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Profiling Serial Killers

A stratified look at common characteristics spread across

taxonomy, race, and gender.

CCJS 461 – Psychology of criminal Behavior.
Professor Brian Price
James P. Welch

"This paper is entirely my own work. I have credited all ideas and data that are not my own original
ones with source citations and have included all sources used on a Works Cited page. "

The misdeeds of serial killers have long fascinated the public while, at the same time repulsing

and frightening the general population. It is hard to imagine what creates such morbid

fascination; however, there are numerous possible reasons for its existence. Serial killers come

in all sizes, ages, shapes, color, and groupings. There exist several different definitions,

according to different researchers, which vary markedly in their description of what a serial killer,

is, and is not. For the purposes of this research it has been taken that serial killer:

1. There are 1 or more people.

2. Kills more than 2 people

3. The killing is separated by a “cooling off period”

4. The killing is non reactive and lacks arousal.

5. The victims often share a common trait or characteristic.

6. The incidents should be occurring in separate events at different time. (Anonymous,


They are spread transversally across time, space and cultures. Serial murder, is however a

relatively rare event. McNamarra & Morton state “It is estimated that serial murder accounts for

about 0.5 -1.0% of all murders or about 70- 140 victims per year” (Perri & Lichtenwald, 2010).

There are different categories of serial killers, which is perhaps one of the reasons that it is so

difficult to profile and classify them. Much of their evil mystique is, however, based upon myth

and false presumptions, not scientific fact. As society evolves and changes so, too, do serial

killers and the way they react within society. They learn and adapt, like any other individual. The

tentative focus of this research is to take a general look at serial killers, their motivations,

methods of operation and try and draw certain possible parallels between distinctive

characteristics among serial type killers, and to compare them according to gender, grouping,

and race. Such research is essential in order to try and recognize common characteristics and

variables which may help to identify possible future offenders as well as preventing a possible

downward spiral resulting from inadequate investigation and social awareness.


It is crucial before proceeding with any endeavor to know exactly what criteria are being used to

define the subject being examined. In this particular instance it is important to differentiate

between random mass murderers, spree killer and different typologies of serial killers, since

there exist a wide variety of patterns and motives. Generally speaking, the fundamental

difference between serial killers and spree or mass murderers resides in their individual

motivations and method of operation or modus operandi. This term, serial killer, is used in the

loosest sense possible since there is great variance, as well, within individual MO’s. Mass

murderers historically tend to perform their murders in a single confined area and intend to die

or commit suicide in place. The activities generally take place within a confined time frame, a

span of less than several days usually. Spree killers kill more than two people in separate

locations, also with no cooling off period in between. It appears then, that the vital distinguishing

characteristics involved are:

1. Geographic comfort zone.

2. Cooling down period.
3. MO and motivations.

It is also important to differentiate between terrorists and mass murderers, as well, since their

end goals, and motivations are significantly different. Serial killers on the other hand can be

broken down into several alternative sub groups which have been listed below in the typologies



Among the various serial killers it is important to differentiate between the different typologies to

obtain a better understanding of motivations and method of predicting, preventing and putting

an end to their activities.

The Holmes and DeBurger’s study (as cited in Bartol & Bartol, 2011) shows three typologies for


1. Visionary: Based upon a vision that certain group must be destroyed. (Most often


2. Mission oriented: Like the above but with no voices or hallucinations.

3. Hedonistic: Thrill and pleasure seeking. Identifies people as objects of pleasure. This

group is further sub divided into 3 other subtypes, based on motive.

 Lust: Sexual gratification.

 Thrill: Motivated through inducing pain and fear.
 Comfort: Based on personal material gain.

4. Power/control: Satisfaction is derived from omnipotence of the act. (Often seek most

vulnerable victims, such as children, homeless or elderly).

These classifications, while useful, remain broad in their definition and limited in scope. They

may serve as the basis of a few other typologies, presented by this researcher, which are

included below.

Medical/Care Taker Type Serial Killer: People in the medical profession who kill according to

varied motivations. These can be doctors, nurses or professional caretakers who kill their

patients (or others) for a variety of reasons. Oftentimes female serial killers will fall into this

category or that listed above in the hedonistic, comfort model. These killers do not leave


Munchausen Syndrome by proxy (MSBP): This is one of the more difficult forms of serial

murder to evaluate since the offender is often times well versed and competent liars.

Additionally, it is rare that people accept the perspective of females being capable of cold

callous and calculated murder, due to gender stereotyping. Many medical authorities,

additionally, often attribute child deaths to sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). (Perri &

Lichtenwald, 2010). The motivations behind this type of murder range from psychotic/depressed

states to abusive/neglectful mothering.

Random Serial Killers: Seems to adhere to none of the more accepted visions of expectations.

As mentioned previously there is no one specific type of serial killer, however there are some

common characteristics which will be dealt with further on. The “Zodiac Killer” is/was one such

type of random serial killer.

Serial Murder as an Outgrowth of Criminal Activity: It may be the killer begins with criminal

activity and morphs into a serial killer through the pleasure derived from that activity. The

primary objective may not have been killing, but some other, unrelated, form of criminal activity

such as burglary or rape.

Serial Murder and Mental Illness: It is essential to point out that many individuals consider the

serial killer as being necessarily mentally ill, in order to have been able to commit such

horrendous and barbarous acts. They are generally not, per se, mentally ill. While mental illness

can play a limited role in serial killing, it is usually secondary to the psychotic, behavioral

disorder at the core of the motivation. Many serial killers appear to be normal, functional

members of working society who often have families. There is a caveat, which appears to be

missing in much of the research, however: While there appears to be no mental illness, they

definitely transgress the acceptable mores of society, have personality disorders and distorted

visions of the world around them. They are most commonly seen as suffering from both

psychotic or eventually sociopathic behavior and this, while distressing does not clinically qualify

as mental illness. This psychotic sub set, is a grouping which would follow under APD in the

DSMV-IV. It is very similar, in fact, to what some researchers refer to as callous unemotional

behavior (CU). It is difficult to distinguish the borderline factors separating a psychopathic and a

soiciopathic personality. A psychopath is generally, more organized and has a higher level of

overall intelligence. There is also a narcissistic sub dimension of psychopathic behavior, as

pointed out by Cale & Lilienfeld, when they state “Research also has shed light on the fact that

the narcissistic sub dimension of psychopathy is linked to the probability that a psychopath will

resort to violence.” (Perri& Lichtenwald, 2010). Sociopathic behavior as related to serial killers is

often seen in: Animal cruelty, pyromania and enuresis (the MacDonald’s triad).

Despite the facts, presented in this research, other writers contest that there does not exist

any typical pattern or profile when discussing serial killers. The essential point here then seems

to be; that while there is no standard profile, there are certain common variables or

characteristics which might help to identify and limit the scope of research in serial murder.

Common Characteristics:

Even among the more common characteristics there are exceptions. It is important to recall that

there are always exceptions to the general rule, particularly in such deviant expressions of

behavior. Interstate travel for the commission of serial murder is rare and usually job or life

experience oriented. After reading quite a few profiles and case histories certain elements kept

appearing such as moderate to intense religious tendencies, a predisposition for torturing

animals, substance and alcohol abuse and of course other standard risk factors such as, lower

educational levels, unstable family backgrounds,(thus reinforcing the Hickey Trauma Control

Model) multiple marriages and lack of commitment in work an real life setings. It became

apparent that certain variables tended to reappear. The following tables are meant to represent

a cross sectional look, comparing several different case studies, and comparing definitive

features where indicated. The analysis has been broken down into groups sorted according to

gender race, and groupings i.e. kill teams. While this research is necessarily limited due to the

available statistical information, it is hoped that it will perhaps provide some useful insight to

common variables and methods of evaluating serial killer type characteristics. Initially this

research focused upon age variables as well, however there were so few juvenile serial killers

that this variable was scientifically insignificant and was thus dismissed. What juvenile serial

killers that do exist generally tend to select older victims, not out of any specific criteria other

than they are generally more vulnerable and within easy reach of the anchored zone of comfort.



Was a born again
Christian before
David Berkowitz becoming a satanic cult Yes Yes type Above average IQ,
“Son of Sam” 23 Brooklyn, NY. New York state. member. PSYCHOTIC Dogs unknown poor attention span. Abandoned by mother
Strong Lutheran. Early Strangled
Dennis Lynn 29 severe head trauma. & tortured AA electronics; Bs in
Rader Pittsburgh, Sociopath. Diagnosed dogs & Admin of Criminal
Kansas Sedgwick county, Kansas APD Cats justice. Married with 2 children.
“BTK Killer”
Troubled childhood. Bed
Pyromania enuresis wetting. Oedipal
Gary Ridgway Period of fanatical Low IQ 82 poor school complex.
“Green River Killer” 33 Salt Lake City, religious conviction. . Smothered performance. Married 3 times. 1 child.
Utah Washington state Displaced matricide. cat Unknown Graduated at age 20.
Unknown Unstable home Alcoholic
Strict traditional catholic abusive father. Molested
upbringing. at 9 by family friend.
John Wayne Gacy Chicago, Illinois Illinois local anchored Hypochondria Dropped out of high Twice married and
“Killer Clown”. 30 comfort zone. Early age severe head
trauma Diagnosed
school but graduated
business college.
divorced. Fathered 2
APD - XYY IQ 118
Unknown Unknown Parental divorce age
Bromsgrove 6.Second divorce of
David Russel Worcestershire Prescription prednisone Graduated University mother created
Wiliams 44 UK. Ottawa Canada problems?? of Toronto. separation. Married.
Organized lust
Explosive temper in
Theodore Robert school. Chronic Yes
Cowell 27 5 western states Washington, masturbator. problematic Honor student but
“Ted Bundy” Burlington Colorado, Idaho, Oregon, Diagnosed MPD Alcohol and dropped out of law
Vermont Utah and Florida. PSYCHOPATHIC Yes Marijuana school Born fatherless.
Either high or low Multiple risk factors
intelligence no in – often multiple
Marijuana between. marriages, divorces &
AVERAGES 28* N/A Isolated and western states Signs of psychopathy. YES and Alcohol no father present.


Significant Male variables: It appears that in a random cross reference of male offenders many had been diagnosed as APD, prior to

the outset of their killing frenzy. Furthermore risk factors indicating a tendency to become life course persistent offenders, (LCP) were

clearly visible.

Significant Group variables: Male psychopathic serial killers are by far and larger the majority group. There is often absence of the

father figure either emotionally or physically. They tend to range in intelligence from borderline to high IQ with few falling in

between. A surprising statistic was that a large number were electricians. There was some evidence of strong religious adherence,

limited military service, and criminal arrests for sexually deviant behavior. Additionally, several had been diagnosed as exhibiting

APD, MPD or schizophrenic traits prior to the onset of their killing. Substance abuse did not appear to be a significant factor, and a

past history of torturing animals,(graduation hypothesis) and bed wetting (enuresis) was, either unknown or less frequent then might

have been expected, but still worth considering, as a potential risk factor. Fear of social and peer rejection are very significant

variables. Finally, in many of the sex related killings there was a significant correspondence with transvestitism. This dichotomy,

perhaps, represents a psychic schism, a conflict, between the male and female unconscious component of the psyche.

Berkowitz: Traumatized, and developed guilt feelings due to mother’s abandonment at birth. Berkowitz

also had a troubled childhood and poor Army career. Berkowitz had later been diagnosed as Psychotic.

Rader: Rader derived S&M type arousal from mother’s spankings. He practiced animal torture, transvestitism and autoerotic

behavior, such as strangulation, at a young age. Later became a control freak and exhibited arrogant, aggressive behavior in his work.

Maintained souvenirs and scrap diaries.

Ridgway: Although he had been profiled by the FBI, Gary Ridgway did not conform well, at all, to their predictions.

Gacy: High level of social, business and community involvement. Gacy was considered respectable by friends and neighbors. He was

struck in the head with a swing at early age, which formed a blood clot to the brain. Gacy’s father was an abusive alcoholic and his

emotional absence marked Gacy. From the outset, Gacy, combined the cold psychopathic tendencies related to power, authority and

control with sexually deviant behavior. He was intent on inducing fear and anxiety, while at the same time humiliating his victims.

(Low self esteem?). Gacy’s intensive community involvement masked a need for peer recognition. By 1975, Gacy was showing signs

of depression and signs of possible bi polar disorder.

Williams: Williams’ profile presents one of the more confounding profiles presented, due to its lack of coherence and common

variables. While male serial killers do tend to integrate and become part of a community as part of their personae, it is rare that they do

so as successfully as David Russell Williams. Note that Williams has not been included in total average characteristics since he falls

outside the standard acceptable population controls and would thus skew the findings. Williams maintained souvenirs and videos.

Bundy: Born ‘fatherless’ raised living with mother’s strict Methodist parents. Forced to pretend his mother was actually his sister.

Several experts had severe difficulty in pinpointing a precise diagnostic in this case.





Postal worker.
David Long haired Blue collar work. US ARMY 1971 -
Berkowitz teenage girls, 6- 7 Petty larceny, Frequent 74. Honorable
males by error. .44 Caliber pistol NO pyromania changes discharge. 6 life sentences
Yes Cub Scout
9 – 62 Male Rope, gun, knife, Masturbated on master. Frequent 10 consecutive
Dennis Rader and female belt, plastic bags victims changes USAF 1965 -69. life sentences.
tape. 10 NO
13 – 38 Young Strangulation Based upon 49 32 years as a
Gary Ridgway Females (choking)arm and arrested 1982 on
humiliation, rage Convicted, painter with
usually teens occasionally & desire toward prostitution Kenworth trucks. US NAVY 2 years Life without
confessed to 71,
ligatures mother. charges Vietnam parole
presumed 90+

Managed father
Chloroformed. Sexual in law’s KFC.
Strangled with Molestation Successful Executed by
John Gacy rope s and Yes - 33 conviction. On 2 building NO lethal injection
Young males boards. Homosexual Males occasions. contractor. 1994.
Yes 2 Yes ex Colonel 2 concurrent life
Transvestitism, Ex military Canadian Air sentences.
David Williams Young females. and rape NO career officer. Force.
Young, long, 35 Juvenile arrests Inconsistent Executed by
middle parted Yes Possibly over 100 for GTA and early history. electrocution
Ted Bundy dark haired, Strangulation and Rape and suspicion of Worked in a 1989.
females. beat with Clubs. necrophilia burglary political party NO



Carl Eugene Watts Misogynist. IQ 68! 2 Scholarships
Mentally Retarded Poor grades, Expulsed Father abandoned.
“Sunday Morning Fantasies of torture from college. Victim of Abused and berated by
Slasher” 20 Killeen, Texas Michigan, Texas, Ohio and and killing. Possible Unknown Yes bullying. step father. Married
Canada. homosexual MDA twice.1 child
Rodney Alcala Unknown
San Antonio, Yes Graduated UCLA BA.
“Dating Game Killer” 34 Texas California, probably NY. Sociopathic. marijuana IQ 135. Father abandoned.
Early age severe
head trauma Yes heavy
Yes Altar boy. Satanic PCP
Richard Ramirez Los Angeles. And other cult worship. Fantasies cocaine,
“the Night Stalker” 24 El Paso Texas. freeway cities and suburbs. of torture & death.
Unknown marijuana 9 grade drop out Married in Prison.

Robert William Shy introvert. No girl
Pickton “The Pig friends. No religious Yes
Farmer” 34 British Columbia
Vancouver area, local
comfort zone
convictions .Shunned
by peers. Poor Unknown
Crack and
cocaine High school drop out
Mother died of cancer,
father in 1977
Hong Kong/San Discipline problems
Charles Ng & 23/ Francisco Lake: psychopathtic Lake shot and expulsion. Harsh discipline and
Ye s Lake:
Leonard Lake TEAM 38 California Calaveras County, California fantasies. his dog. marijuana. University drop out abuse from father.

AVERAGES 29 TEXAS CALIFORNIA Psychopathic No correlation Paternal abandonment

fantasies Unknown Yes


Male Psychopathic serial killers are not all male white loners as the myth would have one

believe. The spread of multi-racial serial killers most likely mirrors that of the general

population. The tendency of the media to play up stereotypical white male serial killers, and

their victim selection, may have much to do with this disparity of perception.

Watts: Typically hunted young white females. His rampage often included several victims per

day; despite the fact that he operated in relatively limited zones and used a common MO. Watts

was a low IQ, self declared misogynist. He received immunity from a dozen murders due to

bungled investigation, prosecution and evidence techniques. Past history of mental, and criminal

problems, should have been red flags to investigators.

Acala: When seeking a definition for sociopathic behavior the profile of Rodney James Acala,

could almost be a perfect fit. When seeking suspect, it appears that his Army diagnoses for

APD, NPD and BPD, were overlooked or never brought to light. Acala represents yet another

example of inefficient and bungled post conviction follow up. Acala also exhibited a fascination

bordering on OCD, concerning female undergarments. One can logically speculate that this

probably arises in cases of sexual underdevelopment.

Ramirez: Suffered from severe halitosis due to massive consumption of sweets resulting in tooth

decay. Ramirez probably typifies what in most people’s minds, represents the classical serial

killer. Aloof, unemotional and callous in his attitude, Ramirez also represents the classic profile

of a psychopath with his externalization and blaming of others, including the victims. His

inherent sense of self worth was bloated and enhanced by, (a tragic irony) females, including one

juror who had condemned him, fighting for his attentions.

Pickton: Robert Pickton was pig farmer who preyed upon prostitutes from the lower east end of

Vancouver. Many of today’s current gore films could easily put someone like Pickton into the

leading role. He raped and murdered his victims then, disposed of their bodies using his skills as

a pig butcher.

Ng: Charles Ng, was the second part of a M/M killer team. His Counterpart Lake did society a

favor by swallowing two cyanide tablets. Lake was a delusional pervert who entertained a

fantasy afterlife with his tortured victims serving him. Ng bought into his delusions and helped to

rape, torture, kill and dispose of their numerous victims as well. They were not selective killing

men women and babies at their leisure.





Yes convicted,
14 – 63 Aged Knives, drowning Not primary, rare. 12 and jailed for
Carl Eugene Watts White females and strangulation Disorganized (100 suspected) assault mechanic NO Life imprisonment
Rodney Alcala Strangulation with Yes. Possession
clothing. Trauma of marijuana. Frequent US Army 1960 -
“Dating Game 12 – 32 Aged with objects. Rape and kidnap changes. 64 Medical Sentenced to
Killer” females. hammer Yes rape 7 - 100 .twice. Typesetter. discharge APD! death in California
Yes: homo &
Large number heterosexual
Richard Ramirez of Asians, Gun, Knife, tire rape, sodomy and
14 + Yes: Larceny and Sentenced to
“the Night Stalker” elderly, iron, hammer, necrophilia Male/Female burglary criminal NO death in California
Robert William Age 23 - 50 Not primary Weapons
Females many Gunshots to motivation violations later Sentenced to life
Pickton “The Pig prostitutes and head. appears to be 6 – 49 murder but no parole before
Farmer” drug addicts wire, belts, knives power/Authority Females released. Pig Farmer NO 25 years.
7 men 3 Assault burglary, Ng: USMC illegal Ng USMC
women, 2 robbery, entry. Moving co. dishonorable
babies. 11 – 25 kidnapping, Lake: discharge & Lake Lake committed
Charles Ng & Lake Including Assorted plus Mixed Male Imprisoned in Ft. USMC 7 yrs. & suicide Ng on
Lake’s brother. torture devices. Yes rape /Female Leavenworth. Nam. death row




PYROMANIA Physically and sexually

APD -BPD – abused and abandoned.
PSYCHOPATHIC IQ 81 -89 Forced into prostitution
Rochester, SCORED 32 OUT OF 40 ON Dropped out of school for survival. Absent
Aileen Wuornos 33 Yes at age 14
Michigan Florida THE HARE PCL-R Unknown father

Francisca Post partum depression. Husband alcoholic.

Ballesteros 21 Valencia Spain Melilla Spain Cyber relations. Unknown Unknown unknown Abusive.
VAMC Northampton Married. 2 children. Now
Mass. AA in Nursing became divorced. Had an affair at
Kristen Gilbert 23 Fall River Mass. Neurotic and Liar. BPD Unknown Unknown work. Aggressive

Falling Christine Yes

“The Caretaker Hypochondria. strangled Dropped out of jr. High Father 65 mother 16!
Killer” 17 Perry Florida. Comfort zone Florida Dull witted. Epileptic. cats Unknown school She married at 14.

Comfort zones BPD Unknown dropouts History of abuse.



Female series killers are generally rare, and when they do exist it is usually either for financial gain (black widows) with limited

victims in a single area, nurses or care takers (Angels of death) or as part of a symbiotic Master/Slave relationship, usually sexual in

nature. Male psychopathic serial killers are by far and larger the majority group. There are however very few reliable statistics on the

event of female serial killers. It does; however, appear that these numbers are rising in accordance to social adaptation. In support of

this view, Schurman& Kauflin point out that “More than a third of the female serial killers made

their appearance since 1970, and the numbers keep rising” (Perri & Lichtenwald, 2010). Women

now fulfill positions of power and authority equivalent to that of men and consequentially also

adopt criminal behavior and attitudes which are mirrored in these social modifications. There has

been, in the past, a tendency to downplay and over look the possibility of women being callous

unemotional and psychopathic serial killers, due to gender stereotyping. Female serial killers

were broken down into different typologies in a study by Kelleher & Kelleher (1998). They used

the following 8 categories to describe the female serial killer typologies:

1. Black widow

2. Angel of death

3. Sexual predator

4. Revenge

5. Profit or Crime

6. Team Killer

7. Question of Sanity

8. Unexplained & Unsolved.

An exceptional case; Wuornos: The story of Aileen Wuornos’ background reminds one that

oftentimes reality can truly be stranger than fiction. Her mother married at 15, and filed for

divorce prior to her birth. Her father was doing time for rape and attempted murder of an 8 year

old boy and eventually hung himself in prison. Her mother abandoned her and her brother when

she was 4. She engaged in sexual activity form a young age including incestuous relations with

her own brother. She became pregnant at 13. At 15 here grandfather threw her out and she

supported herself through prostitution. She had all the hallmark, classic risk factors and society

definitely failed in its duty to protect one of its own members. At 20 she married a 69 year old

man and divorced after 9 weeks of marriage. Her history was laced with violence and anti social

deviant behavior.





Aileen Wuornos Shot multiple No 7 Yes

times only as an Males prostitution Abundant and for NO Executed by
males 43 - 62 handguns enticement clients violent crime. Prostitute lethal injection.
Family Poisoned with: Possible (escape
Colme, Zolpidem, from marriage?)
Francisca Bromazepam had three affairs. 3
Ballesteros unknown unknown NO 84 YEARS
Chased husband
w/butchers knife.
Scolded child
Males 35 -66 syringe injected 4 60% of body. No Life imprisonment
Kristen Gilbert Veterans epinephrine NO (perhaps 80+) charges Nurse NO no parole
Unable to work Life imprisonment
Smothered with other than as no parole before
Falling Christine Babies in care blankets NO 6 NO baby sitter NO 25 years.



Unstructured, separated,
School dropout.15 physical abuse .Married
Marc& Michelle. Regional. Limited Male Prostitute. earned electricians twice Fathered 3 + 2
Dutroux M/F 39/35 Ixelles Belgium comfort zone. Sadistic tendencies. Unknown Unknown degree. children.
Fourniret suffered from
premature ejaculation. Withdrawn slightly above
Michel Fourniret & average IQ
Monique Olivier Olivier stammered and
M/F 25/24 Sedan/Tours The French Ardennes suffered abusive adult /Separated mother of 3
France. region. relationships Unknown Unknown Unknown
Criminal from age 6.
Gerald: Sex, drug and Gerald: unknown Father executed for
Gerald & Charlene Alcohol, Charlene graduated murder, mother Skid row
alcohol addictions.
Gallego M/F 32/22 Sacramento, Cal. California/ Nevada Sadistic. marijuana, HS. prostitute married 5x 1 x
No cocaine IQ 160 legally.
Paul Bernardo & Karla diagnosed with Karla earned a Father absent step
Toronto, & Port PTSD, and severe bachelor’s degree in sexually abused sister
Karla. Homolka Credit, Ontario. clinical depression. prison. Paul: BA
Ontario Canada.
M/F 26/20 Canada. Paul: Pyromania Unknown Unknown
Kenneth Bianchi & Bianchi: Traumatic Born to prostitute
head injury. Fell behind in school mother. Put up for
Angelo Buono PSYCHOPATHIC. work. Severe adoption. Married
“Hillside strangler(s)” Buono: sodomy. tantrums. IQ 116 briefly. Buono family
M/M 43/26 Rochester NY/ Los Angeles California. Unknown Unknown Buono: divorced.

Helen Golay & Olga Rutterschmidt suffered Both unmarried. 3

injuries due to WWII daughters. Unstable &
Rutterschmidt F/F 77/75* Eastland county bombings. Enjoyed foster care. Both
Texas /Hungary California group activities Unknown Unknown Unknown unstable childhoods
Gwendolyn Graham California/ Grand Rapids, Michigan Practiced sexual Unknown Unknown Claimed paternal
Michigan asphyxia molestation. Wood
& Catherine May divorced. Weighed 450
Wood F/F 24/25 Unknown lbs.
M. Gruber, I. Leidolf, Wagner sadist. Meyer Gruber nurse school Gruber unwed mother,.
left team early. dropout Meyer divorced Yugo
S. Meyer, W. 23/19 Austria/ Vienna Austria – immigrant, Leidolf
Wagner TEAM 21/43 Yugoslavia Hospital clinical setting. Unknown Unknown married
Unstable families,
No Correlation Comfort and anchor Strong sadistic sexual None None Low levels histories of divorce 2 -3
AVERAGES 28 zones motivations in M/F children.


There are some relatively important factors to consider in greater depth. The male is usually

considered to play the predominant role, even though there are exceptions, in couple and team

killings. Their statistics are given in the background variables. Many women are often coached

into or use impression management in order to become the coerced victim, in such scenarios, and

thus receive more lenient sentences based upon societal gender stereotyping, which see’s women

as a defenseless nurturers.

Significant Male variables:

Dutroux: In the case of Marc Dutroux, for example: Father of 3. Beat by parents who separated.

Left home at 15 and became male prostitute to support himself. Dutroux was released after

serving only 3 years of a 13 year sentence. Prior to his outbreak and wave of violence he had

already several convictions and was well known to the authorities.

Bianchi: Applied for a position of authority with Glendale and Los Angeles police departments.

Authority often plays a vital role in the central theme of serial killer perception.

Buono: Several children with several different wives and girlfriends. He had been arrested for

Grand theft Auto, and had a penchant for sodomy.

Significant Group Variables:

As far as the Dutroux team, is concerned, it is interesting to note that both he and, his second

wife, Michelle, had been previously incarcerated for the rape and kidnapping of 5 young girls.

Fourniret had also been incarcerated previously for sexual crimes. By and large, female/female

groups are more prone to seek helpless and homeless victims. The nature of the inflicted death is

often sadistic and extremely cruel. The statistics of Golay and Rutterschmidt have been

eliminated from the common variable statistics since their results fall outside the standard

deviation and would tend to skew the results impartially.





Criminal activities.
Young teenage Both had been
girls. Age was Drugged bound, arrested & prison
not a significant gagged and for rape &
M.& M. Dutroux factor, but buried alive. Yes Rape and kidnapping of 5 Life imprisonment for
M/F rather Starvation. As pornographic 5 young girls Theft, Unemployed NO Dutroux. 30 years for
vulnerability. well. Filming drugs Auto theft. Electrician Martin
Previous Former forest
convictions: Ranger tool
Strangled, Molestation and maker
Michel Fournier & 12 -21 year old Screwdriver, imprisonment for Electrician Life sentence for both.
Monique Olivier female mostly shotguns, 7+ Rapes. History of Yes No parole for Olivier
virgins. revolvers, Yes Rape unstable French Algeria before 30 years.
M/F All young females
Gerald & Charlene Young women Tire iron, rock, Yes Rape 10 Yes previous Unstable barman NO Sentenced to death 2 x
13 -34 shovel, hammer, convictions trucker. Charlene: & 16yrs 8mos.
Gallego M/F gun butcher.
Paul Bernardo& Pretty teenage Electrical cord. Yes Rape 3 Yes Rape theft. Amway NO Life no parole before
girls. salesman. Karla, 25. 12 yrs for Homolka.
Karla Homolka vet lab technician
Kenneth Bianchi &
Angelo Buono White and Life w/out parole.
“Hillside black girls Strangulation,
strangler(s)” M/M 12 - 28 some ligatures.
Yes Rape
12 Buono: GTA Security guard. NO Suicide by cyanide.

Golay & Male homeless Drugs and No 2 Real Estate Life and no possibility of
vehicles. organized gain (More Planned) unknown agent. & Non parole.
Rutterschmidt F/F employed. NO
Gwen Graham & Elderly Smothering. Yes lesbian 5-8 None apparent 5 x life and 20 -40 years
Helpless fantasy Nursing home respectively.
C. Wood F/F females inducement caretakers NO
M. Gruber, I. Morphine, insulin,
rohypnol, water Non Sexual
Leidolf, S. Meyer, boarding Hedonistic Power Life for Gruber and
W. Wagner TEAM Elderly 49 - 200 Nursing home NO Leidolf. 5 years each for
helpless Unknown caretakers others.

Facts Myths and Findings: There are many myths and assumptions surrounding serial killers

that need to be dispelled. Many of these are found in current research and literature.

Facts Busting the Myths:

1. Serial killers usually do not travel interstate or long distances in search of victims: On

the rare occasion it does happen it can generally be attributed to one of several


A. Military service or work related issues.

B. Fleeing justice, to avoid capture.

C. Increased confidence, leading to expansion of comfort zone.

D. Loners or aimless homeless drifters.

2. Serial killers are insane or evil geniuses: Serial killers are often suffering from

personality and other behavioral disorders, but are logical and methodical in their

approach and are not suffering from mental illness. Like any other “activity” they

tend to improve their “skills” and avoid detection. This has little to do with being


3. Serial killers do NOT want to get caught, despite popular belief to the contrary. If

anything, most wish to avoid detection and are often caught due to negligence and

errors committed.

4. While many believe that serial killers are compulsively caught in a killing frenzy, like

some mindless shark, the truth is that they sometimes have long cooling off periods,

which may be attributed to life commitments or improved personal relations, for


5. Violence DOES tend to increase proportionally, with each new victim. This requires

more time and if done along with ritualistic posing, can lead to their eventual capture

and undoing.

6. Signature is a rare phenomenon contrary to popular belief. Media has had an effect of

popularizing this aspect of serial murder.

7. Serial killers are often functional members of society and go completely undetected.

It is just this, capacity for adaptation, which allows them to claim more victims than

would otherwise be possible.

8. Serial murder has many motivations besides sex. Driving forces such as: lust, greed.

Gain, thrill, attention seeking, anger, revenge can all be a primary motivation in the

serial killer repertoire.


At the outset of this research, the abundant literature concerning serial murder was unknown.

However, there is a problem in that much of this is typically redundant. It took a very long time

and much cross referencing to find the specific details. Apparently only the more grisly

circumstances seemed to be of any importance. Much comparative bio-social research needs to

be completed and cross referenced if there s to be any real and significant advance made in the

understanding of this strange and increasing phenomenon.

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Photo Credits:

All photos are reproduced under title 17 of U.S.C., fair usage agreement, for educational

1. Francois Kendall. Source:

2. Charles Ng. source:

3. Aileen Wuornos. Source:
4. Denis Rader. Source:
5. Michel Fourniret.
6. David Russell Williams:


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