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Making the Choice

The opposite to God has to be experienced, so the final choice to know oneself as God can be made.

Today brings us to a new place. You have said yes to My book of awakening, so now we will put the ego’s “book
of sleep” to rest. You just installed a flash player update on your computer that popped up on the screen the
moment you planned to write with Me. This is symbolic of what happened at the beginning of time when the Son
was curious to find out what it would be like to play outside Heaven’s door. At that moment, the ego popped up
with its own screen, which displayed many opportunities for play. But the ego’s agenda also included a hidden
thought of fear. In Heaven, there is no concept of fear, only Love, so a thought of playing on one’s own would
entail no fear.

After the ego introduced the idea of separation into the Son’s mind, the Son was convinced he would be punished
for leaving his Home. The immediate need for protection from the wrath of God resulted in terror, which disabled
all connection with Source. “Abandoned” from Source—his Home in Heaven with God, his Loving Father—the Son,
it appeared, had to choose the ego’s plan for safety and security. This plan had the Son make a new life far
enough from God so He could never find and punish him. The belief in his Father’s wrath was so vivid, it was
experienced throughout consciousness. At this point, there was still no concept of body or world. Sensation and
thought came into being with the ego. The Son, overwhelmed by the ego’s offering, seemed to have no other
option but to say yes to hiding from God, lifetime after lifetime.

You ask how could an ego appear out of the Lo ve and Oneness of God. This mystery will be made clear in
increments. When time is over, you will understand that the idea of an ego was also a par t of God, as all things
are. The ego was a means to allow the Son of God to expand into an awareness of himself as God. The opposite
of God had to be experienced so the final choice to know oneself as God, forever perfect Love, could be made.
This is a dream in which you write at this moment. It is not real. You have never left your Home in Heaven and
have never separated from God. There can be no reality separate from God, only a dream in which you believe you
have left Him. The ego gives you an “experience” of separation so you, with expanded consciousness—learned
over eons of imagined time—can “choose to return” to your Source. This is an experiment of God, as
consciousness of its Self. By carefully observing the ego thought system, you are coming into that
consciousness now. At the same time, you have been carefully attending to My Voice and have learned that My
Voice represents the Self that together we are. You see now that the ego is nothing but fleeting pictures on a
screen, just as you viewed the Boston marathon bombing on TV a few days ago. The purpose of the ego thought
system is to place you in terror of God, so you will continue, unconsciously, to remain in your dream world of fear.
Fear is what sustains the ego. Without fear, the imagined, separated self evaporates, and you know that I Am

This is the return to the Home you never left. You ask, what is the point of this exercise in time and in pain? It is to
allow the Son a means to know that he is God, that nothing other than God exists, and that nothing other than His
Will is My Will. You ask, if you were in perfect Union with God before the “fall,” why would the one Son need to
experience anything other than that joy. This is the mystery of the expansion, the extension of God, which is
incomprehensible to a human mind but will be clear at the time of r eunion. You have chosen to return to your
Home by choosing to hear My Voice and accept that it is the Voice for God. You now accept we are the same.
Everything you see is a reflection of Me as the Thought of God. Nothing of God has changed—just the
interpretation—which is either in the wrong mind of the ego or the right mind shared with Me. You know that the
world you see is really the ego’s screen to replace God’s pure Light. The forms that appear on the screen are only
the ego’s thought of fear that resides in the mind of the one Son who belie ves he is separate from God. The
screen is now clearing, the light is coming through. Your face is God’s Face; His Light is your Light. You are Home.
There is no separation. This is the journey all will make. Everyone who believes he is an individual—separate, and
different from his brother—will realize this in his own predetermined time.

Nothing is left to chance. Each has a pre-designed journey in the mind, in the imagination, that will lead him t o
return to the point of the believed separation. At that point of seeing the ego screen flash before him, he will
choose to turn the ego down. This is the most powerful choice, the only step needed on this journey you call life.
All one ever needs is to make this choice for the Thought of God, the Voice for God—the Holy Spirit. It will clear
the way and guide you so that every decision will bring happiness, fulfillment, and the knowledge ther e is only
One Son, One Self, One God. You will see this in your relationship with every brother, no longer perceived as other
than you. You will recognize your inherent sameness. This is the return, and without accepting your brother as
your Self, you cannot do it. As you see the light and truth of this, you feel the joy of Heaven return and your life
becomes a fount of beauty and blessings. This is true for e veryone ready to receive it.

Leave behind the ego story of life on earth, and a new story of life with Me unfolds day by day. That story,
because you are still in what you believe is form, is being written with My Words. Each of these words carries the
kernel of My truth, the truth that is the sou l of every Son of God. These words will penetrate the reader’s mind,
bringing him to a new understanding of the truth of his Being; the Source of his Self as One with God.
Email from Jo: No words can express how this message makes me feel. I can only sense its great significance. It
is breathing me. So beautiful.

Email from Marie: This feels beyond my comprehension and very significant. Internally, overwhelmingly big.

These responses from your friends show you the power of My Word to penetrate the mind of man. They have
been deeply touched and transformed by what is being transmitted. When you fear you are not allowing that
penetration for yourself, it is your ego placing you in fear. It cannot override My Will. You are transformed in Me.
You have received My Word, and it is living in you now. This is what Jo meant when she said, “It is br eathing me.”
Each of you has taken in My Breath, My Word, and My Love. You are constantly receiving My gift of Love and Life,
and living the new Book of Life with Me. That is the real Book, which goes beyond words and form.

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