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Introduction to The Linden Method by renowned

Psychologist Dr. Romulo Valdez. PHD

"As a psychologist that has been treating anxiety
and depression for over 25 years, I can espouse the
effectiveness of the Linden Method.
For those of you that have suffered from either
anxiety or depression, you know that the medication
only serves to numb one's experience of the real
world. You also know that "talk therapy" cannot give
you the tranquility that you desperately need. You have most likely spent
thousands of dollars of health insurance money and money of your own to
find peace of mind.
The Linden Method gives you all the tools you need to work on your issues
on an hour-by-hour basis. The beauty of this method is that you are the
master of your own destiny. You monitor your own progress and rely on
other's feedback to insure progress. Unlike other self-help programs, the
Linden Method give you one year of ongoing support from a professional like
me to help you should you need it.
Mr. Linden is so confident in it's efficacy that he is willing to give you a one
year guarantee or he will refund your money. Read the testimonials and give
the Linden Method a trial and you will see for yourself.
I have been trained by the very best in the fields of psychology and psychiatry
as you can see by my credentials, and I endorse the Linden Method with
highest regard. It will give you all that you need but, as in all treatment
methods, compliance is mandatory. Haven't you suffered enough? The cure
is at your disposal. Why wait?"
Dr Romulo Valdez Jr., Ph.D.
Read Dr Valdez’ Biography at the end of this book

1. Introduction
2. Your needs provided for
3. Scientific research and our science
4. How the notion that there is something wrong with you shapes
your recovery
5. Is anxiety Disorder a mental illness?
6. How effective is The Linden Method?
7. How The Linden Method works
8. The anxiety disorders
9. Generalized Anxiety Disorder
10. Panic Disorder
11. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder – OCD
12. Pure O
13. Agoraphobia
14. Social Anxiety Disorder
15. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder – PTSD
16. Phobias
17. School Phobia
18. Monophobia
19. Stress
20. Anxiety medication
21. Conclusion
22. Why buy The Linden Method
23. What do medical and other health professionals say about The
Linden Method?
24. References
25. Contact
Introduction to this book and my programme
I urge you to read this book thoroughly from beginning to end… it’s not long.
Only then will you understand anxiety conditions FULLY and only then will
you be able to remove your unwanted anxiety and all the symptoms it
PLEASE DON’T skim through this book – you WILL miss vital information.

Over 12 years of practice helping over 125,000 anxiety sufferers from around
the world to recover, myself and my team have compiled a database of
information about the true nature of anxiety conditions and this book is a
synopsis of that information.
As an organization, we have most probably helped more people to recover
than any other resource, treatment center or psychotherapy practice in the
world. In terms of symptoms, there is nothing we haven’t heard! Believe me
when I tell you that anxiety disorders can produce some weird and extreme
symptoms, thoughts and sensations but, without exception, they are all
completely harmless.
In this book, I will dispel the rumors, myths and misunderstandings and give
you the benefit of all our experience showing other sufferers how to recover
permanently and with speed.
It’s all very well for doctors and psychologists to tell you that anxiety
conditions are incurable and that ‘management’ and ‘coping strategies’ can
be implemented which will, at best, make life tolerable… it’s such a
If anxiety isn’t curable, how did I, for one, delete my panic attacks, OCD,
agoraphobia and every single symptom without drugs or psychotherapy IN
Furthermore, how then, did I get thousands of people worldwide well again
quickly and convince them to create testimonial emails, videos and audio
recordings, detailing their recoveries?
I was told by a director of a government health organization that they had a
policy of ‘managing their cases’, that their statistics and targets would be
distorted IF they could cure anxiety disorders; this was after I cured a number
of their ‘lost cause’ cases.
Anxiety management is NOT AN OPTION – I won’t tolerate it, my staff
won’t tolerate it and you shouldn’t either, especially when you know that a
cure exists.
I assure you wholeheartedly that a cure does exist and we have been using
it for over 12 years to cure tens of thousands of clients from around the world.
First of all let me give you a potted history of The Linden Method and centers
and a little more information about how our practice developed from very
humble beginnings to be the most respected anxiety elimination programme
in the world.
YOUR needs provided for
"I benefit enormously from being involved in the running of The Centers and
in the early days, I was the support staff, media relations, accounting, order
processing and every other role!
Now that we have helped tens of thousands of ex clients, there is no way I
could do that, which is why I have hand picked an incredible group of people
who assist me to maintain the level of service I would expect from myself...
the best!
I do receive many hundreds of emails and letters from Linden Method
members but I haven't been on the 'front line' for some time; if I had, I would
never get any work done. But lately, I have been playing a more active role in
contact with clients in order to judge what it is you need and want from my
programmes and also to discover ways to improve how I communicate with
I try to distil techniques and instruction down to its simplest form so that there
is no ambiguity in the message... I want you to FULLY understand every
instruction and concept fully so that you can benefit as effectively and fully
from my material as possible – that way, recovery is always guaranteed!
You see, it is all too easy to 'skim' through material, misunderstanding it and
then applying inaccurate principals that reap zero benefits – FOCUS is key to
recovery and simple to do... you just have to follow our lead.
Many of my clients approach us believing that they are being 'victimized' by
some sort of outside force. Anxiety sufferers suggest that their anxiety has
been caused by external influences that are 'attacking them' or 'happening to
them' in a way which takes away their own control, whether it be stressors,
anxiety itself or maybe just 'life'. These people come to me asking for me to
'wave a magic wand' and remove these external influences.
The question I always ask is - do these people believe that they are being
victimized by these circumstances or do they see themselves as the creator
of them?
If you believe you are a victim... what message are you sending to your
subconscious? That you are at the mercy of everything you experience; that
you are helpless; that you have no control of your 'self'. And what you THINK
– ALWAYS becomes reality! We are what we think!
When you resign yourself to being helpless and powerless, you completely
remove your ability to create change – because everything becomes
EVEN when it isn't!
At this stage, you 'switch off' your mind to the options available to you and
very soon slip into behaviors that can't ever produce recovery. Do you
understand how this works?
Then you start searching for blame. You blame your job, your marriage, a
bereavement, stress, your parents... in fact anything and anyone but the true
cause. You then feel victimized and weak.
IF you decide to go for psychotherapy, the practitioner will focus on blame,
bringing up past experiences, analyzing them. This isn’t productive. I wish I
had ten cents for every session my clients have wasted in psychotherapy; I
have never in 12 years, had a positive CURATIVE outcome reported.
The difference between anxiety sufferers who recover quickly and those who
don't is that those who recover quickly understand that giving blame to
external influences is futile and that they are 'masters of their own destiny'.
The ones who don't recover quickly are those that feel victimized and weak!
My primary role is to show sufferers that they can quickly take back that
control and 'ownership' of their situation and by doing this, get immediate
relief from their symptoms.
Some clients find it hard to accept that they are in control and use certain key
phrases designed to undermine their 'ownership' of their situation... negative
words like won't and can't and say "I have tried but ..."
Using words like these allows your subconscious mind the opportunity to
present a multitude of objections which reinforce them and immediately
constructs a 'road block' which stops you from using your intellect to 'problem
solve'. You immediately disempower the options that are open to you when
you use negative, defeatist language like this.
I believe that 'can't' is never an option until you try… and using the word 'try'
is a way to prepare yourself for failure. Successful people never use the word
tried do they? Why? Because they succeeded! Failure should be a concept
that no one ever focuses on, even when it seems that failure has
'happened'... why? Because 'failure' presents you with an opportunity for a
fresh start... another attempt!
So, if you focus on the final, positive outcomes and use positive words like
'when I have...' and 'I have succeeded in...' instead of 'I tried...' because when
you use negative words, you prepare your brain to discover a way to fail!
You may feel that you don't behave in this way but if you are at the mercy of
your anxiety and feel 'helpless' to find a way out, you are! Just for a moment,
try to imagine that you are 100% in control. What would you be saying now?
"What can I do to..?" "How can I..?" You would be asking questions designed
to set you up for solutions wouldn't you?
You are now preparing yourself for recovery, BUT, more than that, you are
learning a vital life skill which can be applied to anything you want to achieve
in life!
By taking on board these positive thoughts, you focus your mind on what you
want, rather than what you don't! By doing this you allow your brain to focus
on problem solving to make positive things happen!
I was a victim once... in fact, for many of my early years! But, when I decided
that enough was enough and took back the control, utilized the Method that I
had discovered and made changes that positively affected my existence, my
life changed in days! You can achieve this too, just like me and every single
client we have helped!
Fear is the only thing stopping you from recovering. And why are you
frightened? Probably because something has caused you to experience
something that frightened you, raising your anxiety levels artificially – this
raised anxiety then influences absolutely everything you do; you feel as if you
are potentially in danger every minute of every day and your behaviors are
'safety seeking' at all times.
This is why what we do is so effective – why it produces results that no other
anxiety programme, psychological practice or medication can even come
close to.
Our programme reassures you from the start, undermining your core fears
and prepares you for anything the world might throw at you.
The Linden Method provides you with the tools to take back control without
fear, to become the 'master of your own destiny' to undermine and remove
your fears completely and to become who you REALLY want to be rather
than focusing on the things you don't want!
You will become stronger, more able, more focused and more challenged by
life – producing the outcomes that you could only dream about previously and
this WILL happen, that I promise you.
How do I know?
Because it is the predominant experience of every one of our clients!
Charles Linden
CEO The Linden Centers International
Scientific Research & Our Science
I believe it is vital, if you are to benefit from the research in this book, for you
to have faith in our science, experience and knowledge.
This chapter explains why our technique is so effective and highlights the
research carried out by international leaders in the field of Research
Psychology. Coupled with these conclusive scientific findings, myself and my
staff are on the ‘front line’, talking to tens of thousands of sufferers every
year, gathering data about their experiences, their symptoms and their
recoveries so that YOU can benefit.
(A revolution in neuroscience: reprogramming the subconscious mind)
Science has focused on brain function more than any other aspect of human
life for centuries and we would be lying if we claimed to understand the
intricacies of how the brain works; some things we understand, others we
don't have any clue about.
The brain is, simply put, plumbing. It consists of an incredible number of pipe-
work systems which are pruned away and added to in order to store or render
obsolete memories, behaviors and learning. The physical size of our heads
means that physical neural pathways of learning cannot be infinite so the
brain makes a decision which to keep and which to erase.
We are the products of our environments and every second we are alive
causes constant and infinite changes to occur in our minds. Neural pathways
are built and pruned as our life experiences grow.
Subconscious decisions are made whether to retain or discard learning… we
don't even have to become involved consciously with this decision making
process, it all happens outside of our consciousness, deep within our brains.
We presume that we are totally in control with every aspect of our lives and
bodies, but, the truth is that we are not. Sure, we can decide what we do and
where we go, but we are never in command of what happens 'behind the
scenes' in the subconscious mind… or are we?
Your anxiety disorder has been caused by an initial catalyst which provided
you with a 'fight or flight' response and this was consciously evident… you
may remember it. Once you made the conscious connection between this
anxious reaction and your perception of fear and danger… from this point on,
your subconscious mind started doing all the decision making for you.
Your subconscious mind decided to rewire your brain to create a connection
between your high anxiety and your perception of that behavior and once you
reacted with fear of the fear, neural pathways began 'knitting' new behaviors
into your subconscious mind… autonomic behaviors of fear.
This behavior is called Operant Conditioning, a process discovered and
studied by Burrhus Frederic Skinner. Skinner was an American psychologist
who pioneered research and advocated behaviorism, which concentrates on
understanding how behavior is the manifestation of environmental history
with regard to the experience of consequences.
In a nutshell, Skinner showed how carrying out certain behaviors followed by
a reinforcing stimuli would 'etch' that behavior into the mind as neural
pathways of memory and habit are constructed.
We all learn by repetition. Look back to when you learned to drive, read,
write, play the piano etc. You did so by creating a constant process of
learning. Had you received a driving lesson once every six months, your brain
would have made the decision soon after lesson 1 that, because you hadn’t
repeated the ‘driving habit’, it wasn’t behavior you needed to retain, so it
would ‘prune’ those neural pathways of learning. The next time you had a
lesson, you would need to ‘re-learn’ those behaviors again.
You learn to drive by having a lesson and practicing with short intervals in
between, which send a clear message to your subconscious mind – “This is
learning you need to retain because it is something I am going to be doing
regularly, so it must be important”.
Now think about how, through the cycle of fear you experience, you have
PRACTICED being anxious!
But, there is a slight difference.
The emotion of fear, anxiety, is adaptable.
What do I mean by this?
As we move through life, from one environment to another, we move between
safe and not so safe environments. One minute we could be curled up in bed,
the next in war torn Afghanistan.
Our anxiety levels adjust to be ‘appropriate’ in each location and when we
move from a threatening place back to a none-threatening place our anxiety
levels SHOULD drop. But when you develop an anxiety condition, the level
doesn’t drop because instead of your mind reading your environment and
finding a threat, it reads your anxiety symptoms… your fear is perpetuated
by the symptoms of your fear.
Can this be stopped?
Oh yes and quickly!
What is the Amygdala and what does it have to do with YOUR anxiety?
The Amygdalae are actually a pair of organs in the brain. They perform an
integral role in the production, processing and storage of emotional reactions.
I liken the Amygdala to the body's anxiety thermostat. Thermostats typically
control temperature, but the Amygdalae, (they are actually a pair of organs)
regulate anxiety emotion in humans.
When confronted with something which
could represent a danger, the sensory
organs (eyes, ears, nose, mouth, skin) send
nerve impulses to the Amygdalae in order to
have it make a split second decision as to
whether the anxiety reaction, often called the
'fight or flight response' would be
appropriate. It is like a ‘risk assessment of
your environment.
Once the decision is made to react with
anxiety, a surge of adrenalin causes a raft of
physiological changes within the body and mind, which prepares us for either
fighting or fleeing from the danger present.
As I explained previously, in humans, the amygdalae perform primary roles in
the formation and storage of memories associated with emotional events.
Research indicates that, during fear conditioning, sensory stimuli reach the
amygdalae, where they form associations with memories of the stimuli. The
association between the anxious catalyst and the anxiety reaction causes the
memory to become fixed in the brain.
Experiments have shown that administration of stress hormones to mice
immediately after they learn something enhances their retention of that
behavior when they are tested two days later.
This means that if you experience an event and react with anxiety, that
connection becomes ingrained into the mind much more effectively…
this is what causes an anxiety disorder.
The amygdalae, especially the basolateral nuclei, are involved in mediating
the effects of emotional arousal on the strength of the memory for the event,
as shown by many laboratories including that of James McGaugh.
James L. McGaugh, Ph.D., is an American neurobiologist working in the field
of learning and memory. He is currently a professor at the University of
California, Irvine.
McGaugh’s laboratories have trained animals on a variety of learning tasks
and found that drugs injected into the amygdala after training affect the
animals' subsequent retention of the task.
These tasks include basic classical conditioning tasks such as inhibitory
avoidance, where a rat learns to associate a mild foot-shock with a particular
compartment of an apparatus, and more complex tasks such as spatial or
cued water maze, where a rat learns to swim to a platform to escape the
If a drug that activates the amygdalae is injected into the amygdalae, the
animals had better memory for the training in the task. If a drug that
deactivates the amygdalae is injected, the animals had impaired memory for
the task.
So, now you will understand that the Amygdalae play a vital role in the
formation and perpetuation of anxiety conditions.
That being the case, we can say that by changing the reaction of the
Amygdalae in anxiety disorder, we can eliminate the inappropriate anxious
The Amygdalae only respond to sensory input, which means that any cure
MUST, without question, de-programme the anxious response in the
Amygdalae and replace it with a more appropriate response by
reprogramming that response through behavior.
So reversing the process, which causes the formation of an anxiety disorder
in the Amygdalae, will also render obsolete and destroy the stored, anxious
It will CURE YOU!
But how can this be done effectively?
In the EXACT same way that your anxiety condition was 'learned' in the first
Through a constantly executed group of simple rules, the sensory organs can
be manipulated to send messages to the Amygdalae, which remove the
anxious reaction completely.
Which FORCE the amygdalae to ‘believe’ that you are safe. This causes the
amygdalae to ‘turn down’ your anxiety level to ‘normal’. Fast!
Let's look at other techniques for anxiety management/elimination and
compare them with this scientifically proven method.
Therapy – Therapy exposes the original catalyst for the anxiety as the 'cause'
and discusses ways to address that event through talking about it. This only
serves to reinforce the anxious habit in the Amygdala by consciously
'reminding' the subconscious mind that it is anxious and by making the initial
catalyst constantly conscious. Ludicrous that anyone could ever think this
would be productive
Medication – medication is chemical. Chemical changes which enter via the
bloodstream or short lived, untargeted and inappropriate. How can
medication reach the specific neural pathways in the brain and amygdala,
selecting them amongst billions of others accurately and somehow,
presumably with the help of a miracle, eliminate those and only those
behaviors? Describing this as a possibility is ludicrous, I am sure you will
The solution
Direct Amygdala reprogramming – as explained above. Targets the
Amygdalae directly. Reverses the formation of the anxiety response and
replaces the inappropriate anxious response with appropriate responses to
permanently eliminate anxiety, panic, phobias and obsessive behaviors and
all of the physical and psychological manifestations of those conditions.
How the Notion That There is Something 'wrong' with
You Shapes Your Recovery
You may have been told repeatedly that you have an anxiety disorder by
medics, psychologists or other medical professionals, but do you believe this
to be absolutely true?
It's easy to say that you have anxiety but believing it wholeheartedly is
another matter altogether!
Beliefs are a vital part of the flight or fight response, as they are formed by
the coming together of sensory input, intellect and creativity... but why?
In the fight or flight response, a group of vital bodily changes respond in order
to prepare us for making, sometimes life saving, decisions and taking action
in a split second. This response is designed as part of the internal defense
mechanism designed to react appropriately and quickly when a threat is
Imagine this scenario. You are driving along a secluded lane at night time
and you are confronted by a burning car on its roof with people inside
screaming for help. You have very little time to put your conscious mind into
gear so your subconscious mind takes over.
First of all it activates the flight or fight response and adrenalin is released.
Your heart speeds up, your sensory organs become more sensitive, blood is
diverted to your muscles to carry oxygen and water to them, ready for
activity... your mouth goes dry, your digestion slows and you go into
'emergency mode'.
In an instant your body is ready for action and your mind follows suit. In these
situations, your subconscious can't rely on your slower conscious mind to
cope alone so it starts 'problem solving', 'risk assessing' and calculating the
most effective course of action possible.
Anxious, Weird & Inappropriate Thoughts
Part of the Flight or Fight response is to produce 'what if' thought processes,
creating mental scenarios based on the worst case outcome in order to
calculate risk.
Those thought processes ask, "What if I get to the car and it explodes? What
if I can't lift the passenger out? What if the car tips over onto me?" All of this
'scenario building' assessing risk before the decisions are made.
This scenario assumes that REAL risk is present.
Now, transpose this same level of anxious response into your current life.
You have high levels of anxiety where NO REAL threat is present! But the
'problem solving' 'scenario building' continues... it has to; it is part of the flight
or fight mechanism!
But, now there is no problem to be solved so these 'what if' thought
processes work on the issues presented to it in your daily life, so it asks
questions like:
* What if there is something 'wrong' with me the medics are 'missing'?
* What if I have a serious disease?
* What if I lose consciousness?
* What if I go mad?
* What if I die?
* What if something happens to a family member?
* What if I harm someone I love?
* What if I am gay?
*What if I do this inappropriate thing (aggressive, sexual) to that person?
* What if I... blah, blah, blah...
Do you see where this is going?
Every thought you have had since you have been anxious, has been the
product of inappropriate 'what if thoughts' building anxiety fueled scenarios in
your mind.
Does this make sense?
I have had clients say:
* I sometimes think about killing my kids
* I sometimes think I am gay
* I sometimes think about killing myself
* I sometimes think about incest with my mother/father
All these ‘subconscious, anxious scenarios’ are produced by the Fight or
Flight respond, eagerly seeking out and questioning anything it can get its
teeth into... creating 'what ifs' in your subconscious.
So, when you start to think that 'perhaps there is something else wrong with
me'... tell yourself that those thought processes are simply the product of the
Fight or Flight response, disregard them in your decision making and move
forward with positivity, KNOWING that you can become anxiety free again.
Is anxiety disorder a mental illness?
No, it certainly is NOT!
Anxiety disorder is NOT a mental illness, it is a behavioral condition, there is
a very BIG difference.
Mental illnesses are clinical conditions which have a 'biological' basis (caused
by chemical imbalance), anxiety disorders are caused by a 'resetting' of the
'baseline' anxiety level; this happens through reinforcing the anxiety disorder
by repetitive anxious behavior as previously explained.
There is NO other cause for anxiety disorders, FACT!
All of the symptoms you experience are caused by mal-adjusted reactions in
the brain causing your mind and body to react with an inappropriate level of
Doctors pigeon-hole their patients by naming their conditions and, because
there is no pigeon-hole for anxiety as such, they label their patients as
'mentally ill', 'neurotic' or as 'hypochondriacs' - They are wrong!
TRUE mental illness is very specific and can't be treated through behavioral
treatments alone - they require medicinal treatments also.
Anxiety disorder does not require any medicinal intervention, which is why
psychologists have been treating anxiety disorders with psychotherapy for
decades; it just falls short of providing a complete solution.
So, if anxiety disorder isn't a mental illness, what can be done to correct it?
The Linden Method addresses that issue directly, tackling the problem at the
root cause, in the exact place where the anxious decisions are made. This is
done without medicine, without medical treatment and without long-winded
therapy programmes. The Linden Method is so simple to understand and
implement and has already treated tens of thousands of people in the last 2
years alone (this is when we introduced the latest version of the Linden
Sarah Coates, my friend and in-house psychologist, left her job as a
psychologist after working with me to cure her anxiety disorder completely
after just a few weeks. She too had been categorized as having a mental
illness and was sure that it was wrong.
She became disillusioned with what the psychology profession could achieve
with anxious patients and since joining me in her quest to help people
become well again, has now realized just how misguided psychology really is.
Sarah's quest to find a way of helping people has been realized, she now
helps people become well again and gets so much from receiving the emails
of gratitude from our clients.
How effective is The Linden Method?
These statistics were gathered over three months August-November.
1,117 people completed our survey.
The results are very telling but most agreed that medication and conventional
talking therapies had been ineffective in isolation. Of course, we wanted to
discover more accurate statistics about The Linden Center's programmes, so
we included searching questions about The Linden Method specifically.
Of the total people asked about aspects of anxiety elimination, the responses
we received were as follows:
16% said they had used The Linden Method.
Q1 -
96.7% said that they had experienced total anxiety elimination using The
Linden Method
2.3% said they had not complied with The Linden Method
Q2 -
82% said they had used medication for their anxiety disorder
77% believed that medication had been completely ineffective at reducing
their anxiety levels
Q3 -
64% said they had tried talking therapies
59% said that the talking therapy had not been effective at reducing their
Q4 -
71% said they experienced panic attacks
67% said they experienced obsessive thoughts and behaviors
56% said they experienced depersonalisation and derealisation
61% believe that food plays a part in their anxiety condition
Q5 -
Asked about The Linden Method support specialists:
41% said they had used the support specialist email and telephone contact
59% said they had no need to use the support in order to recover
35% said that their support was invaluable
6% said they were very supportive
Q6 -
Asked about verbal recommendations of The Linden Method to other
43% said they do not know any other sufferers
37% said they have already recommended the programme to others
18% said they will be telling others about The Linden Method
2% said they would want to help others through becoming involved as a
Linden Method Specialist
Q7 -
56% said they had tried more than one other anxiety programme
47% said they had not worked
5% said they had helped a little
4% said they had helped a lot
56% said they had not received the level of support offered by The Linden
63% said they believed the alternative programmes to have been run by
unqualified people
82% said they had been disappointed with aftercare
77% said they had not been aware of a refund guarantee from the other
programme suppliers
How The Linden Method Works
I have had so many people call or write to ask me exactly how The Linden
Method works, that I have decided to explain just why what we do at The
Linden Centers is different.
John Broadus Watson was an American Psychologist who established the
Psychological School of Behaviorism. Watson believed that he could take
twelve healthy infants and by applying behavioral changes, could 'design'
people to be how he wanted them to be.
Watson stated that emotions such as fear could be conditioned using
behavioral techniques. He took a small child (11 months) called 'Little Albert'
and conditioned him to become fearful of random objects: a rabbit, a dog and
(believe it or not) some wool! Watson presented these objects and at the
same time, made a loud noise.
The experiment worked and Little Albert became conditioned to respond with
fear when presented with the objects alone. He had conditioned anxiety and
this sent shockwaves through the psychological community that had, until
then, believed that fear, was pre-programmed in the subconscious (Sigmund
As unethical as this experiment was, it proved that fear responses could be
raised by fear conditioning and that anxiety disorders can be created and
eliminated given the correct treatment.
Around the same time, another behavioral psychologist was doing similar
work elsewhere in the US.
Burrhus Frederic Skinner was an American psychologist who pioneered
research and advocated behaviorism which concentrates on understanding
how behaviour is the manifestation of environmental history with regard to the
experience of consequences.
Skinner also proposed the use of behaviour modification, much like Watson,
he believed that a person could have their experience of life modified by
behaviors. Skinner developed the theories behind operant conditioning as a
way of engineering society, happiness and people's experiences of their lives.
Skinner believed that any experience backed up by a consequence would
become imprinted on a person's psyche; the experience of anxiety disorder
sufferers would back this up; repeated stimulation of the Amygdala through
anxious behaviour would reinforce and imprint those behaviors as a form of
'habit' into the subconscious mind.
Conversely, by using behavior modification as discovered and pioneered by
Watson and Skinner, the reversal of the formation of 'anxious habit' is also
In a nutshell what both of these eminent and incredibly forward thinking
scientists discovered is that it is very possible and actually very normal for an
individual to 'programme' their subconscious minds.
The Linden Method provides anxiety sufferers with a 'roadmap' of how to do
this without going through long-winded psychotherapy and without using
drugs that never produce CURATIVE results.
What I show you is a 'mother nature given' process... a normal, expected,
natural process that ALL recovered anxiety sufferers MUST have used to
become anxiety free.
Why do I emphasize must?
I use this analogy:
I have a bucket and one day I put it down on a nail. It creates a hole. I see the
water running out of the bucket and I start looking for a solution to the
I think about the solution and come up with:
Solution 1 - I make the water thicker so it doesn't run through the hole so
Solution 2 – I ignore the hole and keep running backwards and forwards
refilling the bucket.
Solution 3 – I put a piece of some material over the whole to hide the hole
and temporarily fix the problem but it keeps breaking through, so you keep
replacing it.
Solution 4 – I mend the bucket by replacing the missing piece.
Which would be the best solution?
Well of course, it's number 4.
So, what does this have to do with The Linden Method?
Solution 1 is drug intervention – it may provide temporary relief from some of
the symptoms but it doesn't cure the problem.
Solution 2 is just allowing the anxiety to dominate your life – modifying your
behaviors and tiring you out.
Solution 3 is therapy – during your session it makes sense and you may think
you have got it, but you leave and before long feel depleted and frustrated –
in addition, you waste so much time and money blocking the hole!
So, what is solution 4?
It's THE solution! It's the full fix! The total reversal and elimination of the
bundle of learned behavior in the brain!
The difference between other Methods and The Linden Method is that The
Linden Method brings together a group of simple techniques that undermine
and eliminate anxiety completely... it's not a quick fix, a cover up, a 'band aid'
it actually undoes the formation of anxiety conditions completely!
How does it do this?
It destroys anxious neural pathways and replaces them with non anxious
ones! Like removing a smoking habit or a nail biting habit or any learned
behavior. Through seamless continuity of the Linden Method structure...
which is simple, the brain 'reorganizes itself'...
...until a new structure has been created that behaves in a completely non-
anxious way.
The brain requires communication and equilibrium between the two
hemispheres and when communication is effective, the brain becomes more
creative, more organized, more able to learn effectively and the effect on your
life can be incredible.
When you recover using The Linden Method, which outlines and guides you
through the ONLY way to erase anxiety, your mind will respond... your
anxiety, which has 'fine tuned' your brain during your anxiety disorder will
fade away but your brain will divert all of the changes made to your
subconscious mind to make you more productive in every area of your life.
Making these changes creates an effect which scientists call 'whole brain
Whole brain thinking enables creativity increases, intuition, increased ability
to learn, social skills and increased intelligence. My IQ went up by 5 points
during my anxiety disorder!
Traditional anxiety elimination method such as CBT (never medication!), are
supposed to create these changes but the problem is that methods such as
CBT are usually an event... a once or twice a week session at best. But
talking therapies also involve a number of very 'counter-productive' devices
which serve only to remind the sufferer that they have high anxiety. A TRUE
solution which uses these scientific devices, like those discovered by Skinner
and Watson, is a PROCESS and not just a once a week event!
Continuity of support is required to create and maintain these changes.
Continuity is the watchword. The clear, concise, simple and structured
process outlined in The Method is the ONLY way to achieve these changes
effectively and our system has been designed to provide the targeted
structure that is vital to recovery. It is the ONLY method available in the world
that is proven to work in absolutely every single case.
You may think that this sounds incredible. Yes, I agree, it is incredible. You
may think it sounds fictitious. I agree it does but trust me this is science fact.
There's no secret about how The Linden Method works... no secret at all.
* I provide the solution to you in a set of structured rules.
* I provide a group of supportive 'first aid' fixes to use during recovery.
* I provide words of inspiration.
* I provide information that offers answers to so many questions.
* I provide structure.
* I provide seamless support, reassurance and guidance.

And all of this combines to provide recovery.

I started this company because using The Linden Method totally changed my
life, but I'm sometimes at a loss as to how to adequately communicate just
what I mean so that sufferers understand just how simple this is.
The memory of how I once was has now faded... in fact, other people
remember that person far more effectively than I can.
I KNOW through experience of helping over 100,000 sufferers that you will be
led to your own version of the same conclusion I reached with The Linden
I sleep very well at night, secure in the knowledge that the solution I provide
is water tight. I know this works and the thousands of letters of thanks I
receive are testament to that.
You can get more information about how The Linden Method works by
clicking here
The Anxiety ‘disorders’
Before I go on to provide the benefit of our research and experience with
regard to the anxiety ‘disorders’, I must first explain my understanding of the
terms used by doctors and psychologists when diagnosing and categorizing
these conditions.
I use the word disorder throughout this book for ease of use because it is
what people are used to hearing, but, in principle, I am 100% against the use
of the word.
DISORDER – The word disorder suggests illness. You are neither physically
or mentally ill, despite how you are feeling. Describing your anxiety condition
as a disorder would mean that feeling hot, itching, sweating and other
subconsciously controlled, physical reactions are also ‘disorders’, the
suggestion is ludicrous!
MENTAL ILLNESS – You are not mentally ill! Mental illness is caused by
physical brain injury or impairment or chemical imbalance. If you have been
diagnosed with an anxiety disorder, you have neither! Anxiety conditions are
NOT related to depression or other mental illnesses.
DEPRESSION – Anxiety conditions are NOT depression, despite what you
may have heard or understood. Just because your doctor may have
prescribed you an antidepressant medication, does not mean you have
depression. Doctors are very good at misrepresenting anxiety conditions and
dressing them up as mental illness, usually due to lack of knowledge and
inexperience. Depression is a clinical condition caused by chemical
imbalance and not related to anxiety conditions in any way whatsoever. It is
true that some people with true, clinical depression may develop anxiety
symptoms due to the severity and desperate nature of true depression, but it
is our experience that anxiety sufferers do not develop true clinical
depression. The desperation experienced by anxiety sufferers is NOT
depression; it is an overwhelming feeling of hopelessness experienced by
some anxiety sufferers.
GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder)
A sophisticated combination of negative, anxious emotions, which includes
fear, worrying and fear of consequences. Anxiety is often accompanied by
physical symptoms or sensations like a racing heart, breathlessness, nausea,
chest pains and sweating for example.
GAD is much more intense than ‘normal’ anxiety levels which may be
experienced on a day to day basis. GAD is overwhelming and can dominate
your day with inappropriate and exaggerated worries and tension, even when
there is nothing present to create fear.
Having GAD means that the sufferer is always anticipating a negative
outcome to everything they confront, sufferers often worry inappropriately
about health, finances, relationships or their career.
The normal reaction to anxiety is to retreat or withdraw from 'normal'
activities, this reinforces to the anxious mind that it is OK for our anxiety to
dictate how we feel, what we do and where we go to us and for us to modify
our enjoyment of life to accommodate it... this is not acceptable.
GAD is an anxiety disorder because, as already stated, without an underlying
high level of anxiety, it cannot exist.
GAD sufferers have inappropriate and sometimes frightening or disturbing
thoughts, sometimes violent or sexual in nature - these may sometimes
involve people with whom they would never partake in such acts, even
members of their own family. This was explained earlier as the ‘what if’
thoughts associated with ‘risk assessment’; these, like all anxiety symptoms,
will go as your anxiety is eliminated.
Very often, simply the thought of getting through the day provokes anxiety as
soon as the sufferer wakes, which sets them up for a day filled with anxious
Because adrenaline levels are artificially raised this leads to a resetting of our
baseline anxiety level in the anxiety control center, we can experience
constant general or generalized anxiety.
This means that the body is functioning at a much higher level of anxiety,
causing a whole list of anxious feelings, emotions and sensations.
What are the symptoms of GAD?
The anxiety experienced is usually accompanied by physical anxiety
symptoms such as headaches, tension, tiredness, aching muscles, difficulty
swallowing, shaking, twitches, mood swings, sweats, and hot and cold
GAD sufferers may often feel light-headed or out of breath. They may also
feel nauseated or have to go to the bathroom frequently. Generalized anxiety
is constant and can cause anxiety / panic attacks during the day and night.
Night time anxiety and panic attacks are especially disturbing and can often
wake the sufferer from deep sleep feeling particularly frightened or
experiencing ‘night frights’ which cause the sufferer to wake suddenly
experiencing dramatic anxiety symptoms. Nighttime anxiety can be minimized
with some practical steps which minimize the impact of such things as blood
sugar level fluctuations during sleep.
Individuals with GAD seem unable to relax, and they may startle more easily
than other people. They tend to have difficulty concentrating and often, they
have trouble falling or staying asleep.
The sort of symptoms you can experience in generalized anxiety are
generally milder than those experienced during panic disorder.
Your stomach may churn, your heart race or beat slower or you may get
palpitations you may also feel sweaty or clammy, dizzy or shaky and a sense
of general unrest.
You may just feel as if you have the Flu with shaky or weak legs and
clamminess. You might get disturbing thoughts or feel depressed, this is
perfectly normal and will pass, it is purely a response to anxiety and must not
be mistaken for depression. Remember, these thoughts and feelings are
harmless but unpleasant nonetheless.
This doesn't mean you should rush to your doctor to get anxiety medication -
in fact, quite the contrary!
Anxiety is often misdiagnosed as depression by physicians, who's 'knee jerk'
reaction is to reach for the prescription pad. Not only is this premature, but
also a wholly inappropriate treatment for an anxiety condition. Anxiety isn't
caused by a mental or physical illness and certainly not by a chemical
imbalance which requires medicinal 'correction'... anxiety disorder is a
behavioral condition and can not be eliminated by chemical means.
GAD affects about 1 in 4 adults at some point in their life and about twice as
many women as men. Anxiety disorder can develop gradually or abruptly and
can begin at any time across the life-cycle, though the risk is highest between
childhood and middle age.
More info about GAD
Panic Disorder & Panic Attacks (anxiety attacks)
Panic disorder is one of the ‘so-called anxiety’ disorders and is the result of
an increased level of anxiety which is caused by a change in the way the
Amygdala, in the brain, responds to anxiety-provoking thoughts or situations.
When this process becomes disrupted, the sufferer develops feelings of
anxiety which may escalate into panic attacks or Panic disorder.
Panic Disorder has such diverse and sometimes extreme symptoms. BUT,
this is caused by the same internal mechanism in every single sufferer. The
brain thinks it is behaving normally as it has become re-set at a higher than
normal level of anxiety due to a catalyst of some sort; the catalyst is
unimportant actually, what is important, however, is that an internal switch,
which activates the anxiety response in the brain has been 'adjusted' to a
higher level of anxiety and it is this that causes and perpetuates the Panic
Disorder. As you know, I don't like the term disorder, it suggests illness and
anxiety isn't an illness, it's a natural device that can become disturbed.
Panic Disorder affects about 10 million adults in the US and the UK and is
twice as common in women as in men. It most often begins during late
adolescence or early adulthood.
Not everyone who experiences panic attacks will develop panic disorder - for
example, many people have one attack but never have another. For those
who do have Panic Disorder, though, it's important to seek treatment.
Untreated, the disorder can become very disabling indeed.
Many people with Panic Disorder visit the hospital emergency room
repeatedly or see a number of doctors before they obtain a correct diagnosis
and may go for years without learning that they have a real, treatable
Regardless of how the anxiety affects you mentally or physically, the very
same internal mechanism is responsible, so the curative process is the same
in every case regardless of age, race or gender. To eliminate Panic Disorder
permanently, this mechanism must be addressed and corrected.
Panic Symptoms
People with panic disorder have feelings of terror that strike suddenly and
repeatedly with no warning. They can't predict when a panic attack will occur,
and many develop intense anxiety between episodes, worrying when and
where the next one will strike.
Most likely your heart will pound and you may feel sweaty, weak, faint, or
dizzy. Your hands may tingle or feel numb, and you might feel flushed or
chilled. You may have nausea, chest pain or smothering sensations, a sense
of unreality, or fear of impending doom or loss of control. You may genuinely
believe you're having a heart attack or losing your mind, or even on the verge
of death.
Panic attacks can occur at any time, even during sleep. An attack generally
peaks within 10 minutes, but some symptoms may last much longer.
Panic Attack Symptoms Explained
First of all, the word 'symptom' is used by doctors to describe the effects of
illness... ANXIETY IS NOT AN ILLNESS... it's a behavioral condition.
However, anxiety does produce some pretty scary SENSATIONS.
Yes, I said SENSATIONS because all of the feelings and thoughts you
experience are just that! They are the physical manifestations of high anxiety
True FEAR can only be present when there is something PRESENT to be
scared of. If you have panic attack symptoms when there is nothing present
to be scared of... you are experiencing INAPPROPRIATE ANXIETY... the
sensations of FEAR, BUT, NOT true fear!
Even any weird or anxious thoughts you experience are ALL the product of
the anxiety response which creates 'what if' thoughts... thoughts designed to
make you make sensible decisions quickly when REAL fear is present; but
when no REAL fear is present, the thoughts work on presenting you with
'worst case scenarios' and some can be pretty weird and disturbing; these
might include aggressive thoughts or sexual thoughts... thoughts about things
you KNOW you'd never actually carry out. Disturbing but harmless and a
recognized and common panic attacks symptom.
Does this make sense?
I tell you this because I need you to understand that all the panic attacks
symptoms, feelings, thoughts and sensations you experience are products of
the anxious nerve signals your brain produces, not the signs of illness.. not
physical illness, not mental illness!
Symptoms of panic attacks are unpleasant, to say the least, BUT they are
completely normal and harmless (no matter how inappropriate).
Not everyone experiences the same panic attack symptoms; we are all
different biologically and therefore react differently to each other as a
response to the same or similar stimuli.
The following list identifies the most common panic attack symptoms.
Experiencing four or less of these panic attack symptoms identifies what is
called a limited symptom attack.
Common Panic Attack Symptoms
* Rapid heart beat, pounding heart or palpitations
* Sweating
* Shaking visibly or inside
* Choking sensations or lump in throat
* Smothering or shortness of breath sensations
* Chest pain or discomfort
* Nausea, bloating, indigestion or abdominal discomfort
* Dizziness or unsteadiness
* Feeling light-headed
* Derealisation (feeling unreal or dreamy)
* Depersonalisation (feeling outside yourself or like you don't exist)
* Fear of losing control or going crazy
* Paresthesias (numbness or tingling sensations) in face, extremities, body
* Chills or hot flushes
* Skin losing color
* Blushing or skin blotches
* Urgently needing to urinate or defecate
* Inappropriate/Disturbed thoughts
* Muscle pain, especially in neck or shoulders
...and possibly many more!
Experiencing different or more panic attack symptoms to those listed above,
does not mean that your condition is worse or different, or that you are
suffering from another un-diagnosed condition. Diagnosis of anxiety disorders
is very accurate.
Some people have anxiety disorder but never suffer from panic attack
How are panic attack symptoms caused?
Panic attack symptoms are caused by a number of biological changes that
occur during times of stress and anxiety. The human body is very resilient,
even in times of anxiety we are strong, although we may not feel it. It's also
very true that some people might be scared that their heart will stop, or give
up, through the constant racing, thumping or chest pain, this is simply not
true; again these are very common symptoms of panic attacks.
Ultimately, all of these symptoms have developed to assist you to take
evasive or direct action against a threat. The body has to become stronger,
lighter and faster and the changes made in every bodily system can produce
strange and invasive symptoms which are natural when anxiety is appropriate
but not when they are inappropriate.
No one has ever come to any harm as a result of high anxiety or panic
attacks! Consider how hard athletes have to work in order to give their hearts
the kind of workout your heart receives through anxiety; athletes hearts do
not give up, do they?
The heart is a muscle, raising the heart rate exercises it, making it fitter. You
wouldn't worry if your heart raced after running for the bus, so why worry
about it when it happens during high anxiety. Panic attacks symptoms are
The downside of these panic attack symptoms is that your body will feel tired
and shaky after they subside. You may feel as if you have run a marathon.
Feeling tired or achy is a normal side effect, if you are aware that it may
happen, when it does, you will know what it is and it won't scare you as much!
Most anxious people complain of aching muscles and general fatigue, these
are very common symptoms of panic attacks and anxiety. Muscle tension can
cause pain or sensations of tightness anywhere in the body; most common in
anxiety are pains in the chest, neck and shoulders.
Tension in these places can be distressing; the tension in your chest may
cause shortness of breath or rib pain, and it may make your chest or breasts
tender or numb. Pains in the muscular tissues of the neck and back can
cause the blood vessels and nerves to become restricted; this can cause
headaches or migraine but can also cause the head to feel tender or painful.
It is possible for your face or scalp to feel numb or dead, this can affect
sensations around your eye, in your cheek, face and jaw and can even affect
the sensations in your mouth.
This is caused by muscular tension causing restriction around the nerves and
blood vessels in my neck. When I first experienced this, I was very scared as
are many of my clients. AGAIN, another symptom of panic attacks and
anxiety which causes the sufferer unnecessary worry but is completely
harmless. Massaging the neck releases much of the tension and thus
relieves the sensations; this works for most people.
This tension can cause feelings of numbness in the arms (usually the left),
and also the legs. Don't be alarmed if this happens to you.
You must understand that the nervous system is found in every inch of your
body. There are nerve endings literally everywhere, around every organ,
muscle and over every square millimeter of your skin so the symptoms of
panic attacks and anxiety can be experienced anywhere! Tension can be
responsible for many of the sensations experienced during anxiety.
Panic attack symptoms are EXACTLY what the name suggests, a symptom
of the disorder not of another condition.
Can panic attack symptoms harm you?
No! Panic attacks symptoms have never harmed anyone. Although they feel
horrific and scary, panic attack symptoms are harmless and are simply
exaggerated experiences of normal bodily sensations and reactions. Of all
the people that I have spoken to about their own panic attack symptoms,
none, including myself, ever came to any harm during the, literally thousands,
of panic attacks we experienced.
Panic Disorder may lead to a pattern of avoidance of places or situations
where panic attacks have occurred. For example, if a panic attack strikes
while you're riding in an elevator, you may develop a phobia (fear) of
elevators. If you start avoiding them, that could affect your choice of a job or
apartment and greatly restrict other areas of your life for fear of a repeated
Some people's lives become so restricted that they avoid normal, everyday
activities such as grocery shopping or driving. In some cases they become
completely housebound. Or, they may be able to confront a feared situation
only if accompanied by a spouse or other trusted person.
Sufferers avoid any situation in which they would feel helpless if a panic
attack were to occur. When people's lives become so restricted, as happens
in about one-third of people with panic disorder, the condition is called
Agoraphobia. Early treatment can often prevent agoraphobia.
Panic Disorder Treatment
Panic Disorder is one of the most treatable of all the anxiety disorders,
responding in most cases to carefully targeted anxiety management
programmes. Drugs and psychotherapy are untargeted and mostly
unsuccessful in isolation.
More info about Panic Disorder & Panic Attacks
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder - OCD
I have never, in tens of thousands of OCD cases, found one case where
medication has played a curative role in recovery... that's the truth.
There is only one true cure for OCD and that is to remove the anxious habit
that drives it at its root.
Put it this way, how many people with OCD are on medication?
How many of them can ultimately say "I've been on the meds X weeks and I
am cured!"
If my new clients are anything to go by, medication can't change the
subconscious, anxious 'habit', which causes and perpetuates OCD.
I have to be careful here though because I don't believe that OCD actually
exists as a stand-alone condition! Why? Firstly, the word disorder implies
illness... anxiety fueled obsessive behavior is not an illness... secondly, it
doesn't require a name at all because it, just like a racing heart, upset
stomach, chest tightness etc. is simply another anxiety SYMPTOM and not a
stand alone condition.
If you have OCD, you have 'high anxiety'... inappropriate, yes, an illness, no!
That high anxiety is causing a change in thought and reasoning due to
hormonal changes caused by the Fight or Flight response.
Is this mental illness?
No... it’s a perfectly normal but massively embellished version of NORMAL
If you felt happy all the time and went around laughing... people would think
you were a little odd perhaps, but ILL, NO!
So what's the difference?
You have heightened fear... what's the difference between that and
heightened happiness? NOTHING.
They are both human emotions... both inappropriate and yet happiness isn't
feared, so the 'symptoms' are ignored or enjoyed. Fear carries with it,
unpleasant 'symptoms'... but why are they any more 'serious' than the happy
symptoms? See where I am going with this?
When you fall in love... a natural and logical reaction, yes?
BUT, love is a form of what you would call OCD.. think about it! Obsessive,
yes, compulsive, yes... disorder, NO! But it carries all the traits of OCD!
So are we mentally ill when we are in love? No, no more than we are
mentally or physically ill when we have obsessions and compulsions. OCD -
pleasant, no. Illness, no. Curable, yes. With meds? NO!
So how do you cure OCD? I'll try and explain.
What is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder?
OCD is caused by the ‘what if’ thoughts experienced in high anxiety
becoming directed at things in your environment which MAY represent a
threat. When no REAL threat is present, your ‘what of’ thoughts focus on
health, tidiness, cleanliness, your family and other localized objects.
“What if I do X to my family?”
“What if I don’t wash my hands?”
“What if I don’t turn the light on and off X times?”
“What if I don’t check X?”
All these thoughts are designed to analyse risk in order to take appropriate
action when REAL threat is present, but in high anxiety and OCD no REAL
risk or threat is present.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is an anxiety disorder symptom, NOT
a stand-alone condition.
Because OCD never exists without underlying high anxiety; take away your
inappropriate anxiety and your obsessions will simply fade away. OCD is
fueled by anxiety-driven 'what if' or 'catastrophic' thought processes which are
stored like habit in the brain.
If you have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), you may be plagued by
persistent, unwelcome thoughts or images, or by the urgent need to engage
in certain rituals in order to stave off anxiety. These Obsessive Compulsive
Disorder rituals can be very fast to carry out, such as checking light switches
or making sure you have turned off the stove, but many require large
quantities of time and concentration.
As a sufferer of OCD:
• You may be obsessed with germs or dirt, washing your hands, clothes,
home or furniture repeatedly
• You may be filled with doubt and feel the need to check things many
times over
• You may have frequent thoughts of violence, and fear that you will harm
people close to you
• You may spend long periods touching things or counting
• You may be pre-occupied by order or symmetry
• you may have persistent thoughts of performing sexual acts that are
repugnant to you
• You may be troubled by thoughts that oppose your religious beliefs
The disturbing thoughts or images are called obsessions, and the rituals that
are performed to try to prevent or get rid of them are called compulsions. If
the Obsessive Compulsive Disorder sufferer does not carry out the ritual that
their subconscious mind wishes them to, the anxiety level can become
overwhelming. Panic attacks and all of the associated anxiety symptoms,
thoughts and sensations can ensue - and it is this which forces the sufferer to
become a slave to their compulsions and rituals in order to prevent an anxiety
Even non-anxious people recognize some of the symptoms of Obsessive
Compulsive Disorder. 'Checking' behavior is common in non-sufferers, but
when this behavior becomes obsessive, the OCD sufferer can spend much of
their day checking the gas, the light switches or the locks. Some OCD
sufferers spend much of their day carrying out the rituals they have
developed which can be very intrusive and destructive for both themselves
and family members.
Most OCD sufferers realize that what they do makes no real sense, but the
fear of the consequences of NOT doing it forces them to continue. There are
many OCD sufferers who are so entrenched in their behaviors and routines
that they seem oblivious to the fact that what they do is not what one would
call 'normal' behavior.
Who suffers from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)?
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) affects over 4 million Americans and
this figure is echoed across the world. OCD affects men and women equally
and normally develops in younger people and children first. Approximately
1/3 of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder sufferers first experienced their
symptoms as a child.
People with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder tend to avoid situations where
there may be a chance of confronting their fears or obsessions. Avoidance
techniques support the anxious behavior and often phobias accompany the
OCD behavior, such as agoraphobia or social phobia.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) sufferers find it very difficult to
maintain healthy relationships or to hold down a job because of the intrusive
and very visual nature of their conditions - often employers will find the visible
symptoms difficult to work with and careers can be severely affected.
More info about OCD
'Pure O'
Pure O is the obsessive thoughts experienced in obsessive compulsive
disorder but without any resultant compulsion to carry out any specific actions
such as hand washing, ordering or word repetition. Pure O can often center
around obsessive thoughts of a sexual or aggressive nature.
Can Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) be cured?
In a word... yes! Most definitely and most permanently.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is an Anxiety Disorder symptom, and
can, therefore, be eliminated by addressing the subconscious reaction which
causes and perpetuates the anxiety which fuels it. This sounds difficult, but it
There is an internal 'anxiety switch' which is activated by anxious stimuli and
it is by controlling and altering this reaction that OCD and the anxiety that
fuels it can be permanently eliminated, very quickly and very permanently.
In over a decade of treating Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) clients,
we have never had one case where we have failed to undermine and remove
the rituals and obsessions that they experience.
If you remove the anxiety which fuels OCD, the obsessions and compulsions
fade away quickly.
Agoraphobia caused me to limit my life to such an extent that I became
completely dependent, totally housebound and more and more anxious as
my world shrank around me. I would spend weeks refusing to leave home or
traveling very short distances accompanied by a person I trusted; even then I
would experience overwhelming anxiety and panic attacks. But, that all
changed as I implemented a programme of recovery that turned my life
around in days. I can show you how to do the same with fast and permanent
Agoraphobia typically produces an anxiety reaction to open spaces or being
a long distance from a place or person of security. Often, agoraphobics
cannot move around freely without a person they trust and/or within a very
tight vicinity of a safe ‘escape’.
The agoraphobia response is a completely appropriate reaction to threat and
forms part of our natural instinct for self-preservation. However, when
agoraphobia becomes intrusive and constant, it must be dealt with and
Encountering a 'threatening' situation, a sufferer will often take extreme
measures to avoid potential 'harm'. While this offers some short-term comfort,
over the longer term, it can severely restrict the lives of sufferers and their
families, not to mention its direct reinforcement of the anxious behaviors that
cause it.
Agoraphobics are often accompanied by a person they trust and will only
travel certain distances from home, or to places, they trust, or know, I order to
prevent high anxiety and/or panic attacks from happening.
Avoidance of anxiety provoking situations is NOT an effective of overcoming
agoraphobia. But neither are 'Face your Fear' techniques which are used by
many psychologists and psychiatrists. These can actually make your anxiety
far worse by exposing you to your worst fears, hence pushing your anxiety
levels passed an acceptable level. This sort of practice only serves to
reinforce rather than remove the agoraphobic reaction.
Agoraphobia is driven by underlying, high levels of anxiety and it is this which
must be eliminated in order for a sufferer to make a full recovery.
Agoraphobia and social phobia are usually accompanied by other anxiety
symptoms such as panic attacks, obsessions or generalized anxiety disorder.
Our agoraphobic and socially phobic clients make full recoveries from their
symptoms once they have removed the underlying anxiety which fuels their
conditions which demonstrates conclusively that agoraphobia is a symptom
of and not a separate, anxiety condition.
Agoraphobia is an anxiety reaction resulting from a person's geographic
location and rarely occurs in places of safety such as at home, for example.
Often sufferers become so agoraphobic that even the minutest geographic
movements between rooms in their homes can cause heightened anxiety.
How is agoraphobia caused?
Please understand this. I reiterate: agoraphobia is a symptom of an anxiety
disorder. Without anxiety this phobia simply CAN'T exist! So, by eliminating
the underlying anxiety disorder, agoraphobia can be eliminated 100%.
Anxiety, panic, phobias and other anxiety disorder symptoms can be
eliminated 100% by addressing the root cause directly. The cause of all these
conditions is the amygdala which controls the anxiety reaction.
The Amygdala becomes 're-set' when life circumstances cause it to release
anxious responses repeatedly; it LEARNS to become inappropriately anxious
- through repetition. This is called Operant Conditioning.
When agoraphobia forms, the sufferer avoids the place where they felt most
anxious in order to prevent it happening again, but as the anxiety increases
during the formation of an anxiety condition, they begin to experience anxiety
in a multitude of locations and subsequently avoid those locations. Before
long, they have trained the amygdala to respond with high anxiety in most
locations and their world’s become smaller and smaller until they become
So, by eliminating this reaction in The Amygdala, anxiety can be reduced
quickly and efficiently, permanently eliminating your agoraphobia. This can
and often does, happen in a few days IF the correct process of anxiety
elimination is followed.
So, to recap and be clear it’s vital that you understand this:
When a person experiences high anxiety which causes symptoms in the
body, the symptoms are perceived by the amygdala as a ‘threat’ and if you
are in the supermarket when this threat becomes apparent, your amygdala
will form a connection in the brain’s circuitry that says “supermarket =
Anxiety”. The next time you go to the supermarket, your brain will react with
anxiety. It is this ‘connection’ which causes agoraphobia.
What agoraphobia treatments are available?
There are very few agoraphobia treatments available through accessible,
general practice, most include talking therapies and medication which often
have very limited therapeutic affect; the proof stands to reason, if they
worked, no one would still be suffering.
A true CURATIVE agoraphobia treatment is accessible, seamless, targeted
and structured. It is possible to remove agoraphobia completely and eliminate
the underlying anxiety that causes it but this must be administered by
qualified and experienced professionals with an understanding of the
condition and a proven structure which undermines and removes the high
anxiety at its SOURCE.
More info about Agoraphobia
Social Anxiety Disorder
Social anxiety disorder involves overwhelming anxiety and excessive self-
consciousness in everyday social situations.
People with social anxiety have a persistent, intense and sometimes chronic
fear of being watched and/or judged by other people and being embarrassed
and/or humiliated by their actions. Their fear may be so severe that it
interferes with work or school and other everyday activities.
Many people with social anxiety disorder are worried by eating or writing in
front of others and have a constant ongoing fear of public identification or
anything that draws attention to them such as making speeches or reading
out loud.
Whilst many people with social anxiety recognize that their fear of being
around people may be excessive and unreasonable, they are unable to
minimize or overcome it. They often worry for days or weeks in advance of a
dreaded situation or event and therefore prepare themselves for, what they
believe to be, inevitable anxiety.
Social anxiety disorder can be limited to only one type of situation - such as a
fear of speaking in formal or informal situations, or eating, drinking, or writing
in front of others, or, in its most severe form, may be so broad that a person
experiences symptoms almost anytime they are around other people.
Social Anxiety Disorder can be very debilitating - it may even keep people
from going to work or school on some days. Many people with social anxiety
have a hard time making and keeping friends.
How common is Social Anxiety Disorder?
Very common indeed! In fact, it is our experience that most anxiety and panic
sufferers show signs of social anxiety disorder too. Social anxiety disorder is
more common in young people as they mature and enter adult life.
There is also a strong correlation between social anxiety and agoraphobia
and sufferers find that the action of avoiding social situations creates an
agoraphobic reaction to those locations.
Who does Social Anxiety Disorder affect?
Social anxiety disorder can affect anyone of any age or sex. It is estimated
that around seven million Americans have social anxiety disorder and this
number is echoed around the world.
What causes Social Anxiety Disorder?
The amygdala (the anxiety control center in the brain), is responsible for the
symptoms of social anxiety disorder.
When the amygdala becomes re-set to a higher 'baseline' level than
previously, inappropriate, anxiety, such as social anxiety disorder become
apparent. This process of learning is called operant conditioning.
Social anxiety disorder develops as a result of high anxiety and the amygdala
producing ‘what if’ thoughts as described earlier. These ‘what if’ risk
assessing thoughts analyse the sufferer’s environment and detect threat in
the form of the people and situations around them which then causes more
anxiety and so on.
What are the symptoms of Social Anxiety Disorder?
Social anxiety symptoms can be intense; they include panic attacks and
phobias, agoraphobia and all of the physical and psychological thoughts and
sensations associated with anxiety.
More info about Social Anxiety Disorder
PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)
DO NOT allow anyone to tell you that PTSD is a stand-alone condition, IT IS
NOT. PTSD is a SYMPTOM of an anxiety disorder.
How do we know this?
Because in EVERY case where we have eliminated the underlying anxiety,
the PTSD has been eliminated too! FACT!
As with all anxiety disorders, PTSD develops as a result of an experience or
experiences which cause the 'baseline' level of anxiety to rise in the
Amygdala, the organ in the brain which regulates the anxiety level. The
Amygdala 'learns' new behavior by repetition. This process is called Operant
PTSD is common after 'near death' experiences involving the sufferer where
a threat to themselves or others occur.
Because PTSD is often associated with war or severe trauma, it is dealt with
by medics in a way which separates it from the other anxiety conditions which
is wrong.
As with all anxiety disorders, PTSD can be treated and eliminated simply,
easily and quickly using a targeted method which addresses the
inappropriate reaction of The Amygdala.
More info about PTSD
Dentophobia and Iatrophobia
Dentophobia (a fear of dentists) and Iatrophobia (a fear of doctors) are two
very common phobias.
No one really enjoys going to the dentists, but for those who suffer with
anxiety, panic attacks and the extremes of phobia when visiting doctors and
dentists, the whole experience can be traumatic or non-existent for those who
simply won't go!
Avoiding doctors and dentists is acceptable unless you are in need of medical
or dental assistance. You can allow your teeth to drop out of your mouth, but
if an extreme dental emergency emerges, it becomes a necessity, rather than
a cosmetic issue.
Similarly, most people go through life with few serious medical issues but
even minor issues can escalate if ignored.
For those people who suffer with an anxiety disorder, the anxiety of medical
visits is compounded. Those who only experience high anxiety when visiting
doctors or dentists are able to cope with the anxiety and be nurtured through
most procedures with the help of a mild sedative or relaxation exercises for
example, however, panic disorder and agoraphobia sufferers often find it
impossible to leave home let alone get to the surgery! (Impossible? NO! But
they are unwilling to go as a result of their fears.)
For those sufferers who have an anxiety disorder, it is vital that they address
the root cause of their anxiety first which will then undermine the fears and
anxiety they experience when visiting the dentist, doctor or any other anxiety
provoking situation.
Fear is normal, it is an appropriate reaction to a threat but when it becomes
inappropriate and invasive, it is vital that something is done to remove the
anxiety that fuels it.
No matter how your fears and phobias manifest in you, they are inappropriate
and as such, can be reset back down to a more acceptable level.
School Phobia
What are the symptoms of School Phobia?
School Phobia (Didaskaleinophobia) is itself a symptom of anxiety disorder in
childhood. It is also known as separation anxiety, which is a child’s (or adult’s
sometimes), inappropriate fear of leaving their parents, a person or place of
trust or home for example.
Most children find going to school exciting and enjoyable although of course
nearly all children have times when they don't want to go. This happens
commonly at ages where children are faced with tougher school activities or
exams or may have fallen out with friends. All of this is a normal part of
growing up.
Children who develop school phobia, however, become terrified, trying every
avoidance tactic in order to stay at home.
Parents should be aware if their child regularly says that they are too sick to
go to school, they could be doing so in order to avoid anxious feelings.
School phobia can present itself in a number of ways:
• Constant thoughts and fears about safety of self and parents
• Refusing to go to school
• Frequent stomach aches and other physical complaints
• Extreme worries about sleeping away from home
• Overly clingy
• Panic or tantrums at times of separation from parents
• Feeling unsafe staying in a room by themselves
• Clinging behavior
• Displaying excessive worry and fear about parents or about harm to
• Shadowing the mother or father around the house
• Difficulty going to sleep
• Having nightmares
• Exaggerated, unrealistic fears of animals, monster, burglars
• Fear of being alone in the dark
• Severe tantrums when forced to go to school
Childhood anxiety is not only disturbing and scary for the child but also
frustrating and worrying for the child's parents.
What Causes School Phobia?
School phobia develops in much the same way as an adult anxiety disorder
or phobia; often high anxiety whilst at school results in a link being created in
the amygdala between anxiety and school.
It is always difficult for a child to break away from home after an extended
period of being at home, such as the school holidays or time off sick which
can often be when school phobia initially becomes apparent.
Factors such as moving to a new area, a divorce or a bereavement can
cause immense stress to a child and set off disturbed, anxious behavior that
can escalate into school phobia.
Additionally the child's family often unintentionally reflects school phobic
behaviors on to the child. When a family undergoes a major stress such as
moving house or bereavement it is common for a child to express mild refusal
to leave the primary caregiver (who may also be anxious, distressed,
This can escalate if the child is not firmly encouraged to leave the caregiver;
in fact, they are often inadvertently rewarded with extra attention from their
parents. The child's anxiety about leaving is reinforced and the child doesn't
have the opportunity to develop ways to cope with the separation.
At the age of about 13, I went through a period of what my doctor called
'school phobia'. I became irrationally anxious, depressed and scared. I would
regularly seek the assistance of the school nurse, call my mother to collect
me and sit alone somewhere, hiding.
Feeling that way at such a young age is dreadfully disturbing, it is not only
scary but confusing too. The psyche of a child is very superficial until this age
and the sudden realization that life is not all about play and fun and in fact
quite daunting, challenging and delicate, comes as quite a shock.
Children discover their mortality at varying ages but this realization too, can
cause a child immense distress if not handled correctly by parents or
How Common is School Phobia?
A study in the US by Burke et al showed that 1.3% of teenagers aged 14-16
years and between 4.1 and 4.7% of children aged 7-11 years suffer from
school phobia and that 5% of school-aged children are identified as 'school
refusers.' A later study showed that Internationally there is a 2.4% overall
prevalence rate.
The average age for onset of school phobia is 7.5 years and for school
phobia age 10.3 years.
Will My Child's School Phobia continue into Adulthood?
The extended implications of school phobia can be far reaching. In the very
long term, it can lead to anxiety and panic disorders in adulthood.
Studies which have followed children who were successfully treated for
school phobia and returned to school, have shown that some of them have
long term impairment to their social skills and functioning, not to mention the
detrimental effects to their education of being absent from school for
prolonged periods.
All of the research suggests that much more effective treatment is required
for school phobia to prevent problems in later life.
Can Children With School Phobia Be Cured?
It is obviously extremely important that school phobia is dealt with as early as
possible. For this reason The Linden Method has a whole chapter dedicated
to Child Anxiety which shows parents how to implement the Method with their
The Linden Method works on the root cause of anxiety disorders and has
been proven to quickly and permanently cure school phobia. It has been used
with equal success by children and adults alike.
Emetophobia (fear of vomiting)
Emetophobia - A fear of vomiting or of being around others who are vomiting.
Many anxiety and panic attack sufferers, have a fear of vomiting known as
Emetophobia (approximately 14% of our clients actually.)
This is due, partly, to an anxiety reaction created by experiencing vomiting at
some time in the past and partly to the nausea created by the diversion of
moisture and the slowing down of the digestive process in the digestive tract
during the flight or fight response. This cycle of 'fear producing nausea -
produces fear' can spiral out of control.
Most anxiety sufferers with this inappropriate fear of vomiting don't actually
throw up, they just feel like they might. This is a horrible sensation and many
of our clients have experienced this phobia for years before realizing how
simply it can be cured.
It is important to recognize that emetophobia is an anxiety disorder symptom
and not a separate condition. All phobias are symptoms of an anxiety
disorder - because, if you weren't frightened, you wouldn't have the phobia,
You shouldn't be frightened of things that don't pose any actual risk to you.
The same is true of Emetophobia.
So how do you stop the cycle?
Simple - you defeat the anxiety disorder that causes the nausea and and
therefore you stop the phobia, but you have to know how to stop the anxiety.

More info about School Phobia

The dictionary definition of monophobia is:
"An abnormal fear of being alone"
Whilst this is a correct definition, it doesn't feel that simple to sufferers.
Monophobia sufferers not only fear being alone, they can also fear the
thought of being alone or being away from a place or person that provides the
perception of safety. Monophobia is caused by an underlying anxiety disorder
and the sufferer can also experience high anxiety and panic attacks.
Monophobia can be very disturbing and can cause the sufferer to greatly
restrict their lifestyle and that of their relatives, friends or carers.
It is very important for monophobia sufferers to realize that they do not have
to live such restricted lives and that the anxiety they experience can be
eliminated quickly and permanently, regardless of what they may have heard
from doctors or psychologists.
Monophobia is a symptom of an anxiety disorder and as such, can be very
quickly eliminated.
Most people that we have treated have had varying degrees of monophobia
during their anxiety disorders, but what is true of every single person is that
when we have helped them to eliminate their anxiety, their monophobia slips
away silently and with haste.
I too had severe monophobia which caused crippling panic whenever I was
left alone. It was damaging and frustrating, not to mention very frightening
Somniphobia (fear of sleeping or going to bed)
Do you fear going to bed or sleeping?
Do you get anxious before bedtime?
Do you have night time panic attacks or increased anxiety?
This is very common indeed!
In fact, more than 80% of my clients report exactly the same fears about
going to bed, sleeping, the resultant anxiety, night time panic attacks and the
sensations and thoughts associated with this fear.
Somniphobia, as it is officially called, is a symptom of an anxiety disorder. My
clients very often report being frightened of not being conscious of the world
around them during sleep, fearing that they might not wake up if something
bad happens, if at all!
Many clients have feared having nighttime panic attacks; most anxiety
disorder sufferers do experience these during their disorder.
Anxiety fuels this fear, inappropriate anxiety fuels all phobias. But what can
be done to stop you from fearing sleep, to stop the night time anxiety and to
allow you to sleep soundly and not fear bedtime?
By reducing the benchmark anxiety level in your brain, which has become
reset during anxiety disorders to a much higher 'baseline' level, you can
eliminate all of the inappropriate anxiety, the symptoms of that anxiety and
the fears accompanying those symptoms; including your fear of going to
More info about Monophobia
Mental or physical tension that results from physical, emotional, or chemical
Stress is the condition that results from life and/or work pressures. It's all too
easy for some people to say that they suffer from stress but what most
actually mean is that they feel inappropriate amounts of pressure at certain
times. Stress can come on slowly or suddenly and presents usually as a
combination of symptoms.
* Symptoms of Stress
* Types of Stress
* Stress and Anxiety
* Causes of Stress
* Stress Treatment / Cures

Symptoms of Stress
Stress normally manifests itself as a range of quite distinct symptoms such as
insomnia, headaches or migraine, muscle aches, mood swings, digestive
problems, anxiety, morbid thoughts, panic attacks or depressive thoughts for
It is common for stress sufferers to experience panic attacks, anxiety and
phobias. Having developed these conditions, the stress sufferer can
experience a wide range of both physical and psychological thoughts and
sensations, often misdiagnosed by medical practitioners in isolation.
Many stress sufferers experience a small group of symptoms which can be
misdiagnosed by doctors who, regrettably, do not take a look at the larger
picture surrounding the development of the stress symptoms by the sufferer.
In isolation, these stress symptoms are often mistreated by practitioners.
Addressed quickly, stress symptoms, anxiety and panic attacks can be
eradicated quickly and permanently given the correct treatment methodology.
Types of Stress
Stress can be caused by a wide range of stressors or catalysts. Stress often
occurs during periods of work pressure, after bereavement, divorce, moving
house or other stress inducing life situations.
Some stressors are easier to eliminate than others. Work practice stress can
be eliminated by adjusting your work practice but life issues such as abuse,
divorce or other personal problems can give rise to situations which are not
so simple to overcome.
Stress and Anxiety
The Link between stress and anxiety is strong; in fact the majority of stress
sufferers who visit their doctor are diagnosed with anxiety. Stress and anxiety
account for more days off work than any other condition.
Causes of Stress
Stress is caused by perception, not fact. If you perceive your task at hand or
situation as threatening or overwhelming, your reaction to it will also be
If the stressful situation is perceived as a welcome challenge or something for
which you are prepared, the pressure of the task at hand will not manifest
itself negatively and you will not develop any of the symptoms of stress. This
explains why some people thrive on stress and others suffer at its mercy.
Drugs / Medication
There are no medicinal cures for stress. Stress, as mentioned earlier, is
caused by an inappropriate perception of the task at hand; no drug exists
which can alleviate the problem. Once stress conditions are formed, some
doctors will try to remove them using drugs, but this is untargeted and
inappropriate treatment.
Stress conditions can only be successfully treated using behavioral
techniques, administered by professional, qualified and experienced support
Psychotherapy can assist in undermining stress related conditions, but is
sporadic, inaccessible and takes a lot of valuable time to administer.
Psychotherapy is used mostly to identify and discuss the source of mental
illnesses. Stress is not a mental illness.
Alternative Therapies
Alternative therapies can offer stress sufferers some respite during their
condition, but are far from curative. Coupled with other mechanisms,
alternative therapies can be very useful, especially when used alongside
massage, yoga or meditation for example.
1. Amygdala - Definitions from
2. University of Idaho College of Science (2004). "amygdala".
Anxiety Medication
The Truth About Anxiety Medications Will Surprise You
First of all let me assure you that if you are taking anxiety medication now, or
have taken anxiety medication in the past, it won't harm you or you recovery.
It would be wrong to suggest that any of the commonly prescribed anxiety
medications were completely useless, however, many were developed as
anti-depressants, sedatives and for other conditions and as such, have very
little therapeutic impact on anxiety conditions, if any at all.
You see, the part of the brain responsible for the development and
perpetuation of an anxiety condition is not 'reached' by anxiety medications in
order to have any curative affect. No anxiety medication can erase the
anxious behavior and reaction which causes these conditions and until it is
possible to do so, there will only be one solution. NO anxiety medication will
ever be developed that can accurately pinpoint the EXACT neural pathways
in the brain responsible for an anxiety disorder and selectively (and
accurately) erase them. Anxiety medication just isn't that targeted.
The section of the brain responsible for anxiety disorders is influenced solely
by behavior and while anxiety medications can be beneficial in true, clinical
depressive disorders, anxiety medications have only superficial impact on
anxiety conditions. Often, sufferers say the 'soporific' affect of anti-
depressants and other commonly prescribed anxiety medications can 'knock
the edge' of their anxiety, BUT this has no curative affect - so as soon as the
anxiety medication is reduced or stopped, the anxiety floods back.
Similarly, tranquilizers will allow a sufferer to experience temporary relief from
some of the more acute symptoms, but these, like other anxiety medication
does not 'solve the problem'.
Both anti-depressants and sedatives can also cause added side affects which
may be interpreted by the sufferer as a worsening of their condition and may
even cause added anxiety in some cases. The side effects of anxiety
medication can be as bad as the anxiety itself and many sufferers experience
withdrawal problems and 'rebound anxiety' when they cease their pills.
You see, doctors are mostly limited by time and subsequently prescribe
anxiety medication instead of discussing other options first.
Most of our clients come to us having tried anxiety medication first because it
is perceived by many to be the ONLY simple, accessible option available.
Many clients come to us while still taking anxiety medication. This has no
affect on the curative affect of the TRUE anxiety elimination method - whether
you are currently taking anxiety medication or not is irrelevant, by
implementing the advice outlined in our programme, you will soon be at a
point where you can stop taking anxiety medication with minimal withdrawal.

how could anyone ever think that medication could cure an anxiety disorder?
The notion is unbelievable!
Anxiety reactions are created in the subconscious mind, you know that. They
are stored as neural pathways of learning. Those neural pathways are
unidentifiable… they’re not numbered or indexed so it is impossible to look at
one and know what it’s for.
So how could anyone ever suggest that a medication could be developed that
travels through the digestive tract into the blood stream, travels to the brain
directly, then finds the exact area of the brain where the memories are stored
and selects the correct neural pathways out of millions and ONLY renders
those obsolete in order to erase the inappropriate anxiety. AND all that,
without damaging or compromising other brain function or areas.
Not only does that sound impossible, it is impossible… now and in the future
to my mind!
Current ‘anxiety medication’ is inappropriate, untargeted and curatively
Would you take a pill to stop a ‘nose picking’ habit? No, of course not!
There is ONLY one cure for anxiety disorders! The exact same process
that EVERY recovered anxiety sufferer has used.
The exact same process we will show you.
Whether you decide to buy The Linden Method programme has to be your
decision… it is my job to simply tell you what we know having helped so
many thousands of clients to recover and allow you the benefit of being able
to make an informed decision. Don’t forget that we are always available for
support or advice.
Ok, here is my truth to EVERY anxiety, panic, OCD, agoraphobia, social
phobia and PTSD sufferer.
1. You can and WILL be cured… not managed, CURED!
2. I won’t tolerate doctors and psychologists who try to tell you that you
are incurable. My psychologists, counselors and Linden Method
specialists are committed to moving you forwards to FULL and
PERMANENT recovery
3. You are NOT ILL! Not mentally or physically
4. Your anxiety can be switched off, almost instantaneously
5. You will be stronger, more capable and more fulfilled when you are
6. You will be able to rebuild yourself and your life
7. You will have clarity of mind, inner strength and peaceful thoughts and
feelings. No more panic attacks or even mild anxiety!
8. You will be able to stop constantly checking how you are feeling or what
symptoms you can find – typical of anxiety and panic attacks sufferers
9. You will stop waking up every morning with anxious thoughts or panic
and questioning "how do I feel?" before you have even started your day
10. You can bring back the good years, feel ten years younger and recover
the time you have been losing to anxiety, worry, obsession and panic
11. You will become great company for your loved ones again, enjoy
ordinary daily pleasures once more and feel like you have a second
chance at life
12. You’ll be able to feel the rich flow of time from now on, as opposed to
passing long dull years like a zombie, your senses numbed by anxiety
and panic attacks
13. You can become physically fit and feel good in your body again
14. Instead of spending energy on daily stress and defensive living (have
you considered how much energy it takes you to "cope"?), you pursue
goals and activities that bring you fulfillment
15. You’ll become a helper instead of a burden, and the inspiration of those
close to you.
Just to reiterate:
The emotion of fear is unique – UNLIKE the other human emotions, it is
adaptable – it has to change as we move between safe and threatening
situations in life. One minute we could be in a 'war torn' zone, the next in a
pretty meadow... if our anxiety levels weren't adaptable, we would feel AS
fearful with bullets whistling past our ears as when we are picking daisies!
This sounds simple doesn't it?
Well that's because it is!
After high anxiety develops, the anxiety control center (the amygdala)
THINKS that it is behaving normally even though you KNOW consciously that
something is wrong.
Anxiety and panic FEEL threatening and when you first experience it, it is
shocking, disturbing and frightening... the resultant fear creates a 'cycle of
fear' which dominates everything in your life and is constantly there.
You become less active, you don't DO as much as you did before... your
world becomes smaller, dominated by and dictated to, by your anxiety.
Many people then take medication to escape the feelings, many become
housebound... situations and solutions which are simply unacceptable and
What our simple programme does is create the 'Environment for Change' that
causes your anxiety control center to believe that you are SAFE.
Quickly then, the decision is made by the control center to 'RESET' itself back
down to an anxiety level which is appropriate to your surroundings – not the
perceived threat you are experiencing. (Your symptoms).
If you are sat at home feeling anxious NOW – You KNOW that you shouldn't
feel scared and have to suffer all of the spin off thoughts and sensations but
your mind doesn't know.
What I am saying to you is that I can show you how to very quickly become
calm wherever you are.
Scientific research supports my discovery
In December 2000, the U.S. National Institute of Mental Health released a
summary of research into the causes, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of
anxiety disorders.
According to this report, more than 19 million adult Americans from age 18 to
54 suffer from one or more of the following anxiety disorders:
• Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), exaggerated worry and tension
over everyday events and decisions
• Panic Disorder, in which feelings of extreme fear and dread strike
unexpectedly and repeatedly for no apparent reason, accompanied by
intense physical symptoms
• Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), characterized by intrusive,
unwanted, repetitive thoughts and rituals performed out of a feeling of
urgent need
• Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), a reaction to a terrifying event
that keeps returning in the form of frightening, intrusive memories and
brings on hyper vigilance and deadening of normal emotions
• Phobias (including Specific Phobia), a fear of an object or situation, and
social phobia, a fear of extreme embarrassment
The NIMH then summarized the scientific research findings as follows:
Studies in animals and humans have focused on pinpointing the specific
brain areas and circuits involved in anxiety and fear, which underlie anxiety
disorders. Fear, an emotion that evolved to deal with danger, causes an
automatic, rapid protective response that occurs without the need for
conscious thought. It has been found that the body's fear response is
coordinated by a small structure deep inside the brain, called the Amygdala.
These brain findings point the way to new approaches, [to develop therapies
for anxiety disorders] so that the "act now, think later" response can be
The Linden Method IS THAT therapy! We have been using it for over 12
years to achieve 100% anxiety elimination!
What is The Linden Method?
The Linden Method is:
• the ONLY medically and psychologist recommended anxiety
• the ONLY anxiety programme supported by qualified support specialists
• the ONLY anxiety programme with a 12 year history of curative
• the ONLY anxiety programme recommended by government
• the ONLY programme with thousands of verifiable testimonials
• the ONLY programme which addresses OCD, PTSD, Social phobia and
• the ONLY anxiety programme to offer 'real world' resources, staff,
treatment centers, products and support
• the ONLY anxiety elimination programme to provide a 12 month
satisfaction GUARANTEE
• the ONLY programme to identify the conclusive, permanent cure for
anxiety conditions

Now, let me tell you what The Linden Method is not.

It is not:
• cognitive therapy
• hypnotherapy
• subliminal messages
• self-talk or affirmations
• neuro-linguistic programming (NLP)
• an internet eBook
• a set of visualizations or meditations
• religious or spiritual in any way
• It isn't what didn't work for you before
Why The Linden Method and not another programme that claims
12 Years Unmatched Experience
The Linden Method has 12 years experience helping over 120,000 people
from around the world to recover; you can read, watch and listen to the
largest collection of genuine, verifiable testimonials on this website.
Clinical / Medical Referral Programme
We also provide anxiety elimination to referrals made from psychologists and
doctors from around the world and we are anxiety disorder advisers to
government, broadcasters and industry.
Qualified Unlimited Support & Guaranteed Success
No other programme, on or off line, provides this level of resource, qualified
support or curative results and guarantees it for up to 12 months.
Unique Content & Techniques
The Linden Method provides unique, simple and curative techniques, which
others have tried, but failed, to imitate. Most other programmes fail to provide
many aspects of the only true curative process, concentrating on the
superficial aspects of anxiety elimination while focusing on a core technique
for stopping panic attacks, for example.
The ONLY Anxiety Recovery Device
Regardless of what other programmes claim, there is only one confirmed,
scientific technique for stopping panic attacks and it is contained on the Panic
Eliminator CD in The Linden Method Pack. Some programmes rely on this
technique solely, claiming it is unique, independently developed, instant and
curative; it's as old as the hills, useful, but curative?
In isolation, no!
As part of The Linden Method programme? Yes, it is very useful to stop panic
attacks but it won't cure them without addressing and removing the
underlying high anxiety that fuels them... that is done using a different and far
more direct and structured technique, which is why we are recommended by
doctor and psychologists from around the world; we are the ONLY people
who use this Method!
Most of our clients have tried inferior, lower cost programmes before joining
The Linden Method and ultimately, they end up with us... why? View our
testimonials... the evidence speaks for itself!
Unmatched Quantity of Verifiable Testimonials
Read our testimonials, look at our credentials, our company history, our
reputation in the real world, our qualified staff, international centers,
registered business, ISBN registered programmes, registered trademarks,
government referrals etc. and make up your own mind.
What if you're suffering from generalized anxiety, OCD, agoraphobia or
All of these conditions can be cured using The Linden Method. Charles
Linden suffered from each of these conditions during his 25 years as a
sufferer and The Linden Method was developed by him to address and
eliminate every element of them.

Anxiety is caused by the exact same internal mechanism in every single

person. The Linden Method shows you the only, scientific, verifiable, humanly
possible way to reverse and eliminate inappropriate anxiety - anyone who
claims that and doesn't show you his very same process is misguiding you...
ask our psychologists and counselors for more information about this
breakthrough material and process if you wish. We see fast results because
we know how to switch off your anxiety, OCD, phobias and PTSD
But what if The Linden Method doesn't help you?
First of all... it will. BUT only if you DO IT! Like all things in life that you must
understand and 'learn' it won't read itself, regardless of how long you stair at
it! This process is the ONLY way to cure an anxiety condition, so it will work;
BUT, if you become disheartened or just need the cash... send it back at any
time within 12 months and I will happily refund your money!
Is The Linden Method Available in a High Street Store?
Yes. The Linden Method as with all my products, is ISBN registered, which
means it can be bought or ordered online or in any 'real world' bookstore. The
ISBN number for The Linden Method programme is 0954980301. When you
buy the programme, you can also access the Member's Area which contains
all of the programme material to download free of charge. Downloading The
Linden Method is so very simple through our Member's Area, you won't
require any special skills or knowledge to do so. If you do have any problems
or questions, our support staff are constantly available to help you.
Does The Linden Method work for Children?
Our Junior Version was developed for young people aged 8 to 15 to use
alone. Children under 8 also use the programme under adult supervision. The
Junior Version contains everything the adult version contains plus some extra
material and CDs for children to use alone. Simply choose the Junior Version
option during the order process.
What Do Medical & Health Professionals Say About The
Linden Method?

"The [Linden] Method appears to be a sensible approach to

dealing with anxiety. It is not unusual for panic and anxiety
sufferers to come up with their own way of dealing with it.
Anxiety is really an exaggeration of normal behaviour and
feelings. This approach is good advice for anybody to help
them control panic and anxiety."
Dr Allan Norris MA, MSc, PhD, CPsychol, AFBPsS
Dr Norris is a consultant clinical psychologist and member
of the British Psychological Society, who works at
Birmingham's Nuffield Hospital.

Dr. George Best

"I'm a holistic health care practitioner and doctor of
chiropractic in San Antonio, Texas. I've been in private
practice since 1992, and over the course of my practice, I
have come to recognize the importance of emotions in a
person's overall health.
The Linden Method is by far the most complete of the self-
help programmes I have come across that is specifically
intended for eliminating panic attacks, anxiety attacks, panic
disorder, and phobias.
In addition to providing an overall understanding of panic attacks, anxiety,
phobias, and similar conditions, the Linden Method provides a step-by-step
plan for eliminating panic attacks and anxiety and getting off of whatever anti-
anxiety medications someone might be taking.
One big bonus that the Linden Method includes that none of the other
programmes reviewed do is that purchasers are given 1 year of unlimited
email and telephone support with counselling professionals who are experts
in using the Linden Method techniques. So, you're not just "on your own" to
figure out how to make the system work for you. If you're having trouble, they
have experts on hand to help you through any sticking points you may
encounter. This bonus provides a tremendous value over the other products
Finally, the Linden Method comes with a very impressive 1 YEAR money
back guarantee. Most reputable products come with a guarantee, and all of
the products reviewed here give you a pretty good opportunity to try the
product and return it for a refund if you aren't satisfied with it. But it's rare to
see any health-related product that gives you a full year to get a refund.
Other than that minor issue, I believe the Linden Method is an outstanding
natural approach to eliminating anxiety and panic attacks and it is a
tremendous value for the price, especially since it includes unlimited access
to professional assistance and comes with a full 1 year money-back
Dr. George Best. D.C.

Dr. Claire Bolton MBChB

"Charles has worked extremely hard and has succeeded to
pull himself back from what seemed like a hopeless
situation and now he shows others how to do the same."
Dr. Claire Bolton MBChB

Jenny Saunders - Psychologist

"The Linden Method creates a full and successful recovery
using targeted and supportive resources that are only
available through this Method. The Linden Method is, in my
opinion, the solution to anxiety, panic attacks, phobias,
OCD and all their associated symptoms. Other therapies
don't produce these results that is for sure."
Jenny Saunders BSc, MSc Consultant Psychologist

Ian Northcott
"The Linden Method doesn't dwell on giving blame or
looking for reasons, it simply gives you the answers you
need right now to defeat your anxiety and return quickly to
lasting wellness, anxiety free."
Ian Northcott, BA (Hons) DHyp MHF FASC MHS MHRS
Sylvia Dickens
"I reviewed The Linden Method as a former panic anxiety
sufferer and as a journalist who has studied the topic in-
depth. My experience with the Canadian Mental Health
Association made me even more aware of just how
widespread panic and anxiety are across the country and
around the globe. Charles shows you how to make the
transition from your usual support systems, like doctors
and medications, to self-support. Replace your old life,
burdened by anxiety and all of its symptoms, to become
anxiety and panic-free."
Sylvia Dickens-

Being anxiety free is already preprogrammed into you, all you have to do is
learn how to flick the switch from anxiety ON to anxiety OFF and that’s where
we come in.
I cannot say strongly enough just how convinced I am that what we offer is
the world’s only conclusive and guaranteed, scientific, medically
recommended programme of recovery. What we have is very special and I
only want you to benefit like the tens of thousands of other sufferers we have
Our commitment to your recover is paramount to my staff and I.
Take care.
Charles Linden BA Hons.
CEO The Linden Centers International
UK Site –
US Site –
International Site –
UK Toll Free - 0870 4370298
USA - Toll Free 1-866-998-0523
1. Amygdala - Definitions from

2. University of Idaho College of Science (2004). "amygdala".

3. Amunts K, Kedo O, Kindler M, Pieperhoff P, Mohlberg H, Shah N, Habel U, Schneider F, Zilles K (2005).
"Cytoarchitectonic mapping of the human amygdala, hippocampal region and entorhinal cortex: intersubject variability
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4. Ben Best (2004). "The Amygdala and the Emotions".

5. Larry W. Swanson and Gorica D. Petrovich (August 1998). "What is the amygdala?".

6. Michael McDannald, Erin Kerfoot, Michela Gallagher, and Peter C. Holland (February 2005). "Amygdala central
nucleus function is necessary for learning but not expression of conditioned visual orienting".

7. Paton, Joseph; et Al. (25 November 2005). "The primate amygdala represents the positive and negative value of
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within amygdala". Nature

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monkey's brain." Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London: Biological Sciences

11. Kluver, H. & Bucy, P. (1939). "Preliminary analysis of function of the temporal lobe in monkeys." Archives of

12. Bucher, K., Myersn, R., Southwick, C. (1970). "Anterior temporal cortex and maternal behaviour in monkey."

13. Studying Brain Activity Could Aid Diagnosis Of Social Phobia. Monash University. January 19, 2006.

14. Sheline et al. (2001). "Increased amygdala response to masked emotional faces in depressed subjects resolves
with antidepressant treatment: an fMRI study." Biological Psychiatry

15. Blumberg et al. (2003). "Amygdala and hippocampal volumes in adolescents and adults with bipolar disorder". Arch
Gen Psychiatry

16. Schultz RT (2005). "Developmental deficits in social perception in autism: the role of the amygdala and fusiform
face area". Int J Dev Neurosci

17. Williams, Leanne M.; Belinda J. Liddell, Andrew H. Kemp, Richard A. Bryant, Russell A. Meares, Anthony S.
Peduto, Evian Gordon (2006). "Amygdala-prefrontal dissociation of subliminal and supraliminal fear". Human Brain

18. Brain Activity Reflects Complexity Of Responses To Other-race Faces, Science Daily, 14 December 2004

19. Vyas et al. (2007). "Behavioral changes induced by Toxoplasma infection of rodents are highly specific to aversion
of cat odors". Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A.
About Dr. Romulo Valdez
Romulo Valdez, Jr., Ph.D. is one of America's leading psychologists who is
very highly qualified and has extensive experience working with children,
adolescents and adult suffering from anxiety and depression particularly
Post-traumatic Stress Disorder.
Dr. Valdez obtained his undergraduate degree at the University of Vermont
earning a B.A. in Religion with minor in Psychology. His M.A. degree in
Clinical Psychology is from Central Michigan University. His Ph.D. was from
Michigan State University where his major emphasis was on Counseling
Psychology. He minored in Developmental Psychology and Statistics and
Research Design.
Dr. Valdez did his clinical training under the very best professors in the field
at the Department of Psychiatry at both Dartmouth Medical School and
Harvard Medical School.
Dr. Valdez has worked in a variety of settings including inpatient hospital
units, outpatient clinics and he was also the psychologist at the Phillips
Exeter Academy.
Dr. Valdez has held a past academic post at Dartmouth Medical School,
Department of Psychiatry. He was an integral member of an NIMH (National
Institute of Mental Health) research project at the University of Pennsylvania,
Psychotherapy Research Center, studying the treatment of crack cocaine
addicts. More recently, he has worked with the Center for Psychological
Trauma at Dartmouth Medical School, Department of Psychiatry.
Currently, Dr. Valdez consults for various agencies and hospitals that do work
with children and adolescents and war veterans suffering from a variety of
psychiatric disorders, particularly Post-traumatic Stress Disorder.
Dr. Valdez is a longtime member in good standing with the American
Psychological Association and the National Register of Health Service
Providers in Psychology. He is also a Fellow with the New Hampshire
Psychological Association.

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