pp-) [86-87]
156 *ecaL[Õ] sol[lu] (ecaLl, ecaLì) say (v.i.); say; tell (I: sol-gi∞-; so√-√-; sol-v-) [*34-35] irregular
000 ecaLìK ekaƒ solli-k-ko∂u (- ekaƒKk, - ekaƒT∆) teach (U1: - ko∂u-kki∞-; - ko∂u-tth-; - ko∂u-pp-) [58-59]
402 ecaLìT ta solli-t-thä (- tr, - tN∆) teach (U5: - tharu-gi∞-; - tha-nth-; - tharu-v-) [106-107]
264 Ecaç söthi (EcaçKk, EcaçT∆) examine (v.t.); test; search (U1: söthi-kki∞-; söthi-tth-; söthi-pp-) [ 42-43]
447 ejpM ecY jebam sey (- ecYy, - ecY∆) pray (U6: - sey-gi∞-; - sey-th-; - sey-v-) [112-113]
092 ùapkPpƒT∆ ñäbagappa∂utthu (-pƒTt, -pƒTç) recollect (v.i.), remember (I: ºtthu-gi∞-; ºtth’i√-; ºtthu-v-) [22]
346 t¿Nçà thagunth’iru (-iÃKk, -iÃN∆) be proper (v.i.); be suitable (U2: -iru-kki∞-; -iru-nth-; -iru-pp-) [86]
117 tı¿ tha≥gu (tık, tıá) stay (v.i.); rest (I: tha≥gu-gi∞-; tha≥g’-i√-; tha≥gu-v-) [4-5]
265 tƒ tha∂u (tƒKk, tƒT∆) bar (block) (v.t.) (U1: tha∂u-kki∞-; tha∂u-tth-; tha∂u-pp-) [58-59]
266 tBã dha∫∂i (tBãKk, tBãT∆) punish (v.t.) (U1: dha∫∂i-kki∞-; dha∫∂i-tth-; dha∫∂i-pp-) [42-43]
267 tÉR thavir (tÉRKk, tÉRT∆) avoid (v.t.); abstain from (U1: thavir-kki∞-; thavir-tth-; thavir-pp-) [76-77]
368 tÒñ Epaƒ tha¬¬i pö∂u (- Epad, - EpaDƒ) put aside (v.t.); postpone (U4: - pö∂u-gi∞-; - pö†-†-; - pö∂u-v-) [60]
000 tÒ‹ tha¬¬u (tÒ¬, tÒñ) push (v.t.); move away (I: tha¬¬u-gi∞-; tha¬¬’-i√-; tha¬¬u-v-) [26-27]
399 ta thä (tr, tN∆) give (v.t.) (U5: tharu-gi∞-; tha-nth-; tharu-v-) [106-107] irregular

– 140 –
015 taK¿ thäkku (taKk, taKá) attack (I: thäkku-gi∞-; thäkk’-i√-; thäkku-v-) (v.t.) [2-3]
016 taı¿ thä≥gu (taık, taıá) sustain (I: thä≥gu-gi∞-; thä≥g’-i√-; thä≥gu-v-) [4-5]
448 tamtM ecY thämatham sey (- ecYy, - ecY∆) delay (v.t.) (U6: - sey-gi∞-; - sey-th-; - sey-v-) [112-113]
268 tamç thämathi (tamçKk, tamçT∆) delay (v.t.) (U1: ºmathi-kki∞-; ºmathi-tth-; ºmathi-pp-) [42-43]
209 taZ thäΩ (taz, taZN∆) descend (v.i.); become humble (U5: thäΩ-gi∞-; thäΩ-nth-; thäΩ-v-) [56-57]
208 taZ thäΩ (taZKk, taZT∆) humiliate (v.t.) (U1: thäΩ-kki∞-; thäΩ-tth-; thäΩ-pp-) [54-55]
369 çƒKრthi∂ukki∂u (çƒKád, çƒKáDƒ) be startled (v.i.), alarmed (U4: -i∂u-gi∞-; -i†-†-; -i∂u-v-) [62-63]
370 çDdêƒ thi††am-i∂u (-id, -iDƒ) plan (v.t.), design (U4: -i∂u-gi∞-; -i†-†-; -i∂u-v-) [62-63]
093 çrDƒ thira††u (çrDd, çrDã) gather (v.t.); collect (I: thira††u-gi∞-; thira††’-i√-; thira††u-v-) [18-19]
141 çà thiru∂u (çÃd, çÃã) steal (v.t.) (I: thiru∂u-gi∞-; thiru∂’-i√-; thiru∂u-v-) [20-21]
094 çÃT∆ thirutthu (çÃTt, çÃTç) correct (v.t.); amend (I: thirutthu-gi∞-; thirutth’-i√-; thirutthu-v-) [22-23]
017 çÃP» thiruppu (çÃPp, çÃPè) (cause to) turn (v.t.) (I: thiruppu-gi∞-; thirupp’-i√-; thiruppu-v-) [6-7]
018 çÃM» thirumbu (çÃMp, çÃMè) turn (v.i.); return (I: thirumbu-gi∞-; thirumb’-i√-; thirumbu-v-) [8-9]
403 çÃMè va thirumbi vä (- vr, - vN∆) return; come back (U5: - varu-gi∞-; - va-nth-; - varu-v-) [106-107]
449 çÃmbM ecY thiruma∫am sey (- ecYy, - ecY∆) get married (U6: - sey-gi∞-; - sey-th-; - sey-v-) [112-113]
334 ç® thi∞a (ç®Kk, ç®N∆) open (v.t.) (U2: thi∞a-kki∞-; thi∞a-nth-; thi∞a-pp-) [88-89]
352 ç˜ thi√ (瘈, 瘛) eat (said of animals); snack (said of humans) (U3: thi√-gi∞-; thi√-∞-; thi√-b-) [96-97]
211 ≥Y thïy (≥y, ≥YN∆) burn, be scorched (v.i.) (U5: thïy-gi∞-athu; thïy-nth-athu; thïy’-um) [48-49]
210 ≥Y thïy (≥YKk, ≥YT∆) burn, scorch (sth) (v.t.) (U1: thïy-kki∞-; thïy-tth-; thïy-pp-) [46-47]
213 ≥R thïr (≥r, ≥RN∆) be finished (v.i.) (U5: thïr-gi∞-; thïr-nth-; thïr-v-) [52-53]
212 ≥R thïr (≥RKk, ≥RT∆) resolve (a problem, etc.) (v.t.) (U1: thïr-kki∞-; thïr-tth-; thïr-pp-) [50-51]
269 ≥RPpñ thïrpp’a¬i (-îñKk, -îñT∆) judge (v.t.) (U1: a¬i-kki∞-; a¬i-tth-; a¬i-pp-) [42-43]
142 ≥RP»K‡› thïrppu-k-kü∞u (- ‡®, - ‡ó) pass judgment (I: -kü∞u-gi∞-; -kü∞’-i√-; -kü∞u-v-) [16-17]
270 ≥Rmaò thïrmä√i (≥RmaòKk, ≥RmaòT∆) decide (U1: ºmä√i-kki∞-; ºmä√i-tth-; ºmä√i-pp-) [42-43]
271 ∆wd thu∂ai (∆wdKk, ∆wdT∆) wipe (v.t.); dry (U1: thu∂ai-kki∞-; thu∂ai-tth-; thu∂ai-pp-) [38-39]
095 ∆rT∆ thuratthu (∆rTt, ∆rTç) chase (v.t.), pursue (I: thuratthu-gi∞-; thuratthu’-i√-; thuratthu-v-) [22-23]
371 ÁKáL Epaƒ thükkil pö∂u (- Epad, - EpaDƒ) hang (execute) (v.t.) (U4: - pö∂u-gi∞-; - pö†-†-; - pö∂u-v-) [60]
019 ÁK¿ thükku (ÁKk, ÁKá) lift up (v.t.); carry; weigh (I: thükku-gi∞-; thükk’-i√-; thükku-v-) [2-3]
020 Áı¿ thü≥gu (Áık, Áıá) sleep (v.i) (I: thü≥gu-gi∞-; thü≥g’-i√-; thü≥gu-v-) [4-5]
118 ÁBƒ thü∫∂u (ÁBd, ÁBã) excite (v.t.); stimulate; motivate (I: thü∫∂u-gi∞-; thü∫∂’-i√-; thü∫∂u-v-) [20-21]
393 etí theri (etíy, etíN∆) know (v.t.); understand; see (U5: theri-gi∞-; theri-nth-; theri-v-) [44-45]
000 etíÀM theriyum be known; be seen (See Impersonal Verb Forms, p. 147)
272 etíÉ therivi (etíÉKk, etíÉT∆) make known (v.t.); express (U1: ºvi-kki∞-; ºvi-tth-; ºvi-pp-) [42-43]
322 EtãPpaR thë∂i-p-pär (-paRKk, -paRT∆) seek; search for (U1: -pär-kki∞-; -pär-tth-; -pär-pp-) [76-77]
143 Etƒ thë∂u (Etd, Etã) seek (v.t.); search for (I: thë∂u-gi∞-; thë∂’-i√-; thë∂u-v-) [20-21]
000 EtY thëy (Ety, EtYN∆) wear away (by being rubbed) (v.i.) (U5: thëy-gi∞-; thëy-nth-; thëy-v-) [48-49]
000 EtY thëy (EtYKk, EtYT∆) rub (sth. against sth.) (v.t.) (U1: thëy-kki∞-; thëy-tth-; thëy-pp-) [46-47]
273 EtRNetƒ thërnth’e∂u (-¶ƒKk, -¶ƒT∆) choose (v.t.), select; elect (U1: -e∂u-kki∞-; -e∂u-tth-; -e∂u-pp-) [58-59]
056 Et› thë∞u (Et®, Etó) pass (an exam) (v.t.); qualify (I: thë∞u-gi∞-; thë∞’-i√-; thë∞u-v-) [16-17]
055 Et‰› thë∞∞u (Et‰®, Et‰ó) comfort (v.t.); console (I: thë∞∞u-gi∞-; thë∞∞’-i√-; thë∞∞u-v-) [14-15]
274 wt thai (wtKk, wtT∆) sew (v.t.), stitch (U1: thai-kki∞-; thai-tth-; thai-pp-) [38-39]
372 etaıkɃ tho≥gavi∂u (-Éd, -ÉDƒ) hang (suspend) (v.t.) (U4: -vi∂u-gi∞-; vi†-†-; -vi∂u-v-) [62-63]
119 etaı¿ tho≥gu (etaık, etaıá) hang (be suspended) (v.i.) (I: tho≥gu-gi∞-; tho≥g’-i√-; tho≥gu-v-) [4-5]
000 etadı¿ tho∂a≥gu (etadık, etadıá) begin (v.i.) (I: tho∂a≥gu-gi∞-; tho∂a≥g’-i√-; tho∂a≥gu-v-) [4-5]
413 etadR tho∂ar (etadr, etadRN∆) pursue (v.t.); continue (U5: tho∂ar-gi∞-; tho∂ar-nth-; tho∂ar-v-) [100-101]
221 etaƒ tho∂u (etad, etaDƒ) touch (v.t.) (U4: tho∂u-gi∞-; tho†-†-; tho∂u-v-) [60-61]
220 etaƒ tho∂u (etaƒKk, etaƒT∆) connect (v.t.); string (beads) (U1: tho∂u-kki∞-; tho∂u-tth-; tho∂u-pp-) [58]

– 141 –
188 etawl tholai (etawlKk, etawlT∆) ruin (v.t.); lose (U1: tholai-kki∞-; tholai-tth-; tholai-pp-) [38-39]
189 etawl tholai (etawly, etawlN∆) be ruined (v.i.); be lost (U5: tholai-gi∞-; tholai-nth-; tholai-v-) [40-41]
120 EtaBƒ thö∫∂u (EtaBd, EtaBã) dig (v.t.) (I: thö∫∂u-gi∞-; thö∫∂’-i√-; thö∫∂u-v-) [20-21]
000 EtaL thöl (Eta‰k, Eta‰›) be defeated (v.i.); lose (U1: thö∞-ki∞-; thö∞-∞-; thö∞-p-) [80-81]
275 Eta‰kã thö∞k’a∂i (-îãKk, -îãT∆) defeat (in competition) (U1: -a∂i-kki∞-; -a∂i-tth-; -a∂i-pp-) (v.t.) [42-43]
276 Eta‰›É thö∞∞uvi (-ÉKk, -ÉT∆) cause (v.t.); create (U1: ºvi-kki∞-; ºvi-tth-; ºvi-pp-) [42-43]
121 *Eta˜› thö√∞u (Eta˜®, Eta˜ó) appear (v.i.); seem (I: thö√∞u-gi∞-; thö√∞’-i√-; thö√∞u-v-) [*24-25]
000 nkR [nkÃ] nagar [nagaru] (nkr, nkRN∆) move aside (v.i.) (U5: nagar-gi∞-; nagar-nth-; nagar-v-) [100-101]
096 nkRT∆ nagartthu (nkRTt, nkRTç) move (v.t.), shift (sth.) (I: nagartthu-gi∞-; nagartth’-i√-; nagartthu-v-) [22-23]
021 n◊K¿ nasukku (n◊Kk, n◊Ká) crush (v.t.) (I: nasukku-gi∞-; nasukk’-i√-; nasukku-v-) [2-3]
022 n◊ı¿ nasu≥gu (n◊ık, n◊ıá) be crushed (I: nasu≥gu-gi∞-; nasu≥g’-i√-; nasu≥gu-v-) (v.i.) [4-5]
335 *nd na∂a (ndKk, ndN∆) walk (v.i.); behave; happen (U2: na∂a-kki∞-; na∂a-nth-; na∂a-pp-) [*88-89]
097 ndT∆ na∂atthu (ndTt, ndTç) manage (v.t.); direct (I: na∂atthu-gi∞-; na∂atth’-i√-; na∂atthu-v-) [22-23]
144 ndˆmaƒ na∂a√am-ä∂u (-Ad, -Aã) dance (I: -ä∂u-gi∞-; -ä∂’-i√-; -ä∂u-v-) [20-21]
277 nã na∂i (nãKk, nãT∆) act; dance (U1: na∂i-kki∞-; na∂i-tth-; na∂i-pp-) [42-43]
373 nƒ na∂u (nd, nDƒ) plant (a tree, seedling) (v.t.); fix (a pole, post, etc.) (U4: na∂u-gi∞-; na†-†-; na∂u-v-) [60-61]
023 nƒK¿ na∂ukku (nƒKk, nƒKá) make tremble (v.t.) (I: na∂ukku-gi∞-; na∂ukk’-i√-; na∂ukku-v-) [2-3]
024 nƒı¿ na∂u≥gu (nƒık, nƒıá) tremble (v.i.) (I: na∂u≥gu-gi∞-; na∂u≥g’-i√-; na∂u≥gu-v-) [4-5]
385 nwd ep› na∂ai pe∞u (- ep®, - ep‰›) happen, take place (U4: pe∞u-gi∞-; pe∞-∞-; pe∞u-v-) [64-65]
122 nM» nambu (nMp, nMè) believe, trust (I: nambu-gi∞-; namb’-i√-; nambu-v-) [8-9]
058 naƒ nä∂u (nad, naã) seek; approach; opt for (I: nä∂u-gi∞-; nä∂’-i√-; nä∂u-v-) [20-21]
057 naDƒ n䆆u (naDd, naDã) establish (v.t.); install; plant; fix (I: n䆆u-gi∞-; n䆆’-i√-; n䆆u-v-) [18-19]
145 na› nä∞u (na®, naó) stink (v.i.) (I: nä∞u-gi∞-; nä∞’-i√-; nä∞u-v-) [16-17]
025 érP» nirappu (érPp, érPè) fill (v.t.) (I: nirappu-gi∞-; nirapp’-i√-; nirappu-v-) [6-7]
026 érM» nirambu (érMp, érMè) fill (v.i.) (I: nirambu-gi∞-; niramb’-i√-; nirambu-v-) [8-9]
278 éyê niyami (éyêKk, éyêT∆) appoint (v.t.) (U1: niyami-kki∞-; niyami-tth-; niyami-pp-) [42-43]
341 *éL(Õ) nil(lu) (é‰k, 阛) stop (v.i.); stay; stand (U2: ni∞-ki∞-; ni√-∞-; ni∞-p-) [*90-91] euphonic variant
098 é›T∆ ni∞utthu (é›Tt, é›Tç) stop (v.t.); arrest (I: ni∞utthu-gi∞-; ni∞utth’-i√-; ni∞utthu-v-) [22-23]
146 雌 ni∞uvu (é›v, é›É) base (v.t.); establish as fact (I: ni∞uvu-gi∞-; ni∞uv’-i√-; ni∞uvu-v-) [30-31]
190 éw® ni∞ai (éw®Kk, éw®T∆) fill (v.t.) (U1: ni∞ai-kki∞-; ni∞ai-tth-; ni∞ai-pp-) [38-39]
191 éw® ni∞ai (éw®y, éw®N∆) be or become full (v.i.); abound (U5: ni∞ai-gi∞-; ni∞ai-nth-; ni∞ai-v-) [40-41]
279 éwˆ ni√ai (éwˆKk, éwˆT∆) think; remember (U1: ni√ai-kki∞-; ni√ai-tth-; ni√ai-pp-) [38-39]
099 éwˆŒpƒT∆ ni√aivu-pa∂utthu (-pƒTt, -pƒTç) remind s.o. of sth. (v.t.) (I: ºtthu-gi∞-; ºtth’-i√-; ºtthu-v-) [22]
027 ¥K¿ nïkku (¥Kk, ¥Ká) dismiss (I: nïkku-gi∞-; nïkk’-i√-; nïkku-v-) (v.t.) [2-3]
028 ¥ı¿ nï≥gu (¥ık, ¥ıá) cease (hunger, illness, etc.) (v.i.), end (I: nï≥gu-gi∞-; nï≥g’-i√-; nï≥gu-v-) [4-5]
280 ¥ã nï∂i (¥ãKk, ¥ãT∆) extend (time) (v.i.); last (U1: nï∂i-kki∞-; nï∂i-tth-; nï∂i-pp-) [42-43]
100 ¥Dƒ nu (¥Dd, ¥Dã) extend (v.t.) (I: nu-gi∞-; n’-i√-; nu-v-) [18-19]
123 ¥N∆ nïnthu (¥Nt, ¥Nç) swim (v.i.) (I: nïnthu-gi∞-; nïnth’-i√-; nïnthu-v-) [28-29]
060 ¥¬ma¿ nï¬am-ägu (-Ak, -Aá) become protracted (v.i.); be lengthened (I: -ä’-gi∞-; -ä’-√-; -ä’-v-) [12-13]
059 ¥¬maK¿ nï¬am-äkku (-AKk, -AKá) lengthen (v.t.); protract (I: -äkku-gi∞-; -äkk’-i√-; -äkku-v-) [10-11]
192 «wz nuΩai («wzKk, «wzT∆) make enter (v.t.) (U1: nuΩai-kki∞-; nuΩai-tth-; nuΩai-pp-) [38-39]
193 «wz nuΩai («wzy, «wzN∆) enter (v.i.) (U5: nuΩai-gi∞-; nuΩai-nth-; nuΩai-v-) [40-41]
438 enY ney (enYy, enY∆) weave (U6: ney-gi∞-; ney-th-; ney-v-) [112-113]
029 enÃK¿ nerukku (enÃKk, enÃKá) squeeze (v.t.); press (I: nerukku-gi∞-; nerukk’-i√-; nerukku-v-) [2-3]
030 enÃı¿ neru≥gu (enÃık, enÃıá) approach (v.i.) (I: neru≥gu-gi∞-; neru≥g’-i√-; neru≥gu-v-) [4-5]
281 Enâ nësi (EnâKk, EnâT∆) love (v.t.) (U1: nësi-kki∞-; nësi-tth-; nësi-pp-) [74-75]
031 ena›K¿ no∞ukku (ena›Kk, ena›Ká) crush (v.t.) (I: no∞ukku-gi∞-; no∞ukk’-i√-; no∞ukku-v-) [2-3]
032 ena›ı¿ no∞u≥gu (ena›ık, ena›ıá) be crushed (v.i.) (I: no∞u≥gu-gi∞-; no∞u≥g’-i√-; no∞u≥gu-v-) [4-5]

– 142 –
404 Ena(¿) nö(gu) (Enak, enaN∆) ache (v.i.); hurt (U5: nö-gi∞-athu; no-nth-athu; nög-um) neuter
282 *p¿ pagu (p¿Kk, p¿T∆) share (v.t.); apportion; divide (U1: pagu-kki∞-; pagu-tth-; pagu-pp-) [*
283 pâ pasi (pâKk, pâT∆) be hungry (w/ dat.) (U1: pasi-kki∞-athu; pasi-tth-athu; pasikk’um) neuter
284 pã pa∂i (pãKk, pãT∆) read (v.t.); study (U1: pa∂i-kki∞-; pa∂i-tth-; pa∂i-pp-) [42-43]
223 *pƒ pa∂u (pd, pDƒ) experience; feel (after a noun) (U4: pa∂u-gi∞-; pa†-†-; pa∂u-v-) [* *60-61]
222 *pƒ pa∂u (pƒKk, pƒT∆) lie (down) (U1: pa∂u-kki∞-; pa∂u-tth-; pa∂u-pp-) [* *58-59]
101 *22-23]
*pƒT∆ pa∂utthu (pƒTt, pƒTç) cause to feel or suffer (v.t.) (I: ºtthu-gi∞-; ºtth’-i√-; ºtthu-v-) [*
347 pDãòëà pa††i√i-y-iru (-iÃKk, -iÃN∆) starve (v.i.) (U2: -iru-kki∞-; -iru-nth-; -iru-pp-) [86-87]
450 põ ecY pa∫i sey (- ecYy, - ecY∆) serve (U6: - sey-gi∞-; - sey-th-; - sey-v-) [112-113]
128 *pB≈ pa∫∫u (pBb, pBõ) do (v.t.); make (I: pa∫∫u-gi∞-; pa∫∫’-i√-; pa∫∫u-v-) [* *26-27]
348 pyNçà payanth’iru (-iÃKk, -iÃN∆) be afraid (U2: -iru-kki∞-athu; -iru-nth-athu; -irukk’-um) [86-87] neut.
374 pëíƒ payiri∂u (-id, -iDƒ) farm (U4: -i∂u-gi∞-; -i†-†-; -i∂u-v-) [62-63]
102 prP» parappu (prPp, prPè) expand (v.t.); spread (I: parappu-gi∞-; parapp’-i√-; parappu-v-) [6-7]
285 [pí]Ecaç [pari-]söthi (-EcaçKk, -EcaçT∆) check (examine) (v.t.) (U1: ºthi-kki∞-; ºthi-tth-; ºthi-pp-) [42-43]
433 pímaóKekaÒ parimä∞i-k-ko¬ (-ekaÒ¬, -ekaBƒ) exchange (v.t.) (U5: -ko¬-gi∞-; -ko∫-∂-; -ko¬-v-) [102-103]
000 píma› parimä∞u (píma®, pímaó) serve (food) (v.t.); exchange (I: ºmä∞u-gi∞-; ºmä∞’-i√-; ºmä∞u-v-) [16-17]
103 plPpƒT∆ bala-p-pa∂utthu (-pƒTt, -pƒTç) strengthen (I: -pa∂utthu-gi∞-; -pa∂utth’-i√-; -pa∂utthu-v-) [22-23]
375 pìëƒ bali-y-i∂u (-id, -iDƒ) sacrifice (U4: -i∂u-gi∞-; -i†-†-; -i∂u-v-) [62-63]
286 pï paΩi (pïKk, pïT∆) blame (v.t.); find fault (with) (U1: paΩi-kki∞-; paΩi-tth-; paΩi-pp-) [42-43]
287 p¤ paΩu (p¤Kk, p¤T∆) ripen (v.i.) (U1: paΩu-kki∞-athu; paΩu-tth-athu; paΩukk’-um) [58-59]
323 p¤∆ paR paΩuthu pär (- paRKk, - paRT∆) fix (repair) (U1: - pär-kki∞-; - pär-tth-; - pär-pp-) [76-77]
336 p® pa∞a (p®Kk, p®N∆) fly; move swiftly (U2: pa∞a-kki∞-; pa∞a-nth-; pa∞a-pp-) [88-89]
148 paƒ pä∂u (pad, paã) sing (I: pä∂u-gi∞-; pä∂’-i√-; pä∂u-v-) [20-21]
288 paç päthi (paçKk, paçT∆) affect (v.t.) (U1: päthi-kki∞-; päthi-tth-; päthi-pp-) [42-43]
415 paY päy (pay, paYN∆) jump (v.i.), leap (U5: päy-gi∞-; päy-nth-; päy-v-) [48-49]
104 paraDƒ pär䆆u (paraDd, paraDã) congratulate (v.t.) (I: pär䆆u-gi∞-; pär䆆’-i√-; parappu-v-) [18-19]
289 *paR pär (paRKk, paRT∆) look (v.t.), see; try (U1: pär-kki∞-; pär-tth-; pär-pp-) [42-43] [*
148 paRT∆ ¶¤∆ pärtthu eΩuthu (- ¶¤t, - ¶¤ç) copy (in writing) (I: - eΩuthu-gi∞-; - eΩuth’-i√-; - eΩuthu-v-) [28]
434 paRT∆KekaÒ pärtthu-k-ko¬ (- ekÒ¬, - ekaBƒ) watch over; take care of (U5: -ko¬-gi∞-; -ko∫-∂-; -ko¬-v-) [102]
315 èCwc EkÒ picchai kë¬ (- EkDk, - EkDƒ) beg (U1: - kë†-ki∞-; kë†-†-; kë†-p-) [78-79]
290 èã pi∂i (èãKk, èãT∆) seize (v.t.), catch, grab; like (U1: pi∂i-kki∞-; pi∂i-tth-; pi∂i-pp-) [42-43]
000 èãK¿M pi∂ikkum be pleasing (See Impersonal Verb Forms, p. 147)
376 èryacPpƒ pirayäsa-p-pa∂u (-pd, -pDƒ) try (U4: -pa∂u-gi∞-; -pa†-†-; -pa∂u-v-) [60-61]
194 èí piri (èíKk, èíT∆) separate (v.t.); divide (U1: piri-kki∞-; piri-tth-; piri-pp-) [42-43]
195 èí piri (èíy, èíN∆) be separated (v.i.); be divided; unravel; depart (U5: piri-gi∞-; piri-nth-; piri-v-) [44-45]
000 èíyM piriyam (be) pleased (Impersonal Verb Forms, see p. 147)
337 è¬ pi¬a (è¬Kk, è¬N∆) split (v.t.) (U5: pi¬a-gi∞-; pi¬a-nth-; pi¬a-v-) [88-89]
338 è® pi∞a (è®Kk, è®N∆) be born (v.i.); be issued (U2: pi∞a-gi∞-; pi∞a-nth-; pi∞a-pp-) [88-89]
416 è˜etadR pi√-tho∂ar (-etadr, -etadRN∆) chase (v.t.), follow (U5: º∂ar-gi∞-; º∂ar-nth-; º∂ar-v-) [100-101]
417 »kZ pugaΩ (»kz, »kZN∆) praise (v.t.), glorify (U5: pugaΩ-gi∞-; pugaΩ-nth-; pugaΩ-v-) [56-57]
405 »¿ pugu (»k, »¿N∆) enter (U5: pugu-gi∞-; pugu-nth-; pugu-v-) [98-99]
394 »wk pugai (»wky, »wkN∆) smoke (emit smoke) (v.i.) (U5: pugai-gi∞-; pugai-nth-; pugai-v-) [40-41]
000 »wkPèã pugai-p-pi∂i (-èãKk, -èãT∆) smoke (cigarette, etc.) (U1: pi∂i-kki∞-; pi∂i-tth-; pi∂i-pp-) (v.t.) [42]
105 »BpƒT∆ pu∫-pa∂utthu (-pƒTt, -pƒTç) wound (v.t.), injure (U1: ºtthu-kki∞-; ºtthu-tth-; ºtthu-pp-) [22-23]
291 »wt puthai (»wtKk, »wtT∆) bury (v.t.) (U1: puthai-kki∞-; puthai-tth-; puthai-pp-) [38-39]
106 »rDƒ pura††u (»rDd, »rDã) overturn (v.t.) (I: pura††u-gi∞-; pura††’-i√-; pura††u-v-) [18-19]
427 »rÒ pura¬ (»r¬, »rBƒ) turn on one’s side (v.i.); overflow (U5: pura¬-gi∞-; pura∫-∂-; pura¬-v-) [102-103]
000 »íÀM puriyum be understood (See Impersonal Verb Forms, p. 147)

– 143 –
124 »lM» pulambu (»lMp, »lMè) mourn (v.i.), lament (I: ºambu-gi∞-; ºamb’-i√-; ºambu-v-) [8-9]
377 »®Ppƒ pu∞a-p-pa∂u (-pd, -pDƒ) start, set out (U4: -pa∂u-gi∞-; -pa†-†-; -pa∂u-v-) [60-61]
292 È pü (ÈKk, ÈT∆) flower, bloom, blossom (U1: pü-kki∞-athu; pü-tth-athu; pükk’-um) [60-61] neuter
451 Èwj ecY püjai sey (- ecYy, - ecY∆) worship (U6: - sey-gi∞-; - sey-th-; - sey-v-) [112-113]
107 ÈDƒ pü††u (ÈDd, ÈDã) lock (v.t.) (I: pü††u-gi∞-; pü††’-i√-; pü††u-v-) [18-19]
439 epY pey (epYy, epY∆) rain, shower (U6: pey-gi∞-; pey-th-; pey-v-) [112-113]
000 epÿ perugu (epÃk, epÃá) increase (v.i.); multiply (I: perugu-gi∞-; perug’-i√-; perugu-v-) [12-13]
000 epÃK¿ perukku (epÃKk, epÃKá) increase (v.t.); multiply (I: perukku-gi∞-; perukk’-i√-; perukku-v-) [2-3]
384 *ep› pe∞u (ep®, ep‰›) get (v.t.), receive; bear (give birth to) (U4: pe∞u-gi∞-; pe∞-∞-; pe∞u-v-) [*
149 *Ep◊ pësu (Epc, Epâ) speak (I: pësu-gi∞-; pës’-i√-; pësu-v-) [*
108 epaãyaK¿ po∂i-y-äkku (-AKk, -AKá) (pound into) powder (I: -äkku-gi∞-; -äkk’-i√-; -äkku-v-) [10-11]
293 epa› po∞u (epa›Kk, epa›T∆) endure (v.t.); tolerate; wait (U1: po∞u-kki∞-; po∞u-tth-; po∞u-pp-) [72-73]
349 epa›Tçà po∞utth’iru (-iÃKk, -iÃN∆) be patient (U2: -iru-kki∞-; -iru-nth-; -iru-pp-) [86-87]
157 *Epa pö (Epak, EpaY) go (v.i.) (I: pö-gi∞-; pö-√-; pö-v-) [*
*36-37] irregular
378 Epaƒ pö∂u (Epad, EpaDƒ) put (v.t.); throw; (of animals) give birth (U4: pö∂u-gi∞-; pö†-†-; pö∂u-v-) [ 60-61]
379 EpaDãëƒ pö††i-y-i∂u (-id, -iDƒ) compete, contest (U4: -i∂u-gi∞-; -i†-†-; -i∂u-v-) [62-63]
000 Epa∆M pöthum be sufficient (See Impersonal Verb Forms, p. 147)
150 Eparaƒ pörä∂u (-Ad, -Aã) struggle, fight (I: pörä∂u-gi∞-; pörä∂’-i√-; pörä∂u-v-) [20-21]
418 máZ magiΩ (máz, máZN∆) rejoice (v.i.), be happy (U5: magiΩ-gi∞-; magiΩ-nth-; magiΩ-v-) [56-57]
294 máZÉ magiΩvi (máZÉKk, máZÉT∆) cheer up (s.o.) (v.t.) (U1: magiΩvi-kki∞-; magiΩvi-tth-; magiΩvi-pp-) [42]
033 myK¿ mayakku (myKk, myKá) confuse, charm (others) (v.t.) (I: ºakku-gi∞-; ºakk’-i√-; ºakku-v-) [2-3]
034 myı¿ maya≥gu (myık, myıá) be confused, deluded (v.i.) (I: ºa≥gu-gi∞-; ºa≥g’-i√-; ºa≥gu-v-) [ 4-5]
395 myıá ɤ maya≥gi viΩu (- Éz, -ɤN∆) faint (v.i.); swoon (U5: - viΩu-gi∞-; - viΩu-nth-; - viΩu-v-) [98-99]
419 mlR malar (mlr, mlRN∆) flower (v.i.), bloom, blossom (U5: malar-gi∞-athu; malar-nth-athu; malar’-um) [100]
339 m® ma∞a (m®Kk, m®N∆) forget (v.t.) (U2: ma∞a-kki∞-; ma∞a-nth-; ma∞a-pp-) [88-89]
295 *m› ma∞u (m›Kk, m›T∆) refuse (v.t.); deny (U1: ma∞u-kki∞-; ma∞u-tth-; ma∞u-pp-) [**72-73]
196 mw® ma∞ai (mw®Kk, mw®T∆) hide (make disappear) (v.t.) (U1: ma∞ai-kki∞-; ma∞ai-tth-; ma∞ai-pp-) [38-39]
197 mw® ma∞ai (mw®y, mw®N∆) disappear (v.i.); be hidden (U5: ma∞ai-gi∞-; ma∞ai-nth-; ma∞ai-v-) [40-41]
296 m˜ò ma√√i (m˜òKk, m˜òT∆) excuse (v.t.), forgive (U1: ma√√i-kki∞-; ma√√i-tth-; ma√√i-pp-) [42-43]
316 m˜òP» EkÒ ma√√ippu kë¬ (- EkDk, - EkDƒ) ask forgiveness, apologize (U1: - ke†-ki∞-; - ke†-†-; - ke†-p-) [78]
062 ma› mä∞u (ma®, maó) change (v.i.) (I: mä∞u-gi∞-; mä∞’-i√-; mä∞u-v-) [16-17]
061 ma‰› mä∞∞u (ma‰®, ma‰ó) change (v.t.); exchange (I: mä∞∞u-gi∞-; mä∞∞’-i√-; mä∞∞u-v-) [14-15]
406 ê¿ migu (êk, ê¿N∆) increase (in size, number) (U5: migu-gi∞-; migu-nth-; migu-v-) [98-99]
340 êt mitha (êtKk, êtN∆) float (v.i.) (U2: mitha-kki∞-; mitha-nth-; mitha-pp-) [88-89]
297 êtKk wv mithakka vai (- wvKk, - wvT∆) float (v.t.) (U1: - vai-kki∞-; - vai-tth-; - vai-pp-) [38-39]
198 …ã mu∂i (…ãKk, …ãT∆) finish (v.t.), complete (U1: mu∂i-kki∞-; mu∂i-tth-; mu∂i-pp-) [42-43]
199 …ã mu∂i (…ãy, …ãN∆) finish (v.i.), end (U5: mu∂i-gi∞-; mu∂i-nth-; mu∂i-v-) [44-45]
000 …ãÀM mu∂iyum be able (See Impersonal Verb Forms, p. 147)
380 …Ttêƒ muttham-i∂u (-id, -iDƒ) (give a) kiss (U4: -i∂u-gi∞-; -i†-†-; -i∂u-v-) [62-63]
109 …˜Eˆ‰® pƒT∆ mu√√ë∞∞u pa∂utthu (- pƒTt, - pƒTç) improve (I: ºtthu-gi∞-; ºtth’-i√-; ºtthu-v-) [22-23]
000 ÎC◊Ƀ mücchuvi∂u (-Éd, -ÉDƒ) breathe (U4: ºvi∂u-gi∞-; ºvi†-†-; ºvi∂u-v-) [62-63]
350 Îãëà mü∂i-y-iru (-iÃKk, -iÃN∆) be closed (v.i.); be covered (U2: -iru-kki∞-; -iru-nth-; -iru-pp-) [86-87]
151 ΃ mü∂u (Îd, Îã) close (v.t.); cover (I: mü∂u-gi∞-; mü∂’-i√-; mü∂u-v-) [20-21]
298 ÎZkã müΩga∂i (-îãKk, -îãT∆) (cause to) drown (v.t.); dunk (U1: ºa∂i-kki∞-; ºa∂i-tth-; ºa∂i-pp-) [42-43]
152 ÎZ¿ müΩgu (ÎZk, ÎZá) drown (v.i.); sink, submerge (I: müΩgu-gi∞-; müΩg’-i√-; müΩgu-v-) [4-5]

– 144 –
299 emYPè meyppi (emYPèKk, emYPèT∆) prove (v.t.) (U1: meyppi-kki∞-; meyppi-tth-; meyppi-pp-) [42-43]
424 emL mel (emLl, em˜›) chew (U5: mel-gi∞-; me√-∞-; mel-v-) [104-105]
215 *EmY mëy (Emy, EmYN∆) graze (v.i.); eat (grass, etc.) (U5: mëy-gi∞-; mëy-nth-; mëy-v-) [*48-49]
214 *EmY mëy (EmYKk, EmYT∆) graze (v.t.), feed (cattle) (U1: mëy-kki∞-; mëy-tth-; mëy-pp-) [*46-47]
153 Ema∆ möthu (Emat, Emaç) clash (I: möthu-gi∞-; möth’-i√-; möthu-v-) [28-29]
324 EmaN∆ paR mönthu pär (- paRKk, - paRT∆) smell (sth.) (U1: - pär-kki∞-; - pär-tth-; - pär-pp-) [76-77]
300 Eyaâ yösi (EyaâKk, EyaâT∆) consider; ponder (U1: yösi-kki∞-; yösi-tth-; yösi-pp-) [74-75]
301 râ rasi (râKk, râT∆) enjoy (U1: rasi-kki∞-; rasi-tth-; rasi-pp-) [74-75]
396 rTtM vã rattham va∂i (- vãy, -vãN∆) bleed (U5: - va∂i-gi∞-; - va∂i-nth-; - va∂i-v-) [44-45]
452 rT∆ ecY ratthu sey (- ecYy, -ecY∆) cancel (U6: - sey-gi∞-; - sey-th-; - sey-v-) [112-113]
325 Ãâ paR rusi pär (- paRKk, - paRT∆) taste (U1: - pär-kki∞-; - pär-tth-; - pär-pp-) [76-77]
302 v¿ vagu (v¿Kk, v¿T∆) divide (v.t.); classify (U1: vagu-kki∞-; vagu-tth-; vagu-pp-) [70-71]
303 vâ vasi (vâKk, vâT∆) live (dwell) (U1: vasi-kki∞-; vasi-tth-; vasi-pp-) [74-75]
453 vücwˆ ecY vañja√ai sey (- ecYy, - ecY∆) deceive; betray (U6: - sey-gi∞-; - sey-th-; - sey-v-) [112-113]
304 vüâ vañji (vüâKk, vüâT∆) cheat (U1: vañji-kki∞-; vañji-tth-; vañji-pp-) [74-75]
125 vbı¿ va∫a≥gu (vbık, vbıá) bow (down); worship (I: va∫a≥gu-gi∞-; va∫a≥g’-i√-; va∫a≥gu-v-) [4-5]
420 vN∆ EcR vanthu sër (- Ecr, - EcRN∆) arrive (U5: - sër-gi∞-; - sër-nth-; - sër-v-) [52-53]
000 vï kaDƒ vaΩi k䆆u (- kaDd, -kaDã) show the way, guide; lead (I: k䆆u-gi∞-; k䆆’-i√-; k䆆u-v-) [18-19]
217 v¬R va¬ar (v¬r, v¬RN∆) grow (v.i.) (U5: va¬ar-gi∞-; va¬ar-nth-; va¬ar-v-) [52-53]
216 v¬R va¬ar (v¬RKk, v¬RT∆) (make) grow (v.t.); raise (U1: va¬ar-kki∞-; va¬ar-tth-; va¬ar-pp-) [50-51]
400 *va vä (vr, vN∆) come (v.i.) (U5: varu-gi∞-; va-nth-; varu-v-) [*106-107]
000 vaK¿Kekaƒ väkku-k-ko∂u (-ekaƒKk, -ekaƒT∆) promise (U1: -ko∂u-kki∞-; -ko∂u-tth-; -ko∂u-pp-) [58-59]
126 vaı¿ vä≥gu (vaık, vaıá) buy (v.t.); get; receive (I: vä≥gu-gi∞-; vä≥g’-i√-; vä≥gu-v-) [4-5]
305 *vaâ väsi (vaâKk, vaâT∆) read (v.t.); study; play (an instrument) (U1: väsi-kki∞-; väsi-tth-; väsi-pp-) [*74]
154 vataƒ väthä∂u (-Ad, -Aã) argue (I: -ä∂u-gi∞-; -ä∂’-i√-; -ä∂u-v-) [20-21]
000 vaNçeyƒ vänthi-y-e∂u (-¶ƒKk, -¶ƒT∆) vomit (U1: -e∂u-kki∞-; -e∂u-tth-; -e∂u-pp-) [58-59]
421 vaZ väΩ (vaz, vaZN∆) prosper (v.i.); live (U5: väΩ-gi∞-; väΩ-nth-; väΩ-v-) [56-57]
000 vaZT∆ väΩtthu (vaZTt, vaZTç) congratulate (I: väΩtthu-gi∞-; väΩtth’-i√-; väΩtthu-v-) (v.t.) [22-23]
397 Éã vi∂i (Éãy, ÉãN∆) rise (e.g., as sun) (v.i.); dawn (U5: vi∂i-gi∞-; vi∂i-nth-; vi∂i-v-) [44-45]
381 Ƀ vi∂u (Éd, ÉDƒ) release (let go) (v.t.); leave; abandon (U4: vi∂u-gi∞-; vi†-†-; vi∂u-v-) [62-63]
306 ÉmRâ vimarsi (ÉmRâKk, ÉmRâT∆) criticize (v.t.) (U1: vimarsi-kki∞-; vimarsi-tth-; vimarsi-pp-) [74-75]
200 Éí viri (ÉíKk, ÉíT∆) spread out (hair, etc.) (v.t.) (U1: viri-kki∞-; viri-tth-; viri-pp-) [42-43]
201 Éí viri (Éíy, ÉíN∆) expand (v.i.); open; extend (U5: viri-gi∞-; viri-nth-; viri-v-) [44-45]
110 ÉívaK¿ viri-v-äkku (-AKk, -AKá) expand (v.t.); improve (I: -äkku-gi∞-; -äkk’-i√-; -äkku-v-) [10-11]
318 *ÉL vil (ɉk, ɉ›) sell (v.t.) (U1: - vi∞-ki∞-; vi∞-∞-; vi∞-p-) [*82-83] euphonic variant
307 Éví vivari (ÉvíKk, ÉvíT∆) describe (v.t.) (U1: vivari-kki∞-; vivari-tth-; vivari-pp-) [42-43]
308 Évaç viväthi (ÉvaçKk, ÉvaçT∆) argue; debate (U1: viväthi-kki∞-; viväthi-tth-; viväthi-pp-) [42-43]
398 *ɤ viΩu (Éz, ɤN∆) fall (v.i.) (U5: viΩu-gi∞-; viΩu-nth-; viΩu-v-) [*98-99]
000 ɤı¿ viΩu≥gu (ɤık, ɤıá) swallow (v.t.), gulp (down) (I: viΩu≥gu-gi∞-; viΩu≥g’-i√-; viΩu≥gu-v-) [4-5]
000 ɤN∆ ena›ı¿ viΩunthu no∞u≥gu (- ena›ık,-ena›ıá) fall down, smash (I: º≥gu-gi∞-; º≥g’-i√-; º≥gu-v-)[4]
309 ɬKkŒwr îñ vi¬akkavurai a¬i (- îñKk, - îñT∆) comment (on) (U1: - a¬i-kki∞-; - a¬i-tth-; - a¬i-pp-) [42]
035 ɬK¿ vi¬akku (ɬKk, ɬKá) explain (v.t.), illumine/illuminate (I: vi¬akku-gi∞-; vi¬akk’-i√-; vi¬akku-v-) [2]
036 ɬı¿ vi¬a≥gu (ɬık, ɬıá)be clear (v.i.); be renowned; flourish (I: vi¬a≥gu-gi∞-; vi¬a≥g’-i√-; vi¬a≥gu-v-)
155 Éw¬yaƒ vi¬ai-y-ä∂u (-Ad, -Aã) play (games, etc.), have fun (I: -ä∂u-gi∞-; -ä∂’-i√-; -ä∂u-v-) [20-21]
310 ™bã vï∫a∂i (-åãKk, -åãT∆) waste (i.e., not make use of) (v.t.) (U1: ºa∂i-kki∞-; ºa∂i-tth-; ºa∂i-pp-) [42-43]

– 145 –
311 evã ve∂i (evãKk, evãT∆) burst (v.t.), explode (U1: ve∂i-kki∞-; ve∂i-tth-; ve∂i-pp-) [42-43]
111 evDƒ ve††u (evDd, evDã) cut (v.t.), chop (I: ve††u-gi∞-; ve††’-i√-; ve††u-v-) [18-19]
425 evL vel (evLl, ev˜›) conquer (v.t.); triumph, win (U5: vel-gi∞-; ve√-∞-; vel-v-) [104-105]
112 evñKkaDƒ ve¬i-k-k䆆u (-kaDd, -kaDã) express (show outwardly) (v.t.) (I: º††u-gi∞-; º††’-i√-; º††u-v-) [18-19]
382 evñëƒ ve¬i-y-i∂u (-id, -iDƒ) publish (v.t.) (U4: -i∂u-gi∞-; -i†-†-; -i∂u-v-) [62-63]
312 ev› ve∞u (ev›Kk, ev›T∆) hate (v.t.), dislike (U1: ve∞u-kki∞-; ve∞u-tth-; ve∞u-pp-) [72-73]
407 *Ev(¿) vë(gu) (Evk, evN∆) cook (boil, fry) (v.i.) (U5: vë-gi∞-; ve-nth-; vëgu-v-) [* *108-109]
000 EvDwdyaƒ v놆ai-y-ä∂u (-Ad, -Aã) hunt (animals, etc.) (v.t.) (I: -ä∂u-gi∞-; -ä∂’-i√-; -ä∂u-v-) [20-21]
000 EvBƒM vë∫∂um be needed (See Impersonal Verb Forms, p. 157)
383 Ev›pƒ vë∞u-pa∂u (-pd, -pDƒ) differ (be different) (v.i.) (U4: -pa∂u-gi∞-; -pa†-†-; -pa∂u-v-) [60-61]
113 Ev›pƒT∆ vë∞u-pa∂utthu (-pƒTt, -pƒTç) differentiate (v.t.) (I: ºtthu-gi∞-; ºtth’-i√-; ºtthu-v-) [22-23]
313 wv vai (wvKk, wvT∆) put (v.t.), place; keep; serve (U1: vai-kki∞-; vai-tth-; vai-pp-) [38-39]
435 wvT∆KekaÒ vaitthu-k-ko¬ (-ekaÒ¬, -ekaBƒ) keep; imagine (U5: -ko¬-gi∞-; -ko∫-∂-; -ko¬-v-) [102-103]

000 iQdM i߆am like (with dative construction)

000 pâ pasi be hungry (with dative construction)
000 vì vali ache (3rd person singular, neuter)

– 146 –
Impersonal Verb Forms
Impersonal Verb Forms are identical in form either to ‘positive neuter future singular/plural’ verb forms or to ‘negative
neuter future singular/plural’ verb forms. But Impersonal Verb Forms are essentially tenseless! The contexts of the
sentences in which they appear will convey their implied tense or tenselessness (as habitual behavior). A comparison
between the example Tamil sentences, given below, and the ordinary English translations of them reveals that, in most of
them, what is felt to be the subject of the sentence, and translated in English as such, is actually in the dative case in Tamil.
1. etíÀM theriyum there is (a) knowledge of etíya∆ theriyäthu there isn’t (a) knowledge of
w. or w.o. an inf.: (T. dat. = E. nom. [subj.]; E. acc. [dir. obj.] = T. acc. – tho’ its marker may be omitted with irrationals)
w. inf.: uık‹K¿T têZ EpcT etíyata? Don’t you know how to speak Tamil?
U≥ga¬ukku-t-thamiΩ pësa-t-theriyäthä? Id.: For-you, isn’t-there-(a)-knowledge-of speaking Tamil?
w.o. inf.: uık‹K¿ îvwˆT etíÀma? Do you know him?
U≥ga¬ukku ava√ai-t-theriyumä? Idiomatic: For-you, is-there-(a)-knowledge-of him?
2. EvBƒM vë∫∂um there is (a) need of/that EvBdaM vë∫∂äm there isn’t (a) need of/that
w. or w.o. an infinitive (w. inf., nom. case in Tamil = nom. case, also, in English; w.o. inf., T. dat.. = E. nom.)
w. inf.: na˜ kwdK¿P Epak EvBƒM. I want to go to (the) store.
Na√ ka∂aikku-p- pöga vë∫∂um. Idiomatic: There-is-(a)-need-that I go to-(the)-store.
w.o. inf.: ¶ˆK¿ å∆ EvBdaM. I don’t want that.
E√akku athu vë∫∂äm. Idiomatic: For-me, there-isn’t-(a)-need-of that.
3. èãK¿M pi∂ikkum there is (a) liking of èãKka∆ pi∂ikkäthu there isn’t (a) liking of
(T. dat. [ind. obj.] = E. nom. [subj.]; E. acc. [direct obj.] = T. acc., also – tho’ its marker may be omitted with irrationals)
uık‹K¿ îNtP »StkM èãK¿ma? Do you like that book?
U≥ga¬ukku antha-p-pusthagam pi∂ikkumä? Idiomatic: For-you, is-there-(a)-liking-of that book?
uık‹K¿ îvwˆP èãKkata? Don’t you like him?
U≥ga¬ukku ava√ai-p- pi∂ikkäthä? Idiomatic: For-you, isn’t-there-(a)-liking-of him?
4. »íÀM puriyum there is (an) understanding of »íya∆ puriyäthu there isn’t (an) understanding of
never used w. an inf.! (T. dat. [ind. obj.] = E. subj.; E. acc. = T. acc., also – tho’ its marker may be omitted with irrationals)
uık‹K¿ îNtP »StkM »íyata? Don’t you understand that book?
U≥ga¬ukku antha-p-pusthagam puriyäthä? Id.: For-you, isn’t-there-(an)-understanding-of that book?
uık‹K¿ îvwˆP »íÀma? Do you understand him? Id.: For-you, is-there-(an)-understanding-of him?
5. áwdK¿M ki∂aikkum there is (an) obtainability of áwdKka∆ ki∂aikkäthu there isn’t (an) obtainability of
never used w. an inf.! (T. dat. [ind. obj.] = E. subj.; E. acc. = T. acc., also – tho’ its marker may be omitted with irrationals)
uık‹K¿P pT∆ »StkM áwdKka∆. You can’t get ten books.
U≥ga¬ukku-p-patthu pusthagam ki∂aikkäthu. Idiomatic: There-isn’t-(an)-obtainability-of ten books for-you.
¶ˆK¿P pT∆ EvwlKkaRkw¬K áwdK¿ma? Can I get ten laborers?
E√akku-p-patthu vëlaikkärga¬ai-k- ki∂aikkumä? Id.: Is-there (an) obtainability of ten laborers for-me?
6. Epa∆M pöthum is sufficient Epata∆ pöthäthu isn’t sufficient
never used with an infinitive! (and only with a dative [ind. obj.], never with an accusative [dir. obj.]!)
îvˆK¿ îVv¬Œ paL Epa∆M. That much milk is enough for him.
Ava√ukku avva¬avu päl pöthum. Idiomatic: For-him [dat.], that-much milk [nom.] is-sufficient.
îvˆK¿ îVv¬Œ paL Epata∆. That much milk isn’t enough for him.
Ava√ukku avva¬avu päl pöthäthu. Idiomatic: For-him, that-much milk isn’t-sufficient.
7. …ãÀM mu∂iyum is (a) possibility …ãya∆ mu∂iyäthu isn’t (a) possibility
always used with an infinitive in its embedded verbal phrase; T. nom. [or instr.] = E. nom. [subj.]
¥ [or u˜ˆaL] îıEk Epak …ãÀma? Can you go there? Id. (You there to-go, is-it-[a]-possibility?)
Nï [or U√√äl] a≥gë pöga mu∂iyumä? Idiomatic, w/ instr.: [By-you there to-go, is-it-(a)-possibility?]
na˜ [or ¶˜ˆaL] naw¬K¿ vr …ãya∆. I can’t come tomorrow. (I tomor. to-come isn’t-[a]-possibility.)
Nä√ [or E√√al] nä¬aikku vara mu∂iyäthu. Id., w/ instr.: [By-me tomorrow to-come isn’t-(a)-possibility.]

– 147 –
English-Tamil Alphabetical Index of Verbs
Abandon (v.t.); leave; release 381 Ƀ vi∂u (Éd, ÉDƒ) (U4: vi∂u-gi∞-; vi†-†-; vi∂u-v-) [62-63]
be able 000 …ãÀM mu∂iyum (See Impersonal Verb Forms, p. 147)
abound (v.i.); be or become full 191 éw® ni∞ai (éw®y, éw®N∆) (U5: ni∞ai-gi∞-; ni∞ai-nth-; ni∞ai-v-) [40-41]
abstain from (v.t.); avoid 267 tÉR thavir (tÉRKk, tÉRT∆) (U1: thavir-kki∞-; thavir-tth-; thavir-pp-) [76-77]
accept 430 oT∆KekaÒ otthu-k-ko¬ (-ekaÒ¬, -ekaBƒ) (U5: -ko¬-gi∞-; -ko√-∞-; -ko¬-v-) [102-103]
accept 431 oP»KekaÒ oppu-k-ko¬ (-ekaÒ¬, -ekaBƒ) (U5: -ko¬-gi∞-; -ko√-∞-; -ko¬-v-) [102-103]
accompany 160 ‡dPEpa kü∂a-p-pö (-Epak, -EpaY) (I: -pö-gi∞-; -pö’-√-; -pö-v-) [36-37]
accrue (v.t.); get 078 áDƒ ki††u (áDd, áDã) (I: ki††u-gi∞-; ki††’-i√-; ki††u-v-) [18-19]
accuse 083 ¿‰®M caDƒ ku∞∞am s䆆u (- caDd, - caDã) (I: - s䆆u-gi∞-; - s䆆’-i√-; - s䆆u-v-) [18-19]
ache (v.i.); hurt 404 Ena(¿) nö(gu) (Enak, enaN∆) (U5: nö-gi∞-athu; no-nth-athu; nög’-um) [108-109] irregular
act; dance 277 nã na∂i (nãKk, nãT∆) (U1: na∂i-kki∞-; na∂i-tth-; na∂i-pp-) [42-43]
add (v.t.); gather; collect 053 ‡Dƒ kü††u (‡Dd, ‡Dã) (I: kü††u-gi∞-; kü††’-i√-; kü††u-v-) [18-19]
admit (v.t.) 228 îfimç a√umathi (îfimçKk, îfimçT∆) (U1: ºmathi-kki∞-; ºmathi-tth-; ºmathi-pp-) [42-43]
admit (v.t.); join; unite; collect 206 *EcR sër (EcRKk, EcRT∆) (U1: sër-kki∞-; sër-tth-; sër-pp-) [*
affect (v.t.) 288 paç päthi (paçKk, paçT∆) (U1: päthi-kki∞-; päthi-tth-; päthi-pp-) [42-43]
be afraid (v.i.); 348 pyNçà payanth’iru (-iÃKk, -iÃN∆) (U2: -iru-kki∞-; -iru-nth-; -iru-pp-) [86-87]
agitate (v.t.); move; shake 164 *îwc asai (îwcKk, îwcT∆) (U1: asai-kki∞-; asai-tth-; asai-pp-) [* *38-39]
agree; comply with 357 ud˜pƒ u∂a√-pa∂u (-pd, -pDƒ) (U4: -pa∂u-gi∞-; -pa†-†-; -pa∂u-v-) [60-61]
aim; point at 320 ¿ó paR ku∞i pär (- paRKk, - paRT∆) (U1: - pär-kki∞-; - pär-tth-; - pär-pp-) [76-77]
be alarmed (v.i.), be startled 369 çƒKრthi∂ukki∂u (çƒKád, çƒKáDƒ) (U4: ºi∂u-gi∞-; ºi†-†-; ºi∂u-v-) [62-63]
amend (v.t.); correct 094 çÃT∆ thirutthu (çÃTt, çÃTç) (I: ºtthu-gi∞-; ºtth’-i√-; ºtthu-v-) [22-23]
announce (v.t.) 227 îóÉ a∞ivi (îóÉKk, îóÉT∆) (U1: a∞ivi-kki∞-; a∞ivi-tth-; a∞ivi-pp-) [42-43]
apologize, ask forgiveness 316 m˜òP» EkÒ ma√√ippu kë¬ (- EkDk, - EkDƒ) (U1: ke†-ki∞-; ke†-†-; ke†-p-) [78]
appear (v.i.); seem 121 *Eta˜› thö√∞u (Eta˜®, Eta˜ó) (I: thö√∞u-gi∞-; thö√∞’-i√-; thö√∞u-v-) [* *24-25]
appoint (v.t.) 278 éyê niyami (éyêKk, éyêT∆) (U1: niyami-kki∞-; niyami-tth-; niyami-pp-) [42-43]
apportion (v.t.); share; divide 282 *p¿ pagu (p¿Kk, p¿T∆) (U1: pagu-kki∞-; pagu-tth-; pagu-pp-) [* *70-71]
approach (v.i.) 030 enÃı¿ neru≥gu (enÃık, enÃıá) (I: neru≥gu-gi∞-; neru≥g’-i√-; neru≥gu-v-) [4-5]
approach (v.i.); obtain; reach 167 îwd a∂ai (îwdy, îwdN∆) (U5: a∂ai-gi∞-; a∂ai-nth-; a∂ai-v-) [40-41]
approach; seek; opt for 058 naƒ nä∂u (nad, naã) (I: nä∂u-gi∞-; nä∂’-i√-; nä∂u-v-) [20-21]
argue 154 vataƒ väthä∂u (-Ad, -Aã) (I: -ä∂u-gi∞-; -ä∂’i√-; -ä∂u-v-) [20-21]
argue; debate 308 Évaç viväthi (ÉvaçKk, ÉvaçT∆) (U1: viväthi-kki∞-; viväthi-tth-; viväthi-pp-) [142-43]
arouse (v.t.); excite; provoke 139 ᬛ ki¬a∞u (ᬮ, á¬ó) (I: ki¬a∞u-gi∞-; ki¬a∞’-i√-; ki¬a∞u-v-) [16-17]
arrange 441 ´‰paƒ ecY ë∞pä∂u sey (- ecYy, - ecY∆) (U6: - sey-gi∞-; - sey-th-; - sey-v-) [112-113]
arrest (v.t.); stop 098 é›T∆ ni∞utthu (é›Tt, é›Tç) (I: ni∞utthu-gi∞-; ni∞utth’-i√-; ni∞utthu-v-) [22-23]
arrest (take into custody) (v.t.) 443 wk∆ ecY kaithu sey (- ecYy, - ecY∆) (U6: - sey-gi∞-; - sey-th-; - sey-v-) [112]
arrive 420 vN∆ EcR vanthu sër (- Ecr, - EcRN∆) (U5: - sër-gi∞-; - sër-nth-; - sër-v-) [52-53]
ascend (v.t.), climb; get onto; enter (a vehicle); increase 050 ´› ë∞u (´®, ´ó) (I: ë∞u-gi∞-; ë∞’-i√-; ë∞u-v-) [32-33]
ask; listen; obey 314 *EkÒ kë¬ (EkDk, EkDƒ) (U1: ke†-ki∞-; ke†-†-; ke†-p-) [* *78-79] euphonic variant
assemble (v.i.); join, unite; gather 054 ‡ƒ kü∂u (‡d, ‡ã) (I: kü∂u-gi∞-; kü∂’-i√-; kü∂u-v-) [20-21]
attack (v.t.) 015 taK¿ thäkku (taKk, taKá) (I: thäkku-gi∞-; thäkk’-i√-; thäkku-v-) [10-11]
be available (000) áwdK¿M ki∂aikkum (See Impersonal Verb Forms, p. 147)
avoid (v.t.); abstain from 267 tÉR thavir (tÉRKk, tÉRT∆) (U1: thavir-kki∞-; thavir-tth-; thavir-pp-) [76-77]
awake (v.i.); get up; emerge 390 ¶¤ eΩu (¶z, ¶¤N∆) (U5: eΩu-gi∞-; eΩu-nth-; eΩu-v-) [98-99]
awaken (v.t.); make get up 005 *¶¤P» eΩuppu (¶¤Pp, ¶¤Pè) (I: ëΩuppu-gi∞-; ëΩupp’-i√-; ëΩuppu-v-) [* *6-7]
go Bad, be spoiled 161 ekDƒ Epa ke††u pö (- Epak, - EpaY) (I: - pö-gi∞-; - pö’-√-; - pö-v-) [36-37]
balance (v.t.); compare 085 cméwlyaK¿ samanilai-y-äkku (-AKk, -AKá) (I: -äkku-gi∞-; -äkk’-i√-; -äkku-v-) [10]
bar (block) (v.t.) 265 tƒ tha∂u (tƒKk, tƒT∆) (U1: tha∂u-kki∞-; tha∂u-tth-; tha∂u-pp-) [58-59]
bark (v.i.) 252 ¿wr kurai (¿wrKk, ¿wrT∆) (U1: kurai-kki∞-; kurai-tth-; kurai-pp-) [38-39]
bark (v.i.) 253 ¿wl kulai (¿wlKk, ¿wlT∆) (U1: kulai-kki∞-; kulai-tth-; kulai-pp-) [38-39]
base (v.t.); establish as fact 146 雌 ni∞uvu (é›v, é›É) (I: ni∞uvu-gi∞-; ni∞uv’-i√-; ni∞uvu-v-) [30-31]
bathe (oneself) (v.i.) 254 ¿ñ ku¬i (¿ñKk, ¿ñT∆) (U1: ku¬i-kki∞-; ku¬i-tth-; ku¬i-pp-) [42-43]

– 148 –
bathe (v.t.); wash (a baby, etc.) 082 ¿ñPpaDƒ ku¬ipp’䆆u (-ADd, -ADã) (I: ºä††u-gi∞-; ºä††’-i√-; ºä††u-v-) [18-19]
be (v.i.); stay, remain; wait; have 328 *ià iru (iÃKk, iÃN∆) (U2: iru-kki∞-; iru-nth-; iru-pp-) [* *86-87]
be 000 uBƒ u∫∂u (only form)
be (v.i.), become 038 *A[¿] ä[gu] (Ak, Aá/AY) (I: ä’gi∞-; ä’-√-; ä’v-) [* *12-13] irregular
bear (fruit) (v.t.) 204 kaY käy (kaYKk, kaYT∆) (U1: käy-kki∞-; käy-tth-; käy-pp-) [46-47]
bear (give birth to) (v.t.); get, receive 384 *ep› pe∞u (ep®, ep‰›) (U4: pe∞u-gi∞-; pe∞-∞-; pe∞u-v-) [* *64-65]
(of animals) give birth (v.t.); put; throw 378 Epaƒ pö∂u (Epad, EpaDƒ) (U4: pö∂u-gi∞-; pö†-†-; pö∂u-v-) [60-61]
become (v.i.), be 038 *A[¿] ä[gu] (Ak, Aá/AY) (I: ä’gi∞-; ä’-√-; ä’v-) [* *12-13] irregular
become (v.i.) 042 uBda¿ u∫∂’ägu (-Ak, -Aá) (I: -ä’gi∞-; -ä’-√-; -ä’v-) [12-13]
beg 315 èCwc EkÒ picchai kë¬ (- EkDk, - EkDƒ) (U1: ke†-ki∞-; ke†-†-; ke†-p-) [78-79]
begin (v.i.) 000 etadı¿ tho∂a≥gu (etadık, etadıá) (I: tho∂a≥gu-gi∞-; tho∂a≥g’-i√-; tho∂a≥gu-v-) [4-5]
begin (v.t.) 230 ArMè ärambi (ArMèKk, ArMèT∆) (U1: ärambi-kki∞-; ärambi-tth-; ärambi-pp-) [42-43]
begin to be (v.i.); develop; evolve; be established 359 ´‰pƒ ë∞pa∂u (-pd, -pDƒ) (U4: pa∂u-gi∞-; pa†-†-; pa∂u-v-) [60]
behave (v.i.); walk; happen 335 *nd na∂a (ndKk, ndN∆) (U2: na∂a-kki∞-; na∂a-nth-; na∂a-pp-) [* *88-89]
believe, trust 122 nM» nambu (nMp, nMè) (I: nambu-gi∞-; namb’-i√-; nambu-v-) [8-9]
belong 345 ecaNtmaëà sonthamäy-iru (-iÃKk, -iÃN∆) (U2: -iru-kki∞-; -iru-nth-; -iru-pp-) [86-87]
betray; deceive 453 vücwˆ ecY vañja√ai sey (- ecYy, - ecY∆) (U6: - sey-gi∞-; - sey-th-; - sey-v-) [112-113]
bind (v.t.), tie; build 072 kDƒ ka††u (kDd, kDã) (I: ka††u-gi∞-; ka††’-i√-; ka††u-v-) [18-19]
bite (v.t.); chew 180 kã ka∂i (kãKk, kãT∆) (U1: ka∂i-kki∞-; ka∂i-tth-; ka∂i-pp-) [42-43]
blame (v.t.); find fault (with) 286 pï paΩi (pïKk, pïT∆) (U1: paΩi-kki∞-; paΩi-tth-; paΩi-pp-) [42-43]
bleed 396 rTtM vã rattham va∂i (- vãy, - vãN∆) (U5: - va∂i-gi∞-; - va∂i-nth-; - va∂i-v-) [44-45]
bloom, flower, blossom 292 È pü (ÈKk, ÈT∆) (U1: pü-kki∞-athu; pü-tth-athu; pükk’-um) [68-69] neuter
bloom (v.i.), flower, blossom 419 mlR malar (mlr, mlRN∆) (U5: malar-gi∞-; malar-nth-; malar-v-) [100-101]
blossom, flower, bloom, 293 È pü (ÈKk, ÈT∆) (U1: pü-kki∞-athu; pü-tth-athu; pükk’-um) [68-69] neuter
blossom (v.i.), bloom, flower 419 mlR malar (mlr, mlRN∆) (U5: malar-gi∞-; malar-nth-; malar-v-) [100-101]
blow (e.g., as wind) (v.t.); hit; ring (bell) 224 îã a∂i (îãKk, îãT∆) (U1: a∂i-kki∞-; a∂i-tth-; a∂i-pp-) [42-43]
blow (wind, etc.) (v.i.) 133 U∆ üthu (Ut, Uç) (I: üthu-gi∞-; üth’-i√-; üthu-v-) [28-29]
boil (v.i.) 257 ekaç kothi (ekaçKk, ekaçT∆) (U1: kothi-kki∞-; kothi-tth-; kothi-pp-) [42-43]
boil (v.t.) 344 ekaçKkPpDãà kothikka-p-pa††’iru (-iÃKk, -iÃN∆) (U2: -iru-kki∞-; -iru-nth-; -iru-pp-) [86-87]
boil (v.t.); steam 172 îÉ avi (îÉKk, îÉT∆) (U1: avi-kki∞-; avi-tth-; avi-pp-) [42-43]
boil (v.i.); be steamed 173 îÉ avi (îÉy, îÉN∆) (U5: avi-gi∞-; avi-nth-; avi-v-) [44-45]
be born; give birth to 338 è® pi∞a (è®Kk, è®N∆) (U2: pi∞a-kki∞-; pi∞a-nth-; pi∞a-pp-) [88-89]
borrow 115 kd˜ vaı¿ ka∂a√ vä≥gu (- vaık, - vaıá) (I: - vä≥gu-gi∞-; - vä≥g’-i√-; - vä≥gu-v-) [4-5]
bow (down); worship 125 vbı¿ va∫a≥gu (vbık, vbıá) (I: va∫a≥gu-gi∞-; va∫a≥g’-i√-; va∫a≥gu-v-) [4-5]
bow to (v.t.); worship 363 ¿Mèƒ kumbi∂u (¿Mèd, ¿MèDƒ) (U4: kumbi∂u-gi∞-; kumbi†-†-; kumbi∂u-v-) [62-63]
break (v.t.) 176 uwd u∂ai (uwdKk, uwdT∆) (U1: u∂ai-kki∞-; u∂ai-tth-; u∂ai-pp-) [38-39]
break (come apart) (v.i.) 177 uwd u∂ai (uwdy, uwdN∆) (U5: u∂ai-gi∞-; u∂ai-nth-; u∂ai-v-) [40-41]
breathe 000 ÎC◊Ƀ mücchu-vi∂u (-Éd, -ÉDƒ) (U4: -vi∂u-gi∞-; -vi†-†-; -vi∂u-v-) [62-63]
bring (along) (v.t.) 401 ekaBƒ va ko∫∂u vä (- vr, - vN∆) (U5: - varu-gi∞-; - va-nth-; - varu-v-) [106-107]
bring down (v.t.); put down 003 i®K¿ i∞akku (i®Kk, i®Ká) (I: i∞akku-gi∞-; i∞akk’-i√-; i∞akku-v-) [2-3]
build (v.t.), tie; bind 072 kDƒ ka††u (kDd, kDã) (I: ka††u-gi∞-; ka††’-i√-; ka††u-v-) [18-19]
burn (something) (v.t.) 178 *¶í eri (¶íKk, ¶íT∆) (U1: eri-kki∞-; eri-tth-; eri-pp-) [* *42-43]
burn (v.i.); glow 179 *¶í eri (¶íy, ¶íN∆) (U5: eri-gi∞-; eri-nth-; eri-v-) [**44-45]
burn, be hot; shoot 367 ◊ƒ su∂u (◊d, ◊Dƒ) (U4: su∂u-gi∞-; su†-†-; su∂u-v-) [60-61]
burn (sth) (v.t.); scorch (sth) 210 ≥Y thïy (≥YKk, ≥YT∆) (U1: thïy-kki∞-; thïy-tth-; thïy-pp-) [46-47]
burn (v.i.), be scorched 211 ≥Y thïy (≥y, ≥YN∆) (U5: thïy-gi∞-; thïy-nth-; thïy-v-) [48-49]
burst (v.t.), explode 311 evã ve∂i (evãKk, evãT∆) (U1: ve∂i-kki∞-; ve∂i-tth-; ve∂i-pp-) [42-43]
bury (v.t.) 291 »wt puthai (»wtKk, »wtT∆) (U1: puthai-kki∞-; puthai-tth-; puthai-pp-) [38-39]
buy (v.t.); get; receive 126 vaı¿ vä≥gu (vaık, vaıá) (I: vä≥gu-gi∞-; vä≥g’-i√-; vä≥gu-v-) [4-5]
Call (v.t.); shout 365 ‡Pèƒ küppi∂u (‡Pèd, ‡PèDƒ) (U4: küppi∂u-gi∞-; küppi†-†-; küppi∂u-v-) [62-63]
call (v.t.); invite 225 îwz aΩai (îwzKk, îwzT∆) (U1: aΩai-kki∞-; aΩai-tth-; aΩai-pp-) [38-39]
call on (someone) 321 ec˜› paR se√∞u pär (- paRKk, - paRT∆) (U1: - pär-kki∞-; - pär-tth-; - pär-pp-) [76-77]

– 149 –
calm down (v.i.); heal 040 A› ä∞u (A®, Aó) (I: ä∞u-gi∞-; ä∞’-i√-; ä∞u-v-) [16-17]
cancel 452 rT∆ ecY ratthu sey (- ecYy, - ecY∆) (U6: - sey-gi∞-; - sey-th-; - sey-v-) [112-113]
be careful, watch out 247 kvò kava√i (kvòKk, kvòT∆) (U1: kava√i-kki∞-; kava√i-tth-; kava√i-pp-) [42-43]
carry (v.t.); lift up; weigh 019 ÁK¿ thükku (ÁKk, ÁKá) (I: thükku-gi∞-; thükk’-i√-; thükku-v-) [2-3]
catch (v.t.), seize, grab 290 èã pi∂i (èãKk, èãT∆) (U1: pi∂i-kki∞-; pi∂i-tth-; pi∂i-pp-) [42-43]
cause (v.t.); create 276 Eta‰›É thö∞∞uvi (-ÉKk, -ÉT∆) (U1: ºvi-kki∞-; ºvi-tth-; ºvi-pp-) [42-43]
cause (v.t.); create; develop 069 ´‰pƒT∆ ë∞pa∂utthu (-pƒTt, -pƒTç) (I: ºtthu-gi∞-; ºtth’-i√-; ºtthu-v-) [22-23]
caution (v.t.); warn 238 ¶Ccí ecchari (¶CcíKk, ¶CcíT∆) (U1: ecchari-kki∞-; ecchari-tth-; ecchari-pp-) [42-43]
cease (hunger, illness, etc.) (v.i.), end 028 ¥ı¿ nï≥gu (¥ık, ¥ıá) (I: nï≥gu-gi∞-; nï≥g’-i√-; nï≥gu-v-) [4-5]
change (v.i.) 062 ma› mä∞u (ma®, maó) (I: mä∞u-gi∞-; mä∞’-i√-; mä∞u-v-) [16-17]
change (v.t.); exchange 061 ma‰› mä∞∞u (ma‰®, ma‰ó) (I: mä∞∞u-gi∞-; mä∞∞’-i√-; mä∞∞u-v-) [14-15]
charm, confuse (others) (v.t.) 033 myK¿ mayakku (myKk, myKá) (I: mayakku-gi∞-; mayakk’-i√-; mayakku-v-) [2-3]
chase (v.t.), pursue 095 ∆rT∆ thuratthu (∆rTt, ∆rTç) (I: ºtthu-gi∞-; ºtth’-i√-; ºtthu-v-) [22-23]
chase (v.t.), follow 416 è˜etadR pi√-tho∂ar (-etadr, -etadRN∆) (U5: tho∂ar-gi∞-; tho∂ar-nth-; tho∂ar-v-) [100]
cheat 304 vüâ vañji (vüâKk, vüâT∆) (U1: vañji-kki∞-; vañji-tth-; vañji-pp-) [74-75]
cheat (v.t.) 047 *´ma‰› ëmä∞∞u (´ma‰®, ´ma‰ó) (I: ëmä∞∞u-gi∞-; ëmä∞∞’-i√-; ëmä∞∞u-v-) [* *14-15]
be cheated (v.i.); get disappointed 048 *´ma› ëmä∞u (´ma®, ´maó) (I: ëmä∞u-gi∞-; ëmä∞’-i√-; ëmä∞u-v-) [* *16-17]
check (examine) (v.t.) 285 [pí]Ecaç [pari-]söthi (-EcaçKk, -EcaçT∆) (U1: söthi-kki∞-; söthi-tth-; söthi-pp-) [42]
cheer up (s.o.) (v.t.) 294 máZÉ magiΩvi (máZÉKk, máZÉT∆) (U1: magiΩvi-kki∞-; magiΩvi-tth-; magiΩvi-pp-) [42]
chew 424 emL(Õ) mel(lu) (emLl, em˜›) (U5: mel-gi∞-; me√-∞-; mel-v-) [104-105] euphonic variant
chew (v.t.); bite 180 kã ka∂i (kãKk, kãT∆) (U1: ka∂i-kki∞-; ka∂i-tth-; ka∂i-pp-) [42-43]
choose (v.t.), select; elect 273 EtRNetƒ thërnth’e∂u (-¶ƒKk, -¶ƒT∆) (U1: ºe∂u-kki∞-; ºe∂u-tth-; ºe∂u-pp-) [58]
chop (v.t.), cut 111 evDƒ ve††u (evDd, evDã) (I: ve††u-gi∞-; ve††’-i√-; ve††u-v-) [18-19]
clash 153 Ema∆ möthu (Emat, Emaç) (I: möthu-gi∞-; möth’-i√-; möthu-v-) [28-29]
classify (v.t.); divide 302 v¿ vagu (v¿Kk, v¿T∆) (U1: vagu-kki∞-; vagu-tth-; vagu-pp-) [70-71]
clean 446 ◊TtM ecY suttham sey (- ecYy, - ecY∆) (U6: - sey-gi∞-; - sey-th-; - sey-v-) [112-113]
clean (grain, etc., with water) 392 kw¬ ka¬ai (kw¬y, kw¬N∆) (U5: ka¬ai-gi∞-; ka¬ai-nth-; ka¬ai-v-) [40-41]
be clear (v.i.); be renowned; flourish 036 ɬı¿ vi¬a≥gu (ɬık, ɬıá) (I: º≥gu-gi∞-; º≥g’-i√-; º≥gu-v-) [4-5]
climb (v.t.), ascend; get onto; enter (a vehicle); increase 050 ´› ë∞u (´®, ´ó) (I: ë∞u-gi∞-; ë∞’-i√-; ë∞u-v-) [32-33]
close (v.t.), shut; lock 166 îwd a∂ai (îwdKk, îwdT∆) (U1: a∂ai-kki∞-; a∂ai-tth-; a∂ai-pp-) [38-39]
close (v.t.), shut (door, etc.) 088 caT∆ sätthu (caTt, caTç) (I: sätthu-gi∞-; sätth’-i√-; sätthu-v-) [22-23]
close (v.t.); cover 151 ΃ mü∂u (Îd, Îã) (I: mü∂u-gi∞-; mü∂’-i√-; mü∂u-v-) [20-21]
be closed (v.i.); be covered 350 Îãëà mü∂i-y-iru (-iÃKk, -iÃN∆) (U2: -iru-kki∞-; -iru-nth-; -iru-pp-) [86-87]
collect (v.t.); gather 093 çrDƒ thira††u (çrDd, çrDã) (I: thira††u-gi∞-; thira††’-i√-; thira††u-v-) [18-19]
collect (v.t.); gather; add 053 ‡Dƒ kü††u (‡Dd, ‡Dã) (I: kü††u-gi∞-; kü††’-i√-; kü††u-v-) [18-19]
collect (v.t.); join; unite; admit 206 *EcR sër (EcRKk, EcRT∆) (U1: sër-kki∞-; sër-tth-; sër-pp-) [* *50-51]
come (v.i.) 400 *va vä (vr, vN∆) (U5: varu-gi∞-; va-nth-; varu-v-) [* *106-107] irregular
come back; return 403 çÃMè va thirumbi vä (- vr, - vN∆) (U5: - varu-gi∞-; - va-nth-; - varu-v-) [106-107]
comfort (console) (v.t.) 039 A‰› ä∞∞u (A‰®, A‰ó) (I: ä∞∞u-gi∞-; ä∞∞’-i√-; ä∞∞u-v-) [14-15]
comfort (v.t.); console 055 Et‰› thë∞∞u (Et‰®, Et‰ó) (I: thë∞∞u-gi∞-; thë∞∞’-i√-; thë∞∞u-v-) [14-15]
command (v.t.) 355 Awbëƒ ä∫ai-y-i∂u (-id, -iDƒ) (U4: -i∂u-gi∞-; -i†-†-; -i∂u-v-) [62-63]
command, order 361 kDdw¬ëƒ ka††a¬ai-y-i∂u (-id, -iDƒ) (U4: -i∂u-gi∞-; -i†-†-; -i∂u-v-) [62-63]
comment (on) 309 ɬKkŒwr îñ vi¬akkavurai a¬i (- îñKk, - îñT∆) (U1: - a¬i-kki∞-;- a¬i-tth-; - a¬i-pp-) [42]
compare (v.t.); contrast 360 oPèƒ oppi∂u (-id, -iDƒ (U4: oppi∂u-gi∞-; oppi†-†-; oppi∂u-v-)) [62-63]
compare (v.t.); balance 085 cméwlyaK¿ samanilai-y-äkku (-AKk, -AKá) (I: -äkku-gi∞-; -äkk’-i√-; -äkku-v-) [10]
compete, contest 379 EpaDãëƒ pö††i-y-i∂u (-id, -iDƒ) (U4: -i∂u-gi∞-; -i†-†-; -i∂u-v-) [62-63]
complete (v.t.), finish 198 …ã mu∂i (…ãKk, …ãT∆) (U1: mu∂i-kki∞-; mu∂i-tth-; mu∂i-pp-) [42-43]
comply with; agree 357 ud˜pƒ u∂a√-pa∂u (-pd, -pDƒ) (U4: -pa∂u-gi∞-; -pa†-†-; -pa∂u-v-) [60-61]
compromise 158 oT∆PEpa otthu-p-pö (-Epak, -EpaY) (I: -pö-gi∞-; -pö-√-; -pö-v-) [36-37] irregular
compromise 444 cmrc ibKkM ecY samarasa i∫akkam sey (- ecYy, - ecY∆) (U6: sey-gi∞-; sey-th-; sey-v-) [112]
conceive (get pregnant) (v.i.) 432 kÃKekaÒ karu-k-ko¬ (-ekaÒ¬, -ekaBƒ) (U5: ko¬-gi∞-; ko∫-∂-; ko¬-v-) [102]

– 150 –
conceive (get pregnant) (v.i.) 245 kÃTtí karutthari (kÃTtíKk, kÃTtíT∆) (U1: ºari-kki∞-; ºari-tth-; ºari-pp-) [42]
confer (talk together) 137 klN∆ Ep◊ kalanthu pësu (- Epc, - Epâ) (I: - pësu-gi∞-; - pës’-i√-; - pësu-v-) [32-33]
confirm (v.t.); prove 440 u›ç ecY u∞uthi sey (- ecYy, - ecY∆) (U6: - sey-gi∞-; - sey-th-; - sey-v-) [112-113]
confuse, charm (others) (v.t.) 033 myK¿ mayakku (myKk, myKá) (I: mayakku-gi∞-; mayakk’-i√-; mayakku-v-) [2-
get confused, deluded (v.i.) 034 myı¿ maya≥gu (myık, myıá) (I: maya≥gu-gi∞-; maya≥g’i√-; maya≥gu-v-) [4-5]
confuse (others) (v.t.) 011 ¿zP» kuΩappu (¿zPp, ¿zPè) (I: kuΩappu-gi∞-; kuΩapp’i√-; kuΩappu-v-) [6-7]
get confused (v.i.) 012 ¿zM» kuΩambu (¿zMp, ¿zMè) (I: kuΩambu-gi∞-; kuΩamb’i√-; kuΩambu-v-) [8-9]
congratulate (v.t.) 000 vaZT∆ väΩtthu (vaZTt, vaZTç) (I: väΩtthu-gi∞-; väΩtth’i√-; väΩtthu-v-) [22-23]
congratulate (v.t.) 104 paraDƒ pär䆆u (paraDd, paraDã) (I: pär䆆u-gi∞-; pär䆆’i√-; pär䆆u-v-) [18-19]
connect (v.t.); string (beads, etc.) 220 etaƒ tho∂u (etaƒKk, etaƒT∆) (U1: tho∂u-kki∞-; tho∂u-tth-; tho∂u-pp-) [58]
conquer (v.t.); triumph, win 425 evL vel (evLl, ev˜›) (U5: vel-gi∞-; ve√-∞-; vel-v-) [104-105] euph. var.
consider; ponder 300 Eyaâ yösi (EyaâKk, EyaâT∆) (U1: yösi-kki∞-; yösi-tth-; yösi-pp-) [74-75]
consider (v.t.); think (of); count 127 ¶B≈ e∫∫u (¶Bb, ¶Bõ) (I: e∫∫u-gi∞-; e∫∫’-i√-; e∫∫u-v-) [26-27]
consider; think 136 kÃ∆ karuthu (kÃt, kÃç) (I: karuthu-gi∞-; karuth’i√--; karuthu-v-) [28-29]
console (v.t.); comfort 039 A‰› ä∞∞u (A‰®, A‰ó) (I: ä∞∞u-gi∞-; ä∞∞’-i√-; ä∞∞u-v-) [14-15]
console (v.t.); comfort 055 Et‰› thë∞∞u (Et‰®, Et‰ó) (I: thë∞∞u-gi∞-; thë∞∞’-i√-; thë∞∞u-v-) [14-15]
construct (v.t.); install; settle 168 îwm amai (îwmKk, îwmT∆) (U1: amai-kki∞-; amai-tth-; amai-pp-) [38-39]
contest, compete 379 EpaDãëƒ pö††i-y-i∂u (-id, -iDƒ) (U4: ºi∂u-gi∞-; ºi†-†-; ºi∂u-v-) [62-63]
continue (v.t.); pursue; take up 413 etadR tho∂ar (etadr, etadRN∆) (U2: º∂ar-kki∞-; º∂ar-nth-; º∂ar-pp-) [100]
contrast (v.t.); compare 360 oPèƒ oppi∂u (-id, -iDƒ) (U4: ºi∂u-gi∞-; ºi†-†-; ºi∂u-v-) [62-63]
control (v.t.); restrain 001 *îdK¿ a∂akku (îdKk, îdKá) (I: a∂akku-gi∞-; a∂akk’-i√-; a∂akku-v-) [*2-3]
cook (a meal) 000 cwm samai (cwmKk, cwmT∆) (U1: samai-kki∞-; samai-tth-; samai-pp-) [38-39]
cook (boil, fry) (v.i.) 407 *Ev(¿) vë(gu) (Evk, evN∆) (U5: vë-gi∞-; ve-nth-; vëgu-v-) [*108-109] irregular
co-operate 442 ‡dCecY kü∂a-c-chey (-ecYy, -ecY∆) (U6: -chey-gi∞-; -chey-th-; -chey-v-) [112-113]
copy (in writing) 148 paRT∆ ¶¤∆ pärtthu eΩuthu (- ¶¤t, - ¶¤ç) (I: - eΩuthu-gi∞-; - eΩuth-’i√-; - eΩuthu-v-) [28-29]
correct 087 cíyaK¿ sari-y-äkku (-AKk, -AKá) (I: -äkku-gi∞-; -äkk’-i√-; -äkku-v-) [10-11]
correct (v.t.); amend 094 çÃT∆ thirutthu (çÃTt, çÃTç) (I: ºtthu-gi∞-; ºtth’-i√-; ºtthu-v-) [22-23]
count (v.t.); think (of); consider 127 ¶B≈ e∫∫u (¶Bb, ¶Bõ) (I: e∫∫u-gi∞-; e∫∫’-i√-; e∫∫u-v-) [26-27]
cover (v.t.); close 151 ΃ mü∂u (Îd, Îã) (I: mü∂u-gi∞-; mü∂’-i√-; mü∂u-v-) [20-21]
be covered (v.i.); be closed 350 Îãëà mü∂i-y-iru (-iÃKk, -iÃN∆) (U2: -iru-kki∞-; -iru-nth-; -iru-pp-) [86-87]
create (v.t.), make; effect 037 *AK¿ äkku (AKk, AKá) (I: äkku-gi∞-; äkk’-i√-; äkku-v-) [*10-11]
create (v.t.) 041 uBdaK¿ u∫∂’äkku (-AKk, -AKá) (I: -äkku-gi∞-; -äkk’-i√-; -äkku-v-) [10-11]
create (v.t.) 000 uBƒ pB≈ u∫∂u pa∫∫u (- pBb, -pBõ) (I: - pa∫∫u-gi∞-; - pa∫∫’-i√-; - pa∫∫u-v-) [26-27]
create (v.t.); cause 276 Eta‰›É thö∞∞uvi (-ÉKk, -ÉT∆) (U1: ºvi-kki∞-; ºvi-tth-; ºvi-pp-) [42-43]
create (v.t.); develop; cause 069 ´‰pƒT∆ ë∞pa∂utthu (-pƒTt, -pƒTç) (I: ºtthu-gi∞-; ºtth’-i√-; ºtthu-v-) [22-23]
criticize (v.t.) 306 ÉmRâ vimarsi (ÉmRâKk, ÉmRâT∆) (U1: vimarsi-kki∞-; vimarsi-tth-; vimarsi-pp-) [74-75]
criticize 000 ¿‰®M kaB ku∞∞am kä∫ (- kab, - kBƒ) (U3: - kä∫-gi∞-; - ka∫-∂-; - kä∫-b-) [92-93]
cross (over) (v.i.); pass 330X kd ka∂a (kdKk, kdN∆) (U2: ka∂a-kki∞-; ka∂a-nth-; ka∂a-pp-) [88-89]
crush (v.t.) 031 ena›K¿ no∞ukku (ena›Kk, ena›Ká) (I: no∞ukku-gi∞-; no∞ukk’-i√-; no∞ukku-v-) [2-3]
get crushed (v.i.) 032 ena›ı¿ no∞u≥gu (ena›ık, ena›ıá) (I: no∞u≥gu-gi∞-; no∞u≥g’-i√-; no∞u≥gu-v-) [4-5]
crush (v.t.) 021 n◊K¿ nasukku (n◊Kk, n◊Ká) (I: nasukku-gi∞-; nasukk’-i√-; nasukku-v-) [2-3]
get crushed (v.i.) 022 n◊ı¿ nasu≥gu (n◊ık, n◊ıá) (I: nasu≥gu-gi∞-; nasu≥g’-i√-; nasu≥gu-v-) [4-5]
cry (v.i.), weep 436 *î¤ aΩu (îz, î¤∆) (U6: aΩu-gi∞-; aΩu-th-; aΩu-v-) [*110-111]
cure (v.t.) 079 ¿bPpƒT∆ gu∫a-p-pa∂utthu (-pƒTt, -pƒTç) (I: -pa∂utthu-gi∞-; -pa∂utth’-i√-; -pa∂utthu-v-) [22]
cure (v.t.) 080 ¿bmaK¿ gu∫am-äkku (-AKk, -AKá) (I: -äkku-gi∞-; -äkk’-i√-; -äkku-v-) [10-11]
cut (v.t.), chop 111 evDƒ ve††u (evDd, evDã) (I: ve††u-gi∞-; ve††u’-i√-; ve††u-v-) [18-19]
cut (v.t.); shorten; decrease 186 ¿w® ku∞ai (¿w®Kk, ¿w®T∆) (U1: ku∞ai-kki∞-; ku∞ai-tth-; ku∞ai-pp-) [38-39]
get cut (v.i.); become short 187 ¿w® ku∞ai (¿w®y, ¿w®N∆) (U5: ku∞ai-gi∞-; ku∞ai-nth-; ku∞ai-v-) [40-41]
Damage (v.t.); spoil 218 ekƒ ke∂u (ekƒKk, ekƒT∆) (U1: ke∂u-kki∞-; ke∂u-tth-; ke∂u-pp-) [58-59]
get damaged (v.i.); get spoiled 219 ekƒ ke∂u (ekd, ekDƒ) (U4: ke∂u-gi∞-; ke†-†-; ke∂u-v-) [60-61]
dance (v.i.); move 130 Aƒ ä∂u (Ad, Aã) (I: ä∂u-gi∞-; ä∂’-i√-; ä∂u-v-) [20-21]

– 151 –
dance 144 ndˆmaƒ na∂a√am-ä∂u (-Ad, -Aã) (I: -ä∂u-gi∞-; -ä∂’-i√-; -ä∂u-v-) [20-21]
dance; act 277 nã na∂i (nãKk, nãT∆) (U1: na∂i-kki∞-; na∂i-tth-; na∂i-pp-) [42-43]
dawn (v.i.); rise (e.g., as sun) 397 Éã vi∂i (Éãy, ÉãN∆) (U5: vi∂i-gi∞-; vi∂i-nth-; vi∂i-v-) [44-45]
debate; argue 308 Évaç viväthi (ÉvaçKk, ÉvaçT∆) (U1: viväthi-kki∞-; viväthi-tth-; viväthi-pp-) [42-43]
deceive; betray 453 vücwˆ ecY vañja√ai sey (- ecYy, - ecY∆) (U6: - sey-gi∞-; - sey-th-; - sey-v-) [112-113]
decide 270 ≥Rmaò thïrmä√i (≥RmaòKk, ≥RmaòT∆) (U1: ºmä√i-kki∞-; ºmä√i-tth-; ºmä√i-pp-) [42-43]
decrease (v.t.); shorten; cut 186 ¿w® ku∞ai (¿w®Kk, ¿w®T∆) (U1: ku∞ai-kki∞-; ku∞ai-tth-; ku∞ai-pp-) [38-39]
defeat (in competition) (v.t.) 275 Eta‰kã thö∞k’a∂i (-îãKk, -îãT∆) (U1: -a∂i-kki∞-; -a∂i-tth-; -a∂i-pp-) [42-43]
be defeated (v.i.); lose 000 EtaL thöl (Eta‰k, Eta‰›) (U1: thö∞-ki∞-; thö∞-∞-; thö∞-p-) [80-81]
delay (v.t.) 268 tamç thämathi (tamçKk, tamçT∆) (U1: thämathi-kki∞-; thämathi-tth-; thämathi-pp-) [42-43]
delay (v.t.) 448 tamtM ecY thämatham sey (- ecYy, - ecY∆) (U6: - sey-gi∞-; - sey-th-; - sey-v-) [112-113]
get deluded, confused (v.i.) 034 myı¿ maya≥gu (myık, myıá) (I: ºa≥gu-gi∞-; ºa≥g’-i√-; ºa≥gu-v-) [4-5]
denote (v.t.); mark 255 ¿ó ku∞i (¿óKk, ¿óT∆) (U1: ku∞i-kki∞-; ku∞i-tth-; ku∞i-pp-) [42-43]
deny (v.t.); refuse 295 *m› ma∞u (m›Kk, m›T∆) (U1: ma∞u-kki∞-; ma∞u-tth-; ma∞u-pp-) [* *72-73]
depart (v.i.); be separated; be divided; unravel 195 èí piri (èíy, èíN∆) (U5: piri-gi∞-; piri-nth-; piri-v-) [44-45]
depend on 412 caR sär (car, caRN∆) (U5: sär-gi∞-; sär-nth-; sär-v-) [100-101]
descend from (v.i.); get down 004 i®ı¿ i∞a≥gu (i®ık, i®ıá) (I: i∞a≥gu-gi∞-; i∞a≥g’-i√-; i∞a≥gu-v-) [4-5]
descend (v.i.); become humble 209 taZ thäΩ (taz, taZN∆) (U5: thäΩ-gi∞-; thäΩ-nth-; thäΩ-v-) [56-57]
describe (v.t.) 307 Éví vivari (ÉvíKk, ÉvíT∆) (U1: vivari-kki∞-; vivari-tth-; vivari-pp-) [42-43]
design (v.t.), plan 370 çDdêƒ thi††am-i∂u (-id, -iDƒ) (U4: -i∂u-gi∞-; -i†-†-; -i∂u-v-) [62-63]
destroy (v.t.) 174 îï aΩi (îïKk, îïT∆) (U1: aΩi-kki∞-; aΩi-tth-; aΩi-pp-) [42-43]
get destroyed (v.i.) 175 îï aΩi (îïy, îïN∆) (U5: aΩi-gi∞-; aΩi-nth-; aΩi-v-) [44-45]
develop (v.i.); evolve; begin to be; established 359 ´‰pƒ ë∞pa∂u (-pd, -pDƒ) (U4: -pa∂u-gi∞-; -pa†-†-; -pa∂u-v-) [60]
develop (v.t.); create; cause 069 ´‰pƒT∆ ë∞pa∂utthu (-pƒTt, -pƒTç) (I: ºtthu-gi∞-; ºtth’-i√-; ºtthu-v-) [22-23]
die (v.i.) 330 i® i∞a (i®Kk, i®N∆) (U2: i∞a-kki∞-; i∞a-nth-; i∞a-pp-) [88-89]
die (v.i.) 163 ecT∆PEpa setthu-p-pö (-Epak, -EpaY) (I: -pö-gi∞-; -pö-√-; -pö-v-) [36-37]
die (said of animals) (v.i.) 386 *ca(¿) sä(gu) (cak, ecT∆) (U4: sä-gi∞-; setth-; sä-v-) [*
*66-67] irregular
differ (be different) (v.i.) 383 Ev›pƒ vë∞u-pa∂u (-pd, -pDƒ) (U4: -pa∂u-gi∞-; -pa†-†-; -pa∂u-v-) [60-61]
differentiate (v.t.) 113 Ev›pƒT∆ vë∞u-pa∂utthu (-pƒTt, -pƒTç) (I: ºtthu-gi∞-; ºtth’-i√-; ºtthu-v-) [22-23]
dig (v.t.) 120 EtaBƒ thö∫∂u (EtaBd, EtaBã) (I: thö∫∂u-gi∞-; thö∫∂’-i√-; thö∫∂u-v-) [20-21]
direct (v.t.); manage 097 ndT∆ na∂atthu (ndTt, ndTç) (I: na∂atthu-gi∞-; na∂atth’-i√-; na∂atthu-v-) [22-23]
disappear (v.i.); hide (oneself) 197 mw® ma∞ai (mw®y, mw®N∆) (U5: ma∞ai-gi∞-; ma∞ai-nth-; ma∞ai-v-) [40-41]
get disappointed (v.i.); be cheated 048 *´ma› ëmä∞u (´ma®, ´maó) (I: ëmä∞u-gi∞-; ëmä∞’-i√-; ëmä∞u-v-) [* *16-17]
discharge (v.t.); spend (time); subtract 182 kï kaΩi (kïKk, kïT∆) (U1: kaΩi-kki∞-; kaΩi-tth-; kaΩi-pp-) [42-43]
discover (v.t.); find; solve 244 kBƒèã ka∫∂u-pi∂i (-èãKk, -èãT∆) (U1: -pi∂i-kki∞-; -pi∂i-tth-; -pi∂i-pp-) [42-43]
dislike (v.t.), hate 312 ev› ve∞u (ev›Kk, ev›T∆) (U1: ve∞u-kki∞-; ve∞u-tth-; ve∞u-pp-) [72-73]
dismiss (v.t.) 027 ¥K¿ nïkku (¥Kk, ¥Ká) (I: nïkku-gi∞-; nïkk’-i√-; nïkku-v-) [2-3]
be distinguished (v.i.); excel 333 â® si∞a (â®Kk, â®N∆) (U2: si∞a-kki∞-; si∞a-nth-; si∞a-pp-) [88-89]
disturb (v.t.); stir 007 klK¿ kalakku (klKk, klKá) (I: kalakku-gi∞-; kalakk’-i√-; kalakku-v-) [ 2-3]
become disturbed (v.i.); be stirred 008 klı¿ kala≥gu (klık, klıá) (I: ºa≥gu-gi∞-; ºa≥g’-i√-; ºa≥gu-v-) [4-5]
divide (v.t.); apportion; share 282 *p¿ pagu (p¿Kk, p¿T∆) (U1: pagu-kki∞-; pagu-tth-; pagu-pp-) [* *70-71]
divide (v.t.); classify 302 v¿ vagu (v¿Kk, v¿T∆) (U1: vagu-kki∞-; vagu-tth-; vagu-pp-) [70-71]
divide (v.t.); separate 194 èí piri (èíKk, èíT∆) (U1: piri-kki∞-; piri-tth-; piri-pp-) [42-43]
be divided (v.i.); be separated; unravel; depart 195 èí piri (èíy, èíN∆) (U5: piri-gi∞-; piri-nth-; piri-v-) [44-45]
do (v.t.); make 437 *ecY sey (ecYy, ecY∆) (U6: sey-gi∞-; sey-th-; sey-v-) [* *112-113]
do (v.t.); make 128 *pB≈ pa∫∫u (pBb, pBõ) (I: pa∫∫u-gi∞-; pa∫∫’-i√-; pa∫∫u-v-) [* *26-27]
doubt 261 cNEtá santhëgi (cNEtáKk, cNEtáT∆) (U1: santhëgi-kki∞-; santhëgi-tth-; santhëgi-pp-) [42-43]
drag (v.t.), pull; inhale; stretch 233 i¤ iΩu (i¤Kk, i¤T∆) (U1: iΩu-kki∞-; iΩu-tth-; iΩu-pp-) [72-73]
drink (v.t.) 250 ¿ã ku∂i (¿ãKk, ¿ãT∆) (U1: ku∂i-kki∞-; ku∂i-tth-; ku∂i-pp-) [42-43]
drink (v.t.); eat 353 *uB(≈) u∫(∫u) (uBb, uBƒ) (U3: u∫-gi∞-; u∫-∂-; u∫-b-) [* *94-95]
drive (v.t.) 051 *ODƒ ö††u (ODd, ODã) (I: ö††u-gi∞-; ö††’-i√-; ö††u-v-) [**18-19]
drive (a vehicle) (v.t.) 091 ecÕT∆ selutthu (ecÕTt, ecÕTç) (I: ºtthu-gi∞-; ºtth’-i√-; ºtthu-v-) [22-23]

– 152 –
drown (v.i.); sink, submerge 152 ÎZ¿ müΩgu ( ÎZk, ÎZá) (I: müΩgu-gi∞-; müΩg’-i√-; müΩgu-v-) [4-5]
(cause to) drown (v.t.); dunk 298 ÎZkã müΩga∂i (-îãKk, -îãT∆) (U1: ºa∂i-kki∞-; ºa∂i-tth-; ºa∂i-pp-) [42-43]
dry (v.t.); wipe 271 ∆wd thu∂ai (∆wdKk, ∆wdT∆) (U1: thu∂ai-kki∞-; thu∂ai-tth-; thu∂ai-pp-) [38-39]
dry (v.i.); be heated 205 kaY käy (kay, kaYN∆) (U5: käy-gi∞-; käy-nth-; käy-v-) [48-49]
dry (v.t.) 249 kay wv käya vai (- wvKk, - wvT∆) (U1: - vai-kki∞-; - vai-tth-; - vai-pp-) [38-39]
dunk (v.t.); (cause to) drown 298 ÎZkã müΩga∂i (-îãKk, -îãT∆) (U1: ºa∂i-kki∞-; ºa∂i-tth-; ºa∂i-pp-) [42-43]
Earn 000 cMpaç sambäthi (cMpaçKk, cMpaçT∆) (U1: sambäthi-kki∞-; sambäthi-tth-; sambäthi-pp-) [42-43]
eat (v.t.); drink 353 *uB(≈) u∫(∫u) (uBb, uBƒ) (U3: u∫-gi∞-; u∫-∂-; u∫-b-) [* *94-95]
eat (have a meal) 366 caPèƒ säppi∂u (caPèd, caPèDƒ) (U4: säppi∂u-gi∞-; säppi†-†-; säppi∂u-v-) [62-63]
eat (grass, etc.) (v.i.); graze 215 *EmY mëy (Emy, EmYN∆) (U5: mëy-gi∞-; mëy-nth-; mëy-v-) [* *48-49]
eat (said of animals); snack (said of humans) 352 ç˜(fi) thi√(√u) (瘈, 瘛) (U3: thi√-gi∞-; thi√-∞-; thi√-b-) [96]
educate, teach 246 kLÉyñ kalvi-y-a¬i (-îñKk, -îñT∆) (U1: -a¬i-kki∞-; -a¬i-tth-; -a¬i-pp-) [42-43]
effect (v.t.); create, make 037 *AK¿ äkku (AKk, AKá) (I: äkku-gi∞-; äkk’-i√-; äkku-v-) [* *10-11]
elect (v.t.), select, choose 273 EtRNetƒ thërnth’e∂u (-¶ƒKk, -¶ƒT∆) (U1: -e∂u-kki∞-; -e∂u-tth-; -e∂u-pp-) [58-59]
elucidate/illuminate (v.t.), explain 035 ɬK¿ vi¬akku (ɬKk, ɬKá) (I: vi¬akku-gi∞-; vi¬akk’-i√-; vi¬akku-v-) [2]
embrace (v.t.); switch or turn off 326 *îwb a∫ai (îwbKk, îwbT∆) (U1: a√ai-kki∞-; a√ai-tth-; a√ai-pp-) [* *84]
emerge (v.i.); get up; awake 390 ¶¤ eΩu (¶z, ¶¤N∆) (U5: eΩu-gi∞-; eΩu-nth-; eΩu-v-) [98-99]
emerge (v.i.); rise; start 010 á¬M» ki¬ambu (á¬Mp, á¬Mè) (I: ki¬ambu-gi∞-; ki¬amb’-i√-; ki¬ambu-v-) [8-9]
end (v.i.), cease (hunger, illness, etc.) 028 ¥ı¿ nï≥gu (¥ık, ¥ıá) (I: nï≥gu-gi∞-; nï≥g’-i√-; nï≥gu-v-) [4-5]
end (v.i.), finish 199 …ã mu∂i (…ãy, …ãN∆) (U5: mu∂i-gi∞-; mu∂i-nth-; mu∂i-v-) [44-45]
endure (v.t.); tolerate; wait 293 epa› po∞u (epa›Kk, epa›T∆) (U1: po∞u-kki∞-; po∞u-tth-; po∞u-pp-) [72-73]
enforce 071 kDdayPpƒT∆ ka††äya-p-pa∂utthu (-pƒTt, -pƒTç) (I: ºtthu-gi∞-; ºtth’-i√-; ºtthu-v-) [22-23]
enjoy 301 râ rasi (râKk, râT∆) (U1: rasi-kki∞-; rasi-tth-; rasi-pp-) [74-75]
enter 405 »¿ pugu (»k, »¿N∆) (U5: pugu-gi∞-; pugu-nth-; pugu-v-) [98-99]
enter (a vehicle) (v.t.), ascend, climb; get on to; increase 050 ´› ë∞u (´®, ´ó) (I: ë∞u-gi∞-; ë∞’-i√-; ë∞u-v-) [32-33]
enter (v.i.) 193 «wz nuΩai («wzy, «wzN∆) (U5: nuΩai-gi∞-; nuΩai-nth-; nuΩai-v-) [40-41]
make enter (v.t.) 192 «wz nuΩai («wzKk, «wzT∆) (U1: nuΩai-kki∞-; nuΩai-tth-; nuΩai-pp-) [38-39]
equal (v.t.); resemble 240 *o o (oKk, oT∆) (U1: o-kki∞-; o-tth-; o-pp-) [* *68-69]
establish as fact (v.t.); base 146 雌 ni∞uvu (é›v, é›É) (I: ni∞uvu-gi∞-; ni∞uv’-i√-; ni∞uvu-v-) [30-31]
establish (v.t.); install; plant; fix 057 naDƒ n䆆u (naDd, naDã) (I: n䆆u-gi∞-; n䆆’-i√-; n䆆u-v-) [18-19]
be established (v.i.); develop; evolve; begin to be 359 ´‰pƒ ë∞pa∂u (-pd, -pDƒ) (U4: -pa∂u-gi∞-; -pa†-†-; -pa∂u-v-) [60]
evolve (v.i.); develop; be established; begin to be 359 ´‰pƒ ë∞pa∂u (-pd, -pDƒ) (U4: -pa∂u-gi∞-; -pa†-†-; -pa∂u-v-) [60]
examine (v.t.); research 408 AraY äräy (Aray, AraYN∆) (U5: äräy-gi∞-; äräy-nth-; äräy-v-) [48-49]
examine (v.t.); test; search 264 Ecaç söthi (EcaçKk, EcaçT∆) (U1: söthi-kki∞-; söthi-tth-; söthi-pp-) [42-43]
excel (v.i.); be distinguished 333 â® si∞a (â®Kk, â®N∆) (U2: si∞a-kki∞-; si∞a-nth-; si∞a-pp-) [88-89]
exchange (v.t.); change 061 ma‰› mä∞∞u (ma‰®, ma‰ó) (I: mä∞∞u-gi∞-; mä∞∞’-i√-; mä∞∞u-v-) [14-15]
exchange (v.t.); serve (food) 000 píma› parimä∞u (píma®, pímaó) (I: -mä∞u-gi∞-; -mä∞’-i√-; -mä∞u-v-) [16-17]
exchange (v.t.) 433 pímaóKekaÒ parimä∞i-k-ko¬ (-ekaÒ¬, -ekaBƒ) (U5: -ko¬-gi∞-; -ko∫-∂-; -ko¬-v-) [102-103]
excite (v.t.); arouse; provoke 139 ᬛ ki¬a∞u (ᬮ, á¬ó) (I: ki¬a∞u-gi∞-; ki¬a∞’-i√-; ki¬a∞u-v-) [16-17]
excite (v.t.); stimulate; motivate 118 ÁBƒ thü∫∂u (ÁBd, ÁBã) (I: thü∫∂u-gi∞-; thü∫∂’-i√-; thü∫∂u-v-) [20-21]
excuse (v.t.), forgive 296 m˜ò ma√√i (m˜òKk, m˜òT∆) (U1: ma√√i-kki∞-; ma√√i-tth-; ma√√i-pp-) [42-43]
execute (carry out plan, orders) (v.t.) 090 ecyla‰› seyal-ä∞∞u (-A‰®, -A‰ó) (I: -ä∞∞u-gi∞-; -ä∞∞’-i√-; -ä∞∞u-v-) [14]
expand (v.i.); spread; open; extend 201 Éí viri (Éíy, ÉíN∆) (U5: viri-gi∞-; viri-nth-; viri-v-) [44-45]
expand (v.t.); improve 110 ÉívaK¿ viri-v-äkku (-AKk, -AKá) (I: -äkku-gi∞-; -äkk’-i√-; -äkku-v-) [10-11]
expand (v.t.); spread 102 prP» parappu (prPp, prPè) (I: parappu-gi∞-; parapp’-i√-; parappu-v-) [6-7]
expect (v.t.); wait for 319 ¶çR paR ethir pär (- paRKk, - paRT∆) (U1: - pär-kki∞-; - pär-tth-; - pär-pp-) [76-77]
experience; feel (after a noun) 223 *pƒ pa∂u (pd, pDƒ) (U4: pa∂u-gi∞-; pa†-†-; pa∂u-v-) [* *60-61]
explain (v.t.), elucidate/illuminate 035 ɬK¿ vi¬akku (ɬKk, ɬKá) (I: vi¬akku-gi∞-; vi¬akk’-i√-; vi¬akku-v-) [2]
explode (v.t.), burst 311 evã ve∂i (evãKk, evãT∆) (U1: ve∂i-kki∞-; ve∂i-tth-; ve∂i-pp-) [42-43]
express (v.t.); make known 272 etíÉ therivi (etíÉKk, etíÉT∆) (U1: ºvi-kki∞-; ºvi-tth-; ºvi-pp-) [42-43]
express (show outwardly) (v.t.) 112 evñKkaDƒ ve¬i-k-k䆆u (-kaDd, -kaDã) (I: -k䆆u-gi∞-; -k䆆’-i√-; -k䆆u-v-) [18]

– 153 –
extend (v.i.); spread; expand; open 201 Éí viri (Éíy, ÉíN∆) (U5: viri-gi∞-; viri-nth-; viri-v-) [44-45]
extend (time) (v.i.); last 280 ¥ã nï∂i (¥ãKk, ¥ãT∆) (U1: nï∂i-kki∞-; nï∂i-tth-; nï∂i-pp-) [42-43]
extend (v.t.) 100 ¥Dƒ nu (¥Dd, ¥Dã) (I: nu-gi∞-; n’-i√-; nu-v-) [18-19]
Faint (v.i.); swoon 395 myıá ɤ maya≥gi viΩu (- Éz, -ɤN∆) (U5: - viΩu-gi∞-; - viΩu-nth-; - viΩu-v-) [98-99]
fall (v.i.) 398 *ɤ viΩu (Éz, ɤN∆) (U5: viΩu-gi∞-; viΩu-nth-; viΩu-v-) [* *98-99]
fall down & smash 000 ɤN∆ ena›ı¿ viΩunthu no∞u≥gu (- ena›ık, -ena›ıá) (I: º≥gu-gi∞-; º≥g’-i√-; º≥gu-v-) [4]
farm 374 pëíƒ payiri∂u (-id, -iDƒ) (U4: payiri∂u-gi∞-; payiri†-†-; payiri∂u-v-) [62-63]
grow fat (v.i.) 258 eka¤ koΩu (eka¤Kk, eka¤T∆) (U1: koΩu-kki∞-; koΩu-tth-; koΩu-pp-) [70-71]
find fault (with); blame (v.t.) 286 pï paΩi (pïKk, pïT∆) (U1: paΩi-kki∞-; paΩi-tth-; paΩi-pp-) [42-43]
fear, be afraid 114 îü◊ añju (îüc, îüâ) (I: añju-gi∞-; añj’-i√-; añju-v-) [32-33]
feed (cattle) (v.t.), graze 214 *EmY mëy (EmYKk, EmYT∆) (U1: mëy-kki∞-; mëy-tth-; mëy-pp-) [* *46-47]
feel (v.i.); realize; recognize 410 ubR u∫ar (ubr, ubRN∆) (U5: u∫ar-gi∞-; u∫ar-nth-; u∫ar-v-) [100-101]
feel (after a noun); experience 223 *pƒ pa∂u (pd, pDƒ) (U4: pa∂u-gi∞-; pa†-†-; pa∂u-v-) [* *60-61]
cause to feel or suffer (v.t.) 101 *pƒT∆ pa∂utthu (pƒTt, pƒTç (I: ºtthu-gi∞-; ºtth’-i√-; ºtthu-v-) [* *22-23]
fight, struggle 150 Eparaƒ pörä∂u (-Ad, -Aã) (I: ºä∂u-gi∞-; ºä∂’-i√-; ºä∂u-v-) [20-21]
fight (v.i.) 000 cBwd Epaƒ sa∫∂ai pö∂u (- Epad, - EpaDƒ) (U4: - pö∂u-gi∞-; - pö†-†-; - pö∂u-v-) [60-61]
fill (v.t.) 190 éw® ni∞ai (éw®Kk, éw®T∆) (U1: ni∞ai-kki∞-; ni∞ai-tth-; ni∞ai-pp-) [38-39]
be or become full (v.i.); abound 191 éw® ni∞ai (éw®y, éw®N∆) (U5: ni∞ai-gi∞-; ni∞ai-nth-; ni∞ai-v-) [40-41]
fill (v.t.) 025 érP» nirappu (érPp, érPè) (I: nirappu-gi∞-; nirapp’-i√-; nirappu-v-) [6-7]
fill (v.i.) 026 érM» nirambu (érMp, érMè) (I: nirambu-gi∞-; niramb’-i√-; nirambu-v-) [8-9]
find (v.t.); discover; solve 244 kBƒèã ka∫∂u-pi∂i (-èãKk, -èãT∆) (U1: -pi∂i-kki∞-; -pi∂i-tth-; -pi∂i-pp-) [42-43]
find out (v.t.); see 354 *kaB kä∫ (kab, kBƒ) (U3: kä∫-gi∞-; ka∫-∂-; kä√-b-) [* *92-93] irregular
finish (v.t.), complete 198 …ã mu∂i (…ãKk, …ãT∆) (U1: mu∂i-kki∞-; mu∂i-tth-; mu∂i-pp-) [42-43]
finish (v.i.), end 199 …ã mu∂i (…ãy, …ãN∆) (U5: mu∂i-gi∞-; mu∂i-nth-; mu∂i-v-) [44-45]
be finished (v.i.) 213 ≥R thïr (≥r, ≥RN∆) (U5: thïr-gi∞-; thïr-nth-; thïr-v-) [52-53]
fix (repair) 323 p¤∆ paR paΩuthu pär (- paRKk, - paRT∆) (U1: - pär-kki∞-; - pär-tth-; - pär-pp-) [76-77]
fix (a pole, post, etc.) (v.t.); plant (a tree, seedling) 373 nƒ na∂u (nd, nDƒ) (U4: na∂u-gi∞-; na†-†-; na∂u-v-) [60-61]
fix (v.t.); establish; install; plant 057 naDƒ n䆆u (naDd, naDã) (I: n䆆u-gi∞-; n䆆’-i√-; n䆆u-v-) [18-19]
flee; run away 159 OãPEpa ö∂i-p-pö (-Epak, -EpaY) (I: -pö-gi∞-; -pö’-√-; -pö-v-) [36-37]
float (v.i.) 340 êt mitha (êtKk, êtN∆) (U2: mitha-kki∞-; mitha-nth-; mitha-pp-) [88-89]
float (v.t.) 297 êtKk wv mithakka vai (- wvKk, -wvT∆) (U1: - vai-kki∞-; - vai-tth-; - vai-pp-) [38-39]
flourish (v.i.); be clear; be renowned 036 ɬı¿ vi¬a≥gu (ɬık, ɬıá) (I: º≥gu-gi∞-; º≥g’-i√-; º≥gu-v-) [4-5]
flow (v.i.); ooze; leak 135 o¤¿ oΩugu (o¤k, o¤á) (I: oΩugu-gi∞-; oΩug’-i√-; oΩugu-v-) [4-5]
flow (v.i.); ooze 046 U› ü∞u (U®, Uó) (I: ü∞u-gi∞-; ü∞’-i√-; ü∞u-v-) [16-17]
flow down (v.t.); pour 045 U‰› ü∞∞u (U‰®, U‰ó) (I: ü∞∞u-gi∞-; ü∞∞’-i√-; ü∞∞u-v-) [14-15]
flower, bloom, blossom 292 È pü (ÈKk, ÈT∆) (U1: pü-kki∞-athu; pü-tth-athu; pükk’-um) [60-61] neuter
flower (v.i.), bloom, blossom 419 mlR malar (mlr, mlRN∆) (U5: malar-gi∞-; malar-nth-; malar-v-) [100-101]
fly; move swiftly 336 p® pa∞a (p®Kk, p®N∆) (U2: pa∞a-kki∞-; pa∞a-nth-; pa∞a-pp-) [88-89]
follow (v.t.), chase 416 è˜etadR pi√-tho∂ar (-etadr, -etadRN∆) (U5: º∂ar-gi∞-; º∂ar-nth-; º∂ar-v-) [100-101]
follow (v.i.); go 423 *ecL sel (ecLl, ec˜›) (U5: sel[lu]-gi∞-; se√-∞-; sel[lu]-v-) [* *104-105] euphonic variant
forget (v.t.) 339 m® ma∞a (m®Kk, m®N∆) (U2: ma∞a-kki∞-; ma∞a-nth-; ma∞a-pp-) [88-89]
forgive (v.t.), excuse 296 m˜ò ma√√i (m˜òKk, m˜òT∆) (U1: ma√√i-kki∞-; ma√√i-tth-; ma√√i-pp-) [42-43]
ask forgiveness, apologize 316 m˜òP» EkÒ ma√√ippu kë¬ (- EkDk, - EkDƒ) (U1: - ke†-ki∞-; - ke†-†-; - ke†-p-) [78]
frown (v.i.); wrinkle; shrink 014 ◊Ãı¿ suru≥gu (◊Ãık, ◊Ãıá) (I: suru≥gu-gi∞-; suru≥g’-i√-; suru≥gu-v-) [4-5]
have fun, play (games, etc.) 155 Éw¬yaƒ vi¬ai-y-ä∂u (-Ad, -Aã) (I: -ä∂u-gi∞-; -ä∂’-i√-; -ä∂u-v-) [20-21]
Gallop; jump 251 ¿ç kuthi (¿çKk, ¿çT∆) (U1: kuthi-kki∞-; kuthi-tth-; kuthi-pp-) [42-43]
gather (v.t.); collect 093 çrDƒ thira††u (çrDd, çrDã) (I: thira††u-gi∞-; thira††’-i√-; thira††u-v-) [18-19]
gather (v.t.); collect; add 053 ‡Dƒ kü††u (‡Dd, ‡Dã) (I: kü††u-gi∞-; kü††’-i√-; kü††u-v-) [18-19]
gather (v.i.); unite; join; assemble 054 ‡ƒ kü∂u (‡d, ‡ã) (I: kü∂u-gi∞-; kü∂’-i√-; kü∂u-v-) [20-21]
get (v.t.); receive; buy 126 vaı¿ vä≥gu (vaık, vaıá) (I: vä≥gu-gi∞-; vä≥g’-i√-; vä≥gu-v-) [4-5]
get (v.t.), receive; bear (give birth to) 384 *ep› pe∞u (ep®, ep‰›) (U4: pe∞u-gi∞-; pe∞-∞-; pe∞u-v-) [* *64-65]

– 154 –
get (v.t.); accrue 078 áDƒ ki††u (áDd, áDã) (I: ki††u-gi∞-; ki††’-i√-; ki††u-v-) [18-19]
get down (v.i.); descend from 004 i®ı¿ i∞a≥gu (i®ık, i®ıá) (I: i∞a≥gu-gi∞-; i∞a≥g’-i√-; i∞a≥gu-v-) [4-5]
get up (v.i.); awake; emerge 390 ¶¤ eΩu (¶z, ¶¤N∆) (U5: eΩu-gi∞-; eΩu-nth-; eΩu-v-) [98-99]
get up (v.i.) 342 ¶¤Nçà eΩunth’iru (-iÃKk, -iÃN∆) (U2: -iru-kki∞-; -iru-nth-; -iru-pp-) [86-87]
make get up (v.t.); awaken 005 *¶¤P» eΩuppu (¶¤Pp, ¶¤Pè) (I: eΩuppu-gi∞-; eΩupp’-i√-; eΩuppu-v-) [* *6-7]
give (v.t.) 256 ekaƒ ko∂u (ekaƒKk, ekaƒT∆) (U1: ko∂u-kki∞-; ko∂u-tth-; ko∂u-pp-) [58-59]
give (v.t.) 399 ta thä (tr, tN∆) (U5: tharu-gi∞-; tha-nth-; tharu-v-) [106-107] irregular
give (v.t.); offer; render 226 îñ a¬i (îñKk, îñT∆) (U1: a¬i-kki∞-; a¬i-tth-; a¬i-pp-) [42-43]
glorify (v.t.), praise 417 »kZ pugaΩ (»kz, »kZN∆) (U5: pugaΩ-gi∞-; pugaΩ-nth-; pugaΩ-v-) [56-57]
glow (v.i.); burn 179 *¶í eri (¶íy, ¶íN∆) (U5: eri-gi∞-; eri-nth-; eri-v-) [**44-45]
go (v.i.) 157 *Epa pö (Epak, EpaY) (I: pö-gi∞-; pö’-√-; pö-v-) [* *36-37] irregular
go (v.i.); follow 423 *ecL[Õ] sel[lu] (ecLl, ec˜›) (U5: sel[lu]-gi∞-; se√-∞-; sel[lu]-v-) [**104-105]
go about (v.i.); wander 388 îwl alai (îwly, îwlN∆) (U5: alai-gi∞-; alai-nth-; alai-v-) [40-41]
go up (v.i.); rise 006 *¶¤M» eΩumbu (¶¤Mp, ¶¤Mè) (I: eΩumbu-gi∞-; eΩumb’-i√-; eΩumbu-v-) [* *8-9]
grab (v.t.), catch, seize 290 èã pi∂i (èãKk, èãT∆) (U1: pi∂i-kki∞-; pi∂i-tth-; pi∂i-pp-) [42-43]
graze (v.t.), feed (cattle) 214 *EmY mëy (EmYKk, EmYT∆) (U1: mëy-kki∞-; mëy-tth-; mëy-pp-) [* *46-47]
graze (v.i.); eat (grass, etc.) 215 *EmY mëy (Emy, EmYN∆) (U5: mëy-gi∞-; mëy-nth-; mëy-v-) [* *48-49]
grind (v.t.) 170 îwr arai (îwrKk, îwrT∆) (U1: arai-kki∞-; arai-tth-; arai-pp-) [38-39]
be ground (v.i.) 171 îwr arai (îwry, îwrN∆) (U5: arai-gi∞-; arai-nth-; arai-v-) [40-41]
grow (v.i.) 217 v¬R va¬ar (v¬r, v¬RN∆) (U5: va¬ar-gi∞-; va¬ar-nth-; va¬ar-v-) [52-53]
(make) grow (v.t.); raise 216 v¬R va¬ar (v¬RKk, v¬RT∆) (U1: va¬ar-kki∞-; va¬ar-tth-; va¬ar-pp-) [50-51]
guide, show the way; lead 000 vï kaDƒ vaΩi k䆆u (- kaDd, - kaDã) (I: k䆆u-gi∞-; k䆆’-i√-; k䆆u-v-) [18-19]
gulp (down) (v.t.), swallow 000 ɤı¿ viΩu≥gu (ɤık, ɤıá) (I: º≥gu-gi∞-; º≥g’-i√-; º≥gu-v-) [4-5]
Hang (suspend) (v.t.) 372 etaıkɃ tho≥ga-vi∂u (-Éd, -ÉDƒ) (U4: -vi∂u-gi∞-; -vi†-†-; -vi∂u-v-) [62-63]
hang (be suspended) (v.i.) 119 etaı¿ tho≥gu (etaık, etaıá) (I: tho≥gu-gi∞-; tho≥g’-i√-; tho≥gu-v-) [4-5]
hang (execute) (v.t.) 371 ÁKáL Epaƒ thükkil pö∂u (- Epad, - EpaDƒ) (U4: - pö∂u-gi∞-; - pö†-†-; - pö∂u-v-) [60-61]
happen (v.i.); walk; behave 335 *nd na∂a (ndKk, ndN∆) (U2: na∂a-kki∞-; na∂a-nth-; na∂a-pp-) [* *88-89]
happen, take place 385 nwd ep› na∂ai pe∞u (- ep®, - ep‰›) (U4: - pe∞u-gi∞-; - pe∞-∞-; - pe∞u-v-) [64-65]
be happy (v.i.), rejoice 418 máZ magiΩ (máz, máZN∆) (U5: magiΩ-gi∞-; magiΩ-nth-; magiΩ-v-) [56-57]
hasten (v.i.) 000 îvcrPpƒ avasara-p-pa∂u (-pd, -pDƒ) (U4: -pa∂u-gi∞-; -pa†-†-; -pa∂u-v-) [60-61]
hate (v.t.), dislike 312 ev› ve∞u (ev›Kk, ev›T∆) (U1: ve∞u-kki∞-; ve∞u-tth-; ve∞u-pp-) [72-73]
have (v.i.); be; stay, remain; wait 328 *ià iru (iÃKk, iÃN∆) (U2: iru-kki∞-; iru-nth-; iru-pp-) [* *86-87]
heal (v.i.); calm down 040 A› ä∞u (A®, Aó) (I: ä∞u-gi∞-; ä∞’-i√-; ä∞u-v-) [16-17]
be heated (v.i.); dry 205 kaY käy (kay, kaYN∆) (U5: käy-gi∞-; käy-nth-; käy-v-) [48-49]
help (v.t.) 131 utŒ uthavu (utv, utÉ) (I: uthavu-gi∞-; uthav’-i√-; uthavu-v-) [30-31]
help 000 utÉ ecY uthavi sey (- ecYy, - ecY∆) (U6: - sey-gi∞-; - sey-th-; - sey-v-) [112-113]
hide (make disappear) (v.t.) 196 mw® ma∞ai (mw®Kk, mw®T∆) (U1: ma∞ai-kki∞-; ma∞ai-tth-; ma∞ai-pp-) [38-39]
hide (oneself) (v.i.); disappear 197 mw® ma∞ai (mw®y, mw®N∆) (U5: ma∞ai-gi∞-; ma∞ai-nth-; ma∞ai-v-) [40-41]
hit (v.t.); ring (bell); blow (e.g., as wind) 224 îã a∂i (îãKk, îãT∆) (U1: a∂i-kki∞-; a∂i-tth-; a∂i-pp-) [42-43]
be hot, burn; shoot 367 ◊ƒ su∂u (◊d, ◊Dƒ) (U4: su∂u-gi∞-; su†-†-; su∂u-v-) [60-61]
become humble (v.i.); descend 209 taZ thäΩ (taz, taZN∆) (U5: thäΩ-gi∞-; thäΩ-nth-; thäΩ-v-) [56-57]
humiliate (v.t.) 208 taZ thäΩ (taZKk, taZT∆) (U1: thäΩ-kki∞-; thäΩ-tth-; thäΩ-pp-) [54-55]
be hungry 283 pâ pasi (pâKk, pâT∆) (U1: pasi-kki∞-athu; pasi-tth-athu; pasikk’-um) neuter
hunt (animals, etc.) (v.t.) 000 EvDwdyaƒ v놆ai-y-ä∂u (-Ad, -Aã) (I: -ä∂u-gi∞-; -ä∂’-i√-; -ä∂u-v-) [20-21]
hurl (v.t.), throw, toss 391 ¶ó e∞i (¶óy, ¶óN∆) (U5: e∞i-gi∞-; e∞i-nth-; e∞i-v-) [44-45]
hurt (v.i.); ache 404 Ena(¿) nö(gu) (Enak, enaN∆) (U5: nö-gi∞-athu; no-nth-athu; nög’-um) neuter
Imagine; keep 435 wvT∆KekaÒ vaitthu-k-ko¬ (-ekaÒ¬, -ekaBƒ) (U5: -ko¬-gi∞-; -ko∫-∂-; -ko¬-v-) [102-103]
improve 109 …˜Eˆ‰® pƒT∆ mu√√ë∞∞u pa∂atthu (- pƒTt, - pƒTç) (I: ºtthu-gi∞-; ºtth’-i√-; ºtthu-v-) [22-23]
improve (v.t.); expand 110 ÉívaK¿ viri-v-äkku (-AKk, -AKá) (I: -äkku-gi∞-; -äkk’-i√-; -äkku-v-) [10-11]
incite (v.t.); start (a car or machine) 009 á¬P» ki¬appu (á¬Pp, á¬Pè) (I: ºppu-gi∞-; ºpp’-i√-; ºppu-v-) [6-7]
include (v.t.) 067 uÒ¬dK¿ u¬¬’a∂akku (-îdKk, -îdKá) (I: -a∂akku-gi∞-; -a∂akk’-i√-; -a∂akku-v-) [2-3]

– 155 –
increase (v.t.); multiply 000 epÃK¿ perukku (epÃKk, epÃKá) (U1: ºkku-gi∞-; ºkk’-i√-; ºkku-v-) [2-3]
increase (v.i.); multiply 000 epÿ perugu (epÃk, epÃá) (I: perugu-gi∞-; perug’-i√-; perugu-v-) [12-13]
increase (v.t.); ascend, climb; get onto; enter (a vehicle) 050 ´› ë∞u (´®, ´ó) (I: ë∞u-gi∞-; ë∞’-i√-; ë∞u-v-) [32-33]
increase (in size, number) 406 ê¿ migu (êk, ê¿N∆) (U5: migu-gi∞-; migu-nth-; migu-v-) [98-99]
influence (v.t.) 263 ecLvaKkñ selväkk’a¬i (-îñKk, -îñT∆) (U1: -a¬i-kki∞-; -a¬i-tth-; -a¬i-pp-) [42-43]
inhale (v.t.), pull, drag; stretch 233 i¤ iΩu (i¤Kk, i¤T∆) (U1: iΩu-kki∞-; iΩu-tth-; iΩu-pp-) [72-73]
inoculate (v.t.) 358 Uâ Epaƒ üsi pö∂u (- Epad, - EpaDƒ) (U4: - pö∂u-gi∞-; - pö†-†-; - pö∂u-v-) [60-61]
install (v.t.); construct; settle 168 îwm amai (îwmKk, îwmT∆) (U1: amai-kki∞-; amai-tth-; amai-pp-) [38-39]
install (v.t.); establish; plant; fix 057 naDƒ n䆆u (naDd, naDã) (I: n䆆u-gi∞-; n䆆’-i√-; n䆆u-v-) [18-19]
invite (v.t.); call 225 îwz aΩai (îwzKk, îwzT∆) (U1: aΩai-kki∞-; aΩai-tth-; aΩai-pp-) [38-39]
be issued (v.i.); be born 338 è® pi∞a (è®Kk, è®N∆) (U2: pi∞a-kki∞-; pi∞a-nth-; pi∞a-pp-) [88-89]
Join (v.i.); unite; gather; assemble 054 ‡ƒ kü∂u (‡d, ‡ã) (I: kü∂u-gi∞-; kü∂’-i√-; kü∂u-v-) [20-21]
join (with) (v.i.); reach 207 *EcR sër (Ecr, EcRN∆) (U5: sër-gi∞-; sër-nth-; sër-v-) [*
join (v.t.); unite; admit; collect 206 *EcR sër (EcRKk, EcRT∆) (U1: sër-kki∞-; sër-tth-; sër-pp-) [*
judge (v.t.) 269 ≥RPpñ thïrpp’a¬i (-îñKk, -îñT∆) (U1: -a¬i-kki∞-; -a¬i-tth-; -a¬i-pp-) [42-43]
pass judgment 142 ≥RP»K‡› thïrppu-k-kü∞u (- ‡®, - ‡ó) (I: -kü∞u-gi∞-; -kü∞’-i√-; -kü∞u-v-) [16-17]
jump (v.i.), leap 415 paY päy (pay, paYN∆) (U5: päya-gi∞-; päya-nth-; päya-v-) [48-49]
jump; gallop 251 ¿ç kuthi (¿çKk, ¿çT∆) (U1: kuthi-kki∞-; kuthi-tth-; kuthi-pp-) [42-43]
Keep (v.t.); possess; take 426 *ekaÒ ko¬ (ekaÒ¬, ekaBƒ) (U5: ko¬-gi∞-; ko∫-∂-; ko¬-v-) [**102-103] euph. var.
keep (v.t.); put, place; serve 313 wv vai (wvKk, wvT∆) (U1: vai-kki∞-; vai-tth-; vai-pp-) [38-39]
keep; imagine 435 wvT∆KekaÒ vaitthu-k-ko¬ (-ekaÒ¬, -ekaBƒ) (U5: -ko¬-gi∞-; -ko∫-∂-; -ko¬-v-) [102-103]
kill (v.t.) 422 ekaL kol (ekaLl, eka˜›) (U5: kol-gi∞-; ko√-∞-; kol-v-) [104-105]
(give a) kiss 380 …Ttêƒ muttham-i∂u (-id, -iDƒ) (U4: -i∂u-gi∞-; -i†-†-; -i∂u-v-) [62-63]
know, understand 389 îó a∞i (îóy, îóN∆) (U5: a∞i-gi∞-; a∞i-nth-; a∞i-v-) [44-45]
know; understand; see 393 etí theri (etíy, etíN∆) (U5: theri-gi∞-; theri-nth-; theri-v-) [44-45]
be known; be seen 000 etíÀM theriyum (See Impersonal Verbs, p. 147)
make known (v.t.); express 272 etíÉ therivi (etíÉKk, etíÉT∆) (U1: ºvi-kki∞-; ºvi-tth-; ºvi-pp-) [42-43]
Lament (v.i.), mourn 124 »lM» pulambu (»lMp, »lMè) (I: pulambu-gi∞-; pulamb’-i√-; pulambu-v-) [8-9]
last (to wear well) (v.i.); work, toil 237 uwz uΩai (uwzKk, uwzT∆) (U1: uΩai-kki∞-; uΩai-tth-; uΩai-pp-) [38-39]
last (extend in time) (v.i.) 280 ¥ã nï∂i (¥ãKk, ¥ãT∆) (U1: nï∂i-kki∞-; nï∂i-tth-; nï∂i-pp-) [42-43]
laugh (v.i.); smile 262 âí siri (âíKk, âíT∆) (U1: siri-kki∞-; siri-tth-; siri-pp-) [42-43]
lead; show the way, guide 000 vï kaDƒ vaΩi k䆆u (- kaDd, -kaDã) (I: - k䆆u-gi∞-; - k䆆’-i√-; - k䆆u-v-) [18-19]
leak (v.i.); flow; ooze 135 o¤¿ oΩugu (o¤k, o¤á) (I: oΩugu-gi∞-; oΩug’-i√-; oΩugu-v-) [4-5]
leap (v.i.), jump 415 paY päy (pay, paYN∆) (U5: päy-gi∞-; päy-nth-; päy-v-) [48-49]
learn (v.t.); study 317 *kL kal (k‰k, k‰›) (U1: ka∞-ki∞-; ka∞-∞-; ka∞-p-) [* *80-81] euphonic variant
leave (v.t.); release (let go); abandon 381 Ƀ vi∂u (Éd, ÉDƒ) (U4: vi∂u-gi∞-; vi†-†-; vi∂u-v-) [62-63]
lengthen (v.t.); protract 059 ¥¬maK¿ nï¬am-äkku (-AKk, -AKá) (I: -äkku-gi∞-; -äkk’-i√-; -äkku-v-) 10-11]
lengthen (v.i.); become protracted 060 ¥¬ma¿ nï¬am-ägu (-Ak, -Aá) (I: -ä’-gi∞-; -ä’-√-; -ä’-v-) [12-13]
lie around (v.i.); remain 332 ád ki∂a (ádKk, ádN∆) (U2: ki∂a-kki∞-; ki∂a-nth-; ki∂a-pp-) [88-89]
lie (down) 222 *pƒ pa∂u (pƒKk, pƒT∆) (U1: pa∂u-kki∞-; pa∂u-tth-; pa∂u-pp-) [* *58-59]
lift up (v.t.); carry; weigh 019 ÁK¿ thükku (ÁKk, ÁKá) (I: thükku-gi∞-; thükk’-i√-; thükku-v-) [2-3]
like (v.t.) èãK¿M pi∂ikkum (See Impersonal Verb Forms, p. 147)
listen; ask; obey 314 *EkÒ kë¬ (EkDk, EkDƒ) (U1: ke†-ki∞-; ke†-†-; ke†-p-) [* *78-79] euphonic variant
live (dwell) 303 vâ vasi (vâKk, vâT∆) (U1: vasi-kki∞-; vasi-tth-; vasi-pp-) [74-75]
live (v.i.); prosper 421 vaZ väΩ (vaz, vaZN∆) (U5: väΩ-gi∞-; väΩ-nth-; väΩ-v-) [56-57]
lock (v.t.) 107 ÈDƒ pü††u (ÈDd, ÈDã) (I: pü††u-gi∞-; pü††’-i√-; pü††u-v-) [18-19]
lock (v.t.); close, shut 166 îwd a∂ai (îwdKk, îwdT∆) (U1: a∂ai-kki∞-; a∂ai-tth-; a∂ai-pp-) [38-39]
look (v.t.), see; try 289 *paR pär (paRKk, paRT∆) (U1: pär-kki∞-; pär-tth-; pär-pp-) [**76-77]
lose (be unable to keep) (v.t.) 329 iz iΩa (izKk, izN∆) (U2: iΩa-kki∞-; iΩa-nth-; iΩa-pp-) [88-89]
lose (v.i.); be defeated 000 EtaL thöl (Eta‰k, Eta‰›) (U1: thö∞-ki∞-; thö∞-∞-; thö∞-p-) [80-81] euphonic variant

– 156 –
lose (v.t.); ruin 188 etawl tholai (etawlKk, etawlT∆) (U1: tholai-kki∞-; tholai-tth-; tholai-pp-) [38-39]
be lost (v.i.); be ruined 189 etawl tholai (etawly, etawlN∆) (U5: tholai-gi∞-; tholai-nth-; tholai-v-) [40-41]
love (v.t.) 281 Enâ nësi (EnâKk, EnâT∆) (U1: nësi-kki∞-; nësi-tth-; nësi-pp-) [74-75]
love (v.t.) 428  ekaÒ a√bu ko¬ (- ekaÒ¬, - ekaBƒ) (U5: - ko¬-gi∞-; - ko∫-∂-; - ko¬-v-) [102-103]
Make (v.t.); do 437 *ecY sey (ecYy, ecY∆) (U6: sey-gi∞-; sey-th-; sey-v-) [* *112-113]
make (v.t.); do 128 *pB≈ pa∫∫u (pBb, pBõ) (I: pa∫∫u-gi∞-; pa∫∫’-i√-; pa∫∫u-v-) [* *26-27]
make (v.t.), create; effect 037 *AK¿ äkku (AKk, AKá) (I: äkku-gi∞-; äkk’-i√-; äkku-v-) [* *10-11]
manage (v.t.); direct 097 ndT∆ na∂atthu (ndTt, ndTç) (I: ºtthu-gi∞-; ºtth’-i√-; ºtthu-v-) [22-23]
mark (v.t.); denote 255 ¿ó ku∞i (¿óKk, ¿óT∆) (U1: ku∞i-kki∞-; ku∞i-tth-; ku∞i-pp-) [42-43]
get married 449 çÃmbM ecY thiruma∫am sey (- ecYy, - ecY∆) (U6: - sey-gi∞-; - sey-th-; - sey-v-) [112-113]
measure (v.t.) 327 î¬ a¬a (î¬Kk, î¬N∆) (U2: a¬a-kki∞-; a¬a-nth-; a¬a-pp-) [88-89]
meet 260 cNç santhi (cNçKk, cNçT∆) (U1: santhi-kki∞-; santhi-tth-; santhi-pp-) [42-43]
melt (v.i.) 044 uÿ urugu (uÃk, uÃá) (I: urugu-gi∞-; urug’-i√-; urugu-v-) [4-5]
melt (v.t.) 043 uÃK¿ urukku (uÃKk, uÃKá) (I: urukku-gi∞-; urukk’-i√-; urukku-v-) [2-3]
mention (v.t.); specify 364 ¿óPèƒ ku∞ipp’i∂u (-id, -iDƒ) (U4: -i∂u-gi∞-; -i†-†-; -i∂u-v-) [62-63]
mingle with; mix (v.t.) 331 kl kala (klKk, klN∆) (U2: kala-kki∞-; kala-nth-; kala-pp-) [88-89]
mix (v.t.) 074 klwvyaK¿ kalavai-y-äkku (-AKk, -AKá) (I: -äkku-gi∞-; -äkk’-i√-; -äkku-v-) [10-11]
mix (v.t.); mingle with 331 kl kala (klKk, klN∆) (U2: kala-kki∞-; kala-nth-; kala-pp-) [88-89]
motivate (v.t.); stimulate; excite 118 ÁBƒ thü∫∂u (ÁBd, ÁBã) (I: thü∫∂u-gi∞-; thü∫∂’-i√-; thü∫∂u-v-) [20-21]
mourn (v.i.), lament 124 »lM» pulambu (»lMp, »lMè) (I: pulambu-gi∞-; pulamb’-i√-; pulambu-v-) [8-9]
move (v.t.); agitate; shake 164 *îwc asai (îwcKk, îwcT∆) (U1: asai-kki∞-; asai-tth-; asai-pp-) [* *38-39]
move (v.i.) 165 *îwc asai (îwcy, îwcN∆) (U5: asai-gi∞-; asai-nth-; asai-v-) [* *40-41]
move (v.i.); dance 130 Aƒ ä∂u (Ad, Aã) (I: ä∂u-gi∞-; ä∂’-i√-; ä∂u-v-) [20-21]
move away (v.t.); push 000 tÒ‹ tha¬¬u (tÒ¬, tÒñ) (I: tha¬¬u-gi∞-; tha¬¬’-i√-; tha¬¬u-v-) [26-27]
move aside (v.i.) 000 nkR [nkÃ] nagar [nagaru] (nkr, nkRN∆) (U5: nagar-gi∞-; nagar-nth-; nagar-v-) [100-101]
move (v.t.), shift (sth.) 096 nkRT∆ nagartthu (nkRTt, nkRTç) (I: ºtthu-gi∞-; ºtth’-i√-; ºtthu-v-) [22-23]
move swiftly; fly 336 p® pa∞a (p®Kk, p®N∆) (U2: pa∞a-kki∞-; pa∞a-nth-; pa∞a-pp-) [88-89]
multiply (v.t.); increase 000 epÃK¿ perukku (epÃKk, epÃKá) (I: perukku-gi∞-; perukk’-i√-; perukku-v-) [2-3]
multiply (v.i.); increase 000 epÿ perugu (epÃk, epÃá) (I: perugu-gi∞-; perug’-i√-; perugu-v-) [12-13]
(be) Needed 000 EvBƒM vë∫∂um (See Impersonal Verb Forms, p. 147)
Obey (v.i.); be restrained 002 *îdı¿ a∂a≥gu (îdık, îdıá) (I: a∂a≥gu-gi∞-; a∂a≥g’-i√-; a∂a≥gu-v-) [* *4-5]
*78-79] euphonic variant
obey; ask; listen 314 *EkÒ kë¬ (EkDk, EkDƒ) (U1: ke†-ki∞-; ke†-†-; ke†-p-) [*
obtain (v.i.); reach; approach 167 îwd a∂ai (îwdy, îwdN∆) (U5: a∂ai-gi∞-; a∂ai-nth-; a∂ai-v-) [40-41]
(be) obtainable 000 áwdK¿M ki∂aikkum (See Impersonal Verb Forms, p. 147)
occupy (space) (v.i.) 429 idıekaÒ i∂a≥go¬ (-ekaÒ¬, -ekaBƒ) (U5: ºgo¬-gi∞-; ºgo∫-∂-; ºgo¬-v-) [102-103]
offer (v.t.); give; render 226 îñ a¬i (îñKk, îñT∆) (U1: a¬i-kki∞-; a¬i-tth-; a¬i-pp-) [42-43]
ooze (v.i.); flow 046 U› ü∞u (U®, Uó) (I: ü∞u-gi∞-; ü∞’-i√-; ü∞u-v-) [16-17]
ooze (v.i.); flow; leak 135 o¤¿ oΩugu (o¤k, o¤á) (I: oΩugu-gi∞-; oΩug’-i√-; oΩugu-v-) [4-5]
open (v.t.) 334 ç® thi∞a (ç®Kk, ç®N∆) (U2: thi∞a-kki∞-; thi∞a-nth-; thi∞a-pp-) [88-89]
open (v.i.); expand; spread; extend 201 Éí viri (Éíy, ÉíN∆) (U5: viri-gi∞-; viri-nth-; viri-v-) [44-45]
opt for; seek; approach 058 naƒ nä∂u (nad, naã) (I: nä∂u-gi∞-; nä∂’-i√-; nä∂u-v-) [20-21]
order, command 361 kDdw¬ëƒ ka††a¬ai-y-i∂u (-id, -iDƒ) (U4: -i∂u-gi∞-; -i†-†-; -i∂u-v-) [62-63]
overturn (v.i.) 203 *kÉZ kaviΩ (kÉz, kÉZN∆) (U5: kaviΩ-gi∞-; kaviΩ-nth-; kaviΩ-v-) [* *56-57]
overturn (v.t.) 106 »rDƒ pura††u (»rDd, »rDã) (I: pura††u-gi∞-; pura††’-i√-; pura††u-v-) [18-19]
be overturned (v.i.); revolve 427 »rÒ pura¬ (»r¬, »rBƒ) (U5: pura¬-gi∞-; pura∫-∂-; pura¬-v-) [102-103]
Pass; cross (over) 331X kd ka∂a (kdKk, kdN∆) (U2: ka∂a-kki∞-; ka∂a-nth-; ka∂a-pp-) [58-59]
pass (said of time, days) (v.i.) 183 kï kaΩi (kïy, kïN∆) (U5: kaΩi-gi∞-; kaΩi-nth-; kaΩi-v-) [44-45]
pass (an exam); qualify 056 Et› thë∞u (Et®, Etó) (I: thë∞u-gi∞-; thë∞’-i√-; thë∞u-v-) [16-17]
be patient 349 epa›Tçà po∞utth’iru (-iÃKk, -iÃN∆) (U2: -iru-kki∞-; -iru-nth-; -iru-pp-) [86-87]

– 157 –
pick up (v.t.); take; remove 239 ¶ƒ e∂u (¶ƒKk, ¶ƒT∆) (U1: e∂u-kki∞-; e∂u-tth-; e∂u-pp-) [58-59]
place (v.t.); put 356 *iƒ i∂u (id, iDƒ) (U4: i∂u-gi∞-; i†-†-; i∂u-v-) [* *62-63]
place (v.t.), put; keep; serve 313 wv vai (wvKk, wvT∆) (U1: vai-kki∞-; vai-tth-; vai-pp-) [38-39]
plan (v.t.), design 370 çDdêƒ thi††am-i∂u (-id, -iDƒ) (U4: -i∂u-gi∞-; -i†-†-; -i∂u-v-) [62-63]
plant (a tree, seedling) (v.t.); fix (a pole, post, etc.) 373 nƒ na∂u (nd, nDƒ) (U4: na∂u-gi∞-; na†-†-; na∂u-v-) [60-61]
plant (v.t.); install; establish; fix 057 naDƒ n䆆u (naDd, naDã) (I: n䆆u-gi∞-; n䆆’-i√-; n䆆u-v-) [18-19]
play (games, etc.), have fun 155 Éw¬yaƒ vi¬ai-y-ä∂u (-Ad, -Aã) (I: -ä∂u-gi∞-; -ä∂’-i√-; -ä∂u-v-) [20-21]
play (an instrument) (v.t.); study; read 305 *vaâ väsi (vaâKk, vaâT∆) (U1: väsi-kki∞-; väsi-tth-; väsi-pp-) [* *74]
be pleasing 000 èãK¿M pi∂ikkum (See Impersonal Verb Forms, p. 147)
be pleasing 000 èíyM piriyam (predicate)
point at; aim 320 ¿ó paR ku∞i pär (- paRKk, - paRT∆) (U1: - pär-kki∞-; - pär-tth-; - pär-pp-) [76-77]
ponder, consider 300 Eyaâ yösi (EyaâKk, EyaâT∆) (U1: yösi-kki∞-; yösi-tth-; yösi-pp-) [74-75]
possess (v.t.); keep; take 426 *ekaÒ ko¬ (ekaÒ¬, ekaBƒ) (U5: ko¬-gi∞-; ko∫-∂-; ko¬-v-) [* *102-103] euph. var.
postpone (v.t.); put aside 368 tÒñ Epaƒ tha¬¬i pö∂u (- Epad, - EpaDƒ) (U4: - pö∂u-gi∞-; - pö†-†-; - pö∂u-v-) [60]
pound (v.t.); smash; thunder 231 iã i∂i (iãKk, iãT∆) (U1: i∂i-kki∞-; i∂i-tth-; i∂i-pp-) [42-43]
pour (v.t.); flow down 045 U‰› ü∞∞u (U‰®, U‰ó) (I: ü∞∞u-gi∞-; ü∞∞’-i√-; ü∞∞u-v-) [14-15]
(pound into) powder 108 epaãyaK¿ po∂i-y-äkku (-AKk, -AKá) (I: -äkku-gi∞-; -äkk’-i√-; -äkku-v-) [10-11]
praise (v.t.), glorify 417 »kZ pugaΩ (»kz, »kZN∆) (U5: pugaΩ-gi∞-; pugaΩ-nth-; pugaΩ-v-) [56-57]
pray 447 ejpM ecY jebam sey (- ecYy, - ecY∆) (U6: - sey-gi∞-; - sey-th-; - sey-v-) [112-113]
prepare 000 AyTtM pB≈ äyattham pa∫∫u (- pBb, - pBõ) (I: pa∫∫u-gi∞-; pa∫∫’-i√-; pa∫∫u-v-) [26-27]
press (v.t.); squeeze 029 enÃK¿ nerukku (enÃKk, enÃKá) (I: nerukku-gi∞-; nerukk’-i√-; nerukku-v-) [2-3]
proclaim (v.t.); propose 140 ‡› kü∞u (‡®, ‡ó) (I: kü∞u-gi∞-; kü∞’-i√-; kü∞u-v-) [16-17]
promise 000 vaK¿Kekaƒ väkku-k-ko∂u (-ekaƒKk, -ekaƒT∆) (U1: -ko∂u-kki∞-; -ko∂u-tth-; -ko∂u-pp-) [58-59]
be proper (v.i.); be suitable 346 t¿Nçà thagunth’iru (-iÃKk, -iÃN∆) (U2: -iru-kki∞-; -iru-nth-; -iru-pp-) [86-87]
propose (v.t.); proclaim 140 ‡› kü∞u (‡®, ‡ó) (I: kü∞u-gi∞-; kü∞’-i√-; kü∞u-v-) [16-17]
prosper (v.i.); live 421 vaZ väΩ (vaz, vaZN∆) (U5: väΩ-gi∞-; väΩ-nth-; väΩ-v-) [56-57]
protect (v.t.); save 077 kaPpa‰› käppä∞∞u (kaPpa‰®, kaPpa‰ó) (I: käppä∞∞u-gi∞-; käppä∞∞’-i√-; käppä∞∞u-v-) [14]
protect (v.t.); save 232 irDâ ira†chi (irDâKk, irDâT∆) (U1: ira†chi-kki∞-; ira†chi-tth-; ira†chi-pp-) [42-43]
protract (v.t.); lengthen 059 ¥¬maK¿ nï¬am-äkku (-AKk, -AKá) (I: -äkku-gi∞-; -äkk’-i√-; -äkku-v-) [10-11]
become protracted (v.i.); be lengthened 060 ¥¬ma¿ nï¬am-ägu (-Ak, -Aá) (I: -ä’-gi∞-; -ä’-√-; -ä’-v-) [12-13]
prove (v.t.) 299 emYPè meyppi (emYPèKk, emYPèT∆) (U1: meyppi-kki∞-; meyppi-tth-; meyppi-pp-) [42-43]
prove (v.t.); confirm 440 u›ç ecY u∞uthi sey (- ecYy, - ecY∆) (U6: - sey-gi∞-; - sey-th-; - sey-v-) [112-113]
provoke (v.t.); excite; arouse 139 ᬛ ki¬a∞u (ᬮ, á¬ó) (I: ki¬a∞u-gi∞-; ki¬a∞’-i√-; ki¬a∞u-v-) [16-17]
publish (v.t.) 382 evñëƒ ve¬i-y-i∂u (-id, -iDƒ) (U4: -i∂u-gi∞-; -i†-†-; -i∂u-v-) [62-63]
pull (v.t.), drag; inhale; stretch 233 i¤ iΩu (i¤Kk, i¤T∆) (U1: iΩu-kki∞-; iΩu-tth-; iΩu-pp-) [72-73]
pump (water, etc.) (v.t.); raise 049 ´‰› ë∞∞u (´‰®, ´‰ó) (I: ë∞∞u-gi∞-; ë∞∞’-i√-; ë∞∞u-v-) [14-15]
punish (v.t.) 266 tBã dha∫∂i (tBãKk, tBãT∆) (U1: dha∫∂i-kki∞-; dha∫∂i-tth-; dha∫∂i-pp-) [42-43]
pursue (v.t.), chase 095 ∆rT∆ thuratthu (∆rTt, ∆rTç) (I: thuratthu-gi∞-; thuratth’-i√-; thuratthu-v-) [22-23]
pursue (v.t.); continue; take up 413 etadR tho∂ar (etadr, etadRN∆) (U5: º∂ar-gi∞-; º∂ar-nth-; º∂ar-v-) [100-101]
push (v.t.); move away 000 tÒ‹ tha¬¬u (tÒ¬, tÒñ) (I: tha¬¬u-gi∞-; tha¬¬’-i√-; tha¬¬u-v-) [26-27]
put (v.t.); throw; (of animals) give birth 378 Epaƒ pö∂u (Epad, EpaDƒ) (U4: pö∂u-gi∞-; pö†-†-; pö∂u-v-) [60-61]
put (v.t.), place; keep; serve 313 wv vai (wvKk, wvT∆) (U1: vai-kki∞-; vai-tth-; vai-pp-) [38-39]
put (v.t.); place 356 *iƒ i∂u (id, iDƒ) (U4: i∂u-gi∞-; i†-†-; i∂u-v-) [* *62-63]
put aside (v.t.); postpone 368 tÒñ Epaƒ tha¬¬i pö∂u (- Epad, - EpaDƒ) (U4: - pö∂u-gi∞-; - pö†-†-; - pö∂u-v-) [60]
put down (v.t.); bring down 003 i®K¿ i∞akku (i®Kk, i®Ká) (I: i∞akku-gi∞-; i∞akk’-i√-; i∞akku-v-) [2-3]
put on (v.t.), wear 235 uƒ u∂u (uƒKk, uƒT∆) (U1: u∂u-kki∞-; u∂u-tth-; u∂u-pp-) [58-59]
put on (v.t.), wear 064 uƒT∆ u∂utthu (uƒTt, uƒTç) (I: u∂utthu-gi∞-; u∂utth’-i√-; u∂utthu-v-) [22-23]
put on (v.t.); wear 387 îõ a∫i (îõy, îõN∆) (U5: a∫i-gi∞-; a∫i-nth-; a∫i-v-) [44-45]
Qualify; pass (an exam) 056 Et› thë∞u (Et®, Etó) (I: thë∞u-gi∞-; thë∞’-i√-; thë∞u-v-) [16-17]
be quiet (v.i.); become settled; suit 169 îwm amai (îwmy, îwmN∆) (U5: amai-gi∞-; amai-nth-; amai-v-) [40-41]
Rain, shower 439 epY pey (epYy, epY∆) (U6: pey-gi∞-; pey-th-; pey-v-) [112-113]

– 158 –
raise (v.t.) 065 uyRT∆ uyartthu (uyRTt, uyRTç) (I: uyartthu-gi∞-; uyartth’-i√-; uyartthu-v-) [22-23]
raise (v.t.); pump (water, etc.) 049 ´‰› ë∞∞u (´‰®, ´‰ó) (I: ë∞∞u-gi∞-; ë∞∞’-i√-; ë∞∞u-v-) [14-15]
raise (v.t.); (make) grow 216 v¬R va¬ar (v¬RKk, v¬RT∆) (U1: va¬a®-kki∞-; va¬a®-tth-; va¬a®-pp-) [50-51]
reach (v.i.); obtain; approach 167 îwd a∂ai (îwdy, îwdN∆) (U5: a∂ai-gi∞-; a∂ai-nth-; a∂ai-v-) [40-41]
reach; reach (for) 068 ¶Dƒ e††u (¶Dd, ¶Dã) (I: e††u-gi∞-; e††’-i√-; e††u-v-) [18-19]
read (v.t.); study 284 pã pa∂i (pãKk, pãT∆) (U1: pa∂i-kki∞-; pa∂i-tth-; pa∂i-pp-) [42-43]
read (v.t.); study; play (an instrument) 305 *vaâ väsi (vaâKk, vaâT∆) (U1: väsi-kki∞-; väsi-tth-; väsi-pp-) [* *74]
realize (v.i.); recognize; feel 410 ubR u∫ar (ubr, ubRN∆) (U5: u∫ar-gi∞-; u∫ar-nth-; u∫ar-v-) [100-101]
receive (v.t.); get; buy 126 vaı¿ vä≥gu (vaık, vaıá) (I: vä≥gu-gi∞-; vä≥g’-i√-; vä≥gu-v-) [4-5]
receive (v.t.), get; bear (give birth to) 384 *ep› pe∞u (ep®, ep‰›) (U4: pe∞u-gi∞-; pe∞-∞-; pe∞u-v-) [* *64-65]
recognize (v.i.); realize; feel 410 ubR u∫ar (ubr, ubRN∆) (U5: u∫ar-gi∞-; u∫ar-nth-; u∫ar-v-) [100-101]
recollect (v.i.), remember 092 ùapkPpƒT∆ ñäbaga-p-pa∂utthu (-pƒTt, -pƒTç) (I: ºtthu-gi∞-; ºtth’-i√-; ºtthu-v-) [22]
refuse (v.t.); deny 295 *m› ma∞u (m›Kk, m›T∆) (U1: ma∞u-kki∞-; ma∞u-tth-; ma∞u-pp-) [* *72-73]
reject (v.t.); discharge; spend (time); subtract 182 kï kaΩi (kïKk, kïT∆) (U1: kaΩi-kki∞-; kaΩi-tth-; kaΩi-pp-) [42]
rejoice (v.i.), be happy 418 máZ magiΩ (máz, máZN∆) (U5: magiΩ-gi∞-; magiΩ-nth-; magiΩ-v-) [56-57]
release (let go) (v.t.); leave; abandon 381 Ƀ vi∂u (Éd, ÉDƒ) (U4: vi∂u-gi∞-; vi†-†-; vi∂u-v-) [62-63]
remain (v.i.), stay; wait; be; have 328 *ià iru (iÃKk, iÃN∆) (U2: iru-kki∞-; iru-nth-; iru-pp-) [* *86-87]
remain (v.i.); lie around 332 ád ki∂a (ádKk, ádN∆) (U2: ki∂a-kki∞-; ki∂a-nth-; ki∂a-pp-) [88-89]
remember (v.i.), recollect 092 ùapkPpƒT∆ ñäbaga-p-pa∂utthu (-pƒTt, -pƒTç) (I: ºtthu-gi∞-; ºtth’-i√-; ºtthu-v-) [22]
remember; think 279 éwˆ ni√ai (éwˆKk, éwˆT∆) (U1: ni√ai-kki∞-; ni√ai-tth-; ni√ai-pp-) [38-39]
remind s.o. of sth. (v.t.) 099 éwˆŒpƒT∆ ni√aivu-pa∂utthu (-pƒTt, -pƒTç) (I: ºtthu-gi∞-; ºtth’-i√-; ºtthu-v-) [22]
remove (v.t.); pick up; take 239 ¶ƒ e∂u (¶ƒKk, ¶ƒT∆) (U1: e∂u-kki∞-; e∂u-tth-; e∂u-pp-) [58-59]
remove (v.t.), take off (clothes, etc.) 075 kz‰› kaΩa∞∞u (kz‰®, kz‰ó) (I: ºa∞∞u-gi∞-; ºa∞∞’-i√-; ºa∞∞u-v-) [14-15]
render (v.t.); give; offer 226 îñ a¬i (îñKk, îñT∆) (U1: a¬i-kki∞-; a¬i-tth-; a¬i-pp-) [42-43]
be renowned (v.i.); be clear; flourish 036 ɬı¿ vi¬a≥gu (ɬık, ɬıá) (I: º≥gu-gi∞-; º≥g’-i√-; º≥gu-v-) [4-5]
repair; set right 445 cí ecY sari sey (- ecYy, - ecY∆) (U6: sey-gi∞-; sey-th-; sey-v-) [112-113]
repair; set right 086 cíPpƒT∆ sari-p-pa∂utthu (-pƒTt, -pƒTç) (I: -pa∂atthu-gi∞-; -pa∂atth’-i√-; -pa∂atthu-v-) [22]
repeat/reproduce (from memory) 241 oPè oppi (oPèKk, oPèT∆) (U1: oppi-kki∞-; oppi-tth-; oppi-pp-) [42-43]
reprimand, scold 181 kã ka∂i (kãy, kãN∆) (U5: ka∂i-gi∞-; ka∂i-nth-; ka∂i-v-) [44-45]
resemble (v.t.); equal 240 *o o (oKk, oT∆) (U1: o-kki∞-; o-tth-; o-pp-) [* *68-69]
resolve (a problem, etc.) (v.t.) 212 ≥R thïr (≥RKk, ≥RT∆) (U1: thïr-kki∞-; thïr-tth-; thïr-pp-) [50-51]
rest (v.i.); stay 117 tı¿ tha≥gu (tık, tıá) (I: tha≥gu-gi∞-; tha≥g’-i√-; tha≥gu-v-) [4-5]
restrain (v.t.); control 001 *îdK¿ a∂akku (îdKk, îdKá) (I: a∂akku-gi∞-; a∂akk’-i√-; a∂akku-v-) [* *2-3]
be restrained (v.i.); obey 002 *îdı¿ a∂a≥gu (îdık, îdıá) (I: a∂a≥gu-gi∞-; a∂a≥g’-i√-; a∂a≥gu-v-) [* *4-5]
return (v.i.); turn 018 çÃM» thirumbu (çÃMp, çÃMè) (I: thirumbu-gi∞-; thirumb’-i√-; thirumbu-v-) [8-9]
return; come back 403 çÃMè va thirumbi vä (- vr, - vN∆) (U5: - varu-gi∞-; - va-nth-; - varu-v-) [106-107]
revolve; be overturned (v.i.) 427 »rÒ pura¬ (»r¬, »rBƒ) (U5: pura¬-gi∞-; pura∫-∂-; pura¬-v-) [102-103] euph. var.
ring (bell) (v.t.); hit; blow (e.g., as wind) 224 îã a∂i (îãKk, îãT∆) (U1: a∂i-kki∞-; a∂i-tth-; a∂i-pp-) [42-43]
rip (v.t.) 184 áï kiΩi (áïKk, áïT∆) (U1: kiΩi-kki∞-; kiΩi-tth-; kiΩi-pp-) [42-43]
be ripped (v.i.) 185 áï kiΩi (áïy, áïN∆) (U5: kiΩi-gi∞-; kiΩi-nth-; kiΩi-v-) [44-45]
ripen (v.i.) 287 p¤ paΩu (p¤Kk, p¤T∆) (U1: paΩu-kki∞-; paΩu-tth-; paΩu-pp-) [58-59]
rise (v.i.); go up 006 *¶¤M» eΩumbu (¶¤Mp, ¶¤Mè) (I: eΩumbu-gi∞-; eΩumb’-i√-; eΩumbu-v-) [* *8-9]
rise (v.i.); start; emerge 010 á¬M» ki¬ambu (á¬Mp, á¬Mè) (I: ki¬ambu-gi∞-; ki¬amb’-i√-; ki¬ambu-v-) [8-9]
rise (e.g., as sun) (v.i.); dawn 397 Éã vi∂i (Éãy, ÉãN∆) (U5: vi∂i-gi∞-; vi∂i-nth-; vi∂i-v-) [44-45]
rob (grand larceny) (v.t.) 259 ekaÒw¬yã ko¬¬ai-y-a∂i (-îãKk, -îãT∆) (U1: -a∂i-kki∞-; -a∂i-tth-; -a∂i-pp-) [42]
roll (make roll) (v.t.) 066 uÃDƒ uru††u (uÃDd, uÃDã) (I: uru††u-gi∞-; uru††’-i√-; uru††u-v-) [18-19]
rub (sth. against sth.) (v.t.) 000 EtY thëy (EtYKk, EtYT∆) (U1: thëy-kki∞-; thëy-tth-; thëy-pp-) [46-47]
ruin (v.t.); lose 188 etawl tholai (etawlKk, etawlT∆) (U1: tholai-kki∞-; tholai-tth-; tholai-pp-) [38-39]
be ruined (v.i.); be lost 189 etawl tholai (etawly, etawlN∆) (U5: tholai-gi∞-; tholai-nth-; tholai-v-) [40-41]
run (v.i.) 052 *Oƒ ö∂u (Od, Oã) (I: ö∂u-gi∞-; ö∂’-i√-; ö∂u-v-) [* *20-21]
run away; flee 159 OãPEpa ö∂i-p-pö (-Epak, -EpaY) (I: -pö-gi∞-; -pö-√-; -pö-v-) [36-37]

– 159 –
Sacrifice 375 pìëƒ bali-y-i∂u (-id, -iDƒ) (U4: -i∂u-gi∞-; -i†-†-; -i∂u-v-) [62-63]
save (v.t.); protect 077 kaPpa‰› käppä∞∞u (kaPpa‰®, kaPpa‰ó) (I: ºpä∞∞u-gi∞-; ºpä∞∞’-i√-; ºpä∞∞u-v-) [14-15]
save (v.t.); protect 232 irDâ ira†chi (irDâKk, irDâT∆) (U1: ira†chi-kki∞-; ira†chi-tth-; ira†chi-pp-) [42-43]
say (v.i.); tell 156 *ecaL[Õ] sol[lu] (ecaLl, ecaLì) (I: sol-gi∞-; so√-√-; sol-v-) [*34-35] irregular
say; tell 351 *¶˜(fi) e√(√u) (¶˜ˆ, ¶˜›) (U3: e√-gi∞-; e√-∞-; e√-b-) [* *96-97]
scold, reprimand 181 kã ka∂i (kãy, kãN∆) (U5: ka∂i-gi∞-; ka∂i-nth-; ka∂i-v-) [44-45]
scorch (sth) (v.t.); burn (sth) 210 ≥Y thïy (≥YKk, ≥YT∆) (U1: thïy-kki∞-; thïy-tth-; thïy-pp-) [46-47]
be scorched (v.i.), be burnt 211 ≥Y thïy (≥y, ≥YN∆) (U5: thïy-gi∞-; thïy-nth-; thïy-v-) [48-49]
scream 129 îl› ala∞u (îl®, îló) (I: ala∞u-gi∞-; ala∞’-i√-; ala∞u-v-) [16-17]
search (v.t.); examine; test 264 Ecaç söthi (EcaçKk, EcaçT∆) (U1: söthi-kki∞-; söthi-tth-; söthi-pp-) [42-43]
search for (v.t.); seek 143 Etƒ thë∂u (Etd, Etã) (I: thë∂u-gi∞-; thë∂’-i√-; thë∂u-v-) [20-21]
search for; seek 322 EtãPpaR thë∂i-p-pär (-paRKk, -paRT∆) (U1: -pär-kki∞-; -pär-tth-; -pär-pp-) [76-77]
see (v.t.), look; try 289 *paR pär (paRKk, paRT∆) (U1: pär-kki∞-; pär-tth-; pär-pp-) [*
see (v.t.); find out 354 *kaB kä∫ (kab, kBƒ) (U3: kä∫-gi∞-; ka∫-∂-; kä√-b-) [* *92-93]
see (v.t.); understand; know 393 etí theri (etíy, etíN∆) (U5: theri-gi∞-; theri-nth-; theri-v-) [44-45]
be seen; be known 000 etíÀM theriyum (see Impersonal Verb Forms, p. 147)
seek (v.t.); search for 143 Etƒ thë∂u (Etd, Etã) (I: thë∂u-gi∞-; thë∂’-i√-; thë∂u-v-) [20-21]
seek; search for 322 EtãPpaR thë∂i-p-pär (-paRKk, -paRT∆) (U1: -pär-kki∞-; -pär-tth-; -pär-pp-) [76-77]
seek; approach; opt for 058 naƒ nä∂u (nad, naã) (I: nä∂u-gi∞-; nä∂’-i√-; nä∂u-v-) [20-21]
seem (v.i.); appear 121 *Eta˜› thö√∞u (Eta˜®, Eta˜ó) (I: thö√∞u-gi∞-; thö√∞’-i√-; thö√∞u-v-) [* *24-25]
seize (v.t.), catch, grab; like 290 èã pi∂i (èãKk, èãT∆) (U1: pi∂i-kki∞-; pi∂i-tth-; pi∂i-pp-) [42-43]
select (v.t.), choose; elect 273 EtRNetƒ thërnth’e∂u (-¶ƒKk, -¶ƒT∆) (U1: -e∂u-kki∞-; -e∂u-tth-; -e∂u-pp-) [58]
sell (v.t.) 318 *ÉL vil (ɉk, ɉ›) (U1: - vi∞-ki∞-; vi∞-∞-; vi∞-p-) [*
*82-83] irregular
send (v.t.) 063 îfiP» a√uppu (îfiPp, îfiPè) (I: a√uppu-gi∞-; a√upp’-i√-; a√uppu-v-) [6-7]
separate (v.t.); divide 194 èí piri (èíKk, èíT∆) (U1: piri-kki∞-; piri-tth-; piri-pp-) [42-43]
be separated (v.i.); be divided; unravel; depart 195 èí piri (èíy, èíN∆) (U5: piri-gi∞-; piri-nth-; piri-v-) [44-45]
serve 450 põ ecY pa∫i sey (- ecYy, - ecY∆) (U6: - sey-gi∞-; - sey-th-; - sey-v-) [112-113]
serve (food) (v.t.); exchange 000 píma› parimä∞u (píma®, pímaó) (I: ºmä∞u-gi∞-; ºmä∞’-i√-; ºmä∞u-v-) [16-17]
serve (v.t.); put, place; keep; 313 wv vai (wvKk, wvT∆) (U1: vai-kki∞-; vai-tth-; vai-pp-) [38-39]
set out, start 377 »®Ppƒ pu∞a-p-pa∂u (-pd, -pDƒ) (U4: -pa∂u-gi∞-; -pa†-†-; -pa∂u-v-) [60-61]
set right; repair 445 cí ecY sari sey (- ecYy, - ecY∆) (U6: - sey-gi∞-; - sey-th-; - sey-v-) [112-113]
set right; repair 086 cíPpƒT∆ sari-p-pa∂utthu (-pƒTt, -pƒTç) (I: ºtthu-gi∞-; ºtth’-i√-; ºtthu-v-) [22-23]
settle (v.t.); construct; install 168 îwm amai (îwmKk, îwmT∆) (U1: amai-kki∞-; amai-tth-; amai-pp-) [38-39]
become settled (v.i.); suit; be quiet 169 îwm amai (îwmy, îwmN∆) (U5: amai-gi∞-; amai-nth-; amai-v-) [40-41]
sew (v.t.), stitch 274 wt thai (wtKk, wtT∆) (U1: thai-kki∞-; thai-tth-; thai-pp-) [38-39]
shake (v.t.); move; agitate 164 *îwc asai (îwcKk, îwcT∆) (U1: asai-kki∞-; asai-tth-; asai-pp-) [* *38-39]
shake (v.i.); tremble 024 nƒı¿ na∂u≥gu (nƒık, nƒıá) (I: na∂u≥gu-gi∞-; na∂u≥g’-i√-; na∂u≥gu-v-) [4-5]
shake out (dust, water) (v.t.) 132 ut› utha∞u (ut®, utó) (I: utha∞u-gi∞-; utha∞’-i√-; utha∞u-v-) [16-17]
share (v.t.); apportion; divide 282 *p¿ pagu (p¿Kk, p¿T∆) (U1: pagu-kki∞-; pagu-tth-; pagu-pp-) [* *70-71]
shift (sth.) (v.t.), move 096 nkRT∆ nagartthu (nkRTt, nkRTç) (I: ºrtthu-gi∞-; ºrtth’-i√-; ºrtthu-v-) [22-23]
shoot; burn, be hot 367 ◊ƒ su∂u (◊d, ◊Dƒ) (U4: su∂u-gi∞-; su†-†-; su∂u-v-) [60-61]
shorten (v.t.); decrease; cut 186 ¿w® ku∞ai (¿w®Kk, ¿w®T∆) (U1: ku∞ai-kki∞-; ku∞ai-tth-; ku∞ai-pp-) [38-39]
become short (v.i.); be cut 187 ¿w® ku∞ai (¿w®y, ¿w®N∆) (U5: ku∞ai-gi∞-; ku∞ai-nth-; ku∞ai-v-) [40-41]
shout 073 kT∆ katthu (kTt, kTç) (I: katthu-gi∞-; katth’-i√-; katthu-v-) [22-23]
shout (v.t.); call 365 ‡Pèƒ küpp’i∂u (‡Pèd, ‡PèDƒ) (U4: küppi∂u-gi∞-; küppi†-†-; küppi∂u-v-) [62-63]
show (point out) (v.t.) 076 kaDƒ k䆆u (kaDd, kaDã) (I: k䆆u-gi∞-; k䆆’-i√-; k䆆u-v-) [18-19]
show the way, guide; lead 000 vï kaDƒ vaΩi k䆆u (- kaDd, - kaDã) (I: - k䆆u-gi∞-; - k䆆’-i√-; - k䆆u-v-) [18-19]
shower, rain, 439 epY pey (epYy, epY∆) (U6: pey-gi∞-; pey-th-; pey-v-) [112-113]
shrink (make small) (v.t.) 013 ◊ÃK¿ surukku (◊ÃKk, ◊ÃKá) (I: surukku-gi∞-; surukk’-i√-; surukku-v-) [2-3]
shrink (v.i.); wrinkle; frown 014 ◊Ãı¿ suru≥gu (◊Ãık, ◊Ãıá) (I: suru≥gu-gi∞-; suru≥g’-i√-; suru≥gu-v-) [4-5]
shut (v.t.), close; lock 166 îwd a∂ai (îwdKk, îwdT∆) (U1: a∂ai-kki∞-; a∂ai-tth-; a∂ai-pp-) [38-39]

– 160 –
shut (door, etc.) (v.t.), close 088 caT∆ sätthu (caTt, caTç) (I: sätthu-gi∞-; sätth’-i√-; sätthu-v-) [22-23]
sing 147 paƒ pä∂u (pad, paã) (I: pä∂u-gi∞-; pä∂’-i√-; pä∂u-v-) [20-21]
sink (v.i.), submerge; drown 152 ÎZ¿ müΩgu (ÎZk, ÎZá) (I: müΩgu-gi∞-; müΩg’-i√-; müΩgu-v-) [4-5]
sit, (v.i.) 409 *uDkaR u†kär (uDkar, uDkaRN∆) (U5: u†kär-gi∞-; u†kär-nth-; u†kär-v-) [* *100-101]
sleep (v.i) 020 Áı¿ thü≥gu (Áık, Áıá) (I: thü≥gu-gi∞-; thü≥g’-i√-; thü≥gu-v-) [4-5]
smash (v.t.); pound; thunder 231 iã i∂i (iãKk, iãT∆) (U1: i∂i-kki∞-; i∂i-tth-; i∂i-pp-) [42-43]
smell (sth.) (v.t.) 324 EmaN∆ paR mönthu pär (- paRKk, - paRT∆) (U1: - pär-kki∞-; - pär-tth-; - pär-pp-) [76-77]
smile (v.i.); laugh 262 âí siri (âíKk, âíT∆) (U1: siri-kki∞-; siri-tth-; siri-pp-) [42-43]
smoke (a cigarette, etc.) (v.t.) 000 »wkPèã pugai-p-pi∂i (-èãKk, -èãT∆) (U1: pi∂i-kki∞-; pi∂i-tth-; pi∂i-pp-) [42]
smoke (emit smoke) (v.i.) 394 »wk pugai (»wky, »wkN∆) (U5: pugai-gi∞-; pugai-nth-; pugai-v-) [40-41]
snack (said of humans); eat (said of animals) 352 ç˜(fi) thi√(√u) (瘈, 瘛) (U3: thi√-gi∞-; thi√-∞-; thi√-b-) [96]
solve (v.t.); discover; find 244 kBƒèã ka∫∂u-pi∂i (-èãKk, -èãT∆) (U1: -pi∂i-kki∞-; -pi∂i-tth-; -pi∂i-pp-) [42-43]
sound (v.t.) 242 oì oli (oìKk, oìT∆) (U1: oli-kki∞-; oli-tth-; oli-pp-) [42-43]
speak 149 *Ep◊ pësu (Epc, Epâ) (I: pësu-gi∞-; pës’-i√-; pësu-v-) [* *32-33]
specify (v.t.); mention 364 ¿óPèƒ ku∞ipp’i∂u (-id, -iDƒ) (U4: -i∂u-gi∞-; -i†-†-; -i∂u-v-) [62-63]
spend (time) (v.t.); discharge; subtract 182 kï kaΩi (kïKk, kïT∆) (U1: kaΩi-kki∞-; kaΩi-tth-; kaΩi-pp-) [42-43]
spill (v.t.) 116 âN∆ sinthu (âNt, âNç) (I: sinthu-gi∞-; sinth’-i√-; sinthu-v-) [28-29]
split (v.t.) 337 è¬ pi¬a (è¬Kk, è¬N∆) (U2: pi¬a-kki∞-; pi¬a-nth-; pi¬a-pp-) [88-89]
spoil (v.t.); damage 218 ekƒ ke∂u (ekƒKk, ekƒT∆) (U1: ke∂u-kki∞-; ke∂u-tth-; ke∂u-pp-) [58-59]
be spoiled (v.i.); be damaged 219 ekƒ ke∂u (ekd, ekDƒ) (U4: ke∂u-gi∞-; ke†-†-; ke∂u-v-) [60-61]
be spoiled, go bad 161 ekDƒ Epa ke††u pö (- Epak, - EpaY) (I: - pö-gi∞-; - pö-√-; - pö-v-) [* *36-37] irregular
spread (v.i.); expand; open; extend 201 Éí viri (Éíy, ÉíN∆) (U5: viri-gi∞-; viri-nth-; viri-v-) [44-45]
spread out (hair, etc.) (v.t.) 200 Éí viri (ÉíKk, ÉíT∆) (U1: viri-kki∞-; viri-tth-; viri-pp-) [42-43]
squeeze (v.t.); press 029 enÃK¿ nerukku (enÃKk, enÃKá) (I: nerukku-gi∞-; nerukk’-i√-; nerukku-v-) [2-3]
stab (v.t.) 081 ¿T∆ kutthu (¿Tt, ¿Tç) (I: kutthu-gi∞-; kutth’-i√-; kutthu-v-) [22-23]
stand (v.i.); stay; stop 341 *éL(Õ) nil(lu) (é‰k, 阛) (U2: ni∞-ki∞-; ni√-∞-; ni∞-p-) [* *90-91] euphonic variant
start, set out 377 »®Ppƒ pu∞a-p-pa∂u (-pd, -pDƒ) (U4: -pa∂u-gi∞-; -pa††-; -pa∂u-v-) [60-61]
start (a car or machine) (v.t.); incite 009 á¬P» ki¬appu (á¬Pp, á¬Pè) (I: ki¬appu-gi∞-; ki¬app’-i√-; ki¬appu-v-) [6-7]
start (v.i.); rise; emerge 010 á¬M» ki¬ambu (á¬Mp, á¬Mè) (I: ki¬ambu-gi∞-; ki¬amb’-i√-; ki¬ambu-v-) [8-9]
be startled (v.i.), be alarmed 369 çƒKრthi∂ukki∂u (çƒKád, çƒKáDƒ)(U4: ºki∂u-gi∞-; ºki†-†-; ºki∂u-v-) [62-63]
starve (v.i.) 347 pDãòëà pa††i√i-y-iru (-iÃKk, -iÃN∆) (U2: -iru-kki∞-; -iru-nth-; -iru-pp-) [86-87]
stay (v.i.); rest 117 tı¿ tha≥gu (tık, tıá) (I: tha≥gu-gi∞-; tha≥g’-i√-; tha≥gu-v-) [4-5]
stay (v.i.); stop; stand 341 *éL(Õ) nil(lu) (é‰k, 阛) (U2: ni∞-ki∞-; ni√-∞-; ni∞-p-) [* *90-91] euphonic variant
stay (v.i.), remain; wait; be; have 328 *ià iru (iÃKk, iÃN∆) (U2: iru-kki∞-; iru-nth-; iru-pp-) [* *86-87]
steal (v.t.) 141 çà thiru∂u (çÃd, çÃã) (I: thiru∂u-gi∞-; thiru∂’-i√-; thiru∂u-v-) [20-21]
steam (v.t.); boil 172 îÉ avi (îÉKk, îÉT∆) (U1: avi-kki∞-; avi-tth-; avi-pp-) [42-43]
be steamed (v.i.); be boiled 173 îÉ avi (îÉy, îÉN∆) (U5: avi-gi∞-; avi-nth-; avi-v-) [44-45]
stick (make adhere to) (v.t.) 070 oDƒ o††u (oDd, oDã) (I: o††u-gi∞-; o††’-i√-; o††u-v-) [18-19]
stimulate (v.t.); excite; motivate 118 ÁBƒ thü∫∂u (ÁBd, ÁBã) (I: thü∫∂u-gi∞-; thü∫∂’-i√-; thü∫∂u-v-) [20-21]
stink (v.i.) 145 na› nä∞u (na®, naó) (I: nä∞u-gi∞-; nä∞’-i√-; nä∞u-v-) [16-17]
stir (v.t.); disturb 007 klK¿ kalakku (klKk, klKá) (I: kalakku-gi∞-; kalakk’-i√-; kalakku-v-) [2-3]
be stirred (v.i.); be disturbed 008 klı¿ kala≥gu (klık, klıá) (I: kala≥gu-gi∞-; kala≥g’-i√-; kala≥gu-v-) [4-3]
stitch (v.t.), sew 274 wt thai (wtKk, wtT∆) (U1: thai-kki∞-; thai-tth-; thai-pp-) [38-39]
stop (v.i.); stay; stand 341 *éL(Õ) nil(lu) (é‰k, 阛) (U2: ni∞-ki∞-; ni√-∞-; ni∞-p-) [* *90-91] euphonic variant
stop (v.t.); arrest 098 é›T∆ ni∞utthu (é›Tt, é›Tç) (I: ni®utthu-gi∞-; ni®utth’-i√-; ni®utthu-v-) [22-23]
strengthen 103 plPpƒT∆ bala-p-pa∂utthu (-pƒTt, -pƒTç) (I: -pa∂utthu-gi∞-; -pa∂utth’-i√-; -pa∂utthu-v-) [22-23]
stretch (v.t.); pull, drag; inhale 233 i¤ iΩu (i¤Kk, i¤T∆) (U1: iΩu-kki∞-; iΩu-tth-; iΩu-pp-) [72-73]
string (beads, etc.) (v.t.); connect 220 etaƒ tho∂u (etaƒKk, etaƒT∆) (U1: tho∂u-kki∞-; tho∂u-tth-; tho∂u-pp-) [58]
struggle, fight 150 Eparaƒ pör’ä∂u (-Ad, -Aã) (I: pörä∂u-gi∞-; pörä∂’-i√-; pörä∂u-v-) [20-21]
study (v.t.); read 284 pã pa∂i (pãKk, pãT∆) (U1: pa∂i-kki∞-; pa∂i-tth-; pa∂i-pp-) [42-43]
study (v.t.); learn 317 *kL kal (k‰k, k‰›) (U1: ka∞-ki∞-; ka∞-∞-; ka∞-p-) [* *80-81] euphonic variant

– 161 –
study (v.t.); read; play (an instrument) 305 *vaâ väsi (vaâKk, vaâT∆) (U1: väsi-kki∞-; väsi-tth-; väsi-pp-) [* *74]
submerge (v.i.), sink; drown 152 ÎZ¿ müΩgu (ÎZk, ÎZá) (I: müΩgu-gi∞-; müΩg’-i√-; müΩgu-v-) [4-5]
subtract (v.t.); spend (time); discharge 182 kï kaΩi (kïKk, kïT∆) (U1: kaΩi-kki∞-; kaΩi-tth-; kaΩi-pp-) [42-43]
be sufficient 000 Epa∆M pöthum (See Impersonal Verb Forms, p. 147)
suit (v.i.); become settled; be quiet 169 îwm amai (îwmy, îwmN∆) (U5: amai-gi∞-; amai-nth-; amai-v-) [40-41]
be suitable (v.i.); be proper 346 t¿Nçà thagunth’iru (-iÃKk, -iÃN∆) (U2: -iru-kki∞-; -iru-nth-; -iru-pp-) [86-87]
support (v.t.); sustain 229 Atí äthari (AtíKk, AtíT∆) (U1: äthari-kki∞-; äthari-tth-; äthari-pp-) [42-43]
surround (v.t.) 089 ◊‰› su∞∞u (◊‰®, ◊‰ó) (I: su∞∞u-gi∞-; su∞∞’-i√-; su∞∞u-v-) [14-15]
sustain (v.t.); support 229 Atí äthari (AtíKk, AtíT∆) (U1: äthari-kki∞-; äthari-tth-; äthari-pp-) [42-43]
sustain 016 taı¿ thä≥gu (taık, taıá) (I: thä≥gu-gi∞-; thä≥g’-i√-; thä≥gu-v-) [4-5]
swallow (v.t.), gulp (down) 000 ɤı¿ viΩu≥gu (ɤık, ɤıá) (I: viΩu≥gu-gi∞-; viΩu≥g’i√-; viΩu≥gu-v-) [4-5]
be sweet (v.i.) 234 iò i√i (iòKk, iòT∆) (U1: i√i-kki∞-; i√i-tth-; i√i-pp-) [42-43]
swim (v.i.) 123 ¥N∆ nïnthu (¥Nt, ¥Nç) (I: nïnthu-gi∞-; nïnth’-i√-; nïnthu-v-) [28-29]
switch off (v.t.), turn off; embrace 326 *îwb a∫ai (îwbKk, îwbT∆) (U1: a∫ai-kki∞-; a∫ai-tth-; a∫ai-pp-) [* *84]
swoon (v.i.); faint 395 myıá ɤ maya≥gi viΩu (- Éz, - ɤN∆) (U5: - viΩu-gi∞-; - viΩu-nth-; - viΩu-v-) [98-99]
Take (v.t.); pick up; remove 239 ¶ƒ e∂u (¶ƒKk, ¶ƒT∆) (U1: e∂u-kki∞-; e∂u-tth-; e∂u-pp-) [58-59]
take (v.t.); possess; keep 426 *ekaÒ ko¬ (ekaÒ¬, ekaBƒ) (U5: ko¬-gi∞-; ko∫-∂-; ko¬-v-) [* *102-103] euph. var.
take care of; watch over 434 paRT∆KekaÒ pärtthu-k-ko¬ (-ekÒ¬, -ekaBƒ) (U5: ko¬-gi∞-; ko∫-∂-; ko¬-v-) [* *102]
take (away) (v.t.) 162 ekaBƒ Epa ko∫∂u pö (- Epak, - EpaY) (I: - pö-gi∞-; - pö-√-; - pö-v-) [36-37]
take off (clothes, etc.) (v.t.), remove 075 kz‰› kaΩa∞∞u (kz‰®, kz‰ó) (I: ºa∞∞u-gi∞-; ºa∞∞’-i√-; ºa∞∞u-v-) [14-15]
take up (v.t.); continue; pursue 413 etadR tho∂ar (etadr, etadRN∆) (U5: º∂ar-gi∞-; º∂ar-nth-; º∂ar-v-) [100-101]
take place, happen 385 nwd ep› na∂ai pe∞u (- ep®, - ep‰›) (U4: - pe∞u-gi∞-; - pe∞-∞-; - pe∞u-v-) [64-65]
taste 325 Ãâ paR rusi pär (- paRKk, - paRT∆) (U1: - pär-kki∞-; - pär-tth-; - pär-pp-) [76-77]
teach, educate 246 kLÉyñ kalvi-y-a¬i (-îñKk, -îñT∆) (U1: -a¬i-kki∞-; -a¬i-tth-; -a¬i-pp-) [42-43]
teach 248 k‰›K ekaƒ ka∞∞u-k-ko∂u (- ekaƒKk, - ekaƒT∆) (U1: -ko∂u-kki∞-; -ko∂u-tth-; -ko∂u-pp-) [58-59]
teach 000 ecaLìK ekaƒ solli-k-ko∂u (- ekaƒKk, - ekaƒT∆) (U1: -ko∂u-kki∞-; -ko∂u-tth-; -ko∂u-pp-) [58-59]
teach 402 ecaLìT ta solli-t-thä (- tr, - tN∆) (U5: -tharu-gi∞-; -tha-nth-; -tharu-v-) [106-107] irregular
tell (v.i.); say 156 *ecaL[Õ] sol[lu] (ecaLl, ecaLì) (I: sol-gi∞-; so√-√-; sol-v-) [*34-35] irregular
tell; say 351 *¶˜(fi) e√(√u) (¶˜ˆ, ¶˜›) (U3: e√-gi∞-; e√-∞-; e√-b-) [* *96-97]
test (v.t.); examine; search 264 Ecaç söthi (EcaçKk, EcaçT∆) (U1: söthi-kki∞-; söthi-tth-; söthi-pp-) [42-43]
think; consider 136 kÃ∆ karuthu (kÃt, kÃç) (I: karuthu-gi∞-; karuth’-i√-; karuthu-v-) [28-29]
think (of) (v.t.); consider; count 127 ¶B≈ e∫∫u (¶Bb, ¶Bõ) (I: e∫∫u-gi∞-; e∫∫’-i√-; e∫∫u-v-) [26-27]
think; remember 279 éwˆ ni√ai (éwˆKk, éwˆT∆) (U1: ni√ai-kki∞-; ni√ai-tth-; ni√ai-pp-) [38-39]
throw (v.t.), hurl, toss 391 ¶ó e∞i (¶óy, ¶óN∆) (U5: e∞i-gi∞-; e∞i-nth-; e∞i-v-) [44-45]
throw (v.t.); put; (of animals) give birth 378 Epaƒ pö∂u (Epad, EpaDƒ) (U4: pö∂u-gi∞-; pö†-†-; pö∂u-v-) [60-61]
thunder (v.t.); pound; smash 231 iã i∂i (iãKk, iãT∆) (U1: i∂i-kki∞-; i∂i-tth-; i∂i-pp-) [42-43]
tie (v.t.), bind; build 072 kDƒ ka††u (kDd, kDã) (I: ka††u-gi∞-; ka††’-i√-; ka††u-v-) [18-19]
tire (become tired) (v.i.); cease; desist 411 OY öy (Oy, OYN∆) (U5: öy-gi∞-; öy-nth-; öy-v-) [48-49]
toil (v.i.), work; last (to wear well) 237 uwz uΩai (uwzKk, uwzT∆) (U1: uΩai-kki∞-; uΩai-tth-; uΩai-pp-) [38-39]
tolerate (v.t.); endure; wait 293 epa› po∞u (epa›Kk, epa›T∆) (U1: po∞u-kki∞-; po∞u-tth-; po∞u-pp-) [72-73]
toss (v.t.), throw, hurl 391 ¶ó e∞i (¶óy, ¶óN∆) (U5: e∞i-gi∞-; e∞i-nth-; e∞i-v-) [44-45]
touch (v.t.) 221 etaƒ tho∂u (etad, etaDƒ) (U4: tho∂u-gi∞-; tho†-†-; tho∂u-v-) [60-61]
tremble (v.i.) 024 nƒı¿ na∂u≥gu (nƒık, nƒıá) (I: na∂u≥gu-gi∞-; na∂u≥g’-i√-; na∂u≥gu-v-) [4-5]
make tremble (v.t.) 023 nƒK¿ na∂ukku (nƒKk, nƒKá) (I: na∂ukku-gi∞-; na∂ukk’-i√-; na∂ukku-v-) [2-3]
triumph (v.t.), win; conquer 425 evL vel (evLl, ev˜›) (U5: vel-gi∞-; ve√-∞-; vel-v-) [104-105] euph. var.
trust, believe 122 nM» nambu (nMp, nMè) (I: nambu-gi∞-; namb’-i√-; nambu-v-) [8-9]
try 376 èryacPpƒ pirayäsa-p-pa∂u (-pd, -pDƒ) (U4: -pa∂u-gi∞-; -pa†-†-; -pa∂u-v-) [60-61]
try (v.t.), look, see 289 *paR pär (paRKk, paRT∆) (U1: pär-kki∞-; pär-tth-; pär-pp-) [**76-77]
turn (v.i.); return 018 çÃM» thirumbu (çÃMp, çÃMè) (I: thirumbu-gi∞-; thirumb’-i√-; thirumbu-v-) [8-9]
(cause to) turn (v.t.) 017 çÃP» thiruppu (çÃPp, çÃPè) (I: thiruppu-gi∞-; thirupp’-i√-; thiruppu-v-) [6-7]
turn off (v.t.), switch off; embrace 326 *îwb a∫ai (îwbKk, îwbT∆) (U1: a∫ai-kki∞-; a∫ai-tth-; a∫ai-pp-) [* *84]
turn over (v.t.) 202 *kÉZ kaviΩ (kÉZKk, kÉZT∆) (U1: kaviΩ-kki∞-; kaviΩ-tth-; kaviΩ-pp-) [* *54-55]

– 162 –
Understand, know 389 îó a∞i (îóy, îóN∆) (U5: a∞i-gi∞-; a∞i-nth-; a∞i-v-) [44-45]
understand (v.t.); know; see 393 etí theri (etíy, etíN∆) (U5: theri-gi∞-; theri-nth-; theri-v-) [44-45]
be understood 000 »íÀM puriyum (See Impersonal Verb Forms, p. 147)
unite (v.i.); join; gather; assemble 054 ‡ƒ kü∂u (‡d, ‡ã) (I: kü∂u-gi∞-; kü∂’-i√-; kü∂u-v-) [20-21]
unite (v.t.); join; admit; collect 206 *EcR sër (EcRKk, EcRT∆) (U1: sër-kki∞-; sër-tth-; sër-pp-) [*
unravel (v.i.); be divided; be separated; depart 195 èí piri (èíy, èíN∆) (U5: piri-gi∞-; piri-nth-; piri-v-) [44-45]
use (v.t.) 236 upEyaá upayögi (upEyaáKk, upEyaáT∆) (U1: ºyögi-kki∞-; ºyögi-tth-; ºyögi-pp-) [42-43]
Vomit 000 vaNçeyƒ vänthi-y-e∂u (-¶ƒKk, -¶ƒT∆) (U1: -e∂u-kki∞-; -e∂u-tth-; -e∂u-pp-) [58-59]
Wait (v.i.); stay, remain; be; have 328 *ià iru (iÃKk, iÃN∆) (U2: iru-kki∞-; iru-nth-; iru-pp-) [**86-87]
wait 343 kaTçà kätth’iru (-iÃKk, -iÃN∆) (U2: -iru-kki∞-; -iru-nth-; -iru-pp-) [86-87]
wait (v.t.); endure; tolerate 293 epa› po∞u (epa›Kk, epa›T∆) (U1: po∞u-kki∞-; po∞u-tth-; po∞u-pp-) [72-73]
wait for (v.t.); expect 319 ¶çR paR ethir pär (- paRKk, - paRT∆) (U1: - pär-kki∞-; - pär-tth-; - pär-pp-) [76-77]
walk (v.i.); behave; happen 335 *nd na∂a (ndKk, ndN∆) (U2: na∂a-kki∞-; na∂a-nth-; na∂a-pp-) [* *88-89]
wander (v.i.); go about 388 îwl alai (îwly, îwlN∆) (U5: alai-gi∞-; alai-nth-; alai-v-) [40-41]
warn (v.t.); caution 238 ¶Ccí ecchari (¶CcíKk, ¶CcíT∆) (U1: ecchari-kki∞-; ecchari-tth-; ecchari-pp-) [42-43]
wash (not laundry) 138 *k¤Œ kaΩuvu (k¤v, k¤É) (I: kaΩuvu-gi∞-; kaΩuv’-i√-; kaΩuvu-v-) [* *30-31]
waste (i.e., not make use of) (v.t.) 310 ™bã vï∫a∂i (-åãKk, -åãT∆) (U1: ºa∂i-kki∞-; ºa∂i-tth-; ºa∂i-pp-) [42-43]
watch out, be careful 247 kvò kava√i (kvòKk, kvòT∆) (U1: kava√i-kki∞-; kava√i-tth-; kava√i-pp-) [42-43]
watch over; take care of 434 paRT∆KekaÒ pärtthu-k-ko¬ (- ekÒ¬, - ekaBƒ) (U5: -ko¬-gi∞-; -ko∫-∂-; -ko¬-v-) [102]
wear (v.t.), put on 235 uƒ u∂u (uƒKk, uƒT∆) (U1: u∂u-kki∞-; u∂u-tth-; u∂u-pp-) [58-59]
wear (v.t.), put on 064 uƒT∆ u∂utthu (uƒTt, uƒTç) (I: u∂utthu-gi∞-; u∂utth’-i√-; u∂utthu-v-) [22-23]
wear (v.t.); put on 387 îõ a∫i (îõy, îõN∆) (U5: a∫i-gi∞-; a∫i-nth-; a∫i-v-) [44-45]
wear away (by being rubbed) (v.i.) 000 EtY thëy (Ety, EtYN∆) (U5: thëy-gi∞-; thëy-nth-; thëy-v-) [48-49]
weave 438 enY ney (enYy, enY∆) (U6: ney-gi∞-; ney-th-; ney-v-) [112-113]
weep (v.i.), cry 436 *î¤ aΩu (îz, î¤∆) (U6: aΩu-gi∞-; aΩu-th-; aΩu-v-) [* *110-111]
weigh (v.t.); carry; lift up 019 ÁK¿ thükku (ÁKk, ÁKá) (I: thükku-gi∞-; thükk’-i√-; thükku-v-) [2-3]
win (v.t.), triumph; conquer 425 evL vel (evLl, ev˜›) (U5: vel-gi∞-; ve√-∞-; vel-v-) [104-105]
wipe (v.t.); dry 271 ∆wd thu∂ai (∆wdKk, ∆wdT∆) (U1: thu∂ai-kki∞-; thu∂ai-tth-; thu∂ai-pp-) [38-39]
work (v.i.), toil; last (to wear well) 237 uwz uΩai (uwzKk, uwzT∆) (U1: uΩai-kki∞-; uΩai-tth-; uΩai-pp-) [38-39]
worry (v.i.) 362 kvwlPpƒ kavalai-p-pa∂u (-pd, -pDƒ) (U4: -pa∂u-gi∞-; -pa†-†-; -pa∂u-v-) [58-59]
worship; bow (down) 125 vbı¿ va∫a≥gu (vbık, vbıá) (I: va∫a≥gu-gi∞-; va∫a≥g’-i√-; va∫a≥gu-v-) [4-5]
worship (v.t.); bow to 363 ¿Mèƒ kumbi∂u (¿Mèd, ¿MèDƒ) (U4: kumbi∂u-gi∞-; kumbi†-†-; kumbi∂u-v-) [62-63]
worship 451 Èwj ecY püjai sey (- ecYy, - ecY∆) (U6: - sey-gi∞-; - sey-th-; - sey-v-) [112-113]
wound 105 »BpƒT∆ pu∫-pa∂utthu (-pƒTt, -pƒTç) (I: -pa∂utthu-gi∞-; -pa∂utth’-i√-; -pa∂utthu-v-) [22-23]
wrinkle (v.i.); frown; shrink 014 ◊Ãı¿ suru≥gu (◊Ãık, ◊Ãıá) (I: suru≥gu-gi∞-; suru≥g’-i√-; suru≥gu-v-) [4-5]
write 134 *¶¤∆ eΩuthu (¶¤t, ¶¤ç) (I: eΩuthu-gi∞-; eΩuth’-i√-; eΩuthu-v-) [* *28-29]

ache 000 vì vali (3rd person singular, neuter)

be hungry 000 pâ pasi (with dative construction)
like 000 iQdM i߆am (with dative construction)

– 163 –
0 ÈJyM büjyam 10 pT∆ patthu
1 o˜› o√∞u 11 pçeˆa˜› pathi√-o√∞u
2 irBƒ ira∫∂u 12 p˜òrBƒ pa√√-ira∫∂u
3 Θ› mü√∞u 13 pçΘ› pathi-mü√∞u
4 naÕ nälu 14 pçˆaÕ pathi-√älu
5 WN∆ ainthu 15 pçwˆN∆ pathi√-ainthu
6 A› ä∞u 16 pçˆa› pathi√-ä∞u
7 ´¤ ëΩu 17 pçEˆ¤ pathi√-ëΩu
8 ¶Dƒ e††u 18 pçeˆDƒ pathi√-e††u
9 o˜p∆ o√bathu 19 pTeta˜p∆ patth’-o√bathu
20 iÃp∆ irubathu 30 …Pp∆ muppathu
21 iÃpT∆ o˜› irubatth’ o√∞u 31 …PpT∆ o˜› muppatth’ o√∞u
22 iÃpT∆ irBƒ irubatth’ ira∫∂u 32 …PpT∆ irBƒ " ira∫∂u
23 iÃpT∆ Θ› irubatthu mü√∞u 33 …PpT∆ Θ› " mü√∞u
24 iÃpT∆ naÕ irubatthu nälu 34 …PpT∆ naÕ " nälu
25 iÃpT∆ WN∆ irubatthu ainthu 35 …PpT∆ WN∆ " ainthu
26 iÃpT∆ A› irubatth’ ä∞u 36 …PpT∆ A› " ä∞u
27 iÃpT∆ ´¤ irubatth’ ëΩu 37 …PpT∆ ´¤ " ëΩu
28 iÃpT∆ ¶Dƒ irubatth’ e††u 38 …PpT∆ ¶Dƒ " e††u
29 iÃpT∆ o˜p∆ irubatth’ o√bathu 39 …PpT∆ o˜p∆ " o√bathu
40 na‰p∆ nä∞pathu 50 WMp∆ aimbathu
41 na‰pT∆ o˜› nä∞patthu o√∞u 51 WMpT∆ o˜› aimbatth’ o√∞u
42 na‰pT∆ irBƒ " ira∫∂u 52 WMpT∆ irBƒ " ira∫∂u
43 na‰pT∆ Θ› " mü√∞u, etc. 53 WMpT∆ Θ› " mü√∞u, etc.
60 å›p∆ a∞ubathu 70 ¶¤p∆ eΩubathu
61 å›pT∆ o˜› a∞ubatth’ o√∞u 71 ¶¤pT∆ o˜› eΩubatth’ o√∞u
62 å›pT∆ irBƒ " ira∫∂u 72 ¶¤pT∆ irBƒ " ira∫∂u
63 å›pT∆ Θ› " mü√∞u, etc. 73 ¶¤pT∆ Θ› " mü√∞u, etc.
80 ¶Bp∆ e∫bathu
81 ¶BpT∆ o˜› e∫batth’ o√∞u
82 ¶BpT∆ irBƒ " ira∫∂u
83 ¶BpT∆ Θ› " mü√∞u, etc.
90 etaBÊ› tho∫∫ü∞u
91 etaBʉ› o˜› tho∫∫ü∞∞’ o√∞u
92 etaBʉ› irBƒ " ira∫∂u
93 etaBʉ› Θ› " mü√∞u
94 etaBʉ› naÕ " nälu
95 etaBʉ› WN∆ " ainthu
96 etaBʉ› A› " ä∞u
97 etaBʉ› ´¤ " ëΩu
98 etaBʉ› ¶Dƒ " e††u
99 etaBʉ› o˜p∆ " o√bathu

– 164 –
100 Ë› nü∞u
101 ˉ› o˜› nü∞∞’ o√∞u
102 ˉ› irBƒ " ira∫∂u
103 ˉ› Θ› " mü√∞u
104 ˉ› naÕ " nälu
105 ˉ› WN∆ " ainthu
106 ˉ› A› " ä∞u
107 ˉ› ´¤ " ëΩu
108 ˉ› ¶Dƒ " e††u
109 ˉ› o˜p∆ " o√bathu
110 ˉ› pT∆ nü∞∞u patthu
111 ˉ› pçeˆa˜› " pathi√-o√∞u
112 ˉ› p˜òrBƒ " pa√√-ira∫∂u
113 ˉ› pçΘ› " pathi-mü√∞u
114 ˉ› pçˆaÕ " pathi-√älu
115 ˉ› pçwˆN∆ " pathi√-ainthu
116 ˉ› pçˆa› " pathi√-ä∞u
117 ˉ› pçEˆ¤ " pathi√-ëΩu
118 ˉ› pçeˆDƒ " pathi√-e††u
119 ˉ› pTeta˜p∆ " patth-o√bathu
120 ˉ› iÃp∆ nü∞∞u irubathu
121 ˉ› iÃpT∆ o˜› nü∞∞u irubatth’ o√∞u
122 ˉ› iÃpT∆ irBƒ " " ira∫∂u
123 ˉ› iÃpT∆ Θ› " " mü√∞u
124 ˉ› iÃpT∆ naÕ " " nälu
125 ˉ› iÃpT∆ WN∆ " " ainthu, etc.
130 ˉ› …Pp∆ nü∞∞u muppathu
131 ˉ› …PpT∆ o˜› nü∞∞u muppatth’ o√∞u
132 ˉ› …PpT∆ irBƒ " " ira∫∂u
133 ˉ› …PpT∆ Θ› " " mü√∞u
134 ˉ› …PpT∆ naÕ " " nälu
135 ˉ› …PpT∆ WN∆ " " ainthu, etc.
140 ˉ› na‰p∆ nü∞∞u nä∞pathu
141 ˉ› na‰pT∆ o˜› nü∞∞u nä∞patth’ o√∞u
142 ˉ› na‰pT∆ irBƒ " " ira∫∂u
143 ˉ› na‰pT∆ Θ› " " mü√∞u
144 ˉ› na‰pT∆ naÕ " " nälu
145 ˉ› na‰pT∆ WN∆ " " ainthu, etc.

– 165 –
150 ˉ› WMp∆ nü∞∞u aimbathu
151 ˉ› WMpT∆ o˜› nü∞∞u aimbatthu o√∞u
152 ˉ› WMpT∆ irBƒ " " ira∫∂u
153 ˉ› WMpT∆ Θ› " " mü√∞u
154 ˉ› WMpT∆ naÕ " " nälu
155 ˉ› WMpT∆ WN∆ " " ainthu, etc.
160 ˉ› å›p∆ nü∞∞u a∞ubathu
161 ˉ› å›pT∆ o˜› nü∞∞u a∞ubatthu o√∞u
162 ˉ› å›pT∆ irBƒ " " ira∫∂u
163 ˉ› å›pT∆ Θ› " " mü√∞u
164 ˉ› å›pT∆ naÕ " " nälu
165 ˉ› å›pT∆ WN∆ " " ainthu, etc.
170 ˉ› ¶¤p∆ nü∞∞u eΩubathu
171 ˉ› ¶¤pT∆ o˜› nü∞∞u eΩubatthu o√∞u
172 ˉ› ¶¤pT∆ irBƒ " " ira∫∂u
173 ˉ› ¶¤pT∆ Θ› " " mü√∞u
174 ˉ› ¶¤pT∆ naÕ " " nälu
175 ˉ› ¶¤pT∆ WN∆ " " ainthu, etc.
180 ˉ› ¶Bp∆ nü∞∞u e∫bathu
181 ˉ› ¶BpT∆ o˜› nü∞∞u e∫batthu o√∞u
182 ˉ› ¶BpT∆ irBƒ " " ira∫∂u
183 ˉ› ¶BpT∆ Θ› " " mü√∞u
184 ˉ› ¶BpT∆ naÕ " " nälu
185 ˉ› ¶BpT∆ WN∆ " " ainthu, etc.
190 ˉ› etaBÊ› nü∞∞u tho∫∫ü∞u
191 ˉ› etaBʉ› o˜› nü∞∞u tho∫∫ü∞∞u o√∞u
192 ˉ› etaBʉ› irBƒ " " ira∫∂u
193 ˉ› etaBʉ› Θ› " " mü√∞u
194 ˉ› etaBʉ› naÕ " " nälu
195 ˉ› etaBʉ› WN∆ " " ainthu, etc.
200 iÃË› irunü∞u
201 iÃˉ› o˜› irunü∞∞u o√∞u
202 iÃˉ› irBƒ " ira∫∂u
203 iÃˉ› Θ› " mü√∞u
204 iÃˉ› naÕ " nälu
205 iÃˉ› WN∆ " ainthu, etc.
210 iÃˉ› pT∆ irunü∞∞u patthu
211 iÃˉ› pçeˆa˜› " pathi√-o√∞u
212 iÃˉ› p˜òrBƒ " pa√√-ira∫∂u, etc.

– 166 –
220 iÃˉ› iÃp∆ irunü∞∞u irubathu
221 iÃˉ› iÃpT∆ o˜› irunü∞∞u irubatthu o√∞u
222 iÃˉ› iÃpT∆ irBƒ " " ira∫∂u, etc.
230 iÃˉ› …Pp∆ irunü∞∞u muppathu
231 iÃˉ› …PpT∆ o˜› irunü∞∞u muppatthu o√∞u
232 iÃˉ› …PpT∆ irBƒ " " ira∫∂u, etc.
240 iÃˉ› na‰p∆ irunü∞∞u nä∞pathu
241 iÃˉ› na‰pT∆ o˜› irunü∞∞u nä∞patthu o√∞u
242 iÃˉ› na‰pT∆ irBƒ " " ira∫∂u, etc.
250 iÃˉ› WMp∆ irunü∞∞u aimbathu
251 iÃˉ› WMpT∆ o˜› irunü∞∞u aimbatthu o√∞u
252 iÃˉ› WMpT∆ irBƒ " " ira∫∂u, etc.
260 iÃˉ› å›p∆ irunü∞∞u a∞ubathu
261 iÃˉ› å›pT∆ o˜› irunü∞∞u a∞ubatthu o√∞u
262 iÃˉ› å›pT∆ irBƒ " " ira∫∂u, etc.
270 iÃˉ› ¶¤p∆ irunü∞∞u eΩubathu
271 iÃˉ› ¶¤pT∆ o˜› irunü∞∞u eΩubatthu o√∞u
272 iÃˉ› ¶¤pT∆ irBƒ " " ira∫∂u, etc.
280 iÃˉ› ¶Bp∆ irunü∞∞u e∫bathu
281 iÃˉ› ¶BpT∆ o˜› irunü∞∞u e∫batthu o√∞u
282 iÃˉ› ¶BpT∆ irBƒ " " ira∫∂u, etc.
290 iÃˉ› etaBÊ› irunü∞∞u tho∫∫ü∞u
291 iÃˉ› etaBʉ› o˜› irunü∞∞u tho∫∫ü∞∞u o√∞u
292 iÃˉ› etaBʉ› irBƒ " " ira∫∂u, etc.
300 …NË› munnü∞u
301 …Nˉ› o˜› munnü∞®u o√∞u
302 …Nˉ› irBƒ " ira∫∂u, etc.
310 …Nˉ› pT∆ munnü∞∞u patthu
311 …Nˉ› pçeˆa˜› " pathi√-o√∞u
312 …Nˉ› p˜òrBƒ " pa√√-ira∫∂u, etc.

320 …Nˉ› iÃp∆ munnü∞∞u irubathu

321 …Nˉ› iÃpT∆ o˜› munnü∞∞u irubatthu o√∞u
322 …Nˉ› iÃpT∆ irBƒ " " ira∫∂u, etc.
330 …Nˉ› …Pp∆ munnü∞∞u muppathu
331 …Nˉ› …PpT∆ o˜› munnü∞∞u muppatthu o√∞u
332 …Nˉ› …PpT∆ irBƒ " " ira∫∂u, etc.

– 167 –
340 …Nˉ› na‰p∆ munnü∞∞u nä∞pathu
341 …Nˉ› na‰pT∆ o˜› munnü∞∞u nä∞patth’ o√∞u
342 …Nˉ› na‰pT∆ irBƒ " " ira∫∂u, etc.
350 …Nˉ› WMp∆ munnü∞∞’ aimbathu
351 …Nˉ› WMpT∆ o˜› munnü∞∞’ aimbatthu o√∞u
352 …Nˉ› WMpT∆ irBƒ " " ira∫∂u, etc.
360 …Nˉ› å›p∆ munnü∞∞’ a∞ubathu
361 …Nˉ› å›pT∆ o˜› munnü∞∞’ a∞ubatth’ o√∞u
362 …Nˉ› å›pT∆ irBƒ " " ira∫∂u, etc.
370 …Nˉ› ¶¤p∆ munnü∞∞’ eΩubathu
371 …Nˉ› ¶¤pT∆ o˜› munnü∞∞’ eΩubatth’ o√∞u
372 …Nˉ› ¶¤pT∆ irBƒ " " ira∫∂u, etc.
380 …Nˉ› ¶Bp∆ munnü∞∞’ e∫bathu
381 …Nˉ› ¶BpT∆ o˜› munnü∞∞’ e∫batth’ o√∞u
382 …Nˉ› ¶BpT∆ irBƒ " " ira∫∂u, etc.
390 …Nˉ› etaBÊ› munnü∞∞u tho∫∫ü∞u
391 …Nˉ› etaBʉ› o˜› munnü∞∞u tho∫∫ü∞∞’ o√∞u
392 …Nˉ› etaBʉ› irBƒ " " ira∫∂u, etc.
400 naÿ› nä√ü∞u 500 WNË› ainnü∞u 600 å›Ë› a∞unü∞u
700 ¶¤Ë› eΩunü∞u 800 ¶BÊ› e∫∫ü∞u
900 etaÒ¬aërM tho¬¬äyiram
901 etaÒ¬aërT∆ o˜› tho¬¬äyiratth’ o√∞u
902 etaÒ¬aërT∆ irBƒ " ira∫∂u, etc.
999 etaÒ¬aërT∆T etaBʉ› o˜p∆ tho¬¬äyiratthu-t- tho∫∫ü∞∞’ o√bathu
1000 AërM äyiram
1001 AërT∆ o˜› äyiratth’ o√∞u
1002 AërT∆ irBƒ " ira∫∂u, etc.
1100 AërT∆ (oÃ) Ë› äyiratthu (oru) nü∞u
1101 AërT∆ (oÃ) ˉ› o˜› äyiratthu (oru) nü∞∞u o√∞u, etc.
1200 AërT∆ ià ˛ äyiratth’ iru nü∞u
1201 AërT∆ ià ˉ› o˜› äyiratth’ iru nü∞∞’ o√∞u, etc.
1999 AërT∆T etaÒ¬aërT∆T etaBʉ› o˜p∆
äyiratthu-t-tho¬¬äyiratthu-t- tho∫∫ü∞∞’ o√bathu
2000 irBdaërM ira∫∂’äyiram
2001 irBdaërT∆ o˜› ira∫∂’äyiratth’ o√∞u
2002 irBdaërT∆ irBƒ " " ira∫∂u, etc.
2100 irBdaërT∆ (oÃ) Ë› ira∫∂’äyiratthu (oru) nü∞u
2101 irBdaërT∆ (oÃ) ˉ› o˜› ira∫∂’äyiratthu (oru) nü∞∞’ o√∞u, etc.

– 168 –
3000 …vaërM muväyiram
3001 …vaërT∆ o˜› muväyiratth’ o∞u
3002 …vaërT∆ irBƒ " ira∫∂u, etc., etc.
4000 nalaërM näl’äyiram
4001 nalaërT∆ o˜› näl’äyiratth’ o√∞u
4002 nalaërT∆ irBƒ " " ira∫∂u, etc., etc.
5000 WyaërM aiyäyiram
5001 WyaërT∆ o˜› aiyäyiratth’ o√∞u
5002 WyaërT∆ irBƒ " ira∫∂u, etc., etc.
6000 A®aërM ä∞’äyiram
6001 A®aërT∆ o˜› ä∞’äyiratth’ o√∞u
6002 A®aërT∆ irBƒ " " ira∫∂u, etc., etc.
7000 ´zaërM ëΩ’äyiram
7001 ´zaërT∆ o˜› ëΩ’äyiratth’ o√∞u
7002 ´zaërT∆ irBƒ " " ira∫∂u, etc., etc.
8000 ¶ˇ†aërM e††’äyiram
8001 ¶ˇ†aërT∆ o˜› e††’äyiratth’ o√∞u
8002 ¶ˇ†aërT∆ irBƒ " " ira∫∂u, etc., etc.
9000 o˜ptaërM o√bath’äyiram
9001 o˜ptaërT∆ o˜› o√bath’äyiratth’ o√∞u
9002 o˜ptaërT∆ irBƒ " " ira∫∂u, etc.
9999 o˜ptaërT∆T etaÒ¬aërT∆T etaBʉ› o˜p∆
o√bath’äyiratthu-t-tho¬¬äyiratthu-t- tho∫∫ü∞∞’ o√bathu
10,000 pTtaërM patth’äyiram
10,001 pTtaërT∆ o˜› patth’äyiratthu o√∞u
10,002 pTtaërT∆ irBƒ " " ira∫∂u, etc.
11,000 pçeˆa˜®aërM pathi√o√∞’äyiram
11,001 pçeˆa˜®aërT∆ o˜› pathi√o√∞’äyiratth’ o√∞u, etc.
12,000 p˜òrBdaërM pa√√ira∫∂’äyiram
12,001 p˜òrBdaërT∆ o˜› pa√√ira∫∂’äyiratth’ o√∞u, etc., etc.
90,000 etaBÊ®aërM tho∫∫ü∞’äyiram
90,001 etaBÊ®aërT∆ o˜› tho∫∫ü∞’äyiratth’ o√∞u
90,002 etaBÊ®aërT∆ irBƒ " " ira∫∂u, etc., etc.
99,999 etaBÊ®aërT∆ o˜ptaërT∆T etaÒ¬aërT∆T etaBʉ› o˜p∆
tho∫∫ü∞’äyiratth’ o√bath’äyiratthu-t-tho¬¬äyiratthu-t- tho∫∫ü∞∞’ o√bathu

– 169 –
1,00,000 Ë®aërM nü∞’äyiram or lxM lakßam (‘lakh’ = 100 x 1000)
2,00,000 iÃË®aërM irunü∞’äyiram or irBƒ lxM ira∫∂u lakßam (2 lakhs)
8,00,000 ¶BÊ®aërM e∫∫ü∞’äyiram or ¶Dƒ lxM e††u lakßam (eight lakhs)
9,00,000 o˜p∆ lxM o√bathu lakßam (nine lakhs)
10,00,000 pT∆ lxM patthu lakßam (ten lakhs or one million)
90,00,000 etaBÊ› lxM tho∫∫ü∞u lakßam (ninety lakhs or nine million)
1,00,00,000 Ë› lxM or oà Ekaã ‘nü∞u lakßam’ or ‘oru kö∂i’ (100 lakhs = 1 kö∂i)
[lxM lakßam is Sanskritic; lDcM la†cham is a more Tamilized form; lakh is English]
All Tamil numbers (positive integers) have noun forms and adjective forms. Here is a sampling:
Noun (ital.) & Adj. (rom. bold) (Exclusively) Adj. (rom. normal)
0 ÈJyM büjyam – 0 – –
1 o˜› o√∞u – 1 oÃ, oR- oru, or-
2 irBƒ ira∫∂u ira∫∂u 2 iÃ-, IR- iru-, ïr-
3 Θ› mü√∞u mü√∞u 3 …-, Î- mu-, mü-
4 naÕ nälu nälu 4 na(L)- nä(l)-
5 WN∆ ainthu ainthu 5 W -, WM- ai-, aim-
6 A› ä∞u ä∞u 6 å›- a∞u-
7 ´¤ ëΩu ëΩu 7 ¶¤- eΩu-
8 ¶Dƒ e††u e††u 8 ¶B- e∫-
9 o˜p∆ o√bathu o√bathu 9 o˜pT∆ o√batthu
10 pT∆ patthu patthu 10 – –
11 pçeˆa˜› pathi√-o√∞u – 11 pçeˆaà pathi√-o∞u
12 p˜òrBƒ pa√√-ira∫∂u pa√√-ira∫∂u
13 pçΘ› pathi-mü√∞u pathi-mü√∞u
14 pçˆaÕ pathi-√älu pathi-√älu
15 pçwˆN∆ pathi√-ainthu pathi√-ainthu
16 pçˆa› pathi√-ä∞u pathi√-ä∞u
17 pçEˆ¤ pathi√-ëΩu pathi√-ëΩu
18 pçeˆDƒ pathi√-e††u pathi√-e††u
19 pTeta˜p∆ patth-o√bathu patth-o√bathu
20 iÃp∆ irubathu irubathu 20 iÃpT∆ irubatthu
30 …Pp∆ muppathu muppathu 30 …PpT∆ muppatthu
40 na‰p∆ nä®pathu nä®pathu 40 na‰pT∆ nä®patthu
50 WMp∆ aimbathu aimbathu 50 WMpT∆ aimbatthu
60 å›p∆ a∞ubathu a∞ubathu 60 å›pT∆ a∞ubatthu
70 ¶¤p∆ eΩubathu eΩubathu 70 ¶¤pT∆ eΩubatthu
80 ¶Bp∆ e∫bathu e∫bathu 80 ¶BpT∆ e∫batthu
90 etaBÊ› tho∫∫ü∞u tho∫∫ü∞u 90 etaBʉ› tho∫∫ü∞∞u
100 Ë› nü∞u nü∞u 100 ˉ› nü∞∞u
1000 AërM äyiram äyiram 1000 AërT∆ äyiratthu

– 170 –
To build up a large number, all the words for the various amounts which the digits represent are
put down in order from the largest to the smallest. For example, consider the following number:
9999 ‘nine thousand nine hundred ninety nine’ can be analyzed into:
(thousands) 9000 = o˜ptaërT∆ o√bath’äyiratthu (nine thousand)
(hundreds) 900 = etaÒ¬aërT∆ tho¬¬äyiratthu (nine hundred)
(tens) 90 = etaBʉ› tho∫∫ü∞∞u (ninety)
(units) 9 = o˜p∆ o√bathu (nine)
9999 o˜ptaërT∆T etaÒ¬aërT∆T etaBʉ› o˜p∆
o√bath’äyiratthu-t- tho¬¬äyiratthu- t- tho∫∫ü∞∞’ o√bathu
All of these element words must be put in an adjectival form except the last (o˜p∆ o√bathu)
which is in its noun form. Consider another four digit number:
7777 ‘seven thousand seven hundred seventy seven’ can be analyzed into:
(thousands) 7000 = ´zaërT∆ ëΩ’äyiratthu (seven thousand)
(hundreds) 700 = ¶¤Ë‰› eΩunü∞∞u (seven hundred)
(tens) 70 = ¶¤pT∆ eΩubatthu (seventy)
(units) 7 = ´¤ ëΩu (seven)
7777 ´zaërT∆ ¶¤Ë‰› ¶¤pT∆ ´¤
ëΩ’äyiratth’ eΩunü∞∞’ eΩubatth’ ëΩu
Consider the even larger number below:
99,999 etaBÊ®aërT∆ o˜ptaërT∆T etaÒ¬aërT∆T etaBʉ› o˜p∆
tho∫∫ü∞’äyiratth’ o√bath’äyiratthu-t-tho¬¬äyiratthu-t- tho∫∫ü∞∞’ o√bathu
(tens of thousands) 90,000 = etaBÊ®aërT∆ tho∫∫ü∞’äyiratthu (ninety thousand)
(thousands) 9000 = o˜ptaërT∆ o√bath’äyiratthu (nine thousand)
(hundreds) 900 = etaÒ¬aërT∆ tho¬¬äyiratthu (nine hundred)
(tens) 90 = etaBʉ› tho∫∫ü∞∞u (ninety)
(units) 9 = o˜p∆ o√bathu (nine)
The exclusively adjectival forms of numbers are presented above in roman, normal type.
The nouns, all of which (excepting o˜› o√∞u) have isomorphic adjectival counterpart forms,
are presented in italics. The adjectival forms which are isomorphic with their counterpart
noun forms are presented in roman bold type – and are only used to modify ‘äyiram’,
‘lakßam’, and ‘kö∂i’. And, in the case of ‘äyiram’, only six out of the nine single digit forms
of this type are used:
‘2’ in 2000 irBdaërM ira∫∂’äyiram
‘4’ in 4000 nalaërM näl’äyiram
‘6’ in 6000 A®aërM ä∞’äyiram
‘7’ in 7000 ´zaërM ëΩ’äyiram
‘8’ in 8000 ¶DdaërM e††’äyiram
‘9’ in 9000 o˜ptaërM o√bath’äyiram

– 171 –
Archaic Negative Verbs
It is peculiar to this language [Tamil], to have a mode, whereby, without any particle importing nega-
tion, they express the negative sense of every verb. The Tamilians [give to this] negation [the name]
¶çRmw®emaï [ethir-ma∞ai-moΩi]. – Joseph Beschi, 1728*
Tamil, however, far more commonly, does import a negative particle iLwl (illai), in the same
way that English imports the negative particle ‘no’ or ‘not’. But in the ‘Archaic’ type of negation, nothing is
imported. Instead, the middle segment of an affirmative indicative verb is simply left out, thus transforming
it into a negative verb. This form of negation is considered ‘archaic’, as it has, largely, fallen into disuse.
The venerable G.U. Pope has characterized this Archaic Negative (which he calls an ‘absolute
negative’) in these words:
The Tamil has a peculiarity nearly confined to the family of South Indian dialects: it has a negative
inflexion of the verb. And this is formed by adding to the root the personal terminations without any
particle indicative of time. Compare:
pã + Ká› + ´˜ = pãKáE®˜ , I read
pã + 0 + ´˜ = pãEy˜ , I do not read
The learner may imagine, if he please, that the absence of any middle particle denoting time signifies
that the action of the verb takes place in no time whatever; and so an absolute negative for all times is
The Tamil word ¶çR (ethir) has, prominently, two meanings, ‘future’ and ‘opposite’. All negative
verbs are esentially tenseless in themselves. There is no element in them to indicate tense. The sense of tense
must therefore come from outside of Archaic Negative verbs. It can be supplied by other time-indicating
words within the sentence containing them or by an assumed time-framework established earlier. Therefore,
in the present context, I would interpret ethir as meaning ‘opposite’, not ‘future’.
The Tamil transitive form of the verb mw® (ma∞ai) has the meaning of ‘withhold’, ‘suppress’,
‘block out’. My interpretation of the Tamil expression, ¶çRmw®emaï [ethir-ma∞ai-moΩi], therefore, is:
‘Words [moΩi] (changed into their) opposites [ethir] (by) blocking out [ma∞ai]’. You can see below how the
‘blocking out’ of the middle segment (the time-indicating Infixes: -tth-, -kki∞-, and -pp-) of affirmative
verbs converts them into opposite, negative verbs.
AFFIRMATIVE ARCHAIC NEGATIVE (tense to be trans. accd. to context)
paRTEt˜ pär-tth-ë√ I saw paEr˜ pär-ë√ I didn’t/don’t/won’t see
paRKá®aY pär-kki∞-äy you see paraY pär-äy you didn’t/don’t/won’t see
paRPpa˜ pär-pp-ä√ he will see para˜ pär-ä√ he didn’t/doesn’t/won’t see
paRPpaÒ pär-pp-ä¬ she will see paraÒ pär-ä¬ she didn’t/doesn’t/won’t see
Below is Beschi’s example sentence (p. 57) which demonstrates how two different time-indicating
words (mu√√um ‘before’ and i√iyum ‘in the future’) within a single sentence can determine that the identical
form of an Archaic Negative verb is to be translated both in the past tense and again in the future tense:
‘…˜fiN çÃEd˜ iòÀN çÃEd˜!’
‘Mu√√un- thiru∂ë√- i√iyun- thiru∂ë√!’
‘I have neither been accustomed to steal [thiru∂ë√] before [mu√√um], nor will I steal [thiru∂ë√] in future [i√iyum].’
*This quotation is from p. 56 of the English translation by George William Mahon of the original
(1728) Latin work by Constantius Joseph Beschi. Its English title is A Grammar of the Common Dialect of
the Tamul Language, Called ekaƒNtêZ (Madras: The Christian Knowledge Society’s Press, 1848).
1A Handbook of the Tamil Language, 7th edition, 1904 (AES reprint), p. 94.

– 172 –
Here is another example sentence illustrating an Archaic Negative verb which absorbs its sense of
past tense ‘by association’ with the preceding past participle Etã (thë∂i):
¶˜ Epˆawv ¶ı¿ EtãÀM kaEbaM.2
E√ pë√ävai e≥gu thë∂iyum kä∫öm.
(Though) having searched everywhere for my pen, we didn’t find (it).
AFFIRMATIVE (past tense) ARCHAIC NEGATIVE (trans. past tense due to thë∂i)
kBEdaM ka∫-∂-öm we did find kaEbaM kä∫-öm we didn’t find
In modern usage, the original meaning of the pronominal ending ‘öm’ (‘we’), in kä∫-öm, seems to
have been replaced with such translations as: ‘My pen is not to be seen’, or ‘ I can’t find my pen’.
Conjugation of an Affirmative Verb together with its opposite Archaic Negative
AFFIRMATIVE ARCHAIC NEGATIVE (Tense accd. to external context)
ecYáE®˜ sey-gi∞-ë√ I do ecYEy˜ seyy-ë√ I didn’t/don’t/won’t do
ecYá®aY sey-gi∞-äy you do ecYyaY seyy-äy you didn’t/don’t/won’t do
ecYá®a˜ sey-gi∞-ä√ he does ecYya˜ seyy-ä√ he didn’t/doesn’t/won’t do
ecYá®aÒ sey-gi∞-ä¬ she does ecYyaÒ seyy-ä¬ she didn’t/doesn’t/won’t do
ecYá®∆ sey-gi∞-athu it does ecYya∆ seyy-äthu it didn’t/doesn’t/won’t do
ecYáE®aM sey-gi∞-öm we do ecYEyaM seyy-öm we didn’t/don’t/won’t do
ecYáΩR(kÒ) sey-gi∞-ïr(ga¬) you do ecY∑R(kÒ) seyy-ïr(ga¬) you didn’t/don’t/won’t do
ecYá®aR(kÒ) sey-gi∞-är(ga¬) they do ecYyaR(kÒ) seyy-är(ga¬) they didn’t/don’t/won’t do
ecYᘮˆ sey-gi√∞-a√a they do ecYya seyy-ä they didn’t/don’t/won’t do

ecYEt˜ sey-th-ë√ I did ecYEy˜ seyy-ë√ I didn’t/don’t/won’t do

ecYtaY sey-th-äy you did ecYyaY seyy-äy you didn’t/don’t/won’t do
ecYta˜ sey-th-ä√ he did ecYya˜ seyy-ä√ he didn’t/doesn’t/won’t do
ecYtaÒ sey-th-ä¬ she did ecYyaÒ seyy-ä¬ she didn’t/doesn’t/won’t do
ecYt∆ sey-th-athu it did ecYya∆ seyy-äthu it didn’t/doesn’t/won’t do
ecYEtaM sey-th-öm we did ecYEyaM seyy-öm we didn’t/don’t/won’t do
ecY≥R(kÒ) sey-th-ïr(ga¬) you did ecY∑R(kÒ) seyy-ïr(ga¬) you didn’t/don’t/won’t do
ecYtaR(kÒ) sey-th-är(ga¬) they did ecYyaR(kÒ) seyy-är(ga¬) they didn’t/don’t/won’t do
ecYtˆ sey-th-a√a they did ecYya seyy-ä they didn’t/don’t/won’t do

ecYEv˜ sey-v-ë√ I’ll do ecYEy˜ seyy-ë√ I didn’t/don’t/won’t do

ecYvaY sey-v-äy you’ll do ecYyaY seyy-äy you didn’t/don’t/won’t do
ecYva˜ sey-v-ä√ he’ll do ecYya˜ seyy-ä√ he didn’t/doesn’t/won’t do
ecYvaÒ sey-v-ä¬ she’ll do ecYyaÒ seyy-ä¬ she didn’t/doesn’t/won’t do
ecYÀM seyy-um it’ll do ecYya∆ seyy-äthu it didn’t/doesn’t/won’t do
ecYEvaM sey-v-öm we’ll do ecYEyaM seyy-öm we didn’t/don’t/won’t do
ecY™R(kÒ) sey-v-ïr(ga¬) you’ll do ecY∑R(kÒ) seyy-ïr(ga¬) you didn’t/don’t/won’t do
ecYvaR(kÒ) sey-v-är(ga¬) they’ll do ecYyaR(kÒ) seyy-är(ga¬) they didn’t/don’t/won’t do
ecYÀM seyy-um they’ll do ecYya seyy-ä they didn’t/don’t/won’t do

example sentence has been taken from the Cre-A Dictionary of Contemporary Tamil
(Kíyaɘ t‰kalT têZ åkraç), p. 288, under the verb kaB (kä∫)]:

– 173 –
Over the centuries, the use of the Archaic Negative Verb in its full conjugational glory may have
fallen out of favor, but its important relics are very much with us today in the realm of Tamil Negation.
I give, with some modification, G.U. Pope’s examples of different types of ‘Negative Verbs’, in his
‘Synopsis of the Tamil Verb’ (lessons 37-40):
NEGATIVE weak form strong form
1) ABSOLUTE ecYEy˜ I didn’t/don’t/won’t do, pãEy˜ I didn’t/don’t/won’t learn
ecYyaY you didn’t/don’t/won’t do, pãyaY you didn’t/don’t/won’t learn
ecYya˜ he didn’t/doesn’t/won’t do, &c. pãya˜ he didn’t/doesn’t/won’t learn, &c.
2) COMPOUND ecYyÉLwl (I-they) didn’t/do(es)n’t do pãKkÉLwl (I-they) didn’t/do(es)n’t learn
3) VERBAL NOUN ecYá®çLwl (I-they) do(es)n’t do pãKá®çLwl (I-they) do(es)n’t learn
+ iLwl ecYtçLwl (I-they) didn’t do pãTtçLwl (I-they) didn’t learn
ecYvçLwl (I-they)won’t do pãPpçLwl (I-they) won’t learn
4) ADVERBIAL ecYya∆ not doing pãya∆ not learning
PARTICIPLES ecYyamL not doing pãyamL not learning
5) ADJECTIVAL ecYyat that does not pãyat that learns not
PARTICIPLES ecYya that does not pãya that learns not
6) VERBAL ecYyawm (the) not doing pãyawm (the) not learning
NOUNS ecYyatv˜ he who didn’t/doesn’t/won’t do pãyatv˜ he who didn’t/doesn’t/won’t learn
ecYyatvÒ she who didn’t/doesn’t/won’t do pãyatvÒ she who didn’t/doesn’t/won’t learn
ecYyat∆ that which didn’t/doesn’t/won’t do pãyat∆ that which didn’t/doesn’t/won’t learn
7) IMPERATIVE ecYyaEt do not pãyaEt learn not
The examples 4), 5), 6), and 7) are all derived from the third person neuter singular of the Archaic
Negatives: ecYya∆ and pãya∆. The middle element, the tense-indicating Infix, is absent in all Archaic
Negative forms. The suffixes and inflections are joined directly to the ROOT of these two verbs, without any
tense-indicating Infix. On the pages of my Verb Tables (pp. 2-113), however, I have given examples for 4)
through 7) for each verb, where, instead, the suffixes and inflections are joined directly to the INFINITIVE
STEM. There will be no noticeable difference with such verbs as ecY sey, where its INFINITIVE STEM and
ROOT are identical. But with verbs like pã pa∂i, the form of the ‘INFINITIVE’ version will be quite different:
4) ADVERBIAL pãKka∆ not learning pãya∆ not learning
PARTICIPLES pãKkamL not learning pãyamL not learning
5) ADJECTIVAL pãKkat that learns not pãyat that learns not
PARTICIPLES pãKka that learns not pãya that learns not
6) VERBAL pãKkawm (the) not learning pãyawm (the) not learning
NOUNS pãKkatv˜ he who didn’t/doesn’t/won’t learn pãyatv˜ he who didn’t/doesn’t/won’t learn
pãKkatvÒ she who didn’t/doesn’t/won’t learn pãyatvÒ she who didn’t/doesn’t/won’t learn
pãKkat∆ that which didn’t/doesn’t/won’t learn pãyat∆ that which didn’t/doesn’t/won’t learn
7) IMPERATIVE pãKkaEt learn not pãyaEt learn not
Is there any difference in using the ‘INFINITIVE’ version?
Consider: If your friend is sitting in his car on a hot summer day, you might say to him: ¶íyaEt!
(eriyäthë!), ‘Don’t burn up!’ But if you saw a child about to set fire to something he shouldn’t, you could
shout: ¶íKkaEt! (erikkäthë!), ‘Don’t set fire!
In the case of a verb’s ROOT (such as ¶í eri) which is capable of being conjugated either transi-
tively or intransitively, the ‘INFINITIVE’ version will better express the sense of transitivity in the one,
against the intransitivity of the other.

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