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Tips to Avoid an Ethical

Issues in Ethics: Competition in Dilemma

Professional Practice
McKenzie York and Alyssa Hazlegrove Transparency
Providing all information
As SLPs, we must adhere to the ASHA accurately to the client
Code of Ethics when marketing our skills, and other professionals.
vying for clients within the field, negotiat-
ing contracts, hiring staff, and establishing Colleague Relationships
fees. Foster well-balanced re-
lationships with col-
Healthy vs. Unhealthy Competition leagues and other pro-
fessionals to prevent
unhealthy competition.

Client Welfare
The welfare of the client
should always be the
main priority of clini-

Admit the truth to allevi-
“ Competition among service providers ate issues and prevent
is not unethical. When handled proper- further problems.
ly, competition can lead to positive
growth and continued improvement in _________________
the quality of services delivered by au-
diologists and speech-language
pathologists.” (ASHA 2017) Who can you Contact?
◊ ASHA Ethics Board
◊ State Ethics Board
◊ Trusted professionals
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2016). Code of Eth-
ics. Retrieved from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2017). Issues in

Ethics: Competition in Professional Practice. Retrieved from https://

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