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We are motivated to conduct this study to help the researchers to know and to become

aware of all the problems and challenges of being a Student-Parent, as well as their Academic

Performance and through the information gathered, other students in the university illuminate

their mind in our research. This study will determine the effects of the struggles and challenges

of being a student-parent to their academic performances. Specifically, this will seek to answer to

the following questions: How the profile of the respondents be described in terms of; Age, Civil

Status, General Weighted Average, Number of Children and Socioeconomic Status, How may

the plight of student-parent affect their academic performance in terms of: Time Management,

Health, Financial and Socialization, Is there any significant relationship between the profiles

when grouped and the challenges of the participants?, How may the lived experiences of the

participants be described?, and What is the implication of the findings to the adjustment in terms

of student-parent life The researcher will be used a mixed method design or the Sequential

Approach. The major characteristic of mixed-methods research is that it combines quantitative

and qualitative approaches by including both quantitative and qualitative data in a single research

study (Gay, Mills, & Airasian, 2009). Creswell and Plano Clark (2011) define mixed-methods

research as those studies that include at least one quantitative strand and one qualitative strand.

Based on the findings, student-parent had encounter plight that can affect their performance in

the school, and they need to know how they used their time in order to achieve their goal in

everyday activities. As a student-parent it has a big adjustment in terms of their responsibilities

in school and in home.

Time management is one the challenges of being a student-parent, studying while managing at

home are not an easy task for the student-parent. It requires an enough time to handle situations

like in school, paper works, and major examinations while in home the responsibility to take care

the children even the husband or wife.

Draft for Brochure: Student- Parent and their Academic Performance


We are motivated to conduct this study to help the researchers to know and to become

aware of all the problems and challenges of being a Student-Parent, as well as their Academic

Performance and through the information gathered, other students in the university illuminate

their mind in our research. This study will determine the effects of the struggles and challenges

of being a student-parent to their academic performances. Specifically, this will seek to answer to

the following questions: How the profile of the respondents be described in terms of; Age, Civil

Status, General Weighted Average, Number of Children and Socioeconomic Status, How may

the plight of student-parent affect their academic performance in terms of: Time Management,

Health, Financial and Socialization, Is there any significant relationship between the profiles

when grouped and the challenges of the participants?, How may the lived experiences of the

participants be described?, and What is the implication of the findings to the adjustment in terms

of student-parent life The researcher will be used a mixed method design or the Sequential

Approach. The major characteristic of mixed-methods research is that it combines quantitative

and qualitative approaches by including both quantitative and qualitative data in a single research

study (Gay, Mills, & Airasian, 2009). Creswell and Plano Clark (2011) define mixed-methods

research as those studies that include at least one quantitative strand and one qualitative strand.

Based on the findings, student-parent had encounter plight that can affect their performance in

the school, and they need to know how they used their time in order to achieve their goal in

everyday activities. As a student-parent it has a big adjustment in terms of their responsibilities

in school and in home.

Time management is one the challenges of being a student-parent, studying while

managing at home are not an easy task for the student-parent. It requires an enough time to

handle situations like in school, paper works, and major examinations while in home the

responsibility to take care the children even the husband or wife.

Keyword: Student-parent, Plight


To determine the effect of plight of student- parent to their academic performance

Statement of the problem

1. How the profile of the respondents may be described in terms of:

1.1 Age

1.2 Civil Status

1.3 General Weighted Average

1.4 Number of Children and

1.5 Socio-economic Status

2. How may the plight of student-parent affect their academic performance in terms


2.1 Time Management

2.2 Health

2.3 Financial

2.4 Socialization

3. Is there any significant relationship between the profiles when grouped and the

challenges of the participants?

4. How may the lived experiences of the participants be described?

5. What is the implication of the findings to the adjustment in terms of student-

parent life?


Research Design

This study used a mixed method design or the Sequential Approach. The major

characteristic of mixed-methods research is that it combines quantitative and qualitative

approaches by including both quantitative and qualitative data in a single research study (Gay,

Mills, & Airasian, 2009). Creswell and Plano Clark (2011) define mixed-methods research as

those studies that include at least one quantitative strand and one qualitative strand.

Key Informants

The informants in this study are the student-parents that are knowledgeable enough to

answer the set of questions. Quantitative will be based on the profile of the key informants.

Informants were chosen according to their grade that would appear on the quantitative research.
6% or 2 respondents are male and 94% or equivalents of 29 respondents are female. It can be

gleaned that females has the most number of respondents.


As part of our research we make use this instrument below to get all the information

we need for this study and to support all the facts written in our research proven and validated by

the respondents. The researcher formulated some questions on the interview guide to acquire

definite and relevant information. Answers were validated by the professionals who have been

expert in the field of education.

Data Gathering

Researchers collected the information needed to answer the research problem. The

device or tool used in collecting data is through interview. The researchers conducted an

interview at Don Honorio Ventura State University Porac Extension Campus. The informants are

the student-parent who was married where they answer the questions. Before the researchers will

begin an interview, they are seeking permission to the director of the university. The researchers

ask the student-parent who are studying in the university. Afterwards, the researchers were able

to know the different struggles and challenges of student-parent. The researchers recorded the

answers of the respondents through chat (Messenger). the researchers asked questions from each

respondent and they will be gathered all the data on the interview. All data gather from the

interview should confidential for the sake of the respondent’s identity. The researchers had the

opportunity to understand the plight of student-parent and their academic performance.

Ethical Considerations

All the statement is serious concerns of the researchers with the respondent’s respect of

the dignity protector of this privacy and confidentiality. This study research does not harm in any
ways to the respondents. This study does not contain description or exaggeration about the aims

and objectives. This research is done with honesty and transparency.

Data Analysis

The profile used on the part of the study in the discussion of the result. The

researchers jut down important information and words from the respondents that may be used by

the researcher to full understand the significance of the interview that are being imparted by the

respondents. The recorded interviews are carefully transcribed in order for the researcher to get

the key points.

Word Cloud

word cloud shows the responses of the key informant based on their experiences toward

plight of student-parent and their academic performance. As it’s stated, they have different points

of view being a student-parent and married it can result all their experiencing plight have big

impact in their time management, responsibilities being a student and responsibilities in the
family, and also emphasis the study habits that they encounter stress and adjustment through

activities and homework in school. Based on the word cloud above the key points that student –

parent encounter plight of student –parent and also their academic performance

Findings and Discussion

This study was taken with the general objective of the Plight of Student-Parent and their

Academic Performance of Don Honorio Ventura State university, Porac Extension Campus.

Age the highest age of student-parent was found on the 24-29 with a frequency of 14 or a

percentage of 45%. It can be gleaned or observed that aged 24 – 39 has the most number of

respondents. it shows that aged 48 – 53 has the lowest number of respondents. Majority of the

respondents aged 24 – 29 are all girls. Civil Status married has the highest civil status of student-

parent with a frequency of 18 or a percentage of 58%.. That married students have the highest

number of respondents while the least is widow with a frequency of 3. Majority of the

respondents answered married as their Civil Status which is the half of the total percentage.

General Weighted Average based on the findings; 1.6-2.0 general weighted average of student-

parent has the highest among choices of the grade with a frequency of 14 or a percentage of

45%. There are 14 respondents who have the highest general weighted average ranged on 1.6-

2.0, on the A.Y 2018-2019, Second Semester. The second highest grade range from 1.0-1.5.

Only 4 of the total number of participants have the lowest grade. Number of Children the

respondents answered 1-2 children with a frequency of 25 or a percentage of 81%. It can be

observed that children ranged from 1-2 have the most number of respondents with the total

number of 25. Based on the table, there are 2 respondents that have no child. Socioeconomic

Status based on the findings, majority of the respondents answered middle class as their
socioeconomic status with a frequency of 25 or a percentage of 81% shows that majority of the

respondents answered Middle class as their economic status which have the highest percentage

among the other status. Six of them were come from the Lower middle class who garnered the

lowest percentage.

. How may the plight of student-parent affect their academic performance, based on the findings,

socialization has the least with 2.36 weighted mean that student-parent have the difficulty in

socializing with other people.

Is there any significant relationship between the profiles when grouped and the challenges of the

participants, There is a highly negative correlation between the profile of the respondents and

their challenges in being a student-parent. The more they get older the lesser they experience


How may the lived experiences of the participants be described?

Based on the findings, student-parent copes up with their challenges from household chores to

school and a great fulfilling experience as a student-parent.

What is the implication of the findings to the adjustment in terms of student-parent life?

Based on the findings, the student-parent had encounter plight that can affect their academic

performance in the school and they need to know how they use their time in order to achieve

their goal in everyday activities. As a student-parent it has a big adjustment in terms of their



Based on the findings derived from this study, the following conclusions were drawn, on the

profile of the respondents, it can be concluded that some of the students are having difficulty

with regards to their grades. Student-parents encounter challenges in socialization. They

prioritize first their responsibilities at home and in school rather socializing with other people.

Based on the profile of the respondents, there is a changing in terms of age and challenges that

student-parent experienced. The respondents concluded that it is a fulfilment of being a student-

parent even though there are challenges on their part. The researchers concluded that time

management and responsibilities to the family are the plight of a student-parent.


The following recommendations are offered based on the findings and conclusion of the

study. Some of the student-parent should focus on the improvement of their grades.

Administration of the university such as faculty should have a consideration on the student-

parent that has difficulty in maintaining their grades. Student-parent must able to prioritize their

time and responsibilities in school as a student as well as in home as a mother and father for

them to manage their dual roles as a student-parent. The student-parent should be exercised their

self on the challenges they experienced such as time management, health, financial and

socialization which can be their major motivation to achieved the goal they wanted. Student-

parent should perform well not only in school but also as a parent. In order to fulfil the duties and

responsibilities, it is good to value every single moment of their life as a student and as a parent.

Time management is one the challenges of being a student-parent, studying while managing at

home are not an easy task for the student-parent. It requires an enough time to handle situations

like in school, paper works, and major examinations while in home the responsibility to take care

the children even the husband or wife.

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