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Energy Conversion and Management 70 (2013) 90–106

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GIS-based site selection methodology for hybrid renewable energy

systems: A case study from western Turkey
Nazli Yonca Aydin a, Elcin Kentel b,⇑, H. Sebnem Duzgun c
Institute of Urban Water Management, University of Kaiserslautern, 67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany
Department of Civil Engineering, Middle East Technical University, 06800 Ankara, Turkey
Geodetic and Geographic Information Technologies, Middle East Technical University, 06800 Ankara, Turkey

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Renewable energy sources are presently being considered as alternatives to fossil fuels, because they are
Received 29 October 2012 perpetual, environmentally friendly, and release negligible amounts of greenhouse gases to the atmo-
Accepted 4 February 2013 sphere while producing energy. A disadvantage of renewable energy systems, however, is that continu-
Available online 29 March 2013
ous energy generation is not possible by using only one type of renewable energy system, since
renewable energy resources depend on climate and weather conditions. Two or more renewable energy
Keywords: systems can be integrated into a hybrid system to overcome this problem so that when one resource is
Site selection
not available, the other can continue producing energy. Another disadvantage of renewable energy
Hybrid renewable energy systems
Fuzzy decision-making
sources is that they are not available at every geographic location. Their use is mostly advantageous at
remote locations that often are of high ecological value. Thus, identification of preferable locations for
renewable energy systems is a decision-making problem that requires evaluation of the potential of
the resource together with economic and environmental limitations. This paper introduces a methodol-
ogy for site selection of hybrid wind solar–PV renewable energy systems. First, environmental acceptabil-
ity and economic feasibility objectives are identified through a comprehensive review of the literature,
current Turkish laws and legislations, and interviews with the General Directorate of Electrical Power
Resources Survey and Development Administration of Turkey. Second, viable locations in terms of envi-
ronmental acceptability and economic feasibility are determined through a fuzzy decision-making pro-
cedure that uses ordered weighted averaging algorithm for aggregating multiple objectives. Then,
priority sites are identified separately for wind and solar energy systems by using Geographic Informa-
tion System (GIS) and finally associated maps are overlaid to obtain the most feasible locations for hybrid
wind solar–PV systems.
Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction solar–PV are intermittent; therefore, it would be difficult to pro-

vide a stable energy supply using only one renewable energy
As energy demand is increasing around the world, renewable source. For example, Kitaneh et al. [7] found that monthly wind
energy resources such as solar and wind have become more impor- power density increases in summer and gets lower during winter
tant [1]. Currently, there are many renewable energy applications in Palestine. However, combining two or more renewable energy
in developed and developing countries and renewable energy re- sources into a hybrid system often helps to overcome this limita-
sources are expected to become a significant component of the to- tion and reduces reliance on conventional energy resources. In hy-
tal energy supply in the future [2]. Renewable energy systems are brid systems, the weakness of one source is compensated by the
environmentally friendly compared to conventional energy sys- strengths of the other source(s) [8]. Hybrid energy systems can
tems. They do not produce any physical pollution especially green- either be standalone or grid-connected [9]. In this study, a grid-
house gases [3]. They do not exhaust any natural resource and the connected hybrid renewable energy system is evaluated.
inputs they use are abundant in nature [4,5]. There are many studies in the literature emphasizing the impor-
One main drawback of stand-alone renewable energy systems tance of hybrid renewable energy systems rather than single
is their dependence on short and long-term weather and climatic renewable energy systems [10–17]. Solar–wind energy systems
conditions. According to [6] renewable power from wind and are among the most widely studied hybrid systems. Kaldellis
et al. [18] proposed an integrated techno-economic methodology
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +90 312 2105412; fax: +90 312 2107956. to reduce the cost of a standalone wind–PV based power system
E-mail address: (E. Kentel). for remote consumers. It is emphasized that costs of PV and wind

0196-8904/$ - see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
N.Y. Aydin et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 70 (2013) 90–106 91

Identification of environmental objectives & economic feasibility objectives STEP 1

Data collection & processing

Solar and wind energy potentials & Study area boundaries and geographic features Environmental objectives STEP 2
economic feasibility objectives


Representation of economic feasibility criteria as fuzzy sets Representation of environmental objectives as fuzzy sets STEP 3

Computation of the individual satisfaction degrees of each fuzzy Computation of individual satisfaction degrees of each fuzzy
objective for each grid location objective for each grid location

Calculation of overall Calculation of overall
Calculation of overall wind Calculation of overall solar
environmental performance environmental performance
energy performance index energy performance index
index for wind energy (OEPIW) index for solar energy (OEPIS)




Fig. 1. Methodology for site selection process.

Table 1
Environmental objectives and associated criteria for wind energy [42].

Environmental objectives Criteria Reference

F-1. Acceptable in terms of natural reserves 1000 m away from areas of ecological value [3]
400 m away from water bodies [3]
250 m away from ecologically sensitive areas [52]
F-2. Acceptable in terms of safety and aesthetics for airports 2500 m away from airports [59]
2500 m away from airports [60]
F-3. Acceptable in terms of safety and aesthetics for town centers Minimum 1000 m away from towns [60]
F-4. Acceptable in terms of safety and aesthetics for large city centers 2000 m away from large settlements [3]
2000 m away from cities, urban centers [59]
F-5. Acceptable in terms of noise 500 m away from nearest habitat [61,62,52]
400 m away from nearest habitat [63]
F-6. Acceptable in terms of bird habitat At least 500 m away from wildlife conservation areas [52]
300 m from nature reserves to reduce risk to birds [64]

systems are still considered relatively high however; hybrid sys- stated that winds are stronger at night and solar panels produce
tems may reduce the energy storage need and improve economic power only during the day, thus installing both at one project loca-
feasibility. Paska et al. [19] designed a hybrid wind solar–PV power tion will lower costs for both and make forecasting output more
system and in doing so identified a new problem: the integration of predictable.
hybrid power plants with the existing power network. Neverthe- Spatial analyses of renewable energy suitability became a pop-
less, they concluded that hybrid power systems increase flexibility ular research area in the past decade. Mann et al. [22] used a logis-
in power supply. In a recent study, Chen et al. [20] suggested var- tic regression approach to determine spatial factors driving wind
ious success criteria for hybrid wind solar–PV power systems. Ana- energy development in Iowa. They conducted a fully empirical
lytical hierarchy process was used to investigate the benefits, analysis to establish a relationship between wind energy and its
opportunities, costs, and risks of hybrid systems. Finally, an inte- spatially-varying explanatory factors such as wind speed and
grated framework was proposed in order to evaluate power system resulting wind energy density, land use, demographic characteris-
projects. Practical applications of hybrid solar–wind energy sys- tics, and spatial relationship to transmission lines, roads, and elec-
tems on international markets are promoted by well-known en- tricity customers. In another study, Punt et al. [23] integrated an
ergy companies as well. For example, Vic Abate, who runs economic model and an ecological model to spatially allocate off-
General Electric Co.’s (GE) renewables unit, said that GE is trying shore wind farms to maximize revenues while accounting for other
to convince developers that have bought wind turbines to purchase environmental concerns such as protecting bird and fish popula-
solar panels as well in an interview on January 20, 2012 [21]. He tions. They formulated the integrated model as a constrained
92 N.Y. Aydin et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 70 (2013) 90–106

Table 2
Environmental objectives and associated criteria for solar energy.

Environmental objectives Criteria Reference

C-1. Acceptable in terms of natural reserves Only the constructions for public interest are allowed if activities are highly necessary to build on forest [65]
Only the constructions that are compatible with the nature are allowed [66]
The structures that have adverse impacts on habitat cannot be built [67]
F-7. Acceptable in terms of agricultural areas Agricultural area must be protected in order to sustain natural functions of the land [68]
Cultivable land might be damaged by large scale installations thus must be protected [54]
F-8. Acceptable in terms of flight security Minimum distance to airports is 3000 m and maximum distance to airports is 6000 m [44]
F-9. Acceptable in terms of lakes and At least 2.5 km buffer zone to protect ecologic and topographic features [69]
F-10. Acceptable in terms of coastline or river Minimum distance is 100 m from the coastline [50]

Table 3
Economic feasibility objectives for wind energy.

Economic feasibility objectives Criteria Reference

F-11. Acceptable slope Slope up to 10% [3]
Slope up to 30% [70]
Slope up to 20% [71]
Slope up to 30% [72]
F-12. Acceptable proximity to transmission lines At most 10 km from national grid [3]
At most 2 km from national grid [70]
F-13. Acceptable proximity to main roads Minimum distance is required for operation and maintenance purpose [73]
Maximum distance to major roads should be 10 km [3]
Maximum distance to major roads should be 2.5 km [70]
Maximum distance to major roads should be 240 m [71]
F-14. Sufficient potential for wind energy generation Economically feasible power values are between 300 w/m2 and 400 w/m2 in Turkey [47,48]
Economically feasible power values starts from 200 w/m2 in Europe

Table 4
Economic feasibility objectives for solar energy.

Economic feasibility objectives Criteria Reference

F-15. Sufficient Potential for Solar Minimum solar radiation value is 4.5 kW h/m day [57]
Energy Generation
F-16. Acceptable slope Slope up to 3%, 1% most economic [74]
Less than 3% [53]
F-17. Acceptable proximity to For grid-connected systems, if the distance to transmission line is more than 0.5 miles, then additional costs [75]
transmission lines associated with connecting the system to the nearest grid must be considered
F-18. Acceptable proximity to urban Minimum distance to urban areas should be 5 km. Maximum distance to urban areas should be 10 km [53]
areas Electrical production plants need to be located near urban area to avoid transmission loss
Proper site selection and design of large PV installations due to the visual impact [5]

optimization problem. They concluded that careful spatial plan- renewable energy systems. Identification of environmentally and
ning of turbines may prevent the turbines from causing major geographically favorable locations that are associated with highest
harm to bird populations, while increasing local fish stocks. potentials at the same time is a complex decision-making process.
Most of the environmental impacts of renewable energy tech- GIS provides wide range of spatial analysis capabilities for site
nologies are directly related with the geographic location of the selection problems [25]; thus, the alternative locations can be eval-
renewable energy systems and can be reduced by proper site selec- uated using GIS tools.
tion. For example, Morrison and Sinclair [24] stated that bird hab- Many GIS applications have been developed for site selection
itat can be affected by wind power development if wind farms are problems in various research areas such as natural resources man-
installed on bird migration paths or near bird habitats. Another agement, environmental pollution and hazard control, regional
environmental problem is that wind turbines may cause noise pol- planning, urban development, and utilities management [26–30].
lution and visual intrusion. Similarly, solar–PV systems that re- These complex decision-making problems require simultaneous
quire large amount of land have negative visual impact if they evaluation of conflicting criteria for a given site. Multi-Criteria
are located near the areas of natural beauty [5]. These studies indi- Decision-Making (MCDM) provides a systematic tool for decision
cate that site selection of renewable energy systems influence de- makers in selecting the best alternative [31]. There are many
gree of environmental impacts, thus need to be considered examples of GIS-based MCDM applications and renewable energy
together with economic feasibilities of solar and wind energies in system evaluation studies in the literature. For example, Quijano
identifying proper sites for hybrid systems. et al. [32] proposed a tool named MODERGIS to simulate current
In order to reduce negative environmental and social impacts, and future renewable energy plans according to various sustain-
proper site selection analysis has to be conducted before adopting ability criteria. GIS is used to identify suitable areas for solar and
N.Y. Aydin et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 70 (2013) 90–106 93

Fig. 2. Fuzzy membership functions for environmental objectives for wind energy [42].

wind energy power plants. Possible combinations of renewable en- identify economically and environmentally feasible locations for
ergy projects were evaluated using Multi-Criteria Analysis method hybrid wind solar–PV systems. Then proposed methodology is ap-
VIKOR in order to find the optimal combination. In another study, plied to a study area located in the western part of Turkey includ-
Janke [33] applied multi-criteria GIS modeling in Colorado. They ing Usak, Aydin, Denizli, Burdur, and Mugla provinces.
first classified the study area according to the solar and wind en- Economic feasibility objectives and environmental objectives
ergy potentials and then identified the most feasible locations for are identified for the case study application through a comprehen-
wind and solar farms. sive review of the literature, current Turkish laws and legislations,
GIS-based MCDM has been used together with Fuzzy Set Theory and interviews with the General Directorate of Electrical Power Re-
to model imprecise objectives in various research areas [34–36]. sources Survey and Development Administration (EIEI) of Turkey.
Ordered weighted averaging is a widely used tool of Fuzzy Set The- According to official gazette dated November 2, 2011 and num-
ory which was first proposed by [37]. Ordered weighted averaging bered 28103, General Directorate of Renewable Energy is estab-
operator provides an alternative aggregation algorithm for decision lished and replaced the EIEI [43]. While the research of this
makers by adjusting the degree of ‘‘anding’’ (satisfaction of all the study was conducted this office was named as ‘‘the General Direc-
desired criteria) and ‘‘oring’’ (satisfaction of any of the desired cri- torate of Electrical Power Resources Survey and Development
teria) [37]. Combination of ordered weighted averaging and GIS to- Administration’’, thus we prefer to use the former name. GIS to-
gether with Fuzzy Set Theory has been subject to several gether with MCDM helps to determine suitable locations of hybrid
applications [38–40] however, there are limited examples in the wind solar–PV systems according to the identified criteria. Ordered
renewable energy field. In one example, Charabi and Gastli [41] weighted averaging aggregator is used to combine environmental
used ordered weighted averaging in ArcGIS environment in order objectives and economic feasibility objectives.
to find suitable locations for large PV farms in Oman. Authors sug-
gested that uncertainty due to expert opinion can be handled by 2. Methodology
the fuzzy quantifiers. A GIS-based site selection MCDM methodol-
ogy for site selection of wind turbines, considering environmental The proposed methodology for the site selection process of hy-
constraints together with wind potentials, was developed by [42]. brid wind solar–PV energy system is given in Fig. 1. In this study,
The methodology of [42] is modified and extended in this study to suitable locations for wind turbines and solar–PV power plants
94 N.Y. Aydin et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 70 (2013) 90–106

Fig. 3. Fuzzy membership functions for environmental objectives for solar energy.

Fig. 4. Fuzzy membership functions for economic feasibility objectives related with wind energy.

are identified separately; then these priority sites are overlaid to ity criteria. Environmental objectives related with wind and solar
obtain feasible locations for hybrid wind solar–PV energy systems. energy generations are identified by searching the literature,
The proposed methodology has six main steps (Fig. 1). Details of current Turkish laws and legislations, and interviews with EIEI.
the each step in Fig. 1 are explained in the following subsections. For example, environmental objective related with flight security
is formed according to the legal notice of General Directorate of
2.1. Identification and quantification of environmental objectives Civil Navigation [44]. Structures with shine effects are not allowed
in the first 3000 m zone, while buildings higher than 45 m are not
As can be seen from Fig. 1, the first step is the identification and allowed in the second 3000 m zone [44]. The detailed review of
quantification of environmental objectives and economic feasibil- environmental objectives for wind energy generation and
N.Y. Aydin et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 70 (2013) 90–106 95

Fig. 5. Fuzzy membership functions for economic feasibility objectives related with solar energy.

Fig. 6. MCDM steps for hybrid wind solar–PV energy systems.

associated criteria from regulations and previous studies can be Table 2. The environmental objective called ‘‘Acceptable in terms
found in [42]. A summary of these environmental objectives is gi- of natural reserve’’ in Table 2 is marked as C.1 indicating that this
ven in Table 1. objective is treated as a crisp objective instead of a fuzzy objective.
Environmental objectives related with solar energy generation How this crisp objective is treated in the decision-making frame-
differ from those related with wind energy. For example, Turkish work is explained in Section 2.4.
legislation of renewable energy generation allows construction of
wind farms on forest areas [45]. However, solar power plants re- 2.2. Identification and quantification of economic feasibility objectives
quire large areas for installations (i.e. up to 60 ha) [46]. This means
that installation of solar power plants will result in loss of mass In addition to environmental objectives, economic feasibility of
forest areas. Environmental restrictions related with construction wind and solar power plants need to be considered for optimal site
of solar power plants on forest areas or natural reserves enforced selection of hybrid power plants. Since, economic feasibility highly
by Turkish legislation are used to develop a fuzzy objective named depends on the energy potential, most important economic feasi-
‘‘Acceptable in terms of natural reserves’’. This and other environ- bility objectives are existence of sufficient wind and solar energy
mental objectives related with solar power plants are provided in potentials within the study area. Sufficient wind energy potential
96 N.Y. Aydin et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 70 (2013) 90–106

Table 5 2.3. Data collection and processing

Site selection rules for wind, solar or hybrid wind solar–PV energies.

Degree of satisfaction for Degree of satisfaction for Priority sites (for Geographical features of the study area such as administrative
the first component the second component wind or solar or boundaries, locations of residential areas, boundaries of natural
(OEPIW or OEPIS or (OWEPI or OSEPI or hybrid wind solar– parks, natural protection zones, lakes, wetlands, and forest area
are gathered as the second step (see Fig. 1). In addition, wind
0.0–0.5 0.0–0.5 0 and solar energy potential atlases of the study area are obtained.
0.0–0.5 0.5–1.0 0
After that, the study area is divided into 250 m  250 m grids, each
0.5–1.0 0.0–0.5 0
0.5–1.0 0.5–1.0 1 representing an alternative location for the hybrid wind solar–PV
energy system. Each criterion associated with environmental
objectives and economic feasibility objectives for solar and wind
criterion is identified according to interviews with EIEI experts. energies (Tables 1–4) are represented as separate layers. For exam-
Economically feasible wind energy potential of Turkey is identified ple, in order to calculate overall solar energy performance index,
as 300–400 W/m2 [47,48]. Economic feasibility objectives for wind ‘‘Sufficient Potential for Solar Energy Generation’’, ‘‘Acceptable
energy are given in Table 3. slope’’, ‘‘Acceptable proximity to transmission lines’’, and ‘‘Accept-
Currently, there are seven wind farms in the study area and able proximity to urban areas’’ (see Table 4) layers are prepared.
more are expected to be built in the future. However, solar energy
is not as popular as wind energy in Turkey. Legislation related with
the construction of solar power plants was approved in 2011 [49] 2.4. Representation of environmental objectives as fuzzy sets
and it is expected to increase solar energy investments in the near
future. Economic feasibility objectives for solar energy are identi- Third step of Fig. 1 is the representation of objectives as fuzzy
fied through the literature review and given in Table 4. sets. As can be seen in Tables 1–4 environmental objectives and
Fuzzy sets representing environmental and economic feasibility economic feasibility objectives contain fuzziness and vagueness
objectives used in this study are formed based on the literature re- that are the common characteristics of many decision-making
views conducted and background knowledge of the authors. These problems [20]. In this study, mathematical tools of Fuzzy Set The-
fuzzy objectives may be revised if new information becomes avail- ory are used to treat vagueness or ambiguity by representing pre-
able or based on special requirements and characteristics of spe- viously identified economic feasibility and environmental criteria
cific projects. The proposed methodology is applicable for new for wind and solar energy systems as fuzzy sets. Membership func-
projects with different sets of environmental and economic feasi- tions associated with fuzzy environmental objectives summarized
bility objectives. in Tables 1 and 2 for wind and solar energies are given in Figs. 2

Fig. 7. Wind energy potential atlas of Turkey [58].

Fig. 8. Solar energy potential atlas of Turkey [58].

N.Y. Aydin et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 70 (2013) 90–106 97

Fig. 9. Study area.

and 3, respectively. For instance, construction of water contami- 2.5. Representation of economic feasibility objectives as fuzzy sets
nating structures near a coastline is forbidden by Turkish Legisla-
tion of Coastlines. No large-scale structure within 100 m of the In order to perform site selection of hybrid wind solar–PV sys-
coastline or river is allowed [50]. Construction of energy structures tems, environmental objectives need to be evaluated together with
may have potential impact on coastal species [51]. At least a sepa- economic feasibility objectives. A selected location that has high
ration distance of 500 m from wildlife areas is suggested for environmental satisfaction degree may not be a priority site for
renewable energy constructions [52]. This information is used in wind and solar energy systems unless the energy potentials and
constructing the membership function of ‘‘Acceptable in terms of other economic feasibility objectives are satisfied. Fuzzy member-
coastline or river’’ objective (see F-10 in Fig. 3). ship functions of economic feasibility objectives related with wind
‘‘Acceptable in terms of natural reserves’’ is one of the environ- and solar power plants are generated using the information sum-
mental objectives of solar energy systems (see C-1 in Table 2). For- marized in Tables 3 and 4 and given in Figs. 4 and 5, respectively.
est areas, national parks, and natural protection zones are Even though it seems like a ‘‘slope of the area’’ criterion is com-
considered as natural reserves in this study. Since these areas are mon for both solar and wind energies, the boundaries of their
highly protected by Turkish laws and legislations, structures that membership functions are different due to varying requirements
may result in the loss of habitat and ecological values are not al- of different technologies. For example, while wind turbines can
lowed within natural reserves. Therefore, instead of using a fuzzy be located in areas having slopes up to 10% according to [3], solar
membership function for ‘‘Acceptable in terms of natural reserves’’ energy technologies require rather milder slopes in order to utilize
layer, a crisp objective is implemented: it is not acceptable to con- sunlight [53]. Depending on the specific requirements of the pro-
struct solar power plants inside natural reserves. ject, suggested economic feasibility criteria and environmental
98 N.Y. Aydin et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 70 (2013) 90–106

Fig. 10. OEPIW for ‘‘Satisfaction of most of the environmental feasibility objectives’’ for wind energy.

Fig. 11. OWEPI for ‘‘Satisfaction of most of the economic feasibility objectives’’ for wind energy.

objectives can be omitted, modified or new ones can be included is more than half a mile the fuzzy ‘‘proximity to transmission lines’’
into the analysis. For example, in this study, a grid-connected hy- criterion for solar energy is formulated as follows. To be able to as-
brid system is evaluated. But if there is an option to run PV mod- sign priorities to nodes that are close to the nearest transmission
ules as standalone in the future, ‘‘proximity to transmission line, first the nearest distance from each alternative location to
lines’’ for solar and wind energies can be omitted from the objec- the closest transmission line is calculated. Results showed that
tives. Since the only information found in the literature states that the maximum distance from an alternative location to a transmis-
for grid-connected systems additional costs associated with con- sion line is approximately 44 km. Then, a fuzzy membership func-
necting the system to the grid should be considered if the distance tion is constructed so that 45 km gets a satisfaction value of zero
N.Y. Aydin et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 70 (2013) 90–106 99

Fig. 12. Priority sites for wind energy generation within the study area.

Fig. 13. OEPIS map for ‘‘Satisfaction of most of the environmental objectives’’ for solar energy.

(see F-17 in Fig. 5). This means that alternative locations that are can be revised when new information or expert knowledge be-
closer to transmission lines get higher satisfaction degrees. comes available.
Fuzzy sets allow incorporation of expert knowledge, incomplete
and vague information into models. In this study, information col- 2.6. Computation of individual satisfaction degrees
lected from previous researches and author’s knowledge is used in
representing the environmental and economic feasibility objec- As mentioned before, separate layers are created in the GIS
tives as fuzzy sets. The membership functions of the fuzzy sets environment to represent each criterion associated with environ-
100 N.Y. Aydin et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 70 (2013) 90–106

Fig. 14. OSEPI for ‘‘Satisfaction of most of the economic feasibility objectives’’ for solar energy.

Fig. 15. Priority sites for solar power plants within the study area.

mental and economic feasibility objectives. Membership functions treating the fuzzy objective ‘‘acceptable in terms of slope of the
of the identified environmental and economic feasibility objectives area’’, slope of each alternative location (i.e. grid point) is used
enable us to evaluate individual satisfaction degrees for each together with the associated membership functions given as F-11
alternative location (Step 4 of Fig. 1). ArcGIS software is used in in Fig. 4 and as F-16 in Fig. 5 to calculate individual satisfaction
order to store the corresponding information in a database. degrees for wind and solar energies, respectively. If the slope of
Individual satisfaction degrees of environmental and economic an alternative location is 4% then the individual satisfaction degree
feasibility objectives for both wind and solar energies are stored for ‘‘acceptable in terms of slope of the area’’ of wind energy is 1.0
in separate columns of the associated layers. For example, in while the individual satisfaction degree for solar energy is 0.75.
N.Y. Aydin et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 70 (2013) 90–106 101

Fig. 16. OPIHWS map.

Fig. 17. Priority sites for hybrid wind solar–PV systems within the study area.

Individual satisfaction degrees of all the other criteria are calcu- economic feasibility objectives for wind and solar energies are
lated in the same manner. aggregated into an Overall Wind Energy Performance Index (OWE-
Individual satisfaction degrees of all environmental objectives PI) and an Overall Solar Energy Performance Index (OSEPI), respec-
for wind energy and solar energy are aggregated into an Overall tively. Thus, for each alternative location (i.e. grid point) an OEPIW,
Environmental Performance Index for Wind Energy (OEPIW) and an OEPIS, an OWEPI and an OSEPI index is calculated. Details of the
an Overall Environmental Performance Index for Solar Energy multi-criteria decision-making methodology are provided in the
(OEPIS), respectively. Similarly, individual satisfaction degrees of following section.
102 N.Y. Aydin et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 70 (2013) 90–106

Fig. 18. Current wind farm locations and potential areas for hybrid wind solar–PV plants.

2.7. Multi-Criteria Decision-Making (MCDM) between two extreme cases (i.e. ‘‘satisfaction of all the desired cri-
teria’’ – ‘‘satisfaction of any of the desired criteria’’) by combining
Overall environmental and energy performance indices are cal- ‘‘and’’ and ‘‘or’’ operators and refers to it as the ‘‘orand’’ operator.
culated using the ordered weighted averaging aggregator as shown The ordered weighted averaging operator combines various crite-
in Fig. 6. For example, all environmental objectives identified for ria with certain weights. The weights are assigned to the criteria
wind (i.e. F-1, F-2, F-3, F-4, F-5, and F-6) are aggregated using the according to their ordered position [37]. In this study, a regular
ordered weighted averaging aggregator and an OEPIW is obtained increasing quantifier ‘‘most’’ is used to aggregate environmental
for each grid. OEPIW values calculated for each grid of the study and economic feasibility objectives. The details of the calculations
area is used to generate the associated OEPIW map. Then, an OWE- of weights for the quantifier ‘‘most’’ is given in [42] and omitted
PI (by aggregating F-11, F12, F-13, F-14), an OSEPI (by aggregating here to conserve space. The details of the ‘‘and’’, ‘‘or’’ and ordered
F-15, F-16, F17, F-18), and an OEPIS (by aggregating C-1, F-7, F-8, F- weighted averaging aggregators can be found in [54].
9, F-10) is generated for each grid of the study area and they are
used to generate the associated maps. Next, for wind energy, OE-
PIW and OWEPI maps are overlaid by the ‘‘and’’ operator to gener- 3. Example application
ate the OPIWIND map. Then decision rules given in Table 5 are
used to identify the priority sites for wind energy systems. The proposed methodology for the site selection of a hybrid
In Table 5, the first and the second columns represent two dif- wind solar–PV energy system is applied to a study area in the wes-
ferent criteria used to identify the priority site. For example, for the tern part of Turkey. Turkey is located at an advantageous geo-
wind energy systems, the first column and the second column are graphical location in terms of renewable energy resources
OEPIW and OWEPI, respectively. Sites having higher than 0.5 mem- availability (see Figs. 7 and 8). Turkey has limited fossil fuel re-
bership function values for both OEPIW and OWEPI are identified sources and major air quality problems due to fossil fuel consump-
as priority sites for the wind energy system. The same procedure tion; therefore, shifting from fossil fuels to renewable energy
is applied for solar energy to generate the OPISOLAR map and systems might be a good alternative for Turkey [55]. Currently,
the priority sites for solar energy systems. Finally, OPIWIND and there are 41 operating wind farms in Turkey [56]. In addition,
OPISOLAR maps are overlaid by the ‘‘and’’ operator to generate new legislation associated with solar energy generation is expected
the OPIHWS map. Then same decision rules given in Table 5 are to enhance the interest in solar power plant installations in the
used to identify priority sites for hybrid wind solar–PV systems: near future [57]. Hybrid wind solar–PV systems are more reliable
grids having higher than 0.5 for both OPIWIND and OPISOLAR in providing continuous energy than standalone renewable energy
are identified as priority sites for hybrid wind solar–PV. systems. Thus, identification of feasible locations for hybrid wind
The ‘‘and’’ operator requires satisfaction of all the criteria with- solar–PV power plants will provide guidance for future renewable
out allowing any tradeoff among them. The other commonly used energy investments.
operator is the ‘‘or’’ operator that permits high tradeoff among the Fig. 7 shows that the western part of Turkey has relatively high
criteria. However, in real world problems, decision makers have to wind energy potential while the southern part of Turkey has high
compromise among various objectives. Certain criteria may be solar radiation values (see Fig. 8). Areas with high solar and wind
more important than the others. Yager [37] proposed the ordered potentials offer better opportunities for installation of new renew-
weighted averaging function that corresponds to somewhere able energy projects. Therefore, the study area chosen from the
N.Y. Aydin et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 70 (2013) 90–106 103

Fig. 19. Detailed view of current wind farm locations and potential areas for hybrid wind solar–PV power plants.
104 N.Y. Aydin et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 70 (2013) 90–106

southwestern part of Turkey is composed of Aydin, Usak, Burdur, or lack of environmental acceptability. A final priority map for so-
Denizli, and Mugla provinces. A detailed map of the study area lar–PV power plants is given in Fig. 15.
and location of the study area within Turkey are given in Fig. 9.
First, the study area is divided into 250 m by 250 m grids each 3.3. Hybrid wind solar–PV energy systems
representing an alternative location for an hybrid wind solar–PV
system. As explained in Section 2, priority sites for wind and solar Priority sites for solar and wind energies are identified sepa-
energy systems are evaluated separately. The results of the site rately in the previous sections. As presented earlier, hybrid wind
selection process for solar and wind energy systems are given in solar–PV systems are more advantageous than a single renewable
the following sections. energy system. Hybrid wind solar–PV systems provide continuous
energy and reduce cost [18]. OPIWIND and OPISOLAR maps are
3.1. Site selection for wind energy systems aggregated using the ‘‘and’’ operator to generate the OPIHWS
map (Fig. 16). Then the priority sites for hybrid wind solar–PV sys-
Economic feasibility and environmental acceptability are con- tems are identified using decision rules provided in Table 5. Fig. 17
sidered as decision criteria for the site selection of wind energy shows the priority sites for hybrid wind solar–PV systems. Hybrid
systems as well. Table 1 provides detail information about the systems installations in the identified priority sites may assist to
environmental fitness of wind power while Fig. 2 provides associ- minimize the continuity problem of a single renewable application
ated fuzzy membership functions. Similar to solar energy, both OE- and maximize the energy efficiency.
PIW and OWEPI maps are aggregated using ‘‘satisfaction of most of
the objectives’’ quantifier and ordered weighted averaging aggre- 4. Conclusions
gator. OEPIW and OWEPI maps are given in Figs. 10 and 11,
respectively. Today it is well accepted that renewable energy systems can re-
Individual satisfaction degrees for ‘‘Satisfaction of most of the duce environmental degradation due to energy consumption.
economic criteria’’ (i.e. OWEPI) and ‘‘Satisfaction of the most of Drawbacks of renewable energy systems have been investigated
the environmental criteria’’ (i.e. OEPIW) are combined into an OPI- in previous studies. One major problem associated with stand-
WIND using the ‘‘and’’ operator. Then priority sites for wind energy alone renewable energy system is discontinuous energy generation
(i.e. grids having a membership value of 0.5 and higher on OPI- due to changing weather and climatic conditions. In other words,
WIND map) are identified and given in Fig. 12. constant energy generation from wind turbines is only possible if
a minimum wind speed is maintained at all times. However this
3.2. Site selection for solar energy systems is not realistic. In order to maintain stability in electricity genera-
tion two or more renewable energy systems should be integrated
Environmental objectives for solar energy systems are given in into a hybrid system. The goal of this study is to develop a GIS-
Table 2 and associated fuzzy membership functions are given in based methodology to identify the preferred locations for hybrid
Fig. 3. Fuzzy membership functions are used to calculate the indi- wind solar–PV systems using mathematical tools of Fuzzy Set The-
vidual satisfaction degrees of each environmental criterion. The ory. A MCDM approach is used to evaluate environmental factors
satisfaction degree is an indicator that demonstrates the fulfill- together with economic feasibility objectives of wind and solar
ment degree of each alternative location with respect to the pro- energies.
posed decision criteria. For example, after applying fuzzy set in A map showing the priority sites for hybrid wind solar–PV sys-
‘‘Acceptable in terms of coastline or river’’ layer, each grid gets a tems is provided in Fig. 17. Currently, within the study area there
value between zero and one; zero representing an unsuitable site are six wind farms some of which are already constructed and
and one representing a suitable site. Then individual satisfaction the others have licenses to produce energy by using wind power.
degrees associated with each environmental objective are aggre- To increase the efficiency of energy generation on these locations,
gated using the ordered weighted averaging operator to create integration of solar–PV systems may be considered. Fig. 18 shows
the OEPIS map representing the ‘‘Satisfaction of most of the envi- the current wind turbine locations within the study area, and
ronmental objectives for solar energy’’ (Fig. 13). Fig. 19 gives a detailed view of current wind farm locations and
In the second stage, each alternative location is evaluated with identified potential areas for hybrid wind solar–PV systems. As
respect to economic feasibility objectives including solar energy can be seen from Fig. 19, wind farm numbers 3 and 4, and wind
potential, slope of land, proximity to transmission lines and urban farm number 6b are close to potential locations of hybrid wind so-
areas. These criteria are given in Table 4 and corresponding fuzzy lar–PV systems. Solar power plants can be planned at these loca-
membership functions are provided in Fig. 5. Fuzzy sets are used tions so that solar–PV power plants can produce electricity when
to obtain individual satisfaction degrees of economic feasibility wind turbines fail due to weather conditions.
objectives. Ordered weighted averaging aggregator is used to com- Currently, there are no hybrid wind solar–PV plants or large-
bine all of the economic feasibility objectives into an OSEPI map in scale solar power plants in Turkey. The new legislation [49] re-
the GIS environment. Final OSEPI map for the study area is given in leased in 2011 is expected to accelerate solar power plant invest-
Fig. 14. ments. In addition, solar energy technologies are improving and
OEPIS and OSEPI maps provide information about environmen- the cost of solar–PV modules are expected to decrease in the fu-
tally and economically feasible locations, respectively. In order to ture. Hybrid wind solar–PV power plants will become more
obtain both environmentally and economically feasible locations appealing for investors, since hybrid wind solar–PV power plants
(i.e. OPISOLAR), OEPIS and OSEPI are aggregated using the ‘‘and’’ are beneficial in terms of renewable energy efficiency and cost.
operator. Hence, each grid gets a single individual satisfaction de- The proposed hybrid wind solar–PV site selection methodology
gree representing its overall performance for a solar energy sys- may assist decision makers and investors to identify both econom-
tem. Identification of priority sites for solar energy generation is ically and environmentally feasible locations. Even though only
a decision-making process. In this study, decision rules given in Ta- wind and solar–PV systems are considered in the current applica-
ble 5 are applied for site selection. Grids with an overall perfor- tion, this site selection approach can easily be adapted for other
mance of at least 0.5 are identified as priority sites for solar types of alternative energy resources. For effective application,
energy generation and those with an individual satisfaction degree necessary data must be collected and environmental objectives
of less than 0.5 are eliminated due to insufficient energy potential and economic feasibility objectives must be identified carefully.
N.Y. Aydin et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 70 (2013) 90–106 105

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