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The constructivist model

Presenter : Baguio Marjelou

Constructivist model, skill are taught at the point when they are
likely to be useful to kids as part of an authentic literacy
From the historical perspective, literacy is viewed to be changing over
time. CHRISTIE (1990) determined the rising literacy demands of the
20th century and described a more complex phenomenon contrasted to
the literacy of the earlier periods.
VYGOTSKY (1978)- stressed that knowledge is socially constructed by
interacting with others in a variety of experience.
The philosophy of DEWEY undergirds constructivist education, a view
on teaching and learning as a conscious process of reconsteuction of
Further, Au (1993) thoroughly discussed the four distinct
advantages of the constructivist model:
1. Literacy instruction embedded in meaningful social contexts.
2. Students’ exploration of the functions of literacy,
3. Student-centered, and
4. Recognize different life experience and cultural schemata in the
meaning-making process.

The constructivist model recognize the collaboration of parents

and teachers, as well as other literate members of the
community, and the active involvement of the young learners in
their literacy.
BURNER(1986) stressed those students learn most effectively when
they are actively involve in their learning.
SILBERSTEIN (1987) her paper traced the significant changes in reading
instruction as greatly influenced by the trends an language teaching
and learning.
(1967,1980) (1972) (1979) (1981) (1982)
 Reading as  Reading to  Children *Children’s Reding is
a psycholinguistic a child aids literacy Learn to read all higher acquired
guessing game skills Naturally in the mental through so-
 Reading as  Increases Home functions are cially inter-
an active process interest in books environment internalized active and
 Capitalizes and learning to And interaction social emulative
on children’s prior read With parents relationship behavior.
strengths past  Enhances  Children *Children *Social
experiences and background emulate the their function an
knowledge information and reading model independent convention
 Child sense of story set up by the engagement Of reading
attempts to structures parents in reading are
reconstruct his  Fami- activities thr- acquired
own knowledge Liarization with ough interac- through in-
language of books tion with lite- teractive
rate adults. literacy

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